
Disfellowshipping - Loving and Scriptural or Cruel and Inhumane? 

Just June
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Just June here.
Around 70,000 Jehovah's Witnesses get disfellowshipped every year, most of whom never come back. What purpose does it serve? Is it kind or inhumane? Let's get into to it.
Please check out the fine work Steve Hassan is doing at freedomofmind.com/
And here are the links to the two books I mentioned:
Combatting Cult Mind Control - a.co/d/9utDEXI
Freedom of Mind - a.co/d/gowKnsP
As always, be yourself, and be well.



6 янв 2023




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@queentopia9225 Год назад
At 43 years old and having ZERO family members (aside from an 11 year old half sister) in my life - I really have to take things once day at a time. I still struggle with extreme depression. Even though I have some wonderful and amazing friends I am very grateful for; that lack of any family support for the last 20 years takes a toll sometimes. My mother has been a jw since 1981 and she's made it very clear that I mean nothing to her. My father (who was never in) passed away last year. Before he died I was able to tell him about my experiences with the jws and it was the first time I had ever heard my father cry. Disfellowshipping needs to be recognized as a violation of human rights. It destroys families and it destroys people. Thank you for your videos June 🌹
@tsmi5505 Год назад
Yes, it should be viewed as a hate crime.
@terridovey7648 Год назад
@T Smi I agree. The wt funding was revoked in Norway because of this shunning policy since it violates children's rights. The gb needs to be arrested for the rules and fear they instill in people.
@Delilahv17 Год назад
It is so sad and destructive that 8 men decide the fate of so many. They are not perfect or inspired. These men are coddled,protected and have no clue what the rest of us go through. The only thing that makes them powerful is donations and holding our families hostage. All with the blessing of their god named Jehovah. Sending love your way.
@lisettebordeleau3765 Год назад
Dear Queentopia 9. I'm so deeply touched by your message. It brought tears to my eyes. If this can help you in any way: It's been 12 years now since I had a last contact with my family. One day I sat down and deeply reflect on the situation to find out how privileged I've been to be freed from manipulations of all sorts. Yes, I hurt for a long time but I'm now free as a bird to go anywhere and do anything I want. This is called FREEDOM and I'm now grateful for it. I understand what you are going through but do not despair: there is a beautiful light ahead.
@reesecup3ify Год назад
Hi Queentopia. My name is Anya. I'll be 43 as well this year. I was also raised JW and disfellowshipped at 18. I can relate to all you are saying. Is there a way we can connect outside of RU-vid if you want? I have no one to talk to about my pain. No one cares or understands.
@jemz4555 Год назад
I had a lengthy conversation with my mom several months back exactly about this, how disfellowshipping is NOT loving or scriptural, a man made rule not set by "Jehovah." I also brought up the video with the young girl & asked her, what if her life was in danger & needed help, now you have blood on your hands. Of course, every excuse she gave me was irrational or made no sense & she couldn't defend the fact that shunning is not a loving act. Keep in mind, I said all this while baptized, just somewhat inactive & "struggling spiritually." I've been fully awake for year now but been playing it off as being "discouraged."😄
@andiepole2204 Год назад
My brother was baptized at 13, and DF’d for smoking when he was 17. My mother has shunned him for 40 years now. What I don’t understand is 1) how can you give a child a lifetime sentence of shunning when they were baptized as a child and without full knowledge of what they were getting into, and 2) how can someone be shunned when the religion they were baptized into has changed so much that it’s not even the same religion that the person was baptized into? You hit the nail on the head when you said that disfellowshipping is emotional blackmail. How they treat a disfellowshipped person is absolutely reprehensible and the furthest thing from being Christian. As always, thank you for taking the time to do these videos!
@debbie811 Год назад
That 2016 convention video was the turning point for me. In fact, I wanted to walk out of the convention right there and then!!!
@lh1673 Год назад
My jw cousin, a mother didn’t even call how her DF son is when an earthquake occurred one day. It was pretty big quake so I was worried about him. I knew he was kicked out since DF and was alone, so I called his mother and asked her if at least she called him to know if his okay. But her answer was, “I can’t call him, his not repenting yet.” Imagine how insane this org will make these people into.😢
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
As a never-JW, and a mother, that extent of brainwashing is difficult to comprehend. To redirect all parental instinct to protect one's children in the present life, in an attempt to save them for a future life in a Paradise that is promised, but not guaranteed, is a mind bending warping of human nature. It's a cruelty and subversion of humanity on an epic scale. It's horrifying to be a Jehovah's Witness Organization witness. The Governing Body are guilty of crimes against humanity.
@dagmarlak9596 Год назад
Totally NO ability to think for themselves!
