
Do You Really Need A College Degree To Have A Successful Career? | NBC News NOW 

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@christianbonet 3 года назад
Most of the jobs that I've had, were more concerned about my "experience" , than my degree.
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
But in order to get that entry job, you still need experience. That the point of getting a job to gain experience but you first need experience to even get a job. So the best way to gain experience is to apply for internship. But in order to have a higher chance of being hire for an internship, you need the skills and knowledge learned from school and most internships require you to be a college student perusing a particular degree.🤣
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
What many of them don’t want to tell you, is the politically incorrect fact that they care more about your intelligence, personality, and looks, than they do about your degree. Especially if you will be interacting with clients or doing sales, your intelligence and looks matter a ton
@christophershanklin112 Год назад
@@Hproawesome BINGO, companies love recruiting college students
@jasonpatrickries Год назад
Everybody wants experience but nobody wants to give it.
@RyanJohnson 3 года назад
I think the fact of the matter is that technologies and professional methodologies evolve so fast that: 1) People need to have the skill to teach themselves and learn on their own. 2) A curriculum that takes a year or two to go through an approval process is going to be obsolete by the time it hits the classroom. 3) You can't possibly believe anymore that once you get your degree you can stop learning.
@topsyturvyy4558 2 года назад
That has always been like that, lots of succesful people never got a higher education degree: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Thomas Alva Edison, etc.
@Novous Год назад
Real degrees don't teach you technologies. They teach you how to learn technologies. They teach you how to think critically. Anyone who wasn't a bum, who got a computer science degree, for example, can learn any new programming language, period. All programming languages are just tools to express common, fundamental concepts that are covered and then a couple new ideas. I could explain any new wizbang programming topic to my dad (who had an _electrical_ degree in the 70's) in five minutes. Any real medical doctor can (and does) read through medical journals that keep them up-to-date on new treatments and old ones that are no longer used. Furthermore, many jobs don't even require the "right" degree. Just a real degree. People with real degrees like 'Engineer' can become a dozen different engineering professions, programmers, or even work in biology. And get full pay. They know you can retrain yourself and move about. So the key here is: Get a real degree. A thinking degree. "But I love art/medieval history/literature/whatever". So get a business/engineering/math degree. and then love art every weekend for the rest of your life knowing your bills are paid. There is no guarantee in life that any "field" you like, simply because you like it, will pay your bills. Pay your bills, and then enjoy whatever you want on your free time. Even if you love art, and got a degree in art, there's no guarantee you'd be working an "art job" that you actually like AND you'll be paid peanuts leaving less time for art you do love. Get a degree to get paid, and then do whatever else you want in life once your bills are paid. Because poverty is far far worse and more painful than any kind of feelings that "I don't get to get paid for my passion". The quickest way to ruin passion is turn it into a job. People love driving, but nobody wishes they were a taxi driver.
@u2-tv899 Год назад
📑 🧐 Hmmm Oooh lord🤦‍♂️!… Only issue is, the system makes students taking classes that have nothing to do with what students majoring into, so students can at least stay for 4years. It’s a ripped off, corrupt system…
@mortsnerd6053 3 года назад
Education can be very useful in some cases,but I stand with Einstein on this. "Education is what you have left after you have forgotten what you learned in school ".
@blacklyfe5543 2 года назад
@silasbishop3055 2 года назад
College isn't about education. It is about certification.
@KKOOLSKOOL 2 года назад
No education doesn’t have to just be books and study there is more than one type of education/“smarts”
@NazriB 3 месяца назад
Lies again? Grab Car Google Drive
@joedavenport5293 3 года назад
It depends on what you go into. Some jobs require professional licenses such as CPA, RN, doctor, lawyer, etc. I would say some sort of certificate, technical training, or even a two year degree are still pretty valuable. What public schools and colleges need to teaching are critical thinking skills.
@RyanJohnson 3 года назад
And wtf is the deal w/ 2 years of generals in college that's pretty much on par w/ senor high school classes?
@Brandonhayhew 3 года назад
What about Private high schools then go to schools or college for a certificates and job training
@Yandel21ableify 3 года назад
How about making College just 2 years?
@January. 3 года назад
*need to teach
@January. 3 года назад
@@RyanJohnson *senior
@whooelse9444 3 года назад
A lot of jobs right now dont give a F about ur degree. They're more worried about if you're available to work the hours that they have.
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
Your talking about art career, actor, and minimum wage job only.🤣
@YousefTube 2 года назад
@@Hproawesome wasn't those called independent contractors?
