
Design Shop: ALBERT WESKER - Complete Franchise Saturation 

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Seven minutes is not enough time to talk about my favorite Resident Evil villain.
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#residentevil #albertwesker #completeglobalsaturation



28 сен 2024




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@nick-playercharacter8583 3 года назад
My favorite detail about Wesker is that his blood type is O. Not only is type O famous for being the universal donor and most useful in life-saving operations, but in blood type fortune-telling, which is fairly well-known in Japan, type O blood is associated with leadership. That little detail in his bio is setting Wesker up from the start as the saving grace of STARS. Being a reliable and trustworthy leader is literally in his veins. This makes it all the more shocking when this turns out to be a complete lie. Not only is he a double-agent sending his team to certain doom, but he progressively reveals himself to be the single most selfish, backstabbing, treacherous bastard in the entire series. Things aren't always what they seem.
@nick-playercharacter8583 3 года назад
Also, how perfect is it for the main antagonist of Resident Evil to be deceitful on a literal genetic level?
@federicosavorani6320 3 года назад
Oh, so that's why every Manga/Japanese video-game has the blood-type on the character analysis. Thank you
@filipvadas7602 3 года назад
Also the "universal donor" fits really well. Wesker has the means and capability to save millions with his research and create a genuenly better future for everyone. But instead, he keeps everything to himself just so he can live to steal and betray another day
@vicentegutierrez5496 2 года назад
@@filipvadas7602 That, and instead of saving everyone with his research, he does the opposite, which is try to doom humanity with his experiments
@maxanderson3733 2 года назад
@@federicosavorani6320 yeah I always wondered about that. Now it all makes sense
@nick-playercharacter8583 3 года назад
One way Resident Evil 5 could have kept Wesker consistent is to explain that he saw the bioweapons companies like Umbrella were developing and parasites like las plagas and believed that an era of monsters was inevitable. In response, he was determined to create Ouroboros simply to ensure that he would be the biggest and strongest monster of all. No matter how far the world went to hell, he would always survive it. The heroes, conversely, fight for the survival of humanity at large at the risk of themselves.
@platty3690 3 года назад
Damn where were you during the production of RE5. XD jk lol but yeah honestly that seems like a more feasible idea than the generic world domination trope because at least it would make it seem the previous games had a purpose for what the stars team were actively stopping
@JohnPerry27 3 года назад
Yet Chris is the biggest monster in all of the RE verse.
@lanceocana9059 Год назад
@@JohnPerry27 he does what he needs to do to keep the redfield bloodline alive and flowing
@Dax0293 3 года назад
Funny story about D.C. Douglas. He came down for a convention where I was living. It was a small video game convention. Super cool guy, very chill. He decided to hang out with volunteers and the con runners at a bar afterword. Eventually, after he was a few drinks in, he turns and whispers something in the ear of the president of the convention. D.C. Douglas then heads to the bathroom, leaving the pres kinda dumbfounded. Everyone asks what Douglas said! He said that Douglas whispered in his Wesker voice "It's time for TOTAL GLOBAL URINATION"
@themilkman5004 3 года назад
Why didn’t you mention when Wesker was on a internet show with Nicholas Cage and Dr. Doom
@rells1da1great1 3 года назад
RIP assist me. gone but never forgotten lol
@miy1925hassun 3 года назад
Was that Nic Cage or Chad Krueger?
@jonathanpichardo1720 3 года назад
that show sucked. Started great at first, but then they got big and just threw it under the rug. Tutorials are subpar nowadays, its all about reaction videos. thats where the money is
@NeffJeff95 3 года назад
@@jonathanpichardo1720 youtube was different back in 2011. You could make larger production videos and it would be a hit. Max acknowledges the production quality of those videos, but it worked for the time, despite it maybe being cringe now
@zachataxxii7126 3 года назад
I felt so bad for all the hype about it coming back for Marvel Infinite, and then... Marvel Infinite happened.
@tornadoandy123 3 года назад
"COMPLETE GLOBAL LACTATION" - Papa Joel & The Pigeon Milkers
@MrTheil 3 года назад
*Now do you see the power of my milking, Chris?*
@monkey_blu 3 года назад
@ChaosLegionaire 3 года назад
I always just figured that Wesker's motivations evolved as his infection evolved. Would make sense that his state of mind would change with such an infection. (at least to me)
@Flawless-Walrus 3 года назад
Wesker has always been one of my favorite villains of all time, in both his Pre-5 and 5 renditions. They may have borked up his motivations in 5, but they sure made him a badass.
@ShinRyojin 3 года назад
Wesker stole the show in RE5. He made Chris look like such a punk, that throughout the game I wish that I was playing as Wesker, instead.
@littlebadassgaming 3 года назад
2:10 Wesker unfortunately didn't actually die in the volcano, as Umbrella Core is canon. Takes place AFTER RE5, and even has Wesker speaking in lines of dialogue in " The Experiment. "
@Buddhakingpen 3 года назад
Huh? Wesker never did anything for his "survival". He could have stopped after he made it through RE1 and got super powers. He'd be ready for the zombie apocalypse and could easily take on any potential assassination. Weskers ego allowed him to assume survival was inevitable. If anything, he gambled with his life more than anyone in the series
@justbny9278 2 года назад
Hell him even getting powers at all was a gamble, one that could've ended up with him either a disfigured monster like half the other umbrella experiments or just straight up dead
@peacemakerpewpew 3 года назад
I thought he snapped and his motivations changed when he got mutated, or when he learned he was "manufactured" by Spencer.
@TheP11master 3 года назад
Yea true. When he kill O. Spencer i would say.
@juliagoodwin9510 3 года назад
Anyone else get a Sephiroth vibe from the Wesker Project thing? Just me?