@ScottyKirk1 Год назад
It's part of the cult conditioning. From the earliest possible age it's instilled at the deepest levels of their brain.... Some people can think for themselves, but some don't have the capacity... The one's who can, they are the lucky ones. My hope is that information like this can be found relatively easy nowadays by even kids who can (hopefully) see thru the facade of this cult's lies. Any relative who puts this cult over the love of their family, are too far gone most likely... Luckily there are some great XJW channels on YT... Including THIS one! Thank you June! 😉 👌
@Ladybhive71 3 месяца назад
That's so cruel
@cindylynn667 Год назад
I think and believe that they lose their sense of natural human instincts, such as wanting to comfort another person who is suffering and or in pain. No wonder you had to get out of that cult. You have a HUGE heart. Thank you! ❤💥✌️
@FarmFam-js5uy Год назад
June, I am currently a JW and my husband was disfellowshipped for exactly what you mentioned in this video (he did not believe the doctrine and started asking questions and ended up disfellowshipped); They did announce that my husband was no longer one of JW. The elders made me come to that specific meeting, which I did not want to do; but I did to see what they were going to say and how the rest of the congregation was going to treat me. To my surprise I was LOVE bombed LOL- everyone that came up to me kept saying that hopefully, my husband will come back to Jehovah. I have done what you and your family have done by just disappearing, it's easy for me because they won't talk to my husband so I barely get any phone calls/texts from anyone in the hall. I myself am in the process of trying to open some of the sister's eyes to what actually happened but I am not sure it will work. The funny thing to me is that my husband has been closer to God and Jesus since being disfellowshipped then when he was living a lie trying to force himself to go along with doctrine that was not Biblical! I love your story and I pray for you all -Tracey
@Charleneslife-23 Год назад
I too was DF for not believing and questioning the GB. During my final meeting with the elders, I boldly told them. “I know the truth and it has set me free”. Now I’m no longer a JW, I’m a much better person. My hubby no longer attend due to their treatment of me and him. They do not even try to get him to come back.
@FarmFam-js5uy Год назад
@@Charleneslife-23 I have a Shepard call this Friday with two of the elders and I'm going to tell them everything I think about them misleading people sand they should be ashamed of themselves I'm glad you and your husband are no longer being misled.
@evaarnold5838 Год назад
June, your sincerity, humanity, understanding shine through in your videos…we think exactly alike about what the JW’s teach, is cruel and unnecessary. The elder leadership gives uneducated men in phycology, the freedom to make choices that ruin lives and families. You know my story , my kids come first, no question ever. I made so many bad decisions before they came along, and never was DF’d because I kept it a secret..,so NO! I do not believe elders can read hearts … sorry, BS. Thanks again, you are blossoming into your role. Love you Sistren ♥️
@dagmarlak9596 Год назад
I CANNOT believe disfellowshipping actually EXISTS!! If a parent is told that their son or daughter is going to be disfellowshipped she too should leave or just simply vow that their son/daughter is always their child, no matter what the watchtower says, and NEVER cut them out if their life! Members of a family can have different beliefs, but the family unit should FOREVER remain strong and each member ALWAYS chooses eachother OVER their beliefs!!
@terridovey7648 Год назад
How can the gb forget that the Bible says that God hates all liars?🤔🤔 Great video June! Thank you. You're a very kind-hearted person. 🍃✝️🍃❤️
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
The structure, presentation, human examples sincerely shared, and evidence, (written and video), was informative, eye-opening, and powerful. Thank you for the excellent quality of your work, June and 'The Producer'! This is an extremely Important video for JWs, ex-JWs, and non-JWs to learn from.
@Delilahv17 Год назад
Not all get the same treatment. Over a period of time a few couples at our hall changed partners no one was reproved. A young couple from farm families needed more money so they burned down a barn full of livestock. It was horrific the parents stopped the charges from the insurance company through good lawyers and paying all damages. The young ones quietly moved to Florida where they were pioneers . The answer in both situations was Jehovah will take care of it.
@Lolo-qw9vy Год назад
Another Great Video! I remember going to my Aunt's funeral parlor. The girl that began studying with me at school when I was 15 and then transferred my study with an Elder, years later at this funeral dropped in out of respect since my Aunt was the mother of my cousin who is a JW. I had faded by then and she heard gossip about me from that Elder who studied with me back then. She wouldn't even look at me at the parlor. My cousin however asked me if I would ever come back to the JW'S and I said it's a long story and he said it usually is. All I can say is that Disfellow-shipping is a Disgrace and a down grading of our natural love for one another. Your video tells the Truth of what they teach and cover it up in the court of law. Where is their Honesty ? Thanks for this. 🙏
@johnnycroat Год назад
I like how they show young beautiful sisters in the dramatizations . Everything is so orchestrated
@madelinecaputo29 Год назад
My son was disfellowshiped when he figured out he was in a cult. He tried to help people to understand the cult they were in. Of course it did not go well. I was a wittness for 45 years. I read Franzs book Crisis of conscious I too faded out of the community. Needless to say I was treated as disfellowshiped. My son was 22 at the time, today he 53 with a family and a very responsible man. He is very well loved by the community.
