
Disgaea D2 Artina Post Game (ENG) [1080p] 

Prince Laharl
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Artina makes an appearance in Disgaea D2... from the future?!
After defeating Artina, not only will she join your party, but you'll also gain an additional 50 CP to distribute in the Cheat Shop.
Also, you'll receive the Trophy: "Artina Get Your Gun" when you return to the Overlord's Castle after having defeated her.
Disgaea Dimension 2: A Brighter Darkness is a Tactical RPG by Nippon Ichi Software



6 сен 2024




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@YugnatZero 9 лет назад
That's it, I am now convinced that Disgaea does not have a timeline. Just a zillion mangled strings of times and dimensions tied together in a completely anrchic fashion.
@JustCallTre 9 лет назад
***** No, it does. Disgaea Infinite ties some timelines together. But logically, time wise, it goes like this, Rhapsody, La Pucelle Tactics, Disgaea 1, Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom, Disgaea D2, Soul Nomad, Disgaea 3 Happens at the sametime as Disgaea 2, Disgaea 4. The Prinny games are the only ones with a different timeline, as they follow the timeline where laharl sacrifices himself and becomes a prinny.
@justaprinny9940 6 лет назад
Tre and Zx Plays but what about Adell meeting laharl in this game
@AnimeSageyoutubemomentsanime 5 лет назад
Yugnat Zero I remember in Disgaea 5 one of the prinnies told me that seraphina’s father use his ability to seraphina into a beautiful skinny gorgeous girl since she was a pig just like porkmiester I think
@lol4vid 5 лет назад
@@AnimeSageyoutubemomentsanime u got it backwards. Her father used to look good but he enhanced his body due to cowardice and ended up looking like hoggmeiser
@Kaefer1973 4 года назад
Mostly like "JustCallTre" said, however Sould Nomad's main plot stretches over at least two time lines (the one where they pissed of the time witch Lujei Piche and the one where Lujei Piche took her vengence). Due to the way of story telling in regard of the time witch it can be assumed that every playthrough takes place in another time line.
@yukimabi5225 6 лет назад
I believe Artina did cause a time Paradox convincing Flonne indirectly to be an Archangel.
@97dusk 10 лет назад
"Artina Get Your Gun" Oh dear... XD
@victorharo3813 8 лет назад
Fallen Angel Flonne is so much better than Artina's Archangel Flonne
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
What you'd need is a manufactured version of the stable time loop- Artina returns to the past to cancel out Flonne's initial failure, then in the "Flonne suceeds" timeline Flonne is told to send Artina back to avoid a paradox, so she does, meaning paradox averted. If she failed to do so, the timeline would snap back to the failure timeline.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
I think that Archangel Flonne from the future is responsible for sending Artina to the past to Collect Hoggmeiser's money, but I doubt that she specifically instructed Artina to go about collecting the money from Hoggmeiser by kidnapping his son Porkmeister and holding him for ransom... that's probably something that Artina came up with herself...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Ha Ha! XD I'll admit that possibility did cross my mind earlier... It would be pretty ironic if she really did send Artina on her mission, not remembering it's outcome XD
@GatoEpico 10 лет назад
when someone travels to the past , and change stuff there , when they travel back to their time , no one remember them being in that past time line , the own time changes the past in a way it can accord with the present . Something like it is showed in "a promise revisited" from Disgaea 4: revisited
@Kaefer1973 4 года назад
As far as story relevant time travel is concerned, the time travel in Soul Nomad (time witch Lujei Piche) and the time travel in La Pucelle (Goddes Poitreene), worked differently than the one in Disgaea Infinite and Disgaea 4 (magic clock whatsitsname). In both Soul Nomad and La Pucelle goddesses were involved (In Soul nomad a goddess remembered the time travel and took advantage of it, in La Pucelle a goddess caused the time travel and at least one of her followers/Angels remembered it as well. Assuming some excisting rules in the heads of the story tellers, I assume there are different methods of time travel that have different results.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Archangel Flonne probably couldn't have stopped Artina from kidnapping Porkmeister even if she wanted to, because that would have created a time paradox, but she also would have known that Porkmeister wasn't in any real danger because nothing had happened to him in her past when she had encountered Artina, so she probably wouldn't have been worried about sending Artina back in time, given that she knew everything would turn out alright in the end...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Except that the existence of the second Artina would be dependant upon the Artina from the first timeline succeeding in preventing "Flonne's failure", which she could never be, as succeeding would prevent the existence of that version of her, and so without ever existing she couldn't succeed, making a second Artina from a timeline where Flonne succeeded an "impossibility", except with the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
@kap1618 11 лет назад
What's really funny is that Artina's job was approved by flanderdized Flonne, the one who is just a straight up love freak otaku. The original Flonne however who is much more than that being mad is funny.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Well, the problem with that kind of time travel (where the past is altered) is that it would create a paradox, where the future that the person came from is changed in a way that prevents them from traveling to the past the way in which, or for the reasons, they originally did. The classic example of this problem is called the "Grandfather Paradox"...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
That is unless you're using "Everett's many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics" though, which suggests that all possible quantum events can occur in mutually exclusive histories, in which case it might be that a "hypothetical" time traveler would end up in a different history than their own...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Maybe... except that the Archangel Flonne from the future must have remembered encountering Artina in the Netherworld in her own past (the present for Fallen Angel Flonne in this video) and "rescuing" Porkmeister from Artina... So Archangel Flonne probably knew exactly what Artina was going to do, because for Archangel Flonne it had already happened in her past...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
I talked to Artina recently when she was in the Castle Hall, and one of the things she said was: "What's going on with Celestia during this time period? I'm going to go check it out..." So maybe she has some other purpose to fulfil in the past that perhaps involves Celestia...
