
Does Rank Matter in Dead by Daylight? 

Scott Jund
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@Maximus7th 6 лет назад
All rank means is longer queue times and higher egos. That's literally it.
@brofist4675 6 лет назад
I just get to hig ranks because otherwise i would be forcing myself to lose, and that not fun
@adrianr8527 6 лет назад
Says the rank 15
@asleeplessgamer 6 лет назад
Maximus Hey dude. Itsa me, Filthy Pride.
@hatapillar9437 6 лет назад
Exactly Rank is pointless as being AFK in DBD
@saurongamer1617 6 лет назад
Maximus and higher chance to find ochido
@drmagg666 6 лет назад
Baby survivors are the most precious thing in the world.
@agcwannabe2876 4 года назад
Baby dwights
@deandre9176 4 года назад
It's all fun an games until they the last survivor alive with u.
@muffy7323 4 года назад
I hate them, they camp pallets and waste them, they fail skillchecks, the killer comes and kills me, they dont repair, they dont save. Useless.
@deandre9176 4 года назад
@@muffy7323 so tru
@InjuredLionBoxing 4 года назад
@@muffy7323 thats exactly what my solo Q red rank games are like tbh lmaoo
@musikmann95 6 лет назад
Yea but at low rank you are less likely to encounter Freddy with Overcharge, pop goes the weasel, unnerving, and distressing
@logangerdes6961 6 лет назад
That sounds like the worst build. Wouldn't overcharge make it easier for them to wake up?
@The3dsstuff 6 лет назад
@@logangerdes6961 thats the point its the hardcore freddy build, puppers actually did an overcharge longest transition time build and got a 4k actually (at rnk 1)
@Die217 6 лет назад
musikmann95 thanks for that build
@ilove3dsomuch 6 лет назад
actually I run noed,remember me, brutal strength, and bitter murmur. Catch me in the FOG......
@Die217 6 лет назад
Tyvontae Classix I run with Freddy noed remember me dying light and blood warden
@shanemacmillan5732 6 лет назад
What I this? You already uploaded in the last decade!
@weirdfeeling2329 6 лет назад
Shane MacMillan Im sorry but this didn’t make any sense😐
@TheB3astGaming 6 лет назад
@@weirdfeeling2329 No, it did. He uploads once each millenia.
@kimberg2539 6 лет назад
I love you paul
@JustSomeDinosaurPerson 6 лет назад
Why I don't really like playing Dead by Daylight as survivor or killer lately: After a certain rank and player threshold, you pretty much find yourself having to play a certain way to capitalize on other's mistakes. I don't like pallet looping or running Decisive Strike, but god damn does it feel necessary against high-ranked killers that know how to end chases in less than 40 seconds, especially if you are just playing with random people and not in a SWF group. I don't like playing Nurse because after a certain number of hours playing her and understanding how her blink works and how to time your hits and make the aim into a guided missile, she feels fucking broken and is only challenged by high rank SWF 4 man groups. Seriously, every group of random survivors gets insta-stomped by a good nurse with BBQ&Chili, Nurse's Calling and Hex: Ruin. In fact, there are a few killers[namely Nurse, Billy, Trapper(because of good map control) and Huntress] that I find it easy to stomp randoms and only feel balanced against a group of coordinated survivors, whereas most other killers feel fucking powerless against SWF and are better suited to targeting random groups. I honestly hate the ranked system because I just want to run random, creative builds and have fun instead of feeling compelled that I have to run these perks to survive or match up well against a team of 4 coordinated brains that know every little aspect of the game and use every little edge to their advantage. This game is far from balanced, but it continues to act like it needs to be competitive and incentivizes competitive behavior, which then leads to gross amounts of toxicity. I feel like the game's own core mechanics don't really help. It hinges too much on "the chase" with little to no creative ways to deviate or mix them up. It is just the same boring thing on both ends: you run away from killer, try and juke or pallet loop, or you chase survivor, get pallet looped or mind game them to make a mistake and get a hit in. Rinse and repeat. Chases stale very quickly and it sucks to be on the receiving end of either of them. I wish there was something new and fresh that changed up the game instead of everything hinging on the same monotonous 10 yard splat or 5k marathon. Edit: I do agree that we most often tend to remember the negatives, but it is my overall experience that certain killers are better equipped to handle coordinated survivors. Namely Billy and Nurse who have fantastic chase punishing and speed, as well as Trapper and Huntress, the former with great map control and the latter with ranged attacks to change up approaches. Every killer has a chance against a bunch of random survivors grouped together, but those 4 fucking stomp them most days. On the other end of the table, there are many survivor perks that walk all over the killers that are not those 4.
@ghastly8192 6 лет назад
What the fuck is your nick?
