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@HarrysMovingMedia 3 года назад
The first 1000 people to use the link will get a free trial of Skillshare Premium Membership: skl.sh/harryshauntedhouse11201
@dean2_ 3 года назад
Wait, what happened to the darlek episode in ww2 Edit: just found out that it’s a patrion exclusive
@carealoo744 3 года назад
Episodes still to review: The Unquiet Dead The Long Game Boom-Town Born-Again The Christmas Invasion New Earth Rise Of The Cybermen/Age Of Steel The Idiot's Lanturn The Runaway Bride The Infinite Quest The Lazerus Experiment Time-Crash Voyage Of The Dammed The Next Doctor Meanwhile In The TARDIS (#1) Victory Of The Daleks Meanwhile In The TARDIS (#2) Vampires In Venice Amy's Choice The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood The-Lodger The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang Space/Time A Christmas Carol The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon The Curse Of The Black-Spot The Doctor's Wife The Rebel-Flesh/The Almost-People A Good Man Goes To War Night-Terrors The Girl Who Waited The God-Complex Closing-Time The Wedding Of River-Song The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe Asylum Of The Daleks Dinosaurs On A Spaceship A Town Called Mercy The Power Of 3 Angles Take Manhattan P.S. The Snowmen The Bells Of Saint John's The Rings Of Akkatan Cold-War Hide Journey To The Center Of The TARDIS The Crimson Horror Nightmare In Silver The Name Of The Doctor An Adventure In Space And Time The Night Of The Doctor The Fiveish Doctors Reboot The Last Day The Day Of The Doctor The Time Of The Doctor Last Christmas If anyone's interested, I'm also reviewing all the Doctor Who stories on my channel, with me already done the first 3 Doctors. No pressure, of course, just might be worth checking out! :)
@mattthesilent777RED Год назад
Remember what you said about what holds an angel becomes itself an angel? Well, I just got sent back to 1899
@nightowl8477 3 года назад
I love this version of River. Like in Silence in the Library, _her character is prioritised over her enigma._
@Jp-1377 3 года назад
That’s a very good point, series 4 and 5 river is when she’s at her best
@acepirosu5871 3 года назад
The same could be said of the Doctor and every other "mysterious" character in the Moffat era, series 5 was definitely his best series as showrunner
@ivandphantom9028 Год назад
@@acepirosu5871 What about 10? I really liked that.
@wsdpii 3 года назад
Imagine if the Angels actually sent people back in time in this episode. They're walking through the halls and come across the emaciated corpse of their long dead comrade, having starved to death alone and forgotten. Some great horror potential there.
@NileSWPhotography Год назад
Wish they had you on the writers team when these were being made 😄👍🏾
@svenlauke1190 Год назад
damn thats a good idea. or in order to destroy any hopes of recovering them with the Tardis, sent them so gar back that they die in the Big Bang or something.
@jumpingjoy20 3 года назад
"This wasn't a bad story but it missed so many opportunities"-- Moffat's tenure in a nutshell. Also, I still remember the disappointment I felt when I saw the Angels move. I was never afraid of them again.
@matygoo1644 3 года назад
I had thought until then that when angels unfreeze they didn't look like stone anymore, which was part of what made them creepy to me
@Gael_Ultima 3 года назад
@@matygoo1644 They were supposed to, the Doctor in "Blink" said that "In the sight of any living thing, they literally turn to stone.", key phrase is "turn to stone". Personally, I think Moffat had originally intended for them to look differently when not observed, perhaps even formless, but then something changed his mind, probably for that scene where they moved in "Flesh & Stone".
@SkyExplosion 3 года назад
Plus the image thing is stupid but it's not as bad the statue of library
@conradlorgar5508 3 года назад
@@SkyExplosion the most common rule of the angels is the amount of episodes they star in is directly proportional to the level of stupid they are given
@cosmicallyhomeless8726 3 года назад
That just ruined it.
