
Does working out increase capabilities on the drums? 

Matt Garstka
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Does working out help your drumming? If so, what kind of workout style/routine do you have? BJJ, Crossfit, bro split, upper/lower, push/pull, boxing, bike, running etc



18 сен 2024




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@mshambaPGrated 3 года назад
Love the fact that physical education is playing in the background
@GillBoldberg 3 года назад
Gavin Harrison said it best - "The things I play today I could have played 25 years ago, I just couldn't think of them 25 years ago." - in other words you can be in the best physical shape in the world with the fastest hands/feet but if you have zero creativity and zero ideas it's worthless. The biggest muscle you need to work on is your brain.
@drummusician 3 года назад
I agree with you and Gavin sir, it’s the brain doing the bulk. Physical shape/health must be tended to in some manner though so we can sustain this physical instrument for many years🤘
@mellowtron214 3 года назад
This is what I’ve always said exactly about Gavins playing. It’s one thing to be able to play something that is “hard” to play, *ITS SOMETHING ELSE ENTIRELY TO BE ABLE TO THINK UP INTERESTING, ENGAGING, AND ARTISTIC MUSICAL IDEAS FOR ANY INSTRUMENT.* Ironically, playing the thing is easier than deciding what to play and what is worth playing. I personally just try and play literally everything and find what my body and mind naturally gravitate towards and then try and expand on that. But I think this also requires a general love of all kinds of music, especially stuff that isn’t the kind of music you play.
@domeniquemercullo4661 3 года назад
I think the stamina you'll get from working out will be a great help but I agree with you the brain will still be responsible for your musicality and this is where the muscle memory and the years of experience kicks in.
@Phillip4six 3 года назад
Exercise and good eating are the 2 proven ways to maintain brain health (IQ) with age
@rusamene 2 года назад
Garstka, Donati, Lang, Casagrande. All elite and untouhable drummers.
@xAfroMetalHead1990x 3 года назад
Matt: “Being healthy makes you a better drummer.” Obese Gospel drummers: Hold my KFC bucket
@miraclessaint-hilaire4941 3 года назад
@Antonio-fo4fl 3 года назад
@zachmanzano 3 года назад
*Laughs in Gospel*
@hazardeur 3 года назад
your joke doesn't make any sense. what he's saying is that even these gospel drummers, however good they might be, could be even better when in a healthy state. it's just logic really.
@miraclessaint-hilaire4941 3 года назад
@@hazardeur geez there had to be one 🤦🏿‍♂️ lol no one's disputing that. it's literally A JOKE meaning NOT serious
@Darkest_of_Winter 3 года назад
The depression part speaks to me man. Thanks for opening up with that, its not easy to talk about.
@chancellorpercussion4464 3 года назад
Matt "get good at the drums" Garstka
@TupDigital 3 года назад
@Metalingus 3 года назад
I hope in the future whenever Matt redesigns his website, he registers it to the URL “getgood atthedrums.com”
@kinrhor792 3 года назад
*git gud
@dudeskinus 3 года назад
Mark whalberg speaking truth.
@iwhcyouth1 3 года назад
Had no idea he played drums.
@dbmdrums1105 3 года назад
@GabrielXDrums 3 года назад
No he’s obese asf rn 🤣
@JoeyBullet222 3 года назад
@Calamitous 3 года назад
Matt's just becoming more and more tanked as time goes on
@Dsullivann 3 года назад
Berklee matt was tiny, dude has gotten jacked since 💪
@Calamitous 3 года назад
@@redlightclinicdrummer what ahahaha
@GabrielXDrums 3 года назад
@@Calamitous obese bro
@bogidrums 3 года назад
Not necessarily "working out" but I feel like the idea of watching your health and taking care of yourself in regards to playing music for a living is rarely talked about by musicians on a public platform, so I appreciate you posting a video about this topic! When I was a kid I didn't even think about taking steps to be healthy in regards to my drumming. All I did was drum and play video games pretty much 24/7. Next thing I know I'm getting tired, my metabolism is slowing down, I'm gaining weight, my back is aching, and I even end up developing carpal tunnel syndrome as a result of overusing my hand/wrist muscles without taking any steps to strengthen them. It's by no means too late for me, but spreading the message about taking steps to be healthy and take care of your body I feel is super important, ESPECIALLLY when you consider how many young musicians are out there who really want to play music at a professional level. I'm in physical therapy now, eating healthier, and exercising more regularly, so I'm hopefully on the right track to fix things, but I can promise you that nothing feels worse than practicing your craft for years and dedicating yourself to be a working musician, only to be setback by something that is ultimately avoidable like health issues.
