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27 сен 2024




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@savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394 3 года назад
praise the Lord and God bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen
@Monday2705 3 года назад
Another loss for the Oneness 😵‍💫🔨
@thebreaker4404 Год назад
@@DP-bx5fg bruh do you even look the video?? Sam had totally debunk him even in before 30 minutes
@thebreaker4404 Год назад
@@DP-bx5fg Matthew 28:19 (UKJV) Go all of you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: (o. pneuma)
@thebreaker4404 Год назад
@@DP-bx5fg if Your unitarianism doctrine is true,Lord Jesus would simply said "Baptizing them in the name of my name"
@dasdrei5059 8 месяцев назад
I have listened to the first 20 minutes so far. Stacy is having great difficulty engaging in a rational and coherent conversation about the text of scripture so far. I will continue listening. I hope he can real his thoughts in a to began to think intelligently.
@chenielchic7410 Год назад
this oneness doctrine is a mess
@yuvanwinanda2210 3 года назад
This proves why the Church is the authority to interpret the Bible; because it comes from the Church. God bless you Sam.
@richardarthur7864 3 года назад
Boy! and I thought the Muslims were deluded.
@warrenallen2599 3 года назад
Wow that guy Stacey doesn't like to answer questions..perfect example of tap dancing...I pray that he repents and seeks the only true Lord
@marz2087 3 года назад
Makes a lot of sense Stacy! Jesus who is the Father, sends the Spirit who is the Father from the Father who is also the Father. Must be true brother! Where do I sign up?
@@DP-bx5fg Of course it makes sense to you, because you're influenced by Satan. Unbelievable, smh.
@marktimothyelegarle1493 3 года назад
Sam Shamoun is a blessing from God
@aznation4592 3 года назад
Sam roasted this man. You can lead a horse 🐴 to water 💧 but can’t make him drink it.
@aznation4592 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 o gosh where do I start . Yes ofcourse GOD is Spirit. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD. The WORD became flesh meaning human therefore anointed. You people get confused when JESUS speaks can be either by his human nature or his divine nature. Example if he says I praise the Father you automatically think you see he praises the father therefore he’s not GOD. Yet there’s verses where the Farher praises the SON and or the Holy Spirit. JESUS said before Abraham was I AM , me and the Father are one, you see me you see the Father. Obviously this means he’s different from the Father yet the same.
@aznation4592 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 lol whatever dude . In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with GOD and the Word was GOD John 1:1, and the Word became flesh and dwelt amount us John 1:14.
@aznation4592 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 so many other scriptures where the father recognizes the Son. And other scriptures where the SON recognizes the Father. And others where the Father recognizes the Holy Spirit. Even others where the SON recognizes the Holy Spirit, the comforter, and the famous my LORD said to my LORD. And GOD said let us make man in our image in the Image of GOD not angels as some believe lol. Come let US go down and confuse eachothers speech. JESUS I and the Father are ONE ☝️ I would go study the many scriptures where they recognize each other The Father, The SON, The Holy Spirit. Also John 1:1 says The WORD was with GOD. Notice the word WITh , you cannot be With someone if you are that someone.
@aznation4592 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 you like many misinterpret the scriptures. Revelation exalts JESUS as GOD in Unity with the Father
@aznation4592 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 nah your viewing wrongly. Who indoctrinated you ?
@daviddaniel2198 3 года назад
The oneness belief is all over the place. I thought the Mormons, JW’s and Muslims were bad but this one man has my head spinning.
@philippedersen2411 7 месяцев назад
Thank God for Sam to slam these heresies. This is the sad fruit of Sola Scriptura and a reason why I left protestantism and became Catholic. All glory to Christ.
@sheriffboom9385 3 года назад
The Father judges no one but all judgment is given to the Son so that all can honor the Son as they honor thy Father. No doubt Stacy has a daemonic spirit that keeps him Blind living in darkness.
@@DP-bx5fg You're a buffoon. One God in 3 distinct persons. No Trinitarian believes in 3 gods, but that's all you can say, because you can't refute us from the Holy scriptures. it's you who is a liar.
@hassanfarukh-5854 Год назад
I pray for the Oneness people to be saved from hell
@cellarphone4299 Год назад
He can't be a Father if he didn't have a son . So trinity is our faith.
