
Doom - End of Episode - Remastered 

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Midi remaster of Doom - End of Episode soundtrack by NML.
Original soundtrack by Bobby Prince.



16 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 12   
@HydraKittten 10 месяцев назад
The theme of "you've won this battle, but the war has only just begun"
5 лет назад
I can see the red text on the hexagon tile background: "Once you beat the big badasses and clean out the moon base you're supposed to win, aren't you? Aren't you? Where's your fat reward and ticket home? What the hell is this? It's not supposed to end this way! It stinks like rotten meat, but looks like the lost Deimos base. Looks like you're stuck on the Shores of Hell. The only way out is through. To continue the Doom experience, play the Shores of Hell and its amazing sequel, Inferno!"
@stupiditysucks 4 года назад
I don't see ANYTHING.
@azzyasbourne9107 3 года назад
You're not looking close enough
@paxhumana2015 2 года назад
If I remade Doom, I would have made the end of episode texts look like this: Episode 1: Knee-Deep in the Dead "Once you beat those so-called 'big badasses of Hell' and cleaned out the UAC Moon Base, you're supposed to win this war against Hell, aren't you? Are you not supposed to win this fight, right? Where is your fat ass fucking reward and your ticket home to escape this mind fuck of a place? On no, what the hell is this happening here? No, it's not supposed to end this way! Yes, damn it, things are apparently more of a cluster fuck than those moronic SCOs at UAC led you to believe in the first place and, apparently, Hell has fucked up reality worse than people previously thought. Your eyes see something that is both normal and foreign to yourself. Well, it stinks like rotten meat, but it looks like that you have no choice but to go forward into this fresh level of Hell, and, apparently this new place is the allegedly lost UAC Deimos Base, and, unsurprisingly, as it turns out, things have certainly gone to shit, just like what had happened on the UAC Moon Base. Still, you heard a distress signal that originated from here, and, as a UAC Marine, and a decent human being, you are obligated, in a variety of ways, as well as by just plain old fashioned human curiosity, to see if any friendly and familiar faces are at their home right now. Also, apparently, there is a place that is bleeding into the UAC Deimos Base, and it looks like an ocean of sorts, but it is also unlike any of them that are on the planet Earth. Yeah, it looks like you're stuck on the Shores of Hell, and especially since the Teleporter that you just went through is now offline, and the only way out of here is through there, just like on the UAC Moon Base. Here is what you do to continue the Doom Experience. What you can do is play the Episodes of The Shores of Hell, and its sequels, namely, Inferno, Thy Flesh Consumed, The Sigil of Darkness, and The Citadel of Lucifer"! Episode 2: The Shores of Hell "Yes, you have finally done it and you have won this fight! The hideous and unholy Cyberdemon Lord, the evil mish-mash of Satanic darkness and perverted human made UAC technology, that ruled over the lost UAC Deimos Base with an unchallenged rule, and a literal iron fist, has been slain, and you are triumphant over what little remains of his (or its) wicked corpse! Sadly, not enough of him (or it) remains to have a look at him (or it) by a taxidermist to stuff over your fireplace at your home, like a stuffed deer head, after all of this fucking bullshit is over (provided that you still have a home of your own to go back to when things are over, anyway), which is a shame, as you would have really liked to have had a trophy on your fireplace mantle regarding your victory over the forces of Hell itself. Still, you made him (or it) look like a little punk ass bitch before the might that the Creator gave to you to rend him (or it), as well as Lucifer and the rest of his minions, into nothingness. However, now two questions remain, which are, is there a way to get off of this fucking barren rock and, if you are not on Deimos, then where the fuck are you anyway? You clamber down off of what you assumed was the Martian moon of Deimos, and then look down to see, and then to find out the awful truth. Yeah, son of a bitch, you actually were on the Martian moon of Deimos and...well, things are just getting uglier and uglier now. Still, you're a UAC Marine and you've already been through situations where soft ass civvies would cry over a damn paper cut, but you're cut from a thicker and sturdier cloth than they, and that was before the invasion of Hell itself...speaking of which...oh, shit, the UAC Deimos Base is actually, as well as literally, floating over Hell itself! Well, you've never heard of anyone escaping from Hell, but you are not just anyone and you are a mighty soldier of not just the UAC, but, far more importantly, of the Man Upstairs. However, as He said at the end of His Book, He will punish evildoers for the evil that they have done, and you're going to make sure that His Word and His Law are unchallenged, which means that you'll also be making sure to off all of those bastards that come from the realm of Hell, as well as make damn sure that they are sorry that they ever even heard of your name in the first place! Also, the Creator is going to protect you, as He has done so far, which means that, provided