@ShinxBOOM247 3 года назад
18:04 "Our videos are supported entirely by patreon so we don't have to show adds" RU-vid: *Laughs manichally while placing 3 add breaks*
@lanetorty7529 2 года назад
I loved wesker in re5, he just looked so jnapologetically cool and badass, with corn and ham oozing from every avalible hole
@Mysticgamer 3 года назад
I always thought that the virus was influencing wesker's action. A virus will replicate itself until it kills it's host. Wesker is basically doing the samething on a bigger scale regardless of the outcome.
@halloweenpun202 3 года назад
"Wesker is the only one wearing all black" reminds me of that one post that's like "our office is very diverse, susan in marketing is a goth"
@thefreeburningspirit 3 года назад
Your video essays are without a doubt one of my favorites on this platform. Keep it up with the quality content dude
@deafmelonex6983 3 года назад
@tobi2960 3 года назад
I live for RE5 Wesker quotes
@akiraishin7141 3 года назад
I love when you do these. Never played the RE series, but it's always fun to see character dissection on this lever.
@Beosker 3 года назад
Damn, I feel bad for the people that haven't played/watched 5 and thus don't get the "COMPLETE X Y" joke
I don't know why but, when Wesker died, at that moment I felt the franchise was dead already. Wesker was and always will be the ultimate villain of the franchise.
@MonkeyKingsformerroomate 2 года назад
I actually want a Wesker game. Before his death and all about his rise. Basically fighting other bad guys to be top dog. That kinda thing. He'd be fun to play as, plus I love how much fun the voice actor seems to be having as him. Final part could be Jill and Chris in the mansion.
@mygirlr83 3 года назад
Jeez, great vid! I love Wesker and I love the idea that RE5 Wesker might have been completely insane from the deterioration on his mind and body from the T-Virus to reach his perfect form as a Hammy Action Villain.
@nottyseel949 3 года назад
I do not really think Capcom thought this all the way through but it's a story that fits and explains some not only wonky plot armor but Wesker's drastic change in RE5: Jill Valentine. Jill is my favorite character in all media so I'm admittedly biased in thinking of her influence, so that said, however, I still think this weaves nicely into the story elements that are actually there. Jill was supposed to be incompetent. No claim is made of her ability on the team besides her lockpicking. At the first instance of danger she empties an entire clip at dogs attacking Joseph and does not hit a single dog even once (the dogs are not even moving at the time as Joseph was prone). She then freezes and needs to be saved by both Chris and Wesker. I think her playthrough is actually canon for this reason as Wesker would imprison Chris thinking Chris had the best chance of interfering with his plans while Jill would be a liability to further distract and control Barry but surely never survive. Then Jill shows up at that Guardhouse... Wesker is so genuinely surprised to see Jill alive and progressing that he almost gives himself away in the dialogue. It's at this point he recognizes she might be a threat and sends the Hunters after her after sending her back to the mansion. Then Jill finds Enrico and ultimately foils Wesker's plan, forces him to release Tyrant early and nearly gets him killed. I think he becomes obsessed with Jill here in the way a narcissist would obsess over someone that proves them wrong or challenges them. Jill again ruins Wesker's plans at the Spencer Estate. Focusing on Chris again, Jill tackles him out of a window and possibly severely injures him. Here's where the idea of an obsession with Jill earns credence. He does not kill her, in fact, he must have saved her life. Wesker betrayed and killed everyone he came into contact with without even so much as blinking or pausing. Yet, instead of letting Jill die after the fall, he for some reason heals her and then, instead of turning her into a brainless zombie, and sending her to Chris to force him to kill her, which would be expected of a revenge plot, he makes her his agent and works closely with her. The need to control her also fits the narcissist wounded ego and reinforces the obsession idea. As his agent she becomes the only person in the entire series that he worked with that he did not betray (since Chris actually ruins it by breaking his control). His parting line being "enjoy watching Jill suffer" which also seemed pretty bitter. So it seems that Jill altered Wesker's view. We know that Excella wanted to be a partner to Wesker and that she has a somewhat jealous and resentful tone towards Jill in their one interaction. While Jill survived whatever Wesker through at her and thrived through the experiment and augmentation, Excella did not. Ultimately, Wesker was now looking for people like Jill that, instead of mindless monsters, would be obedient agents or subjects. It's like he regarded everyone else he encountered as inconsequential because they were so far beneath him so betraying and killing them was like sterilizing a room, no one feels bad for the bacteria even if you need them on occasion. But Jill actually registered as a person, not an equal obviously, but a person and he became obsessed with finding more people like her and the Ouroboros project begins. A society of uniquely superior people that would be obedient to him rather than him alone in a world of tools. It was almost like a justification to his narcissistic world view where it did not end with him alone. More simply, every tyrant wants to rule over something of value. He saw no value in common humanity so it was worth less to dominate them. Making a superior race and seeing an example that there was more to some humans than he expected (Jill being exhibit A), led to his final goal. It also would explain why he became so visibly unhinged once Jill broke from his control and his idea started to crumble. He was full on maniac by his death.
@REsoleSurvivor1000 3 года назад
This is the explanation I came here looking for. Watched the video and while good points were brought up I definitely don't feel Wesker's plot line amounted to just "retconn". This is definitely an excellent take you wrote imo and I agree with it.
@nottyseel949 3 года назад
@@REsoleSurvivor1000 Ha, thanks. There's a little more detail but it was way too long that way lol, I'm glad you understood it and could see some sense in it. XD
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
Too bad Jill's playthrough in REmake contradicts that and his obsession with Chris makes more sense if he was the one to ruin his plans. Remember CV? Jill wasn't there yet Chris and Wesker were there.
