
Deepak Chopra - Wondering About God 

Closer To Truth
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The God debate is not a game. 'Is there a Creator God?' is a serious question. If God exists, what can we know about God? Can an infinite God be accessible to finite humans? Can we inquire of God's essences and traits? What are all the ways that God could be? Or could not be? We discover different beliefs of different kinds of Gods.
Watch more interviews on understanding God: bit.ly/2UMRHMa
Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American medical doctor, author, holistic health and New Age guru, and alternative medicine practitioner.
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@v838monocerotis9 4 года назад
He says "I think the moment you give a description to god or label something as god then you've moved away from god because you've confined god to that image, to that description, to that label." And then immediately after saying this, he attempts to describe god by saying "I think of god as being pure consciousness. This consciousness conceives, governs, constructs, and becomes the universe." (etc etc) And this this is just his first few sentences. I wonder if he really believes what he's saying.
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
ie a Hindu outlook - one need only read the Bhagavas gita, where Krishna says the same. In other words Deepak's cultural background has formed his overarching belief system about the world. He has not come at this by himself.
@v838monocerotis9 4 года назад
@@pasquino0733 There's a contradiction between his two statements. In one sentence he says that attempting to describe god is actually counterproductive. In the next sentence, he attempts to describe god. So isn't he "moving away from god" by doing this? Why would he contradict himself like that? It's just one little thing I noticed.
@jayrodriguez84 4 года назад
By pure consciousness I think he means everything which means there's no label for anything specific. Its your mind that creates this space time and then incarnates yourself in human form and other life forms.
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
@@v838monocerotis9 In Hinduism "Brahman" is both undefinable and pure consciousness. As I've said in other comments on here, rather than saying 'I think...' etc about God, Deeak should clarify, Hinduism says this and I believe it to be true and these are the reasons why.
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
@@jayrodriguez84 Yes it comes from the Hindu school of Advaita Vedanta. i.e. Advaita means non-duality. So Deepak isn't saying anything new but asserting a certain Hindu philosophical position as definitive of reality. No problems with that if you actually state that to begin with.
@sherminbandoo9451 2 года назад
Deepak you are simply amazing and highly intelligent. You truly got it!
@mattgorak8189 4 года назад
It's okay to use symbolic / mythological / anagogic / allegorical language AS LONG as you are able to give some analytical explanation of what you mean when you are asked to; and Deepak has never done that.
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
Deepak should just come put and acknowledge that what he is really saying is that he's espousing Hinduism. Much as we'd expect a Christian etc to do.
@mattgorak8189 4 года назад
@@pasquino0733 He for sure doesn't espouse Hinduism. He even denied that in this very video. To say that there are no gods, and God is an infinite conscious is deeply not in line with Hinduism. It's like saying that Abrahamic God is not a Personal God, which is as blasphemous as it gets.
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
@@mattgorak8189 Actually to say that there isn't a pantheon of God's but just one God is very much in line with aspects of Hinduism. Read the Upanishads or the Bhagavad Gita. The pantheon of God's are seen as ways of seeing ultimate reality - ie consciousness. The ultimate consciousness in us is unchanging entity called Atman and Atman is itself a part of the universal consciousness or Brahman (see the Katha Upanishad). Brahman in Hinduism can be described as the supreme God or something more abstract like "consciousness" in just the way Deepak does here. So as I was saying, I have no problem that he asserts this but he should make it crystal clear that what he is talking about is actually an aspect of Hindu / Vedic thought.
@mattgorak8189 4 года назад
@@pasquino0733 My problem is with calling Atman consciousness, it's more in the lines of Buddhism if anything. I was comparing the most common Hindu theology -- what most Hindu say. I don't feel qualified enough to engage in any deeper discussion about this all
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
@@mattgorak8189 That's ok. Atman is the life principle of the universe, especially when regarded as immanent in the individual's real self. You've confused Atman with the related word Anatman which means the opposite - ie there is no permanent self. Hinduism speaks of a genuine true self - Atman, while Buddhism denies the existence of a self - Anatman. Both are Sanskrit words. ie Buddhism emerged out of the same pan-Indian philosophical tradition. This is also apart of the most common Hindu understanding of both the self and of all existence ie the one Deepak keeps going on about. So Atman and Brahman are all the one consciousness of the universe according to Hinduism and thus Deepak.