@drummusician 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing brother, yes definitely best to stay proactive but sometimes we get behind the ball and need to play catch up. When it has happened to me in the past, yoga, healthy eating, healthy sleep, and PMA(positive Mental Attitude) brought me back✊stay strong
@bogidrums 3 года назад
@@drummusician 100%, gotta have perspective and take a step outside the drumming world every now and then lol. and thanks, appreciate the support!
@anonymous06329 Год назад
i've been going through the exact same thing, been dealing autoimmune symptoms, heavy metal toxicity and carpal tunnel for years. I was an aspiring musician and still am. I've had no choice but to take a break from music to recover. It's honestly been one of the hardest thing to do.
@StarsNeverBlink 3 года назад
Lmao the song choice for the video is so appropriate
@kutaybr 3 года назад
Finally, the question that everyone’s been asking to Matt 😆
@blakenunndrums 3 года назад
As someone whom fractured their spine wrestling at 12 for middle school, almost severed my cord by a 75% slip between vertebrae that came centimeters from making me paralyzed from the waist down, 5 years in a wheelchair, 6 major surgeries, over a third of my spine fused with lamectomies throughout (no disk whatsoever between vertebrae fused into 1 immobile mass of bone L3-S1 and again at T11, a spinal cord stimulator implant put in just walk again, and let alone play drums); I couldn't even sit for 15 minutes at the kit in 2016, and now I can play 6 hrs a day, teach, and gig professionally. I still can't run, I have a terrible gate/limp, and my legs don't fire normally with all the neurological damage. So, while I highly support everything you're saying, I came from the opposite end of the spectrum, and had to learn *technique* to save my body and play with longevity, since I can't work out besides on the kit. Having strength is great, but utilizing motion and using wrist and fingers rather than large muscle groups; made ALL the difference for me. I can't do anything but walk and ride a pedal assist bike; but you better believe I can "tap dance", while orchestrating, improv.'ing, conserve my energy, and using good technique to play the drums, rather than muscling everything out and not using technique to my advantage, and getting tired or overly sloppy! 😉 I envy those that can and have strong health/strength/good physique! It definitely plays a major role, as it's a physical instrument! Great video! Happy drumming, everyone! Edit: "It's all just up-down motion, it's in how you maximize that motion to get the most amount of sound for the least amount of effort, and in the way you use and orchestrate it around the kit" -Russell Bizzett (my mentor)
@GabrielGuevaraDrums 3 года назад
I went through a depression also and didn't feel like drumming at all, which was super hard considering it's like a form of meditation for me... thanks for sharing, it's comforting to know others have been through the same, thankfully today I'm back to drumming and happier than ever
@TomDrums94 3 года назад
This is a nice subject to talk about “Physical Education” right?
@boston961 3 года назад
I really enjoy and respect how honest and open Matt is .
@longdrums 3 года назад
This video dropped at exactly the right time for me! This has been on my mind for months. As a drummer who also likes to lift my ass off, i feel like my focus has shifted away from my instrument and more towards my physique/numbers, much like the phase you describe. Only difference is, I'm about 5% the drummer you are, so I can't really afford to slack. Lifting is just making me happy rn (happier than drums like you describe) but hopefully I can find a balance in the future. PS, also a fellow depression sufferer (Bipolar to be exact) so thank you for your honesty in that regard.
