
Deep Dive - Wehrmacht Italian Coastal - New Battlegroup 

Company of Heroes
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28 сен 2024




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@GreyshotProductions 9 месяцев назад
Shout out to Tightrope for continuing his great deep dives with the new DLC.
@zululvvon8708 9 месяцев назад
I am so proud of you Relic team. Continue developing the game along with the community ❤.
@vanguard8889 9 месяцев назад
Proud? You born born yesterday or something?
@benver.4374 9 месяцев назад
relic bot@@vanguard8889
@ArrangedKarma 9 месяцев назад
Alright, when watching the inital video on this doctrine, I was admittedly rather mixed on how it was. After watching this deep dive, I would say its is on par with Rangers in terms of its rather op strength, but in different ways. Costal Reserves seem like an actual good choice for infantry based on their performance. 20 MP to reinforce is quite potent, meaning you pretty much have no reason to build Grens should you pick this doc, imo. The radius on the bunker for them is rather generous, but enough that you pretty much wanna keep them nearly chained to them since theyre moving attack is abysmal. Winning at cqc against Sections did surprise me, with them winning vs Rifles in medium to long range seeming about right. Along with having full construction options, you dont even really need Pioneers anymore, apart from vehicle repairs. Free reinforcement does seem good. 40 seconds is a good amount of time so its not something too cheesy, either. Oh boy, its time for probably the most broken thing about this doctrine, the Arty Officer. Seeing him be next to useless in combat was actually rather surprising. The Arty Officer in COH2 wasnt the greatest of units, but he was fairly competent in cqc due to the squad having a good amount of smgs, weird to see him lose his teeth. Artillery Overwatch is quite strong. Considering the price of free, it makes sense that its not an instant drop, along with reducing range upon suppression. This sort of thing will be best used by keeping the officer off to the side of a main infantry push and dropping it on those emplaced mgs, with its only issue being its slow call in time. Yes, im looking at you, Rangers rapid artillery call in. A 50% decrease in build time is insane. Think of it like this, assuming my math isnt wrong, if building a Panzer 4 took 1 minute, this would make it take about 30 seconds. Thats quite the jump. Increasing rate of fire for bunkers makes sense, since thats what this whole doc is based around, but 40% is also pretty crazy. Supervise Sector also seems really insane, even more so with Vet. For just being around, units get 30% increased build speed and 30% reduced ability recharge. Vet 2 only gives a rather lackluster 10% accuracy, but then it jump again at 3 with -10% reduced damage and -25% suppression. With support vet, getting him up to that should be fairly easy so long as you dont make any bad decisions. Those bonuses might also apply to allies, so you can make some of the more potent troops like Guastatori even stronger, which could massive if paired with competent teammates. Inspire Combatants is just another layer of potent bonuses that confirmed do apply to allies, and Im guessing the Supervise Sector and this stack. Thats gonna make attacking the sector he's in really quite the challenge. Coastal Wall is great. A flat 35% reduction in literally everything related to defence seems like just the right spot of actually effective but not incredibly strong. Obice is literally just a B4, but thats alright. With its vet bonus, it becomes almost 2 B4's for the price of one, which will be absolutely devastating. Axis is kinda lacking in emplacement artillery so hopefully this will even things out. Only issue of course is what to pick between the two. Honestly, I would say Obice is probably the better choice in most circumstances, since having such a powerful artillery piece available at all times, compared to some cheaper defences seems like a no brainer. Defences are usually cheap enough that if you and or your team are holding enough the map, resources needed to set up defences should not that too hard to maintain. But given how much cheaper Coastal Wall is in terms of CP cost, it could be a much more reactive option should you find your defences repeatedly getting obliterated by alot of indirect or tanks. Designate Defensive Line seems very potent. 25% less damage, in general btw not from any specific source like infantry or tanks, can mean that grenades of tanks shooting at your infantry are considerably less dangerous, as 1/4 of that damage is just negated. That healing rate is pretty insane too. While yes, you have to be out of combat for 6 seconds, theres nothing really stopping you from just pulling a hurt squad back behind the bunker a bit and have it heal with something like an mg or another squad covers it. So if you have 3 squads of say, Jaegers or Coastal troops, so long as 2 of those squads are in solid cover, the 3rd can just soft retreat out of sight of the enemy and get healed to full in what, 15 or so seconds?. Jesus. Not even mentioning how if a teammate of yours is struggling or just needs healing and hasnt gotten an ambulance/truck yet, you can just mark cap point anywhere on the map and give them free healing at 60 muni cost. Command bunker seems great. A forward retreat point that doesnt offer its own healing or reinforce is a nice trade off, reminds me of COH2 where most players built 2 Wehr bunkers next to each other, one command and one medic. That 30% damage reduction means that youve gotta treat it much like the Brits Forward Assembly in COH2, where you build the emplacements, or in this case bunkers, around the command bunker to give them that sweet buff. As I said before, Anti Tank Bunker is great due to it being an anti tank gun that actually has survivablity, even more so with a command