@bobdad4831 5 лет назад
You don't like playing survivor or killer because as you play against higher skilled players, you have to change the way you play to be more efficient and generally better to match their higher skill? You fucking serious? Pallet looping feels necessary against good killers because it is, because it's a game mechanic designed to waste a Killers time before the chase either ends with you escaping it or getting downed. It'd be fucking retarded nobody did this, as if you were seen by the Killer that'd just mean you get hooked with almost no defence and without giving other survivors time to do anything. Nurse is broken, we all already know this. If you have a fucking problem with yourself playing Nurse, DON'T FUCKING PLAY NURSE WHAT A SOLUTION. Wow, you can shit stomp on survivors who aren't coordinated but get challenged by survivors who are? IT'S ALMOST AS IF THAT'S A BIG DIFFERENCE IN SKILL, AS BEING COORDINATED GENERALLY MEANS YOU'RE BETTER THAN MOST SURVIVORS HOLY SHIT. Being able to coordinate with your teammates is an important skill and it relies on having your allies also understand the basics of their role. Like when to unhook, when it's safe to do generators, when to hide or leave and when/where to loop. If a Survivor gets hooked, you either wait for the killer to leave or have yourself, or any other Survivor, take the Killer away from the hook. Not fucking rocket science but a lot of people don't do this. It also doesn't fucking take party chat or survive with friends either. Some Killers are just bad. See for example, Freddy and The Pig. They're shit and everyone knows it. You do not have to play them long to realise this. You bring up a fair point about wanting to run fun and creative builds but sometimes you just get matched up with good people who know what they are doing. Sure, but that's not every fucking game and no way in hell it's 50% of your games unless maybe you're rank 1-4. AND EVEN THEN, it's probably not fucking that often. The whole fucking point in this video was that you will find people who make bad decisions across all ranks and an entire team of high skill players being rare. The game hinges too much on the fucking chase? What the fuck are you supposed to do when a super natural entity throws a Killer at you that has their strength amplified with the one goal of fucking killing you? OF COURSE IT'S GOING TO BE A CHASE, WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU FUCKING DO? DO YOU WANT TO TRY AND BOX THE CHAINSAW WIELDING MUTANT? NO YOU FUCKING DON'T. It's satisfying to cut into a survivor and have them drop to the ground after a successful mind game, and it's satisfying and hilarious to break a chase and have the killer lose you. The whole draw of this game is outmanoeuvring someone for either side. Moonwalking and landing a hit feels good because you tricked the survivor and humiliated them, losing the Killer feels good because you tricked and embarrassed them. It's never a 10k marathon either, or you're doing something very fucking wrong. Also, fun fact, you can do generators or clear totems or heal allies or help them off the hook, or look for the hatch too. So while the main fun comes from chases, there are other things to ramp up tension and break up the game. Hell, I play the game as a Claudette prioritising other people escaping, making sure they are always healed and safely rescued from the hook. All my perks are geared towards locating the injured and healing them, with borrowed time for safer hook removals. So it's not like it's the same shit over and over again. Overall: This has come across as an angry shouty sweary rant, but it's just a funnier way to point out some of the flaws your thoughts and comments have. Some of your points are directly contradicted by the ability to simply play the game a different way. You close-mindedly view Dead By Daylight as an un-fun shitstomping on Killers unless they aren't nurse or an un-fun shitstomping on survivors unless they are SWF. It's not like that at all. This entire video you commented on is proof. The person who made this video is proof. Their last 40+hours streamed on twitch is proof. You agree that you've remembered the bad experience more so than your good ones, but then you continue to say "in my overall experience". You just said you remember more bad than good. It's like you didn't even watch the video you commented on, you left halfway and wrote a bad comment. From what you have written, it just seems like you aren't as good as you think you are. It's not an insult to be bad at DbD, most players are bad.
@JustSomeDinosaurPerson 5 лет назад
@@bobdad4831 Your post is way too long, makes way too many assumptions, and completely misses the points I was presenting. Oh, and it was posted before certain changes to the game. Pallet looping is a gimmick, it is a boring way to play the game, but feels necessary. I want more interesting ways to extend chases from the devs besides just pallet looping. Congrats, I don't play Nurse aside from dailies because I find her unfair. You called me out bro /s It is not about shit stomping uncoordinated survivors, it is about inconsistencies in game balance. It is not about skill either. All the skill in the world doesn't matter if you can't communicate with your team effectively. Most of my games, which are solo survivor matches, are filled with people disconnecting to the point my steam name was "DC and ur mum gay" for a while. I was planning on making an entire video compilation of them with spongebob music in the background at one point. Sorry I haven't been blessed with the almighty gift of SWF to carry me to rank 1, and instead I had to claw my way there tooth and nail through ruin Billys, Nurses and Ebony Hatchet Huntresses the whole damn way lmao Yeah, some killers are just straight up bad, which was my point. Some killers only have a chance against random groups of survivors because they are poorly designed. I pretty much only play Pig, by the way, and still manage to steamroll plenty of cocky groups. Yeah, it would be nice to have a casual matchmaking where you could run some fun builds instead of the game trying to be competitive when it is not balanced enough to be that way. Yeah, the game hinges too much on the chase and it is pretty boring after a while. There is not many other INTERESTING things to do and it is a shame. I believe that would be called having an opinion. Stand still and hold M1 on a genny or totem, occasionally hit a skillcheck. Oooooh, so much excitement I am dying from the pressure /s God forbid I wish escaping required more thought and having to hunt down parts as an alternative to just standing still and holding M1 for 4 minutes. I don't even find mindgames that rewarding when they are piss easy on any map except for Autohaven wreckers. Maybe I am just bored. Oh? You play Claudette, the one survivor everyone hates because she blends with the nearest patch of grass? Okay then. Sorry my shirtless altruistic David isn't good enough to compete Immersed Master Overlord. No, I don't view Dead By Daylight closemindedly as an unfun shit stomping on killers. I view it as being a very poorly balanced asymmetrical game that swings too far to the left or right at the most menial of differences. Sorry that went over your head dude. I didn't say "in my overall experience", I think you are just reading what you want to read. You were pretty close though. I said "it IS my overall experience" that certain killers are better equipped to handle coordinated survivors. It was more emphasis on poor game balance. Not sure how you took it as anything else. I watched the whole video btdubz. I neither care nor even think about good I am at DBD. I am not that conceited lmao I run No Mither with Self Care[and nothing else] for fun at any rank just to fuck around when I get really bored because I think it is hilarious, even if my teammates hate me for it. I don't know how to even to respond to some of the points about how it is not "50%" blah blah blah, or the whole point of the video was blah blah blah. I wasn't really harping on most of that from the beginning and was providing completely separate points. I mean, if you like the game the way it is and don't want any productive changes, be my guest. I am going to go back to playing something else and having a Fat Tire to take the edge off.
@bobdad4831 5 лет назад
@@JustSomeDinosaurPerson If my last comment was too long then I'll keep it shorter this time. "Pallet looping is a gimmick, it is a boring way to play the game, but feels necessary." It is necessary, again, if nobody did this then survivors would probably never win against a decent killer. It's fine to want a different way to end chases, I think that'd be great. But you didn't say that at all in your first post, you just kinda said pallet looping seems real necessary to win. "All the skill in the world doesn't matter if you can't communicate with your team effectively." I mean it does matter because you can coordinate yourselves without communication as long as everyone there understands what to do and when. Also communicating effectively is a skill. It just seems like you can absorb half of what anything reads or tells you because you seem kinda attacked and hurt in that reply. You were throwing some sick shade at me in your response for no real reason. At the end of my comment I say that all the swearing and insulting was a joke for fun. I don't get why you're so butt hurt over this. Again, it's like you have such a low attention span you can't read for more than a minute without getting bored and stopping. Of course some of your points went over my head, the first thing you wrote was, "After a certain rank and player threshold, you pretty much find yourself having to play a certain way to capitalize on other's mistakes" which no matter how you looked at it was a dumb thing to say. Regardless when that post was made, or what state the game was in, that was just obvious and expected. Nobody is going to play like they just bought the game at high rank unless they are boosted, and even then they'd still play differently. Of course you're going to have to play a different, more efficient way to punish mistakes. When you open with something like that it starts to make sense that the two people who saw that comment either questioned if you were sane or jokingly ranted at you. I'm alright with how the game is because it is my experience that the issues you've pointed out do not effect me for whatever reason. That doesn't mean I don't want positive changes for this game though, I'd love if some killers get a buff and become usable, or if they add a new mechanic for chases. That would be cool.