@JoaoFerreira-fx3xp 3 года назад
I loved that Physical Education was playing in the beginning of the video
@Profmillar 3 года назад
Very reassuring stuff man \m/ Working out really helps with my confidence on the kit, I also like the fluidity that comes with a little meat on my bones.
@cobb_thedrummer 3 года назад
Yes, you hit all the points. Eat well, sleep well and practice, practice, practice. Great video.
@D4ngeresque 3 года назад
Sounds like a question for Metal Matt.
@El_Bicho_Feo 3 года назад
I’m in my 60s and have been lifting Olympic style for almost 6 years. Lifting has definitely become my ‘happy place’ but I absolutely cannot function as a drummer right after lifting... found that out the hard way (on a gig). I just totally bonked after 2 sets... this was playing a low-volume jazz gig. Can’t imagine what a rock gig would have done to me!! I also run and bike... those are much more compatible with drumming, though no less tiring. Physical activity of any kind has been a great asset to my life & mindset... and it has helped me be a better drummer from that standpoint.
@Fabiobocca 3 года назад
Matt you're the fucking man. Quite easily the most versatile drummer of our era. Id love to hear you on some different style tracks. If you have any features you can recommend id love to hear them
@drummusician 3 года назад
Victoria, Casimir Liberski(Cosmic Liberty), GEM(on RU-vid), JIA(guested on Amass, The offering, Drift), Chon(guested on But and Book), Louis Demieulle(many albums)
@tommasoc1498 3 года назад
About this topic, elestepario siberiano said that he always does weightlifting only after his practice session, precisely at the end of the day. I am not a professional drummer but since I started doing this I can truly say that this is the one of the best solution if your routine allows it.
@tdirago 3 года назад
Thanks for an honest and non bias response. offering examples of how it can help/hinder was refreshing as you encourage people to come their own answer rather than yes/no. The key points at the end were spot on
@Razieleatssouls 3 года назад
I have a lot of time where I can't play on a kit and it gets me down, but I've found that working out during that time keeps me happy and actually makes my drumming better as far as endurance and speed.
@MusicHead480 3 года назад
It helped me play harder but It can also make me play worse if I'm sore
@DavidMcmenemy 3 года назад
I want to see a 350lb jazz drummer smashing rimshots consistently using traditional grip. I'm willing to wait.
@aaronbones4290 3 года назад
Kinda like thomas lang?
@TeslaNick2 3 года назад
Jiu Jitsu is the best sport to do as a drummer. The kind of cardio you need for grappling is the same for drumming, plus they're both about coordination and building muscle memory.
@tjgadner8896 3 года назад
I’ve been drumming for 9 years and I’m going to my first jiu jitsu class today
@TeslaNick2 3 года назад
@@tjgadner8896 Going is the hardest bit. Good luck !
@sbedfordbass 3 года назад
As a full time bassist and Jiu Jitsu practitioner (with the inevitable list of inconvenient injuries that comes with it) I can say with absolute confidence that Jiu Jitsu is definitely not the best sport for any musician. There is a lot to learn from the humbling mental and physical process of practicing and studying any kind of Martial Art that directly apply to music....but lugging gear around and playing 5 gigs a week with fucked up fingers/shoulders/elbows/neck isnt the one!
@yungnietzsche2302 3 года назад
Plus rolling around on the ground with other men gives you a lot of creative inspiration which translates well to instruments!
@hugorezende199 3 года назад
i have to agree thatt is really insteresting, i did for some years, you have to be really agile and good endurance. In brasil is a popular sport.
@marianmanson Год назад
I've been working out for 25 years, and playing drums for two. This video was very helpful. Thanks
@Garage-1881 Год назад
Thank you Matt for the time you take to educate us more about drumming as well as being so open about your life man. It makes you all that more relatable as a drummer and a human.
