
Does Meekness Mean We're Doormats? | Doug Wilson 

Canon Press
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@FozzyBBear 3 года назад
The English word "meek" means "gentle", but that's not what the Greek word "praus" (G4239) means. Praus refers to a wild stallion that has been brought under control and made into a war horse. The meek is under the control of his rider (Christ), but is certainly not gentle when he rolls up the enemy's flank and causes their army to rout in terror. I picture King Alfonso VIII of Castille, at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in 1212. Resigned to his death against impossible odds, he nevertheless led a cavalry charge in a forlorn hope to break through the enemy lines. The sight of the Cross held high behind enemy lines, surrounded by enemies on all sides but never falling, reinvigorated the Christian forces and inspired them to fight onwards to a stunning victory and the eventual liberation of Spain. "In this way the battle of the Lord was triumphantly won, by God alone and through God alone. To God be the honor and the glory, who granted the victory of His Cross through Jesus Christ, our Lord."
@rkschell4122 3 года назад
Exactly. I was going to state this but you said it better. Thank you
@SheepofTheShepherd-nu3lz 3 года назад
Good explanation The world believes this to be weak or a pansy. It simply means to be tamed and to have Self control
@LucianaPelota 3 года назад
Thank you for this picture from history, Fozzy Bear.
@davidartrip85 3 года назад
So many nuggets of gold in this short clip.
@horstwalde73 3 года назад
Yes, indeed.
@elizabernardo1379 3 года назад
"Meek towards God, strong towards men." Great insight. Thanks Pastor Doug, it really helped me.
@aaronbruun 3 года назад
I'm currently reading Future Men, it's been a great read so far.
@godwillodindo6826 2 года назад
"Have a sword but learn to keep it sheathed"
@systemrevolt7309 3 года назад
Excellent, this one subject or definition alone is something I believe every Christian has had wrong at some point in their walk.
@jamescook5617 3 года назад
Yes officer, why was I speeding ? Because Doug Wilson told me to act, not react. I was taking control of the traffic.
@jackjones3657 3 года назад
Sound biblical teaching is so refreshing in these last days!
@Alexkearney 3 года назад
Future Men is maybe my favorite Wilson book out of the 9 I've read
@jeremystrand7095 3 года назад
Always fantastic content. Simply said, meekness is great strength in self-control.
@jbaggett2674 3 года назад
Fearful before God, fearless before men ...
@noblegamer8740 3 года назад
I heard from Dr. Jordan Peterson that the proper interpretation of meek in “the meek shall inherit the earth” is something like “those who have swords and know how to use them but choose to keep them sheathed”. I know he’s not a professing Christian by any means, but his interpretation has greatly improved my understanding and my life.
@FozzyBBear 3 года назад
He plagiarized that from a Wordsworth poem ("Though meek and patient as a sheathed sword"), and lied that it came "from the Greek and Hebrew" to cover up his theft. He had been reading Wordsworth to select quotes for Beyond Order. His reference to Hebrew was a dead give away because the New Testament was not written in Hebrew. EDIT: fixed reference to Beyond Order.
@noblegamer8740 3 года назад
@@FozzyBBear hmm good point. Thanks for pointing that out. Regardless, it did help that verse make more sense to me.
@einarabelc5 3 года назад
Me too, is not accurate and is not enough to define the concept. Watch Owen Benjamin, in all his madness and delusions he has a few good points against Peterson.
@einarabelc5 3 года назад
@@noblegamer8740 Stop idolizing the guy, he is in it for human motives.
@noblegamer8740 3 года назад
@@einarabelc5 I probably am guilty of idolizing him in the past, but his content did help reorient my life in some crazy times. I’m seeking out Christian guidance and commentary from all kinds of denominations now rather than relying on JP. With a preference for conservative values of course haha.
@jonathanowen9917 3 года назад
Excellent encouragement for men and Christians in general.
@psalmsforthenations24 3 года назад
So great as always! Also, the beard looks good on you, Ben.
@jayleebee7002 3 года назад
Meekness is teachability; Elisabeth Elliot regularly taught this.
@Richardcontramundum 3 года назад
Listening to Reforming marriage right now and it's so helpful and convicting. Really good, highest of recommendations
@MeekNotWeak77 2 года назад
Love this, thank you!
@rebekahguilder602 3 года назад
Act, don't react is great advice.
@robertcoeymanjr.2550 3 года назад
To act from provocation is to be controlled. Act from reason based on your principles.
@raYrefiedAire 3 года назад
Exactly don't start confrontations verbal or otherwise, neatly finish them. Nine times out of ten offence is taken when rarely it's given... There must be parameters, they must respect your beliefs if they in good faith expect you to overlook theirs.
@raYrefiedAire 3 года назад
My interpretation is as follows: Jesus offered that other cheek as both an invitation and affirmation that "you cannot hurt me"
@SheepofTheShepherd-nu3lz 3 года назад
When you research the word "meek" It means to basically be tamed. It's not meaning to be weak or a pansy Meek=Greek word Praus To be gentle, patient
@einarabelc5 3 года назад
Elaborate on the theirs side, mr snake.
@JC-cv3up 3 года назад
Reading Future Men right now for my toddler son and prepare him to be a great husband/man in the future.
@luboshcamber1992 2 года назад
The only thing you should read to your toddler is the Word of God. Hebrews 4,12. Some man's book at this moment will have less - significantly less than zero effect on a toddler and won't prepare him for anything let alone to be a man.
@bh5817 3 года назад
@george7785 3 года назад
I saw the word meekness and immediately forgot that God is the rightful recipient of that meekness and not man. Ashamed...
@raYrefiedAire 3 года назад
If creator's witnessed some of the commercials viewers had to endure they would never monetize...