@espanthercub 5 лет назад
@@bobdad4831 if the only words you have to emphasize your points is "fuck" and "fucking" that's pretty sad and shows me you're not actually confident in the things you're saying. Form your own opinion and understand hes not complaining that these mechanics and such are in the game, but that there could be more to offer than just pallet looping and that maybe we need an unranked mode for casual players so they dont get forced into a meta when they play well and rank up.
@glitchysquid1137 5 лет назад
What if we had a ranking system for each category for survivors? So you can rank up either Boldness, Objectives, Altruism or Survival; where a survivor can be a rank 1 in Boldness, but a rank 12 in objectives? Then once a survivor hits rank 1 in all categories, then they are granted "elite survivor" status, which lets them play with other top tier survivors. For balancing issues, just find the median score when pairing survivors together (rank 1 boldness/objective and rank 20 altruism/survival = rank 10 overall)
@Maestro2924 6 лет назад
I love how sometimes in a very rare occasions rank 1 killer plays vs rank ~20 survivors. Killer is literally playing with his fresh-made food, there is no intention to borely hook everyone asap, he just stalks, observes, terrifies, inducing fear, letting them escape and so on. This brings so much interest for them to come back into this game and get some adrenaline from it. Good memories.
@sefferton2770 5 лет назад
If you want to fix the rank things, they could make names for certain skills for survivors, instead of numbers, they could use a name for what they do most as of that category, if someone is a huge objective person and they're an amazing gen rusher, they get light-bringer as their rank, if they love running the killer, they get runner, if they heal and stuff they get benevolent, this can come in different stages, they could even not just show the main and show how good the survivor is by have 4 different systems of rank entirely, it seems kind of complicated, but you need complicated solutions for complicated problems. It's hard to explain, and I kinda just thought of it as I watched the end of the video and thought it was a semi-good idea, it could easily improve so that in order to get a friend into DBD you have to explain more. We've all tried to get a friend into DBD but ended up boring them with trying to explain this complicated game, it's easy for people who play it to understand, but not so much the outsiders, unless they love the 4v1 genre, then yeah, odds are they get it.
@flamboyance4543 6 лет назад
Rank matters to Reddit killers and tru3
@tightness 6 лет назад
well to be fair, how often do you see plays like this outside of rank 1, hmm? clips.twitch.tv/RelatedCrackySalsifyAMPEnergy
@FingerGuns 6 лет назад
''who cares about rank?'' Me, competitive - Tru3
@flamboyance4543 6 лет назад
@@tightness that clip shows how much of an arrogant person he is, I'm ashamed he comes from the same country as me
@lordofcinder6083 6 лет назад
@@flamboyance4543 hey it's flamboyance I still have that clip of tru3 you showed me lol
@flamboyance4543 6 лет назад
@@lordofcinder6083 the one where I tilted him and made him act like a child?
@AyyJayschroo 6 лет назад
These are great I really hope you make more of these kinds of DBD videos Side note: at 7:30 fuck that hurt to hear tbh lmao
@LIBRAGOD90 3 года назад
I believe killers help survivors pip in the sense that you'd have to be unhooking a hooked survivor, healing an injured survivor and being in chases. I rarely pip when I just do gens and the killer's "afk." Other activities such as totems have to be done as well and even if you don't always escape, if you do your part it'll help you pip and not relying on one person to loop the killer around gens all day. If the killer chooses to chase one person all day and gens are done, that killer shouldn't be killer
@empiter3359 6 лет назад
I think there is a general difference between rank10 and rank1, but the bigger difference comes with the time of the day you chose to play. At 6pm when all the casual players are online you will have a noticeable easier time as a killer than at 1 am for example when you might actually encounter more hardcore survivor groups (at all ranks). These hardcore survivor groups usually do have quite mixed ranks anyway, because a lot of these guys would get bored by just grinding to rank1 each season
@ohlookitisacat7404 6 лет назад
I think for this game, it is not about the question of winning but it is more about "is it scary?". The "spirit" killer that gonna release soon seem pretty scary to me despite the fact that she is not as OP as some top tier killer like Nurse, Hillbilly.
@SmokeyAmp 6 лет назад
Was literally having this discussion on Reddit before your video popped up in recommended. Couldn't have said it better, nice video. Rank really doesn't mean shit.
@rilezgraichi4710 6 лет назад
I think the leaderboard that is comming is going to help show who has the most skill. The leaderboard will show who is most consistant, and in my opinion consistantsy is key.
@zackattack5803 5 лет назад
Im glad someone seems to understand the negativity bias, cause a bunch of people who complain about the game love to generalize and say "most all" their games are however bad they want you to believe they were.
@spookypancake573 6 лет назад
It matters for killer more than survivor. I hate being in red ranks as a survivor because ever rank 1 killer is a legacy nurse or billy.
@eurosnuke1678 6 лет назад
ive been playing from day one and most of us who has been playing from literally the day 1 of dbd has stopped playing already, there is not that many good killers anymore, ofc some of them are good as hell, but meaning that you dont have to be that good to even get rank 1 with survivor nowdays, and of course it goes the other way around too with survivors so killers get to rank 1 more easily now, so you can get pretty random matches cause of these things alone already, and the way stuff is happening in this game im pretty sure rest of us are going to end it as well
@GarrakS 6 лет назад
I agree with most of what he said in this video I would add a caveat to what rank means as well. It's really not just how much you play but more 'How much you've played recently' Cause some people get a litle rusty when taking long breaks and not keeping up with certain updates like the pallet changes for example~
@GarrakS 6 лет назад
Saying region doesn't differ in skill is total bullshit though. It definitely does change region to region. Not every eu/sea player is going to be amazing but there is definitely a skill bias. Though the skill cap in DBD is painfully low for both killer and survivor when compared to other games. The fact that the skill of survivors is about the same from rank 14-1 if anything is a telling sign to the lack of a skill cap and how bad the ranking system in DBD is. If anything it needs some kind of veteran thing that is built up with each reset like fortnite with cosmetics or something. This game in it's current state will never be worthy of competition or a ranking system.