@bharathondrums 3 года назад
Loving these new videos Matt! Totally agree with the mental health aspect of it all in addition to physical health. Thanks for sharing!
@scottplaysguitar 3 года назад
I’ve been doing yoga which has really helped my focus. And that’s been super helpful for keepin dat beat!
@ak4656 3 года назад
Mad props for touching base with your mental health and own personal life experiences. Something so huge yet not spoken about enough in the industry
@markwilliam6745 3 года назад
dude I'm loving the new format of videos, hope you never stop making these
@tmaddrummer 3 года назад
For me in my senior years, playing my drums are both a mental and physical workout. I've had 21 surgeries, 6 spinal, and most recent being open heart triple bypass two years ago. I gigged twice within a few days six weeks after the surgery. I enjoyed myself, but I also recognized that this surgery took a lot out of me, and still evidently so two years after. I'm now 65 pounds lighter with much greater flexibility but my strength has diminished. Because of the never ending yard work, my current exercise is intermittent using light kettlebells, biking, walking, and my most favorite is drumming. Eating healthy is paramount. Good to see you looking good and playing good MWG!
@alexg4284 3 года назад
Lifting weights helps me to not get tendonitis from drumming. If you're concerned about soreness, try pavel tsatsouline's power to the people regime - just 2 sets of deadlift, 2 sets of press, 5 days a week! Works
@justina5588 3 года назад
Super cool to hear this kind of honesty from one of the best
@JachimW 3 года назад
I like this kind of videos, where you talk about one specific issue. I'm waiting for more!
@garrettgrowls 3 года назад
Love you Matt
@johnnyperki6267 3 года назад
Space Conan Garstka isn't real, he cant hurt you. Space Conan Garstka:⬆️
@JoeyBullet222 3 года назад
Does working out help with drums? Matt: Do I look skinny to you?
@calebhorvath7355 3 года назад
Looking good Matt, appreciate you dog!
@robertthompson5568 3 года назад
I'm an older guy but, I'm a little blown away that MOST guys lift weights 💪 nowadays. When I was a kid, jocks and juice heads lifted but it was sort of a fringe thing. Musicians weren't generally hanging out at the weight room...lol! I understand that it's a different time though. (I feel like Gen-X were all about perfecting laziness)
@charleskiesling9774 3 года назад
Thanks so much for being so open and honest about this, it's an important topic especially for myself and strangely not often discussed. Thanks for your insight.
@seanlafferty5936 3 года назад
I love these talks Matt!! Thank you they mean so much
@art517 3 года назад
30 minute bike rides and push ups 4x a week doubled my stamina, attack and grip noticeably.
@eltonester6531 3 года назад
Without a doubt. I started working out with that purpose in mind and the effect was even greater than I thought it would be
@acmekanik9135 3 года назад
Ive noticed that calf raises have really made it much easier for me on the kick vs before I was really heavy into going to the gym. I have overall just noticed a much more elevated energy level and dont gas out nearly as fast playing physically demanding riffs. I think its benefitted me for sure.
@tylergoodwin304 3 года назад
When I watched the Anaheim concert the first thing I saw was that you have been hitting the weights!! Good work dude!!
@BramVanroy 3 года назад
I often feel that long practice sessions must amount to some kind of cardio. If you have a fitbit or something around, it's cool to test. Results depend on the genre that you play of course, but personally I played a lot of punk, rock and stuff in between, and my fitbit was telling me every time that I had yet again done a good cardio workout. As a bonus, you also do mobility training during drumming while moving around the kit so it is not just a limited set of muscles that are triggered. I never got to combining intense training session with weight lifting, but my guess is that - depending on the genre - drumming *is* cardio and can be used as a complement to your weight lifting. But indeed, only if you still have the energy left to do so. Striking a balance, as always, is crucial. I also appreciate the mention of mental health. Glad to see that the taboo of talking about it is fading away. It is so important. If any of you reading this feel depressed or just not the mental self that you want to be, find help (friends, family, or professional), it is worth it. In fact, it might just make the difference between being miserable or happy (or at least neutral) for the rest of your life.
