
Does the Body of Christ Replace Angels? 

Columbus Bible Church
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Title: Does the Body of Christ Replace Angels?
Date: 2019-10-06
Speaker: David Reid
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Комментарии : 61   
@propertysystemsinspection 4 года назад
You are a fabulous teacher, God has blessed you, thank you Brother!
@ColumbusBibleChurch 4 года назад
Thanks so much!
@victoriabennett7404 2 года назад
Let me say that when I first watched this I honestly thought this pastor was a heretic. I was really mad at him. But the more I prayed and asked God to reveal the truth and the more I listened to Pastor Reid, the more I turned around. He has used scripture to prove every point. I had to come to the realization that just about everything I ever heard from pulpits for years was in error. A hard thing to come to terms with. But I wanted truth more than to be right. Thank you, Pastor Reid, for truth. I love your teachings now. I share these videos with others. I feel so blessed to have found this church and channel. Listening from Texas...
@ColumbusBibleChurch 2 года назад
Thanks for the exceedingly kind words. Good for you for caring for the truth more than the opinions of men. Grace.
@sharonmcentee8615 2 года назад
It’s amazing right? Any preacher or teacher must have scripture to back it up or I stop listening to them. Even then sometimes I’m not totally convinced. Ever learning though it’s a lifetime. But it’s a wonderful thing to study the Bible
@ServantWatcher 26 дней назад
Aren't you glad that you pursued the Truth rather than men that do not rightfully divide the word of God.
@Matt-ir1ky 2 года назад
Fantastic teaching. Very edifying. Surely this is what is meant by the meat of the word!
@ColumbusBibleChurch 2 года назад
Thanks for the very kind words. Alleluia.
@cith-biblechurchsbg 5 лет назад
I commented already, but I just got to say, I really love this message
@gracebeliever127 5 лет назад
Thank you again for the edification :D
@anthonyshaw8698 4 года назад
Awesome sermon!!!!!
@jimoaks9270 5 лет назад
awesome message! 🙏🏼
@mobymagg 5 лет назад
Thank you for this message!
@acts9dispensationlist 4 года назад
Amazing truth that the denominational churches never will teach. Thank You!
@roga49 2 года назад
Great news👍 Thanks 😊
@cith-biblechurchsbg 5 лет назад
Thank you so much
@stevecooksutube 2 года назад
Thank you brother David, you sharpen my iron every time I listen to your messages. However I really hoped for references to psalm 82 and Rev 10:7 purely for my own understanding
@joannamail 2 года назад
Watched last night on Roku so could not comment but I sure didn't want to miss thanking you for a great lesson. Then onto the other half!
@ColumbusBibleChurch 2 года назад
Thanks for the very kind words. Alleluia.
@BeautifullyBlissfulButterfly 4 года назад
The Lord showed me this years ago according to Zechariah 13:8-9! Agreed 100 percent!
@timamyett9679 2 года назад
Teachings like this requires that you accept God's word in faith. Because these are definitely things that are not seen. If you have been believing other things for years that are in God's word but are not seen, then this will not be a stretch for you. This teaching is for the more mature Christian and may be hard for the babe in Christ. If you are a Christian and are wrapped up in religion this will be difficult at best. When I first started trying to comprehend the pre-trib rapture position it was very difficult. But as I grew in the Lord it became very obvious there could be no other way. This doctrine gives meaning, purpose and responsibility to our christian maturity. I thank the Lord for your ministry.
@ColumbusBibleChurch 2 года назад
Thanks for the very kind words. Alleluia.
@imflying2752 3 года назад
Amazing and awesome message! I can see easily how this could be true, as far as the Church members replacing fallen fired angels. I assumed....that the Most High would simply create more angels. Maybe not, and that part might be speculation, but, I have no probablem believing that He could just as easily assign Church Saints to those positions. Fascinating. Until now, I was wondering where in the New Jerusalem we would live, during the Millenium. Now I understand, that is for Jews only, direct line seed of Abraham, right? Anyway, I'm getting it... thank you.
@timdavis1922 4 года назад
I have heard and studied this before. Although this was a much clearer presentation than I could have ever completed. I have always felt that I Cor 6:3 has a place in this study. Also he mentioned Eph 6:12 as a verse for Satan’s location, and maybe I missed it, but the verse says who our battle is with. Our fright is not over land as the Jews, but ours is a spiritual battle “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood”. Our battle has been and will be with principalities. And in the end we will judge the angels. I have never been sure of how this judgement will be performed. Perhaps it will be in standing with Michael in the battle for heaven. Perhaps it will be by standing in their place. I have always been firm in that we do not “become” angels. There is plenty of scripture to deny that. We do not get our “wings” that whole statement just annoys me. However, it seems reasonable to believe we will stand in their place, perhaps fulfilling their duties as well as being part of the body of Christ. It also seems reasonable that in the past 2000 years that there will he enough Christians to fill that void and being an accountant I think it’s totally within God’s infinite knowledge and understanding to fill that position with the exact number of angels that have been cast down. Whether that’s a million, billion, or trillion. Just my thoughts. Any input?