bunker nearby. Having my anti tank guns just die from the front to tanks casually driving towards them is stupid, but hopefully this will actually prevent that, somewhat. Bunkers not having popcap is quite a meme. There is now quite literally nothing stopping you from spamming literal dozens upon dozens of bunkers everywhere, assuming youve got a good supply of munis locked down. A muni's supply you can lock down by placing bunkers on it, ironically. Bit of a reverse catch 22. Designated Artillery Overwatch is pretty much a direct response to the Artillery Observer beacon, it would seem. While this one costs munis, it seems to strike so much faster. Like, my god, the speed is on par with the Rangers rapid call in. I also like the range. As we see in the clip, its hitting an AT gun that is pretty much right at max range. Since this was a usual tactic of wiping out a bunker, just park an at gun at max range and snipe it with 0 retaliation, this should make that less effective, assuming youve got the munis for it. Rapid Fortifications seems about on par with what I thought it would be. A fast, cheap and easy bunker built where you want it, assuming its not in the FOW or in a cutoff point. Combined with the Coastal guys, you can get many bunkers up rather quickly once you manage to capture an area. Finally, Call the Reserves also seems very potent. A -30% recieved accuracy is massive and is almost worth taking just for that bonus. Assuming the infantry are in cover, they will be nigh unhittable from enemy fire. It applying in enemy territory is kinda stupid imo, and 10 seconds does seem short, particularly if the unit is in combat. Didnt they nerf combat reinforcing to literally stop this issue?. Bulwark too is massive with the rather massive health boost and free repairs it gives. It seems the choice between Reserves and Bulwark is wanting stronger bunkers or stronger infantry. I would choose Bulwark since the no pop cap for bunkers. Eventually, your army is gonna be popcapped thus making Reserves slightly diminishing returns. But with no limit on bunkers, making them stronger and giving free healing just seems too strong to pass up. Oh and the bonus to garrisoning defences is nice. Thats all. So in summary, thanks for reading my wall of text, but I would say this doc is on par or even surpasses how op Rangers is. Time to get building.
@alexhughes7331 9 месяцев назад
Honestly the only downside of this battlegroup, for it to be most effective I feel like you really want to be able to have map control early on so you can quickly set up your defensive line, but also, with the battlegroup being super static, it can definitely be subjected to getting arty pounded, especially now since both allied factions have artillery emplacements, and buffs to their vehicle arty, but we’ll just see how it goes from here
@creightonlynes1055 9 месяцев назад
Soundtrack is dope, why isn't it in the game?
@jaydenklein1654 9 месяцев назад
The us armored battlegroup uses a picture of a whizbang, when that vehicle isnt even available in that battlegroup. Hopefully you guys change that while you add new battlegroups
@warfighter2888 9 месяцев назад
Damn I wanted to ask if updates are still coming to console but it's been two days already
@Phoenix411th 5 месяцев назад
Can u use this in the campaign or multiplayer
@blitzsturm5614 7 месяцев назад
when will Italian faction be added????
@RangonTheGreat 9 месяцев назад
This being called an expansion is a joke, it is a bit more than what commanders were in COH2, very upsetting direction of this game and has been nothing but disappointments, my hope was at least the expansion would add a cool new faction, not a "battlegroup". Had to just say forget it and uninstall the game and move on at this point, maybe Relic/sega will fix the game and trust but I am not holding my breath anymore.
@JohnBigby 9 месяцев назад
Pretty much useless battle group when u compare with US counterpart besides Heavy arty emplacement.Bunkers and emplacements just magnet for op Allied offmap skills on team games...Not enough utilitarian. So tired of two way of design choice of the games Axis Pros-cons design againts allied playstyle advantage nonesense design..
@davidedmunds2534 9 месяцев назад
This battlegroup seems to be the strongest in the game rn. Nearly every option is very powerful
@JohnBigby 9 месяцев назад
When u compare to other axis groups maybe little bit more utilitarian but I don't think it changed much...Personally I use one maaaybe two item on groups and mostly and forget everything else in games cuz not really good comparing allied Battle groups which u constantly use almost all items on the menu...
@KenpachiM3 9 месяцев назад
Bring back victory strikes! And improve the mod tools so modders can further adjust parameters and add new units and skills. Also the artillery groups in this game are inferior than previous games. Where the units that could request on map strikes would make all pieces fire on target regardless of range. Which was specially cool with the British. In this game however the only piece that fires is the one from the base. Pathetic! This needs to be changed to mirror the previous games for every army battlegroups that have artillery, so wespe, hummels, 88s, 17 pounds and etc... fire on the requested target.
@jawsvvvvv 9 месяцев назад
Console Edition patch please!!!!
@CompanyOfHeroes 9 месяцев назад
We will release an update for console up to Steel Shepherd in spring 2024!
@stevansavic5992 9 месяцев назад
@@CompanyOfHeroes that is to much of a wait for update
@imaginehonor8408 9 месяцев назад
Keep it up team don't let people get ya down
@hamzaasif8136 9 месяцев назад
As a Defensive player and Wehr main, this is the best battlegroup for me. played it yesterday and the bunker spam along with the Obice Artillery is OP. Note: The new US howitzers is a hard counter to italian costal guard so destroy those if you want to win the match.
