
Don't Take the Bait. Learn from Jesus 

Paul VanderKlay
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5 окт 2024




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@TitusCastiglione1503 Месяц назад
Wizard's First Rule - “People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool.” Terry Goodkind The crazier our political/cultural/theological discourse gets these days, these words often come back to me. We’re all a lot more gullible than we think. Let us remain calm, open minded, and cognizant of our susceptibility to propaganda, peer pressure, fear-mongering and narcissistic tendencies.
@CarolannBrendel Месяц назад
One of the things I have found so disappointing during my almost two years on social media is how so many Christians have allowed themselves to be infantilized by Christian influencers. They suspend their critical thinking and sit like little birds waiting to be fed what to think. It's heartbreaking.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Maturity isn't a common quality. Give the fledglings a little more time.
@jimluebke3869 Месяц назад
That's just about the opposite of what's going on in This Little Corner -- most of the discussions we're taking part in are very much fluid intelligence, as thing are thought about and mulled over. In fact, I'm not all that sure how you come to the conclusion you present here.
@CarolannBrendel Месяц назад
@@jimluebke3869 I wasn't talking about this channel and apparently, at least 13 other people knew that.
@jimluebke3869 Месяц назад
@@CarolannBrendel How do you come to the conclusion you present here? Honest question.
@michaelkistner6286 Месяц назад
If I remember right, CS Lewis warned against "Jesus and..." programs, pointing out that Jesus and... always becomes Jesus in service of... .
@adatewithkate Месяц назад
Wish I could upvote this twice. Mere Christianity is the book that converted me from Atheism, and the quote you mentioned has always stuck with me. Not just in terms of national politics, but also certain movements within the church itself.
@elusivemayfly7534 Месяц назад
I’ve started experiencing “getting triggered” as something like a moral allergy. Most of the time, the thing triggering me is not actually dangerous to me, just related to something I disagree with. I think I got the allergy from overexposure, which is why God has invited me to reduce my engagement in many online spaces. I believe we can pray about, explore, and advocate for what we think is right without breaking into hives. An allergic reaction, while meant to be protective, is really reducing our effectiveness and making us miserable. Christ is the treatment and cure for this.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
2020 was triggering. I have better resilience this time around ;-)
@KRGruner Месяц назад
I have an allergy against evil, go figure... Cowardice is not an excuse.
@elusivemayfly7534 Месяц назад
@@williambranch4283 It certainly was! It was kind of a nightmare time. I am hoping I’ll be more resilient as well!
@elusivemayfly7534 Месяц назад
@@KRGruner Oh yes, of course we should oppose evil. I mean responding to it in a way that maybe someone who believes an evil thing will re-think it based on how we answer. Many won’t be swayed-although there is no telling what someone is actually thinking or feeling-but some people will allow a seed to be planted. I think there are manipulators that are trying to mock and dupe us no matter what, and it’s usually best to name that dynamic. But I think most people, even if they use a trick or two like that, simply believe something we take as evil to be good or “good for them.” That doesn’t make them really evil, just deceived. I also find I get information or insight from talking to someone on the other side of an issue. Usually something I missed myself or an explanation for why they believe something I find provably false. Sorry for the long reply!
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
@@elusivemayfly7534 May you and yours keep your sanity close
@TheDrb27 Месяц назад
Often I run into people referencing the “not being lukewarm” when they think I’m fence sitting on a political topic. Above left and right is a spirit of higher value. The Thomas Sowell saying “there are no solutions only trade offs” also seems to annoy both sides a lot.
@TitusCastiglione1503 Месяц назад
If Sowell is ticking off both sides, he’s probably got a point, lol.
@Adam-l3f2o Месяц назад
Jesus doesn't chose left or right. He goes up.
@stevemcgee99 Месяц назад
On the cross, at first.
@andrewternet8370 Месяц назад
"Do what the Pharisees say lmao" -Jesus
@jacquedegatineau9037 Месяц назад
What are some current day examples of people "going up" that have yielded a lasting crop of good fruit?
@erics4802 Месяц назад
@@Adam-l3f2o Current muddy left/right political associations are one thing but Jesus definitely leans completely Righteous...
@FacesSpaces Месяц назад
And down ;)
@christiantgolden Месяц назад
27:00 ❤💯 been dealing with a narcissistic evangelical who thinks she has nothing to ask forgiveness for, and thinks that if anyone thinks she's wronged them, THEY must make the effort to forgive and forget and figure out why they're offended. She's also one of the least grateful people I know. As frustrating as she is, my emotion toward her is most often one of pitty. Of course, she feels pitty for me because she thinks I haven't been "truly set free" by Jesus. 🤷‍♂️ So, alas, yet again it turns out that leaning on the teachings of Jesus is the best course of action.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Apostle Paul wasn't an anti-nomian. He was winsome with kosher.
@mavericktheace Месяц назад
I think I'm related to her. You're perfectly describing a relative of mine. All we can do is pray sometimes.
@matthewparlato5626 Месяц назад
"Any disagreement is a chance for politics/power/rule."
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
@constantmanifold9493 Месяц назад
It's interesting Peterson talks more about Abraham's call to adventure than the prodical son's return to his father.
@sunrhyze Месяц назад
Point taken, Pastor Paul. 😊 As an official "non-affiliated" voter I can see the damage being caused by the fringes on both sides. The problem is that either side might reasonably think that if they tap the brakes but the other side won't, they'll get run over. So here we are, living in the Age of the Lawn Sign. 😢
@jacquedegatineau9037 Месяц назад
Not a knock against PVK or Pageau (both of whom have taught me a lot on these cultural questions)... but "don't take the bait" can be another way of saying "don't pressure me to speak in ways that will lower my status".
@joe42m13 Месяц назад
Or "don't let them manipulate you into becoming a mouthpiece for opinions not your own". Politics is about someone getting you to think what they want you to think.
@user-ee2vt7yi3m Месяц назад
don't take the bait in this case by pageau basically means don't go westboro baptist church over it, there's a book called games people play, and when you name the dynamic you get power over the opponent, usually to disable the game that's being played
@DogOneIsOpen Месяц назад
Being overly pious can be divisive as well. It sets expectations for others that they should ignore reality, not recognize the seasons, and not be shrewd as snakes. Many overly pious people project an aura of rising above it all but in reality they communicate explicitly or implicitly that their way is the true way. And for those that don’t want to bury their head in the sand, being told to join the overly pious in their coping mechanisms actually seems like taking a side. There’s certainly a spectrum to all of this, and calling out Gavin Ortlund seems particularly unhelpful. Flame wars are rarely productive. But sometimes running the “winsome” defensive piety play isn’t exactly rising to the occasion in this day and age.
@PsychoBible Месяц назад
Well said!
@jacquedegatineau9037 Месяц назад
Agree. Also, the "rise above it" folks are often content with going wherever the cultural tide is taking us. It's gratifying to tell yourself you're "above" a question when doing or saying nothing will get you your preferred result.
@MJoyCrouch Месяц назад
Athanasius wrote a wonderful little book about St Antony of the Desert, and this quote about fighting the forces of evil seems peculiarly (or not so peculiarly) suited to our time. "Our Lord is with us, our enemies shall not touch us. For when they come, as they find us, so do they themselves become to us: the fit their phantoms to the mind they find in us. If they find us in fear and panic, at once they assail us, like thieves who find the place unguarded... But if they find us glad in the Lord and pondering thoughts of God and accounting that all is in God's hand, and that a demon avails not against a Christian nor has power over any--seeing the soul safeguarded with such thoughts, they turn away in shame."