@evabeck3348 Год назад
You showed these people not only LOVE, but, also gave COMPASSION to these three people. You didn’t do anything shameful. I’ve never been JW. But, I’ve always been a Christian. One day I discovered your channel to have a better understanding of what you and your family had gone through in JW church. We’ve had both JW and Mormons come to our door and we always said that we have own beliefs. Mormons we’re far more understanding than JWs. JW’s continually came to our home; so, one day my dad had enough of JW’s pushiness, my dad said to the JWs that theirs beliefs of child abuse wasn’t welcomed in our home. After that, we never had another JW come to our home. It’s interesting that these men who do the action of disfellowshiping, more than likely aren’t honest and do not know how to show Compassion, Love, and Understanding to their fellow family members or their church members.
@tsmi5505 Год назад
GreT job!! I couldn’t agree with you more. Disfellowshipping is disgusting. I’ve seen the same thing in my congregation. A young girl was crying at the Kingdom Hall and even though she was surrounded by people, including her parents and grandparents, no one even acknowledged her. Thanks for your videos. Love from Harrisonburg Virginia.😀
@a-hagirl9351 Год назад
Its cruel...cruel....cruel......actually the predators are left stay in the Congregation! And the victims of abuse, injustice, corruption, politics just cannot bear this and leave! That's my story, I disassociated after witnessing all of what was listed! Well done June! Ty for this channel!!💕🙏
@marianick9246 Год назад
Thank you June for your chanel. You are open but not over the top. I was a JW for 50 years and I'm so glade I'm out and so are my children.
@mattmurdock2868 Год назад
Thank you, June. Bringing down the "Tower."
@burntofferings1556 Год назад
I don't see how anyone could shun their own child. Makes no sense to me. This is one reason I waited to get baptized as I didn't want to get shunned by my parents. Worked in my favor as I managed to never do it. Great video Just June. There is alot of people out there hurting and feeling alone. This needs to be kept in the spotlight to expose WT for their unloving practices and lies to the courts.
@snookered3gen781 Год назад
This is spot on! Can I get the direct link to the Canadian testimony? That is such a lie! As a parent even when I was in I always knew I would never turn my back on my kids.
@johnnycroat Год назад
Yes, especially if they are going to the hall they are hurting and repentant by going ,takes a lot of courage
@rocketman7471 Год назад
I really enjoyed listening to this this morning now this is food at the proper time. It's about time people here these terrible horrible stories of how people are being treated in this organization. It seems to me that when one person is disfellowshipped the whole congregation suffers so now everyone is being punished expecially close family members that is neither loving or helps the situation get any better
@andracadicecrawford4256 Год назад
I hope people that wake up...instead of writing a letter or meeting with the SO-CALLED ELDERS ....they should raise their hands as if to give a comment and then express they're leaving for whatever reason! Instead of letting the cult dictate why as far as rumors etc...
@96t5wagon Год назад
It’s such a horribly unloving thing they do and I find it hard to deal with on a daily basis. When your own parent willingly rejects any attempt to have contact it’s so painful.
@patpryor Год назад
June, this is excellent. I plan to link it in my next JW video. Everyone should know about this horrible practice.
@tc64 Год назад
Hi June 👋 I just want to say thank you, for such an informative and loving post!! It's just sad, isn't it? I am still considered a jw but.. I've been fading for a while now. I, like you, could never totally shun anyone who was trying at least and would always try to encourage. Never understood that part of it! Never understood DF'ing if someone was repentant! There is no other religion that does this! How, do they come up with the rules for it as well? I mean, I've heard the basic ones or the ones to brush us off on what's going on behind the scenes. I have known, a very very dear friend, a beautiful young woman, inside and out. who had been through hell and is now dead due to drinking (pretty sure she became an alcoholic) but I could understand why!! She, of all... just needed to have support from her peers, family and so on within the org. I wasn't living close when she was going through so much at the end that she'd passed out behind the wheel and drove into the water where she drown.😢 There wasn't even a memorial service for her and she hadn't even been df'd. I do think she may have been on the verge of it but no one has said much. She was raised a jw. I've known of at least 6 people, in my old cong., jw (df and not df) and jw raised but not baptized who have committed suicide or died like my close friend. 😢 Thank you, for continually bringing light to these important subjects. 🙏
@catmeow333 Год назад
I never knew “Sonya’s“ back story. The video made it sound like she was df’d just a short time. (and 👏👏 that you hugged that crying girl, I did the same to my niece when I visited her hall way before I got involved and she was treated like a leper. Everyone was so shocked, my brother got reamed a new one by me in the parking lot🤣
@blondefro Год назад
Im 54 and my parents put me out on the street six months ago even tho im going thru a divorce and had no where to go. Im 3-1/2 yrs sober and my life just gets worse and worse. ive spent the last two days trying to convince myself not to swallow my bottle of sleeping pills. And trust me, im not reaching out for attention. Save ur breath with words of encouragement. I hope they all rot in hell. Or would that be Hades?