that you keep on doing right things in His Sight, that you will not ever see this place again. You quickly rappel down from the Martian moon of Deimos to the surface of Hell proper and the mission is the same, which is if you see evil bastards that want to destroy good people, then you will simply make them regret their bad choices in their afterlives, of which, naturally, their worst one is choosing to fight you in the first place. Well, it also looks like that you're going into the third Episode, and a new Chapter, in your Doom playing experience, namely, Inferno, so have some fun making evildoers pay, soldier"! Episode 3: Inferno Well, it looks like Lucifer sent you another toy to play with, and it is just as hideous as its predecessor, as well as is also another godless blend of evil and twisted human technology and Luciferian demonic flesh, blood, and bone, but, like the stalwart and bad ass old Devil Dogs of the USMC of the USA on the planet Earth, you destroyed it like a Pit Bull destroyed a squeaky dog chew toy. You stand over the twisted metal and demonic entrails of the fallen loathsome creature that the UAC referred to as, depending on who wrote which account, the Spider Demon or Spider Mastermind, that had led, no, masterminded (the apt pun was too good to ignore, sorry), the invasion of the UAC moon bases on Earth's moon of Luna and Mars' moon bases of Phobos and Deimos. The being that has caused so much death, and had kicked so many asses of good folks that could not defend themselves, has ironically had his (hers, or its, I don't know, or really care, at this point) ass kicked for all of measured time! The Swiss Cheese maker that he (or she/it) had as an armament that was an M-134 Gatling gun is now your new little toy to take little pot shots at his (or her/their) little Hell buddies, along with all of the other toys that you have accumulated on your journey into darkness, and they are certainly just rewards as your little spoils of war. The ugly walking brain has been brained by you, the bad ass UAC Marine, and that has hopefully sent a message to Lucifer and his demonic generals...do not fuck with the planet Earth and its righteous saints! Suddenly, you find something that you have been searching for quite some time. Yes, this is finally it...you have seemingly found a portal of some sort. Could you have finally found a new Teleporter that will take you home? The hidden doorway opens up and you enter into the portal. You've more than proven yourself as being too tough for the forces of Hell to contain, and, for the moment, Hell seems to be playing fair, but, as you well know, Lucifer always plays things into his favor and he certainly has something up his sleeve. Demons do wear clothes, let alone clothes with sleeves, right? You see a window of green fields that are certainly on the planet Earth...ah., at least one space that is not tainted by the evil of Hell. However, you remember a video game series that was from several centuries ago about some space colonists that simply wanted to find their way home, but their sore loser of an opponent kept blocking the way for them to go home until they kept being persistent and beat him once and for all. Hopefully, that is the result here as well. You also hope that this is home at last, as you need a rest. You are certainly taking some R&R, and maybe the holophone number, of a lovely lady when you do get back to the planet Earth. You could certainly use some, ahem, 'comfort', after this ordeal. You emerge from the doorway on the other side onto the planet Earth, or so you think, anyway, but at least there are no demons in sight, let alone a hellish landscape. Meanwhile, you have been wondering what has been happening on the planet Earth while you were up on the UAC moon bases battling upon the legions of Hell that were unleashed thanks to the completely immoral, evil, and sinister actions of the UAC. Their delving into demonic, occult, and Satanic technology seemed to confirm what some of the Christian and Jewish ways of thought had said, that technology that was used for evil would be bad for humankind. The attitude of the UAC also kind of reminded you of some other things, such as one book series about a ring that controlled other rings with evil power, and another series of comic books that was about some gold armored gauntlet that had super powerful cosmic jewels, but the message is the same, which is, in the hands of humans, absolute power corrupts not just better than expected, but also absolutely as well. Still, it is good that no Hell spawn could, or has, gone through that door with you. Oh, but wait, you're wrong because this is just an illusion, and you're not actually on the planet Earth, you're actually in a deeper level of Hell, but that is to be expected from the Father of Lies. The facade melts and what appears to be more fire and brimstone appears all around you, but you've been through this song and dance before, so it is all essentially a rote drill with you right now. You still wonder if the vision that you saw of the planet Earth was a real one, but, knowing Lucifer, he could have laid your home to waste completely by now...oh well, I guess that is more of a reason to be pissed at him and his buddies. You are now stepping into a new Episode, and a new Chapter unfolds before you, which is called Thy Flesh Consumed"! (This post will be continued in another post.)