@W.451 5 лет назад
Olympic Gold medals are plated. Great scripture study.
@stevecooksutube 2 года назад
I forgot to mention 1cor 6:2-3
@jsamc 7 месяцев назад
Let's say that God is use to being worshipped by 33 million angels and now there are only 22 million, there is a worship void that needs to be filled. We may not replace the Angeles because we are a new creation. We will fill a void.
@jlhgrace8284 4 года назад
I love the spirit of discussion here, especially among members of the Body of Christ. Poor flat earth Nitro - his spirit needs help.
@Norman.Labelle 5 лет назад
Mr. Reid, I respectfully disagree with your proposal for a few reasons but I will offer just this one as an example. To equate the vacant 1/3 position of fallen angels to the Body of Christ, is also indirectly equating the other 2/3 with the Body of Christ. We as the Body are co-heirs with our Head, Christ Jesus. This being the case, we are going to Lord it over ALL angels, including the remaining faithful 2/3. We won't and can't be equal to angels. It's just not scriptural. However, a few applicable, "trans-dispensational" scriptures do come to mind, which seem to point in another direction. Heb.1: 4 *_"Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they"_* Being co-heirs with Christ, we (the Body), are also made much better (superior) to angels AND we also inherit a more excellent name than theirs. Heb.1: 14 *_"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"_* We (the Body) are not going to be ministering spirits, rather, we will be ministered unto, being heirs of salvation, being co-heirs with Christ. Heb.2: 5 *_"For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak."_* God didn't put man into the subjection of angels, but some day soon, when we'll be joined to our Head, to form a single entity, we (the Body included) will be the subjectors, as Christ is presently. Heb.2: 9 *_"But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels (temporarily) for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man."_* This verse seems to indicate that we (the Body) will be made "higher" than the angels. In light of the preceeding information, I just can't see us (the Body), replacing fallen angels (or even faithful angels for that matter). We are just not in the same category, at any level, whether in "being" or "stature" or "position" or "function". All that being said, I truly appreciate you thinking outside the box. I hope my being opposed to your proposition doesn't come off as not liking you personally. I also appreciate you stating in your video that it's your "opinion" - thanks for that distinction. It's just a matter of differing opinions on this one, non-salvation issue. Every time I get a notification, I'm drawn to watch your sound teachings. Even if we disagree, I intend watching your videos until Christ comes back.
@davidveltum6730 4 года назад
@@Norman.Labelle We don't know the number of fallen angels nor do we know the number of saints in the body of Christ when the dispensation of the grace of God is complete. Its certainly possible that the two will equate in the end. 🤷‍♂️ I believe that is what we are doing now, filling up the body of Christ until we reach that number.
@Norman.Labelle 4 года назад
@David Veltum - Agree. Paul was the very first drop in the bucket of this dispensation of the "Age of Grace". That bucket has been filling for the past 2,000 years. It's just about full to the brim. The Body of Christ is about to be complete - Romans 11: 25 _For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, _*_until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in._* Thanks for chiming in, even 5 months later. Always pleasant meeting a fellow believer.
@victoriabennett7404 4 года назад
I agree-we are of the seed of Abraham-adopted and joint heirs-not to replace angels. He deleted my comment on this so nice that he kept your differing opinion. It isn't good to delete opinions that differ. Our gov already does that-didn't expect a pastor to do it. However that being said, I also like his teachings and agree on just about all of it. Really this is the only thing I have heard him say so far that I do not agree with.
@teawithjesus3235 3 года назад
Did Pastor mean “crown of righteousness” in that statement he made upon “therefore there is laid up a crown of Righteousness...” (he said “rejoicing.” ) Thank you.
@ColumbusBibleChurch 3 года назад
Probably. He mispeaks a lot.
@ArgothaWizardWars 2 года назад
Ok, so the fallen angels rule over this world and we eventually replace them. Doesn't that mean we will rule with Him in the millennium?
@ColumbusBibleChurch 2 года назад
No, it does not mean. Please check out the video as to whether the body of Christ returns at the Second Coming.
@TheTREEHOUSE18 2 года назад
Sorry but this isn't the truth. I will be worshiping Jesus as me called and chosen His own sheep not in the place of anyone!!!!!
@jsamc 7 месяцев назад
You aren't a sheep. You are In Christ !!
@BryanLChess 3 года назад
I just have a question, our bodies are going to changed into a body like Jesus and not the angels, do you think that matters that our body will be different than angels?