@jeanniejewel2272 Год назад
Seek professional help for your problem. Twelve step meetings will help you. Get a therapist. You are worth it. Strong people seek help. The JW organization is toxic, and they really teach you how to not love yourself. You are worth it.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
I am a never-JW (just an ex-JW ally) but I know about trauma, abuse, betrayal, etc. and overdosing, from personal experience, and definitely don't recommend any of it! As I doubt you would recommend to someone else, either. I am extremely fortunate to be alive to say that in my case it was misplaced rage towards others, directed inwards on myself. I had to find safe outlets for my rage so I didn't internalize it, and perpetuate victimizing me, as they taught me to do. That rage and desire to destroy, and annihilate, belongs to the Jehovah's Witness Organization., and the effects of their brainwashing on others. Your parents have betrayed you, but you know they have been brainwashed to shut down from unconditional love for you, believing that conditional love is the best way to save you. Obviously, they are wrong and utterly deluded. But you have every right to feel the full force of your emotions to all those who have unfairly punished you, in heinously cruel ways. I am not going to tell you that life circumstances suddenly get easier. My life has been, objectively, a continuing, unmitigated disaster!! From conception, onwards. However, finding creative, and safe outlets to express the rage; to externalize it in ways more directed to the true targets, reduces the destabilizing effects of rage in a major way. It's how we handle the cards we are dealt in life that determines our quality of life, more than the actual cards we are dealt. With a lot of practice, I know how to handle everything better,, I love life more every day, because every day my life is more my own, in my own mind. I have learned to lean into the life affirming stuff. That's where the quality is. The best revenge against a cult is to leave the shame, blame, punishment, devaluing, dispowerment to the people who deserve it, the abusers; The Governing Body, and anyone else who damaged you. The best revenge against a cult is to reclaim your own individual humanity by finding your passions, your own values, and what is meaningful to you, and nurturing those aspects of your life. Why give them your final sacrifice; your ultimate sacrifice to the cult - your life? Why let them win? Now you are detached from them, you are free to be your full, whole self, as is your birthright. Sometimes old things need to be broken to allow the space for big change, and growth of new life. You don't have to keep giving away your power to Them who be-littled you. You are a free agent now. You don't need to attempt to live to their impossible standards any more. You can use the extraordinary strength, resilience and willpower you obviously have in you to have made it this far, to fight for your own life, and be the fierce protector of your own human rights. They lied to you. You ARE worthy of every effort to protect. All the toxicity is theirs, not yours. You were always lovable, worthy of protecting, nurturing and cherishing, from the time you were born. Their failures to love you unconditionally are no reflection of your value, but of their deficiencies. You, as an adult, can now learn to care for yourself in ways they never could. It starts by challenging the critical, judgemental, destructive thinking they programmed into you. When you feel the self negating recording looping in your head, I suggest you use your power to switch gears and change the narrative. Defy Them, name them, and either re-direct that energy towards them, as it is really all about Them. (You could try punching pillows, yelling obscenities about them into pillows, throwing things safely, scrawling on paper, venting to someone, doing some form of exercise to release the pressure cooker), and/ or get yourself as comfortable as possible. Do something you enjoy, watch what you want. Listen to what you want. Focus on providing a safe, gentle moment in time for yourself. Your life, this moment in time and space, is yours to Live. If you learn what gives you comfort, a feeling of security and enjoyment, you will find out more who you are, what you need, and how to provide for your own needs. Then it doesn't matter what they do so much, because you won't need them any more. You will have yourself. Then no matter how objectively disastrous your life is, your life will have meaninng, quality and will be your own. I worked for years with a psychologist to help me with complex trauma, etc. I found my own methods that worked for me. If you can find someone professionally trained with cults or complex trauma, that could help you a lot. If not, perhaps someone with life experience who has some understanding of your experiences, and preferably is no longer at risk themselves, who can remind you, or let you know of all the other life giving possibilities available, other than a programmed self sacrifice to a cult. Reaching out to others is also an important part of fighting for yourself, self advocacy, self preservation and the self care you definitely, and defiantly deserve.
@blondefro Год назад
@@ellegee4683 all the therapy in the world isnt going to get back what i lost or give me a wonderful job or spouse. Ivd done alllll the “right” “healthy” things and my life just gets infinitely worse. But thank u for ur kindness.