@lovablesnowman 3 года назад
I never noticed those torches making a whooshing sound before. Had me laughing out loud when you pointed it out
@Void_Sevrin 3 года назад
@lordolxinator 3 года назад
Personal opinion: Image of an Angel becomes an Angel is bad because it's never even *hinted* at during Blink as being an ability they possess. Larry stares quite intently into an Angel's eyes, and has no negative impact (beyond being terrified by the scary face, obviously). Sally does the same, as does Kathy before she gets nabbed. Billy also does so during the final moments in the police garage before he blinks and gets nabbed. None of the pictures taken by the police for their file, or by Sally/Larry, "infect" anyone. Interestingly enough, this ability doesn't even resurface later in the Angels Take Manhattan story, where you'd assume the Statue of Liberty being such a tourist landmark would earn millions of pictures and thus infect countless people. Additionally, it seems quite at odds with what the Angels are. Lonely assassins that hide in plain sight, move intensely fast when unobserved and can feed off of victims' lost years? How does a photograph or recording of one of these creatures infect an observer? I get that Moffat likely wanted to fill in one of the bigger loopholes to defeat an Angel via remote monitoring, but he could have had it so that recorded Angels are made aware of their being observed through quantum mechanics (/wibbly wobbly timey wimey) and thus freeze on tape regardless whether they originally *did* move at the moment of recording. The Angel would then essentially lull the viewer into a false sense of security, with the manipulated image on live CCTV showing the Angel to remain stationary and frozen, meanwhile the Angel itself is making its way towards the observer. Hell, even feel free to add some psychological aspects. Maybe the Angel's connection to the raw untempered schism allowing them to "execute and feed on" people via time displacement also allows them to perceive limited avenues of timestreams which helps in selecting where and when to send a victim to. That in turn, could be used to psychologically "infect" any smart-alecs like Amy trying the wink trick, feeding hallucinations of the victim's past or possible future into their mind to disorient, terrify and distract them enabling the Angel to move again and escape the quantum lock. It'd make sense for it to be used in Flesh and Stone/Time of Angels and not Blink/Angels Take Manhattan, as the latter examples have the Angels at a substantial advantage with victory only coming from something unexpected (in Blink, a paradoxical looped support plan from The Doctor, and ATM through Amy and Rory committing suicide to poison the farm). FaS/ToA however, start with the single Angel having to overcome The Doctor, River, an armed troop of soldiers and advanced technology to try and recover/restore its own race (meaning this hypothetical ability would be necessary here to create an opening, whereas the focus and drain on energy reserves *using* this ability wouldn't be justified in the other episodes where they're almost certain to win regardless). Additionally, just as a correction Harry, I think it was made pretty evident during Blink that The Doctor and Martha were nabbed by the Angels at Wester Drumlins after investigating the lead from Sally, and got caught off-guard. We know they were at Wester Drumlins because both the TARDIS key and the TARDIS were found there. The TARDIS key retained by the Angels hiding in the property, and the TARDIS being impounded as evidence by the police along with other vehicles owned by missing people investigating the place. We also know The Doctor and Martha were taken by surprise (or at least, one of them was before the other went willingly) as they both got sent back to the 60s. If I recall, The Doctor tells Billy he must have gotten caught by the same Angel they did, explaining why he landed in the same time period as them.
@theimortal1974 3 года назад
it's like the borg on star trek tng. when they were first introduced there was no such thing as assimilation and if there was q would of mentioned it. they needed to raise the stakes for the second appearance so they introduced assimilation. same reason they added that to the angels.
@theimortal1974 3 года назад
i'm betting when they wrote blink they weren't planning on bringing the angels back but then he became the showrunner
@lordolxinator 3 года назад
@@theimortal1974 Makes sense. There's just so many better ways he could have utilised the Angels. Start off the episode the same way, but keep the Angel as a secret. The collector on the Byzantium knows his secret treasure is an Angel, but won't tell River (keeping the audience in the dark too). The ship crashes, all River and the others know is that whatever the collector's prize possession is, is straining the fabric of space-time and increasing the intensity of the effect as it absorbs energy from the crashed Byzantium's engines. The Clerics, Doctor, Amy and River believe the "thing" to possibly be a powerful device that got damaged in the crash and is stuck in the crashed Byzantium ship. They'll need to make their way through the catacombs below the ship in order to reach it and disable the device. The Doctor and Amy consider that this device may be the reason for The Cracks they keep finding. As they move through the catacombs (which are made much darker, with minimal lighting directed onto the characters and anything they're studying, keeping the rest of the location spooky and dark), they find eerily cryptic messages painted on walls. These messages being pretty nonsensical but also making mention of a Cleric's loved one. This spooks the specified Cleric out that these ramblings on the wall (which The Doctor estimates to be 300 years old) mention his wife/child. The Doctor and River brush it off as a coincidence or time ripples from getting closer to the device. Other messages are found as they continue, mentioning other information the other Clerics would only know respectively with the messages being differently aged. The messages are all still mostly erratic and nonsensical. The Clerics split off in pairs to comb the area as they begin to panic that they're being watched. They simply enter the pitch black with their flashlights growing more dim as they move further into it, until they're just gone. The Doctor, Amy, River and Octavian continue forward unaware of the others' disappearances. They find the base of the Byzantium, and scratched into the debris is another message from just 6 months ago. It's a lot more lucid than the others and formally details what little the victim knows about their disappearance. His mission went south as his unit were picked off one by one, and *this* is where he was taken moments after reading this very same message. He laments that he won't know if The Doctor succeeded where he failed, and that with no way to escape through the darkness without finding himself back at that point, he will likely perish from hunger or thirst soon. Hanging below the message is a pair of dogtags, belonging to Father Octavian. Octavian grimaces as he spies his own skeleton in the corner, moving towards it as The Doctor and River are focused on studying the message. Amy tries to cover Octavian with a flashlight and beckons him back to safety. The flashlight flickers off, and Octavian is gone. The Doctor and River react alarmed and take defensive stances, with The Doctor quietly and tensely revealing they were ill-equipped to come here. He apologises to Amy, and reveals they're being hunted. Before he can answer River and Amy as to what by, their flashlights flicker off. The Doctor instantly reacts using his Sonic Screwdriver to illuminate the space immediately in front of Amy, revealing a horrifying Weeping Angel that is mid-lunge. The trio are understandably terrified, with The Doctor holding his Sonic to keep the Angel illuminated while Amy panics to get the flashlight working again. The Doctor deduces that's why the messages relating to the Clerics were found, that the Angel must have picked them off. River slowly begins to scan the way they came with a flickering flashlight, and somberly skepticises this by asking if they all got caught by this Angel, how did they all get sent back to different times? River's flashlight reveals other immobile scary Angels mid-crawling their way towards the trio. The Doctor makes the cliffhanger deduction of them being in a maze of Angels as the lights all flicker out and it cuts to credits. Then you can have the follow-up episode showing them having escaped into the crashed Byzantium trying to make their way to the emergency teleport bay to escape, chased by the Angels and experiencing time disruption hallucinations eventually revealed to be caused by a Crack that's appeared in the ship.
