
David Reed, Winning Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormons. School of Theology 2015 

The Kingdom Publishers Journey - exJWs awake
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Statement From the London Metropolitan Tabernacle ...
"David A Reed was once a Jehovah’s Witness elder and presiding minister, who came to see his need of spiritual life through personal study of the Bible. For many years now he has published materials and videos, and given counselling to help cult members. His books have enjoyed an immense circulation. To have sensitive and effective advice on helping JWs and others to find spiritual life is of immense value in the present climate."



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@deborahpacheco2799 10 месяцев назад
Amen. Read the Bible for yourself. If you have time to read info on your phone, you have at least 15 minutes to read the Bible
@evelyny7037 10 месяцев назад
1 John 5:7 KJB ☺️
@oshea2300 10 месяцев назад
They are willfully ignorant
@bodyer2120 10 месяцев назад
I dont know about Jehovah's Witnesses but i can tell you that the way thos guy portray members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is downright wrong. Maybe he is mixed up with some other religion. I challenge anyone listening to this guy to attend any meeting of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and you will see that this man is very wrong in what he says about being trained, etc. You will accept that everything he says is wrong, everything. Im actually laughing at the caricatures he is creating.
@mattmurdock2868 9 месяцев назад
No...he's pretty much right on with the LDS, and many of their teachings are very similar to those of Watchtower; both strange.
@bodyer2120 9 месяцев назад
I can assure you the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are not coached in how to proselytise. We do have 70,000 missionaries out in the world serving a 2 year mission on a voluntary basis. They are not taught foot in the door tactics, rather they look for others who want to hear the Gospel message. They don't use pressure of any kind. Instead, they ask those they teach to read the Book of Mormon and then to pray to Heavenly Father if the Book is true. This is how I became a member. God did answer my prayer and the way that He communicated that the Book of Mormon was His word left me in no doubt whatsoever that the Book of Mormon was true. That led automatically to the knowledge that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost were all real. The Book is full of Jesus Christ and if the Book was true then Jesus Christ had to be true also. Previously to my experience I had only believed there was a God, now I knew for certain that the Jesus Christ did in fact love me and He suffered for my sins, gave His life up on the cross only to be resurrected 3 days later to show us all that we would be resurrected just like He was. I know that God is my Father and He loves me and wants me to return to Him, Jesus Christ is the Messiah and it is through Him that we can return to Heavenly Father. I know that the Holy Ghost is our comforter, our protecter, our guide, our teacher and God's revelator as He was the night I asked God if the Book of Mormon was true. No persuasion no twisting what I knew to be true already, no fancy tactics, no threats....just the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of Salvation. Our missionaries teach like the missionaries did that we read about in the New Testament. As I said, I can't speak for Jehovah's Witnesses and I wouldn't want to if I knew more. I don't have an issue with them. They are good people trying to do the best they can to please God, just like Latter Day Saints. By the way, I take it by your youtube videos you save that you are probably not Christian. There a lot of ungodly things going on there.
@mattmurdock2868 9 месяцев назад
@@bodyer2120 The "Book of Mormon" and the Bible do not agree. One is true. One is not. "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. As for me and my, we will serve the LORD." Josh. You can't serve up the gospel of Christ mingled with the gospel of Joseph Smith.
@bodyer2120 9 месяцев назад
@@mattmurdock2868 Again, you are speaking from ignorance Matt. On every page of the Book of Mormon, verses are cross referenced to all our other scriptures, themes, and more realistic translations. Along with these there are, on average, 6 cross references to verses in the Bible on every page. There are over 500 pages in the Book of Mormon. That makes around about 3,000 cross references between the Bible and the Book of Mormon. When Joseph was translating the Book, he wouldn't have been aware of the vast majority of how what he was translating was also mentioned in the Bible. He would have had to have possessed a brain like a computer to remember those parts of the Bible that had a 'double' or a Gospel principle in the Book of Mormon. If you knew a little bit more about the Church you wouldn't be making such erroneous claims. I'll tell you what doesn't agree: the 40,000+ denominations that take their particular beliefs from the Bible. Unfortunately, they can't agree with each other. Some baptise babies, some don't baptise adults, some believe it's a choice, some believe it is not necessary. Some believe in talking in tongues, some think it's of satan, some take sacrament, others don't, some think there is one God and others think there is 3, some think they will go straight to heaven as soon as they die and others think they will have to wait until Jesus comes back and others think they will have to wait until judgement. I could go on but you get what I'm saying? Don't you? What I'm saying is if the Bible is the word of God, then why can't God produce a Bible that everyone can get the same meaning from? Either God is not capable of producing such a book or those who claim to be called to set up the 40,000+ churches do not have the key to understanding it. I know what my choice would be. Do you? Last of all, there is no Gospel of Joseph Smith. Nevertheless, for everything which came about from the time he translated the book until today, we can point to the Bible which confirms all that has been revealed. God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Everything in the religion of Jesus Christ is consistent with the religion the Saviour created when He was on this earth. If all the denominations are different, surely their Gospel is different. Which one is the Church of Jesus Christ and which has the true Gospel?
@mattmurdock2868 9 месяцев назад
@@bodyer2120 Bible. "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever" Where did this come from, and can you send me a direct quote, with address referenced? Thank you. This may explain why people get different ideas and different beliefs from the same word. What do you think?