@ColumbusBibleChurch 3 года назад
We will have celestial bodies as described in 1Cor 15, and they will be terrific. We will have nothing to complain about.
@BryanLChess 3 года назад
@@ColumbusBibleChurch ok, thanks!
@ServantWatcher 26 дней назад
Two years from now you will have a wonderful sermon that has a baby crying throughout the whole sermon. Just curious if the newborns have a place for them so that your sermons can be simulatwd without frustration die to baboes crying non stop. Please dont think me a baby hater but you have to know a baby is not missing out if you take it to the nursery. The mothers That do not take their crying babies to a nursery do not understand what it means to be courteous.
@jeannieboxford 4 года назад
People think they see angels because of Hebtrews, not rightly dividing
@markbsecondary394 5 лет назад
How many crowns are there to receive as a reward?
@W.451 5 лет назад
Read the scriptures, it's there. Knowledge of God's Word is not spoonfed.
@Norman.Labelle 5 лет назад
451 - So *few* and far between are the pockets of rightly dividing believers (called-out-ones), that we ought to be more thoughtful in the choice of our words when interacting with other potential members of God's pre-chosen, pre-elected members of the Body of Christ. God's Word is indeed spoonfed, *_to babes_* in Christ. Not all have the same level of knowledge, yet. Please be patient when answering someone in this forum. You might be in the presence of someone who has just recently been sanctified by God Himself to partake as a member of Christ's Body. How are we to interact as individual "members" of the Body of Christ? = 1 Cor.12 How should we view "knowledge"? = 1Cor.13: 8 _Love never ends, but knowledge will come to an end_ 2Tim.2: 24 (re: conduct). Just food for thought!
@Norman.Labelle 5 лет назад
Mr B - There are several types of crowns listed in scripture; - Crown of incorruptibility - 1 Cor.9: 25 - Crown of rejoicing - 1 Thess.2: 19 - Crown of righteousness - 2Tim.4: 8 - Crown of glory and honour - Heb.2: 9 and 1Pet.5: 4 - Crown of life - James 1: 2 and Rev.2:10 - Crown of gold - Rev.4: 4 Note: Christ has "many" crowns - Rev.19:12 For what it's worth, it's my contention that all these descriptions (above) are all different descriptions of a single crown. *Speaking worldly* , when you see the queen's head on British or Canadian currency, she is wearing only 1 crown. But that 1 crown represents; Royalty, Majesty, Honour, Authority, Respect, Distinction, Uniqueness. They are all different aspects associated with that 1 crown. It unmistakingly describing the wearer of the "physical" crown. *Speaking spiritually* , the crowns distributed by God will be lasting forever, unperishable. The attributes associated with this crown and eventual crown wearer will be eternal. Hope this at least answers your question in part.
@W.451 5 лет назад
One can google for instant answers. It is wiser that they open the book.
@Norman.Labelle 5 лет назад
snarkado - spoken like a true member of the Body of Christ.
@stevergee 4 года назад
So the church believers will not be returning to earth to reign with Christ? Will we be living in mansions in heaven? And will the eternal state be filled with activity and excitement and fun, or will we be bored? Will I be able to go vacations and entertain other believers in my mansion?
@ColumbusBibleChurch 4 года назад
If you were bored in heaven, that would mean God did a poor job designing it. I don't think you need to worry about boredom.
@stevergee 4 года назад
@@ColumbusBibleChurch So everything will be exciting and thrilling? I don't want to feel like I'm in a monastery. I'm sure everything will be amazing.
@laserfalcon 3 года назад
I have asked similiar questions and more. Will we eat in heaven? Will there be dishes? Who washes the dishes. Etc etc
@stevergee 3 года назад
@@laserfalcon I don't mind doing dishes, but I dunno if we will need to do them or not. I would think that everyone would want to clean their plate. Maybe there will be angelic attendants for that but dunno. I heard that we will be doing no servile work, but I would be willing to do whatever would he required to pull my weight.
@nonoydolar8260 4 года назад
I think not all angels were created in heaven. Lucifer and his company were in Eden when they were created (Eze.28). He planned to ascend to heaven, (Isaiah 14:12) And Michael drove them back to the earth at mid tribulation to sow terror on man because he can't do anything against GOD, because man was GOD'S masterpiece during creation.
@Dingbat60 4 года назад
I wonder if satan knows all of this.
@ColumbusBibleChurch 4 года назад
He did not know this in time past, but he does now. 1Cor 2:7-8.
@olegig5166 5 лет назад
There are verses that say the Body of Christ will become Sons of God and it is quiet easy to compare the Sons of God with fallen angels. Always amazes me that preachers are well paid to squeeze 2 minutes of info into 30 minutes.
@thomasharp3246 Год назад
Wrong. Romans 8:17 we're heirs of God and co heirs with Jesus which means we inherit everything new Jerusalem and new Heaven.
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