@Cyber_Smoke 3 года назад
Agreed it's bad but nowhere near as bad as the Liberty angel and the idea in class that they have a giant angel as the leader which is teased before they cancelled it.
@lordolxinator 3 года назад
@@Cyber_Smoke Yeah the Liberty Angel was something else. How did it move across the city (or even the harbor) without being noticed and having to stop (plus people being like WTF this spooky ass possessed Lady Liberty)? New York is supposed to be The City That Never Sleeps, not The City That Simultaneously Sleeps When A Giant Tourist Landmark Comes To Life To Antagonise Time Travellers Trying To Escape A Time Loop. It doesn't make sense, and isn't necessary. I have a feeling the Weeping Angel of Liberty is just wish fulfilment from Moffat or one of the producers who wanted to see it, sort of like when Game of Thrones had the "zombie polar bear" take focal point in an episode (and budget) because D&D ranted about wanting a zombie polar bear since season 1. What was the story with Class? I never watched it so I'm out of the loop.
@DanTheMan2150AD 3 года назад
Moffat's Aliens and Prometheus. The whole moment where Angel Bob states “The Angel has no voice” still leaves me with serious chills to this day. Always felt the first episode was much better than the second and yes, that Graham Norton interruption really did happen.
@wilf9356 3 года назад
Fun fact: In the scene where the the Doctor leaves Amy alone with the Angel in her eye he leaves and then comes back. When he comes back you can notice he has his jacket on again, when it was previously stolen by the angels in the previous scene. You might think this is a continuity error but it's actually the Doctor from the future when he goes into the crack in the series final. This is why he says to Amy 'you have to remember' meaning she has to remember him so he can come back into existence.
@kingmuizz708 3 года назад
@joshuawright4198 3 года назад
Yeah that was pretty good series 5 was moffats season with the most planning rather than just throwing shit at the wall like season 6
@RobAndTheChaps 3 года назад
Another issue with breaking the golden rule was not just how stupid it was to make them not scary, but also quoting Blink it’s a defence mechanism when they’re being looked at, it’s not something the Angels can control its reaction, instinct that’s why their weak to it, but also, they TURN to stone, so they’re not stone when they’re not being looked at, so why the f are they stone when the move. It’s so dumb and ruined the angels,
@cyberemperor1435 3 года назад
True, but personally I think if they did show the angles true or other form it would of messed them up even more and take away that mystery that’s best kept as a mystery. But you are right , it doesn’t make sense that they weren’t not stone
@ReddwarfIV 3 года назад
@@cyberemperor1435 You don't need to show the Angels' true form. You just need to cut the camera away then cut back again to them having moved.
@quantummidget 3 года назад
I imagine their true form as sort of lovecraftian in a way. Not massive like a lot of lovecraftian horror, just undefinable
@che3se1495 3 года назад
@@quantummidget I still imagine them as angels, just with an unworldly texture. Not made of skin or stone, but something else.
@jmeme97 3 года назад
The brilliant aspect of not seeing them move is that it breaks the fourth wall: the angels can't move because we as the viewer are watching them. Even when characters aren't looking at the angels - take Sally when she retrieves the TARDIS key - we still don't see them move and only notice that they have moved after Sally stops blocking our view to them. Absolutely fantastic directing/writing and it scared me to death as a kid, but then they went and ruined it with this..
@elberry7840 3 года назад
Did anyone else get creeped out by the "Angels are laughing" scene? That noise really got under my skin and made me think what the heck those things look like when they're not being looked at. But that was kinda ruined by the scene of them slowly moving around Amy which I really didn't like personally.
@sad_tbh 3 года назад
no one liked that scene lmao, it ruined the angels and the episode
@claritycontrol1530 3 года назад
@@sad_tbh The biggest "quirk" of the Angels is that they don't move while observed. Yet we see them moving. It was one of the worst moments in Series 5.
@bluebird3332 3 года назад
“Just to praise the almighty crack” That’s a mad sentence you got there
@Alex-yl8dz 3 года назад
I think it's a neat and underplayed part of Amy's character that she's attracted to The Doctor's commanding attitude. As we see later on - Amy is clearly the dominant member in her relationship to Rory, who she's always been almost a bully towards. The Doctor's attitude would certainly have been an exciting change of pace for her. That said, it's easy to see why this was never developed beyond her making a move when he crashes her wedding - this is a family friendly show after all.