@kennethkustren3966 Год назад
A man who lives alone for 75 years, has strength. Not meekness. A community that stands everlasting, has MEEKNESS. Live. Learn. Share. Thrive. GOD is ELECTRIC, METAPHYSICAL . GODS UNIVERSE IS ELECTRIC.
@UnlimitedMercy 3 года назад
As one who is new to Postmil Eschatology, I wanted to know what Doug makes of the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11? It starts out talking about them in ways that may be able to be interpreted other than literally but as I read on I can’t seem to shake how literal it seems toward Rev 11:8-13.
@attawayj-lo5op 3 года назад
Have you read his commentary on Revelation "When the Man Comes Around"? I think you'll find helpful
@CanonPress 3 года назад
Hello! He hasn't done a video on that section yet, but have you checked out Doug's commentary on Revelation? If not, here's a link: canonpress.com/products/revelation/
@UnlimitedMercy 3 года назад
@@CanonPress I’ll look into it! Thanks! Just picked up: Standing on The Promises John Knox Stalwart Courage and Slaying Leviathan So I’ll add it to my reading list…
@UnlimitedMercy 3 года назад
@@attawayj-lo5op Thanks! I’ll look into it.
@SheepofTheShepherd-nu3lz 3 года назад
@forestantemesaris8447 3 года назад
I’m here for Ben’s beard
@alexair7936 3 года назад
So what do you do when someone takes a swing at you? Don’t react how? Getting hit left and right? Does he even know what attack means?
@ninjason57 3 года назад
I think the concept is that there's a difference between being trained to defend yourself if needed and being the aggressor.
@simonp4832 3 года назад
How does this square with Matthew 5:39
@oracleoftroy 3 года назад
I don't know how true it is, but I've heard that the strike against the right cheek is a backhanded slap given as an insult. To frame it in Doug's terms, instead of reacting and starting the fight, you act by offering the left cheek to put the ball back in their court. They can then react and start the fight with a punch (what a hit against the left cheek would be), or they back off, but you are standing your ground, not escalating a fight that may still have a peaceful solution, but also not being walked all over. Jesus's teaching is steeped in the OT law in this chapter (and the entire sermon), so it would be helpful to do a study of God's Law to better frame Jesus's teaching. At least we need to reconcile this passage with that in the OT law, you have a right to self defense and to protect the honor of your family.
@catherinecastle8576 3 года назад
Sorry, it's posted under Book Review and not Other...
@jasoncharles7318 3 года назад
One goes from born ( a child of God ) to a man 18 years old and makes a choice to be contracted to obey. You made the contract can you get out of it? Time to come out from her….. Stop supporting the very thing suffering you Stop identifying as something you are not. Stop There is a way that “seems” right to a man. Find out the way that “is” right. To him the does good do not fear. One does not need to fear if one does good Are you identifying as one of the good guys or are you identifying as one who walks denying the Truth. Time to come out from her….. The church the ekklesia carries His name Lord our Righteousness. The 501(c)(3) church is an legal title Ecclesia. Two different words two different meanings. One can not put the church that carries His name under anything and Knowing that it is not under anything but above all for it carries His name give you the courage to walk upright in the name of the Lord. But if One identifies as an Ecclesia then they are under the legal system and separate but equal to the state. Sorry but Jesus is not equal to anything Come out from her…… subjugated LEGAL CITIZEN PERSON denies the Scriptures DOB = date of birth = coming into a separate existence. Black laws definition the one the court uses to control legal. Denies “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Complying with the STATE definition of marriage = accepting that marriage is between a man and a man Denies that marriage is between a man and a woman. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” ‭‭James‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭KJV ‬‬ “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬ We must not be participating in thing contrary to the Word All LEGAL CITIZEN PERSONS of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are subject to admiralty law = law of the sea Denies follow the law of the land One could be born an American and that follows the law of the land but when one chooses to be a legal citizen person that contract ( a contract made after the age of 18 when one checks a box and signs on the line they choose to be a CITIZEN ) binds them to a court of admiralty law. Your current “Lord” is Admiral Sir Tony Radakin First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff June 2019 Sir Winston Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty from 1911-15 and 1939-40 and as such the civilian Cabinet minister ultimately responsible for Admiralty and Royal Navy affairs. In September 1911 Churchill was advised that he was to be First Lord of the Admiralty. The gold fringed United States flag is the Admiralty or War flag which denotes Admiralty or martial law THE UNITED STATES CITIZEN is surety for the UNITED STATES FIAT CURRENCY = the dollar Denies do not be surety for a debt. If a man does labor for an other that man normally pays him in fiat currency. The cotton money is substituted for debt the CITIZEN represents the surety because as a CITIZEN they back the value of the cotton money ( they CITIZEN has “value” because they will be “forced” to pay taxes under the law of the sea for what could be up to 100 years ) thus literally making a CITIZEN surety for a debt. If a politician or elected person including sheriff even Ordained Pastors when they preformed a wedding certificate for the county they swore and oath before the county clerk they all take and oath. Denies “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” ‭‭James‬ ‭5:12‬ ‭KJV‬‬ How can you be forgiven if you do not know what to ask for? How can if you ask for forgiveness and continue in those ways? “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” ‭‭John‬ ‭1:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.” ‭‭John‬ ‭1:14‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬ If one denies even one verse of “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4:4‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@dveillo36 2 года назад
Joe Rogan looks rough
@clintonstephens273 3 года назад
Have you ever rode a horse that was not meek? It would buck you off real quick
@sayloltothetroll6806 3 года назад
I'm the littel methehad!
@memowilliam9889 3 года назад
I like turkeys
@berglen100 3 года назад
Imagination is God in man, your all blinded actors that cause fear and laughter, thanks.
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