@GeuseWRLD 6 лет назад
I know rank doesn't matter much but I had a thought. What if the game ranked you with some sort of formula that factored in your total time spent alive in games along with the tasks you've done and the points you've gained with a percentage based penalty for dying and flat penalties for being downed?
@andrewslater6891 6 лет назад
Na bro that could be manipulated so badly :/
@jeph115 5 лет назад
i see that axe everywhere for huntress yet nowhere in the shop, is that some kinda unlock or something?
@Killaholic12345 4 года назад
Just gonna say, RU-vid classified this as music. I found that pretty funny.
@TonyMcCrea 6 лет назад
When the emblem system came out, it was beautiful for survivors like me. FUCKING. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. My perfect rank spot is 10, or any other green rank (9-12). And I just can't express how much more fun it was to feel some f-ing balance for once, as in I wasn't facing sweaty try-hard killers, and my teammates weren't just a bunch of boosted apes. But nope, the fucking rank 1 killers started complaining that their lobby queues are way too long, and baby survivors complained it was impossible to rank up (which it wasn't, you just had to ACTUALLY be good to rank up...shocker, huh?). So then BOOM they reworked their emblem system and now it's the same trash-pile that it was before emblems. OH BUT THERE'S MORE: you can sometimes rank up as survivor even if you were being demolished the entire match and then killed. I guess if you do like one gen and save one guy or heal a bunch of ppl you can get a pip. But here's the funniest part: as killer, you can get 1 pip even if three people escape and one disconnects at the beginning of the game. Not even joking. I got each of the three hooked like 1 or 2 times and they still escaped but I got a pip... Bottom line - you can rank up while being the absolute fucking trash at the game, no, it fucking REWARDS you for being trash. That's how much the ranking system sucks.
@roufdrapht 6 лет назад
I'm a rank 1 nurse on PC, and I'm objectively not that good. I basically just wait for the survivors fuck something up (usually a skill check) and then snowball from there.
@kurutoshimelody3653 6 лет назад
I love your view on the game. It make sense what you said. Bad, and good players are everywhere in either continent. Also this game at least for console every continent is pit against each other on matchmaking. I've played against Japanese players, and i'm from US.
@maturaczynicuda 6 лет назад
You and Jendenise are persons that this Toxic DbD's Community need more. Good job tbh
@jennym_edits 3 года назад
And this is why skill based matching is needed badly I’m a rank 12 player only been playing about 2 weeks properly and I get out with rank 1 killers and it’s not fair at all I always de rank as I get like 5 games in a row with stupid high rank killers and team mates that are rank 18 when I’m rank 12 it doesn’t make sense
@sorenkazaren4659 5 лет назад
I do agree that ranking doesn’t really correlate with skill. But I will also note that the swf groups that do play well and communicate usually end up at red ranks. (then again so does everyone if they play long enough) Not all matches in red ranks are swf groups. In my experience not a ton are. But a lot of those red rank players do play better. They loop, they do... well intelligent things. (I’d also like to note that playing with swf is just stronger than solo queues. Its why players who aren’t great at the game can still get and stay at red rank. You could be terrible at the game. But if you are alerted by a friend that the killer is coming towards you well before you even hear a heartbeat... well communication and teamwork is what makes survivors strong after all) The problem... in my opinion isn’t that survivors are better at higher ranks. Its that some killers aren’t strong enough to play against better players at rank 1. (Without using tactics that are unfun such as tunneling noed etc.) Like... I don’t see many top tier Freddy or Wraith players having consistently good matches at rank 1. The other reason swf is more noticeable is because when it happens the survivors are almost always toxic. It goes back to what you said about remembering negative experiences. Well if 4 people get out and it was a quick match I’ll be disappointed but not upset. They just played well and or I played poorly If they are consistently teabagging and just generally being toxic about playing well then yeah that is going to be a problem. We don’t play this game for its balance and esport potential. We play it for fun. Unfortunately playing a freddy or wraith at rank 1 oftentimes ends up being the opposite of fun. I wish they would rework the ranking system. Because at least with better matchmaking you could have each killer have its own rank. So you could be rank 1 with nurse but be rank 10 with Freddy. I don’t know. The whole ranking system is borked at this point. Part of the problem is that sadly there just aren’t enough players for matchmaking to work effectively based on a skill based system. Plus this game is really hard to quantify who plays more skilled. Like you stated just because someone escapes doesn’t mean they played better than the person keeping the killer occupied.
@PigeonPlucker 6 лет назад
3 Simple Words - I am gay! No... wait! - Rank Means Nothing!
@theyatsyspam 6 лет назад
I really don't care for this game at all, but it's good to see some content from you, Scottyboi.
@coolnobodycares 5 лет назад
Literally went against a good swf every game the other day when I was at rank 3, now I'm rank 5 and am now playing against people who can barely juke a chainsaw.
@veggai 3 года назад
I know this video is old but the whole "region" argument is funnier bc DBD isn't region locked
@_solforic_acid_ 6 лет назад
i agree with you! to be honest rank up is easy everyone get rank 1 at some point, with the new ranking system gonna be easier cause if you are rank 1 you gonna be rank 10 every reset so probably the line beetween rank 20 and rank 1 ill become everyday smaller
@mysticalmarowak2493 6 лет назад
Just came here to save yall time... The answer is no there can be some intense games in rank 1 if its like nurse or Billy or some shit but other than that rank does not matter a single bit
@dbfctm 6 лет назад
Rank to me seems like it's more about entitlement, not just skill. You can play pretty shitty and still get a pip. The one part of Dead By Daylight I'm personally not happy about is the Player Level system, there's currently no reward whatsoever for leveling up in Devotion(aka reaching 100). It also resets the shard gain altogether when you get to 100 so it really sucks.