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
They’re also worried about your IQ. IQ matters way more than your degree. Unless it’s the government hiring you, then they only care about your race and gender, and don’t care at all about your IQ, competency, or skill level
@deisjj7285 2 года назад
@@Hproawesome no they're some jobs that pay slot without a degree
@irfanhakimi2828 2 года назад
@@Hproawesome are you here try to speak about reality of sheep life?
@momplaygroupfouz4946 3 года назад
I think it’s about how colleges aren’t actually teaching job skills. You go to college thinking you’ll be prepared for a corporate job only to learn you haven’t learned anything. Colleges need to do better. Why don’t they offer salesforce admin training or financial planning for example?
@yvonneplant9434 3 года назад
Universities were not supposed to turn into trade schools where the goal turned into easing into employment. They were meant ,originally, as repositories of human knowledge, or in Europe(where universities grew out of late Medieval culture) to teach the seven liberal arts. All of that has been distorted. Lots of post high school institutions should have never gotten university accredidation.
@MrByronaubrey 2 года назад
@YousefTube 2 года назад
And you wonder why i can't stand corporate businesses
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
Why would you go to college and get yourself into debt just to learn sales, when you can learn sales for free on the internet (articles, RU-vid)? I didn’t go to college, and I own a small remodeling company and do all the sales appt’s. I make over $1.2 mil gross income a year, personal profit over $230k.
@YousefTube 2 года назад
@@charlesg7926 it's because there's no RU-vid teaching you how to make a business back then technology have changed a lot from then to now
@authorworld 3 года назад
Attending college today has other drawbacks. When I was in college we questioned everything our professors said. In fact we rebelliously went the other direction. We were encouraged to be free thinkers. Why are college students today so eager to follow their professors without question? I know that much of it is a desire to fit in with their peers. Very little of their acceptance is based on the desire to find truth.
@donaldbowler4514 2 года назад
It's because college used to be a place of learning. However proganda from the 90s convinced the public its a place of "career training" so most people who go now, don't care for ideas but trying to get job training. And colleges have taken advantage of that.
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
@@donaldbowler4514 that’s not even true. There’s a lot of people that go to college for liberal arts degrees, racial justice degrees, basket weaving or other useless degrees that clearly won’t provide you an actual income 😂 they go bcuz they’re foolish sheep
@yuji6931 2 года назад
@@charlesg7926 well both of you are true to some degree
@raisa_cherry35 2 года назад
@@charlesg7926 Foolish sheep 😂😂😂😂😂👏
@salmonoven 2 года назад
We are living on ageism culture dude, so who's to judge? Got E in every subject is quite satisfying
@Danymity1 3 года назад
Nope. My parents paid $5K for my computer training 10 years ago. I have certifications and no degree. My first computer job I made 45k a year. I now make over 100K a year working in network systems/and security. Own a home, nice car and a boat. NO COLLEGE DEBT!
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
You still need experience even for entry level It job even if you have IT certification. So how to gain experience where the point of getting a job is to gain experience? Internship the answer but they mostly want you to be a college student with computer science, computer engineer, or any other IT field like what I’m doing right now.
@TeamMD0 2 года назад
Oh look you avoided COLLEGE DEBT but got into what sounds like multiple six figures of CONSUMER DEBT 🤦🏽‍♂️. I’m a software engineer self taught no degree, 2 years of experience making 250k. At 27. To my 18-20 readers of this comment don’t avoid college debt just to go into other kinds of consumer debt.
@HilariousTurtle 2 года назад
@@TeamMD0 good sh*t homie. I thought about going back to school maybe community college or trading school.. i still don't know what I want to do lol. What kind of books do you read?
@olympic-ass-eater 2 года назад
@@HilariousTurtle what book did u read?
@jorgeayala6310 5 месяцев назад
I call BS
@taressastraughter7788 2 года назад
Getting a degree is needed in most cases, the problem is that people think that jobs care about you going to these expensive schools. I got my degree from a community college and got a job making 72k. I was working part time during college getting experience. These jobs don't care about what school you went to, they care about experience and that you have a degree. That's it!! Go to the cheapest college possible that's accredited.
@olympic-ass-eater 2 года назад
What do you do for a living?
@christophershanklin112 Год назад
That’s what I’m trying to tell people now. It’s not even that hard frfr . We all the resources in the world
@adrftgvvbh 3 года назад
I make $33 hr, no degree. My wife stays home with the kiddos and my bills get paid. Just a hard working individual here 👍
@ajauniewhite 3 года назад
if you dont mind can you tell me what you do
@VargusDread 3 года назад
What do you do?
@adrftgvvbh 3 года назад
I work in South Texas. Plant Operator for a natural gas plant.
@pfirehawk9294 3 года назад
Success comes to those who want it the most! I dropped of college to rise a family. It took many ups and downs but it was all worth it! I’m in my early 40’s making 6 figures! God is great!
