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Dead Man Walking (1995) (Clip) 

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Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Jon Kilik, Tim Robbins, Rudd Simmons, Allan F. Nicholls, Mark Seldis, Bob White
Tim Robbins
Tim Robbins, Helen Prejean
Roger Deakins
David Robbins
A Catholic nun, Sister Helen Prejean (Susan Sarandon), receives a letter from an inmate on death row requesting a meeting. Matthew Poncelet (Sean Penn) has been sentenced to death for a heinous rape/murder, in which he claimed the lives of a young couple. At first Matthew seems cold and hard, but Sister Helen and Matthew begin to develop an interesting g relationship. She is there to help ease his mind and reassure him that Christ loves all this children, while trying to get him to acknowledge and make right the gruesome crimes of his past. Sister Helen helps Matthew prepare for the quickly approaching carrying out of his sentence.



5 сен 2024




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@warhols25 14 лет назад
This movie should be made accessible on RU-vid for everyone's viewing, it is the best movie I have ever seen... just shattering... I was 15 when I saw it in the theatre... I was shaken and terrified...Great piece of American cinema !
@MarjaKorpisaari 4 месяца назад
Its easy to forgive, but how can you accept the forgiving.
@simppuful 10 месяцев назад
When no one else was there. He was.
@MrFreudenstaedter 11 лет назад
They are killing a son from a sad mother.
@marjakorpisaari3084 8 месяцев назад
I didnt see the danger with my first boy friend. He was smart and good looking. And i was 14 years old. He was some years over twenty. When young girls see the pain in older womans face...
@marjakorpisaari3084 8 месяцев назад
To fear God is the begin of wise mind.
@marjakorpisaari5203 8 месяцев назад
He rather add on his hate and disquestion towards me, than even try to understand me. In his opinion our friendship would be a paradox, possible in theory but impossible in reality. Im very happy to got him as a friend, if only in imaginations. Its not because im afraid to hurt him, but the fear what he want to do with me. He seem very kind and gentle, a god alike man. Like every psychopat do. He must got a hart with good emotions. Im a bit afraid of him because his kind and good nature too. He have dicerve a woman like his wife. Im only one of his many friends, when he are my only and dearest friend. Im not easy to got near me. This hard and dull behave from some people have done it. Im in my real nature a goodharted, goodwilling, wise old woman. Im not grown adult. Im a little girl that long for her past away parents. It is the better childrens right to have the way to grow adult. And if im lucky, lucky, they take care of me in a valentine care home. If i say something stupid, i got cold treated. While the better fortuned girl say things that make all embrassed, ashame. Isnt there any wrong in this wonderful world of equality and accepting over borders.
@simppuful 5 месяцев назад
You have to wear very warm clothes some times if you come to finland, its cold as hell here some days in october to may.
@simppuful 2 года назад
Its such relief to weep over some loved person. I didnt know him in person. Its like he has gone and see his friends the angels in the other side. Its more reliefing than sad. We in my christian and babisrered when i was a month old, we think that death is a sad and one time tragic event. Its hypercritical. Im babsisterd when i was a baby to this religion. I didnt know about other relugions before i was adult. Its perhaps a human mistake, perhaps done on perfect. Who knows. We all are just human. Who to blame, who to thank.
@silverroses011 13 лет назад
i met that woman today :) shes a great lady
@marjakorpisaari3084 9 месяцев назад
To completely got distance from the nature and other spieces. To not tolerate normal body smells, like sweat, pi, kakka, or other natural smell of human. What have make some people got as pissed off, or untolerant, narrow minded, and unresistant. It meen that some part of us human are simply human hater.
@simppuful 5 месяцев назад
Then he met the same death himself. The one who grab a sward, drawns in a sward.
@marjakorpisaari3084 8 месяцев назад
Thats impossible. I have no strainght to more than think about that. And i never ask for the prize in this things. Human helping hand to one who ask for help.. Eutansia?
@simppuful 2 года назад
When we know how much injustices there is in this world, and how almost everybody cheat and lie its not very hard to tolerate some injustice when its touch you. If you are able to curb your emotional states, and not take up the subject that make you go over your and the others limits, like you can understand what it is that caused that emotional state, then you are a bit more knowing than before. I know that its not possible to control emotional states in some situations. You can try, and you know what lead to civilizatited civilization.
@simppuful 2 года назад
The sad and after wise feeling come over us, when a loved person go to his or her last trip. We tell stories about angels ang God, and start to belive its true. Graveyards are the most beautiful places. A tree cross, white, with summer flowers in the beneth. Who remember him after 100 years. You got some type of stress. Its not 100 tears in the future now, its now. Is it help to forget all mistreat, to cry at his thombstone? You know the answer.
@marjakorpisaari5203 8 месяцев назад
And the desperate excuise for you have fault: try it yourself.