@vichardt8288 8 лет назад
Laharl is enjoying it when he wants to battle.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
But if that's the case, then Artina wouldn't actually be "changing" history, she'd just have traveled to/created an alternate universe in which Flonne never fails, and the original universe where Flonne did fail would still exist... This would eliminate any paradoxes, but it would also be more like "world hopping" than "time travel"...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
In this case, if the reason Artina was sent to the past was because in her "present" Flonne's plan had failed, and if Artina were to succeed in her mission to alter the past so that Flonne's plan would succeed, then the future that Artina came from where Flonne's plan failed would never exist, and thus she would never have been sent to the past by Flonne to prevent her plan from failing... But, if Artina is never sent to the past by Flonne, then Flonne's plan would fail, and thus the paradox...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Anyways, when Flonne and I returned back to the future/present, nothing had actually changed as a result of our actions in the past, because it was all part of a history that had already happened... Disgaea 4 most likely takes place after those events, so when Flonne was devising her plan she would have already had past experience with stable loop time travel and time machines... Wait, did I just say "past" experience with time machines? Seriously?
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Stable loop time travel is actually involved in the plots of several of the Disgaea light novels, and in one of them Flonne and I use a time machine to go to Earth over 1000 years in the past... Quite a lot happened and I actually got to meet my mother "Gwen" back when she was in her previous marriage with King Arthur (yeah, I guess that was a major spoiler, but the light novels have never been localized, so how else were you going to find out XD)
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Well, while manufacturing a stable time loop like that works as a good plot device in science fiction, it wouldn't really work in reality. In this case, it just wouldn't be possible for the Artina from the "Flonne fails" timeline to "cancel out" Flonne's initial failure, without essentially "canceling" herself out in the process... So a "Flonne succeeds" timeline would never even exist in which they could attempt to avoid the paradox...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
"All troops, assume your battle positions!!" "Go Go Go! Charge!!" HA HA! XD I'm definitely using that sound bite in my future Disgaea projects... It would be perfect for a custom TF2/Gmod Laharl model... which I may or may not currently be working on...
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Ha Ha! Yeah, it would be kind of funny for Flonne to have to send Artina on the mission, knowing that she'll inevitably fail... Unless the real reason Archangel Flonne sent Artina to the past wasn't actually to collect the money from Hoggmeiser, but instead to join Etna, Flonne, Sicily, and I in the past...
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
Come to think of it, maybe that's how Flonne got herself the Archangel posistion in this timeline? Hypothetical: Timeline A: "Pre-Time-Travel" timeline. Flonne rehabilitated, gets herself minor job. Still takes Artina under her wing, but her plan fails against Judge Nemo. Sends Artina back. Timeline B: "Mysterious Angel" persuades the Seraph to give Flonne's plan a try, mentioning facts to prove she's a time traveller. Flonne gets her shot to save the Corrupterment's Netherworld.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Alright, so maybe the first robot was sort of useful, but come on... Isn't one giant love robot enough!!? XD Actually, maybe even that's one to many... XD
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
"Artificial" time loops only work in science fiction, in reality you couldn't have a different version of yourself substitute the actions of a previous version of yourself that no longer exists, because if the previous version doesn't exist, an alternate version of yourself that's dependant upon the actions of the previous version couldn't exist either.
@FukuritaMariko 3 года назад
Time travel has so much confusing rules what's allowed for a paradox or a different timeline together.