@nottyseel949 3 года назад
@@ChiefMedicPururu Agreed actually. He would have seen Chris as a rival and threat and hated him for ruining his plans in CV and in Africa ultimately. If anything I'd say Chris was always a target whereas Jill was probably insignificant until she accomplished anything that would make him pay attention to her, but that wouldn't make him hate Chris any less, in fact probably more. I'm not sure why R3make cancels my idea, I don't remember the details specifically enough, but either way, again, I'm admittedly reading into it as a Jill fan. I don't really think Capcom had much subtext in mind at all, I'm kinda just filling it in based on what COULD fit with what's there... with a bias to Jill... XD
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
@@nottyseel949 REmake changed Jill's story to have Wesker not having a hole done in him, just smacked by Tyrant (assuming Barry is alive and kicking, which he should be). Wesker is supposed to be "killed" by Tyrant. Even the original had him being killed by a Chimera if you explore the laboratory after he leaves B4, but that still contradicts what was said.
@1starfalco1 2 года назад
dont forget that he had a badass leather trenchcoat in the later games
@bearVshark100 2 года назад
I think in Resident Evil getting blown up with a Rocket Launcher is the most ceremonial thing that can happen to someone.
@chickrepelant 3 года назад
he was absolute bananas in MVC3
@putrangos 2 года назад
Honestly RE5 Wesker doesn't need to changed much to be fixed. Like changing the "God complex" into "Apex predator", like what's easier way to survive than to kill most of the competition.
@magnum567134 3 года назад
6:05. "Retroactively"? I'm pretty sure The Wesker Project was mentioned in an earlier game in a file somewhere. Before RE6's release, I remember theories that Jake might've been Alex Wesker, the other survivor of Project W
@RexVergstrong 2 года назад
This. Both the project and Alex are in a file in RE5.
@tron0150 3 года назад
I don't fell anything wrong with loner having a messiah complex. I mean I have that.
@Reywolf2405 3 года назад
To have Wesker making backup clones of himself is so stupid, cheesy and funny that i am absolutely sure it will eventually happen
@icebreaker913 3 года назад
I can't believe RE5 was a Precure season all along
@shinigami9851 3 года назад
14:41 Ok I think may be looking to deep into it but to be honest when I played this and I heard my first immediate thought was “Ok he’s lying” all your points about wesker betraying everyone is on point. When he said that I think what he really ment was “In order to survive I must take out everything else that’ll try to kill me” the thing is the superhuman thing was something he got from the first game and he knows this. That talk about trying to create a new type of human was just bullshit to get the people he was working with to believe him. From what I’m guessing a lot of other shady companies were catching on to him except a select few he worked with at the time and since he realized that they might be catching on to him he would have a bounty on his head. So in order to guarantee his survival he would use ouroboros to attack any company that caught on to his backstabbing nature but didn’t account for people like Chris to stand in his way since he was the guy with the power. He’s the guy with the money. He’s the guy with connections and most important of all he’s the guy with the strongest survival instinct to live. It’s ingrained in the human DNA to do what ever it takes to survive even if it means trading in things like freedoms and rights since to them as long as they survive nothing else matters. When Wesker realized Chris and Sheva were an actual threat dispite the power difference he still did what ever it takes to make sure they die even abandoning Jill to fight off chris since he knew that Chris could never kill and old friend and thought Jill would succeed but that still doesn’t stop him from making sure he had enough security. The moment the final fight with wesker happened his act slowly began to fade away as the moment he had the overdose he knew that Chris will kill him and was doing his best to kill him as quick as possible. His cocky attitude got traded in for pure survival instinct as the moment he smashed his hand through the missile that was wesker in his purist form. An animal that was doing whether it takes to survive. Him grabbing on to the helicopter was a last ditch effort to keep him from dying while also dragging Chris down to die therefore getting rid of the one thing that threatened his life. I may have gotten to deep into it but it’s just my opinion.
@mmaldonadoofficial 3 года назад
@Donokyothelast 3 года назад
Me and my cousins always said that RE 5 wesker was a clone cuz him using uroboros didn't make sense to us he was already good without it
@st_Luni 3 года назад
12:11 to me it sounds like more of a Saturday morning cartoon
@Takejiro24 3 года назад
Yeah....pretty much. Reminds me of 4Kids Yu-Gi-Oh (especially those symbols Tea drew on the gang's hand because something something *friendship*).
@RotaFury Год назад
Well i enjoyed RE 5 I do agree it didn't have the Survival feel of the previous four (which i admit are more my favorites with 3 being my all time favorite, Though Village is awesome so full circle?). None the less the one thing I can say i love about RE5 is Wesker, not his change in character or such but seeing just how inhuman he has become by that point. How he moves ect all just bloody cool.
@luminosity01 3 года назад
Can't believe this video is only have 20k views instead of gura videos in one day garnered around 88k views
@IsaacCollector 3 года назад
Eighteen minutes. Eighteen minutes is all I can spare to watch you.
@fenrirsrage4609 3 года назад
I'm actually probably one of the only few people that kinda still likes Jake Muller.
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
@Xick 3 года назад
I revisited Code Veronica recently, and it's definitely THAT game when things started to go camp. You had superhumans before like Birkin, Mr. X, and Nemesis, but they're all basically still zombies - dumb, slow, not much vocabulary. In Code Veronica, Wesker is a *vampire*. He's not the human-who-was-the-real-monster, he's in no danger whatsoever, he gets to preen and sneer and be a Metal Gear bad guy now, and he's placed opposite the game's villain - a preening and sneering evil twincest European aristocrat who shoots blood that turns into fire - *another vampire*. Even if the specifics weren't silly, the fact that the monsters are now characters and talk to you is itself inescapably silly, and the rest of the franchise has to follow. Also that game has Alfred in it.
@night1952 3 года назад
I don't think he cares about saving humanity or has a messiah complex. He has a god complex and a god needs vassals to adore him, ouroboros does both at the same time, it gives him "godlike" powers and slaves all humanity under him.
@firewalkwithjuno5421 2 года назад
You really did not need to put a random Mass Effect spoiler in there.