@morganroberts4615 3 года назад
Plus she seems more attracted to Rory once he becomes more assertive
@tombomb143 3 года назад
It wouldnt be a Harrys moving cast- *cough- media without a skillshare ad
@AngelCakes1997 3 года назад
It will always be his castle in our hearts!
@nightowl8477 3 года назад
Russell loves this story, he described it as a "Doctor Who movie!"
@QuokkaCore 3 года назад
I love it too!
@TvReferences 3 года назад
I think it’s a nice touch that you can see that Big Bang 11 is wearing his jacket when he speaks to Amy. At first it just looks like a continuity error but it’s something I always notice on rewatch
@FortoFight 3 года назад
I'm sorry but the photo thing doesn't work in hindsight. If the photos of those angels in "Blink" were angels then they should've got Sally or someone else in the time she had them. This is actually an example of poor foresight (or just over-complicating the Angels' abilities for the sake of it).
@vixieboo_ 3 года назад
also considering the fact the statue OF FUCKING LIBERTY is an angel(shit idea) what about all the photos of it on postcards or on people's phone
@rosegirard8993 3 года назад
They should have at least limited this, like only a few angels are able to do this, like if they have enough energy to do it, or if they are old enough or something. To fix the liberty angel thing (you could also dont make the liberty an angel..) just explain that this one is just too big and need so much energy to just survivre on it's one, plus it needs time to consume people
@dancingcarapace 3 года назад
It’s implied that this was a trait they evolved to have (the angels in the ship and cave are much older than the ones Sally encountered) in order to combat the quantum lock that whilst yes, defended them from harm, also stopped them reaching their targets.
@HarrysMovingMedia 3 года назад
Somebody has already pointed this out but SOMEHOW I managed to claim this episode's first part is called "Time of the Angels" when it is in fact "The Time Of Angels" which I think is a worse title but hey my mistake 🙌
@keskonriks710 3 года назад
Don't worry about it, I manage to call it that "Time of the Angels" all the Time. Bonus Points for mentioning Dark! It deserves more attention. Maybe it could get an in-depth review?
@truekiropfan8329 3 года назад
HEY! I like the name! It’s the title of one of the best tracks from any Doctor Who soundtrack ever. I like Blink(Suite) too, but The Time Of Angels is objectively better. Ooh, and creepier.
@nightowl8477 3 года назад
I wish it was just Time of Angels, get rid of the _theeee's._
@yannatoko9898 3 года назад
It's because that's what it's called in the book, as River states.
@zarrg5611 10 месяцев назад
'Time of the Angels' is a classic Dr Who X of X name, 'The Time of Angels' does not hit the same mark.
@nightowl8477 3 года назад
I know the time travel stuff is difficult, and it would be hard to integrate if your focus is action, but it can be done. Like maybe a group of soldiers are walking ahead of the Doctor and Co, when the roof caves in and they're separated! We hear muffled screams, and within seconds the Doctor's wormed his way in. Only to find skeletons, centuries old. The men sent back in time, unable to escape from the inside. Can be done!
@Seddon-pt1rd 3 года назад
Love these episode mainly for the fact that we saw a jacket less doctor.
@Diamond_Squid 3 года назад
@Diamond_Squid 3 года назад
@blasting pluto Makes no difference Seen it millions of times
@ShaggyDabbyDank 3 года назад
@@Diamond_Squid It's been 10 years
@cyberfox9713 3 года назад
@@Diamond_Squid is been 10 years man if u haven't watched it u properly are not going to
@Diamond_Squid 3 года назад
@@cyberfox9713 yes it was a very very shitty River Song joke as I’m re reading the post I realise it makes no sense. I have literally seen that episode millions of times.
@frances7575 3 года назад
when they/I realised the aplan statues were angels I was stunned. love twists like this, they get me every time
@MitchCyan 3 года назад
If Blink is Alien, then this is Aliens.
@chrispy3369 3 года назад
How fitting that Angels take Manhatten is Aliens 3.
@MitchCyan 3 года назад
@@chrispy3369 Exactly.
@timelordrohan9425 3 года назад
I honestly think that angels take Manhattan is a batter story than this
@chrispy3369 3 года назад
@@timelordrohan9425 You're gonna have to explain further. Because I can't think that any Angel story is worse than take Manhatten.
@jonathanskinner7647 3 года назад
Nobody: Torches: woosh, vroosh, woorhsh
@A7CHITECT 3 года назад
Good review, the reason why the angels are breaking necks rather than send them back in time is due to the fact that these angels can’t send people back because they are slowly waking up, however that doesn’t excuse the writing imo
@claritycontrol1530 3 года назад
It was the Byzantium Angel that was doing the killing. It snapped their necks, because sending them back in time served no real purpose. It didn't need the time energy, and it could use their voices to fuck with the Doctor.