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
That quote only works if you are living alone in the Egyptian desert. As for the rest of us..... (And thank you for quote one of the greatest saints whoever lived.)
@MJoyCrouch Месяц назад
@@Pseudo_Boethius I'm glad you liked the quote. I think this has powerful applications to traumas like "getting triggered." He's not talking about enemies of flesh and blood... He's talking about what our minds are captive to, and that seems like an evergreen challenge.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
@@MJoyCrouch - So True.
@markweswhit869 Месяц назад
I had to come off Twitter , it was really pickling my head. First there was the polarisation over an Irish ☘️ language school in east Belfast, then the ping pong over “Shepherds for Sale” 🐑 next up the Olympic opening ceremony 🇫🇷 , then the UK 🇬🇧 riots and lastly TLC stalwart 💪 Kale Z getting dog piled over baseball caps. I don’t see how it helps solve anything 🤔.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
PVK: *"Read the gospels, learn from Jesus, figure out this dynamic, see this dynamic that Pageau is pointing to, and just like he said, take a step back."* Excellent idea PVK! I will do so immediately! Here's several passages I found where Jesus "took a step back" (or maybe not...) *“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles. When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next, for truly, I say to you, you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.* *“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.* *“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.* *Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.* *Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent. “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you. And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to Hades. For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.”* And here's my all time favorite example of the West Coast, beach bum Jesus that you advocate for: *“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. For you neither enter yourselves nor allow those who would enter to go in. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.* *“Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.’ You blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that has made the gold sacred? And you say, ‘If anyone swears by the altar, it is nothing, but if anyone swears by the gift that is on the altar, he is bound by his oath.’ You blind men! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred? So whoever swears by the altar swears by it and by everything on it. And whoever swears by the temple swears by it and by him who dwells in it. And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who sits upon it.* *“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!* *“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.* *“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness. So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.* *“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the monuments of the righteous, saying, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ Thus you witness against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell? Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town, so that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah the son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.* This is just a very small sample taken only from the Gospel of Matthew alone. It's amazing how winsome, cool and upbeat this Jesus guy is! It's a mystery why they ever killed him...maybe they were just jealous of his positive vibes.
@huntz0r Месяц назад
Now, how does a person determine if they’re able to judge in the manner Jesus did when saying those things? He does not have an ego or tribal prejudices, but most of us do. Why read the story and only put yourself in the place of Jesus, but not consider that you might be James and John asking to call down fire on a village for being inhospitable (which would, after all, have been “biblical“)
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
​@@huntz0r - *Why read the story and only put yourself in the place of Jesus, but not consider that you might be James and John asking to call down fire on a village for being inhospitable (which would, after all, have been “biblical“)* Excellent point! I wish more people would ask questions like this, challenging viewpoints is very much needed in the TLC, and we shouldn't just be leaving it to EmJay and T-Rogan to bring the heat. But first understand that this tiny sampling of passages of from Matthew are just that: a tiny sampling...as hard as it is to believe, there is even far more violent language you can find Jesus speaking just from just _that one gospel._ For instance, one passage that I did not originally quote, and this time I will leave in the verse numbers: *45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time?* *46 Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.* *47 Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions.* *48 But if that wicked servant says to himself, ‘My master is delayed,’* *49 and begins to beat his fellow servants and eats and drinks with drunkards,* *50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know* *51 and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.* - Matthew 24 ESV So what is the take-away here? We don't need to call down fire from heaven, because that day of fire will come when it's time is due, whether we like it or not. Our mission is to simply point out what is inevitable, and to save those who don't wish to get burned. Why do this? _Because that is exactly what Jesus was doing,_ and we need to be imitators of Christ, not the imitators of the petite bourgeoisie liberal white monoculture of America, who play the violin while Minneapolis and Kenosha burn, patting themselves on the back for being "above the fray." Or perhaps even laughing or enjoying the spectacle as others do the dirty work for them. But my point in posting those passages from Matthew is to force everyone who reads them to understand that passivity and "being above the fray" type thinking is not the least bit Christian. Jesus was the ultimate warrior in the culture war. JBP is also an ultimate warrior in the culture war. And, whether people like it or not, DJT is an ultimate warrior in the culture war. How wonderful would it have been if the residents of Minneapolis and Kenosha had banded together, and beat the living shit out of those who are wreaking havoc on their cities. Now that would have been something I could applaud. But instead, they were too busy cowering in their living rooms, "being above the fray", as thugs burned and looted the very towns in which they lived. Well, except Kyle Rittenhouse of course, who joined a small band of warriors who at least made the effort to keep them from burning down absolutely everything. He had more guts than 99.9% of Kenosha citizens, that's for sure, and he wasn't even from Kenosha. The ultimate example of the rank stupidity of the Minneapolis spectacle were companies of Minnesota National Guard, marching through the streets of neighborhoods far from where the burning and looting were taking place, and shooting and harassing anyone who even had the audacity to stand out on their porch to watch the parade go by. There was video of that happening, but I'm sure it's gone down the memory hole by now. The culture war is not a new thing--it started the day Cain slew Abel, and has never stopped from that time. Social media just makes it much easier to see, it did not start the fire, nor is it even stoking the fire. The fire has been burning since the dawn of man, and will only grow hotter until it consumes all those who have been apart of Cain's rebellion. As for one putting themselves in the place of Jesus, rather than that of James or John, well we are called to be imitators of Christ, not of the apostles. *Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.* Of course Jesus is not talking about literal food here, it's a symbol for *actively going out* and meeting the needs of your fellow man in any way you can, even if it's just being a warrior in the culture wars. And why be a warrior in that war? Because they are the only ones stopping the super-rich godless, hedonistic elites coming in and taking away what little you have left. "You will own nothing, and be happy!" So what will happen to those who choose to "live above the fray," refusing to even do something as small as to lift their voice in protest as evil runs rampant? Well, Jesus tells us plainly what will happen to them: *the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.* Whoever thought there would be such a severe punishment for those who don't want to do anything? So, great question! Let me know if you have any follow-up. And always remember and never forget, *it's all spiritual warfare, all the time.*
@Peekay72 Месяц назад
