
Does Christ Have Two Wills or One? 

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Dr. Craig answers a question about monotheletism vs. dyothelitism.
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@Jcangel26 2 года назад
I have to disagree with Dr. Craig here. If Jesus lacks a human will then can we really say He is fully human?
@tomkuz_ 2 года назад
"Human" will might not be a necessary factor in what makes someone a human, he can suffer through the flesh but yet remain true to the will of the Father. Maybe, just maybe, he has his own will but it would not be separated or distinct from the Father's? I don't know if that would be the case. As he said, his [the Father's] will be done
@ojibwayinca8487 2 года назад
Right, but what exactly is a "human will" over against a "Divine will"?
@mugsofmirth8101 2 года назад
@@tomkuz_ that's absolutely absurd
@QueenGaGa 2 года назад
It is the other way around. Christ has only a human will. Even Christ then pursued God's will out of his own free will. This is easily shown by what he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt." (Matthew 26:39)
@paulrienzo7151 2 года назад
That's a great question Julian, but the deep doctrinal expression is not that Jesus was 'fully' human but that He was 'truly' human. A truly human person has one will. To have more than one will is 'otherly' human or at the minimum a psychological disorder. I know this sounds like pedantic semantics, but 'fully' and 'truly' are not interchangeable words, even though we may say them often. Historically, to have a 'will' is the necessary element of being human. The origin of that will is not as relevant from a construct view point. It doesn't diminish Jesus' humanity to say that He possessed a divine will. Thank God we don't have to figure all this stuff out in order to be children of the Most High!!!
@semperadiuvans 2 года назад
Avoiding the heresy of monothelitism only to further entrench one's heretical neo-Apollinarianism is hardly a good escape from heresy.
@davisrupp3570 2 года назад
Avoiding nestorianism by being a monothelite is technically just exchanging one historically defined heresy for another. Monothelitism was taught by Pope Honorius and he was condemned by subsequent Popes for it. I actually understand where Dr. Craig is coming from, but i think he should give a disclaimer when he teaches people a historic Christological heresy. Doesn’t make it wrong unless the scriptures comport, but he should be clear nonetheless.
@biblicaldefense 2 года назад
He’s not catholic.
@Magnulus76 2 года назад
There are orthodox Christians that believe Christ has only one will. It is a position called Miaphysitism, and is held by Oriental Orthodox Christians. They would argue that diaphysitism means that Christ is in fact two persons, not one.
@ronrontall6370 2 года назад
Need to distinguish from Eastern Orthodox Church teaching that Jesus Christ has two natures, one person and two wills (because will belongs to nature) even though these two wills don't contradict one another and don't divide Him.
@bossmanham 2 года назад
Not sure we have to accept philosophically untenable views just because some Popes don't like it.
@shamuscrawford 2 года назад
Wow, this is absolute heresy, Christians need to be aware of how dangerous this man's teachings are.
@sherlock7514 2 года назад
How is it heresy?
@ChumX100 3 месяца назад
​@@sherlock7514because it's not compatible with Christ having a fully human nature.
@sherlock7514 3 месяца назад
@@ChumX100 What do you mean by fully human nature?
@ChumX100 3 месяца назад
@@sherlock7514 the human nature consists of all essential properties shared by all human beings. Among many others, we all have the faculties of reason, imagination, memory and also the faculty of will. Moreover the faculty of human will cannot be considered to be independent of the rest of human nature, as the way in which will is exercised by humans necessarily involves the usage of many other human properties (for example, we use our reason and memory in order to exercise our will). This way, if Christ would have only one will, this would necessarily be his divine will, which is fundamentally different from human will, and Christ would be lacking an essential human property, so under this view, Christ's humanity is diminished. That's a heresy.
@sherlock7514 3 месяца назад
@@ChumX100 So if Jesus has a fully human nature, and Roman's 5:12 states that sin entered the world through one man, and death spread to all men because all men have sinned, does that mean Jesus sinned because of his human nature?
@alexjoneschannel 2 года назад
Craig, the ecumenical council spoke, accept the authority of the church, repent of your heresy.
@mashashua 8 месяцев назад
He affirms the churchs authority, but not over the bible Habibi repent from your heresy and idolatry.
@alexjoneschannel 8 месяцев назад
@@mashashua He does not accept the Church's authority when he quite literally rejects Constantinople III.