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
@@blondefro I agree that therapy can't give back what you have lost. There is a time for most of us for mourning what could have been; the life we could have had, the person we could have been, the relationships we could have had...But especially for those, such as yourself, with decades spent in a controlling cult. The grief is natural and necessary to experience, and process. But if you get stuck in the grief, it becomes clinical depression. A therapist can help you process the grief, and fully justified rage, so you can move forward with being able focus on what you have now, your new chance at true living, (rather than merely existing) and help you build on that. What you have is being free of a cult. This is your opportunity to create a whole new life that is more natural to you, and more of what you are wanting, and needing. It is easy to assume the rest of your life is going to be horrible, just because that is how it has been. Maybe part of you believes an awful life is what you deserve, which, of course, isn't true. You have as much right to quality of life as anyone else. Actually, none of us know what is going to happen next. Past patterns don't always continue into the future. You don't know what is around the corner. Being human is always a mixed bag. If you expect shadows, that will be all you can see. A therapist can also help you see the positives, and opportunities to improve your quality of life. It's rare that everything goes to plan. Sometimes we have to shift gears, and change our goals, and change our definition of success. There is more than one way to find quality, meaning, purpose and joy in life. I got married, and had a child. I can't begin to tell you how much suffering and heartache I have gone through. My ex- husband died of ALS/ Motor Neuron Dsease 5 days before the Christmas just gone, and 11 days before our teenage son's birthday. And that is only part of all we have gone through. My point is that our fantasies that we feel robbed of are unlikely to ever have matched reality. Mine is a somewhat unusually harrowing parenting experience. But still, who is to know what you have been spared by not marrying and having a child? You could have had an abusive husband, etc. Being older you have more of a chance of being in a healthier, longer lasting relationship. There is still time for you to learn about unconditional love outside the cult, and find an unconditionally loving husband, who may, or may not have children, and/ or foster a child. Or work in child care. No, it is not the same as your original fantasy, but may work out better than you could have imagined. Three years ago, a lady in our family (twice widowed) introduced us to her new beau, a 93 year old! I called him a cradle snatcher. She was a mere 79 years old! He thought that was hilarious. They are both still sharp of mind and body, active, volunteering, etc. and although going through the usual hardships and dramas that is just part of being human, also both having the most compatible, fulfilling relationship of their lives. It's not too late, until life is over! A therapist can help you navigate through this rocky time, and find strategies to help you make the most of your new found freedom, so you can have mental and emotional freedom, too. Then you can better deal with whatever comes your way, and make the most of the best things. From my perspective, it seems that you are trapped in a negative mind cage - fully understandably! It's difficult to see anything positive, or imagine a more stable and happier future, until you can get out and breathe in life. This is what a therapist can help you with, if you find a good one. You are worthy of all the support and opportunities you can get. It is always worth trying, because you have no idea what you will miss out on if you give yourself no chance at all. What else do you want to do that you feel you have missed out on? Did you enjoy a subject at school that you would have liked study further? Or have a go at a hobby? Or go for a walk in nature, rather than door to door? You have opportunities, now that your time, and choices are your own. 💖
@daniellamcgee4251 Год назад
@@blondefro Also, that 79 year old family member I told you about, was able to go back to school at 40 years old. She got a scholarship and kept studying at Uni. She started her career at 53 years, and retired at 78 years. You have time!
@spec5050 Год назад
Thanks Just June for your heart breaking video and for showing christian love to those who have made mistakes ....as we all have at one time or another . Are the brothers and sisters so naive to think that most brothers and perhaps sisters haven't looked at a member of the opposite, or maybe the same sex and committed fornication in their hearts ?, maybe have had a little too much to drink and gotten behind the wheel , have told a whopper of a lie to get out of an embarrassing situation , maybe cheated a little on their taxes , failed to live up to a commitment we promised to another , lied to our employer about taking a day off playing sick ? . Point is WE ALL FALL SHORT . Take King David of the scriptures..... he violated at least 3-4 of the 10 commandments , and should have been stoned to death under the old law , but as things turned out , he repented and was still known as a friend of God . Strange though , through that whole ordeal , the only person who paid for Davids sins ...was the life of an innocent young child . Who among the WT, GB was DF'ed or PUBLICLY REPROVED when it was found out that the WT joined the United Nations, [ Satan's own Wild Beast ] as an NGO associate in the 1990's , for what?... A LIBRARY CARD ? ...OH PLEASE . Keep telling people , that our loving God is our judge , NOT THE WT . May God continue to bless you , for you truly have a good and kind heart .
@culti79 Год назад
I love your channel! Thanks again to you and your family.
@haan3549 Год назад
Great job! Thanks!
@stillunspoken1343 Год назад
110% , all love.
@jerryholmberg135 Год назад
I was being ignored before I left going to meetings. I was told I wasn’t living up. And they were right I didn’t like field service so I didn’t go out. my wife and I were being shunned before we even left. we both faded for 20 years.
@Mevarii Год назад
I escaped from the cult when I was 29. I stopped believing long time ago, but I always thought I just had to endure until somehow I could escape and keep my family at the same time. I was about to turn 30 when I finally realised I was wasting my life! I´m 4th generation of JW´s and, when I ranaway, all of my family stopped talking to me. ALL OF THEM: cousins, uncles, aunts, siblings, parents... Sometimes, I really feel the need to connect with them, and I write them emails or messages. They either ignore me or insult me, but there is no love at all. The only thing they repeat constantly is "We need and we WANT to keep our loyalty to JEHOVAH". I left voluntarily, I didn't commit any "SIN". Now that I am no longer a Jehovah's Witness, I live with my fiance and we have plans to get married and have kids, and it's so sad to remember my parents and siblings and all of my family as "someone that I used to know"...