@saltyfart2173 6 лет назад
From someone who has 500 hours in and yet to still get to rank 1, I probably haven't done it yet because I don't feel like playing with boosted apes in a video game for 50 hours for a month
@thefiesta2334 5 лет назад
Ranking up isn't to hard for me unless I'm with friends because we always fuck each other up on person but it's still pretty fun for me whichever rank lmao
@virus3x2 6 лет назад
So pretty much: I don't see these amazing survivors so much = NO ONE DOES.
@mrmacken 6 лет назад
That's it, I'm moving to Europe
@clumsy_zebra_97 5 лет назад
I'm usually red rank survivor but one time at rank 7 i found this wraith who nearly got a four man on us and he was just a crazy good player
@yeldarb2022 4 года назад
5:46 the only thing mentioned that I see literally every game is perks like DS and Sprint Burst. Then of course the Dead Hards, Borrowed Times, etc. Purple flashlights and constant SFWs aren’t common, but you’re almost guaranteed to find people with OP builds at high level. Honestly, it’s probably a part of the reason they’re so high.
@pacocuhh 6 лет назад
Rank does matter but this is how it works, rank 20 survivors aren’t good and rank 1 survivors aren’t always good. But there is a much higher chance you’ll be going against players that gen rush and 360 dodge all your hits in the rank 1 range.
@william4996 6 лет назад
If someone is rank 10 and is unable to make their way to rank 1, that definitely says something negative about their ability to play the game. I get rank 1 killer every single season and stay there, but as a survivor I usually only make it to 6 and it takes me a long ass time to get there. I'm a bad survivor but a great killer. It's less about how high you can get and more about how long you stay at the low ranks. I know people who are hardstuck rank 8. 100s of hours and havent managed to get to rank 5 on both roles despite playing a lot each month.
@rwoful 6 лет назад
I have seen people make those mistakes in rank 5-1... honestly rank does not matter to much..can not compare player experience to rank when some killers and survivors make it to high ranks with little ro no skill. Killer wise player can get insta wins based on the add-ons... survivor wise it only takes 1 good survivor to carry the rest.. the argument where people say rank matters then brag about carrying a team is a contradiction that rank matters. Rank and experience is two different things (However being in higher ranks does allow survivors to gain experience faster getting decent to good players as killers) but its better to just play the killers and see how good survivors avoid and counter you and learn the killers limits. (Translation= rank does hold some benefits..but does not mean much since players can get to higher ranks off the skill/lack of skills of others)
@xoselhket 5 лет назад
We all know that Rank only means... who is a douchebag and who isn't. I don't mean the use of flashlights or gen rushing, it means when a survivors thinks they're so great or they're only great when with their friends. I'm never a douchebag to anyone. But as a killer if I get dicks... I'll definitely be a dick back, because they're only being dicks because they believe they can escape.
@spooky1234561 6 лет назад
OMG the first not crying killer main ive seen wow !!!!!!. WEll said Scott :)
@ecilpsst0rmm804 5 лет назад
But were are the rank 9-13 games tho cuz 9th e difference
@xFionna 6 лет назад
this is true, I was a rank 15 killer and I had to face 3 rank 2's and 1 rank 8 (matchmaking btw) and I 4K'd they were actually trying to play and win but they didnt
@ดคเา-ม6ฝ 6 лет назад
i agree i have over 3000 hours in this game and some of the people are good and some are bad and thats okay the point is to have fun
@chost-059 6 лет назад
But how much does your level and game time matter
@57Folhinha 5 лет назад
Short answer: No. Long answer: As a survivor, maybe, because you have the chance to have shit team and be god, or get a god team but be shit. As a killer, actually no, i'm a killer only player and having rank 1 doesn't need you to kill everyone, just need to follow then or down then. You just need to play a lot of games as a killer to get a high rank.
@Barbatos_100 4 года назад
Rank doesn't matter because you get reds and purples at any rank below them
@nikkiahrens7657 6 лет назад
My problem isnt that its harder. Its that Rank 1s are more likely to be toxic and tbag and grief and just be douchey and make fun of the killer 😤
@SirWilgelmThell 6 лет назад
You also forgot to mention that on 9-13 ranks ppl are usually using not maxed out perks and no items at all (or maybe you didnt forget and it was on purpose). Ranking up as a survivor is way too easy even if you get "tunneled" 24/7. Maybe the best way to fix this is to reward players more for interactions with a killer and less for repairing gens (2 or 3 fully repaired gens by 1 surv - almost a pip for example), but that will just kill everyone's will to play as a survivor and you will never find a game as a killer.
@ShiroJenny 6 лет назад
Well still surv is ez to rank up, but Killer is way easier to rank up.
@CJJT02 6 лет назад
ShiroJenny not really because all the good perks are DLC and are the last one you unlock
@ShiroJenny 6 лет назад
drjeff fischer what u mean all good perks are dlc o.O u can buy them in the shrine and before the update it was so ez to get them.
@johngilbert7983 6 лет назад
ShiroJenny Decisive strike has never appeared in the Shrine of Secrets, from what I understand
@ShiroJenny 6 лет назад
John G Sure it has, I bought it in the shrine
@Erik-sd3hc 5 лет назад
did you know that Bell's ceratophrys have sharp teeth?
@synRdave 4 года назад
I'm stuck in between ranks 10, 9 and now 8.
@Diego-bu7fh 6 лет назад
The matter is playing against survivors talking in chat party...
@bloodemprince1337 6 лет назад
Well correct on the swf squad thing rarely happen however it is possible to do it is the point but I get were your coming from and I honestly think the ranking system should just be removed
@pirateboss1128 5 лет назад
At higher rank people dont leave just because they got downed as much as low ranks
@AB-fg4mh 6 лет назад
There are a whole lot of scum bag survivors that will DC at the end of the matches at rank 15 to stay down there. I had not played killer in months and was rank 20. I saw way too many try hard boosted survivors do that. It was disgraceful imo. They play very well but exploit deranking to harm new killers.
@OriginalLazurus 6 лет назад
This man spoke pure facts the whole time
@JADPG117 5 лет назад
The remember the bad system is really prevalent is dbd though it makes me not want to play the game because I think of all the bad experiences I've had but in truth, the game is really fun.