@CrusaderTube 7 месяцев назад
@ronrontall6370 2 года назад
If understand correctly, Orthodox Church teaches that Jesus Christ has two wills, although they don't contradict one another. It teaches that will belongs to nature, not person, because: 1) if we assumed that will belongs to person, we would have to admit that three Persons of Saint Trinity are different by will 2) also there is a difference between "will" and "the way of willing" "To will" can be compared with let's say "to see" and belongs to nature, just like ability to see belongs to nature, not person. All healthy people can see by nature. But "how to will", how to use this will, belongs to person. Jesus Christ is God, at the same time by His human nature He is righteous and humble, so He subordinates His human will to God's will. And as God, He has one will with the Father.
@zachdavenport8509 Год назад
The Church at large has rejected the idea that wills are associated with persons because that would mean God has 3 wills. If this were the case, it would be ontologically possible for the Eternal Son to rebel against the Father. Also, if Christ has only a divine will, then it is impossible to take seriously the idea Christ was tempted as we are (Hebrews 4:15) because God cannot be tempted (James 1:13). This was condemned as heresy because it mucks up the very heart of the Gospel.
@drcraigvideos Год назад
//If this were the case, it would be ontologically possible for the Eternal Son to rebel against the Father.// Why think this is true? - RF Admin
@zachdavenport8509 Год назад
@@drcraigvideos If a being has more than one will, those wills can at least in theory be different from one another. Thus, one person of the Godhead could be at odds with another. In Jesus, his human will could have rebelled in theory. It didn't because it was untainted by sin and thus did what all human wills should: submitted itself to God. But it could have rebelled in theory and that's not a problem. It is a problem to say that the Godhead could disagree with itself.
@unmeritedfavour48 Год назад
@@drcraigvideos wills in two distinct ways
@RealityConcurrence 2 месяца назад
⁠@@drcraigvideos He has a point. If the persons had separate wills on account of their personhood, then we have a God with three persons, three wills, and only an ambiguous unity between the three. But if they are of one essence yet three persons, and the will is tied to the essence, then God has one will. As for the personhood of Christ, he has two natures, one personhood, and yet two wills. He can acquiesce to the Father’s will in his human nature, not because his nature is to rebel, but rather he donned humility in becoming man. His wills are in perfect communion, wanting the same goal of glorifying the Father through the means of redeeming creation, but now that he has ascended, the human will of the Son alongside his body has been adopted into the Divine. I recommend if you haven’t already studying the Protestant reformer Martin Chemnitz’s “The Two Natures in Christ” as he quotes from scripture and forms his arguments from the word.
@RealityConcurrence 2 месяца назад
@@zachdavenport8509 the human will could not have rebelled because Christ does in his humanity have one thing we don’t. Our humanity is son of God by creation/adoption, while Christ’s is son of the Father by Begottenship, meaning he is coequal to the father and this cannot sin. Even in his humanity, his begottenship wasn’t lost, though he did limit his glory for the work of salvation.
@Soli_Deo_Gloria_. 2 года назад
Does a father will his very own child no harm to him when he gives him their first bicycle knowing that the child might fall to grievous bodily injury and even death ? Yes, the father wills the child no harm but also wills the child learn to ride the bike and enjoy all the benefits that brings the child then, and through out their life... He actively wills the child to learn to ride a bicycle... He also passively wills no harm come unto them, but allows it if it be the case... So yes, two wills...
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
The question is "Does Christ have two wills" NOT "Can a father have two wills". You didn't answer the question at all with this comment.
@Soli_Deo_Gloria_. 2 года назад
I find WLC'S theology to be largely bankrupt, and I did not even watch the video which was a detriment to me on answering the question. But after receiving your notification I watched it and again he fails, and in a most epic way ! Why ? Because Jesus is fully God and fully man, this doctrine is called the _Hypostatic Union._ We know Christ is the second person of the Trinity, and God has a will. But yet Jesus is fully man, and if Jesus does not have his own will he is not a man, nor a perfect substitute for any man's condemnation. "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done."
@leonardu6094 2 года назад
@@Soli_Deo_Gloria_. Jesus being "fully God, and fully man." That's a common layman's description that I myself used for years, but precise theologians have pointed out that the correct way to put it is "truly God, and truly man" [vera Deus, vera homo]. Or truly man, and truly God [vera homo, vera Deus]. Because if Jesus were fully man [or 100% man], there would be no room for him to be Deity. Conversely, if Jesus were fully Divine [or 100% Divine], then there'd be no room for His humanity.
@davethesid8960 Год назад
This is heresy.
@savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394 2 года назад
praise the only true living LORD and GOD bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen 💖✝️✝️✝️.
@DavidMatthewJones 2 года назад
@Mike65809 3 месяца назад
How can a person have two wills?
