

Julies WIDM
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Hello hello :)
Finally, the new season of "Wie is de mol?" has begun! Yay!
That means many new hints, theories and a lot of fun - but unfortunately, I'm sick which is why the first hints and theories video of this season is a little bit different than the videos I usually produce.
I hope that next week everything will be back to normal.
Until then, feel free to share all the suspicious things you've seen in the comments! Discussing about the episodes is the most fun thing on this channel here :)
Here are some more hints/theories that haven't been mentioned in the video:
- The number 8 could be an important one this season. In the Maya calender the 8th month is "mol".
- It seems like the productions wants Anna to appear very suspicious. There are several hints in this episode that could lead to her. For example: Her birthday is the 6th January, the date of the airing of the first episode. There even was a happy birthday balloon at the festival in the beginning of the episode. Also, if you add the numbers of her birth year (1986), you come up with the number 24. She studied physics and astronomy which would fit to the whole star sign/tarot theories, also on the tarot cards are stars.
Does all that make her suspicious or even not? Well, you could say that the producers want to lead us to a wrong person but in the case of old moles Jan and Everon, they were both made very suspicious immediately in episode 1. What do you think?
- This is the last season of director Richard ("Rick") King McCullough. He worked for "Wie is de mol?" for more than 20 years and is known for listening to the feedback of the fans. Maybe we're in for some special surprises this season? That definitely would be great!
One last note: I don't think that Babs will have the chance to come back in the next episode. I could very well imagine that the topitos and the people who left the game later can have an influence on the outcome of a task (or maybe one out of three has the chance to return). What do you think?
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@MoleTracker 6 месяцев назад
I've watched the episode a couple of times now, and I thought I would rank my Mole suspects, like I did on my channel for the Netflix version. It's much harder after just one episode, but here goes... My Top Suspect #1 - Anna. I hope I'm wrong because I prefer to be surprised and it seems like the majority of the viewers are picking Anna after this episode. But her game play really would fit with a Mole strategy. First, the logical play in the first game is to not find the topito, guaranteeing that 1,000 is kept out of the pot. In the Speed Dates, the logical play is to try to build trust in the other players during the one-on-one interviews. What better way than to suggest a strategy that would add the most money to the pot? And you would probably figure that the players wouldn't go along with it, anyway, so you look like the hero. Then, you vote for someone that didn't have the exemption to try to avoid adding money to the pot (we find out in the van that Anna voted for Justin). Those moves didn't work, but not for lack of trying. In the painting challenge, the smart move is to not volunteer and get assigned to unlocking the paintings. If you know where the correct paintings are located, you can still look like the hero by unlocking a lot of the incorrect matching ones, which Anna does. She also does a classic Mole maneuver of trying to blame others, namely blaming Kees for not remembering which numbers were called and blaming Rian/Babs for not buying the extra paintings. I really wish the clues didn't point to Anna (like the birthday clue), because otherwise I think this could have been a sneaky under-the-radar pick. But Anna is on everyone's radar. Again, I hope I'm wrong. Other Prime Suspects #2 Jip. She followed a similar strategy as Anna by not getting a topito and building trust during the one-on-ones. I wouldn't expect the Mole to volunteer to paint, because you only control 1 of the 5 results, but maybe Jip as a cartoonist just enjoyed the idea of making art and let others sabotage the game. #3 Justin. He also didn't get the topito and as a drag performer would be very natural blending into the crowd during the party. He also asked Babs/Rian what the cost was per painting, which may have been an innocent question or it also could have been the Mole trying to coax the players into sharing key information. #4 Jeroen. During his confessionals talking about the one-on-ones, it's almost as if he's describing them from the perspective of the Mole trying to figure out the other player's strategies (similar to the Mole in the Anniversary season asking the players to write letters). I also think he could've blended into the party with his ability to speak spanish. Can't Rule Them Out #5 Rian. She seems pretty genuine. I thought her decisions were genuine, and ultimately they correctly got the painting with the monkey after she corrected herself about the arm around the shoulder. If she was the Mole, she could've easily stuck with her original statement. But she is an actress, so she could be playing the role of the candidate well. #6/7 Kees/Tooske - They both seem like regular players to me, and they both successfully found the topito and voted for people who had the exemption. Both of those things add money to the pot. I don't think the Mole would do both if given the option. But they could be under-the-radar Moles slow-playing it during episode 1. Not Likely #8 Fons - I thought his interaction with the person at the party that denied him the topito seemed pretty genuine. I think he found the right person, but the Mole had found them first and took the topito. If it turns out that was all staged, then Bravo, Fons. #9 Rosario - It seems like he's playing the game pretty honestly and comes across as a genuine candidate to me. Lastly, a note about Babs. It's a shame she is out already. She was a very likeable player, and seemed to be playing the game enthusiastically and honestly. But it seems like she had tunnel vision already. Perhaps she reached the same conclusion as me and got eliminated because it isn't Anna. She mentioned specifically that the key position in the painting challenge was unlocking the boxes, so it is likely she was gunning for Anna, Tooske, or Kees. I'm already looking forward to the next episode. Thanks for posting, Julies!