@bhasselgren 9 месяцев назад
Wow! TIGHTROPE here? So surprised.
@Chrisbelec 9 месяцев назад
How can you excuse adding dlc to a broken game? That sort of behaviour guarantees the death of a beautiful franchise
@eddieharrison6406 9 месяцев назад
Played with this battle group a couple of times yesterday - so much fun!! Will take a while to get used to, but absolutely dominated in one game and then out-flanked and destroyed in another 😂 completely different to how I normally play but really enjoyed this update! Great walkthrough too Tightrope!
@kaboomcanuck2 9 месяцев назад
The game is completely unbalanced again with the new arty. I've been a consistent player with 350+ hours but it just is not fun anymore. PVP is now completely one sided. I'm done with company now there are just so many other great games really putting in amazing effort.
@richardreiswich1563 9 месяцев назад
I see few players playing with takitk, the most of them are doing a spam takitk or are MG pussys or even worse Parachut troops
@77Arcturus 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the fabulous work and Happy Holidays! ☕
@minhphan5741 9 месяцев назад
Auto build bunker that sprouts from the earth like trees. I’m sure no one will abuse this to block enemy tank right?
@nolifeispower494 9 месяцев назад
congrats on releasing DLC along with desync error
@user-wn1jf7pg6x 9 месяцев назад
@will3321 9 месяцев назад
Does anyone know when this comes to console?
@PutinIsKing 9 месяцев назад
I was critisizing Relic a lot because i buyed the game and seen all the dlc that are payable, i was like that should be part of the game, then i downloaded and played 5h streight, just fenomenal and the game has in game currency that let you buy these DLC for free, soo kinda like GTA 5 you can buy all dlc for free if you play it a lot ! So COOL !!!!
@78Renzo 9 месяцев назад
Please include store and cross-platform skins for console. I love the game but it needs a little more love for console users. I want to buy skins for my units. Also include rewards for console users, how do you put coins to redeem in the store, please don't let your title die on console.
@frantisekprusa4877 9 месяцев назад
Cool Battlegroups, but the DLC is a scam. When will Relic learn that scamming their players is not the way forward!
@countvonaltibar236 4 месяца назад
Superb video. I've only just discovered this game and it's absolutely the dogs do dahs impo
@dukejason 9 месяцев назад
Looks great!
@scott-dt8zx 9 месяцев назад
Thanks again TR, looking forward to you playing this new battle group and see you tactics with it
@DirtyReaper 9 месяцев назад
Bug splat Bug splat BUG SPLAT wtf!!
@Stanley... 8 месяцев назад
Comes this update for the console edition ?
@hossdelgado2 9 месяцев назад
I love the community COH is buildig. I am an old school CoH original fan which I couldn't stop playing. I wasn't a fan of CoH 2 which was basically the soviet mod version of CoH 1 that we all had at the time anyway. That said, the community you guys have built has me wanting to build a new rig just to play this game.
@beauwille2294 9 месяцев назад
Check out Gates of Hell. Found it provided me closer to what I was looking for in COH and after 2 and 3, I've just about entirely turned my back on the brand.
@intotheunknown21 9 месяцев назад
I just wish COH3 to eventually at least emulate the success of AOE4. This francise had so much potential. If only Relic keeps out together.
@Klaus_Klavier 9 месяцев назад
Would be fun if it was playable, game hit a desync error even with fighting bots and crashes to desktop. It’s happened every match so far so clearly this update wasn’t playtested at all
@fabio6170 9 месяцев назад
Italian sim city ?😅
@SuperKtwenty 9 месяцев назад
How they release a patch withtout testing .. game bugsplating every match after patch .
@DodgethisCZ 9 месяцев назад
Tightrope you should do those forever! Epic
@noboddy999 9 месяцев назад
Ma man tightrope smashing this deep dive with his sweet voice, props for that!
@HealingandHarm 9 месяцев назад
Wehrmacht Italian Coastal is my new best friend
@romualdlefebvre 9 месяцев назад
Pour les consoles au ra tile des mise-à-jour de praivu ? Cordialement
@7777Leander 9 месяцев назад
Game is moving in the right direction. Hopefully player numbers increase and relic can continue to make these changes
@vanguard8889 9 месяцев назад
Nah, after that atrocious release and deserved review bomb, Relic dont deserve good player numbers and people lile you shouldn't encourage plaers to fall for companies that are engaged in predatory practices
@mohamadabogoddehsabbagh231 9 месяцев назад
this must be for AfrikaCorps !
@peppa3693 9 месяцев назад
Are they available in skirmish as well?
@dream_migi 9 месяцев назад
keep it up relic! people always going to hate but keep it up and take what some say lightly
@vanguard8889 9 месяцев назад
"Hate" isn't justified when the gae was released in the state it was? What a joke...
@arcturus64 9 месяцев назад
Omg it's tightrope!
@gerard518 9 месяцев назад
@Ilovespells69 6 месяцев назад
Console when 😢
@swatbaker 9 месяцев назад
Do we have an ETA for a coming Q&A community/dev or not ?
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