@rhythmindset6996 3 года назад
As far as grip strength and speed I can 100% say it helps.
@thesneakygamer4343 3 года назад
People don’t believe me but when I started lifting weights I not only felt like I got faster but I felt like I had more dynamic control. My ghost notes definitely got better
@rhythmindset6996 3 года назад
@@thesneakygamer4343 100% true. Much better stick control.
@Sosukebosuke 3 года назад
Oh great Matt, our Prometheus, what knowledge of fire do you bring to us mortals today
@whileyouwereasleepmusic3753 3 года назад
For me it’s always helped. Efficient technique can get you far but to play certain types of music like progressive metal, technical death metal, even jazz fusion etc... having more power can give you more stability and attack. Whenever I have a good weight session and then go drum I can blast with far more ferocity and accurately than previously. If that’s not what you’re trying to do on your drum path then that’s cool too- but if you have a labor intensive style or play labor intensive music I think there’s no doubt there is benefits in lifting and exercise
@APKyle 3 года назад
Respect on adopting a healthier lifestyle, Matty. I am happy to hear physical exercise assisted with your depressive symptoms as well and hope that continues to improve your state of mind. I began lifting at 13, I’ll be 27 a little later this year, and have done that longer than I have played drums. I also have a bachelors degree in the field of Kinesiology, exercise science focused. The relationship between physical exercise and the impact it has on the brain and creativity has always interested me. The question as to whether or not being in good physical shape makes you a better musician has interested me as well. I’ve spoken with singers who run 5k’s, marathons, etc. on a regular basis as to whether they feel enhanced cardiovascular condition improves their breathing and range while performing and have gotten mixed answers. Physically exercise clearly can ignite or even fuel creativity, but as it pertains to whether it enhances your physical drumming capabilities is anecdotal in my experience. I think strength and conditioning in drumming is the same in sports, it has to be position specific. Also, it’s important to point out that drills and practice will make you a better player, or musician. Strength and conditioning just helps you to sharpen those tools to perform better. I do think exercises and programs that focus on endurance of your shoulders, forearms, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves as well as your anterior tibia are going to be most beneficial for what you do in Animals as well as other drummers in the metal genre. Nothing profound here, I just wanted to contribute to the subject as both music and strength and conditioning are two passions of mine. Be well, everyone!
@bretdorton 3 года назад
Weight lifting and running are beneficial this is been going on since there’s been rumors. Great point of you though! Thank you.
@aaronjeffers1421 2 года назад
Absolutely. I think it helps my mental game more than anything. I find that having the mental fortitude to push through a workout translates very well to push through tough monotonous practice sessions. I'm with you Matt I like to train hard. I mix conditioning with lifting and kettlebells. I also climb. Recovery is everything! Stretch, foam roll, massage gun, sauna, ice bath, deep blue, whatever it takes.
@txdrummerboy98 3 года назад
Thanks for sharing your experience ... my outlet for dealing with depression is playing ice hockey and it definitely takes time away from the drums (especially if I’m injured). It’s all about balance and priorities in life.
@ChrisInmanDrums 3 года назад
Didn’t think I’d watch the full video but was completely drawn in. Really interesting discussion. I agree insofar as what I got from this video is, to an extent, it’s completely relative and subjective. For me, working out is essential for a positive mindset that can then translate into a solid, effective practise session behind the kit. The same goes for all aspects of my life really; I need exercise for overall positivity and productivity. But that obviously won’t be the same for everyone. I think a “you do you” lesson is appropriate here. If something makes you happy and HELPS, go for it.
@SamuelLCadieux 3 года назад
Thanks for the video Matt. I’m a full time working musician in China and I just started in the gym 2 months ago. Most gym programs don’t take into account the fact that you gotta go drum for 2 hours at night and for 3-4 hours the next day to practice. Really need to find a good balance to make both coexist. Overall it helps a lot on focus and I’ve noticed I have more endurance, but as you said, soreness is really hard to deal with when you wanna practice, mostly 2 days later.