@zerkraij 3 года назад
Special Tactics and Rescue SERVICE, not Squad
@dnielzcx5490 3 года назад
the only character that matters to me in all of the Biohazard: RE franchise is Hunk the "Grim Reaper" Hunk its like he is the very mysterious guy Capcom wanted him to be, or simply, Capcom forgot to add any additional background to him and say.. fek this sht
@ramseydoon8277 2 года назад
I'm gonna show this to my kids and tell them it's George Washington.
@handlessuck589 3 года назад
*You will give me an egg.*
@doonthefool1607 3 года назад
What’s the name of the song at the end of the video?
@fusapplesjunkyard9723 3 года назад
Please do an episode on hank
@bluekingkongkymm 3 года назад
pls do ada wong retrospective too
@ClexYoshi 3 года назад
Albert W(ily)esker
@copperface3574 3 года назад
What is the name of the song that starts playing at 7:04
@josephward3939 3 года назад
Barry’s magnum. Not a .45
@Aqua-wc2bk 3 года назад
I know it's not on the topic of wesker but God I'll forever hate what re5 did to Jill.
@filipvadas7602 3 года назад
Gonna play Devil's advocate here. Its possible that after cheating death so many times Wesker developed his god complex, believing that he survived only because he is among the fittest and most capable of humanity. Which would make some sense cause Wesker has survived injuries that would have left a normal human very much dead. However, the problem with being at the top is there are always people trying to take that from you. So its possible that this idea of "surviving at all costs" over time developed into straight up paranoia. Especially considering how many people he betrayed. However, Uroboros was his chance to wipe the slate clean. He could watch as every organic thing is consumed, and once the incomplete Uroboros starve and only a few dozen people are left, he could just swoop in and pretend to be a savior , manipulate and eventually betray the "new" humans that were compatible with Uroboros Its still a little stupid cause the incomplete Uroboros would devastate the eco system, but from this perspective it makes a bit more sense
@RexVergstrong Месяц назад
I mean, he was created to be a "special human" and even then, he (and Alex) survived even amongst the other Wesker children.
@eugeneturner7520 3 года назад
There was more to my other comment, but it got lost when posting it. Rather then re-typing it all, and going on a long drabble, I'm just going to say that when Spencer revealed everything to Albert, that's when he changed - that is when he went from the old Albert we knew and became the one we see in Resident Evil 5. By the time the events of Kijuju occur, Albert Wesker has become a shell of his former self, because he broke that night at the Spencer Estate. He didn't care if there were survivors of Uroboros or not, nor did he really want followers - as of fact, going from one quote he made, it's quite possible Albert would have been fine if everyone on Earth died as a result of Uroboros, because it would reaffirm his mentality that he was "the only worthy one," and restore his self-esteem and ego, which took a bad blow over the fact that throughout his life, he never really earned anything, he was fed a silver spoon of lies by Spencer, and considering Birkin - his one and only friend - gave him the Progenitor Virus on Spencer's orders according to some sources, it brings into question whether or not Albert ever had any real friends at all, or if his entire life was nothing more then a construct of Umbrella, which does fit rather nicely into the themes of RE5 and the concepts of friendship and partnership.
@SugarPunch 3 года назад
I just wanna remark that this is a fantastic reading of Wesker, much better than my deduction of him. It might be *too* good of a reading of him considering how he turned out in RE5. He still goes on about "Every day humans bring themselves closer to self destruction", or how the "Earth is overpopulated", or how "the human race requires judgment", but it could very well just be that he's deluding himself, the last layer of his ego that is attempting to justify what he's doing as something other than mass global genocide. If lying was his defense mechanism for every problem in his life, then he was continuing to lie to himself even til the very end.
@darthsalad8204 3 года назад
@@SugarPunch That could be him just using that to deny his own mentality and make him see himself as the hero of the world.
@Dinker27 3 года назад
I've never seen a more concrete example/(headcanon?) of the reason why he was perfectly fine to just leave such a short amount of people alive in his "new world order". Damn. 10k people is..."okay", but that wouldn't have taken into account how much the world itself would change due to any pollution or other strangeness that would occur after all the missiles were released.