@Mevarii Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune thanks for your videos! I'm from Chile (south America) and can really feel that I'm not alone thanks to beautiful people like you and your family who are willing to share some love and interesting content with us💕
@ShoNuffSoulBro1 Год назад
WT’s mentality is everything they put forth as doctrine, policies and procedures is directed by God; therefore it’s ok to bend the truth and even lie. “The Worldlings won’t understand or appreciate spiritual matters therefore we must engage in theocratic warfare and not divulge the truth.” It was interesting to hear the WT lawyer say “disfellowship, disfellowshipped, disfellowshipping…”
@trilithon108 Год назад
The real meaning of 'sin' is not naughty sexual thoughts and such, but sin means 'to miss the mark'. To miss the mark is to be separate from the Divine, Breath of Life, Reality. Why would a Church create a situation that forces its congregants to 'miss the mark', with shunning, separation and punishment?
@grammargoddessNYC Год назад
There is no love at all in the process and there is nothing “loving” about being disfellowshipped. It’s not scriptural and it’s not “discipline from God.” I get so triggered every time I see those JW videos or read their printed descriptions. It’s like peeing on someone but telling them it’s only raining. The JW leadership lies and they are so deceitful. What decent parent would be okay with what they are endorsing?! I was publicly reproved and my ex husband was deleted as a ministerial servant for a situation that was very public and a lot knew why because the situation happened at a baby shower (story for another day). The shame of all that was almost unbearable for me at the time - now, decades later it’s all just stupid - and ridiculous. But, if I had been disfellowshipped I doubt I would have survived it mentally. Growing up, I always spoke to people who were disfellowshipped. I would wave to them at the hall in passing as discreetly as I could. I would sneak hello notes to anyone I was friends with. I would find ways. If I ran into anyone on the street or while shopping or whatever, I always stopped and talked. I didn’t care. I know someone who committed suicide while he was disfellowshipped. He was one of 10 children and his entire family was JW. Sadly, this happens a lot. It destroys families and it destroys lives. June, thank you so much for doing this video. People need to know!! Your videos are great and give real life examples. Excellent, powerful content. 🌹🌹🌹
@whereslaska Год назад
I've been DF'd since 2015. Thank you
@whereslaska Год назад
June, I respect you, and I respectectfully disagree. I'm disfellowshipped. I still see it as consequences. I also see it as "tough love", and scriptural. Furthermore I knew the rules when I joined.... how can I be bitter? p.s. very open to a dialog ;)
@whereslaska Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune I would agree that the "actual" culture and practice of JW's is very different from the official teaching. It's very hard for me to find a place to point a finger though. I fall back on my "programming" and tell myself that they are only imperfect men doing the best they can... but since my awakening I see that is not always true.
@cosymedia2257 Год назад
Great job! It's all there, I mean good shots all together in details... It's funny (ironic) somehow that you've said that you were a bad supposedly God's name Witness, when you actually have been doing the very right things to do with those in need emotionally (showing TRUE INCONDITIONAL LOVE)... Even if I left at 13 I do remember JW's that really gave me good vibes and guess what? They were not in good standing in JWLand, (not disfellowshipped but) always behind, never ran to do whatever they were told to (that didn't float ther boat spiritually) even not WORKING as ministerial servants or whatever to look good in whoever's eyes (most of them for taking care of their familly instead)... I wonder if they are still following this religion... Fear kills consciouness - my personnal interpretation of Matthew 24:15 - When you'll see the abonitation that causes desolation (and lack of love is one of them)... where you think you'll be safe (spiritually) or approved by God for being there ... RUN AWAY even if you think that you are in need... (because these places of worship will kill your consciousness even just by being complacant ). About criminals like pedophiles (2 victims in my family one of them from JWland = a young JW sister abusing a 4 until 9 years boy, knowing that this sister's mother is running a kid day care !!!). Already knowing that the hardest thing for an assaulted kid is to testify and knowing how JWland deals with pedophiles endangering all brothers and sisters kids not to forget their neigborhs ones. Should we show inconditional love to them? Well yes (ANYWAY) but certainely not by empowering them and even worse over their victimes... But as you've said, by doing the right thing to send them where they belong = somewhere they can't hurt kids and/or will be taken care of professionally (the pure wolves = in jail and the dammaged, in psychiatric institutes to anihilitate their nasty impulses FOR THEIR OWN GOOD! Because obviously their religion beliefs or even just their "belief" in God didn't help).
@jenniferm6141 Год назад
Hello I’m not a JW, but both sides of my family are . I was never baptized thank goodness. I have a question to ask, because my aunt is currently in a hospital with 3% kidney function. According to what was told to my mom, her husband is calling a service group leader . What is the service group leader’s function in this situation? I know what the HLC is because my dad almost died from blood loss a couple years ago. Thank you to everyone who responds, so I can help my mom understand who they are.
@jenniferm6141 Год назад
Thank you very much for your response. I feel like JW’s talk in their coded language and outsiders are left confused. My mom faded and didn’t talk to her side of the family for decades. They are just recently filling her in on stuff that’s more important I guess. Thank you for your help and kind words .