@frodowatt4272 3 года назад
We all know that every touring metal drummer is gonna work out at least his upper body, you gotta look good in that tank top
@Theknittingcommitteeband 3 года назад
You pretty much have to be healthy to play a full Mastodon album that s*** is crazy that's one of my best workouts I'll go to the barn and play their older stuff and I am spent after that thanks for everything man you're a wonderful drummer keep doing what you do it's good to see you getting stronger
@TheVermifuge 3 года назад
Crack The Skye is a good endurance workout. Done a full run a couple of times.
@seanradcliffe6391 3 года назад
i don't play drums very often, so when i started lifting weights i saw an immediate HUGE improvement in my playing, mostly in my legs, squatting and deadlifting i think has helped me to "push down" more through my legs and it's made me faster and more powerful on the drums, but i also only train 3 times per week, focussing on the main 3 lifts. you will definitely notice some fatigue though, mostly in your nervous system, as well as quicker lactic acid build up, especially in the forearms, but this is probably due to how soon you play drums after training. summary, weight training will massively help you get better at drums, unless you're already amazing, or already really strong. matt didn't really have much room to improve, he's already one of the fastest, most accurate and most powerful, but for beginner/intermediate drummers, it will help you a lot.
@davidjlosi 3 года назад
Love these recent chat videos, man. 🤘 Hope to see more! 🍻
@monkeyrilla 3 года назад
Great insight. Well articulated as well as covering angles of question that could arise in drummers of all skill levels... You're a fucking G Matt!
@taylorshred 3 года назад
What a beautiful man you are. Thank you master Garstka
@MartinBellamyMBDrums 3 года назад
Great insight Matt! Love these style of videos
@Goblinsack2 Год назад
I did some crazy jump rope routines once upon a time and it was insanely beneficial to my leg and dbl kick fitness, speed, endurance.
@kentsmith4999 3 года назад
This is a great video and good insight. I've definitely found that lifting has altered the way I play the drums, but for me it's helped because it kind of enforces the idea of efficiency and being as comfortable as possible. So technique comes in handy!
@gabrielmalu 3 года назад
i'm specialist on this, I'm drummer and phisical educator, I aunderstand this and let me tell you that stheght and stability i'ts very important. I wourld working out on what you call it "core trainning".
@frnk0907 3 года назад
There's something very mesmerizing about the way Matt speaks.
@luissilvadrummer 3 года назад
Thanks Matt,for being honest! Also being open about mental health!
@jacopoceretta2694 3 года назад
Man this video is so inspirational.
@brendonmasters 3 года назад
Balance is also a physical aspect of drums that once you start using all four limbs becomes glaring.
@SamuelFuentes 3 года назад
Hi Matt! I'm not someone who works out a lot, but I recently started jogging (2 weeks aprox). I can tell I noticed an improvement in my playing. I've been practing for a while patterns what have many kicks within the rhythm itself, and my leg wouldn't last too long playing this group of kicks of the pattern at faster tempos. But, when I started jogging (40 minutes a day), I noticed I was able to play more comfortable at faster tempos. Since then, I jog everyday after a practice session.
@jacktoy3688 3 года назад
Glad you are out of your slump and in a better place dude x
@maba5219 3 года назад
Candid insight. Thanks!
@jeffwaters2470 3 года назад
Thanks MG - I relate drumming and lifting to basketball and lifting . Thanks , also really enjoy your website.
@bretdorton 3 года назад
I agree. Drums are physical and if your internally healthy you will do well. Tone the inside and the outside and you will do well👍
@KyleCastroTheDrummerBoy090613 3 года назад
Thanks for the wonderful lesson Sir Matt!!! 😊🥁🇵🇭
@AmrddH 3 года назад
Very informative and helpful
@TheDrummerKick2 3 года назад
Lookin good Matt! Lots of good info packed in one video (wish I could keep track of it all haha) you are one of my favorite drummers
@ric19 3 года назад
Great advice dude, you are my inspiration
@drakausdromgatti58 3 года назад
1000% it helps...especially cardio
@HighDefBNG 3 года назад
Really nice piece of mind Matt. Your rhythm is totally inspirational. Loved your workshop at Absolute Music in Bournemouth last year.