@julieswidm 6 месяцев назад
Interesting analysis! Yep, Anna (and also a bit Jip) seem to be suspected by a lot of people now. Here is the current ranking from the app (Saturday, few hours before the second episode airs): Anna 22 % Kees 18 % Jeroen 12 % Jip 11 % Rian 11 % Tooske 9 % Fons 7 % Justin 6 % Rosario 4 % Not sure why so many people think that Kees is suspicious... I rather have the feeling that he is a player who does not take the game too seriously and likes to fool around a bit 🤷
@MoleTracker 4 месяца назад
Trust your instincts, jongens!! 🙂
@thefuzzyoranges 6 месяцев назад
A very fun first episode! I'm pretty stuck on three top suspects, and then have everyone else sorta dangling in the middle somewhere, with a few I've nearly written off already. I have a huge feeling the second person you mentioned at the Day of the Mole party was the mole. Have a hat to hide the hair and fan to cover the face. (It is not lost on me that they are wearing red though, and what better color to put a red herring in?) They also seemed to be with the other person you mentioned, the guy in the top hat. Their costumes kinda matched (both red fabric with black flowers) along with their face paint. Part of me wonders if the guy kinda helped the mole out a bit to move necklaces around so the mole didn't have to do that part themself (don't show the hands, just in case). The Speed Date challenge I find interesting. I think it's Anna that comes up with the idea to go with who you were paired with at the start, but the funny thing is that a lot of people don't end up even following the plan. It was a lot of dumb luck that saved them in that challenge. And, fun fact, if they did follow that plan, then Anna doesn't end up earning any money herself since she's paired with Justin. The Frida Kahlo challenge ultimately failed due to the team responsible for freeing the paintings. Tooske and Anna had a lot of free range away from Kees (I don't suspect Kees, I think/hope he's going home in the next week or two). That being said, any of the painters could still sabotage. I'd say Rosario, Jip, Justin, and Fons had decent paintings (at least they had the details the pickers needed in their paintings). Jeroen's was actively terrible, like I don't think he's the mole but that was sabotage worthy. I'm actually pretty glad they didn't buy the extra paintings; I'm already annoyed there was an opportunity to take money out of the pot. This at least was only for the opportunity to win more money though, so I will let it slide. (Thankfully no sign yet of...what was the code word last year? Sausages? Fishsticks? It was food related...) So, final thoughts. I really feel like it's a woman this year, and I'm really split between Anna, Jip, and Tooske. Anna I can tell is smart, game savvy, and competitive (I saw how hard she appeared to try in the first challenge). All good traits for a mole. She didn't earn an exemption and was in a good spot in the third challenge. But she did really seem to orchestrate earning $6k, so I don't know yet. Jip also seems reasonably smart and game savvy, and we didn't see as much of her reactions which makes me think she's being downplayed and thus makes me suspicious of her. She didn't earn an exemption either, but she also seemed to help orchestrate earning the $6k and I thought her drawing was rather good in the third challenge. And a LOT of contestants where saying they were suspicious of her during the test taking confessionals, which makes me less inclined to suspect her. Tooske is a bit more of a long shot for me to be the mole, but if she is I love her already. She did earn an exemption, but I thought her same lie throughout the speed dating was intended to make her look obvious so people would vote for her, I dunno. Then she was in the coveted position of unlocking the paintings in the third challenge. My could be's still are Fons, Jeroen, and Justin. I don't get a lot from either of them yet, one way or another. But Jeroen has such a watching paint dry personality that I'll be very nervous on how the season's gonna go if he is the mole. My almost fallen off already's are Rosario, Kees, and Rian. Rosario seems too contestant-like for me, and Kees and Rian are way too obviously red herrings. Kees just seems like the bumbling old guy contestant who can't help himself to sabotage accidentally. Rian, for all her bumbling, still managed to get the only painting right they could get in that third challenge without buying more paintings. A pretty strong start to the season! I hope you feel better in time for next week Julie!
