
Destiny 2: You Don't Know Anything About Game Engines - Server Issues, DCV, Destiny 3 Talk 

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@benacales409 Год назад
Datto's point of "Devs probably won't change code that isn't broken" is more true in programming then many people will understand.
@wochenende6139 Год назад
well the old saying never change a running system
@betmynamespookedyou4665 Год назад
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
@benacales409 Год назад
Not using the old code just because "its old" leads to infintely more issues then an average Joe will realize.
@quinnhart1557 Год назад
i think people dont realize just how infuriating making new code can be past like 1st year uni arrays lol
@-Alpeter Год назад
​@@JizzSock_ let me guess you probably think changing a code takes like 2 minutes.
@hybridthe0ry1 Год назад
As someone who actually works in the tech industry i am glad you took even a small amount of time to actually learn yourself, you've done more than most and that even goes beyond just the game itself.
@gudgurl Год назад
LOL, you work in some shitty tent in Brazil coding crap, you have no idea what is working on a game studio.
@cooperbeggs6420 Год назад
This is the last term i have before obtaining a degree in computer engineering. I have extensive knowledge in regards to rust, c++/c, and assembly, with experience in c#. So when I see "oh we need a new engine, spaghetti code kekw," it frustrates me because I know those complaining have never maintained legacy code or written oop code.
@st0nedpenguin Год назад
And he's still clueless.
@ToshimonsterRealm Год назад
@@cooperbeggs6420 Learning languages dosent give you insights into this; software engineering design perhaps moreso. Also, working with legacy code is essential. Correct. However, do you really expect legacy code to still be not tested, constrained, wrapped, decorated... I mean, I hate to shit on what you've learnt, as good job getting a degree, however rust, c/c++, c#, and assembly are all a one dimensional viewpoint. They're built from the same thing. For example, when taking a more object based idiom (eg java) to this issue, ideas like proxies, adapters, etc come up. A more functional perspective (eg haskell) implies that it isn't holistic and functionality should be simplified. A more mathematical perspective (eg prolog) implies that there are inconsistencies that need to be verified. A hexagonal architecture is essentially what I'm talking about. software engineering design 101.
@timmybee3669 Год назад
You don’t know anything about game engines though….datto said so.
Год назад
Posting my reply to another video about “Destiny 3” here (I’m a software engineer). Three things about the need for a Destiny 3: 1) Some software engineers love rewrites. If a system is complex enough, they say a rewrite is the solution (rewrite here is “Destiny 3”). But rewrites are typically a non-solution; they may start off great because you are focusing on the core functionality, but once you start addressing the edge cases you end up finding they need the same exceptions you had and thought were just bad code. 2) The only recent issues that look like a systemic problem are the error codes, and those are likely to be caused by a recent change, not an engine issue. 3) New games typically have many more bugs than older games. Destiny 2’s list of known issues is minuscule compared to most games. It’s guaranteed Destiny in a new engine would have many more problems than it has now.
@doomslayer8025 Год назад
A low life that gets paid to play a video game got some under hand money from bungie and now defends every shit thing bungie does. Might not matter to someone who gets free money for playing a game but removing 500$ worth of paid dlc is a big deal and it’s not our faults bungies engine is shit. They are now owned by Sony they are just lazy
@dembro27 Год назад
Agreed. I think the only time a new engine is justified is when the current engine can't support certain features, or if in order to add a new feature, it would take a ton of work and be quite unstable, etc. (not worth it). Otherwise, the time spent working on the current engine means that it will be the smoother and more stable option.
@captaincoblastnoid3464 Год назад
With the beyond light engine upgrade and scripting changes . There is definitely a link on why we will likely not get older missions in the exotic rotation.
@MangoKai Год назад
I don't think that's true. I have no solid proof but I think older exotic missions will come back.
@Lucid00 Год назад
​@@MangoKai I think so too. Even with large overhauls of how the engine works Bungie could just recreate these old stages in the new system. And a lot of the work in terms of audio, textures, models, map layout and planning would mostly be done already in that regard. If anything they'll likely have them be last on their list of returning stage s because of this.
@cjvalentz Год назад
Just look at all the old raids.
@alexbraundelacruz9690 Год назад
@@MangoKai actually, there is and Datto knows it. He can’t say that because he’ll break his NDA, but when Aztecross broke it accidentally, it precisely on this topic.
@trevor0078 Год назад
@@MangoKai it’s not impossible (since they’d have to made from the ground up almost) but take for example outbreak. remember that one spot in duality where ur sliding down? Yeah in there’s one In outbreak I’m pretty sure it designed to kill so with the recent physics changes they’d probably have to revamp a shocking amount due to general changes from old code to gameplay mechanics that would not fit currently.
@rajaken8601 Год назад
As someone who worked to an extent with unity, I once looked into UE4 and it was so completely different, that nothing you know carries over. That in mind, going from a custom engine to a standard one would not only require massive amounts of work, but also break the workflow of the development team. Also I feel like the video explains this problem quite well for non-programmers, Good Job.
@bigbrisk8423 Год назад
Can't explain that to non developers tho lol, I've seen what it takes to swap engines lol, I played runescape alot and when they swapped from osrs to rs2 it wasn't possible to carry your old stuff over to the new game, the game was completely changed lol. All theese "internet developers" don't know much😂😂 glad to see someone who does
@slayemin Год назад
I'm a programmer working in AAA game engines. Most of this was about right, but a few small things to correct: Some game engines give you full access to their engine source code (Unreal Engine). This means that if you had a blocking issue, you don't have to wait on Epic to release a fix, you can just allocate some engineering time to modify the engine to do what you need it to do. This is a huge selling point for Unreal Engine. Unity is a company which makes 100% of its revenue from licensing their engine to game devs, so if the engine source was publicly available, it would affect their bottom line. So, they guard that super closely. When I worked at Facebook, even they couldn't get engine code access even by offering truckloads of cash. If you wanted to switch your game to a different engine, you pretty much have to rebuild it from the ground up. You also have to learn the ins and outs of that new engine. That can be months of ramp up time. You still have the texture, models, animations, sound & music, and all of the raw "art" assets you can reuse, but you'll certainly have to redo all the shaders, particle systems, game logic, user interfaces, etc. You're basically building a new game. The business case working for years to reproduce the same content, which already exists, and you won't make new sales off of... is a really bad business case. Not to mention, QA would need to thoroughly retest absolutely everything again. Is the bug an engine incompatibility issue or a dev implementation issue? If you switch engines, build a new game and expect 6-12 months of ramp up time for your team of cross disciplinary devs to become proficient -- then expect the 3-5 year dev cycle.