@@Pseudo_Boethius 'Jesus was the ultimate warrior in the culture war. JBP is also an ultimate warrior in the culture war. And, whether people like it or not, DJT is an ultimate warrior in the culture war. ' This is really misleading, I think. There's a false binary in what you're saying. Jesus was not 'a warrior in the culture war.' He was a warrior in the *spiritual* war. Because he was God Himself. This last fact is why we don't compare ourselves to him. We can't act like him. We can follow his orders, but that's not the same. You posted a lot of quotes about spiritual violence, and they're well made, I think. The first time I read Matthew I was struck by exactly how spiky Christ was. He certainly wasn't winsome or retiring or cowardly. But also - and surely crucially - he was not a simple partisan. You make comparisons between Jesus, Peterson and Trump, and perhaps you're being ironic. But neither Peterson nor Trump are Christian. One is a Jungian self-help guru and the other is a businessman turned politician. Both have fairly standard-issue right wing positions on all 'culture war' issues. But what did Jesus have to say about taking *political* - as opposed to spiritual - action? About being a political partisan? Nothing. He lived in a time of massive political ructions in an occupied nation, but he's not rooting for the Essenes or calling for the overthrow of the Roman Empire. His Kingdom is not of this world. He calls out spiritual corruption. I can't speak for PVK, but it looks to me like the fatal confusion here is between God and Empire. Plenty of people, including JBP and DJT, want to conflate them. Call their fight for 'the West' a fight for 'Christianity.' But it isn't. There might be plenty to fight about politically right now, but is that the fight Jesus was talking about? I don't think so. Not least because everyone, on all sides of the 'culture war' can claim him if they want. And then we're all sinners fighting about who gets to stone he harlot first. The alternative to being a 'culture warrior' is not 'doing nothing', it's being a spiritual warrior. There are a lot of different ways, external and internal, to do that. One final thought: Jesus was quite specific about us owning nothing and being happy. That was another one of his very clear instructions. Anything can be hijacked if we try hard enough.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
@@Peekay72 - Thank you for your very thoughtful and engaging reply. There is a lot here to contemplate. But perhaps you did not notice my tag line: *And always remember and never forget, it's all spiritual warfare, all the time.* You said that I'm engaging in a false binary, but you are wrong. The way I see it _there is no binary._ For me, it's quite literally all the same thing just manifesting at different levels. Yet you are correct in saying Jesus was engaging in a spiritual war, no doubt about it. But, as history proves beyond any shadow of doubt, Jesus' spiritual warfare had a purpose: _to change the culture of planet earth._ His efforts were so effective, that within three centuries, even Rome itself converted to Christianity. How about that for a culture warrior? But that didn't come about from Christians "living above the fray" or "taking a step back," they actively engaged the culture around them, even up to the point of sacrificing their own lives, because they saw that Roman culture was poison to the soul. So they brought about a new culture, a _Christian culture,_ and did battle with the greatest empire that has ever existed on earth, _and they won._ How much of this "above the fray" and "take step back" sort of theology we hear today is really nothing more than the baptizing of cowardice and passivism? Is that how BLM operates? Or Antifa? Or the Wokie-Dokies? I'll let you ponder that for a while. Be advised that not only do I categorically reject the binary of spiritual and cultural warfare (because it only takes about five minutes of observation to see that both sides are being animated by spirits of all kinds), but I also categorically reject the binary of the political and the spiritual. It can be very convenient for us to talk about them as if they are separate entities, but that's just an intellectual abstraction that does not apply to the reality all around us: they are the _exact same thing,_ and I mean that with the utmost of sincerity. Please realize that there never was such a thing as a separation of church and state until 1789 or so; before that, the concept never really existed, and even afterwards, it's still widely rejected to this day. Do you think Islam recognizes a separation of church and state? Do you the the Jews do? How about the Hindus? The Catholics didn't think it was a good idea until Vatican II, and even then they've never been overly enthusiastic about it. The separation of church and state was a convenient little lie that Protestant Americans told to keep the Federal Government from favoring a particular sect, nothing more. The entire OT is the _political history_ of Israel. God loves politics so much, he even selected *King David* as to be the man who would be "the father" of the Messiah. He did not choose a prophet, a patriarch or a priest, did he? Let's not forget, that as Jesus was nailed to the cross, _the Romans_ (not the Jews!) nailed a sign that read "The King of the Jews." Again, a king is seen as a political position, not a spiritual one, but Jesus refuses to recognize the binary--just like I don't--and prefers the title king to that of priest, prophet, or rabbi. Even Jesus knows that the state is far more powerful than the church. Even the Greek word "ekklésia", that we translate as "church", is really more of a political term that is better translated as an assembly, like that of a congress or a parliament. But since the church has categorically refused its rightful place as a ruling body, it has lost its power. As Mao famously said: political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. If you don't exercise real power, then you have no power. Here's a very interesting comment you made: *"He lived in a time of massive political ructions in an occupied nation, but he's not rooting for the Essenes or calling for the overthrow of the Roman Empire. His Kingdom is not of this world. He calls out spiritual corruption."* Now here's an interesting idea for you to contemplate: what if the reason Jesus never called for the overthrow of the Roman Empire was do to the fact that _he actually liked_ the Roman Empire? Not only did he like the Romans, he saw them as being far more righteous than the Jews in Judah? Do you think that's a preposterous idea? I assure you, there's very good reason for Jesus to favor the Romans over the Jews, _and I can easily prove it._ About forty years after the crucifixion and resurrection, the Jews finally had the courage and the men to take on the Roman Empire in open combat. It was one of the worst decisions that the Jews have ever made in all history. Rome crushed them like a bug. It is estimated that *one million* Jews lost their lives in that stupid war, and not only that, Rome literally wiped them off the map: they hated them so much, they renamed Judah to *Palestine*, a name still in use to this very day. The grand temple that Herod the Great built was completely leveled, and never rebuilt. What few Jews were left were scattered amongst the nations. So yeah, Jesus absolutely favored Rome over his own people. The Jews were not just spiritually corrupt, they were politically corrupt as well, even more corrupt than Rome. Again, Jesus does not play the binary of spiritual or political. When the Christians finally conquered Rome, it was a "mostly peaceful" take-over, not counting the tens of thousands of Christians killed by Roman persecution. But they didn't win by "being above the fray" of the culture war, they engaged with Roman culture fully, and that's how they were successful. They won both politically and spiritually. Politics are just the earthly, material means of carrying out spiritual power. The only thing you have to watch for is the spirit who controls the politics. Even God the Father is constantly referenced as a "king" or "ruler of the earth" in the OT, you won't find a line anywhere in the bible that refers to him as a "spiritual" force. And one thing for sure: God has absolutely no problem using *real violence* when it's called for. Both the Bible and history prove that beyond any doubt. I do hope this helps you understand the way in which I approach these things. I think of spiritual warfare as the ultimate set of all that is, and the culture war is just one member of that set, as are the various Jewish/Persian and Arab wars, and the current Russian war against NATO and Ukraine. As a matter of fact, there isn't one conflict in all of human history that is not a member of the set I call spiritual warfare, not even the arguments between a husband and his wife (divorced people know this kind of warfare full well.) That's also why I totally deny the spiritual/political *FALSE BINARY* that you use. Technically speaking, the spiritual is superior to the political in the hierarchy of power, but in day to day life here in Reality Land, the state always and forever will have more power than the church. History, especially current events, proves that point beyond any debate. It doesn't help when the church itself gives up what little spiritual power it still has, and becomes a vassal of the state voluntarily, which is exactly what we see in all leftwing church/state political alliances. Instead of engaging in the culture war as it should, the left leaning churches just adopt whatever positions the state demands, whether it be the Rainbow Coalition, or COVID totalitarianism, or economic tyranny that destroys and damages the poor and the depressed. Case in point: Kamala is now championing price controls to combat inflation, but as anyone who has ever studied economics and economic history knows, price controls are quite literally the road to North Korea, and are dictatorial in the extreme. That is not an exaggeration, price controls only create more poverty, never any wealth. There is no place nor any time where they ever have been effective. Very few of you realize the hell that would be unleashed if she were to be successful in implementing this. So I encourage you strongly to think and act as I do, as it has the great advantage of being able to fully understand the world and it's history *as it is.* Ignore all false binaries which are nothing more than arbitrary categories that have no real existence in the world. False binaries make for great faculty lounge discussions, but that's about it. I love binaries more than anyone else I know, as long as they are true and have real explanatory power. Same is true of hierarchies. I have warned, and will continue to warn everyone that we are headed for a hybrid "1984/Brave New World" type of society that will make both books look like children's bed time stories compared to the hell that will be unleashed thanks to our advanced technology. You didn't really think that AI was created to benefit the peasants, did you??? Wise up people, our time is short.