@H0lyMoley 6 месяцев назад
Heyo! Once again we disagree from the start! I've been saying "It's time for another run of four female Moles in a row" for the two or three years... and it ain't happened! Seven out of the last nine Moles have been male. And this year I think it's a male too. My top suspect is Fons. Justin is right up there in terms of his actions, but would you choose him? And Jeroen is my #3, just in case the Mole decided to go for the exemption. (I don't think they would but it might be a good bluff.) I'm immediately ruling out Anna and Tooske. Whenever anyone says "The Mole is in this key position", the Mole ain't there. Especially if it's the eliminated player. That's Mole 101. Jip seems like the classic false Mole that everyone suspects early on. Rian... would you ever choose her? And Babs is out. Yeah, I don't see any female suspects yet. If I'm proven wrong on this one, so be it. I'd love it to be Rosario - and it could be - and that would actually be kinda awesome because we've never had a Mole of his particular type in the NL seasons before. I can't see it being Kees either. So, from most to least likely... Fons, Justin, Jeroen, Rosario, Jip, Rian, Kees, Anna, Tooske.
@thefuzzyoranges 6 месяцев назад
@@H0lyMoley Lol, another year, another season where we immediately diverge on suspicions! Seeing how many guys we've had the last few years made me pretty certain it would be a girl this year. Fons in the car after the second task was just weird to me. Like I don't know why he would tell Rosario he picked Rian but then lie to everyone else only to get caught immediately out on it. A possible double bluff, but it mostly read as weird lie to garner attention as a desperate candidate. After last year I would never pick Justin, but I never would've picked Jurre either so I suppose that's a moot point. I'd say of the guys Jeroen would be my top pick, mostly because his drawing was so crap but also because he's an actor and could pull it off I would imagine. The boxes were the key spot in the third challenge, but it certainly wasn't the only place to mole. That being said, I wouldn't immediately rule out Tooske or Anna as a result. We don't really know anything from Babs' test confessional if she went in on anyone in particular. I'd say it's season 24 and the producer's last season; they could try to put in some red herrings and twists on their usual formula to throw us off. (I was locked in on the mole in season 22 but thrown off cause two people called them out in the second episode during the test confessionals and it really made me second guess myself, because they don't usually do that.) I know where you're coming from with Jip. I've been on the fence with her. I guess so many other people are not giving me mole vibes (Rian, Rosario, Kees, Babs obvs) that I have to keep her up top for now. I'll say though that this is the least confident I've been in a season in a while. I still have vibes from Anna, Jip, and Tooske, and some from Jeroen. I think we really just need more episodes under our belt to help out!
@julieswidm 6 месяцев назад
I think the codeword was "fishsticks" 😄 I love to hear everyone's suspicions 😄 (And especially yours and @H0lyMoley 's conversation about disagreeing. Perfect start to a season I'd say)
@windfallsofdreams 6 месяцев назад
I don’t have any clear front-runners yet in terms of suspicion (hopefully episode 2 will help me start to narrow things down) but I do think Anna, Tooske, and Jip are still possibilities. I also think there is a chance that Babs suspected Rian, after Babs’ reaction to Rian’s shenanigans during the treasurer vote, and then her behavior during the painting challenge. Yes, to us watching from home, Rian does not seem like a mole. But you never know how a candidate might interpret things in the moment. And as far as Jip is concerned, if she is actually the mole and I managed to pick up on a hidden clue in the first episode, then I will forgive myself for getting it wrong in almost every other season, lol.
@Captain_Subpar 6 месяцев назад
I said this on the upload of the episode, but I think the chairs/desks might have significance. They were matched during the speed dating but mismatched for the test/execution. They used all of the different chairs but only used the pink desk. Justin had a pink shirt. Jeroen and Rosario were the first two people shown at the pink desk.
@H0lyMoley 6 месяцев назад
Heyo! I'm here! In answer to your question, well, I dunno... does Fons have blue eyes? Anna, Kees and Tooske are not the Mole. They wouldn't start with showing the first starstruck player, from their point of view, if that person was actually the Mole. Babs said they were in the key position and got cut. Rian is the only player left of the two choosing the actual paintings. She's a possibility. Fons did a decent painting but left out an important detail. That's what I'd do as the Mole. In the first challenge, Anna, Jip, Justin and Fons failed to get a topito. I think the Mole would probably do this. It's not Anna. Jip is a classic fake Mole. That leaves Justin and Fons. If it's not one of the four who failed the topito challenge, my next suspect would probably be Jeroen.