@estebanembroglio6371 3 года назад
bless you brother Sam. so much content. ichthys
@maeahao1210 3 года назад
Stacy got spanked left,right and centre…..lol
@sgt.grinch3299 3 года назад
Thanks Sam for a Master Class in teaching the truth, the Triune God.
@@DP-bx5fg It's clearly shown in The Holy Scriptures, so stop ignoring them, smh. Unbelievable!
@mannyfabin1850 3 года назад
11:55.he should take his own advice and apply it to his heretical theology. The mental disconnect or more accurately spiritual blindness is off the scales with Turberville.
@waynewilliams8163 2 года назад
Stacy needs to see a doctor he is a sick man
@kylerittenhouse5426 3 года назад
I believe in a complex God, I can't explain it very well and nobody can define the complex God in complete terms but this oneness version mixed with preterism doesn't simplify anything which is what I think their goal is.
@Priest2540 3 года назад
Respectfully, Stacy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We gotta pray for him
@daylstar1 9 месяцев назад
[Col 1:19 KJV] For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; [Tit 2:13 KJV] Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
@ernie2731 3 года назад
Mr. Stacy is in religion morphine bubble without any consistent. he is a master of cherry picking could be profesor of "CHERRY PICKING". I learn a lot in this video to be consistent and logical although it might not be in our taste.
@andyk2218 Год назад
Stacy was simply shocking in his understanding, so sad.
@susiervo1 2 года назад
I have not seen stacy win a single debate.
@@DP-bx5fg "So is Sam" Maybe learn to write in english before doing so, and if your first language isn't english, then maybe you should refrain from using it until you get it down better. I don't know the Swahili language, so I don't try to write it or speak it, LOL! 😂🤣
@@DP-bx5fg I'm coming at you, because you think you get to blaspheme The Holy Trinity and get away with it, smh. I don't think so! The Lord Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. The Holy Trinity is the true living God. Deal with it and repent.
@Isaiaheb Год назад
We need more St. Nicholas’ *slap
@owusurocky5029 3 года назад
This man Stacy is a joke
@manofYAH Год назад
John 4:24-26 King James Version 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 25 The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26 Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
@manofYAH Год назад
Acts 7:59 King James Version 59 And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.
@OhioValleyWatchman 11 месяцев назад
This guy Stacy has the most messed up theology I have ever heard.
@gorabels5622 8 месяцев назад
i observe the side of oneness is consistent in answering but trinity never listen and accept the explanation… oneness side have a strong 💪 knowledge but others side never accept all the explanation… one God even in our school know about the meaning of one but if we go beyond this number we will not obtain the meaning of this…
@joselagdameo7140 Год назад
David called him lord, he told abraham IAm
@billiskra2073 9 месяцев назад
After listening to the first few minutes of this debate , it made me thankful that I left Oneness Pentecostalism over 28 years ago . There is nothing pagan or polytheistic about anything in Scripture , regarding the identity and existence of God . Stacy is an example of the people whom I cannot dialogue with because they come across as someone who knows it all when it comes to the Bible , even though it is obvious that they do not .
@lazarousmuzandu2568 11 месяцев назад
Brother Stacey messed up.
@marinotraj 10 месяцев назад
Oh wow. That was food to the soul. Whybisbit so hard for man to believe that God came to live as a man so that he can relate to us as a human? Ppl pick and choose what they want to hear and not willing to accept the whole truth. Sam thank youbfor backing up everything you said through scriptures. Tracy, repent bro, your teaching is half truth and not complete. Sounds very deceitful and not back up by your own opinions.
@joshuakane7804 Год назад
This debate or whatever you want to call it does not have the right spirit in it
@jowilson8708 3 года назад
Stacy has the most messed up theology I have ever heard, and I've heard some crazy stuff over the years. Well done Sam and God bless you all from an English sister in Christ
@Monday2705 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 John 14:26 New International Version 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will SEND in MY name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. So Stacy, the Father is sending Himself? 🤔
@Monday2705 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 Also, can u explain to me why The Lord is sending The Lord in Zechariah 2:10-11? Zechariah 2:10-12 New International Version 10 “Shout(A) and be glad, Daughter Zion.(B) For I am coming,(C) and I will live among you,”(D) declares the Lord.(E) 11 “Many nations will be joined with the Lord in that day and will become my people.(F) I will live among you and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.(G)
@Veronica-id6vp 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 🤯
@harutikz 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 according to your theology when did the Son start to exist?