@araccoonstolemyradiator 3 года назад
seeing everyone complain about how easy it is to rank up, and how many stupid red-purple rank survivors they see makes me feel bad because every time i get into rank 8 i get smashed by a group of red ranks who leave before 10 minutes have even passed. I've never gotten past rank 6, because ~70% of games at purple rank are against red ranks who bring offerings to games like MacMillan or Asylum and forever loop me while their toolbox friends pop every gen, and everyone immediately runs to those spots, so the only time I get downs is when they're at least 100 meters away from those loops. what do I do
@araccoonstolemyradiator 3 года назад
I also forgot to mention, I destroy everyone at rank 9-10 when I get pushed back there after getting depipped by red ranks, so I'm in this unstoppable loop of 4ks at rank 9 then the exact next game everyone escapes in less than 10 minutes.
@hldemi 6 лет назад
It makes sense that on average, skills may not be the same in every region. This was the case with Sweden in Counter strike 1.6, with Korea in starcraft and many others . Does this mean that some are more intelligent. I dont think so. I think that some nations have more competitive scene. some have more hard work mentality. Some have very high standards so that people can afford the living by playing at home many hours. Some strategies are inclined to asians because they are generally better in math. Why should it be so preposterous that average skill level of some region in DBD may be on a different level than some other. Im not saying that there is a skill gap, im saying that If there is I would not be surprised at all.
@ScottJund 6 лет назад
Because Koreans, for example have proven themselves to be the best at Starcraft with a long history of tournaments. There is no proof any one region is better at Dead by Daylight.
@hldemi 6 лет назад
I know. I am not saying that one region is better than the other. Im just seeing no particular reason that this is not possible. The Koreans analogy is used to show that one nation can be superior in some video games. So it does matter where you live. Not on individual level, you for example can be the best DBD huntress in the world, but on average. Some nations just have genetic or cultural inclination to some skills and if those skills overlap with those used in a video game you get higher average skill level. There are also sociological factors at play. For example Asians are more humble on average or more honorable. This may lead to less camping or usage of cheap perks and tactics... And so on ... What I want so say is that there are many factors that play in such matters even if we speak about something as trivial as playing dead by daylight. Now we can say that DBD does not have competitive scene and very high skill cap so those factors do not play the big effect or maybe they dont play any effect at all. I hope that you can see my point. Dont get me wrong, I repeat I am not saying that one region is better than the other Im saying that the sound argument can be made about this being a possible scenario.
@ConvoBreaker 6 лет назад
As a rank 1 whatever, I think hatch standoff is balanced because sitting forever is good.
@vomix9370 5 лет назад
Things have kinda changed I am not saying it is way diffrent but nonw red ranks have skill and unless you play with people you know you cant reach red ranks as a survivor since every other random teammate is crouching in a corner at rank 10 or something then when i play with red rank friends its not that hard cause my mates dont suck and i still keep up with them i have red rank frineds saying i am more skilled then them
@bigboi1265 6 лет назад
I will also say the hardest rank is rank 20-17, cause most of the killers play Leatherface and camp Edit: at least on PS4
@miasma1718 6 лет назад
i hit rank 1 killer within 3 months of buying the game by playing nurse it doesn't mean much
@GuardianSeyden 5 лет назад
Good ol' selective perception
@herrapelaajatm5127 6 лет назад
You should come to Ps4. I have never played SWF, I play only SoloQ and every round there is from rank 1 to rank 20 players. Killer and survivors are so randomly ranked for every trial. I would love to test out SWF it must be so much easier then without comms and making builds so they will be suitable for the whole team benefit.
@SolidLoch 3 года назад
The grey ranks pretty much matter because people in grey ranks are new players who know nothing about the game
@TheTimeTravelingTwig 6 лет назад
We all know scott just wants another reason to show off his trickshots.
@jrlopez1027. 5 лет назад
U got 319 likes but no one replies? That's sad
@xavierjones6048 5 лет назад
@@jrlopez1027. at least you did
@pugpun6974 5 лет назад
@@xavierjones6048 at least you did
@axellent8762 5 лет назад
@@pugpun6974 at least you did
@Tilearian 5 лет назад
@@axellent8762 at least you did
@RealSkelzore 6 лет назад
I hate the ranking system entirely, DbD is just a game i want to play for fun but as a killer I get hatemail constantly and I don't know why, a lot of the time they're teabagging me and trying to all dance around me being tauntful assholes and then they all die and I'm an asshole for playing the game
@H4nDM4d323 6 лет назад
I know how you feel, I used to get alot of hate mail aswell. I'v literally been band from communications 3 times just for retaliating to these entitled survivors. It's always the ones that make the killer's life hell, teabag and playing toxic that get all salty when they get killed. It's the survivors toxic behaviour that make alot of killers camp and tunnel in the first place. I'm rank 1, I play the pig or clown mainly and don't really get these problems anymore. It seems to be between rank 5 and 12 I get alot of messages.
@RealSkelzore 6 лет назад
@@H4nDM4d323 I had a guy stall the game by 40 mins once. The exotic gates were opened and he was the last survivor. He wanted so fucking desperately to teabag as he left and I watched that he spent the first couple mins waiting. Then he started vaulting by the door over and over to get my attention, He did this for 40 god damned mins.
@Shyy_Guyy 6 лет назад
I’ll tell ya this survivors like that or asshole survivors overall go after anything even other survivors, I got yelled at by this high ranking meg and her friend Dwight yelling at me cause I couldn’t save her in time in the because I quote on quote “just standing around” meanwhile a leather face was still close by but and wanted meg a save passage out even then I saved her stopping her from going into 2nt phase of hook but ended up going in a closet and died while her friend just didn’t bother with her, so yeah really shows how the community loves each other so much
@Shyy_Guyy 6 лет назад
Honestly the community a whole is in this toxic cycle Survivors being assholes > Killers get tired and gives everyone hell > survivors end up getting upset with getting tunneled/camp > repeat This to me is how toxic life in keeps being made
@RealSkelzore 6 лет назад
@@Shyy_Guyy how is a killer toxic for going for someone specific? Or camping a hook. If he "tunnels" then do gens, if he camps then there are ways for people to counter. Like doing god damn gens or having 2 or more to help get him off a hook.
@decayz2338 6 лет назад
DBD has honestly been one of the easiest games for me to rank up in and reach the highest rank. Just about anyone can be rank one if they tried
@song9807 6 лет назад
I completely agree. I hadnt played the game in half a year, and within a weekend got rank 1 on only new killers that I hadnt played before.