@excellent851 2 года назад
I don't see any Bible verse quoted and certainly this is a heavy topic (historically) to simply based the whole conclusion on one premise
@alfyalex1563 Год назад
This is not heresy, it is a complete orthodox teaching. It is the theandric will Say Christ is the variable “AB”. AB has all the faculties and properties of A, and all the faculties and properties of B. Let’s say A were to suddenly act with the exclusion of B. You consequently have a situation where A is alone, and thus you’ve divided AB into A and B divided. For this reason, there cannot be two movements of the faculty, because that means that he either acts as A alone or as B alone, which divides AB. This is why St. Dionysius the Aeropagite says, > For, even, to speak summarily, He was not a man, not as 'not being man', but as 'being from men was beyond men', and was above man, having truly been born man; and for the rest, not having done things divine as God, nor things human as man, but exercising for us a certain new theandric energy of God having become man. St. Dionysius the Aeropagite, Letter to Gaius
@alfyalex1563 Год назад
Both Human and Divine natures were united into one Divine-Human being. Also, He who wills and acts is always the one Hypostasis of the Logos Incarnate (ie the one will and act of Jesus Christ).
@alfyalex1563 Год назад
the Hypostasis of the Logos became composite (sunqetoj) by uniting to His divine uncreated nature with its natural will and energy, which He has in common with the Father and the Holy Spirit, created human nature, which He assumed at the Incarnation and made His own, with its natural will and energy. The natures with their proper energies and wills are united hypostatically and naturally without confusion, without change, without division and without separation, and that they are distinguished in thought alone (th qewria monh). So the two wills are in thought alone, but theres one theandric will in the sense that they’re United through Christ as the sole willer :)). Hope that makes sense
@dandyprime5338 2 года назад
When pertaining to Christ, since He was the Son and God in the flesh, then I can see how He would only have one will. However, I think if we're talking about God as the Father, I think He has two wills. He has a moral will, which pertains to how He wants us to live our lives and He has a sovereign will, which pertains to His overarching plan and divine purpose for the world at large that cannot be stopped or hindered in any way.
@SJigler 2 года назад
Wouldn't that mean that neither of these 2 wills is perfect? Since they both desire things that are opposed to each other?
@wesleyhanson4564 2 года назад
Case in point that Protestantism is a rehash of old heresies...
@peniddo Месяц назад
Craig is alone here. There's no historical protestant denomination that supports his view. So this case does not support your claim
@MessianicJewJitsu 4 месяца назад
Why can't the two things be one? We already recognize that Batman's will and Bruce Wayne's Will are the same. Why not Jesus and God?
@billboardman8747 Год назад
“What is not assumed is not redeemed “, human will is not redeemed if it is not assumed. Also this was condemned as heresy by Chalcedon.
@joop6463 2 года назад
I would say that all mental properties including will are part of nature and that the person is the hypostasis or thinker/subject/feeler/willer who is conscious, him being conscious is completely synonymous for him having the nature that he has which is on its turn unconscious.
@Mike65809 3 месяца назад
Christ was truly man but truly God in his spiritual identity as the Logos. But he did his miracles by the Holy Spirit, not by his own power. So to say he was fully God is correct in his identity, and also to see him doing the Father's works was to see the Father. He also had the HS given without measure. But to say he was "fully God" makes it sound like he did his miracles by his own divine power. This is not correct.
@tomkuz_ 2 года назад
Christ does nothing but the will of his father whom sent him, his will be done
@williammcenaney1331 Год назад
"Associated with" is vague. You could say that Christ's divine and human natures are associated with him because they're his. Catholics believe that Christ is a divine Person who assumed or adopted a human nature when he incarnated. Since he's God the Son, he existed before his incarnation, he's a divine Person only, not a human one. After all, Nestorian heretics believed that two persons lived together in Christ's body, a divine person and a human one. So if Dr. believes that Christ is fully divine and fully human, he needs to explain why each mere man has a human will when the Savior doesn't have one. Our Lord is a human being because he has a human nature. And I contradict myself if I say that although each human being has a human will, some human beings don't have one. By Catholic standards, Dr. Crag is a heretic because he's a monothelite. But there are material heretics, formal ones, and subjective formal ones. A material heretic unknowingly believes a heresy. A formal heretic knows he believes one, and a subjective format heretic is to blame because he knows he believes one. But since I won't judge his intentions, it's not for ne to know whether he's blameworthy for his montheliitism.
@LetsgoB 9 дней назад
WLC takes the more “plausible” view.😂😂like we can rely on our own understandings!!! Lol
@hammy6895 2 года назад
@danielboone8256 2 года назад
But doesn’t Paul teach we have two wills regarding our sinful nature vs our regenerate nature?