@lugialover09 2 года назад
Honestly, for me, the worst part is when the Doctor tells Amy that she needs to walk as though she can see. Because apparently, the Angels were scared and she could trick them into staying as statues? But that literally flies directly in the face of the original description of them given to us by Ten. Turning into stone is a fact of their biology and not something they have control over.
@LordDoom10 3 года назад
The concept of "That which holds the image of an Angel in itself becomes an Angel" is good up to the "image in your mind." That just makes them way too powerful to deal with. You have to look at them to not die, but that also kills you now. And then Flesh & Stone just completely ruins the Angels.
@DastardlyDavid69 7 месяцев назад
The concept is stupid. The Statue of Liberty is an Angel with millions upon millions of photos of it. A uncountable number of people have stared at it.
@ByddinRhyddidCymru 3 года назад
2 good episodes, also partially filmed on southerndown beach in Wales, that was also the location for bad wolf bay in doomsday & the engine room in dinosaurs on a spaceship, Bob Dylan filmed a music video there once as well, which is why angel Bob is called angel Bob
@IsaacWhittakerDakin 3 года назад
If Blink was Alien, then this two parter is definitely Aliens.
@IsaacWhittakerDakin 3 года назад
@Sthenio I've not seen that film so ill take your word for it! 😂
@eli_r_q 3 года назад
Holy crap you literally just sent the memories flooding back. I distinctly remember the Graham Norton ad popping up on screen when I watched it as a child.
@Squantle 3 года назад
I remember distinctly the Graham Norton pop-up. It did really ruin the climax for me. Not as bad as the last 10 minutes of The Doctor Falls being completely inaudible on BBC One Scotland.
@harveywhitehouse919 3 года назад
The weeping angles made me so scared as a kid, truly THE monster that should be associated with the phrase 'hide behind the sofa'
@aidancooper675 3 года назад
When I first watched this episode. I really thought amy was going to turn into an angel when her hand became stone
@lawrencegough 3 года назад
Excellent spot about the Angel photos given to Ten, I’d never even thought of it. But five seconds of trying to stop blinking by winking would show you that it isn’t a solution. Go on, give it a go.
@Xenro66 3 года назад
River: Doctor, can you sonic me? I need to boost the signal so we can use it as a beacon Doctor: ... Amy: OooOOooohhh Doctorrr, you soniced herrr~ :3
@dancingcarapace 3 года назад
I personally love the fact that whilst River’s character was the focus, there was the simmering mystery beneath. Why was she a prisoner? Who did she kill? Why did she keep meeting the Doctor out of order?
@aidanrfleming 3 года назад
Just a reminder that this gave Amy PTSD
@Kyle_00 3 года назад
A huge part of the angels being so scary is the fact that you need to use your *imagination* to see how they look when they move. That slow moving scene ruined that for me. :/ should've left the mystery unsolved.
@AnglicanFish 3 года назад
I think the whole idea of an alien like thriller was great, and the twist of all the statues being angels was also great, Rivers role provided a nice balance between Amy and the Doctor (plus she’s just a great character), the Church was cool and I loved Father Octavian, and the crack served as a great thing to run from. But Moffat had to ruin all that by making us see the Angel move for reasons. But it closed up well with the Pandorica and the return to Amy’s house brought back the science fairy tale aspect, but of course Moff had to ruin it again by making Amy low key assault the Doctor So....there’s.....that
@taythethey 3 года назад
I like the idea that Martha and ten getting zapped by the angel in the picture! However, if I remember correctly, the angels were trying to get inside the tardis in blink. So if they were zapped by that angel, wouldn’t that leave an angel on board?
@cilliancallaghan9788 3 года назад
That’s assuming they got zapped inside of the TARDIS as opposed to outside of it
@stardustnation2480 3 года назад
Maybe they weren't on the TARDIS
@fostej99 3 года назад
Totally remember the Graham Norton advert 🤣 i remember being so confused at the time haha
@Thomas_of_the_forest 3 года назад
Hm, this is an interesting way of looking at it, but in Blink the Tardis was left in Wester Drumlins. Indicsring that the Doctor and Martha did go there, so that's how they got sent back
@elonmusket5676 3 года назад
Does he just not bother with christmas episodes
@Newt.--.Jaeden 3 года назад
If it's relevent to the series arc or highly requested he does
@Gengu 3 года назад
He did the End of Time part 1 which is a Christmas episode
@CineScarborough 3 года назад
To me this one is the weakest of the Weeping Angels stories. Still great, but loses something without them sending people back in time.
@theimortal1974 3 года назад
at least they returned to that on the amy rory sendoff episode
@joepratt9039 3 года назад
Doesn't river know amys her mother by this point, if shes in prison for killing the doctor already. That's why she's so nice to Amy because she already knows her.
@zabdielvanegas7397 3 года назад
Spoilers I guess
@lapelcelery42 3 года назад
Lets be honest, the whole River thing doesn't make any sense at all, and it's not interesting or fun.