@decayz2338 6 лет назад
@@song9807 Exactly
@averagejoe9229 6 лет назад
I just bought it and it's bizarre how you get nothing by reaching the best rank. There is negative incentive because the end goal is actually getting as much Blood Points and ranking up makes that harder.
@JewTube001 6 лет назад
the rank ceiling is pretty low compared to many other games. also you get the same pips regardless of opponents rank or what ever else.
@AB-fg4mh 6 лет назад
Let me rephrase that for you. "Just about anyone can reach rank when if they don't try."
@Pharthrax 6 лет назад
8:40 "they're just holding M1 and leaving" i can't breathe, Scott plis
@kimberlyterasaki4843 4 года назад
Scott Jund: "Dead by Daylight does not need an MMR system." Devs in 2020: "Oh haven't you heard?"
@Nine_Sunny 4 года назад
Scott, you missed one important thing. A lot of red ranks intentionally derank to green/ yellow to show their ego vs not so good killers. And It happens more often than not. Thats the one reason why rank really does not matter because nowdays In green ranks there are actually more "true red ranks" than in red ranks lol...And sometimes thats the problem for killers who want to get to rank 1 and cant go past rank 8...Not mentioning ranking system... hook everyone 2 times, kicked 20 gens, had good chases and still safepip... It maybe was very easy to get to rank 1 as a killer when DBD came out but defo not now.
@zarathos888 6 лет назад
For a survivour role altruism has got to be the easiest to rank up with. Im not a good survivour by any stretch. But if im in a game that looking bad I'll look to getting unhooks and then heal up quickly with will make it. If that fails I'll just borrowed time the player if their about to hit tier 2nd hook or die. Obviously if their faceccamping I'll rush gens. I still have a lot to learn about how to use t walls and make full use of the killers red stain but the game is ridiclously generous on letting me consistently pip as survivour.
@sofiarodriguez6768 6 лет назад
id say that altruism is also the easiest thing to punish as a killer. it allows me to be fed and completely destroy altruistic people. when people are feeling altruistic im usually double pipping. and with specific perk builds and killers its like shooting fish in a barrel. the problem is that most killers dont want to play that way they want to just find dumb survivors barely moving and down them and then no one be altruistic.
@danlorett2184 5 лет назад
It's not necessarily that altruism itself is super punishable - mostly just that so many survivors literally put zero effort into rescues. About 90% of survivors just try to get to the hook before they take a hit and just YOLO unhook. Maybe they'll have borrowed time - many times not.
@user-ep5ld7zt2c 4 года назад
“That was a Kate apparently just born without eyes or ears”
@taylorarnold5311 6 лет назад
How about we just get rid of ranks
@TonyMcCrea 6 лет назад
Taylor Arnold Dude that'd be fucking great. Can you imagine just... playing the game? Not worrying about rank 1's sweaty killers and cocky survivors? Just opening the game and... playing. DUDE, I WANT THAT. GET RID OF THE FUCKING RANKS. *NOW*
@bevvvy1374 6 лет назад
Taylor Arnold It's crazy how such a simple solution could help the game out so much
@ehoffart529 6 лет назад
@@TonyMcCrea I think it's just amazing people take the ranking so serious. I go off how many bloodpoints I get. Or incase I get one hooked because potato teammates how long my chase lasts. I was rank 8 and had a chase last 5 minutes vs Freddy. You better believe a gen finally popped after I got to sacrifice level 2 and this dude didn't have Ruin.
@Rzs31 6 лет назад
You must be a low rank.....you rank up when you do good..... I just play the game and rank up without trying.... means you suck kid
@taylorarnold5311 6 лет назад
@@Rzs31 lol im always rank 1 I would like them to get rid of ranks so the queue times wouldn't be so long half the time
@Enragedlime 6 лет назад
damn, why don't i ever get survivors like that
@ScottJund 6 лет назад
you do.
@Enragedlime 6 лет назад
nah, i think i'm just as clueless, it evens out
@Jirasu 6 лет назад
Kind of reminds me of when I was playing Killer Instinct super competitive online years ago. I would run into so many people that were the highest rank and weren't that good, and the complete opposite where a new ranked player was super super good. Just the way online works. There is a level of consistency, but there are exceptions to everything
@strykervenom1 6 лет назад
From what I've seen as a new player, yes. I've seen players ridicule new ones and their levels but they were just as bad as them in the game 😆😆😆
@Nopers_ 6 лет назад
Show this to tyde. His incessant crying about killer in this game is unbearable EDIT: I’ve now watched other videos and have seen you debate him in comments. I saw you say you’d be down to debate him in a collab. It’d be good for growth, but honestly he’s so close minded it would be a fools errand. I’ve even debated him in comments and he’s just essentially a snob that sees no other point of view.
@VESSEL105 6 лет назад
I like Tyde, even if I know that maybe his points aren't 100% true. However I do believe that he truly believes in what he says and what he thinks. Sometimes people see flaws in others statements while the other party sees absolutely nothing wrong with their statement. He hasn't experienced the game in the same way Html has. Does that mean he's bad? From the countless amounts of his videos I've watched he's proven he's pretty good so I always give him my ear when he speaks. However I say the same about Html, Puppers, hell, even Noob3, a person whom I really don't want to like. Would it be a fools errand? No, not at all. Discussion =/= Argument and I feel that communication would help this community in at least a small way. Hell, if you don't like what Tyde thinks you'd enforce others talking with him. Only time will tell. But honestly it doesn't matter if you don't let it. Just ignore whoever you want to ignore I guess.
@Nopers_ 6 лет назад
Mine Antoiya The point of discussion is to see the others points of view. Tyde does not. He thinks his opinions are the gospel so yes it would be a fools errand to talk to him because his stance is already known because he has a million videos on it. Talking to close minded people is not a productive use of time and he’s probably the most close minded person in the community. I don’t know what thee rest of what you said was suppose to be though.
@Nopers_ 6 лет назад
Mine Antoiya And I never said anyone was bad, idk where you’re getting these things from.