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
Artina would indeed cancel herself out- but Artina/her copy (depends on how you look at it) does actions similiar enough to what she did, the timeline suceeds. A parallel universe solution also works, however- it would actually explain a lot.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Yes, that will be the next video I upload...
@narcissus31st 11 лет назад
Porkmeister was so much cuter in the old game! DX
@lordmeric3180 5 лет назад
o:/ was he?
@rayzuke1232 4 года назад
@@lordmeric3180 He was a small piglet demon. Just do the old Goggle pictures search: "Disgaea Porkmeister" should be among the first photos you find
@smilinggeneral8870 4 года назад
i just played disgaea 1 again and saw him. i mistaken him for a rat lol
@kyotheman69 3 года назад
sad that fallen Flonne is better angel then her Archangel self in the future
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Stable/predetermined time loops with only one timeline are "hypothetically" plausible, however. If this is the case, then Flonne wouldn't have failed and then sent Artina to the past to prevent her failure, but instead she would have sent her to the past as part of the plan she had all along, which ultimately succeeded.
@Speeddemon105 11 лет назад
Ah. Megaphones. The great communicators!
@PrinceLaharl 10 лет назад
Well, she did give me back my blueprints eventually so I guess it was more like borrowing them, although she never asked, plus several pages were missing because she apparently "lost" them... As for The Gargantua, a long time ago I actually told her she could have it and I guess somehow she remembered... that didn't mean she could gut the ship of its components though!! XD Now it doesn't even work properly anymore...
@dragonstormx 11 лет назад
Well she did stop the moon from slamming into the Earth with the first one, though I'm not sure if that was the Earth you're familiar with. Either way, she did that without actually telling Artina about the plan. The best part is she still doesn't want to acknowledge how much of a ditzy nerd Flonne is and tries to think of her of some wise mentor.
@XanAtaraxia 10 лет назад
Flonne Captured Artina... That's the most funniest thing I read xD
@perio12345 10 лет назад
2:41 - 2:44 Was That TF2 Soldier's Voice Cast?
@thatoneyuuki4336 9 лет назад
yes XD
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
Oops- I see a problem. Timeline A would have to involve, if it existed, the Axel virus suceeding- only Artina's presence presented it, and without Flonne as Archeangel Artina never goes to the Netherworld as Flonne doesn't have the influence to get away with it.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
I think that my Laharl and Etna were actually over level 1000 when I defeated her... You might want to do some more leveling in the Cave of Ordeals, or you could level up your items in the Item World. If you're having trouble defeating the Sludges because of their Evilities, which reduce the amount of damage they take from non-elemental attacks, you could try using elemental Magic Spells or Book Skills against them, which should do more damage...
@Rikkity 4 года назад
If I had to pick between Laharl's english VA and JP VA...English VA definitely puts a lot of heart into this role!
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
In the original timeline, Flonne would have to remember Porkmeister was Laharl's vassal- she also knows Laharl well enough to predict this would happen. Come to think of it, I did make a mistake here- if Artina did all this without Flonne's knowledge it would make sense. That would be odd though- isn't time travel a big deal?
@dragonstormx 11 лет назад
Well, what I actually meant was that you could have somebody trying to take all the money and the cause for whatever is going is "science", like what that crazy computer GLADOS does.
@pzab7022 10 лет назад
They said flonne was getting into it, but so is laharl later. Hehe
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Ahh Ha Ha! Archangel or not, Flonne couldn't possibly defeat me!! Besides, Artina didn't even want to challenge me in the first place, she was only after Hoggmeiser's money... If Archangel Flonne from Disgaea 4 had gone herself to collect the money, instead of sending Artina, I doubt that Flonne would have kidnapped Porkmeister in an attempt to extort money from Hoggmeiser like Artina did... so Etna, Sicily, (present) Flonne, and I would probably never have encountered Archangel Flonne...
@Flamelance_Accendo 5 лет назад
Jesus Porkmeister aged so much o_O
@AuraChannelerChris 11 лет назад
This event pretty much confirms that Disgaea D2 takes places before Disgaea 4.
@afzofa107 6 лет назад
AuraChannelerChris D2 takes place before disgaea 2 as well, shown by how they dont recognize rozalin and adell
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
Why didn't Etna discuss her masses of power when talking smack in the Netherbattle Tournament? The Disagea D2 post-game is a ripe setting for fan fiction, though. The interactions of past and future versions of characters could make for some very interesting stuff.