@gantamk 4 года назад
Weed is quite strong.
@rosediversity 2 года назад
We are all spiritual beings having a human experience we are connected to God trough our highest self. We are in human form to expand our soul. The soul lives on the body dies. Deepak has a great view on the miracle it's only a shame that in this conversation the interviewer feels attacked because Deepak comes across to correct him and I think we then miss out what is really important love, understanding, empathy and respect etc. We all come from the same source and go back to the same source it doesn't matter how you call that source god, the universe or Allah. I wish everyone a good and fulfilling life.
@phuzbrain 4 года назад
The way or Tao is to transcend all analysis and Deepak articulates this perfectly.
@Paradys8 4 месяца назад
GREAT debate! I really LIKE the both sides been disgusted!👍🏻🙏🏻 Thank you both!
@SBk408 Год назад
Thanks for this video
@tcl5853 4 года назад
I know we can agree to disagree. Agreed. Deepak Chopra simply does not deserve to be included as a guest on this or any other venue that is trying to have serious thinkers discuss serious topics. My objection of him isn’t his religious views, but his character, he is an opportunistic charlatan.
@jesipatrocinio358 4 года назад
Deepak Chopra is most probably right about God because many or most Neat-death experiences support or affirm his statements about God...Where there's remarkable CONSISTENCY among different independent sources of information, the likelihood that GOD exists is very high.
@saiflodhi01 2 года назад
If you loose feel of time and space then spirituality makes sense interestingly techniques to that are practised by all religions and evidence is there in previous advanced civilizations as well
@slmedia4426 4 года назад
Please invite Fr. Augustine Pamplany CST of CST Religious Congregation, based in Kerala , India. His Book : Cosmos, Bios &Theos Introduction to Philosophy of Science, Scientific Cosmology & Science -Religion Dialogue.
@1DangerMouse1 4 года назад
This guy... Let Oprah interview him. He's a quack.
@Swati_1112 Год назад
Sir and meditate every day for next 5 years you would know God....Deepak knows it i also agree with him now.😌
@amirmograbi 4 года назад
Deepak is a quack, he speaks none-sense and sells snake oil. Whenever you interview him, you disparage your channel.
@paultorbert6929 4 года назад
Deepak is only an expert in talking non-fact..... he is probably pretty adept at checking his bank account...... Hope I am wrong, but it really did seem as though Deepak "exampled" Robert as Sinner, and himself as Saint....🤔
@prashantthakuri6074 3 года назад
@mithrandir2006 4 года назад
When HE takes everything away, he's left with "God", as he says, out there and HIMSELF behind all that isn't it? Otherwise he's not really free. Is there freedom without the notion of the self? It'd be like saying "It wasn't me, it was my free will." Also, when he says "God" I think he means "his external life" or a kind of social life to which he's intimately connected, or love, if you will. Then the question is: is this love correspondent to and supported by something physical, all the way down to reality?
@syedaleemuddin6804 Год назад
Here looks like both gentlemen are right. Robert says Allah Alohim Khuda. Deepak says consciousness. Some might know that in the Sufi thought there's something called Fana Fillah, which means you completely destroy yourself for God. Again it may not be right to accept this in the Sunni school, we don't do it. We live like normal human beings with problems and issues and few happy things
@ronjohnson4566 4 года назад
Schrödinger's cat is the only one who really knows this infinite god of imagination and consciousness. If you remove all descriptions of god, and all the infinities, and all imagination, consciousness is left to be the observer of nothing. And he/she is in a box that can't be opened because there is no observer and the cat can't open the box. Just like my father said, everything is everything.
@jennymiko 4 года назад
I agree with Deepak Chopra!!
@eltonron1558 4 года назад
I know you're joking. Or I could play along. You have grasped the sublime intricacy of the Depak view of consciousness, entwined with the eternal yin and yang.
@tej_economy 4 года назад
@mobydick8577 4 года назад
God / universe is one personality but it has many interpretations like a human mind or a flower
@kumar7359 4 года назад
Excellent interview. Scary reading the terrible hate in the comments.