@MT-qo6xl Год назад
I can’t understand why even though my Wifi is stable, I still face the connecting server issue from Destiny 2. Does other people also having the same issue even now ? Is my Wifi problem or Bungie poor server problems ? By the way, my WiFi is 2.4ghz
@wesley3300 Год назад
I don’t even play Destiny anymore but boy do I love to hear some brutal honesty from Datto every once in a while
@alekiller2 Год назад
when you say brutal honesty you mean "I need to simp Bungie because if I dont, I'll never be invited again for the secret feedback convention?"
@nazarus1283 Год назад
@@alekiller2 datto is many things but he's no simp for Bungie lmao idk how you take it as simping but my word do you have some self reflection to go through
@ludvig7473 Год назад
​@@alekiller2 get a life
@wesley3300 Год назад
@@alekiller2 lol give me a break
@justifano7046 Год назад
​@@nazarus1283 skimping maybe not. But it's a standard bad faith take of community feedback. Example: Framing the engine complaints as people asking for Bungie to just "copy and paste" destiny into a new engine is just terribly bad faith.
@giverofharmony5491 Год назад
Will never tire of datto dunking on the community, keep doing you man.
@Stasisdrone4827 Год назад
Unironically, it was precisely this kind of talk that made me go into game dev and programming in the first place. If everyone kept saying 'just swap engines' and Bungie apparently wasn't doing this really simple thing, then there had to be an answer as to why. Which was what kickstarted this whole thing in the first place. Your 45 minute conversation with someone about game engines was how I started too, and then proceeded to spend the next couple of years learning these engines and learning how to code. I went to go figure out why, and loved every moment of it too. Turns out, this shit is just insanely complicated.
@thevishyfishy Год назад
I majored in comp sci and work as a software dev now, and let me tell you, game dev is INSANELY complicated
@Spacialvekter Год назад
Stuff like this is why, when I hear someone complain about Bungie fixing specific bugs before others or not fixing the server issues, my first question is, "Have you ever coded anything in your life?".
@Quantum_Magnus Год назад
I honestly felt the exact same way as you and it’s the reason why I went into software development. I now have a greatly newfound respect for game developers and give them a break whenever a bug or glitch comes out or even a server issue here and there.
@josh___something Год назад
Never trust a gamer when they tell you to _simply_ do X, or _JUST_ DO X. Cause if it were that simple, they'd have already been on it.
@spacebunsarah Год назад
Ok, so I have a question, if you know. Obviously a Destiny 3 wouldn’t get a new engine, but wouldn’t there still be a lot of new development and an ability to fix or re-write a lot of the code that’s causing issues? It’s a lot easier to make new things than try to work on all that legacy code from what I’ve been told?
@cpbrew89 Год назад
Honestly, "your takes are bad and you should feel bad" Datto is my favorite Datto lol
@Notdaedalus-nc1qv Год назад
lol same here
@cautiouslycynical9786 Год назад
Right. Cause more money going into this franchise while the Crucible getting laggier is perfectly fine. Or farming for hours for the same two unusable perks is not bad coding either. But hey, simping for Datto is your favorite thing to Datto.
@Notdaedalus-nc1qv Год назад
@@cautiouslycynical9786 :D
@Krohn117 Год назад
Why should anyone feel bad for wanting a better experience in something they paid for lol it being hard isnt our problem
@cpbrew89 Год назад
@@Krohn117 No one should feel bad for wanting a better experience, his point was that simply demanding a new game engine is not going to make that happen.
@girthydawg9829 Год назад
The game Rain World was ported into Unity in mid development, which took them about 2 years to do. Destiny, which is basically 100x as big would take an insane amount of time and effort to port to a different engine
@diddlebop7481 Год назад
AND this is after the game has launched so even harder to do
@linkfain1 Год назад
On a side note that has to do with the footage. On strand titan i noticed you looking around to hit your allies with the tangle for woven mail. You can throw the tangle at them and since you have the aspect equipped for it, the woven mail will pulse twice over the span of 3 seconds i think. So long as you make it into that pulse you'll still pick up woven mail too. It's pretty nice to be able to chuck a tangle at allies ahead of you and pick up the pulsing tangle's woven mail along the way. Lastly, thank you for showing the clutch solo GM completion all the way through. I was on the edge of my seat thinking you were not gonna show the end since it was just background footage lol.
@urazz7739 Год назад
Yeah, it's what I do if I feel there are too many enemies around for me to really kill with the tangle, especially if they are high hp.
@emile04 Год назад
As a game dev student, I really appreciate you doing this. It frustrates me so much how people are never satisfied with the things we create to make them happy.
@CouchCit Год назад
I don't know how yall do it. I once had aspirations to make video games and began teaching myself C++, then I began noticing how ignorant, infuriating and insatiable video game consumers tend to be, more so than consumers of other entertainment media, and it killed my desire.
@pinionification Год назад
@@CouchCit Hell, the consumers are the least of the problems for the poor bastards who get into game design. Good luck finding a company to work for that isn't pure shit.
@bannedmann4469 Год назад
Make em happy? It's for profit, are you that soft in the head? Or should I tell you to cut the crap. Also people are satisfied with good products and services. Maybe you should consider the alternative that Destiny has rarely been that. Fuckin hell, God forbid a paying customer has complaints. Even Datto went out of his way to say the complaints were valid, in this very video.
@jonathanwilliams3713 Год назад
In the same way people are annoyed about a shitty meal prepped by a reckless chef, who charges full price... We get annoyed about shitty deployments thrown out by reckless devs/Bungie leadership. It's not charity work. Devs may make games for people to love, but they're charging money that we put work in to earn.
@emile04 Год назад
@@jonathanwilliams3713 People make the choice to buy it tho. At this time, if anyone is not satisfied with the way the product is delivered (and it has been the same way for years), do not buy it or assume your purchase. On the other hand, bungie should be more transparent about the state of the game for sure.
@Brwitunsky Год назад
This has been the most entertaining video coming from someone who went to school for game design. I have these debates with friends all the time and I try to tell them I went to school, studies game design and how the whole thing works. Also big praise about how players have 0 agency outside of reporting. I hate when people who have no idea what it's like to work at, with or around the engine let alone working in a game company in general and thinking they have an iron proof solution.
@jordanbarnhart8548 Год назад
At about 17:45 where you ask if we’d rather have old content or new content; with what happened with lightfall, I’d say I honestly want my old content back. And the reason people want a destiny 3 is because the game was at capacity and they took away tons of our shit that we paid for. You say “oh well what about the people that paid micro transactions for d2 but what about the people that paid for the CONTENT?