@itsDjjayyArt 3 года назад
What job u working
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
@@itsDjjayyArt He is lying. There is no way you can make six figure without a degree unless you owned the whole company like. CEO.🤣
@itsDjjayyArt 3 года назад
@@Hproawesome college isn't the only way to make six figures tho
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
@@itsDjjayyArt What are jobs that can make six figure beside being a twitch thot, youtuber, only fan model, instagram model, or actor?🤣
@itsDjjayyArt 3 года назад
@@Hproawesome Marketing, IT, Electronics, Financial managers and many more
@rebecafernandez8587 3 года назад
You may not know me, but I know everything about you - *Psalm 139:1* I know when you sit down and when you rise up - *Psalm 139:2* I am familiar with all your ways - *Psalm 139:3* Even the very hairs on your head are numbered - *Matthew 10:30* For you were made in MY IMAGE - *Genesis 1:27* In me you live and move and have your being - *Acts 17:26-28* I knew you even before you were concieved - *Jeremiah 1:5* I chose you when I planned creation - *Ephesians 1:11-12* You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my Book - *Psalm 139:15-16* I determinate the exact time of your birth and where you would live - *Acts 17:26* You are fearfully and wonderfully made - *Psalm 139:14* I knit you together in your mother’s womb - *Psalm 139:13* And brough you forth on the day you were born - *Psalm 71:6* I have been misrepresented by those who don’t know me - *John 8:41-44* I am not distant and angry but I am the complete expression of Love - *1John **4:16* And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. Simply, because you are my child and I am your Father - *1John 3:1* I offer you more than your earthly father ever could - *Matthew 7:11* For I AM THE PERFECT FATHER - *Matthew 5:48* Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand - *James 1:17* For I am your provider and I meet all your needs - *Matthew 6:31-33* My plan for your future has always been filled with hope - *Jeremiah 29:11* *BECAUSE I LOVE YOU WITH EVERLASTING LOVE* - *Jeremiah 31:3* My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore - *Psalm 139:17-18* And I rejoice over you with singing - *Zephaniah **3:17* I will never stop doing good to you - *Jeremiah 32:40* For you are my treasure possession - *Exodus 19:5* I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul - *Jeremiah 32:41* And I want to show you great and marvelous things - *Jeremiah 33:3* If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me - *Deuteronomy **4:29* Deligh in me and I will give you the desires of your heart - *Psalm 37:4* For it is I who gave you those desires - *Philippians 2:13* I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine - *Ephesians 3:20-21* For I am your greatest encourager - *2Thessalonians **2:16**-17* I am also Father who comforts you in all your troubles - *2Corinthians 1:3-4* When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you - *Psalm 34:18* As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart - *Isaiah 40:11* One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes and I will take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth - *Revelation 21:3-4* I am your Father and I love you even as I love my Son, Jesus Christ - *John 17:23* For in Jesus my Love for you is revealed - *John 17:26* He is the exact representation of my being - *Hebrews 1:3* He came to demonstate that I am for you, not against you - *Romans 8:31* And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled - *2Corinthians 5:18-19* His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you - *1John **4:10* I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love - *Romans 8:31-32* If you receive the gift of my Son Jesus Christ, you receive ME - *1John **2:23* And nothing will ever separate you from my Love again - *Romans 8:38-39* Come Home and I will throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen - *Luke 15:7* I have always been Father and will always be Father - *Ephesians 3:14-15* Shalom, God bless you ❤️
@mortsnerd6053 3 года назад
Kool aid much?
@TheLightShines 2 года назад
@TheLightShines 2 года назад
@@mortsnerd6053 nope not koolaid, but the living water Jesus offers FREELY😍🙏
@sleeexs 2 года назад
Half of those books are fake
@ronnyp7721 Год назад
for me, i dropped out of college at 20, because i didn’t think college was helping me at all. i didn’t know where i was going but i knew i had to do something, i worked at a tech company as an assembler for a few months, i then talked my way into learning software dev in the company. i fell in love with computers so i sought out opportunities and found a program online that took 6 months to work as a cloud engineer. today i’m working in boston as a cloud architect and making over 6 figures. please don’t assume you need a degree to do jobs where it’s possible to learn hands on. you can find other ways to do so many things it’s almost funny people are still pushing college degrees as the pinnacle of success.
@biometal770 2 года назад
My pay before college was, at best, 30k per year, working as a mechanic. My pay is now over 3 times greater with a bachelor's and master's degree.
@cloneofRex 2 года назад
what did you do before college at what age?