@julieswidm 6 месяцев назад
I agree that (until now) I also have the feeling that Jip is the classic fake Mole. And yep, I'm also still not sure what to think about Jeroen. He does come off a bit suspicious to me but then again, he didn't really do that much until now...
@alfhokie 6 месяцев назад
Hi Julies. Thanks for the video! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, but this was a good "Plan B" format. It will be fun to follow along again this year.
@windfallsofdreams 6 месяцев назад
I hope you feel better soon Julie!! Thank you so much for posting this video even though you are sick 🩷 I just finished watching the episode, and I have a LOT to think about. Here are a few things that jumped out at me while I was watching: -During the first assignment, the fortune-teller gave the same speech to all 10 candidates. BUT she addressed each candidate by name once during her speech AT DIFFERENT POINTS. She added the candidate’s name at either the beginning of a sentence, or at the end of a sentence. For example, “Your future in this game will be determined here and now, _________.” The ONLY person whose name she said directly after the words “de mol” was Jip. It was one of those moments that I had to pause the video and rewind. Is it too obvious to mean that Jip is the mole? Probably. -There were several “poor performance during the challenge” moments from several different candidates that stood out to me. 1) Fons not being able to remember the word “topito”…really? Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the topitos (pieces of vrijstelling) used in earlier WIDM seasons? I feel like he must have heard that word before/known what a topito was. 2) Kees during the paintings assignment, being completely unhelpful to his group. And also “not having his reading glasses”, but then having them. I actually have an important question about the “collecting the paintings” challenge: Didn’t each painting have a small square of color on the side, representing which part of the picture the correct code for the lock could be located in? Did the candidates just miss this completely? They should have been saying “538, red” or “271, purple” or something, right? But all 3 of the candidates in the group seemed to be ignoring the colors, so it’s hard to put the blame on one person in particular. And Kees’s actions seem too obviously Moley. I feel like if the mole was in that group, it was more likely Anna or Tooske, just ignoring the fact that they were doing the assignment incorrectly, and letting Kees continue to shout numbers out way too quickly. 3) Rian, describing the paintings to Babs. Babs was asking such clear questions about the details of the paintings, and Rian couldn’t tell whether the monkey’s arm was there or not? But again, that is TOO obvious. -Rian also did something interesting after the first challenge, when the group was voting for who they wanted to be the treasurer: she voted for Anna AND Justin. That was the second time I had to pause the video and rewind. She definitely raised her hand for both. So, that’s weird. -I have another question about the “speed dating”…was Anna really the one to come up with the strategy of everyone voting for a different person? Because Jip was saying the exact same thing during her first conversation. But Anna gets all of the credit for it. Maybe Anna was the one to specifically say “vote for the person you spoke with first”? It’s kind of an anti-mole action, so I want to know who contributed to it. Or maybe it’s sort of a mole action backfiring…make a smart, very candidate-like suggestion “if everyone votes for a different person, then we get all of the money and no one has an advantage” because they think that a) the group won’t possibly be able to come up with a plan to make that work and b) even if they do come up with a plan, half of the candidates wouldn’t follow it anyway. But then someone did actually come up with the plan and follow it. -I like how the cards representing the exemptions for episodes 1, 2, and 3 had pictures relating to challenges from those episodes. Episode 1 Frida Kahlo, episode 2 sports stadium, episode 3…not sure? I wonder if any of the candidates noticed that. -I can’t wait until episode 10 to see footage of the mole in their costume shaking everyone’s hand at the party. It will be right up there with the 2011 reveal of the mole in the background on the bus. -BABS 😢😢😢 why is one of the most clever and most likeable candidates already gone?!?! Can we please just get rid of Kees and have Babs back? I am looking forward to reading everyone else’s thoughts!
@alfhokie 6 месяцев назад
Good stuff! I think the Episode 3 symbol was a professional wrestling ring.
@julieswidm 6 месяцев назад
Thank you! 🤗 To answer your questions: Yep, the topitos were used in earlier seasons. I'm not sure in how many but definitely also in the older Mexican season. There's also been spotted another interesting shot of Jip at the festival. I hope that I'll remember that for the upcoming video to let you see the photo. About Anna, Jip and the speed dating... That's exactly the problem I have too (and I think the producers want us to have). It isn't really clear who came up with the idea. I also thought that it was Jip but then they all acted as if it was Anna... Haha! I get why you are not very enthusiastic about Kees (for now) 😅😄
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