@Monday2705 3 года назад
@@stacyturbeville6863 I asked you specifically about Zechariah 2:10-11.
@noitnettaattention 3 года назад
And they say that Sam has no patience... Of course dealing with this kind of twisted numb nuts all the time in all rich spectrum of countless heresies !
@RichiePGD 2 года назад
I can't believe I used to be oneness smh I was just rebaptized into the Greek Orthodox Church
@shamounian 2 года назад
@RichiePGD 2 года назад
@@shamounian Amen!
@salvadorcabug8780 2 года назад
Mr. Stacy please pray for illumination from The Holy Spirit as you read the scriptures. Your blindedness to the truth is soooooooooooo unbelievable
@orthodoxinquirer5693 3 года назад
@22:02 I haven't seen a worse attempt at a smokescreen than how Stacy responds right here 🤣
@J-PLeigh8409 3 года назад
I've never heard a more sloppy contradicting self made theology, but maybe Im too harsh, as this is from the beginning. No matter anyone that denies Jesus is the Son of God from heaven, whom has always existed, has serious scriptural problems, nm the entire orthodox church age
@johnsonlalrinsanga4628 Год назад
Ha ha ha ha...Sam roasted the fool
@gerardhunsinger8338 3 года назад
The pattern of the NT writers is when the Father and Son are spoken about in scriptures ,the term ALWAYS defaults to the Father and Lord to the Son.But the Son is Clearly called GOD when He is the one person in view.
@ImaTurninToABug 3 года назад
"There's no such thing as a strawman"?? This dude has a war against logic. You can't communicate with people who abandon the rules and say there aren't any.
@ImaTurninToABug 7 месяцев назад
@gimel77 Do you also not believe in strawmen? Because I didn't even begin to imply what you're saying. Did I say I possess more intrinsic worth than anyone else? No, no I didn't. But, I am objectively better at communication and conversation, and I'm more honest if I actually obey the rules of conversation and debate. The mathematician who properly works through the equation to arrive at the right answer is objectively better than the guy making up his own symbols and methodology and saying he got the right answer to the same question.
@phil4_8 10 месяцев назад
I realize how late this comment is.....but wow! Stacy is just plain lost.
@MichaelKhan1979 10 месяцев назад
Im new to Christ and i can see how stacy's argument is weak😂God bless Sam
@Readthebible7x77 Месяц назад
LORD, save Stacy and bring revelation of Jesus to him 🙏🏾
@maxbarkdull875 3 года назад
Good work, Sam. One thing I don't like about moderators is when they keep insisting on niceties and "being nice and non offensive". That is irrelevant if people have bad arguments and commit logical fallacies
@alesmeralda Год назад
It is the first time that I listen to non-Trinitarians. I find their argumentation disappointing. It sounds more complicated than the Trinitarian doctrine.
@lazarousmuzandu2568 Год назад
Stacy is delusional indeed
@desertrose6516 3 года назад
Excellent debate learnt a lot. All praise to God. Thank you Sam 🙏
@angieh4534 14 дней назад
I had no choice growing up in this stupid view.
@thebreaker4404 Год назад
Sammy totally buried this oneness Pentecostal
@Apostolic337 6 месяцев назад
Sam is a false teacher …. Full of pride and a blind leader leading the blind very condescending, David Bernard would beat him in a debate
@mollyporium5086 4 месяца назад
@psalm2385 3 года назад
Stacy is an embarrassment to his family and the Christian faith in general. My four year old has better exegesis of scripture than him. I am still marveled as to how a person at his age can sound this incoherent from beginning to end. It’s very sad.
@jonathansoko1085 3 года назад
Just by hearing stacy's voice you can tell he's a oneness or unitarian lol
@segheg 11 месяцев назад
@johannm9466 11 месяцев назад
The guy was not ready
@tonylie8733 Год назад
Stacy bishop?
@FromTheSouthmark Год назад
This man sam really putting stacy in his place while vacationing in cancun, my brother sam on a whole other level
@BaronEvola123 Год назад
Oneness is simple: the father tells the spirit, who is himself to go and make impregnate Mary and turn himself into a man (Jesus) and he the father, who is that spirit obeys. C'mon. What's so tough about that !
@shamounian Год назад
As simple as satanism. Skype me to go live to debate your heresy or I will block: benny_malik3
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