@paxhumana2015 2 года назад
(This post was continued from a previous post.) Episode 4: Thy Flesh Consumed "More and more Hell spawned legions are sent towards you and more and more of them fall at your feet. Another Spider Mastermind (they finally agreed with a name for that asshole) arrived, along with a few Cyberdemon buddies, and they all fell as a bunch of dead lumps of demonic flesh, blood, and bone, and, in the cases of the big baddies, demonic flesh, blood, bone, and unfeeling and evil metal, circuitry, and wires. You made damn sure that the final confrontation with that terrible ugly demon brain looking Hell beast, as well as previous encounters with his Cyberdemon generals (or so you think, anyway), was a memorable one. However, what they did not know was that you would be stepping forward and bring about the eternal damnation and torment that they desired to use upon the good, pure, and just members of humankind against themselves in a fitting and ironic fashion. The demonic horde deserved no more apt of an ending than this for themselves, and, as a true hero, you would do absolutely nothing less in the face of something that is so evil as themselves. You had plenty of reasons to do this...your unfair, unjust, and immoral farce of a trial that led to your court-martial, as well as reassignment, the subsequent loss of your wife, your daughter, and your pet rabbit Daisy, and the fuck ton of immoral, illegal, unethical, unjust, wicked, evil, and just plain unsafe, stupid, and selfish actions of the UAC...any one of them could have been a catalyst to lead yourself down this path in your life, but all of them happening together at the same time, well, not even a UAC Marine could handle the burden of dealing with that much fucking bullshit in their lives. Someone was going to pay and now seemed as good of a time as any to go collect the debt that they owed you, which, considering what you went through over the past decade or so in your life, is a pretty substantial debt that they racked up on your time, so now they owed you their proverbial dime, and then some. However, you now see a place where there is a place of potential pain and something else to inflict upon the evil Luciferian demonic horde...something that is beyond just mere arterial spray...something that is more...significant than that...something that you have been doing all along that is beyond mere blood lust...something that needs a word...a new word...yes, and that word is gibbitude. You need to unleash that upon Lucifer and his minions, as if you do not do so, then, he has either unleashed, or will unleash, his horde of demons upon all of the cities upon all of the nations of the planet Earth, as well as elsewhere in the Sol solar system, and let them run amok, and without opposition from the human race. Once again, you think that you are home, and you step into a portal, but, would you not know it...Lucifer is a sore loser, and he made you go into a deeper level of Hell...at least you are kicking some serious demonic ass in the various levels of Hell that you have been to so far, so at least it is not a wasted trip. Still, a name arose in the demonic chatter as you blasted more and more hellions into bits, and that name is Baphomet, who is one of Lucifer's top demonic generals. Well, at least things are finally leading somewhere, so, like any detective on a detective show, a cop on a cop show, or a lawyer on a legal drama, you need to go where the evidence leads. The next stop on our trip is a new Episode, a new Chapter, that is called The Sigil of Darkness. Go further into the evil Kingdom of Hell and stop Lucifer and his minions from making their plans come to fruition, brave UAC Marine"! Episode 5: The Sigil of Darkness "You found out that, yes, Baphomet was indeed not only the being that was responsible for sending you here, instead of the planet Earth, but that he sent even more minions of Hell after you, including, yes, more Cyberdemons and more Spider Masterminds. He figured that getting them both after you this time, and especially at the same time, would even the odds, but, no, you are not that stupid and you certainly aren't a damn wimp. Satan, Lucifer, Old Scratch, whatever evil name that he calls himself, wanted things like this to happen and Baphomet was simply doing his bidding by bringing you deeper into Hell. You know that you need to stop Lucifer and his minions from destroying that blue and green mud ball that is your planet, or else you will have no home to go to when things are done. Hopefully, after this monumental level of fucking bullshit is over, you can get some R&R, a vacation, maybe file some lawsuits, get those asshole SCOs that fucked your life over into doing some serious prison time, if not go under the death penalty, and maybe have them as target practice should someone be dumb enough to open the portals to Hell again in the future. Maybe