@aidenreed680 Год назад
That would also include that as well since I can bet alot of people would want their armor and weapons that they have on their character and vault which includes all of the weapons from release to now, along with everything everyone bought which may look easy but is probably not and won't be here in a long ass time
@wy100101 Год назад
This is the biggest W I've seen this week. As someone who has been in software dev for 30 years in everything from AAA game companies, and FAANGs to fortune 500s and startups. The community has every right to be frustrated, but the community has shown that they think they are experts in a domain that they clearly aren't. Do I know what Bungie should do? No and neither does anyone who hasn't seen the code base.
yeah, i've just graduated in iT, and even with my understanding ( albeit small, but vastly bigger than half of reddit or so it seems ) i can understand that those problems have nothing to do with doing a switch in engine, which would be such a killer move ... for the game that is Seeing people complain about engine and "spaghetti code" like they know the world about it is hella infuriating
@TheAcidicMolotov Год назад
Dont think anyone is an expert, but they know enough to want their yearly money worth it
@doomslayer8025 Год назад
A low life that gets paid to play a video game got some under hand money from bungie and now defends every shit thing bungie does. Might not matter to someone who gets free money for playing a game but removing 500$ worth of paid dlc is a big deal and it’s not our faults bungies engine is shit. They are now owned by Sony they are just lazy
@Blanktester685 Год назад
how do you know its not an engine problem when you just admitted you don't know the problem...
@@Blanktester685 knowing it got nothing to do with engine doesn't imply knowing what causes the problem
@j.b.1903 Год назад
I’ve watched every video you’ve ever made about Destiny, many of them multiple times, and this might be my favorite. Any reasonable, thoughtful player should be positively overwhelmed when they consider the amount of work that goes into designing and programming this game, and the constant suggestion that every issue, especially technical ones, are due to incompetence is exhausting, and often clogs up or derails the discourse in the few places where players can actually gather to talk about this game. Thank you for making this video, Datto.
@emPtysp4ce Год назад
The more I grow as a professional software dev, the more fascinated I am at the technical side of video games and the more amazed I am that any are stable at all.
@just.a.jester8233 Год назад
I feel it would be the opposite of what you said. It's like stripping the car of everything (the games content) and trying to jigsaw it onto a smaller, stronger, faster chassis/frame (the game engine) It MIGHT fit, but it would look garbage, probably fall apart, and will DEFINITELY COST YOU A LOT IN REPAIRS, which is a huge thing that people don't think about
@FalloutPlays Год назад
Unhinged Datto > Elitist Datto 😂
@reev3417 Год назад
THANKYOU DATTO!!! As someone who does light game dev as a hobby, I *REALLY* appreciate this video.
@collynsmith5432 Год назад
Ppl can have thier opinions all they want but I think we all can agree that shit needs to change the game has been slowly falling apart for about a year and a half now with no real look on when it can end simple as that
@vantablack949 Год назад
@@bl0rt0 this last year has by far been the most unstable year in the history of the game. Undeniable.
@slimbingi1470 Год назад
Genuinely asking, if the issues we are experiencing are extremely difficult to fix and there is reasonably no clear solution, then how can Bungie move forward? From all sides it just seems like it's a "the only way to win is to not play" situation because its only natural that Bungie needs to keep the proverbial Destiny 2 ball rolling all the while. I'm only starting to learn about development as a whole so don't blow my brains out here
@sauceinmyface9302 Год назад
I think Bungie will fix some of the issues, leave us to deal with the smaller ones, and continue with new content because that's what MMOs do. They tend to be good at fixing game killing issues, like character deletion, crashes, laggy destinations. Smaller stuff, like instant death phalanxes, or fps affecting stuff, will just be part of the game, unless it becomes a pressing issue.
@sugar5374 Год назад
The same as any software developer does: Fix important bugs, leave the rest alone. Every piece of software has bugs usually a LOT of them. No team can fix most of them in a reasonable time so they prioritize the ones affecting the most players negatively.
@JoelThomasActual Год назад
A long time ago I remember Frank O’Connor saying something like “The problem with sequels is that they need to be exactly the same, but infinitely better”.
@stretchosaurus Год назад
In the AMA with David Aldridge linked in the description, someone asked a question that sparked this response: "Most fun project - probably the post-destiny2 engine development effort - intended for a future destiny game, but was eventually refactored and folded back into destiny 2. The team made huge improvements to the engine which were key to enabling D2 and the D2 team to operate at the scale they are today." TL;DR: We already got the Destiny 3 engine.
@nimblebyte Год назад
You can’t say something like this. What will people complain about now?
@mrravinraven Год назад
​@NimbleByte Hopefully their own stupidity, but you can't expect people to be self aware
@Mizznimal Год назад
TL;DR: We already got the Destiny 3 engine. Based on what? An effort they DIDN'T finish? How on earth would a half functioning relight of the current engine be considered the destiny 3 engine. We got the skeleton of it at best. Also do you know what "refactoring" is? They probably had to "refactor" half of the new engine (i.e improved) stuff out to fit the old engine. You don't just work backwards like that and expect it to be viable.
@ProfligateGhost Год назад
Well between that and the servers it's woefully inefficient
@asystematec Год назад
Very good video. BUT towards the end all I could focus on was whether Datto was going to save the GM with zero revives and being the only fire team member left!
@TheXtreme615 Год назад
Same lol
@thevishyfishy Год назад
as a software dev, thank you for making this video. Its so hard to explain to people how stupid they sound when they say things like "just fix the bugs" or "just upgrade the engine". also, I'm pretty certain CoD is so huge because it just has tons of high res, uncompressed audio and video in multiple languages.
@MagnaTurban Год назад
Similar thing in Tekken 7, the video files are absolutely massive. The core game is probably only 30GB but with the videos it’s closer to 80GB
@glitchsample Год назад
Probably my favorite Datto video in a while honestly.
@weacro Год назад
So here's the deal as a software dev myself. The issue isn't the servers or the engine. It's the mentality of the lead developers and the marketing teams. Since Destiny's inception there had been a cycle of developing fixes and then selling those fixes. In every season or expansion drop bungie breaks something or changes something that doesn't need to change. Then when everyone complains they then market the fixes for the next season. There are a ton of examples over the past 8 years. Vault space, LFG, sunsetting, reducing PVP size, armor 2.0. Destiny isn't a game that is meant to be good. It's meant to just good enough to have you wanting more. And that's how they suckered players for years into buying to season and expansions that are Half done
@mchinZR Год назад
Bungie holds secret summits with its content creators " datto " : I don't know what goes on at bungie 😂
@BenjaminHB Год назад
Here’s something I actually do feel qualified to tell Bungie: I would be ok with changes coming out at a slower rate to allow for more QA. I think it is “as easy” as that in terms of avoiding rushed patches that break the game for a week and then are themselves patched up.