@anselman3156 Месяц назад
On Grail Country conversations not too long ago, Luke and Sam were talking of picking on Gavin Ortlund as a representative of "Christian You Tube". So it's not just Megan who had the intention to bash him!
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
BASH! BASH! BASH! BASH!!! My goodness, how I love her last name....
@anselman3156 Месяц назад
@@Pseudo_Boethius One channel misspelled it as Bashem, as in Bash 'em!
@hologramjosh Месяц назад
There's a difference between stepping outside the frame of your opponent and removing yourself entirely from the debate. Jonathan clearly is engaged in the culture war, otherwise he would not be making a video discussing olympics and the strategy of the left. His ability to engage in a way that escapes his opponents' frame and points to the higher truth they are missing is what sets him apart.
@sunrhyze Месяц назад
The most clarifying video I ever saw from Pageau was one in which he talked about how society has always had a fringe element and how it's important to show tolerance and kindness to it, not try to eliminate it. However, if the fringe insists on being centered, what results is disorder and chaos in the society. This is what we're stuck in the middle of right now.
@WmLocke Месяц назад
Yes, sometimes ambiguity needs to be resolved, but I think it’s often destructive because it prematurely engages left-brained emissary thinking, and subtlety is lost. Of course, that’s what some people or patterns want. Leave sleeping dogs to keep chasing rabbits in their dreams. Who knows, they might catch one occasionally.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
@excaliburironforce9908 Месяц назад
❤️‍🔥Mike Rowe's visit with Victor Davis Hanson is a rare insightful conversation 🧐
@PaulVanderKlay Месяц назад
I'll have to check it out. Rowe is an interesting fella.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
VDH is a great American.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
@@williambranch4283 - VDH is the greatest American.
@jimluebke3869 Месяц назад
@@Pseudo_Boethius I'm a little nervous he would ask, "What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?" as dismissively as Tertullian, but for the opposite reason.
@hologramjosh Месяц назад
A big part of the story of the Spanish civil war is the complete failure and breakdown of Spanish democracy in the prior decades. France's democracy became divided and weak prior to WWII and was unable to field an effective military against Germany. I know this isn't the main point of the video but I think it's worth pointing out. The anglo world tends to glorify democracy and overlook its failures.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
It wasn't just Weimar. It was Kerensky in Petrograd!
@EmJay2022 Месяц назад
For the past two years, I have been expressing my concerns regarding the "ambiguity" prevalent in this space. The opposition to wokeism/materialism masked as an enchantment agenda not only generates dissonance but also, more directly, this mystical veil of telic uncertainanty in TLC hides some uncomfortable realities, resulting in internal dissonance. Paul, while you consistently direct your attention outward towards broader cultural matters, you seem to neglect the importance of self-reflection. Perhaps it's by design. You're not above the culture war, despite your attempts to project that image.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
If only the albino Jesuits would seize power?
@setsen337 Месяц назад
These people dont self reflect. They are right, and if you disagree with them, you are wrong. Been that way with Christians forever. They think YOU need to self reflect until you come around to THEIR correct position- which they believe is correct based on feelings. These are not serious thinkers, they are serious non-thinkers.
@KRGruner Месяц назад
I am not OK with my girls being beaten up by guys, in the Olympics or otherwise. If you have a problem with that, so much the worse for you. I guess Jesus not having children is an issue, it turns out. Have the courage to take a stand against evil! Oh, but I guess we don't want to lose those clicks, do we...
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
Ding! Ding! Ding! --> Best comment of this thread.
@Smithistory Месяц назад
What should conservatives do? You have to play with pragmatism at the national level because it's a game of inches, but I would recommend building up the idea of federalism. The federal government ought to stay out of most topics and let the states take the lead. Then the states can act as laboratories of democracy and conservatives can exert local pressure where their numbers are greatest.
@ravissary79 Месяц назад
Exactly. Reinforcing restraint is the key. Get the gov out of it and fight the culture war at the level of culture itself, and win.
@billiecorbett5824 Месяц назад
Please, just read the book rather than speak about it without reading it. It is sooo frustrating!
@alohm Месяц назад
We were discussing this, this am. Yesterday I saw a comment about how a personal path, the self realization, of Christianity is silly? I would like to share a recent discussion we had about Jacob and his wrestle with the spirit. There is ample evidence from language and mystical Judaism that Jacob when he said saw God face to face (Panim and the place of Pani-El: the face of god) by looking within himself. As John of Cross said, these things are not understood until practised, and how we can only experience God's presence not 'see'(also Brother Lawrence). To look within to see our own divinity, thus seeing the divinity in others, and in all. This fits with the Sinai experience - not being able to see into the face of god since we are not managed(self) - think broken stones, and smashes a rock out of anger/frustration. Remember that Panim/face is what lies within your soul, reflected.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
John 10:34-36
@DragonNo1 Месяц назад
Hello Paul: I hereby present you with my comment on Jonathan's video. Hope this will steer the waters for a healthy discussion on the subject. "Dear Jonathan: I have to disagree with the use of terms because it can lead to a further corruption of the language. I don't think this is a case of "ambiguity", it's a case of blatant transgression. For justifying the deed, the "lefties" are happy to throw you away from the tracks by presenting an ambiguous justification. Ambiguity in itself isn't a bad thing because it contains a door to the imaginal. It has the property to engage the right side of the brain for the detection of nuances and develop contextual thinking. Ambiguity is the context in which Relevant Realization can take us to more than one place, and could be consider the seed of human creativity. As an artist like you, I can attest that art without ambiguity is illustration. This isn't to insult illustrators, it's to show the intention behind them: their visual message needs to come across as clearly as possible. Within this context (art), symbols are powerful because they're in themselves doors to the imaginal. Can symbols be corrupted and/ or appropriated? Indeed, see the "swastika" as a good example of this. The issue here is the tactics by the left is to make you believe that transgressions can be justified with ambiguity, but the transgression isn't ambiguous in itself."
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
Correct. Ambiguity is the oldest tactic of the devil, and its purpose is *always* to lead you into sin, *always*. The very first recorded use of weaponized ambiguity: *"Did God actually say.......???"*
@nektulosnewbie Месяц назад
"Who! Who does not want to wear de ribbon!?!??"
@markweswhit869 Месяц назад
Definitely getting a “There Will Be Blood” (the Daniel Day Lewis movie) vibe of what Bethel was saying.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.” - Cicero
@alohm Месяц назад
I agree with Pageau, with Arendt, with Nietzsche, with Desmets. That all our organizations: be it political or religious are 'tribalism at scale'. It is inherent to our experience, thus we must manage our tribalism or be subject to it...
@michaelmartin3122 Месяц назад
Paul, in Critical Theory, the rule is to unsettle, NEVER offer a solution or compromise. So the group you are destroying ends up negotiating with themselves. 😢
@egallis Месяц назад
20:11 This reminds me of a fable we read this week. A lion asks a sheep, a wolf, and a fox if his breath smells. The sheep says yes; the lion kills him for telling the truth. The wolf says no; the lion kills him for being a flatterer. Only the fox escapes by saying he has a cold and can't smell.