@eugeneturner7520 3 года назад
​@@SugarPunch Yeah, that sounds about right, and would fit the personality of someone who was literally raised to believe they are better then everyone else. As far as Wesker was concerned, he wasn't commiting mass genocide, so much as he was leaving Uroboros and genetics to decide who would live and die, nevermind the fact that it was almost a certainty that the death-toll would have been catastrophic for not only humanity, but every living creature on the Earth, who, according to Wesker, weren't intended targets of his plan. That shows how far over the edge Albert had gone; he had totally snapped by the point of Resident Evil 5's Kijuju incident, and had really become a total madman. I mean, to push the message even further, we see Chris losing men left and right throughout the game, along with Jill during a flashback, and he almost lost Sheva in the Bomber. The loss of Jill was to traumatic, Chris froze up and nearly didn't save Sheva. Meanwhile, on the other side of the fence, we have Albert Wesker, and not really his partners or teammates, but rather his subordinate, Ricardo, and his heavily delusional, not to mention disposable girlfriend, Excella. There's nobody else there or around, aside from a bunch of soulless Majini who follow orders blindly, and would more then happily walk into a meat grinder. I would count Jill, but she was only with Wesker and crew, forcibly. Ricardo was disposable. Excella was disposable. Albert left Jill fighting Chris and Sheva, half expecting them to kill her by accident. By the end, he is literally all alone, and Chris manages to gain ground because of the people he has in his corner helping him along the way, like Sheva, Jill, and Josh. That clip you played where Wesker said he didn't need anybody else, it shows a LOT about his character and general personality, considering it doesn't seem like he ever "had" anyone else in his entire life. Even Jake's Mother knew next to nothing about him, and given how poor she and her son were, it wouldn't be strange to think she might have been a prostitute at some Umbrella sponsored party, so obviously Wesker had no further interactions with her. I doubt Spencer allowed the Wesker children much time with other kids growing up, as they were likely kept separate to avoid other people contaminating the values Umbrella was raising them with. As I mentioned in my previous post, I wholeheartedly think Birkin was the closet thing Albert ever had to a real friend that he actually considered an equal, and even that might have been another of Spencer's shames. But, thinking back on it, Albert never betrayed or had an ill intentions toward Birkin, and they both plotted together to turn on Umbrella and become billionaires, so maybe their friendship was legit? Either way, outside of William Birkin, it really does seem like Albert spent the entirety of his life never knowing actual friendship, while being force-fed this "superior being" bullshit by Spencer, so by the time he ended up in S.T.A.R.S with Jill and Chris and the others, he was never able to form any kind of emotional bond or mutual connection with any of them, as he seems to have a heavy dosage of anti-social disorder, so it was easy for him to send them into the grinder at the Spencer Arklay Mansion. Remember, Umbrella had nothing to do with that, they were busy trying to contain James Marcus's T-Virus Leech outbreak at the time. What Wesker did to the S.T.A.R.S team, that was all his doing, for the sake of collecting real time combat data on the B.O.Ws at the Spencer Mansion. He didn't have to use the S.T.A.R.S team, but he did it out of simple opportunity after Rebecca's team went missing, as he had no value in their unimportant, inferior being lives. So......yeah, looking back on EVERYTHING Wesker has done since Resident Evil 0, his actions in Resident Evil 5 do not really seem inconsistent with the sort of man Albert Wesker ended up being. Someone who would send an entire quad of people to their deaths for power and money would probably not even think twice about destroying the world if it meant maintaining their ego and self-worth.
@eugeneturner7520 3 года назад
@@SugarPunch I feel bad Albert, given everything that happened in his life to make him who he is, but that said, he's a narcissist and a dangerous psychopath who, despite his calm and gentle façade of a personality, is really hiding the violent temperament of a man-child with no real self control when it comes to anger, complete with a self-entitled attitude. He's damaged goods, and honestly, would have probably really benefited from a few therapy sessions if he had ever gone. It's a shame, really, because it makes you wonder what sort of person Albert would have been if Spencer and Umbrella never set him on the path he ended up on. Such a shame for such brilliance to go to waste, but hey, that's what makes good villains and a good Shakespearian story - tragedy. That's probably why people like Albert Wesker so much - he seems like a darker version of James Bond with all the suaveness and style one would expect, while having a lot of mental scars and hidden depths of damage just under the surface, while still maintaining the strength of Superman and the speed of the Flash. He's a good villain, and a good character overall, and on some levels, relatable, which makes it all work.
@junkszy912 3 года назад
Chris redfield my favorite buff magical anime girl.
@joejoejoej9763 3 года назад
Bruh, check out the Brazilian comic/manga "smells like Shonen Spirit".
@nillabeany 3 года назад
☆Mahou shoujo Chris-chan☆
@writinggoose6059 3 года назад
Then he went all Homura on us in RE8
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
@@writinggoose6059 Well, wouldn't be the first time he broke down.
@VendreadMike95 3 года назад
@BingBangPoe 3 года назад
Wesker has some of the most iconic lines in the series. Ranging from _"Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you."_ to _"COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION."_ He is so over the top and badass that you can't just hate the guy. Is he cheesy? Yes. Is his plan stupid? YES. But much like you said, D.C. Douglas absolutely NAILS the role and delivers the most memorable character in the series.
@QuickQuips 2 года назад
His RU-vid channel is full of him enjoying his roles. And he played RE4 recently.
@Neoxon619 3 года назад
Funny you reference Kira, as he’s also voiced by D.C. Douglas.
@josesosa3337 3 года назад
Cool connection.
@TheEthanGamer 3 года назад
This video was a complete....overall.... satisfaction.
@sirderpington7704 3 года назад
the fact you can hide from wesker by turning off the lights because he is wearing the sunglasses in the dark is wonderful.
@drewchristopher4609 Год назад
Added bonus is you CAN shoot his glasses off and whilst you still have to hide in the dark, he has a slightly better chance at seeing you.
@PurposefullyIneloquent 5 месяцев назад
I've actually always hated that terrible terrible gameplay mechanic. It's a fun boss fight but it makes absolutely no sense. Wesker was shown to have full night vision with sunglasses allllll the way back in 1996, bullseye-ing midair dobermans in a dark forest at night. And then his senses were heightened post infection... There's no f*cking way he'd lose you because you turned off the lights.
@airhead1320 3 года назад
Being one of those series inspired by Western Films, I've always believed that RE5 Wesker was derived from NEO of The Matrix. Specifically (and especially) if you look at the insane shit he does in UMvC3.
@jairizard 3 года назад
And those abilities were the ones he had in Resident Evil 5. That fight in the airfield was a bitch until you figure it out.
@fissilewhistle 3 года назад
Pretty sure he’s supposed to be Agent Smith.
@airhead1320 3 года назад
@@fissilewhistle They're both villains so yeah it's plausible. But Wesker has a black trench coat so... Both I guess
@v-trigger6137 3 года назад
they pretty much made him into a straight Agent Smith ripp off
@wdcain1 3 года назад
Fun video. One reason why I love the first _Revelations_ so much is that the main villain, Morgan Lansdale, works so well. His entire motive is to protect the world from bioterrorism at any cost, even if it means committing a few atrocities; and what's sad is that he's not wrong. Before, there three cities had been wiped out by super viruses: Raccoon City, Hildago's village from South America, and the Spanish Las Plagas area. So what does Lansdale do to get the world's gov't invested to fight bioterrorism? Destroy a super-city of the ultra-rich! It works. The FBC is funded to combat and this very real threat with full support of the world's governments. Eventually Lansdale is exposed, yet he does not freak out and inject himself with a virus for a boss fight. Instead he surrenders peacefully still fully convinced he was always right. And what's truly sad is O'Brien even admits that Lansdale wasn't entirely wrong. He had dignity, dedication, and righteousness. It seems like any other story that he would have to be the hero but the RE world isn't one that ever learns from its mistakes.