@riderplaysyt Год назад
this is going to be good
@voidrendx6601 Год назад
correction: it was better then good, it was goddamn magical to hear him get so pissed XD
@joegita Год назад
The title of this video should be Datto makes his case for D3
@sour93 Год назад
So Is this an attack against azteccross cause he's the one that brought up the new engine... you're essentially arguing the people that agree with him
@trancelabsx Год назад
There's a few
@doomslayer8025 Год назад
A low life that gets paid to play a video game got some under hand money from bungie and now defends every shit thing bungie does. Might not matter to someone who gets free money for playing a game but removing 500$ worth of paid dlc is a big deal and it’s not our faults bungies engine is shit. They are now owned by Sony they are just lazy
@tehblanketyblank8776 Год назад
I wanna say, even when cross says "Quiet '#' the 11s are talking!" I think he's low key trolling. Would suck if cross' tomfoolery actually melded his chats braincells to construct bs
@life-destiny1196 Год назад
@@tehblanketyblank8776 Not a problem specific to Destiny, but there are plenty of content creators out there who behave in a way that is socially acceptable in context but socially unacceptable out of context. Waving around Guardian Ranks as a form of elitism is an intentional joke about the flaws of the system and about elitism itself generally, but if you have 1000 people watching you and 1% of them don't get the joke, those ten people will take it as encouragement to harass other people. Happens all the time.
@ADTR9043 Год назад
I agree with everything Datto says here. However, I think one of the reasons that older content isn't played is because the pinnacle/powerful reward structure is removed when something new came in. If empire hunts, wellsprings, etc. still have pinnacles, those pieces of content would still be played, even years later. Sometimes, just going after the gear isn't enough. Just my thoughts.
@QuiffBoy Год назад
Thank you. So much yes. This is just as correct today (especially as the servers are down right now!) as it was last month.
@darkrinshade4363 Год назад
Someone please take this video, cut out all of the annoyed bits and digs at the community , and give is the 5 minute long explanation that "you can't move a full game to a new engine with a snap of your fingers and your connection issues are server based, not engine based" please
@navster100 Год назад
People tend to forget what d1 was like and all the quality of life upgrades we got in d2 and get swept up by nostalgia
@traviswilliams2348 Год назад
This was probably the most satisfying destiny video ever made. You tell em. Holy shit you put it into words, everything annoying me rn about the community. Clear and concise and well thought out.
@EvanC8 Год назад
Sounds like you need to go outside and touch grass if it Botox so much. Like who cares about any of this.
@RealSpheal Год назад
My biggest complaint and issue with this video!: I didn't get to see the loot at the end...😢
@zackphy Год назад
I've been telling ppl forever that Destiny wouldn't feel like Destiny if it was made in another engine. And also saying server issues have nothing to do with the engine either, the amount of ppl I hear saying the servers are crap, or they're down again, and we need a new engine is crazy.
@gabrielpirch1186 Год назад
A big thing is that a lot of these issues that we do see pop up come directly from them adding new content to the game or changing things about the games systems. The reason why we see things like audio issues is almost guaranteed to be directly related to either them trying to upgrade the audio to better support 3d audio and take advantage of new tech developments, OR is caused by those things being updated and breaking the compatibility with D2s integration with them. The reason why we see Radiant and Volatile from some sources not dealing with champs is because those interactions have to be explicitly programmed, because the alternative is your arbalest losing its anti barrier because your radiant went away. If I had to guess why we had people not properly loading in for each other and looking invisible Id wager its because the files that dictate our guardians appearance are constantly expanding, and whenever they add something new like titles or GR and one packet gets lost on it way from Costa Rica to California suddenly your character is invisible until they can patch in a failsafe. A lot of people complain about them not testing things or not having enough QA, the reality is time, they're pushing things out when they feel comfortable that the bugs that haven't been found haven't been found because they aren't causing crashes or they're edge cases. The alternative is us waiting MUCH longer for a game with slightly fewer issues, or us getting the amount of content were getting now at the same speed, but no new exotics, subclasses, buffs, debuffs, weapon perks, ect... because each one of those is a new piece of code that can introduce problems when interacting with other things. The thing that Im actually upset about in regards to the most recent patch is the nerfs, Stand Grapple getting axed, No multiple finisher mods, Glaive nerfs. It sucks learning about or finding a new interesting interaction and enjoying it enough to develop a build around it JUST for it to get nerfed to not work. If something is dealing too much damage or giving too big of a buff then fine tone the number down, but a lot of these things getting nerfed aren't gamebreaking and require sacrifices from other areas of your build, These are interesting choices that you're taking away from the player pushing them into running one generic best loadout, and that sucks.
@Stunni Год назад
I trade kills in this game more than legitimately every game I’ve ever played aside from D1. Whatever they need to do to fix that dumb shit needs to happen.
@wesleyhudson8382 Год назад
I've spent my life working in my two areas of passion, firefighting and I.T. I know, odd combo. But as a programmer, I can 100% respect everything said here. I was never a fan of Datto until today. Subbed.
@TheMrMayo Год назад
I'm just going to respect the fact that anyone willingly worked both in firefighting and I.T. as a combo, let alone individually. People like you really deserve a refreshing beverage and a medal. Much respect!
@AnAverageGamer1 Год назад
As a (non-game developer) software engineer, I'm going to watch this video on repeat as I browse social media groups that discuss game issues for the rest of my life.
@nimblebyte Год назад
As a fellow non-game software engineer, this video was very refreshing. Simple explanations of what the problems are without going into much depth.
@CorruptedPurity Год назад
I hope in 10 to 20 years Bungie can release a story driven reimagining (or retelling) of Detiny's story. Just a 20 to 30 hour campaign that masterfully reworks all the story experiences from beginning to end.