@alohm Месяц назад
30:00 this reminds me of "Jesus and John Wayne" Book by Kristin Kobes Du Mez I had a book tuber review this and claim she was so correct(reviewed in the last years or two). I skimmed the book and found the opposite to be true, I went so far as to listen to the entire audio-book. The author was correct, but all the danger she attributed to the coming evil of the evangelicals, were perpetrated by the left,. Worse: the anti-certain religions left... The book reads like how not to predict the future, but there are still those reading it and believing in spite of all evidence to the contrary. "It is acting and thinking unconsciously that most evil in this would can be attributed" Carl Jung. "Much of the evil in this world is due to the fact that man, in general, is hopelessly unconscious. The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast." CGJung
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Prophets eat crystal balls.
@MarkDParker Месяц назад
Nine minutes in: Your title, Paul, is "Don't take the bait..." Yet I feel baited.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
You are being too sensitive again ;-)
@MarkDParker Месяц назад
@@williambranch4283 I am.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
It wouldn't be RU-vid if you didn't feel baited.
@MarkDParker Месяц назад
@@Pseudo_Boethius 🤣
@syntheticsleep Месяц назад
There has never been a time when massive political action and overt involvement from religious people has served the greater good, and in the case of Christianity, it has definitely never served Christ. I think that your recommendation to get deep down in the Gospels is the exact right answer. I always hear a lot of moaning and groaning about the New Atheists, but the only reason that happened was because of the power plays the evangelicals made in the 80s and 90s. If there weren't massive pushes for things like Creationism or "Intelligent Design" to be taught in STATE science classes, for example, the New Atheist movement never would have happened. And here we are in 2024 and NOBODY won in that fight. Everyone is worse of, society is worse off, schools are definitely worse. On top of that, I live in the South and I pass around 10 churches on my 10 minute bike ride to work and I don't know a single person that attends any of them, so it looks like churches aren't doing so hot either. Meanwhile, there's this Book, it's about a Guy, and nobody seems to know too much about what goes on inside, even though a whole lot of them claim to be best buds with the main character and know who he would vote for. Anyway, I have a sneaky suspicion that if people were to somehow put church back in churches that maybe, just maybe, other people might put their bedrooms back in their bedrooms and many other things might also return to their correct places. It's just a hunch, but I think I might be right.
@bionicmosquito2296 Месяц назад
It is easy for the protestant pastor to say "just preach the gospel," for the Catholic priest to celebrate the Mass, or for the Orthodox perform Divine Liturgy. But who else but these representatives of the Church will speak truth to power? Who else can speak with moral authority and clarity? There, also, is the rub. We have been bombarded the last several years: pride, covid, Ukraine, and now Palestine. There are church leaders who speak to each side of each issue. Which is the morally correct stance? How to decide? I offer: the Sermon on the Mount, and a natural law ethic. Try these.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Clergy were compromised by Constantine, eventually becoming the Authority themselves.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
What if your openness is moving you away from a better solution to a much worse solution?
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Eventually you have to shit and get off the pot ;-)
@francestaylor9156 Месяц назад
That’s what prayer is for. Asking God to help you open your mind to HIS path and His alone.
@faturechi Месяц назад
The Christians who took sides during World War II are the saints we honor today. The ones who refused to take sides are seen, correctly, as complicit in evil.
@amberseymour5482 Месяц назад
Yes. ☝️This. Would “Christians” be willing to visit, support, or protect those who are being financially persecuted, dealing with lawfare (DOJ coming after pro-lifers, Catholics, etc.) for not violating their consciences?
@PsychoBible Месяц назад
@PaulVanderKlay Месяц назад
What they took was action. "Sides" are pretty easy. It was one thing to "be against Hitler". It was another to hide Jews.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
One pacifist Congresswoman voted against war, because she was a pacifist. She was not re-elected.
@faturechi Месяц назад
@@PaulVanderKlay What actions are you taking for the children who are being operated on? Are you even talking about it with your Sacramento church members?
@PeterPenroseBach Месяц назад
Paul you are describing one of my neighbours perfectly, so sad! Turning people against each other for attention, breaks my heart.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
Remember when the Israelites were open to returning to Egypt? Yeah, that was great.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
1973 ... they should have conquered it ;-)
@charleswoodward3 Месяц назад
I liked Tripps assessment about cost for saying something and found Bethel's comparison with the academic gate-keeping elite culture to be a salient point. I gotta go watch Pageau's vid next.
@Smithistory Месяц назад
There are more than 2 candidates. I think you mean more than 2 candidates with a realistic chance of winning. Duverger's law says that because of our voting system it will always coalesce around 2 candidates.
@francestaylor9156 Месяц назад
33:48 - ugh. The left and right are the same. Purity spirals forever. I just want a president that balances the budget for once. Pipe dream I guess. Meanwhile, neither side understands how screwed we are financially as a country. They only care about fighting over enforced morality through the government. They all want to wield Precious as their own.
@francestaylor9156 Месяц назад
35:22 - that’s why I gave up politics for Lent this year. God told me to do it and I did. I’m glad I listened. Focusing on what’s important in my immediate life instead of talking heads (no offense) on the internet. Raising our kids, gardening, trusting in God. There’s no point in fretting over what I can’t control. It actually makes it easier if I just work hard at being a better person in my own local community for my family, neighbors, and church. Give up everything else to God. Faith over Fear.
@ronaldlindeman6136 Месяц назад
I'll give you some thought to something I figured out. small business assets 18 trillion. corporate assets 25 trillion. Household assets 168 trillion. --------------------------------------------------------- US total assets 211 trillion. Total US debts. 101 trillion. So the United States is 101 trillion in debt, but 211 trillion in assets. US net worth, 110 trillion. If the United States net worth is 110 trillion, why are we so worried?
@jimluebke3869 Месяц назад
"At what cost?" We voted for someone who talked the [locker room] talk -- "women will let powerful men grab..." Are you really going to vote for Kamala Harris instead, who walked the walk?
@normaorlando3538 Месяц назад
Paul I agree with you about Pius XI and XII.Two sides and only one is the answer can never give absolute certainty of right or wrong. Was especially Pius XII a saintly man or a power -hungry manipulator to protect and advance the power of the papacy!
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Does damage to the Ex Cathedra infallibility vibe, but I am not Catholic anyway.
@brycecarlisle5749 Месяц назад
Love ya PVK. Thanks for the sane sense of 27:40-
@Ritastresswood Месяц назад
Olympic gold medalists could be from very poor sections of community, although different countries have different systems to select their athletes backgrounding by their social and economic systems. In China, it is known that gold medalists from poor backgrounds when return from the Olympic could become subway beggars and hawkers. There is also little known about the career trajectories of Olympic winners from other poorer countries. So, it is best to remember that the Olympic game as a game in a Colosseum with modern Gladiators who are lured to entertain world citizens, just as the Romans did. The present time, we are all invited to participate voluntarily to support the money making system with cultural repercussions. Yes, don’t take the bait. Friends, the original ideal of the Olympic game has long gone.
@erics4802 Месяц назад
many (most?) things are not "bad" in and of themselves. It is the context of time/place/amount/authority/etc in combination with the rest of context that usually determines whether a thing/principle/phenomenon is good or bad.
@freedomslunch Месяц назад
34:02 This is how I feel. There is no party for the Christian. I would even say there is no party for Americans either.