@josesosa3337 3 года назад
Good comment. It makes me want to play resident evil revelations right now.
@Walamonga1313 3 года назад
Revelations was pretty good. 2 was trash tho
@Th3_L30n 3 года назад
Just a reminder that the name "Resident Evil" is a consequence of bad localization for the first game, based purely on the fact it was set on an mansion and had similarities to Evil Dead. The original title of the game (And the franchise) is BIOHAZARD, which, when taken into consideration, helps understand what is the true cohesive theme or subject being dealth throught the franchise. Also, you might have not tought about this, but there is a certain poetic beauty to Sherry and Jake working to save the world in a way, when both their respective parents were responsible for so much death and destruction (And were both collaborators when they worked for Umbrella). I still enjoyed the video, just "wanted" to be a smartass and point out that detail that many might not know.
@federicosavorani6320 3 года назад
So the original title was going to be something like "evil/death/something residence/mansion"
@Th3_L30n 3 года назад
@@federicosavorani6320 They could have just left it at Biohazard. I mean, at the time, Resident Evil wasn't a bad name because, in reality, Capcom didn't really expected the game to have so much success (Ironic I know) but when subsequent sequels were made, the common complaint became: "It's no longer Resident Evil because it's not set in a mansion and the horror is slowly giving way to the action", (Something that had ALREADY happened when the sequel was directed by no other than freaking Hideki Kamiya) which would have been a less jarring transition if they would have kept the original title. In fact, the change of name is weird in the first place, given that Biohazard was already a very fitting name.
@falguard 3 года назад
@@Th3_L30n They couldn't have just left it at Biohazard. They changed the name because they couldn't possibly register it; a DOS game called 'Biohazard' had just came out the previous year (not to mention the remote but actual possibility of opposition from the band Biohazard) and thus, by changing the name, they accepted the path of least resistance in a legal sense.
@Th3_L30n 3 года назад
@@falguard Oh.. I didn't knew that. Well in that case, I think it makes sense WHY they made the change of name, albeit I still think they could have chosen a more fitting name, instead of Resident Evil. I'm 90% sure that could have helped create more adequate expectations for the sequels, as they wouldn't have been waiting to have another horror game set in a mantion or spooky place. Something that made more sense with the constant presence of biological weapons, thinkering with life and corporativism constantly show (some more than others) along the franchise. Heck, even the whole discussion about Wesker in the other highlighted comment does tie up into the whole "Biohazard" name, as Wesker was basically engineered to become a sociopath, unlike the main cast of characters, that started as underdogs, and progressively got better and better on their abilities throught the games (No one exemplifies this better than Leon "First day on the job it's a fricking zombie apocalypse" Kennedy).
@josetomascamposrobledano4618 3 года назад
I see you’ve already been corrected, it wasn’t bad localization but copyright. And the name Resident Evil wasn’t random, it was a name decided by a competition!
@Maravex44 3 года назад
I've always loved Wesker and feel I'm not alone in believing the franchise feels its missing one of its key components with him dead (granted I also admire them sticking to their guns in having death actually count and not reviving him over and over) Honestly, I never felt the transition to RE5 Wesker was that stupid, considering those with god complexes tend to be in the wrong in fiction. And shows that his style of betrayal can eventually catch up to him, the theme of partnership (while forced from a gameplay standpoint) is the story going out of its way to answer who the ultimate winner is between the two paths of loner and hero, and one must lose. Plus constant betrayals is already set up as a rejection of that theme. Compare and contrast Light Yagami who also believed he knew what was right for the world, yet by the end was willing to throw those that loved and trusted him away like they were disposable in order to win his mind games and go about his murderous crusade without opposition. Because he survived for so long, because he was "chosen" to wield such power, and because he had a monstrous ego, he justified himself as worthy to rule the world. Just like old Al. Claiming he had humanities best interests while he viewed them as cattle. Test subjects. And the few that could survive what he could would be all the proof he needed that they were worth giving a shit. Which ultimately so few were. Not to mention the entire sets Wesker chews through when he talks must be decades of repressed emotion and hiding all of his plans. Now that he actually could be honest with someone he just loves talking so much.
@davidloya4691 3 года назад
slicked back hair ..... no pic of geese howard.........
@Strangely_Sexy 3 года назад
i was thinking the same thing
@livingcorpse5664 3 года назад
RE5's Lost in Nightmare DLC mentioned Alex Wesker too.
@gojidumb5947 3 года назад
@trrerid 3 года назад
Yeah. LoN was for sure the first mention of the Wesker project
@danielramsey6141 3 года назад
The Computer terminal was the best kept secret of that DLC. Especially if you were just playing it for the first time.
@ИгорьДушкин-ш1к 3 года назад
Even more, Alex mentioned in main campaign too. As i remember it was somewhere close to Tricell labaratory underground, and on ship.
@Pensive_Scarlet 3 года назад
I love that bit near the end of 5 when he has that genuine moment of realizing the folly of his hubris. For just one line he drops the act he's been playing perfectly throughout his entire life and yells, "I shoulda killed you a long time ago!" and his Shakespeare style faux-British accent drops for just a bit. I think this was probably just an ad-lib touch from the actor but, overall, it creates this moment where you get to see the real Wesker just once. It's so ironic, too, because Chris represents everything Wesker wants for the human race, but Wesker is blind to this due to the mere happenstance of Chris's place in his life, the same sort of happenstance that had Wesker pretty much locked into being a villain at birth.