@emilypadilla7466 11 месяцев назад
Interesting, I know mechanics that make a lot more than 30 grand a year.
@biometal770 11 месяцев назад
@@emilypadilla7466 Certainly they are out there, but not the norm. Trust me, I was in the business for 10 years. Flat rate pay rips off the mechanic and promotes subpar quality.
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
Answer:It depends on the career and the cost of your education your paying to obtain your degree . If your salary outweighs the cost, then it is a worth the positive return on investment. If your cost outweighs your income, then is a scam due to high student loan debt that make it hard to pay off sooner with interest piling up.That why don’t pick useless major that have lower salary earning or with higher unemployment rate. Sometimes money does matter with is the main point of a college degree and to increase employment opportunities.
@LuxuryExtreme 3 года назад
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." -- Henry David Thoreau
@drunkdonutboy 3 года назад
Lotta people can make a great living without one, but I know more people that end up getting one anyway for a sense of accomplishment and for the long term.
@kendrick4l511 2 года назад
My girl work needed her degree from her last week and I was worried about her loosing her job 😴 but everything good now only because of deelscafe good work 👍.
@therealsaint3075 2 года назад
@Bitrus Sabo same here
@Samahsings 3 года назад
I still think college degrees are great. However, it’s nice to know there other options.
@LeBronyaJames 2 года назад
Unless a doctor or lawyer, a degree isn’t needed. Recommend for most jobs but not required. Employers ask for experience, not knowledge. Motivation, drive, failures, sacrifice and high ambitions bring a successful career. If you have everything in front of you and do nothing, nothing good will happen suddenly. You have to make it happen, a paper or what someone says doesn’t do it for you. Nobody but you can make yourself succeed
@umail2570 3 года назад
No and college is an overpriced joke
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
Ever heard of community college transfer?
@terence4427 2 года назад
There should be alternate ways to determine competency and skills for a particular job other than a four-year degree. Though I have a doctorate, I meet people all of the time without a degree who are much smarter and skilled than I am in some areas.
@srikark3532 2 года назад
If you are an avid self-learner and have gifted analytics & problem-solving skills, you don't need a college degree. With these qualities, you can learn the skills required to land a job. But only a few percent of people possess these qualities. However, the safe bet is to have at least a 4-year college degree in STEM fields, college degree natures your mind and creates a self-disciplined routine in an individual. A college degree will increase the probability of success in the job market.
@gaynelleziccardi3269 2 года назад
An enthusiastic tutorial, It’s been a though ride trying to get a degree as I was to present it at the office, came across stray Administration tho, guess i can now say the search is over…
@silasbishop3055 2 года назад
Banks and Tech companies are doing this because it allows them to grow skilled labor without the cost.
@ez-g3090 Год назад
I dont have a degree and i make more than most of the people with a degree. I laugh at some of the teachers that used to say "if you dont get an education, you'll end up working at Mcdonalds" ah ha ha ha! Now i make more then them.
@houseburner1188 Год назад
No, you need determination and drive.
@deezoflexmo8529 2 года назад
Go to Walmart,target,or Amazon they cover college tuition at certain colleges
@RyanJohnson 3 года назад
Hold up a sec @ 0:50 - An apartment in NYC and making $70k+ a year? Glad to hear she's climbing the HR ladder, but that salary in NYC from what I hear is pretty slim...
@screenapple1660 2 года назад
No. you need very high-level talented skills in order to find a job.
@r5t6y12 2 года назад
March 8th 2022.............0:00 - 0:05............depending on which story you believe, if you google "percentage of U.S. workforce that makes 6 figures a year" you'll find that some statistics claim that less than 6% of individual workers make more than $100,000 a year for the very simple reason that there aren't that many positions available that pay that much. And then you not only have to debate what a "high paying job" is but also where you live in the country. In NYC $100,000 a year is poverty level whereas in Mississippi $100,000 a year is the richest person in the state. You also have to figure in factors such as ..... a) Living with your parents and paying them rent (which even my 50 year old best friend and his 47 year old wife have been doing for the previous 10 years), b) How many children you may have vs. someone else that works in the same department as you but they have never been a spouse or parent and they live alone (clothing costs for children that need a whole new wardrobe every 2 years do to natural growth gets expensive), c) your overall general health due to factors that you can control (smokers miss more time at work generally than non smokers and may have higher health care premiums than non smokers). d) Even lifestyle choices based on the amount of money you earn may factor in to whether the amount of money you make is high paying or not. If you have a car payment plan on an $85,000 vehicle you'll also be paying much more in car insurance. If you take a cruise every 2 years and put all of the costs on your credit card you could be spending $1,000 a month more on your credit card than someone who never travels more than 500 miles from their home under any circumstances and doesn't own even one credit card....................you know, people like ME.