@connorwood9211 3 года назад
This version of River reappeared at the end of The Wedding of River Song
@TheWiseCollector 3 года назад
Yeah at the end of the wedding of river don't river shows up in her camouflage uniform Amy asked when she said just cooked out of the Byzantium she has to pretend she didn't know amy
@TheRhysj5 3 года назад
I think you’re giving the writers too much credit in terms of the image of an angel. In Blink the angels already had his tardis, I don’t think the image was what sent them back otherwise why would they have been in the house?
@greglinks 3 года назад
The doctor didn't give consent :(
@xproflipscarab 3 года назад
Karren Gillan doesn't require consent .... Unless Chicks arn't your thing of course
@stayforthepeelpronpls4774 3 года назад
1000gamer excuse me what
@georgebellamy32 3 года назад
@@xproflipscarab Everyone requires consent.
@xproflipscarab 3 года назад
@@georgebellamy32 a Joke... Calm down ... I'm perfectly aware rape is a bad thing ...
@Josh-oj9mm 3 года назад
5:40 to be fair it's hard to simultaneously think about winking and also think about all the angels around you
@vanessalore9942 3 года назад
I think Angel Bob is one of the best things about this episode, and it’s one of my favourite two parters. I’m relatively loose with plot points, if I’m entertained, so it’s interesting to hear your viewpoint. Still, I like Moffat more than, I guess it seems a lot of people, this is my Doctor, and I love River Song, so I’m relatively biased. Sure, I don’t like every episode in Matt’s run, but I feel this one is one of his best.
@yurineri2227 3 года назад
tbh this is my favorite angel episode
@mullaoslo 3 года назад
It's like you (me) try to make excuses for the newer seasons like "the writing is bad" etc etc... Then you go back to series 1 - time of the doctor and you realise the best of series 11 and 12 doesn't even touch the worst of the first 7 years
@donutdog1937 3 года назад
You didn’t talk about that part where when Amy is on her own in the forest the doctor talks to her and he’s dressed differently because that was after the pandorica opened and the Big Bang happened
@QuantumLockedInStone Месяц назад
The Angel that grabbed the Bishop at 16:42 is actually the **exact** same Angel seen in the garden of Wester Drumlins in Blink, I hadn't noticed this until I looked at the feather pattern and the hair layout of it and compared the two Angels together that it was the same one from the garden in Blink.
@j.m.marshall669 3 года назад
With the angel in Amy's mind, I always interpreted it as having "ejected" from her mind when she looked at the crack, as like all the other angels it fled. It could also be that the very angel that was in her head was erased from her mind when the "original" fell into the crack/light and subsequently never existed. The one in her mind was a mental image of one seen in a recording, but if the angel that was recorded never existed anymore, then no more angel in her mind, right?
@KennethDillard 3 года назад
I must be the only one who was never on board with the River arc--save for the "Silence in the Library" appearance.
@m3e7 3 года назад
Nah, I'm with you. Every appearance seemed to get worse, culminating in her final episode sort of undermining how good her first one was
@liammason9959 3 года назад
Does anybody else not blink when the angels come on the screen
@musicgal365 3 года назад
I feel like the whole "looking into the eyes of an angel" thing should have frightened me more than it did but then again I'm autistic and barely look anyone in the eye to begin with 😂
@TheHufflepuffSaint 3 года назад
Great review as ever Harry. Love your channel's redesign btw. 😊💛 Also I know they don't show it on Netflix; but there was a bridge gap mini-sode on the DVD boxset between Victory Of The Daleks and Time Of Angels where Amy asks the Doctor about his previous companion. Some high jinks happen and the TARDIS ends up running a slideshow of photos concerning previous companions, most specifically the female ones - Rose, Donna, Martha and the classic gals. Much to Amy's surprise. It kinda saddened me that Jack and the male companions weren't included in the slideshow, I know male companions aren't as prominent as the female companions but it would've been nice to see them included; both modern and classic. 😊 Hope y'all have a stellar week. 😊💛
@harrycook9041 3 года назад
I'm disappointed Harry. It's the Time of Angels, not the Time of the Angels. They literally say it in the episode.
@HarrysMovingMedia 3 года назад
Wow you're right and I am disappointed in myself for not even realising this too, thank you for the correction! 😖😂
@libbyford6765 3 года назад
Am in love with these vides of your comments on 11s (the best) episodes: :))
@ChloeHowie 3 года назад
My favorite RU-vidr and reviewer returns. What a King! 😭 🦌
@peacefuldawn6823 3 года назад
Is this the closest we're going to get to a Dark Did it Suck? lol
@henryg4377 3 года назад
Steven Moffat mentioned Graham Norton in the DVD Commentary for the Time of Angels and I didn't know what he meant, but now I do! Thanks 😉👍
@melancholymelon5316 3 года назад
I think the hallway scene when they shoot the angels and the only light is from the guns firing was a reference to to the scene from the special edition of aliens when the machine guns are blasting the xenomorphs to hell in the tunnel
@TheWiseCollector 3 года назад
Actually when the angels revised there speed when the crack appeared the second time they didn't leave they were consumed by it
@qorso 3 года назад
murray golds soundtrack may suck in spooky moments but it was hype as fuck. "I am The Doctor" playing whenever The Doctor came up with an idea like motherfucking Giorno Giovanni always made me smile.