@Raxyz_0 3 года назад
Seriously, I just LOVE your Design Shops, especially about Capcom IPs. To me, they've an unique form of narrative where the overarching story technically sucks, but the charisma of characters alone carry your interest in it. Megaman, RE, DMC, Dead Rising, Monster Hunter and their fighting games. There's nothing really worthwhile about the story of any of these franchises but if you've played a single one of any of them, you'll surely remember at least three characters and how cool their design, motivation of personality were. Of course, the downside of this is the DMC2, RE5, and Megaman X7. When it crumbles, it crumbles HARD.
@tornadoandy123 3 года назад
Crumbles like being hit with a fully-charged Focus Attack in SF4.
@mistergremm735 3 года назад
11:18 THANK YOU for mentioning this seriously when ever people start calling 5 start of the action hollywood nonsense i remind them that the final island in RE4 was a thing, Zombies had crossbows, mines, mini-guns and explosions everywhere you go
@jugadorinferior970 3 года назад
I know right? And if we get more picky you can see it too in how (while being awesome) Leon can literally suplex ganados or kill El Gigante by running on his arm and then knife him...i love RE4 but i would also get baffled when people said RE5 was more action driven. Sorry if i my english is kinda broken xP
@LightningPuppet 3 года назад
RE4 was an action game as soon as you got to the first village
@TheNekoGentleman 3 года назад
Pretty sure it's forgotten because, right after the Pilot gets shot down, we're back in spoopy with the regenerators.
@larsulrick235 3 года назад
RE games always had a feet or two into action, yes the classic games are survivor horrors, but in the end of most of them, they become pure action because of your resources and over the top situations. RE 4 kinda follows the same philosophy of the classics while RE 5 and 6 is all about the action. RE 4 always try to be tense/scary in some ways despite the action structure of the game, the soundtrack for example is creepy as fuck, while RE 5 always sounds like a action blockbuster movie. RE 5 in general don't even try to creep you out because of the nature of a co-op game.
@Walamonga1313 3 года назад
@IndigoPhoenix21 3 года назад
RE is one of my favorite series and I can definitely say that without Wesker, it has been seriously lacking. I still enjoy the games after 6, but no other villain has been anywhere near as interesting or significant. Moreover, like with Vergil and Nero, I find it extremely hard to believe that Wesker knocked up some lady and did not keep tabs on her, especially if he believed in survival of the fittest.
@rensten4893 3 года назад
They never built anyone else like him. That's the problem.
@vergil5906 3 года назад
It would’ve been better if Albert did the same thing that Spencer did. Wesker, before he died, would recreate the Wesker project and the only survivor would be Jake. instead of a literal direct descendant Wesker
@chrismanning2888 3 года назад
@@vergil5906 Oh your here, ok so my question is, WHO DID YOU BANG AND WHY?!
@vergil5906 3 года назад
@@chrismanning2888 well well, that was a long time ago
@Mine_that_is_filled_with_salt 3 года назад
@@vergil5906 Alzheimer's kicking in hard, huh gramps?
@BootyjuiceJenkins 3 года назад
Ah yes, another member of the trenchcoat mafia
@vulcan422 3 года назад
Wesker/Dante/Vergil, one of my fav teams in UMVC3.
@YowLife 3 года назад
6:48 "Chris in-" "Chrisen" "Kryssen" *Hey someone said my name.*
@eugeneturner7520 3 года назад
Why Wesker changed - it's quite simple, really. Up until a certain point, Wesker had been all about power, money, and setting himself up a sweet deal, so to say. To these means, he betrayed Umbrella along with William when the latter decided to sell the G-Virus to the United States Government, and the former decided to not only expose Umbrella, but steal their research and sale it to their rivals to make a fortune and to get in big with these circles. This all fits with the sort of man the Wesker Project and Spencer developed Albert to be, and the whole while, Albert thought his dealings and actions where his own, and to an extent, they were - but he was only this way - this kind of person - because of Spencer raising him with these values. The line, "Are you saying I was manufactured," isn't literal, but metaphorical. Albert was taken his family to be part of the Wesker Project, and frankly, his entire life has been nothing more then another one of Spencer's experiments and attempts to toy with immortality and Physical Godhood. Despite believing his every move had been his own, despite believing he was his own man, the manipulator and chess master suddenly became the puppet, and Albert Wesker's narcissistic, egotistical personality just couldn't take it, so he cracked, murdered Spencer, and decided that he would take over Spencer's plans with the Progenitor Virus, that he would be the one who would become a God, and that he would be the one who would be in control and truly prove his own self-worth. In all due honesty, if you look at this less of Wesker just being a narrative villain, from a realistic standpoint, I could very well see someone who is this damaged, with all that power, raised with those sort of morals and values, going down a similar path to Albert, because it was only a matter of time before the façade he created for himself would have been shattered. See, you don't get it. Uroboros was extraordinarily toxic, the only people who arguably would have survived infection would have been Alex Wesker, whom Albert had lost touch with and likely assumed dead like the other Wesker Children, and Jake Muller, the unknown son Albert never knew he had. What this means is that Albert knew how toxic Uroboros was, and that there were likely to be be NO SURVIVORS what so ever.
@felman87 3 года назад
You mention the Wesker children but in RE5, Spencer did make reference to something about them. We never really found out what until Revelation 2, but it was there.
@mistergremm735 3 года назад
and most RE lore and side plots, it got dropped for good
@janmarcoperezbatres2203 3 года назад
@@mistergremm735 Re7 literally forgot everything about the previous games. But Alex Wesker is still alive.
@martmine4618 3 года назад
@@mistergremm735 Jill is barely canon nowadays.