@WillyemStyle 2 года назад
Skills and experience over an overpriced-priced of paper (Not applicable to all fields)
@christophershanklin112 Год назад
How do you expect do you to gain experience without any resources or connections. Who’s going to give you that opportunity
@mistrfusion5080 2 года назад
But then employers want experience and i dont even know anymore..
@poltergeistsouth Год назад
I am a college graduate I have 5 certificates from Wake Technical Community College in Business Administration they are in Business Administration Entrepreneurship, Customer Service, Advertising and Digital Media, and Marketing and Sales, and Accounting currently I'm working on two associate degrees in Business Administration General and Business Administration Marketing. I will transfer again. I have 4 classes left before I receive my associate degrees I will tell you all members of my family have their master degrees but that being said they still have to get an extra job Times are hard.
@bkirstie 3 года назад
@Delliofreight 3 года назад
I can’t get a good job without a collage degree we’re I’m from in Charleston Sc. so I am now force to go back to college .
@olympic-ass-eater 2 года назад
What do you study in college?
@Delliofreight Год назад
@@olympic-ass-eater currently studying business management with a minor in marketing.
@zaviermagee8952 2 года назад
College is only important if you’re going to be a professional. Such as a doctor or nurse or anything post undergrad. If you’re going to school for art, unless it’s fully paid for, then that’s a waste of time and money.
@habib1379 3 года назад
@ifyourespondyourmad.2409 2 года назад
Well of course anybody can be successful without a degree. But only if you actually have skills. And to get skills you probably would have to be an intern through COLLEGE. 😔
@MrNoahsamen 2 года назад
Also study show from department of education by Marty Nemko a PhD consultant search him up, he’s a legend. If you graduate with low gpa from high school and barely graduate then your odds of getting a degree is slim to non even if you take more then 4 years even if you went to community university or state colleges, you can’t graduate but there’s a chance, it just how focused you are and if you get distracted easily then don’t go and don’t bother. If your parents force you to go to college then they are morons
@gregpeterman1102 3 года назад
Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Koch, who started McDonald's, all high school drop outs.
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
Not everyone can be like those people and you have to have at least a high school diploma these day.
@glenjo0 3 года назад
The best career move is to go to a country with FREE college, get a degree, and then STAY THERE and work. Any country with FREE college has a higher standard of living, and a real chance at living the American dream. I went to college when American colleges were pretty much free, but this is no longer true in America. The American dream, and the middle class in America is dead.
@January. 3 года назад
AGREE 1000%
@gregpeterman1102 3 года назад
When I was in school the county was in charge of the education system, no such thing as state or federal involvement in education.
@VargusDread 3 года назад
What are some countries like that?
@redwhite_040 3 года назад
@@VargusDread Most of Europe. And I believe even some countries in S-America or Asia have free college and better wellfare than US. I mean social wellfare and welfare for working class in general in US is one the same level as most of third world countries, open your eyes.
@stallionxxx7734 3 года назад
Yeap.. Its dead out here like zombieland. We got zombies walking around now!
@tylerdurden6099 3 года назад
Depends on the college. We don't take safe space university degrees seriously.
@careemjohnson3550 2 года назад
Depends on your major and school u. attend and no student loans
@PrashantTayshetye 3 года назад
Good informercial for sales force
@jansonshine9082 3 года назад
I wish to build net zero, 3D printed, affordable housing ( which we dearly need!). yet I'm frightened. Once we print these homes, how will we be able to hire enough highly skilled tradespeople to help us complete these homes?
@jasonpatrickries Год назад
I earned my BS in 2006 and MBA in 2012 and it hasn't helped me get a career started.
@Huldru 3 года назад
Learn to code and you will make 6 figures without a degree. Trust me.
@VargusDread 3 года назад
Any good sites you would recommend?
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
You still need experience.
@TheLightShines 2 года назад
Is cyber security a good career?
@charlessantee8329 3 года назад
It is possible to become successful without a four year degree the reason that I say that is because many college graduates that have Bachelor's Degrees, or advance Degrees such as a Master's Degree work jobs that doesn't typically requires a college degree although, I am not saying that a person shouldn't seek higher education.
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
Gender study, art major, photography, language, fashion designer, and graphic designer for example l That why only choose stem major especially in the year in 2021. Too bad that lots of people hate math.
@ParynharGaming 3 года назад
I have graduated with business management!