@svenlauke1190 Год назад
I always thought that had they used a strobe effect while showing the angels move in real time, that would have been a better idea
@chickenbeefman6716 3 года назад
Yooooo I absolutely love dark, do you think you’ll review that at some point?
@arthureaterofworlds5176 3 года назад
When a Whovian sees an angel move: "I hate that!"
@Squicx 3 года назад
Looking back on this episode really made me look at series 7s 11th Doctor compared to series 5s Doctor and see the character development. 11 didn't become the child-like character he was until A Christmas Carol
@Lefty7788tinkatolli 3 года назад
If this were 2016, he'd have said "The torches go whoosh whoosh whoosh, I give The Time Of Angels a 2/10"
@sammyy2022 3 года назад
I remember when the Graham Norton banner appeared. It's one of the very first times I was pissed off
@DalekDalmatian-the-prop-maker 3 года назад
I dont know if you have stated anything but will you be doing victory of the daleks review as this is episode 4-5
@KewlImp 3 года назад
I didn't mind the angels as much here or them moving. I don't think they were moving slowly with Amy because they thought they were being watched and by instinct, they lock up. When the move their heads finally, they realize they aren't being observed. It easily explains why they are super fast in some scenes and not in others.
@NileSWPhotography Год назад
“Just to praise the almighty crack” 😂 I love this guy’s commentary.
@theimortal1974 3 года назад
one of the things i liked about time of angels is it was the first cliffhanger that wasn't obvious that it was coming. i was suprised when it was over and the credits started rolling. though i didn't watch it live so i didn't know how much was left of the episode. it might of been different for people watching it live.
@nightowl8477 3 года назад
God, I hate the torches! I honestly held those bloody sound effects against the merits of this story, I hated them so much. As Charlie Brooker wrote in _A Touch of Cloth_ ~ "Put your torch on silent!"
@RachelLittle2010 3 года назад
I love that last scene it makes me laugh "we wouldn't work I am 900 years old"
@shanecoleman5309 2 года назад
5:05 so this would suggest that Sally took photos of the angels in the house, which became the angels and zapped the doctor and martha back in time, which were implied to be the same angels in the house since that's where the TARDIS was, but those were the same angels that Sally took the photos of in the first instance. Grandfather paradox?
@drbeesting7277 3 года назад
12:19 I hate to be THAT guy, but in the series 2 episode "The Impossible Planet" which is set in the 42nd century, Mr Jefferson mentions "Firing stock 15", a type of bullet that only impacts on organics. And this episode is set in the 51st century, so they would have access to this technology or an improved version of it.
@yurineri2227 3 года назад
I was surprised that you don't like the "I am the doctor" track it's a fan favorite (and a personal favorite too)
@drd2121 3 года назад
I’m just gonna say before I watch this. This was an excellent extension to the already established Weeping Angels. Some would say it was unnecessary since Blink didn’t require anything more to it. While it might not have been necessary, it’s definitely good and I even thought what Moffat added made them more scary.
@tabularasa0606 3 года назад
And Moffat should've stopped using them after these. They got overused and lost their appeal as scary monsters, just like the Cybermen and Daleks have.
@drd2121 3 года назад
@@tabularasa0606 nope. Angels Take Manhattan should’ve been the last and pretty sure it was. Angels Take Manhattan was fricking sadistic dude, bone chilling, the idea that the building was essentially a battery farm. Amazing.
@tabularasa0606 3 года назад
@@drd2121 No, that was when they were overused, a really bad episode.
@drd2121 3 года назад
@@tabularasa0606 nope. Disagreed. If your going to be show short minded that you’ll write something off for being used more than a few times then poor you but it was a good episode.
@tabularasa0606 3 года назад
@@drd2121 No, it wasn't. And I've seen it several times.
@billyslaironair8860 3 года назад
It didn't suck because matt Smith was there
@BreadedSpace 3 года назад
15:41 Their speed was because of asorbing the energy from the trees and the ship 16:54 Were planning to asorb the crack mentioned before
@Jedi_Spartan 3 года назад
12:19 Can the Angels transport objects as well as people?
@tikitong7285 3 года назад
I love Angel Bob
@Fairly-odd-kel 3 года назад
Yeah inserting great villains then taking away their motivation and greatest powers is ludicrous, I'm not sure why they decided that was the right move.
@bardlover6 3 года назад
The Tardis was at Western Drummonds house, so I’m pretty sure Blink implies they visited the house and then got zapped. I always felt the “image of an angel” was a new idea, liked it, but never loved it
@itsreallyliam 3 года назад
Do a review for Angels Take Manhattan episode!
@empressfrozentoes5285 6 месяцев назад
"act like you can see" was a gigantic gripe of mine. they don't just stop moving when they're observed for shits, they _literally cannot move_, why would pretending to see trick them in any way when they don't even stop moving autonomously? only the second worst part of the angels in that episode behind, well, showing them move.