@abhishekpratapsingh9117 3 года назад
❤️ human stories are important ♥️
@thephilosophermma8449 3 года назад
So the Self is God ,, go a bit further in Buddhism and you realise the Self is an Illusion . So God is an illusion
@epistemicmind4175 4 года назад
The problem with what Deepak is saying, is that it imperfectly refers to an ineffable spiritual truth. Thats why he places so much emphasis on avoiding labels, because you can only realize the things he is talking about by experiencing them yourself firsthand, in a manner denuded of concepts and words. If you learn to experience the here and now (through meditative practices or otherwise), his seemingly ambiguous and poetic language starts to make a LOT of sense. ----- P.S. THIS IS COMING FROM A FORMER ONTOLOGICAL MATERIALIST
@johnbrowne8744 4 года назад
Invite Rupert Spira.😊
@xspotbox4400 4 года назад
Yep, this is how humans became intelligent, by realizing one self and sharing experience with others of the same kind. Some human apes adapted cultural process, others didn't and probably went extinct. Maybe this kind of narrative doesn't fit in modern society, but this is the story about phenomena of cultivated mind. Thing is, we became so much more over centuries, nobody cares about emptiness of human soul deep inside anymore, since our God of man kind allow us to be free, do what we want and have a good time. Within reasonable and moral limits, of course, even if our fragmented, disillusioned and dislocated consciousness works without it just the same.
@JimHabash 4 года назад
I dunno folks, but a guru wearing diamond bling in his glasses makes me skeptical of his wisdom.
@uremove 4 года назад
I think I get what DC is saying... but I don’t understand the hostility!? In the Upanishads it says that “Atman is Brahman” ie. that the spark of consciousness within us and all sentient beings is the spark of the divine ie. God. That doesn’t contradict that a description or concept of God is already not God. That’s why in Judaism the name of God cannot be spoken, in Islam, no image can be made etc. Hence we can only talk in metaphors, parables and allegory. I think it’s here that DC and RK appear to argue, because different cultures/religions have used different images for God. All are approximations! In the Abrahamic religions, the Otherness of God, like the otherness of other people is emphasised. In the Eastern wisdom traditions, the innermost aspect of the transcendent/divine is emphasised. God must be both the foundation of our being and (from the egos perspective) the ultimate other. I would just add that I don’t think it’s right to say God is pure consciousness, but rather God is the void (aka the “Divine Darkness”), from which all being emerges. However... already that can’t really be God, or I’ve contradicted myself. 🤔 “To the seer, all things have verily become the Self: what delusion, what sorrow, can there be for him who beholds that oneness?” ~Isa Upanishad “The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” ~Matt 25:40
@chipkyle5428 2 года назад
We believe in these myths because we know that one day we will stop being and we won't accept that.
@WAKMM 4 года назад
People like deepak chopra are the literal physical reason why nobody wants to take consciousness as a serious study topic
@TJ-kk5zf 4 года назад
Bulshit. His bank account has his name all over it
@yifuxero5408 2 года назад
Flaw in Deepak's model of Reality: Assume a person realized the impersonal "God" (pure Consciousness). OK, fine: everything is That Pure Consciousness. Say that person becomes a so-called Guru. Deepak implies that all good qualities are attributes of this "God"; but then he claims that Saints and sinners are in the same category. That being true, a God-Realized person would be capable of still engaging in rape, thievery,, and all of the qualities of being a con artist. There are many examples of such persons, (names not mentioned). Looks like that Realization of the impersonal God didn't help that "person". Since kindness and unkindness are equally Consciousness, Deepak hasn't explained the question of Ethics. The facts don't support his model.
@thephilosophermma8449 3 года назад
@chrisc1257 4 года назад
First study PLATO and then consult the ocean.
@samuelarthur887 4 года назад
Seems fascinating that Chopra here is 73 years old and seems quite educated. He could take a course in analytic philosophy though, in my opinion.
@donalmoriarty2074 4 года назад
Amazing the ignorance of most on here.... Scary.... Read cutting edge science...... Ties in with pure consciousness being fundamental....
@richter018 4 года назад
Creationism and evolution are both wrong. According to Relativity, past, present and future exist simultaneously therefore there is no moment of "creation" or actual causation for things to "evolve"...everything is infinite.
@djtan3313 4 года назад
Indian can talk.
@DLFfitness1 3 года назад
Once you realize that you are dealing with fiction, you will stop searching for answers.
@pasquino0733 4 года назад
Deepak should really say 'Hinduism conceives of God as pure consciousness' or the Bhagavad gita or this particular Upanishad etc... that's where his premises really originate.