@thatonechristian2487 2 года назад
Our will and our nature aren’t the same thing
@danielboone8256 2 года назад
@@thatonechristian2487 I know. I'm appealing to what Paul says in Romans 7 as evidence that one can have multiple wills.
@Mike65809 3 месяца назад
@@danielboone8256 But Jesus did not have a sin nature, so he would not have two wills in that regard.
@EverySoulTastesDeath Год назад
O Lord guide us all 2 the straight path amen ameen..,especially when we r all left to our own wills n vices.,.. Not our wills but the metaphoric father's ..amen...ie a prayer to b on His way Son of man the end Adam soon to come.,,but he won't SEND his self but b sent!!? Peace shalom SALAM
@namapalsu2364 2 года назад
Wait... if will is in person, such as one person equals one will, then the God has three wills since there are three persons (Trinity).
@thatonechristian2487 2 года назад
Well, their wills would be in perfect agreement, as are they
@namapalsu2364 2 года назад
@@thatonechristian2487 That doesn't make it not heterodox.
@thatonechristian2487 2 года назад
@@namapalsu2364 The fact that the three persons of the Trinity are in complete agreement isn’t heterodox? Or that the will’s are separate? Because I’m not saying they ARE separate, I’m saying if they were they would still agree
@namapalsu2364 2 года назад
@@thatonechristian2487 That the wills are separate. That would create composition in God.
@thatonechristian2487 2 года назад
@@namapalsu2364 I think you’re probably right about that
@QueenGaGa 2 года назад
Correct. Even Christ then pursued God's will out of his own free will. This is easily shown by what he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: "O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt." (Matthew 26:39)
@MorningStarChrist 2 года назад
God's will is God's will.
@theoskeptomai2535 2 года назад
Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending acknowledgement of the existence of gods until sufficient evidence can be presented. My position is that *_I have no good reason to acknowledge the existence of gods._* And here is the evidence as to why I currently hold to such a position. Below are 10 facts I must consider when evaluating the claim made by theists that a god exists. To be clear, these are not premises for an argument concluding there to be no gods. These are simply facts I take into account when evaluating the claim. 1. I personally have never observed a god. 2. I have never encountered a person whom has claimed to have observed a god. 3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity. 4. I have never been presented a valid logical argument which also employed sound premises that lead deductively to a conclusion that a god(s) exists. 5. Of the 46 logical syllogisms I have encountered arguing for the existence of a god(s), I have found all to contain either fallacies or false or unsubstantiated premises. 6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon. 7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered _vice versa._ 8. I have never experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event. 9. Every phenomena that I have ever observed has *_emerged_* from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created _ex nihilo_ - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity. 10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have encountered have either been refuted to my satisfaction, or do not present as falsifiable. ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is *_no good reason_* for me to acknowledge the existence of a god. I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented. Atheism is simply withholding such acknowledgement until sufficient credible evidence is introduced. *_It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstatiated claims, especially extraordinary ones._* I welcome any cordial response. Peace.
@karozans 2 года назад
1, 2, and 3 are a weak form of Verificationism and Verificationism is a failed philosophy from the 1950s.
@karozans 2 года назад
4. Yes you have. You just denied them all. Furthermore, when asked what you would be willing to accept as pr66f, your response is the same as Hitchens. There is no pr66f or evidence that you would ever accept. There is no logical argument that you would believe is sound enough. Even if God himself appeared right before you and slapped you across the face, you still would make up an excuse that you were haIIuclnatlng or somethlng like that. There are people who will not ever believe under any clrcvmstances, and you are likely to be one of them.
@karozans 2 года назад
6. How about the creation of the Universe out of nothlng?
@karozans 2 года назад
8. This is also Verificationism.
@karozans 2 года назад
9. When did you experience the beginning of this Universe?
@j.whisper2379 2 года назад
All BS! There is no god!!
@PatrickInCayman 2 года назад
Psalm 14:1
@j.whisper2379 2 года назад
@@PatrickInCayman ! Hosea 13:4, 9, 16, Judges 18:1-28 Isaiah 13:9-16 Numbers 25:6-13 If there was a god, yours would be a terrible one!
@wesleyhanson4564 2 года назад
Then move along...
@j.whisper2379 2 года назад
@@wesleyhanson4564 ! Why?
@wesleyhanson4564 2 года назад
@@j.whisper2379 Because if you believe there is no God, why comment on videos about Christian theology...unless you are really agnostic and perhaps curious why we believe...? If not, aren't there better uses for your time? :-)
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