@Phlebas9202 Месяц назад
At the end Bethel declares her Christianity leaves her ultimately with no political party. She has become the Tim Keller she loathes.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
After many decades, my political experience leaves me with no political party ;-( But the Kingdom of G-d remains ;-)
@brandabrothers2127 Месяц назад
Having no party that represents your values is not the same as not voting even for a guy you don’t like. It just means you don’t get to join the enthusiasm that comes with conventions and balloons and easy slogans. Neither party represents my values, the reasons that I will vote the way I will have everything to do with limited practical pragmatic reasons, but I do so with a heavy heart and a genuine skepticism of what the end results will be. Will it actually stem the tide of deeply entrenched unelected bureaucrats who act in their own best interests or have we already gone past the point of no return. I don’t know, but my hope is not in the outcome of this election, all I can do is pray and ask God’s will be done, then love God and love my neighbors while trying to be wise as a serpent, but harmless as a dove.
@sunrhyze Месяц назад
I understood what she said because I don't have a party either, but I'm still going to vote. I don't support political apathy, but you don't have to sign up for a team and wear the t-shirt (or the hat).🙂
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
@@williambranch4283 -- I am a proud member of the Silly Party.
@matthewkilbride1669 Месяц назад
I'd say the difference is she sees Keller as a fence sitter trying to play nice on both sides and being in a state of constant compromise, whereas she would she say she has a very distinct position that's just currently unrepresented in American politics. (I think her take on Keller is pretty silly though.)
@giuliosiciliano Месяц назад
It’s been my position so far : nuance, discernment. No tribalism. No reactionary flailing around. All the while being aware that this cultural disruption is only a means to an end by some people who are very motivated to stir the pot. Not the every-four-years thing. The long game of disruption to steal the culture by means of disruption which have no relation with the long term agenda. It seems like a damned if you do, damned if you don’t kind of thing.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Follow the money. Mammon rules here.
@giuliosiciliano Месяц назад
@@williambranch4283 Bah. Let them keep it. I've accepted that I'll live and die a poor man. Yet I don't think I could withstand martyrdom and there's this old thing about how politics takes care of you if you don't take care of it, so every once in a while if feels wrong to ignore these big pendulum swings.
@matthewkilbride1669 Месяц назад
My problem with Jonathan's approach is that he doesn't really adjust between the past and the present. If he talks about Carnival in medieval Europe and talks about the dragon and the center and the periphery etc, it's fine since the actual individuals which those terms refer to are long dead; we don't know them or have allegiance to them. On the other hand, when he talks about "the left" today, on the one hand it's completely in keeping with his approach so very legit, but on the other hand, "the left' today refers to living human beings in specific locales that you might run into on the street, at which point the dehumanizing that goes with the "symbolic approach" becomes problematic. Is that person an individual with old yearbook pictures and family members and stress at this current moment, or are they a stand-in for a much larger collective playing out eternal patterns, which makes it much easier to dismiss and villainize them. I feel like that's a distinction that Jonathan ought to make but never does (that I can recollect at least), and it undercuts the argument he's making in the video.
@huntz0r Месяц назад
The actual human beings you may run into on the street are not the incarnation of disordered and destructive patterns (aka, demons). They are children of God who have been deceived. Our enemy is the idea, not the person espousing it whom we want to wake up and realize it’s a lie and turn away from it.
@BLynn Месяц назад
So... there are more options for president, just many people do not want to research those or vote for those because they guess their vote won't count then. Are we (the church) supposed to be concerned with what humanity thinks or does? We are supposed to encourage following God, the teaching of the life of Jesus & how he fulfilled the scriptures. I recommend those who accept the term Christian take the time to research those who are running & pray fervently for guidance from God & vote as He directs & not as 'the world' would. Voting as 'the world' does would be in conjunction with what sounded like the question you asked earlier, that I am paraphrasing, is 'the church' affecting the culture or is the culture just assumed & guiding 'the church' away from God? (Added: BTW, I was @28:40 when I typed that.)
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Spanish Civil War? No bueno! They are lucky to have restored their monarchy.
@bbainter7880 Месяц назад
I think Spain would have ended up Communist if it weren't for Franco. He also kept the socialists from destroying the catholic church in Spain completely. Was Franco a hero or a villain? You decide 😊
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
Had it not been for Franco, it would have easily become a repeat of 1789 in Spain.
@WC_Refugee Месяц назад
breaking old frames in order that new frames can be created.
@trippparker4769 Месяц назад
We haven't met in person, Paul, because covid made you cancel your trip up to the pacific northwest when back in like 2019/2020. One day, brother
@sunrhyze Месяц назад
I shouldn't nitpick, but I will anyway: it's Megan BASH-um. ❤😊
@ThreeFormsPodcast Месяц назад
I never watch any Jonathan P. videos, so I only see him if you cover him (and I happen to watch it....)
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Division into factions worked for both Lenin and Hitler.
@anselman3156 Месяц назад
and they are aped by other would be socialist tyrants
@dogbark8388 Месяц назад
I think " let's go to Him OUTSIDE the camp " is what comes to mind
@joe42m13 Месяц назад
The amount of vitriol in Jonathan's comment section because he offhandly referred to the boxer as "she" had me 0% surprised. Charity, or even Objectivity disappears when you poke people in their axioms. NPCs exist on all sides.
@neal9448 Месяц назад
Not to colonize but Libertarian candidates are an option. The presidential nominee this year is Chase Oliver.
@PaulVanderKlay Месяц назад
I often vote third party. Might as well encourage somebody.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Gary Johnson 2016.
@_BirdOfGoodOmen Месяц назад
Vermin Supreme 2024 🎉
@ArcherWarhound Месяц назад
That perverted Obama staffer isn't libertarian, he's a DNC cuckoo bird sabotaging the Mises crew.
@andrewternet8370 Месяц назад
Ron Paul 2012
@trebraswell5043 Месяц назад
Political neutrality is based. Jws for 2024
@jimluebke3869 Месяц назад
"I'm an old-fashioned fusionist Republican" I know Trump seems to be all-consuming now, but he will be riding off into the sunset after his term is up in 2028. He has already accepted JD Vance as his successor, who's about as fusionist as you can get in the present-day GOP. I wouldn't worry, I would prepare.
@anselman3156 Месяц назад
0:10 You exaggerate Paul. Surely I am not your only viewer who doesn't watch Pageau. I get enough of him through your channel.
@PaulVanderKlay Месяц назад
Ok, there are some of you. :)
@anselman3156 Месяц назад
@@PaulVanderKlay There's too much out there that one has to be selective. I appreciate your commentaries on those I don't follow.
@Phlebas9202 Месяц назад
Same ​@@anselman3156
@bubblegum3665 Месяц назад
Hi Paul. Happy to hear you :) Your title is meta-bait 😂
@wmarkfish Месяц назад
In short: don’t get caught up in the fray, don’t accept labels or identity, step up on a higher step and evaluate from a higher position. Think like Jesus outside the box and from 30000 feet.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
The kings who showed nuance were critiqued as not following God with their whole heart. Didn’t really get that favorable a yelp review. There is not getting snagged in a dialectic trap, but if the end result is that men are beating up women for sport and your grandchild is mutilated, maybe all you can do is be the voice of uncompromising protest.
@WiVeK13 Месяц назад
Paul, the BoM discord link is expired.. if that server is still active. Enjoyed the video as always Paul. God Bless
@PaulVanderKlay Месяц назад
It's having smoething of a revival right now. discord.gg/nRrFnqFP
@WiVeK13 Месяц назад
@@PaulVanderKlay Thank you Paul!