@jamesdevine620 4 года назад
he firmly believes in his intuition .....and that has gotten us nowhere.....it's time to be counter intuitive...or maybe revisit certain beliefs...what came first, the chicken or the egg....we know for certain that a chicken comes from an egg...so the egg came first?....so we don't know HOW it started, but an egg has to be there.
@tej_economy 4 года назад
Hinduism is above science. Modern scientists have found the distance of the Sun from the Earth spending lots of money. But in holy 'HANUMAN CHALISA🚩' it's poet and saint Goswami Tulsidasji Maharaj had already mentioned the distance. This holy poem is being recited from so long in India in almost every Hindu homes. That's the level of consciousness our saints have. Their practices in past have presented miracles in front of humanity. Unfortunately these practices have been lost and very few people are there left with these.
@reculture 3 года назад
"... unfortunately, these practices have been lost" - yeah, i hate when that happens. So, which one of those 40 *Hanuman Chalisa* verses states the distance between Sun and the Earth?
@tej_economy 3 года назад
@@reculture 'जुग_सहस्त्र_जोजन' पर भानु । लिल्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू।।
@aviraljanveja5155 4 года назад
The Judeo Christian Islamic conception of a separate god from creation. Is probably the most illogical of all.
@mrbwatson8081 3 года назад
A voice in the sky asking you to burn 🔥 your son alive… “logical” ..? Abraham if god is an evil god who demanded sacrifices. Priests would cut the throats of doves 🕊 to your god….? Very “logical” 🤪
@jeremiahmilazzo1446 4 года назад
Ask him individual karma than 😅
@dr.satishsharma9794 Год назад
Excellent.... thanks 🙏.
@dr.satishsharma9794 4 года назад
Excellent.... thanks 🙏.
@luisclaudio4622 4 года назад
He goes back n forth with stupid arguments
@reximusprime31 4 года назад
Ken Wilber
@saiedkoosha7188 4 года назад
Glad to see the interviewer’s frustration with this guy’s deliberate vague answers. Closer to Truth should be smarter and more respectful to the quality of the venture to take this guy seriously. This guy is not committed to clarity of speech and intellectual honesty otherwise he would have clearly said his description of god (as pure consciousness) is not compatible at all with the notion of personal god. Why he doesn’t admit it? Because he’s a salesman and doesn’t want to lose customers from those with emotional and cultural attachments to the Abrahamic religions. This is the second time I see this guy is unduly taken seriously on Closer to Truth. Disappointing!
@Henrikbuitenhuis 4 года назад
And God said, let there be light...Well who was there to take note ????
@TJ-kk5zf 4 года назад
you can make the same argument about the Big Bang
@Henrikbuitenhuis 4 года назад
@@TJ-kk5zf so rigtig and I dont believe in the Big Bang.
@firstnamesurname6550 4 года назад
An Infinite audience of Eternal Silent Observers who were waiting Infinite Eternities for listening A God's Order ...
@mattgorak8189 4 года назад
@@TJ-kk5zf Cosmic microwave background did "take note" -- as from it's state now we can deduce the past occurrence of the State of Affairs that we call Big Bang.
@TJ-kk5zf 4 года назад
@@mattgorak8189 his point about religion is you can only get after the fact accounts. same here. either or both could be true.
@mrmephistopheles8026 4 года назад
...and some heavy dose of LSD will help to know god/infinite consciousness
@Rocky_Anunnaki 4 года назад
Just admit it there is no God.
@SebastianLundh1988 4 года назад
How do you know?
@Rocky_Anunnaki 4 года назад
@@SebastianLundh1988 pay attention to the world.
@kjustkses 4 года назад
Rocky Anunnaki I see a wonderful world. Just go outside at night and look up...
@paultorbert6929 4 года назад
Isn't it easier to say "I don't know" ????
@eltonron1558 4 года назад
God is living rent free, in your head, with the daily decisions you make to be a bastard, or a tolerable bastard.
@tej_economy 4 года назад
Don't know of closeness to 'the truth' but if one seriously follow Hinduism we would be better human beings.
@aaronjohn4878 4 года назад
I think the consciousness formerly known as Deepak is great. It's best to listen to if you take a drink everytime he says consciousness.
@0.0-m2p 4 года назад
I think the host is missing the point.
@0.0-m2p 4 года назад
This actually makes sense. I do believe that even electrons have some type of proto consciousness.
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