@russellzauner 3 года назад
Can't push your limits until you run against them - music is equal parts physical and mental, both are the limiting factors if you come up short in one you can't power through it with the other. If you consider a plateau a wall, you'll find you've been considering plateaus as an obstacle instead of the place where you are so reflexive and intrinsic that you're ready to insert something into your genetic memory, or as people used to say, "get it into your bones". Whatever you believe, there will always be work to do to get where you are happy with what you are currently chasing, and whatever that work is takes shape differently for everyone and is directly related to the things they want to do with their hands, feet, and minds, at the point of output, neurogenesis mapping paths through their systems. One big transition for me on any instrument I play is when they finally have decent enough form to be physically economical (matters for your joints and spine, long term) and realize that they've hit a quiescent point in the curves of their physical vs mental graphs - that's where I usually try to be aware of pieces as a whole so I can selectively push the parts of my skillsets I want to in the process of learning more songs/expanding my expression vocabulary. Be smart enough to keep yourself challenged but out of the pain/hospital/surgery zone - that's another huge value of simply experience and time served on your instrument. The people who laugh when the first thing their teacher says is "this way or you're going to hurt yourself playing X" are the first ones who get hurt playing X. ;-)
@jasonhunter7496 3 года назад
Lol. Love this man. Great CGI !!!!!
@anthemgunaether2914 3 года назад
How wonderful! I’ve been playing the drumset for over 30 years and I’ve never checked this guy out. So a year ago I packed my kit up for the first time in decades and replaced the space with a squat rack, leg press, smith machine, lay pull down, bench press, 300 pounds of free weights and I’m stronger than ever. BUT… I’ve stopped playing the drums till about a month ago. How crazy is this next part… So I played a fund raiser fir children with epilepsy and was happy to donate my time and relative ability on the kit to that cause. Unfortunately I left my stick bag with about $100.00 worth of sticks at the gig and just didn’t realize for days and you know how that goes - that gear is gone now. TODAY I went to Sam Ash and to try some new sticks. The kid behind the counter recommended the Matt Garstka Model by Vic Firth. The kid was so pumped to tell me about Animals as Leaders and I’m getting all pumped up to get it once again. Then I get home to learn a bit about this drummer. I’m getting inspired by the magnificent playing but I’m really happy to have found someone with balance here. Matt is on to something and I will say at 48 yrs old - I’m able to finally bench 265 lbs X 1 after warming up. But there’s a lot of wisdom in training your body and learning your craft. Super blessed to have found this channel/drummer and I invite you guys to check out his stick model. It’s really a great stick to get around the kit. But most importantly dig into what this young man is saying… Training your body keeps your mind strong and now more than ever wouldn’t you invest in your entire self to conquer life as well as enjoy this journey through life. Throw away your tv and get a pair of dumbells and watch your life improve like never before including your playing on this great instrument - the modern drumset. Be great.
@ThatNerdyDrummer2 3 года назад
This was a really good video. Thank you!! 😃
@dreamopeth 3 года назад
I've found that as well that at the age of 35, going to the gym saps a lot of the energy and mental energy needed to drum. Especially working all week. I think it's a good idea to have non gym days say working out every other day. It's all a balance and it depends what you want out of it.
@rhythmindset6996 3 года назад
I’d say work on expending less energy when practicing
@Garage-1881 Год назад
I love Matt's dedication to keeping it real but also staying PC lol.
