This was really informative, thank you! Although I can't believe the lengths some people will go to in order to prove they are sick - especially as I hate having my chest listened to!
My doc used to always talk to me while she was listening to my heart or lungs. I always felt weird responding to her, because she was stething me; however, I felt weird NOT responding to her, because I felt I shouldn't ignore her. Such a dilemma.
I had a chest x-ray for a cough which was diagnosed as hyperactive airways,but discovered I had a partly collapsed lung. I had been walking around for months with a partially collapsed lung and had no idea. Fortunately antibiotics resolved the issue.
My doctor just ask me to turn around as she puts on the stethoscope. Then she asks “deep breath” with every movement of the stethoscope. Have a good listen all over the back. I think she never examined the lungs from front.
Of course, you'll also need to put the stethoscope onto the skin when listening to heart sounds. The sounds produced by clothing can resemble abnormal heart sounds too when you think about it.