@marjakorpisaari3084 8 месяцев назад
How and where did she got that confidence and courrage to say that. Everybody "seem" to know it all already. Its written in the stars? I doubt. Its the human brain that work like no limits. Isnt that dangerous? Love? Maybe. But im a one man woman. In any case. I got out of my tracks when i was 14 years old. I met a young man, that turn to be a psychopat. He hit me, and i know now more than i did at the time. I beg for him, that he found the reason to live. He was cute and handsome. It dont mean that every cute and handsome man are a psychopat. All and everybody got the oposite, in very many ways. He can be the kindest and gently man. I know he have found his girl. We could only be friends. The psycho man are only dynamic, intensive. People drive them to madness. And some know that, but keep on. The devil in human.
@simppuful 10 месяцев назад
Can somebody be suspicious honest?
@simppuful Год назад
How would i be like a person, if i was born with better luck and better spirit and surround. Extrem. In both, worse and best possible person. I havent got my identity full advanced. I got much forjudgements and other shit over me from my childhood. Until now. Only for curiously. I know it isnt possible, only as to know. Envy. Envy does the most bad for the envy and the object. How do you dare. How do you dare youself. Its only one thing that can stop me. Prison. And how you survive in prison.
@simppuful Год назад
We recordnize that our demands are far to high for any human being to fill. If a child, all from his early age are got the ide, that he or she have to be what his or her teacher or some adult demands, some are succeed in it. What is the factor that make a child succeed. We all are a bit different than the other. Some have the ide that peace and freedom is the best, while some else like chaos and violence. How old was he or she. We are able to change our oppinions, if we recordnize we got something we did know less about. Or just for gags.
@simppuful 2 года назад
How much does outlook and appearence really mean in adults relationship. We have done everything to proof that it mean a lot. But there always someone that proof that outlook and appear dont mean anything. Its only like a role mask, a shade to have a time to have fun and celebrate. I see the human being and the man behind his handsome appear. What is to blame for my horrifying outlook.
@simppuful Год назад
We get more that way. What do we get more of. Good mode. Good spirit. Good feelings. Gift to forgive. And what do we lose. Evil mind. Violence. Forejudgements. Attitydes. Narrow mind. My poor mother never had all the good. She got only the worst. Why. Because we hadnt got the best. The friends make alike. Id like to have some weeks in the cabin with you. Its not a fantastic experience, but very educating in its own way. The same you learn in some photos. The hate. It make your mind go in fog. You dont see anything but the victim for your hate trough a fog. Like drugs or alchohol. Relaxing after you done him or her. Perhaps a disable peoples rehabilitator as job. No geniuine will to do the job. Who is the disable.
@simppuful Год назад
If your man push to make your and your children a good life, there isnt any wrong in that. The envy in the naightbours make your life difficult. You got to be loyal. Give your naighbours something that you not give your family. If you are a husband father and man. And your wife is a wife mother and woman. And you are aware of what it mean and what you got to give and what you got to give up. If your a lazy loser this isnt for you. I mean this like build a home and family. Responce and confidence. Trust and loyality. That are self clear for an adukt man and an adult woman. We all are frail and sensitive. If you get mad and dumb by reading this, whos fail is it. Mine. Because im obviously your dad.
@simppuful 5 месяцев назад
He are the safe and secure death.
@marjakorpisaari5203 8 месяцев назад
Life isnt for play games. Its not a fairy tail. More like a tragi-comic horror parodia. We who are born alive, have choise ourself to be alive. Isnt that wrong. When many of us need some near one to give advice, should i born alive or not. And when the answer come many years after it say: No, you shouldnt born and be alive. Theres always a little detail that let us know how after wise we are.
@simppuful 2 года назад
I like to see Sean Penn in person, here in Finland. Why. Because he is fit in My imagine about a smart and nice man. I like to hear his oppinions about me. What IS The good and what IS The Bad in me. What IS My own Choises, and what has made me like i am that isnt My own Choises. We dont need to Be ashame that God see us, he doesent exist. There is no God. I dont say that in any sarcasmic tone. Its cold fact.
@marjakorpisaari3084 8 месяцев назад
What conclusion do you make about me, after these letters. Im only a human beeing. A woman. Careless treated. No friends, no home, no future. Only to be your friend should perhaps heal me. I turn to a good wife and mother, and i be work with my job as a wife and mother. Clean our house, wash our clothes, cook food to us all, while your hunting deer with your friends. I got female friends, we talk about our kids and their advance in school. Or die like a burden, that finally we got rid of.
@simppuful Год назад
If im as uncomfortable and disguesting as i think i am, when im with othets. Have you got any ide what and why i am like that. Im weak. Bad genes. My natural behave. But if all those excuises are wrong. I had been quiet and good with the personality analyses. How i would be as a human, a person, if i had better luck all from my birth. Is such analyses possible to do. When its talk in every media that anything are possible. The greed. The envy. When she got that analyses, iv got right to it too. Only for my natural evil. But that isnt the reason for me. I like that analyses to got knowledge about why my teatcher was racistic to me. And why my mom was evil to me.