@itsDjjayyArt 3 года назад
How's that turning out
@rick6582CNCMedicalParts 3 года назад
After H.S late 70s Went to Tech school after 8 months full-time ..Was sponsored threw the small shop owner 4yr apprenticeship nite tech school & worked while in class Trade as Toolmaking / Cnc machinist.medical implants & aerospace field..40 yrs later was never out of work unless I change for a better paying & skilled job...100k profession now retired this year early .work part-time toolmaker. Engineering company..Student need to learn hi skill careers today ..Engineering maching electronics aerospace medical..ect.. Good video..and info..
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
That’s cute. I didn’t go to college and I own a successful remodeling company and earn over $1.2 million gross income a year, and $200k is my avg personal profit. A degree in business management is a giant neon sign saying “I’m stupid and don’t understand money!” If you did, you wouldn’t have wasted $80k on the degree to learn information that you could have learned for 50 cents in late charges at the local library or for free online
@christophershanklin112 Год назад
@@charlesg7926 lmao not everyone who goes to college owes that much on student loans. If you owe between 20-30k I’m student loans your winning. You will pay that back within 2-3 years and be living different. Without a degree it’s hard to make it especially when you don’t have any connections
@vincentxie3090 5 месяцев назад
The answer is no, but it's harder to succeed without one
@TropicalHonduranDominican 8 месяцев назад
Yes and no.
@daxinventor3542 11 месяцев назад
What jobs are most needed in the country that you live in presently. Pick the one that you like and think that you will be good at. Stop thinking that college a education is the way to make money for you. You must know exactly what you want to achieve in this life. Pursue your dream and think about it constantly. Don't let anybody tell you that you will never be able to achieve what you want. Believe in yourself even when you are at your lowest point in your life. If I could do it, then anybody can. Everything in life is right in front of you. All you need to do is see what it is that you want and go and get it.
@brotherjoll1802 2 года назад
You need an education. Please.
@begonagarces4763 8 месяцев назад
70000 $ is a common income in EEUU or it's a high income?
@Samahsings 3 года назад
Stem degree are great:
@sunablast 5 месяцев назад
Answer: no
@rach496 2 года назад
I would say you need a college degree or time in the military. I have noticed in software development and computer science that they value military service about the same as college
@mikebrownplayingguitar1253 2 года назад
I know a guy that dropped out of high school and found a job that pays 34 $ hour.other than doctor lawyer it's a piece of paper with debt
@olympic-ass-eater 2 года назад
What job is that?
@michellemarie1197 3 года назад
If you want a specific career with stability then yes you do
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
1) You’re completely wrong, and it’s apparent that you lack any real-world financial or business education. 2) At age 29, I have a net worth of over $460,000 (assets minus liabilities) and I earn over 200,000 profit a year, with my home remodeling business
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
3) I didn’t attend college… and I’m glad. 4) I use my income to buy rental properties (townhomes). I own 3 rental townhomes that are generating a passive-income cashflow of $36,000 a month. My mortgage/HOA/insurance/taxes comes out to about $1500 per property, and I’m earning $1700 monthly rental income for top 2 levels plus $1000 monthly for the basement. That’s $1200 a month more than the mortgage, so after paying for the occasional repairs and mortgage I’m keeping approx $1000 per month, per house, in my pocket. That’s called “passive income”. Just ask my wife, she loves scuba diving and going to Italy, Greece, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Florida… all places we’ve been in the past 12 months btw. You have now been educated! 😘
@michellemarie1197 2 года назад
@@charlesg7926 yeah not everyone has the time or the money or the desire to have their own businesses most businesses fail within the first two years thats horrible advice
@videogameplayer0552 9 месяцев назад
@@charlesg7926How did you start your business?
@chris1082386 8 месяцев назад
Can't see the forest for the trees. If higher education can be free in most other countries than why can't it be free in the USA? Of course its not free in those countries its just the govt spends the peoples tax money to educate said people. People shouldn't have to begin their adult life already burdened with massive debt and take the hightest paying job they can get even though they will hate it. Beyond just having a degree as a piece of paper people should value the education provided and not just look at university as a training ground for a job. That's one of the main reasons why the population is so lacking in general knowledge such as geography and so on... And then you're going to hire people with apparently equal skills and pay them 33 percent less than if they have a degree? No wonder corps are actively pursuing non degree holders... more profit for them
@rayge6965 2 года назад
you need hack a genius, tell his whole life to dumbs, and theft his work
@therealsaint3075 2 года назад
I needed a new job since i just got out which required a degree last week and that got me stressed out asf till I came across some great comments about deelscafe💯💯
@Vim_Tim 2 года назад
$70k in NYC is *rough*. Also, most of those Apple employees without degrees are staffing the retail stores for slightly above retail wages. You would need to be a prodigy or come with years of specialized experience already to be hired into Apple engineering without a degree.