@Random-th7wm Год назад
The D2 story is pretty mid and based around selling seasonal passes, not sure a campaign focused game would be worth it
@CosmoBuns Год назад
The clutch for the gm in the background had 90% of my attention ngl
@KillaWhael Год назад
Bro I couldn't even pay attention to what he was saying towards the end bc that last cut of gameplay was so stressful gg
@KrashTheMusician Год назад
I love how datto acts like developer laziness doesn't exist and no I don't care how much work it takes to build a new engine. Bungie sunsets content we've paid for plus nickel and dime us with the eververse store. Then have the nerve to sale us a half hearted expansion with a new sub class that was originally meant for witch queen. If a company loves and cares about what they do, then making a quality product for paying consumers, some who have supported you for years is not a problem and definitely isn't met with excuses and the most environmentally friendly recycled content ever. Datto you are entitled to your opinion but so are the gamers that have literally kept this game alive and relevant for 10 years. BUNGIE IS BEING LAZY AND COMFORTABLE. You know what other games are like that ( madden, 2k games, fifa franchise, ). I bet if another game better than destiny comes out ( a real destiny killer) alot of problems would get fixed alot quicker and the quality of the game would increase exponentially.
@TheZeug Год назад
They can't change the engine, but if they really want to support the game longer they'll have to deal with the massive technical debt of the game. If not, game will just explode. This is not a take, it's reality. In its current stat, Bungie can't support Destiny for many years like they pretend they'll do.
@diggerthecornflake Год назад
I favorite thing is in the description Datto has a link to the bungie career page. Freaking brilliant.
@arrynchaos9912 Год назад
So things are unlikely to happen so they are valid arguments. You cant be serious.
@vallelchuk3114 Год назад
i think its funny that d2 is still using the tiger engine from halo and halo itself is changing to unreal lmao.
@roninswicked Год назад
The fact people are even insinuating we need a Destiny 3 after the fucking hissy fit a lot of them threw when Destiny 2 was announced is beyond insane, and it's even more insane that they have no clue what they're talking about whatso-fucking-ever
@helmsruss Год назад
My issue is that some LF release it appears that Bungie does not QA and test their game at all
@chrisocream9517 Год назад
no cause they like to take out old content and bring it back and say its new content
@verpine95 Год назад
Genuinely loving the energy in this video. Also the only reason I want a d3 would be because i want to play as an eliksni or cabal and i just know that'd need a whole new game for it
@Mechanomly Год назад
I mean... no, not necessarily. It'd take a long time creating assets specifically for player-controlled Cabal or Eliksni that work with the engine but that's it. New playable characters don't at all need a whole new game, look at mobas.
@XxPARTYBEARxX Год назад
Honestly! I would also like to hear from a railroad engineer about how to maintain rail tracks, since Bungie still busy deploying trains.
@jimm5754 Год назад
One point to remember with the DCV. 5% of space and near 0% play time is partially because many of the bounties, quests, and other seasonal stories force you into very specific game modes. Good example. This season the only reason I've touched lost sectors is because of guardian ranks and story quests. If you don't play every day, but you want to keep up on the story, you have to follow their guidelines and only then can you go back and do other content.
@sauceinmyface9302 Год назад
I think there's a limit to how much you can get a community to play old content. Refreshing loot, adding rotators, and rewards like pinnacles are nice and all, but players aren't like that. People are tired of seasonal activities after a month or two. Same for new raids. We generally do a bit of the old content, maybe for nostalgia or because it's rotated with nightfalls or raid rotator, but the wow moments come from what's new, whether it be story, environments, or even reimaginings of the old, like reprised raids.
@jimm5754 Год назад
@@sauceinmyface9302 Don't disagree, but I was inconsistent the first few years of D2, but the summer before the DCV happened I was able to catch up on most of the old content. Not all, but most. I still wish I could finish some of that, but I understand that probably won't happen.
@Pontooniak96 Год назад
@Crunch Bar I started with Beyond Light, have never run it, and would like to. Bungie could add craftable loot with random rolls. Bungie could add a new exotic. Bungie could give it challenges and a seal to grind for. Bungie could give it new ornaments to grind for. Bungie could give it adept loot. There’s six potential reasons to re-run Leviathan.
@casstr_ Год назад
Software engineer here - thank you for saying politely what I scream out whenever I see those idiotic takes on the internet. It's hard enough to develop software without the pressures of live service game with clockwork content updates, and I do not envy D2 dev team the position they are in.
@AlanTheTrueGuff Год назад
Great way to put it Datto. I work in Aviation Engineering and I can't tell you how frustrating it is to try and explain things that are commonplace to me, to people who think they know what they're talking about but clearly don't. Sony would not have bought Bungie for more money than all of us combined will ever make if they had no idea what they were doing. There is no other game like Destiny, not even close. Things will get better and worse and then better again that's the reality of a live game. Keep up the hard work Datto.
@SFGiantsFan2482 Год назад
I don't know anything about game engines. I do know that Bungie was purchased by Sony for $3.6B. I do know that during the last year or so we've had way more server/technical issues than in the past. I do know that Bungie employees need to do their jobs. If they can't, go find another profession and Sony will find someone who can do the job.
@bradenamos810 Год назад
As a SysOps Admin, the fix the best I could guess is to spend the money on higher tick rate dedicated servers. The engine is fine, it's not broken. The servers being the issue also comes with a massive host of issues when it comes to protecting IP and data security. The amount of time that it would take to update even just update the YAML or JSON consumers inside the engine that we have now would take YEARS. I feel for Bungie as someone who joined a company with a HUGE amount technical debt, they have quite a bit but I'm sure that server solutions are on the forefront of their mind. I wish them the best of luck
@TheSoulWithin7 Год назад
Heres some constructive criticism from a destiny 1 vet who skipped destiny 2 til literally last night so i have no stake in this HUMBLE YOURSELF, your antagonist approach is unnecessary & makes you unwatchable
@BlackMageX15 Год назад
The #1 thing bungie could do/have done is just say "we're aware of the server issues that have been an issue since LF release, we understand it's frustrating, and we're working to lessen these issues and prevent crashes/game errors. That's it. They work hard at what they do, and put in a lot of effort and time and sweat into this game/the server. The only real issue I've had with it is the lack of communication, which bungie is known best for.
@stonecoldslate Год назад
But they have, dude. Since LF the bug issues list on their website and Twitter posts has updated almost every 4 days.
@Cross31415 Год назад
You say that, Jo, but if every TWAB contained apologies about whatever wasn't working right that week, wouldn't it at best become white noise or at worst seem passive-aggressive?
@BomberTank Год назад
DATTO STOP IT! YOU'RE MAKING TOO MUCH SENSE . But seriously, thanks for the video and info. Really enjoyed listening to this.
@DillonMagreveous Год назад
the irony here
@nyctophobia5885 Год назад
The only problem that I have with bungie - is that legendary shards bug that made us happy got fixed in 1 day, but the bugs that affect new and old player experience stay soo long, that people already forget about the existence of them
@OrignalElidest Год назад
Ones easier to fix than the others.