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
Come to think of it, Flonne(Disagea 4 time) should have gone herself in her Fallen Angel garb (which the Seraph could permit). She could have talked past Flonne onto her side much more easily than Artina, and together they could have beaten Laharl/Etna.
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
Although she'd probably still be a little annoyed given that she knows Artina's trip will not in fact secure the money.
@dragonstormx 11 лет назад
Maybe it's Flonne wanting to build a bigger giant robot to destroy the aliens.
@longtrinh3410 4 года назад
I love any Flonne's.
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Ha Ha! With Flonne... definitely! XD
@playmakervey1012 3 года назад
Ok now i how flonne scouted artina in the future hahahaha now i really think arcangel flonne went a bit power crazy i mean really great flonnezor X
@jkha7083 11 лет назад
Wow man...i definitely have to get my game up. Ive played this since the first(skipped D2) and i still dont know things like this..thanks for the help. Ill see what i can do
@lunerblade13 10 лет назад
imagine artina and nami meeting up.
@jkha7083 11 лет назад
Im trying to train there. I already beat all of CoO, just i dont know what the training method to train there.
@Carinthium 10 лет назад
Flonne stealing? She's more demonic than I thought! I wonder how she justified that when you called her on it?
@longtrinh3410 4 года назад
Flonne probably does not steal. Artina herself said in here that Flonne told her to "do anything" which Artina interpreted to including thievery and kidnapping, etc.
@gamerfreak42 11 лет назад
Given how forgetful Flonne is, she probably sent Artina, entirely forgetting that it would fail.
@XYZeXalX 10 лет назад
But you DID say in the DLC if Flonne built one, you should have one too.
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
How long did Flonne spend fighting Nemo's plans, anyway? If it was more than about two centuries, then this actually seems likely!
@Carinthium 11 лет назад
OK- my apologies. You're right.
@tsumday 11 лет назад
Gogogo Charge!
@lalaninja006 10 лет назад
lol i just love flonne xd
@XYZeXalX 11 лет назад
Plus, there's the fact that YOU built one of yourself, Gundam style in the Laharl Kaiser V DLC in D4, to rival Flonne's.(Out of jealousy, of course. Oops...)
@jkha7083 11 лет назад
Ahh thats why, you had 1k characters. Got any tips on doing CoO6? it seems to be a really lengthy process for me which doesnt sound right.
@rayzuke1232 4 года назад
2:26 Ohh I know the answer to the why. Its a Disgaea Postgame nothing is suppose to make sense.
@Kaefer1973 4 года назад
Well not nothing, the whole Demon Lord Prier story mode in La Pucelle Ragnarok exists to sort out Disgaea Postgame content and make it sensible.
@PrinceLaharl 10 лет назад
Ahhh Ha Ha! I didn't just build one... I built a whole army of Laharl Kaisers!! That's why I was able to give one to Valvatorez and his party in the Disgaea 4 DLC... well, that and also Etna and I had placed some surveillance equipment in each of the ship's components so we could secretly spy on them! XD What!? W-why would I be jealous of that thing!? Besides, she actually stole my blueprints and she stole several components from my Battleship, "The Gargantua", in order to make her robot!!
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Are you trying to clear it for the first time or training there?
@otakujiji 4 года назад
Does Artina meet Flonne in Disgaea 4's main story?
@jkha7083 11 лет назад
What if its every other character though? Cause the rest have pretty low INT. Also did you use weapon/skill mastery + exp bonus from the cheat shop? Cause my tera spells dont only have a 2x2 target
@sirmadfychus3060 5 лет назад
@shadowblade1296 11 лет назад
hey are you going to upload the valvatorez post game map any time soon
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Oh, great.... another one of Flonne's robots... -_-
@kirbystarwarior 11 лет назад
Crap that's true.
@theeraphatsunthornwit6266 6 лет назад
Why hog voice become like that?
@jkha7083 11 лет назад
Howd you manage to beat artina and her super tanky as hell slimes? I got most of my main characters to lvl 400-500ish and still cant beat her. As far as ive known, i at least reincarnated between 2-4 times depending on the character
@jocovaar 9 лет назад
is this really from disgaea 2 cursed memories?
@ilmpyt 8 лет назад
no, this is D2, a different game continuing Disgaea 1 story
@PrinceLaharl 11 лет назад
Ha Ha! But, you did just say "first comment" XD
@Gat720Dua 11 лет назад
A time traveling angel stealing money from demons... I don't know about you but Artina just somehow became more awesome.
@kirbystarwarior 11 лет назад
I could say first comment, but you know what, NO.
@dragonstormx 11 лет назад
Could be worse.
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