@marjakorpisaari5203 8 месяцев назад
When i was young, i think about you as a god alike sex partner,. now when im old i think about you as my dearest friend. It isnt true, that age is only a number. I grow up from a selffish, evil and dumb girl, to a responsible, cold fact, criminal analytics. Every time a young man or woman are got in some trouble because his or her intense feelings, i got the right words, because i have gone trough the same. it sounds self fish, but i dont do it the way it sound, i in a way show all people how young people like them selves have felt and choised their lover or mistresses. some sit in the corner and wait the time to be right to attack the cute boy with poison teeths and clows, while the harmonic and relaxed ones know it all the time who are their become girlfriend. the ones hunger are the others bread.
@simppuful Год назад
To eat healthy and full nutrious food. Meat, fish and seafruits. Vegetanles, barrys, fruits. Not too much salt or sugar. Not too much any spices. Spices was used in ancient times to keep food eatable for longer time. There is a food market near every home now adays. Its no need to use spices. Only to make the food taste good. We talk about healthy and nutrient food. Milk is good, an adult need 2 glasses of milk a day. Cheese, butter, joghurt, in a very big scale of many tastes is not healthy if use much. Sweet and choclade isnt good if you have much all day. Its more a formality. Its not to got a enjoyment to have chocolde only a everyday rutin. That is to refuse to got addicts. It start with the ablitity to refuse. I had a bit chocolade a minut ago. That goes for sexual addict too. I have recordnize im very easy to make addict in whatever enjoyment. Its my problem. Its no problem. Its about to accept. You dont have to become like me. Is it my own choise. Im as we know dumb. Imbecill. Perhaps a meniac.
@simppuful 2 года назад
Suddenly there come very much new knowing, that some of have a big job to understand and know as its true. Half true things. Half lies. A bit imagination. I like cold fact, both in art and real life. Its fantastic to get the knowing, that your still alive. In this rugged, cruel and dishonest world. I have done much wrong. I have done some right too. I have to say this once again, i am just a human being. Like anyone else. Whit my limits. And all human way to be and have as good life as is possible for me. When im a humble person in the same. Are we answer the easiest coclusion. Im skitzofren. Or do we se a human being as any else are. That have got some good and some bad experiences. Its more like a tree outside my window that grows very slow. Boring. Very, very boring. But also it give knowledge. About human. Frustated, narssistic, evil human. My id is old, wise, melancholic, try to be good, symphatic in my limits. I like Sean Penn, he is a daydream for 30-40 year old woman. Wild and free. In limits cheeky. Handsome. Smart. Styled. What have done him like his ego. That the same answer that we give to what have done my identity. Too much adoring. He is not a god. Or is he...
@tommytompkins4564 2 года назад
@marjakorpisaari3084 8 месяцев назад
The best horror movies and all entertainment that are the best, are only for the wellfare and rich people. I like to know what kind and why this race are go on, to got as much money as possible. What moscito irritation have cause this unhuman man hunting. The same as usual. A teenaged that got on some frail psyched persons nervs. He find always new evil to make the satisfying vendetta. The poor child is in mental care hospital, but the hate goes on. Like a circus carousell. Some like its fun, some suffer unhuman pain, and main audiance gags and enjoy for full.
@sakiaearp5661 7 лет назад
But his soul went to heaven so he was forgiven
@natalieps2387 3 года назад
Dont u think he confessed finally bc he was scared to go to hell.? Why did it take til his execution for him to admit it to a nun. I'd be more inclined to think he was sorry if he confessed before he was caught or confessed & saved the state a trial.
@zainabsultana97 2 года назад
@marjakorpisaari5203 8 месяцев назад
Can any identity and personality analytics do an analyse about my identity and personality. And a analyses that as honest and unpartied as possible give the answer how i would be with better luck, better faith and better sudden happens. What part of earth should i be as best as a woman or a man, or am i as completely destroyed that its imposible. See me as a great doctor and researcher or a common dull unenployed burden. What have i become and was it with real friends help or racistic hate feeling less intrested greed anemies result. I cant demand such. Thats why i ask to do it. Or rather i need that. Like roses need sunshine. What are the experiences and my intrestest that need to know. My intime fantasies, my dreams. My demands about man are very high. It is dangerous to show that ugly bitch pictures of the most wanted man. Dead or alive. Im afraid. What n´man...Im sorry but everybody got some value that are best, but its unvisionable. The devil in human defent to put that on.
@TheWolverineiscool 13 лет назад
was he a rapist in this movie??
@lazabuzer488 6 лет назад
wolverine yes a killer and rapist
@simppuful Год назад
To be in a stand by mode 24/7 year after year, that isnt healthy for any psyche. Or body. Or soul. That is one reason that make doctors job very dangerous. Its only the question of when he lose it. Every job is dangerous. Postman, he might go to Hyachint Buckets, i mean Buchees door step to put her post in her box. And if you are a designer some qustomer might be very dissapointed and fix you to prison, for a human mistake. No wonder why i like to be alone and live humble with my small retried pay. Im not as brave i go to my death if i make a human mistake. Or got killed for irritating some narrow minded evil bitch.
@tommytompkins4564 2 года назад
@simppuful 2 года назад
Its not my problem. Im not interested. A very juicy chewing bone. Boxing sack. She kicks back as heaven. Its her natural behave. You cant fabricate a person as to be your day dream. He needs way leaders, knowledge, practic, and the will to do it. We got no time.
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