@Red1.-744 Год назад
Love the video. Thank you for giving a summary. Got tired of defending this stuff from people who has no idea of the complexity in the complete process.
@TheAcidicMolotov Год назад
When you yourself dont know the complex complete process
@Blanktester685 Год назад
then why don't you elaborate and educate people instead of attacking them?
@Red1.-744 Год назад
I do. But there is no shortage of people who don't want to listen and just want to complain:3. For example, some comments in this video.
@Red1.-744 Год назад
@@TheAcidicMolotov trueeee
@relly66112 Год назад
Like Shaxx said: "fantastic work!"
@iraqnid5013 Год назад
finally a rational take
@Partuv Год назад
May have not heard, but the DCV, while still working, is not as powerful taking content out as it was. Yes, with Beyond Light we removed 4 planets (Io, Titan, Mercury and Mars), but since then we got Europa, Savathun's Throne World, Neptune and Cosmodrome. Is this relevant? Maybe, maybe not, but what I'm saying is that we're getting close to having close to same content as we had prior to DCV bring a thing. I was personally expecting Nessus to go away with LightFall, to counter the planet exploration portion of Neptune, but that's not the case. Additional to the fact that sunset is no longer a thing with weapons, we could probably have again an issue with weapons that have strange aspects and bring some strange shenanigans with it. The sunset existed for a reason, and I don't think it was just to sunset broken weapons such as Recluse or mountaintop.... This is full theory, and may not be related with the server issues at all, but it's something to take into consideration.
@starwatcherusa Год назад
Datto mentioned Unreal Tournament let's gooooooo
@ChaosLoungeGaming Год назад
All i took from this rambling is Bungie is a indie develeoper and not a company with the backing of Sony now. Unable to grow the team, expand or do better. Just expect the same.
@memely_dayz5833 Год назад
I think bungie needs to do what siege did a while ago with operation health, take a season off from entirety new content to just have the programmers fix stuff without having to worry about implementing new stuff
@macho8240 Год назад
Thank you! It's so hilarious when people act like they know how game engines work when they don't even know what takes place in game development. "JuST CreAtE a NeW eNgIne bRo" like that's gonna be possible in a few months or even a few years. Actual clowns in the community.
@waataking1300 Год назад
You know one thing i thought about when people say what would be the point in making a d3 if our stuff carried over. Well tbh you already answered that earlier, the game can't handle having so much content at once. Vaulting should have never been the solution, while i understand why as a company they did it its still scummy as all hell and essentially scamming the consumer
@tannermiller3967 Год назад
Grab some popcorn because someone really got Datto but hurt in this video.
@psykology9299 Год назад
Bungie "our game engine sucks" Gamers "so change it? Or fix it?" Bungie "no that would be work but hey we gonna still charge you full price for Forsaken and increase our other prices without increasing the value of our product at all in fact we're actively going to take away stuff you paid for and dont you dare bitch about it"
@Peter-os7nk Год назад
So many Bungo Dick riders in the comments. I don't care how complex it is, if you can't provide full service, then don't offer it so I can take my money elsewhere.
@baklojan5933 4 месяца назад
​@@Peter-os7nknobody told you to give bungie money
@N00bie666 Год назад
I do actually know more than most about game engines having worked with every publicly available mainstream engine to date. Swapping engines isn't even on the radar of a valid solution. it wont fox anything and it could take upwards of 4+ years for a game the size of D2 (That's a ballpark timeframe based on experience with other engines. I have NOT worked with the D2 engine).so what's the actual problem then? its a mix of things. you cant just add things to a game forever. it doesn't work like that. there will be problems, there will be bugs and they will take time to fix. I would also like to make it clear that the engine upgrade, while better for performance COULD have made things significantly more complicated. coding is hard and if you, the reader, don't know nothin about nothin, keep your mouth shut. ALL OF THAT SAID. as someone who has worked extensively with game engines, Bungie HAS to be dragging their heels/ignoring some bugs. it is entirely unacceptable that there are bugs that have been in the game for literally years. I've also worked with large servers professionally for a large corporation (Just because I know I'm going to get the comment, no I cannot divulge what company as I'm under an NDA until the company is no longer in business) and I can safely say that their servers are not being run and maintained properly. extended maintenances are one thing, annoying sure, but I understand it. constant error codes on the other hand are a loud cry from the server saying something isn't right. the error codes have been happening for years which tells me that for years the servers have been mismanaged. errors once in a while are one thing, but errors every week? nah. As for the "Destiny 3" argument, the fact that you even had to talk about it says a lot about how absolutely braindead the community can be at times. Content vault sucks, yes, and I haven't worked with D2's engine but I can say that porting content just from a previous VERSION of something like unreal to a new version can be an absolute nightmare and realistically often isn't worth the time.
@Eric-wn6nu Год назад
couldn’t have said it better literally
@MalayThakkar Год назад
Didn’t know datto was a game developer himself
@Ponchoman098 Год назад
unhinged, relentless and just absolutely done datto is so entertaining. love it
@Napzie Год назад
It's really just something players are daydreaming about. I think everyone knows it would be way too complex to pull off
@Oni_Evergarden Год назад
It's more like how Aztecross makes a video every month talking about how D2 is dying and in it's past breaths and how a new Engine + D3 will fix everything. Yeh daydreaming but pretending like thats the only way to fix D2
@ShaoShaoMienshao Год назад
Its a sign of poor player satisfaction and poor performance on Bungie's part.
@jasonmarkou9974 Год назад
So if the engine is Not the problem and as you stated it is Bungie's servers that are Not up to par.......follow me.....Why does Bungie NOT BOTHER TO UPGRADE THE SERVERS TO HAVE A SECURE CONNECTION AND NO LAG for the players that play the game????? hmm...sounds like rocket science and I didn't even speak to an IT expert.
@Kitsune113 Год назад
Now imagine 343 dropping their engine and swapping to unreal…how wild
@_Fryce_ Год назад
Its always funny to me when big content creators come out and trash talk the community that they helped make
@YaBoiPaladin Год назад
It's the e-celeb mindset
@CHRONicleXVII Год назад
Hey, just wanted to say that while I agree with the point you are making, when you tried the analogy of taking a car engine and putting it in a motorcycle, it kind of falls flat. Boss Hoss motorcycles have been around since 1990 and are literally what you described, a motorcycle, that functions like a motorcycle, with a car's engine. That covers can you question, as for should you do it, why not? They run faster are more fun to ride. For the is it still a motorcycle part, absolutely, it looks like, runs like, sounds like, and it rides like a motorcycle, so I would say it is still a motorcycle. Your analogy should have been the other way around, taking a broken car, removing its engine and putting a motorcycle engine in it, then expecting it to just work without issue.