@djeulogy 6 лет назад
Tyde is a great value Ochido. Change my mind
@campedone4204 6 лет назад
I usually like people who strongly believe in their opinions, and try to spread it. But honestly all tyde does is making videos about "how easy to be a survivor". And tbh i feel kinda offended as a survivor main. but he is rank1 ofc he knows everything better than anyone lmao
@OmenOfStorms 6 лет назад
I just avoid high ranks because the egos and toxic players (good and bad) just make me not want to play. also I know im bad and am only in this for fun.
@Neronlive 6 лет назад
Oh, another video. Nice
@gohanblanco4243 6 лет назад
Rank doesn't matter after the rank resets I always get messages from survivors telling me that I'll never be rank 1 cause I tunnel and if I say I've been rank 1 they want proof lol people act like rank 1 is a whole different game all it does is increase your chances of finding better players and I agree on the region thing Tru3Ta1ent always says "EU survivors are better than NA survivors I've watched NA streamers and I wish they would face the survivors I face" it's like he doesn't understand he's constantly getting snipped by really good players
@Soukl 6 лет назад
Gohan Blanco no he knows he is
@veeplusctrl2520 6 лет назад
So how do we determine someone's skill ? Oh wait ... We don't because bhvr :P
@Raiwin 6 лет назад
Eh, DBD isn't very hard anyways so determining someone's skill isn't necessary.
@veeplusctrl2520 6 лет назад
I disagree, The game has a high skill ceiling, especially as a survivor, so a proper way of determining said skill would be appreciated imo
@bevvvy1374 6 лет назад
Ryder Majority of the things you said are things you learn within 10 hours of playing the game
@SecondDraft 5 лет назад
I'm rank 17. I have no idea what I'm doing! :D
@TheShape. 4 года назад
Yeah because when you get to "higher ranks" you get beyond shitty / toxic / greedy teammates who ONLY care about themselves escaping and getting bp. If I cared about that shit I would've been a rank 1 a long time ago. I ACTUALLY help teammates even if it means I won't escape. Very few of them aren't greedy.
@joeanon8641 5 лет назад
I was at rank 8 earlier today. I play solo on ps4 and I got bored of just popping gens so I spent my time in games just running around, unhooking survivors, distracting and trolling the killer and getting killed while all the other 3 survivors just leave without unhooking... I will literally survive until the gates are open a lot of the time or escape without doing a gen but saving everyone and distracting the killer and still unpip. The ranking system is beyond broken lol
@danlorett2184 5 лет назад
Dude wait until you get to red ranks as a killer. It's like you lose 3 gens in the first 5 minutes 90% of the time that's a safety pip at best. Fucking gatekeeper.
@TheShape. 4 года назад
@@danlorett2184 I'm going back between 4 and 5 and these are complete bitches who only care about themselves. Shows why they are at the "high ranks" (edit) ➡ going back and forth between those 2 ranks because they aren't any help and only care about themselves escaping.
@TheShape. 4 года назад
Yep.. Escaping isn't even a challenge for me. I care about helping my teammates and if they live that's what I care about. I've already escaped a ton and got the game platinum. Recently I started escaping more just to rank up but I ended up getting with worse players. How? They don't help and just care about themselves escaping. Won't help teammates or anything.. Beyond pathetic and the worst players. They look at it like oh I escaped I win! I look at it like if you know for a fact you could've escaped then help your damn teammates who helped you instead of being greedy. After rank resets I won't be escaping anymore.. Not playing with these greedy bitches. I'm still sticking to helping others. The lower ranks seem to be escaping more than these higher ranks. This ranking system is awful.. It should be random like Friday The 13th.
@siriustoast 6 лет назад
Rank is arguably the only way to know how good you're actually doing.
@aerion111 5 лет назад
I was sitting here thinking "man, you've got some low skill sub-14 players". I'm... A solidly rank-14 Killer myself, and the survivors don't make this many mistakes. If people act like that, I expect 14+. And I'm usually right.
@EdgieAlias 4 года назад
I genuinely was a little scared to play killer as I got into the higher ranks because I barely know what I'm doing, and I don't want to embarass myself. But this video shows me the truth
@NunnyNugget 3 года назад
"It took me 2 weeks to get to rank 1 killer after I got the game" **cries in the lowest rank I've ever been is 8 and I didn't even play a single match and it was rank reset the next day** **and that was survivor** **and the lowest I've ever gotten as killer is 9** **And I've had the game for 4 months** **:(**
@johncenarockz 3 года назад
You’ll get it man. Keep trying!
@NunnyNugget 3 года назад
@jennym_edits 3 года назад
I feel your pain I’m stuck around the 10-13 Mark keep going up then down tanks I have runs of games where I just seem to get found first game after game then I will rank up again only been playing 2 and a half weeks but it’s annoying losing pips
@Hawkeye19821 5 лет назад
I'm from the UK and I got to rank 1 survivor the last month for the first time. This was just because I had time to play. These are some observations 1. The vast majority, I would say 90 percent of survivors in Europe are utter garbage. They either don't know how to play or are just selfish. 2. Rank is based solely on devoting time to it. That's it, absolutely nothing more. From ranks 10 down it doesn't matter at all.
@ayeshlee8051 5 лет назад
I'm not the best at the game, but I have fun playing
@vilkua3471 5 лет назад
And this is what Matters
@AO-ku7zt 3 года назад
Scott watch some Tru3ta1ent to answer some of your questions about ranks and more. DBD behaviour create this mess by doing things like hiding players in SWFs which has a negative impact on solo survivors and killers.
@kiriwi. 6 лет назад
what people don't seem to realise about this game is that you don't *NEED* to be good at everything to make rank 1. you can literally do one gen, one safe unhook and heal that person, let's say see the killer once and drop a pallet, and rank up. You don't need to be amazing at dodging, looping, flashlight saves, etc., just having common sense gets you to high ranks too. Survive with friends doesn't mean that they'll have perfect games either. The only thing that SWF benefit from is calls like "killer is at xyz place" "killer is on me, do gens" "don't save me, leave". it's nothing like an instant win. each individual player still makes mistakes, even if they are at rank 1, since it's very unlikely they all run the killer around like Jen can.
@scorpiolizzy 5 лет назад
kiri nea or if you get groups like my “survivor frenemies” where half the time we’ll trip someone up or lead the killer to them just for the laughs. We don’t mind dying as long as everyone has a fun night. Hopefully including the killers.
@lips8971 6 лет назад
Any day where you upload is a good one
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