@samuelewing8935 Месяц назад
IDK Pageau actually isn't in my regular streams fwiw
@FacesSpaces Месяц назад
Go and sell your platonism and give to the poor and come and follow me.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Nice. Aristotle is New & Improved, like Tide.
@WhiteStoneName Месяц назад
37:00 “What did I want that I didn’t know that I wanted?” Great section. Yes.
@CountyPharisee Месяц назад
Paul, what Spanish Civil War book are you reading?
@pigetstuck Месяц назад
People are more and more waking up to the influence of progressivism, or Big Eva" on the evangelical church. But this book and the controversy about chapter one using Gavin Ortlund as an example as someone who is bought by the left, or at least unwittingly influenced by the left, demonstrates a major problem that both left and right share... "As long as our aim is righteous, the methods of our crusade is justified." I am just as concerned with Big Eva on the right that infiltrated the church in the 70s and 80s that I grew up in. Evangelicals often seem more Republican formed than Christ formed. Trumpism has been a shocking illustration of this. Many in the evangelical church didn't just pragmatically hold their nose and vote for him... he became a hero. All the talk of "family values" could be set aside as long as he was "on our side". Basham doesn't need to apologize to her brother; she can misrepresent him because his view on climate is influenced by the left. It's sad.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
She did not misrepresent him at all. She called him out for his *extremely one sided "research"* on climate change, and listed multiple examples of *huge issues* he failed to consider in his so-called "research." I've watched his idiotic "climate change" video, and it's an absolute cringe-worthy pile of garbage. I was easily able to counterpoint every single point he made, and I wasn't even trying hard. Gavin and his followers are not upset because Megan "misrepresented" him, he's angry because she pointed out his enthusiastic advocacy for a topic almost everyone on the right absolutely hates, and they rightly see it as left-wing propaganda masquerading as science. HOWEVER....watching Gavin's extremely reactionary videos to Megan, he blatantly and intentionally misrepresents HER constantly, continuously, and slanderously.
@pigetstuck Месяц назад
@@Pseudo_Boethius nah... most people who are criticizing Basham actually disagree with Gavin's take on climate (including me)
@pigetstuck Месяц назад
have you seen Chris Date's video?
@francestaylor9156 Месяц назад
Then Christians should just refuse to vote. Because the neocons really aren’t Christian. At least Trump doesn’t create more destruction around the world. If purity spirals matter then you’ll never get anything bc politics is about coalitions. This is why I wasn’t going to vote this year. But then God did his intervention so 🤷‍♀️.
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
@@pigetstuck -- Then what is this misrepresentation? I have the book, I have Gavin's video, and I have X. Show me.
@robwhitlow2384 Месяц назад
Sorry to whine...no podcast again.
@PaulVanderKlay Месяц назад
Not whining! I forgot. I appreciate the reminder. Now posted.
@robwhitlow2384 Месяц назад
@PaulVanderKlay Thank you, Pastor Paul. I do appreciate your work.
@jimluebke3869 Месяц назад
"You want a bit of ambiguity" One huge advantage America had, was its ambiguities and chaos could be pushed to our frontier. It's a shame that we're not following in those footsteps these days, it would make us a healthier place.
@Matty-Boy Месяц назад
Good video Paul
@FacesSpaces Месяц назад
Life is religion.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
The one true religion. But Death is the flipside of the old LP.
@Coraxiom Месяц назад
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27, NKJV)
@ReneHaveman Месяц назад
Great video In the philosophy of Ambraham Kuyper and Herman Dooieweerd, you have in the first place the organization of the world on the basis of spheres (sphere sovereignty) in which the Christian is called to work in society for God's glory, to serve his neighbour and to maintain God's creation (stewardship). In everything, there is nothing in this world where Christ does not say: this is mine! This video is about contradictions regarding things that have a philosophical basis and where you as a Christian cannot say this is irrelevant. You can also say that the church (or a group of churches) should not enter the realm of the sphere where it has no authority. The difference between subsidiarity and sphere sovereignty is very deep and complex. Sphere sovereignty assumes that there is always an anti-thesis between God and man, and if the church and its members do not respond to the world, there will be ambiguity as a product of weakness and doubt. Subsidiarity is a system that determines from above what the common people can decide and what is justified to decide at the higher level. The modern society dominated by the Anglo-Saxon power structure with the internet and broad higher education and the majority decides, is unfamiliar with sphere sovereignty that facilitates minority opinions within the society and provides a basis of peaceful coexistence with numerous points of view with the common goal of peaceful living. The "world" does not accept the wisdom of Christ but hates it (anti-thesis). As a church you always have to assume that there are people in the church who want to take the church into the broad "world" that gives community and laziness not to have to choose. Politics is the sphere of government but has an effect on the members of the church, but the church as an institution should not interfere in the affairs of the government but can give its members the knowledge to operate politically so that the church can be a salt in this world at peace.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
PVK advocating languages? Go to Amsterdam, learn Dutch ;-)
@WhiteStoneName Месяц назад
19:26 the exclusivist religion of the right side of history. Rooted in definitions & abstract reasoning (emissaryianisn)
@VeguldenZilverling Месяц назад
Let the master metaphor the 'emissirianism' back into it's wisdom.
@swerremdjee2769 Месяц назад
2 mins in, is pageau confusing toxic femininity with leftism?🙂
@swerremdjee2769 Месяц назад
Like the right dont use those tactics?