@pyromaniac2104 3 года назад
I'm gonna say something that I know is not a popular opinion but I don't particularly care: seeing the angels move in Flesh and Stone WAS FUCKING AWESOME TO ME, I know I know I get it, don't show the shark and all that stuff but I very much admire the attention to detail they had with these shots. Like the fact that most of them only move their heads and keep the rest of their bodies completely still and when that isn't the motif that they just move their entire torsos I don't know about anyone else but I think it really makes them feel pretty alien. Apparently they got professional dancers to perform those scenes and it really pays off... to me anyway every single other person the fandom seems to have collectively decided it's the worst decision made for The Weeping Angels
@theplumpchicken2233 3 года назад
Genuinely two of my favourite episodes ngl
@GameBreaker1055 3 года назад
My thoughts of killing the victims was that not only did the angels not need the energy, but sending people with the knowledge of what you are going to do when and where back in time can easily come back to haunt you, like it literally did in Blink. Also, while the Angels moving is a very stupid decisions, I have two things to say about it. 1. It did make sense that they would slowly turn, unsure if Amy was actually not looking at them or just waiting for them to break their stasis and destroy them somehow. 2. Their movement and poses around Amy was very, VERY creepy. Inanimate objects moving on their own is always creepy.
@ceciliaslepmet4840 6 месяцев назад
I don't understand what stopped the Doctor or River to go fetch Amy, instead of letting her alone and telling her to walk like she could see. She could easily have died
@kbg12ila 3 года назад
River ended up being my least favourite character in Doctor Who history but she was told in this episode. It was only in season 6 where she became unbearable.
@jennacreighton8432 3 года назад
When I saw you recommend “Dark”, I was so happy, but then you said “unnecessary music montages” and as someone who organizes music by what film/TV scene they belong in, I simply cannot abide by that. (Also, “Dark” introduced me to “When I Was Done Dying” by Dan Deacon which is a perfect song in its own right and was perfect for the scene it was placed in.)
@nerdwithamanicure 3 года назад
I remember being outraged by the Graham Norton ad at the bottom. It wasn't just static as I think Graham did a little dance or there was also glitter. Just so annoying.
@scottgardner8638 3 года назад
will you ever make a video discussing dark?
@carealoo744 3 года назад
Episodes still to review: The Unquiet Dead The Long Game Boom-Town Born-Again The Christmas Invasion New Earth Rise Of The Cybermen/Age Of Steel The Idiot's Lanturn The Runaway Bride The Infinite Quest The Lazerus Experiment Time-Crash Voyage Of The Dammed The Next Doctor Meanwhile In The TARDIS (#1) Victory Of The Daleks Meanwhile In The TARDIS (#2) Vampires In Venice Amy's Choice The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood The-Lodger The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang Space/Time A Christmas Carol The Impossible Astronaut/Day Of The Moon The Curse Of The Black-Spot The Doctor's Wife The Rebel-Flesh/The Almost-People A Good Man Goes To War Night-Terrors The Girl Who Waited The God-Complex Closing-Time The Wedding Of River-Song The Doctor, The Widow, And The Wardrobe Asylum Of The Daleks Dinosaurs On A Spaceship A Town Called Mercy The Power Of 3 Angles Take Manhattan P.S. The Snowmen The Bells Of Saint John's The Rings Of Akkatan Cold-War Hide Journey To The Center Of The TARDIS The Crimson Horror Nightmare In Silver The Name Of The Doctor An Adventure In Space And Time The Night Of The Doctor The Fiveish Doctors Reboot The Last Day The Day Of The Doctor The Time Of The Doctor Last Christmas If anyone's interested, I'm also reviewing all the Doctor Who stories on my channel, with me already done the first 3 Doctors. No pressure, of course, just might be worth checking out! :)
@lkds923 3 года назад
Yeah but how could u not mention the scene where the future doctor talks to Amy
@mmem4264 2 года назад
I was also really bothered that River made such a big deal about never seeing the Doctor so young in the Library ep but then meets this new doctor who's even younger??? Like why put such unnecessary emphasis on that in Library? Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but it really bothered me lol. Unless she's saying that David T looks younger than Matt S lol.
@thomas5 2 года назад
River met the 10th Doctor in the Library and here is meeting the 11th - the Doctor in these episodes is older than he was in Library. The actor's age has nothing to do with it
@mmem4264 2 года назад
@@thomas5 But she kept saying he looked so young and kept acting like it was a shocking big deal. But the 10th & 11th Doctor both look around the same age, no real big age gap, at least appearance wise. It was just such a weird thing to keep mentioning only for it to be not really true.
@hermiona1147 3 года назад
OMG Sally gave the Doctor pictures of Weeping Angels and that's what caused them to be caught by Angels that is my new headcanon why did I never think about that
@tabularasa0606 3 года назад
It was probably just an afterthought and a plot hole.
@nightowl8477 3 года назад
_Bootstrap Paradox!_ Sally photographs the Angels, gives them to the Doctor, the Angels are brought to life, Sally photographs the Angels, gives them to the Doctor, the Angels are brought to life, Sally photographs the Angels, etc., etc. My question is this...
Did Moffat Ruin the Weeping Angels?
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