@HK-ve5qc Год назад
It’d be funny if they announced a new engine tomorrow
@DankeyChang Год назад
Finally, the opinion I ordered
@SpaceAgeWolf Год назад
It’s very rarely that I agree with Datto, but this time we are on the exact same page. Points in my book.
@freedomphallus4372 Год назад
No matter how much we enjoy the game, you have to admit it's in a terrible state and all the backlash is warranted. Even elitist datto can be wrong at times.
@liesyandy Год назад
You're not wrong. People can be frustrated or upset. Absolutely. But "internet experts" telling Bungie what to do, and how to do it isn't helping in any way, and that's the key thing people need to grasp from this. Bungie know more about the back end of DESTINY than EVERY other player, no matter how knowledgeable said player thinks he or she is.
@dillonryan2236 Год назад
When Datto said “if you think it’s that easy I got a place for you to go and it’s linked in the description” I wasn’t quite sure what he meant and as soon as I saw a link to Bungie’s career page I nearly lost it 😂😂😂😂
@Quantum_Magnus Год назад
Lol same. Take that, people who think they’re the best programmers in the world!
@epicaddis87 Год назад
Literally crying from laughter right now 😂
@seanwalsh7264 Год назад
Same I was curious so I just had to look
@Quaaludio Год назад
Who the fuck would want to work there? You seen how they treat their employees?
@stewmeat92 Год назад
Datto just ran game on you kids and you failed for it of course he's going to make excuses destiny is how he gets paid. The engine is 30 years old what 30 year old hardware man made any of you know that doesn't need replacing and this engine runs all the time no breaks.
@kausmedia1526 Год назад
I think the most important takeaway from this video is that Datto could fit this whole rant in a single run of the Mars Battleground Nightfall 💀
@thesuperCJS Год назад
Ayo deadass and I wish I had teammates that were capable to run this 😊
@klor81507 Год назад
it were 2 runs, cut together, tho.
@moosemusicofficial Год назад
​@Christopher Calhoun It's really not hard I'd be happy to run it with you.
@donutmaster0 Год назад
I wish people would just shoot ads lmao
@wxl2562 Год назад
​@@donutmaster0 guys who enjoy doing ad clear because they can't do the other parts of PvE content: "Is for me?" 🥺 👉 👈
@FinnKaiden Год назад
The car analogy was close but rather than take the engine out, it's like stripping off every single piece of the car until only the chassis remained, then trying to fit on parts from a completely different make and model
@adishankar8026 Год назад
Totally agree, the a new engine would be like remapping all of destiny's very complex interactions into that new engine's configurations. Needless to say, insanely complex for no reason.
@stevedolan8095 Год назад
This is the correct analogy.
@PixelTrooper Год назад
Its more like having an old ferrari (which you understand but has some issues), but then buying a new toyota and try to recreate the driving feel of that old ferrari in the toyota. Can you do it? maybe you can get close, but it would take a fuckton of work.
@radamanthys0223 Год назад
🤔 I feel the more accurate one would be getting a brand new shiny chassis and then taking everything else from the old car and somehow trying to make it fit on it and then being able to drive off with the thing (hopefully) not falling apart
@TrebbleMelodyScratch Год назад
As for the network people who cry about poor connection. Imagine the car being sent to one piece at a time, and you at (exaggerated) the speed of light are expected to build that car as fast as you're getting the parts. Not to mention how some parts may take longer then others due to something getting in the way somewhere along it's path. That's how packets work for Networking.
@oomantl3yoo693 Год назад
I love the fact that datto is in a place where he can make money off of telling people he's tired of them looking to him to validate their thoughts about destiny.
@st0nedpenguin Год назад
I love the fact that his video is complete gargage.
@gavo7911 Год назад
@@st0nedpenguin Why, cuz someone had the balls to say that all this engine talk is completely stupid?
@Pandadoxical Год назад
​@@st0nedpenguin - Someone who has never touched a line of code in their life
@AvengingN00b Год назад
@@gavo7911 Cmon don't be mean, Alex was really pbviously betting on that unreal 5 destiny 2 remaster LOL
@akilh340 Год назад
@Jaaxfo Год назад
To further Datto's point about migration complexity Satisfactory by Coffee Stain Studios is moving from UE4 to UE5. They talk a lot about what small modifications to the engine they have made, and how many people and how long they were working on the upgrade. While the team investigating the feasibility was small, it is worth keeping in mind how limited their customizations were. This all in mind, it has been months, even a year since they started looking into the upgrade to when they announced that they were going to do it. And that is UE4 to UE5, with a near ideal candidate for uplift. Moving a game like D2 to a completely different engine would be worlds apart more complicated. I am a software dev, not for gaming but for another industry. I am working on an application that replaces a legacy application used by all of our clients. This application is nowhere near the complexity of D2, yet has taken us YEARS to get to the point where it can replace the legacy app for the majority of our clients. Every time I see the community complain about the speed of Bungie disabling an exploit vs the speed of patching a bug that is hurting them it kills me. Even from the outside, I know that the two are no where near the same level of complexity, and I can't even always gauge how long it will take me to fix a bug in my own code because I'll think it's something simple but it ends up being something complex and dependent on some bit of legacy code that is used all over the place, and only in this one context does it break. And that's when I have access to the code! I don't have access to the D2 code, and couldn't imagine what layers I would need to unravel to fix any given bug because I can only guess at the interactions that might be causing it. I get that it sucks when something that benefits us gets disabled quickly, yet something that hurts us takes time. But that happens often because the things that do benefit us like the shard exploit CAN be disabled by toggling a switch. Notice that the Vorpal bug has been around for a long time, that benefits us and it's still not patched, nor is it disabled because it can't be disabled without disabling every weapon in the game that has the trait. The same thing goes for things that hurt us, they usually don't take the form of something that can be easily switched off. I get that it sucks, I get that there is this desire to balance good bugs with bad bugs, and I do think that Bungie could do a bit better about addressing timelines to resolution or internal priorities about what is getting fixed, but it must be understood that easy "fixes" will almost always get prioritized over more complex ones simply because they are simple
@st0nedpenguin Год назад
The thing is, nobody is expecting Bungie to ship a new engine tomorrow. Nobody has said it's a quick easy effort. Datto's entire video is arguing against things nobody is asking for.