@FreedomForMaryland 3 года назад
The nice thing about not going to college? You do not have a huge debt to pay back once you do land the job!
@rashaud99 2 года назад
What they don't tell you is that many of those jobs that don't require degrees will be automated in the next 5-10 years.
@YousefTube 2 года назад
Is it fare to say Smartphones ended a lots of Jobs no longer exists in today's world
@Toto-cl8rw 2 года назад
From personal experience college degrees are necessary to get ahead. My life before my college training was a series of unfulfilling dead end jobs at low wages, then after my degree everything opened up for me, my wages tripled, and I had a great union job.Unions are also an important part of getting proper pay for a career job. I went back to college at 30 years old, and because of it I lead a fulfilled life.
@biometal770 2 года назад
My path and experiences exactly, minus the union part.
@Toto-cl8rw 2 года назад
@@biometal770 It was the union that rewarded me with a well paying position.The union wage is double what a non union wage is for the same job. Where I live unions are extremely popular. There are as many ,or more, union jobs ,then there is non union jobs locally. It was my college degree that afforded me with the ability to get the career job I wanted. I believe college is wholistic educating the person in al, levels from the entry level position to the top position. Many employers do not have the time to train someone,thus would hire a college grad first.
@christophershanklin112 Год назад
@chriscarter65 Год назад
My Story Exactly As Well. 💯
@Megabeanish 3 года назад
I started making six figures at 20 years old doing entry level security. 70 hours a week, 6 days a week. Hard work = good pay. I'm now going to college to be more competitive to land a six figure SALARY job in the security industry (account manager or something) instead of six figures from hourly wages. I also want to be a cop so I'm getting the degree for that too even though 90% of police officer jobs don't require a degree. It all depends on your profession that you want.
@CHASA 2 года назад
70 hours a week?
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
Man, talk about working hard instead of working smart! You could have bought 1 townhouse rental property per year, rented out the A ) basement and B ) top 2 floors as 2 separate units, and cash flowed $1000 per month ($12,000 per year), per house! Within 5 years you’d have $60,000 extra coming in, and you’d easily be able to cut your hours back. And this way you wouldn’t have student loan debt you’d need to pay back, instead, you’d have assets for life that will continue to grow in value! So many poor foolish people who didn’t read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” but really should have. Fyi I own 3 rentals at age 29, it’s amazing If you started at age 20 and you’re, say, 30 now, you could have 10 properties already, make $120,000 per year cashflow with almost no effort, and RETIRE!
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
To explain cashflow in more detail: For my 3 properties I own, the average total cost of the mortgage/HOA/taxes/insurance, is $1500 or so a month. I’m renting the top 2 floors for $1700 avg and the basement for $1000 average. That’s $1200 more than my monthly costs! That’s $1200 in my POCKET, per house, per month, bro! Fyi: Yes, occasionally there’s some fixes needed. I’d say on average, $200 to $300 a month of fixes, averaged out. Many months need nothing. Some rare months need a $1,000 fix. Etc. That still leaves you between $900 to $1000 in your pocket after any repairs. AND, the home values- and therefore rental incomes- continue to rise (but your mortgage cost stays the same)! So in 5 years, my cashflow per property will be even higher for my 3 current properties!
@charlesg7926 2 года назад
And I want to clarify: your job is great to get you started. If I were you in your situation, I would have stuck with that job for like 8 or 10 years, but I would have continued to buy rental properties every year. And every year it’ll get easier. And soon, you’ll be able to live lavishly without any effort at all! You’ll be able to cut back your work hours or start your own business
@jeepfan75 Год назад
no. I make 77k without
@videogameplayer0552 9 месяцев назад
What is your job?
@Dangerclose1 2 года назад
As soon as a Recession hits you’ll see the news headline “Why x% of non-college graduates are unemployed”
@chriscarter65 Год назад
💯👍🏾 Right On
@kuzzinsknls992 3 года назад
You need to go to college to filter out what you don't want to be.
@MrByronaubrey 2 года назад
I went to community college and even though everything is basically beginners level, it does not train you for jobs or four-year schools. I even had professors who even treated you as if you were a four-year student. I volunteered and worked for arts organizations as side hustles during my time in CC and got more out of that than college and was a lot to put on my resume. This whole notion of you need to go to college is completely bogus. a waste of time and a waste of money. I've gotten into arguments with my parents over my individual choices where it had become an odds and end topic of conversation with them or any other people I meet. Coming from a state where there are a lot of prestigious colleges and universities, it's not unlikely that you are going to meet someone who is going to ask you where you went to college, what degree you are pursuing or got from the university, and what kind of job you are going to get afterward and if you answer no to any of their questions, they will give a lecture or unwanted advice about the importance of a degree and how it will benefit you in your career. This problem is clearly making people delusional and thinking that a piece of paper is going to magically appear on people's hands or in the mail or their lives are saved. This is an example of ideological warfare and a web of lies. Our way of thinking has got to change, especially in the midst of the pandemic when everything went online. Skills should matter more than degrees it's time we stop obsessing over them. Time to wake up people and get out start doing stuff or getting online and finding things that will help educate yourself.