@c.c.2320 10 месяцев назад
I don't think Mr. Reed is fair in his treatment of how JWs use Ezekiel 18. He is taking their beliefs out of context, just as he says they are doing with the scripture, by revealing only half of their reasoning. JWs would absolutely agree with Mr. Reed that where "soul" is used in this passage, it is in the sense of a person, a human, as in a soul who was lost at sea. In fact, that is the entire point, according to JWs, because the Hebrew term nefesh, rendered "soul," carries the sense of breathing: a breathing thing, a living thing, a being. Thus, the Bible uses "soul" to describe animals, as well. So, yes, while it is true that the passage in context is speaking of accountability, not what happens at death, the JW point is that the soul is just the person, and the person dies. Does this preclude life after death? No. But the argument is against the idea of an immortal soul that dwells within you and is released at death. And this scripture (and several others that refer to souls as lives or souls dying) is in harmony with that argument, as it states that the soul...itself will die. Mr. Reed himself is saying as much. The person is the soul, and the soul is the person. People die. Souls die. As to Psalm 146, the point Mr. Reed makes is again basically in agreement with the JWs, if you follow their main teaching on this topic of souls. Again, their position is that souls - people - are not immortal, they die. The focus of the scripture is as Mr. Reed says: a contrast in the efficacy of God, who lives forever, and princes, who do not. The only assertion of the scripture is that people die. It simply does not follow from this scripture that they continue their life in heaven. That is an argument that is not at all addressed in these verses. The thoughts about Ecclesiastes being a conversation is interesting to me, and I would like to give it a thorough reading with that in mind. But in reading through chapter 9 just now, even if the writer is expressing a material view, what he says in verse 10 is in complete alignment with the verse in Psalm 146. It is simply saying in context that people's lives are finite, and they can no longer accomplish their plans once they die. Mr Reed supported that view in the Psalm. Why should the conclusion be any different here? Further, Mr. Reed’s assertion about the passage in Ezekiel is that the writer was not addressing the fate of the soul after death. Neither is the writer of Ecclesiastes. Rather, the focus is on the similar fate of death for all, good and bad. It's not a solid defense against the witness view of death ending consciousness. Would the writer of Ecclesistes have had a belief in life after death? Most scholars have long asserted that there was no vision of an afterlife among the early Israelites and Jews. More recently, it appears, new voices are questioning these conclusions and pointing to potential evidence that the OT Hebrews did have this concept. Seeing as how both sides have support, there is no definitive answer, and people will align with whatever side makes the most sense to them. If there is no provable conclusion, how can anyone claim to have “the truth"? As to the New Testament, JWs would agree that a hope for life after death is spelled out much more clearly here. But none of the verses cited would give them hesitation - they have their own argumentation on the scriptures to support their views on the resurrection. Nothing here proves or disproves the JW beliefs. It frankly irritates me to be put in the position where I feel it's necessary to defend the JW stance. I came to this video wanting arguments to refute them! But Mr. Reed's assertions are themselves lacking context, and that is not right and not fair. And a knowledgeable JW at the door or cart would be able to point that out.
@BillWalters-kx8sw 10 месяцев назад
You haven't given a rebuttal to ecl 9
@kevinjackson2361 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, heavy sigh...at your rambling, especially where you take the position of a JW regarding the soul. Yes in the Hebrew text the word translated for soul can mean a living being, but it does not always have the same meaning. Just as the word Sheol, can mean the grave but also is used as a place where even God's presence reaches. Context is always important and key to interpreting scripture. And also understanding what the Bible as a whole says on a subject, good biblical hermeneutics. King david said he would one day join with his son that died, I'm certain he didn't mean he would be in the dirt with him but to be with him again. 2Samuel 12:23 .. also David Reed explains how Jesus talked about the body and "soul" being to separate things..Matthew 10:28, just as I said you must compare scripture with scripture and context is key...God bless my friend Shalom
@oshea2300 10 месяцев назад
A saved individual has their body cut away from their soul it's called spiritual circumcision. It didn't happen in the Old testament, or when you're lost... Only when you're saved. And the Old testament a soul is a person.. and the New testament souls can be your soul that lives for eternity and one of two places either heaven or hell.. it's separates from your body.
@bodyer2120 10 месяцев назад
​@@oshea2300I don't think you have it right. A soul is the spirit and body joined together. When we die, our spirit leaves the body and goes to the spirit world, everybody does, and the body goes into the ground. Everyone in the spirit world will be exactly as they left the living world but they will be taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not the the Catholic teachings, or the Methodist teachings but the same teachings Jesus established when He was on the earth. The spirit world is here on this earth. It isn't a place, its a condition. Spirits roam this world and will do so until the Millennium comes. Some people will be happy and others will be unhappy...much like they were when they were alive. However, many will have repented of their sins and Jesus will have forgiven them until everyone is forgiven. Eventually, every single person will repent of their sins and they will begin to be happy. You must remember that regarding the Saviour, EVERY head will bough and EVERY tongue will confess that JESUS is LORD.
@davidrennie4033 10 месяцев назад
Just,read 1, Corinthians 15, which explains exactly what happens after death.
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