@writinghappyhour6945 5 месяцев назад
I miss my mom... everytime im depressed or sick I want to call her. My mother is the kindest most tender soul... but it's been 20 years and she's still "doing the right thing" keeping me at a safe distance. I know it was my initial mistake and stupid horny teenage choices that put her in this position and I also know my continuing to not go back will mean i can't be in her life, but I can't imagine pretending that I agree with even half of what i heard from the platform. I cant preach to others when i know their ideals are not my own.
@JustDeannaJune 5 месяцев назад
I apologize in advance, this is going to be a little long... You say that it was YOUR initial mistake and horny teenage choices that put HER in THIS position.... Think about that statement. That is EXACTLY how the governing body WANTS you to reason on your actions and that's not the situation. Did you make some bad decisions? Maybe... I don't know your whole story, just that you were a horny teenager. Ummm 🤔 most of us were, and that's a perfectly NORMAL way to be as a teenager and its demonized by the JW organization. Studies show that the average teenager becomes sexually active at age 16-17, but that age has become higher in recent years. It used to be lower, between 15-16. So JWs stigmatize us to feel like we are horrific worthless humans because we made a decision that was maybe not well thought out before our brain was fully formed and our hormones were raging. And they, AS ADULTS, react by treating this situation with unloving, dramatic dogma based on 140-ish JW views, Jesus never shunned anyone, hell, he talked and was loving to prostitutes and tax collectors according to the Bible. So, according to JW propaganda, that THEY DO EVERYTHING ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE, they should be treating ppl that make mistakes lovingly, as Jesus did, and leaving the JUDGEMENT to Jehovah God in the future when someone comes to their end on this earth. That's if you believe in the Bible... which I don't. But maybe you do. You need to give yourself some grace and understanding, you were a kid who needed patience and love shown to you by your religious faith and your parent, NOT all discipline and punishment. My children have made some seriously bad decisions along the way as teenagers, just like I did. My husband and I tried to not follow in our parents footsteps and we NEVER brought them before the elders for help... Both our parents were strict JWs that punished and told us to suppress our emotions and actions. I realize, we all should try to listen to our parents, they are truly trying to direct us for our own well-being BUT they should realize... Mistakes are going to happen, even BIG ones, BUT the answer is NEVER SHUNNING, NEVER! Shunning is a form of manipulation and control. We never deserved that, no matter what we did! Being talked to sternly and facing our consequences, YES, that is necessary! Giving loving help and having patience is what a parent should do. A parent that isn't being directed by a self promoting, unjust and highly controlling religious group. But your mom unfortunately was being manipulated by the JW organization and sounds like she still is... The fault ALL lies on Watchtower, NOT on your young, inexperienced self or your poor Mom. Again, give yourself the GRACE Watchtower NEVER will because of greed, power and control. Remember, you are right about not living a lie and pretending to be someone you aren't, always be yourself!!! And I'm so very sorry that Watchtower has caused this distance between you and your mother, it's such an unbelievably sad and cruel situation they put you both in! Hang in there!!! I wish I had some better words of comfort to extend... Much love my friend!!! 💗🩷💖
@JellyBean-jh1rq Месяц назад
That lets all the women off the list. CLEARLY this applies ONLY to men *He*He*Him* 🤠
@truelove2334 20 дней назад
The mother from the article looked for “loopholes in the publications” but didn’t go to God’s Word😕
@m.a.sperry3424 Год назад
A cult is a cult is a cult.
@universeworld1782 Год назад
Many Elder's actually spread slander around the Congregation, how? Through their wives, they will never tell the details, but tell it in a way that no one will want to talk to you ever again. Even if you are eventually reinstated. One night as we prepared the Kingdom Hall for midweek meeting, a Ministerial Servant told me in private the publication servant was being removed from his responsibilities and publicly reproved because his wife caught him viewing porn on their home computer. This was before the announcement! It made me mad, I told that servant off on the spot, but he refused to tell what Elder told him those details. I knew he would be announced that night during the announcements, and why he was publicly reproved before the meeting even began. I have always known why someone was announced, always and I have been in 6 different Congregations. Even hearing the Congregation 👏 clapping when one Elder disassociated himself, and he was one of the anointed who had been partaking for years! It should have been a sad night but it was full of joy! I should have rushed out of that Kingdom Hall and never looked back. I regret that I continued! It is not only the leaders that lie about it, but in reality only a few like you and I actually love our brothers and sisters these days. Most are now filled with ice hearts, waiting longing to see billions destroyed by the God of LOVE! The Governing Body according to Jesus words are full of Murderous Hatred towards anyone they condemn, because they convince themselves they are the judges appointed by God to judge the world. The only ones they forgive are their friends.