@raisa_cherry35 2 года назад
You took the words out of my mouth,very well said dear 👏❤
@cloneofRex 2 года назад
can you tell me how this is working out now🙋🏾‍♂️id love to see an update
@joevillaflores1298 3 года назад
Trump University is always open for the chosen one... LOL
@chrisamon80 2 года назад
I don't go to college or university. None. I don't look smart enough to earn a degree for higher education. That's not enough.
@FVWhimsy2010 2 года назад
Education, social worker, criminal justice, journalism, and political science are the "hand jobs" of college degrees. We should not be wasting 4-10 years of higher education for a meaningless piece of paper. Interest, talent, suitability, and performance is far more important than a "give-away" degree, "paid for" degree, or "settling on something" degree. I don't list art, because creativity is an exercise of the mind...it's performance and result.
@d3r3kyasmar 6 месяцев назад
Yes if you want to become a Nurse, Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, and Teacher.
@N7_CommanderShepard 3 года назад
No, but it certainly helps. I have a B.S. in physics, and that alone has opened up many opportunities for me. If you’re going to college though for the sole purpose to make money, you’re doing it for the wrong reason.
@Hproawesome 3 года назад
Ok . I will just major in art, graphic design, or gender study with $50,000 of student loan debts if that ok with you.🤣
@AmazingStoryDewd 2 года назад
@@Hproawesome Graphic design can make you a decent amount of money.
@YU-bh9wy 2 года назад
And what if u don’t have those skills? Then yes go to college
@angelacampuzano7177 2 года назад
no home study
@roachtoasties Год назад
It's whatever works for you. Still, having a college degree isn't a minus. A problem is when a company posts a job announcement for a job requiring certain skills, they may get inundated with a zillion applicants. Putting a college degree as a requirement for the position will reduce the number of applicants to a quarter zillion. It's a filter, so don't expect the college requirement to drop much. I'm in I.T. software development and do have a bachelors. If I didn't have that, I might have still got into this field, but the odds would have been less and who knows how much more time and hurdles I would have had to go through.
@atomix2933 11 месяцев назад
I want to get a job in tech too. Any tips? I'm 17 and about to graduate soon, anything helps.
@roachtoasties 11 месяцев назад
@@atomix2933 If you're a young I.T. wiz, the Googles, Microsofts, Apples, Facebooks will snap you up quick. If not an amazing I.T. person at 17, you'll really need connections in these companies to get your foot in the door. Until then, take as much I.T. classes as you can at a community college or university. I have a degree outside I.T., but eventually made connections and contacts where I work. They saw I had a knack for this stuff. I started as a low paid administrative employee, but eventually moved into I.T. My title is Senior I.T. Analyst. Good luck.
@thundageon5962 2 года назад
It depends when you want to follow your passion
@January. 3 года назад
In Miami, where the first language is Spanish, you have to be fluent in Spanish to get ANY job which doesn't require a license.
@gregpeterman1102 3 года назад
They need to build a wall sea to sea, south of Ocala, and keep all that mess in south Florida.
@_the_watcher_2089 2 года назад
Which came first the College or the degree? If the college came before anyone had a degree, how than was anyone qualified to teach another?
@JeepCherokeeful Год назад
No question, you don’t and just working for the man make very few “rich”. Go into the trades
@ADinoNerdXD Месяц назад
I eat rocks
@vensonj 3 года назад
No success is relative
@Briskeycrooks64 5 месяцев назад
I didn’t go to college but I have years of management experience and I can’t find a job for the life of me. Just because a posting says degree is preferred, you’ll always get rejected for someone with a degree. If you get hired, you’ll make less than someone with a degree.
@marlinshanklin-ww7em 5 месяцев назад
Depending on the job It's sad blue collar workers are looked down on.
@jorgeayala6310 5 месяцев назад
Yes, u do need college, stop dreaming
@savoirfaireethereal4234 2 года назад
These degrees are useless.
@looneyclassics Год назад
I am not going to go to a doctor or surgeon with no college degree
@zachthorp6131 2 года назад
I like knowing my employees (college degree required) are strapped to the gills in student loan debt. It really instills a sense of serfdom. Gotta pay em a little more but studies have shown that people work harder when they're financially or otherwise compromised.
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