"During a dystopian event, a dark cloud hangs over the Facility of Detach. This structure is an ancient wonder displaying a unique brutalist architecture and housing technology that provides selective amnesia through the use of a technique known as harmonic exposure." You can support the channel on Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/focussoundscapes. There you can find all my backgrounds as wallpapers and audio downloads!
While I was listening to this, a real thunderstorm with heavy rain began outside my window. It turned out to unexpected unusual sound combination: mad rain with soothing rain and sleepy music with thunderstrikes lol
This is just top notch! I've had the best two meditation sessions of my life while listening to your tracks, and while listening to this one today, I went somewhere else entirely. It was actually rather jarring coming back. On that note, if you do another along these lines (and I hope you do) perhaps consider doing a slightly longer fade out before the track ends so that those of us who are meditating with it have a chance to come back less abruptly lol Great work!