@universeworld1782 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune it us truth, I approached the PO after that and asked him why did you not stop the clapping? He responded oh we will deal with it later. I told him the time to deal with it is when it happens! Of course nothing was ever said to the Congregation of 90 publishers about it, showing the Elders themselves approved of the clapping. But I seen more than that there. Including heavy alcoholism with one Elder and his best friend the CO! The CO then spending a team in rehab at the New York Branch stating he had depression issue's. Both the Elder and the CO died from Cancer in 2018 in their early 60's. But they ended their faithful course in death according to the Holy 8! You get publicly reproved for one event, they never were reproved, but announced how faithful they were. 🤔🤫
@universeworld1782 Год назад
Now a lot more families will be devestated as they now practice child Baptism, as early as 5 years of age. In the future how do you think these young ones will face difficulties as they grow up? 🤔 How many families, will be destroyed, how many suicides could be avoided. I never turned my back on anyone, so I was different like you. The disfellowshipping Doctrine makes all of us to violate the demand from Jesus to have deep love for one another. My wife and I were disfellowshiped in 2022. I doubt we will ever go back. We were repentant but they said we were not repentant enough. They wanted us to wash their 👞 with tears. So it has nothing to do with repentance, but their imperfect opinions. My situation was different as I was baptised in early 70's, so my view was different in that I did not view obedience to the Organisation as part of my vow, the term Organisation did not exist at that time.
@universeworld1782 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune A corporation is not a religion. Back then they called it Society! The excuse they used to be incorporated was not required of a non profit organisation. To me corporate America was all the same, 😈 evil, so I researched and did not believe in the 1975 teaching Fred Franz talked about in his long talks. Because I did not swallow that lie, false teaching, 2 of the annointed in the Congregation made several attempts to remove me. Both accusations pure slander. The second attempt ended up with that annointed one being publicly reproved for slandering me. He never spoke to me again. When 75 came and went some Elders and others left at that time. For me I just did not have the time to worry about it. I had 2 young children, 4 and 3 years, so my viewpoint was no matter if it came in not, I still had to get up a work to feed house and care for them. So I never vowed obedience to an Organisation or a Society, but to Jesus our Lord and Savior. When someone was removed like I still greeted them to their surprise. To exercise love you cannot shun. Even your enemies Jesus requires you to assist them, to help them if they are in need. This shunning Doctrine comes from just one source, Satan! If Jehovah wants to destroy me because I show love and kindness to even my enemies so be it. Then I am nit a true Christian. The Organisation teaches Hatred, and the teachings now involve hate 💬 speech. Just review Hitlers speeches to how the GB teaches from the platform. And you will see a very similar pattern. Hate speech is easy to identify. I am hated by multiple Elders, including David Splane of the GB who I talked to over the phone. He ended up 🙊 speechless, because he knew what Elders were doing was not scriptural. Not from the God they claim to worship. Sorry for the long comment's 😅 but I deal with disappointment issues still in just how hypocritical the show of love is broadcast over the Org!
@symone3113 Год назад
Your loving kindness may have saved those DF’d people’s life… there are so many witness that have committed suicide because they were isolated my their love ones…. How is D’Fbig someone and being shunned a living arrangement….. SMDH!!! It’s blame evil….
@waldo9261 Год назад
I have no family in Jehovah's witnessess. I'm disfellowshipped. No one talks to me and that's fine. When I talk I usually get into trouble. I enjoy the meetings more because I just come in at the start and leave at the end. We are even used to this.. I don't or can't go out in service. The only thing I can do is go to the meetings. I got used to being The White Elephant in the room.
@waldo9261 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune I only care what Christ Jesus thinks of me. Try too.
@waldo9261 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune No one goes to the Father except through me. That's why. I still believe in Jehovah God. Your right, Jesus is not given the acknowledgment that he should. But, I don't believe in Trinity, I believe there is 144000 Kingdom heirs, there will be a Paradise Earth. I believe Jehovah is allowing the Watchtower is becoming the Stupid Prophets in the book of Isaiah. It is Jesus Christ that has the answers, not the Governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some follow Apollos some cephas, some paul. Paul was not crucified for us, nor was the Governing body.
@denahunter9253 Год назад
Talk about no natural affection. 😢
@denahunter9253 Год назад
It’s almost as if people are returning because they miss their family; rather than because they love Jehovah.
@janespitfire9884 Год назад
So sad this happens if JW. It is not loving and WRONG! I just quit going/faded then told I am considered to be put to death and will die. I heard more stories of teens stopping going or making mistake and put out of the home!!! The world is so crazy and putting family and destorying friends and families people out that make mistakes is wrong. Other famailies go thru worse stuff and stay close.
@warrengraham5419 Год назад
Taking Telltale's line?
@begonia6446 Год назад
@begonia6446 Год назад
@@JustDeannaJune Thank you! I so agree. The lack of empathy & logic is like backwards thinking.
@cassandrasmom Год назад
Disfellowshipping is most definitely cruel. It isn’t “Christ-like” at all. Not to mention that disfellowshipping isn’t even mentioned in the Bible. So many suicides and very sad situations could have been avoided if someone showed just a little love to those who really needed it in their dark moments.
@jeremiahtray5621 Год назад
Your issues is with Jesus not Jehovahs Witnesses
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