@chrismanning2888 3 года назад
@@martmine4618 Why on earth have they not brought her back for another game? Yet they still keep bringing in Chris, Leon, Claire, etc but not her
@A-1-Sawce 3 года назад
To this day, many, many years later, I don't let my little brother live down that he took Barry's magnum. We're both in our 30's now and it still gets brought up. He was more mortified that you can't reload the magnum than he'd just killed one of my favorite RE characters. I'm gonna slap him upside the head next time I go visit, again.
@Mogget01 3 года назад
There was references to the Wesker children before Revelations 2 (don’t ask me where, I just remember people speculating on Alex before the release of Rev 2). Also, I think in REmake 1, and in Zero, they explain that the three founders all had different goals for their virus research, Spencer’s goal was immortality, while Marcus was trying to create medicine(?) and I always forget the third guys name but I’m pretty sure he was in it for money.
@Lewdology 3 года назад
Man those symphonic boss tracks from RE5 slap so hard.
@jairizard 3 года назад
Winds of Madness STAYS on my playlist!
@SalaComMander 3 года назад
5:48 Hey look, two characters voiced by DC Douglas
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
Lol, and two great roles.
@ИгорьДушкин-ш1к 3 года назад
Wesker might be alive, not only because Capcom can find a way to get him back again(he did die in original RE1 but fans wanted him back), but also there is his voiceline in Umbrella corps, something like "well done solider" and that game set after Re6.
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
Ew, Corps.
@ReeceHoward06 3 года назад
I can headcanon the idea that Wesker backstabbing partners is his idea of them being sacrificial lambs to his "godhood". Its really the only way that character change can work. That and him testing to see how the strong would survive.
@Dinker27 3 года назад
5:51--I'd like to nominate A Pimp Named Slickback up there even if he's not from an anime. D.C. Douglas mentions using Shere Khan for inspiration for Wesker's voice...so what if the one of the reasons why people remember Wesker is Shere Khan's mansona? Truly, a cursed thought. Was not expecting this sucker punch of a video. Goddamn, this is the good shit right here.
@theawesomeike6085 3 года назад
There's only one word to describe Wesker: Weskertastic
@theawesomeike6085 3 года назад
@AT Productions Jack Joyce para usted, mi querido gordeador
@AynniV 3 года назад
Alex Wesker and the Wesker Project weren't retcons that happened in Rev2. Both of them were introduced in documents you can find in RE5. That's the whole motive for why Wesker wants to become a god. He found out that Spencer was trying to be a god and created him. So he believes it's his birthright.
@ViktorKruger99 3 года назад
6:33 so this is why Tomonobu Itagaki wears sunglasses 24/7 ba dum tss
@PokeWeekly 3 года назад
"Except RE6" re6 is an absolute blast to play especially with friends. I do actually recommend giving it a try. Its so over the top and hilarious, but doesnt have the usual pit falls you get in "bad games" where the gameplay is insufferable.
@ChiefMedicPururu 3 года назад
I find it to be overhated.
@slp1857 3 года назад
I really like these almost character analysis videos like with Dante. Can't wait if there are gonna be more of these.
@ksad96 3 года назад
6:52 "If the goal was to make Chris look untrustworthy then it's working" In hindsight, this is an extremely aware understanding of that design from the trailer. This is exactly what you're supposed to feel as Ethan, and it's played out in a sense where Chris is now in Wesker's shoes... And does things very differently.
@livingcorpse5664 3 года назад
Blowing up the mansion was also part of the Umbrella orders he was given, to help them cover up their crimes, he just found it as an easy excuse to fake his death. Great video by the way.
@BigaloMax 3 года назад
Lol complete argorithm satisfaction xD
@emerald_lord2267 3 года назад
ah yes, Albert Wesker, the first character I ever cosplayed...
@pleasecallmedoku7215 3 года назад
ah yes, evil Johnny Bravo, my favorite villain
@SquallNoctisGUX 3 года назад
Alex was mentioned in RE5’s Lost in Nightmares DLC, Revelations 2 was just her first actual appearance
@patrickramune3429 3 года назад
I'm assuming the idea that they were going for in resi 5 is that after the events of cv where wesker basically has super powers, he starts to develop a god complex because he believes himself to be better than all of humanity? Idk though honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing a game that explains what went through Weskers head between cv and 5 to get to that mental state
@TheAccursedHunter01 3 года назад
I'd love to see a video like this for Samus Aran from Metroid. She's had many different suits and designs, both inside and outside of the Power Suit.
@jugadorinferior970 3 года назад
17:50 I'm probably wrong but i feel as if he was trying not to laugh while saying this XD
@Quanatan 3 года назад
I think the Lore behind his overall plan in RE5 (retcon obviously but still) is that as he was genetically altered by Spencer he was superior to most human beings (he had higher IQ, faster, stronger etc.) he felt that everyone was inferior and beneath him, so he could not connect with anyone as they were not his equals, hence he always betrayed everyone, anable to connect with any of his peers, teammates etc. As he also did not receive any affection in his childhood he had major parent issues (basically wanted to be loved and accepted) (basically OG Homelander) That's why he created his plan - to fulfill his 2 goals: 1. To create/find his equals 2. To be loved/appreciated by people (thats why he wants to be a Messiah) At least this is my headcanon based on the Lore. Still my favourite character and Douglas did amazing job with him) Still I wish we get some character development for Chris. He is in a weird place after all the games with major character swings and almost without any charm he had in the beginning.
@nibbanibba5064 3 года назад
If only this video was seven minutes
@maxithalo7796 3 года назад
Actually I think RE4 is loved because at least they still kept to the horror and puzzles roots, it's kinda the perfect accidental balance between spooks and action, because if you pay attention to the game, even before the island, Leon was saying random action catchphrases like crazy, RE5 has a bit of spooks in the first 5 minutes but then everything goes down the drain
@bombadt-yt9818 3 года назад
"..ozwell e spencer was planning for a perfect society of superman since 1960s" now I want resident evil game in cold war era , maybe set in Eastern Bloc
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