you can have some, ahem, 'company' with a lovely young woman via your holophone. You love your dead wife and daughter, but you honestly need to move on, as well as to get a fresh start with your life...they would want that for you and they know that yourself grieving over their losses forever is not a good way for you to live your life. You may even get a new pet rabbit as well. Yes, they will not replace what you lost, but, like the proverbial phoenix rises from the ashes, so you too need to rise from yours and to have a reborn and rebuilt life. The eldritch power with which Baphomet used to bring you to Hell with the final Teleporter that he used with his hidden sigil did as it intended, which was to bring you into the core of Hell itself. However, somehow, Baphomet, Lucifer, and the rest of the demonic generals did not understand that you're the reason that they failed in their previous endeavors in the first place. You will now have to fight through this Stygian pocket of evil to confront the ultimate harbingers of Satan. Baphomet did this for one reason, which is to let Lucifer and his minions loose upon the planet Earth, as well as the rest of the Sol Solar System. Finally, after mopping up the place with your arsenal, you are now ready to face the remaining hordes of Hell...and maybe even a few new advanced demonic faces as well. Now it is time to lock and load, as well as to rip and tear, until it is all done. You are now entering the final Episode, and the final Chapter, which is called the Citadel of Lucifer...you will make Satan and his minions sorry that they ever rebelled against God in the first place, soldier"! Episode 6: The Citadel of Lucifer "You met all that Lucifer and Hell had to offer to you, but you overcame it all and more. Cyberdemons, Spider Masterminds, Barons of Hell, even some new faces, such as Chain-Gunners, Knights of Hell, Pain Elementals, Revenants, Arch-Viles, Mancubuses, Arachnotrons, Alpha Imps, Freds, Shadow Imps, and countless others...you slaughtered them all, as well as their gate guardian and generator, which they referred to as the Icon of Sin. However, Satan and his demonic generals were in full panic mode and they did not want to face you, so you are left with only one choice...take down the Icon of Sin and go after them yourself. You destroyed the Icon of Sin and made its evil tentacles buckle and writhe as it withered and died like an evil flower that was sprayed with a pesticide like it was a weed upon the garden of the universe. The void that the Icon of Sin left behind means one thing...you can finally go back to the planet Earth. However, at this point, Lucifer and his minions have done untold and unimaginable amounts of chaos, death, destruction, and havoc upon the planet, so that means that a date with a lovely young woman is not an option at the moment, let alone a vacation, a massive lawsuit against the UAC and any cooperating governmental agencies, military organizations, corporate entities, special interest groups of any type that are on the left, right, middle, or fringe, many fat pay checks as a result of winning said lawsuit, a resignation from this job, and a new life that is far away from the drama of the UAC, especially since that the fallout from these events will lead to them having a bigger disaster than the Titanic or the Hindenburg. Well, just because this part of your adventure has ended does not mean that the adventure itself has ended, as these events can only mean one thing, which is that your next stop is your home, the planet Earth. People might consider you their savior, but the REAL Savior is Who these people need to worship in their lives and, as Baphomet was working for Lucifer, so you were only working for God, and His Form and Function of Jesus Christ...order and balance are needed in the cosmos. Go forward and save the planet Earth, and the cosmos, from Lucifer and his fellow evildoers, brave servant of God, and lock and load, as well as rip and tear, until it is done"! How is all of that for a better series of ending screen texts, people?
@DogeyboyThePieChow Год назад
It's not called "end of episode" it's called victory
@CiphieVA 4 года назад
The hideous cyber demon that ruled the lost Deimos base has Ben slain! But where are you?
@SoldierOfFate 3 года назад
You clamber to the edge of the moon and look down to see the awful truth. Deimos floats above Hell itself! You've never heard of anyone escaping from Hell, but you'll make the bastards sorry for ever meeting you! Quickly, you rappel down to the surface of Hell. Now it's onto the final chapter of Doom: Inferno!
@SoldierOfFate 3 года назад
The loathsome spiderdemon that ruled over the lost moon bases and caused so much death has had its ass kicked to the ends of time.
@Mr.Fury1 5 лет назад
@stupiditysucks 4 года назад
That's 100% correct Krazzykiller11.
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