@swerremdjee2769 Месяц назад
Am i no one again?🙂
@Pseudo_Boethius Месяц назад
LAST. (Mostly) Some observations on your video: (Made while listening to Musk and Trump having a very nuanced conversation...) WEAPONIZED AMBIGUITY: That was the absolute worst video I've ever seen from Pageau. He starts out very well, and then shows us how bad weaponized ambiguity is, by weaponizing ambiguity. He would have saved us a lot of time had he just sat there and repeated "I am not a biologist!", "I am not a biologist!", "I am not a biologist!" for ten minutes straight. What an utter bunch of dreck. Extremely disappointing. I'm so glad that his good buddy JBP took "the high road" concerning the pronoun debate in Canada, and refused to take sides on that issue. He's a light to us all. The last thing we can ever accuse JBP of is being a dread culture warrior. Just not gonna happen. SHEPHERDS FOR SALE: Goodness, there was a lot about Megan BASH'EM's!!! book you forgot to mention. Allow me to fill in a few gaps in regards to the controversy. Megan's book, _Shepherds for Sale,_ is an incredibly detailed and entirely factual account of how the Left is intentionally, willfully, and stealthily working to convert pastors in BIG EVA to their side. That's it, that's the entire topic of her book. But what makes this book so dangerous is that she goes after _everyone._ She attacks the Left for their underhanded subversive tactics, and she attacks Big Eva for providing so many sellouts who are willing to hawk left wing talking points for a fistful of dollars. Oh, and she has a mountain of hard, undeniable evidence that backs up literally everything she says. But the big controversy right now is how she sliced and diced Gavin Ortlund on his love affair with man-made global warming. Having watched Ortlund's extremely cringeworthy global warming love affair video, where he gushes over climate change like a highschool girl describing her boyfriend, I found it absolutely sickening. Megan rightly points out that Gavin, who takes great pride in his fifteen year long research project into global warming, never ever, not once mentions any of the thousands of objections that many non-global warming scientists and engineers have brought up during those fifteen years. In other words, the man who prides himself on his biblically informed Christian faith filled with balance and nuance, easily bears false witness about the state of the global warming debate! He does a total, complete whitewash of any objections whatsoever. So Megan, who is very much aware of all the false claims of the global warming religion, systematically rips apart every single claim Gavin makes in his video with counter claims that demonstrates conclusively that he's just peddling a big bag of lies. And that's it, she rightfully attacks his love affair with global warming, and she does it very thoroughly. She never, ever accuses him of taking money, or being a member of the left, or doubts his biblical literacy. She just shows us what a dumbass he is. If you want to be a pastor who takes a position on the most blatant piece of political propaganda on planet earth, then you best be prepared to take all the flak that comes with it. He was obviously not prepared. So Ortlund has been "fighting back" by constantly making backhanded slurs and bearing false witness against Megan herself, and getting his fan base to take up arms against her, which they are very happily doing. The core of the problem is this: conservatives absolutely *HATE* the global warming grift with a purple passion, and they assign it a place along with child sacrifice (a.k.a. abortion). If they find any amongst their ranks who are passionate supporters of that grift, they get quickly canceled. Of course Gavin knows this, and is doing everything in his power to tell anyone who will listen that his war on Megan this _has absolutely nothing to do global warming,_ (which is a lie the size of Jupiter) but rather it's about her smear campaign against him! Just one problem with that strategy: we have an actual records of CONVERSATIONS that Megan and Gavin had on X, where Megan rips his positions on global warming just like she did in her book! Gavin has no defense, because he was caught with his pants down, and he knows it. My current opinion about Ortlund is located somewhere deep in the Mariana Trench. However, my respect and admiration of Megan is unbounded. She is one brave chick. SAM, BETHEL & TRIPP ON TRUMP : Thank you so much for playing on of the worst part of that Megan Bashan video on your channel. Bethel and Sam clearly state that her book has almost nothing to do with Trump, which as far as I can tell is true. So why are the the three of them talking about this book being "downstream of TRUMP???" Are they right? Are they wrong? Let's take a look-see. Now I really, really loved Sam's video on Megan's book. I hold it up as being one of the very best videos in TLC history, but that little faculty lounge discussion about Trump and evangelicals was total cringe. For the record, they must all read the same journals and watch the same videos as I do, as I recognized the arguments they were making were being pulled from various other sources, which is fine, I do the same thing. However, though there were some good insights here and there, they were mostly wrong. I don't have time to rip apart some of the silly points they made, but let me rather propose a counter argument. FACT: Conservatives as a whole will *NEVER, EVER BUY WHAT KAMALA AND TIM ARE SELLING, NEVER.* Oh, I'm sorry, is it a sin to bring up the FACT that Trump/Vance is just one half of binary where Harris/AWOL is the other side? Too bad, I'm doing it anyway. About time the TLC notices that the Dem's have a horse in this race too, and they are very much worthy of a tremendous amount of critique. So what does our dear Kamala stand for? Let us count the planks: 1. Pro abortion up to one second before the birth of the child 2. Pro extreme gun control (Think the U.K.) 3. Pro illegal immigration 4. Pro Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) 5. Pro violence, when it suits their agenda. Think BLM 6. Super duper extreme pro on authoritarian tactics regarding COVID 7. Pro "green energy", and extremely anti any actual fuel that works 8. Extremely anti-police 9. Anti military 10. Super duper over-the-top, foaming at the mouth, pro global warming 11. Anti economics 12. Mega super fan pro on the Rainbow Coalition ...and I could go on, and on, and on... Now, do me a favor: how many of those planks are Conservatives excited about? How many? If you guess any number above zero, you're a dingbat. And now do this: tell me how many of those hardcore Democrat planks are Trump in favor of? How many? Did you guess a number greater than zero? Then you're a dingbat. So what am I saying? Do I dare to make the argument that the personalities of the candidates are utterly irrelevant? Why yes, yes I am. And do I rather make the argument that the great polarized divide in this country is entirely do to ultra-extreme left wing policy decisions? Why yes, yes I am. So if you want to discuss the history of evangelicals in politics, or how they all hated Trump five minutes ago, or how evangelicals are crying in their pillows over their inevitable betrayal: feel free to do so. But as for me and my house, we will focus on the policies. Always remember and never forget: *it's all spiritual warfare, all the time.* [ See my Megan Bash'em YT video playlist: MEGAN BASH EM - VIDEO INTERVIEWS ]
@cowboyssawmillandwoodlot6343 Месяц назад
Its so easy with the male female thing. DONT WOMEN have one more rib than men????? There you go. Have a great day
@scythermantis Месяц назад
Paul, I don't actually watch a lot of Pageau's videos, so you should know that at least for me, I appreciate your videos. As for the Imane Khelif situation, she is a woman, full stop, and she doesn't deserve any of this pseudo-racist questioning. The idea that ALGERIA, where it is ILLEGAL to be 'Trans' anything, is somehow home to a woman who lived as a woman her whole life, has lost to women, whose father wanted her to not do boxing BECAUSE SHE WAS A WOMAN... is really ridiculous. Jordan "Give 'em hell Netanyahu" Peterson, sad to say, has gone way, WAY too far right, to the point where he is giving a platform to abject racists like Tommy Robinson. We need to get or heads out of the sand and not fall for this radicalization.
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
Don't drink Team Blue piss - Lisan al Ghaib
@joyfrimpong2213 Месяц назад
@vangoghsear8657 Месяц назад
Thinking Tommy Robinson is racist...you're an American aren't you...
@vangoghsear8657 Месяц назад
Tell me what’s so racist about Tommy Robinson without being a traitor and coward.
@lkae4 Месяц назад
What we say, what we do, what we signal. Signal. What a concept.
@FacesSpaces Месяц назад
Push, wedge, gaslight. Textbook Trump
@williambranch4283 Месяц назад
I like Harris' laugh.
@WiVeK13 Месяц назад
Based on the content of the video, the ironies abound with this comment...but good on you if it was intentional.😂
@FacesSpaces Месяц назад
Gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em lol
@chrishoward8473 Месяц назад
Some of the people I know who like Trump do so "because he fights"... by which they mean that he takes the same tools to the battle that the other side has been using for years.
@chrishoward8473 Месяц назад
It reminds me in some way of the old western movie where the "good" peaceful people of the town hire some gunfighter to keep the wandering gunfighters under control.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
I played the neither right nor left game for 30 years as a libertarian. But it isn’t true. No human order is perfect, because humans. But attempting to destroy order that is aimed at ideals Jesus set up is anti christ. Women are an order of magnitude harder to hold accountable in public than men. For those who don’t understand, I once saw a woman held accountable is not a counter argument. This is why women aren’t given public authority in a traditional society nor in the New Testament. This is why without respect to the insights of a particular woman those insights don’t offset the catastrophe of the middle of the bell curve then having access to public power and that middle of the bell curve being more difficult to constrain. Things have to scale. Women in authority over men doesn’t. It has nothing to do with misogyny, but quite the reverse. And the reverse is both biological and necessary.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
“But she has a gift” Then she can exercise it as God has directed.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
Paul addresses egalitarianism. God created hands, feet, eyes. All of the body, but with different levels of honor.
@jimoconnor4766 Месяц назад
With regards to nuance, I see satan saying, I know god has commanded you not to do sodomy, women as pastors, etc, but you shall not surely die… And we in or pride (interesting word) then rationalize the thing. I know. I’m guilty. And I’ve lived to see the fruits. Call me names but I’m trying to prevent others from going down the same mistakes rather than trying to make myself feel good.
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