@ynot7063 Год назад
@@st0nedpenguin datto’s point is that making a new engine or porting D2 to one would take an insane amount of resources. his analogy about putting a car engine into a motorcycle was not as apt as it could have been. its more like doing that while moving at 60 miles per hour. in order to make changes on that scale, bungie would have to stop all development on destiny 2, which they have already said they aren’t going to do. its a non-starter
@cimirie01 Год назад
@@st0nedpenguin You don’t spend much time on Reddit, do you. Datto’s entire argument is refuting what MOST keyboard warriors on Reddit are absolutely asking for.
@jeffmuller1489 Год назад
Yep, I used to build websites. I know what you're saying. They think they're wasting resources patching exploits instead of fixing bugs but I'm sure they're different departments at Bungie.
@benwaardenburg Год назад
@@lostsurferjames5 I think it’s the communities you are involved in, I left the Destiny subreddits cause they were ruining the game for me, I just stick with cat subreddits and stuff about space.
@WhizXGames Год назад
guy who works with engines here! this was like scratching an itch i cannot reach. thank you datto for educating the masses
@spazalicious5208 Год назад
profile pic related
@adamdeleon2776 Год назад
I’m a full stack web dev. I’m curious to what your thoughts are about Bungie’s QA team or process given the amount of bugs being reported by end users?
@DarkCynder Год назад
somethingsomething. Reee how dare you not be able to make a engine in a week for free reee. Seriously the sheer amount of crunch and numbers and man hours would be atrocious. But I do hope management not the devs make some decisions to hope leviate some issues the last 3 weeks.
@doomslayer8025 Год назад
Doesn’t matter they are owned by a multi billion dollar company they are just lazy. File size doesn’t matter Jedi survivor is 155gb and is a 10/10
@rexthewolf3149 Год назад
@@doomslayer8025 single player games get far more technical development time that multi player games. Especially a live service one.
@xcrucialbladex3801 Год назад
Thanks to the link in the description, I now work at Bungie and can put my degree in "I know better" to use and help the developers learn what's what.
@JTB-1 Год назад
Good, we need someone like you
@frauasyl Год назад
As if bungie would listen to anyone that isn't "the old guard". Regardless of whether it's a good idea or bad idea. I've seen firsthand their work structure and it is reminiscent of the worst parts of valve and current blizzard with none of the good parts.
@monty58 Год назад
​@@frauasylthe one I hate the most is the refusal to let the game run on Linux. They don't even need to actively support it, it already runs on proton, and their anticheat supports Linux, they just refuse to enable it.
@lemon1797 Год назад
@@monty58 Why do you think they "refuse to let it run", as if it can run but they don't want it to for no reason. Do you not think that such a small number of people play it on Linux that it just isn't worth the time. It would have to be a coordinated effort, and nobody up high is gonna say "yeah that seems like a reasonable use of time, to catar to the 0.1% of players who play on Linux"
@monty58 Год назад
@@lemon1797 because there is no "time" or "coordinated effort". The game already runs on Proton, they just have to not ban people who try to play it on proton. Battleye will do that for them. They already fully support Linux and Proton. If it was because it wasn't worth the effort, sure, that'd be fine. They could say that and most of us would begrudgingly accept it, but they haven't said anything. Instead they've said hey, if you try to play on the Steam Deck or through Proton, you'll get banned.
@espritdraco Год назад
As a programmer and developer, this entire video actually had me laughing because of how obvious some of this is to me. Great information, Datto. Thank you for taking the time to make this video
@skeletor8951 Год назад
I'm not even that, most experience I have is like... GameMaker coding in HS. And so much of this had me like "...do people really not understand this? If you even know what an engine IS you should know this."
@flamingscar5263 Год назад
im not even a dev and feel the same way, the closet to dev experience I have is very basic HTML web pages and some python knowledge, and even I know that things are complex
@urazz7739 Год назад
I'm not a developer or programmer and even I knew the engine couldn't be changed easily right now. I'm also not really seeing arguments that Bungie needs to change the engine 'right now!!!' but more that people are pointing out that Destiny 3 should've been made years ago but Bungie decided to keep Destiny 2 going out of a sense of greed. They deserve all the grief they are getting right now due to the game falling apart because of it.
@gave312 Год назад
I’m sure a lot of developers are very happy that this video exists. I don’t really know how game engines work but I am in the IT field and everything you said about users and their expectations vs reality is very relatable
@elseggs6504 Год назад
The very fact that people think that a game only shares engines with another if they play similar is wild. In spite of what Rockstar Games pushed out
@madamwizard Год назад
So much same
@mirasolovklose3888 Год назад
I paid for this product, why its not working is not my fucking problem.
@broputer Год назад
​@Mirasolov Klose Wrong, you paid for access to a product and signed (or checkmarked that you read and understood) a giant pile of legality that means that they can take the game down for any reason at any time and you can sit there or go outside and enjoy the free time you have been gifted. You are entitled to NOTHING so stfu and touch grass :)
@J-manli Год назад
@@mirasolovklose3888 Complaining about a product you paid for that isn’t working properly is valid. But offering unsolicited advise when you don’t have the matching accreditation is plain arrogance.
@andrewpohl7176 Год назад
this was honestly extremely therapeutic to hear as someone in engineering who also has friends who work in game design, thank you for this
@gabrielnakamura9114 Год назад
I got several friends going into game design and this was great to hear
@silver2797 Год назад
you don't even need to be a software engineer or a game designer for it to be therapeutic listening to datto shit on stupid people
@radamanthys0223 Год назад
@@gabrielnakamura9114 its incredible the amount of people who think they want to choose game development as a career. XD
@Defiant493 Год назад
I do art for game engines, like Unreal. I watched a GDC talk on how Bungie renders PBR, a system that allows multiple overlapping textures to create reflections, illusion of depth etc. and thankfully it’s a similar system. But if anyone suggests implementing anything other than textures, and model files into a new engine, you’re insane. Skeletons, effects, lighting, oh my god, PHYSICS, you’re insane.
@tehblanketyblank8776 Год назад
Notice when there's a constructed comment where someone knows what they're talking about, no likes, no comments.
@Laeshen Год назад
Also, game dev is cursed. A good number of comments start with 'wtf' and 'idk'. Having to go through and port 5 million+ lines of code, most of which already barely work, to another engine would likely be harder than translating a lost language.
@mattwisher6899 Год назад
It’s a sign of mastery to be able to simplify complex physical phenomena into lifelike, real-time effects in video games. Physics is hard, but simulating physics is harder.
@hmx8694 Год назад
@@tehblanketyblank8776 Why be rational when you can be mad?
@cn8229 Год назад
JuSt CtRl+C cTrL+v
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