@blackwizards1692 3 года назад
Hey man, thanks for this video. Recently I've been getting a lot of pain in my lower back and left leg when I play drums. I'm skinny and tall, and have been practicing everyday for about 5 hours for the past 8 months. My doctor told me that sitting behind the kit so much finally took a toll on my body and that I need to work out and get a stronger body and back. So I'm not currently playing drums and just recovering, which sucks.
@TylerHNothing 3 года назад
tru that man, i've been "goin thru some shit" with work and playing drums has been less good for me as it has my whole life. however, running has easy goals that i can track, and honestly i don't need to increase my distances or times beyond a certain point because i can just get rid of some demons by getting a good run in. cardio in general has helped my playing a lot, i used to be 230 pounds in high school and i've been as low as 125 and now i'm 170, but while good cardio endurance definitely doesnt hurt it's no substitute for just practicing the drums. that cardio endurance is equivalent to just "mashing" as the ol Frank Reynolds would say, and it's only good for mindless blasting but sometimes you need to increase your endurance to play some really wicked stuff
@solitudeparade 3 года назад
Perfect song choice my friend
@MDUBE5999 Год назад
Great stuff Matt!! Yes it can be a catch 22. For me, I use drum chore sticks to build. Food for thought!? Do you get your horse to weight lift or racing around the track to work out all individual muscles!? Hmmm... .. ..Hope you found what is needed as to NrG. If not let's connect. Yes it had, taken it's toll back then. Will do. Ty
@mads.percussion Год назад
I got some very good input from Blake Richardson on this topic quite a few years ago where he talked about basically feeling slower moving muscle around. Based on that I mostly take as much time as I can endure on the bikes if I'm in the gym and a bit of weight focusing on core and back for the stabilization while playing plus some aikido inspired stretching.
@MiloMusx 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much
@tannerkaurudar1213 3 года назад
You’re the best Matt! How long are you going to grow your hair? Also, have you made a video of how you tune your snare drum?
@losferwords100 3 года назад
This whole time listening to this and I'm screaming DENNIS CHAMBERS in my head. The guy is arguably the greatest drummer alive and yet I doubt he's ever even seen a gym in his life. Come to think of it, I've never seen him NOT sitting behind a kit. The guy is a machine but just because he doesn't play metal, most of the drumming community completely ignores him. Drumming is so much more than just bombastic speed which is basically what metal drumming is; basic patterns just played really fast. It sounds awesome, don't get me wrong, but compared to jazz, it's simpleton music. What I'd love to hear are traditional jazz musicians write metal music. That'd be the most ridiculous sounding thing you can imagine. Prog metal would have nothing on jazz metal lol.
@noahestrella6942 3 года назад
Listen to Mahavishnu Orchestra.
@hazardeur 3 года назад
try Martyr - Feeding the Abscess. The guitarist is a jazz nerd and you can tell. it doesn't have anything to do with jazz though but you can feel it in the music as it sounds like nothing else outthere and yeah, metal it is allright Then of course, there's Cynic and to a certain degree Atheist, they defintely have jazz backgrounds to some extent
@agfaagdfg4570 3 года назад
After I went to gym, I feel more endurance and more feel of my body. Especially my feet can now play more accurate and long term. So for me it's working very well.
@davidsotomayor8713 2 года назад
6:20 as a smaller guy that was kind of forced to develop technique to really hit hard (at least while playing well) this really hit home. There is an incredible amount of power there if you use the physics to your advantage. On the other hand if you fight it you'll almost always be burning tons of energy for a mediocre result.
@quadruplchin 3 года назад
Matt’s Gainz have been LOYAL. He’s natty. Not on the Sauzullé.
@dudeskinus 3 года назад
MPMD fan? Haha
@colepenick5238 3 года назад
Gartska has supra-physiological levels of natty gains on the barbell and the kit
@santiagogarcia9436 3 года назад
Supra-phyisiological levels of MATT
@jamisonandrewmanhorvaththe1124 3 года назад
@@dudeskinus Dream is doing a natty or not on Matt I hear 🤫
@HerbalistGuybrush 3 года назад
supraphysiological amounts of chops especially
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