
Dreams and the Hidden Realm of Soul with James Hillman and Carl Jung 

THIRD EYE DROPS with Michael Phillip
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What are dreams? Where do they come from? Do they hold deep hidden meaning or are they neurological nonsense? Whatever your opinon, we've collectively struggled to make sense of dreams since time immemorial.
In this transmission, we'll investigate the phenomenon of dreams. We'll primarily look through the lens of mythopoetic psychologists like Carl Jung, and especially, James Hillman. Hillman was a post-jungian depth psychologist, author and founder of what he called archetypal psychology-- A philosophy that seeks to re-ensoul the psyche through a combination of mythology and psychology.
If you're interested in exploring this one further, check out Hillmans The Dream and the Underworld and his A Blue Fire lecture series.
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00:00 Different cultural perspectives on dreams
01:50 Freud's revival of dreams
03:55 Carl Jung's approach dreams
05:24 James Hillman's mythopoetic view of dreams
06:41 The hidden connection between dreams and mythology
07:44 Dreams and the underworld
12:22 The relevance of Jungian archetypes
13:11 The true identity of the figures we encounter in dreams?
15:15 How Hillman wants us to work with dreams
20:07 How dreams fit into Hillman's larger philosophy



27 июл 2024




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@Galvvy Год назад
Most of my teenage years I had very few dreams until I quit pot. Now I have very wild vivid dreams, a lot of them with esoteric and mythological symbolism. I think after keeping a dream journal for months, and also reading Jung I'd say I sit somewhere in the middle on this. There is practical messages from the unconscious that use myth and events as vehicles to waking consciousness. However I have equally experienced dreams I cannot "read" as a message. However I have had some mental clarity in just letting them be and not trying to crack them like a nut. I think both are right in their own way. There is a distinction between a message and something so wild and obtuse its best to just let it sink into your consciousness and take it in. Some flowers have practical value, others are just pretty to look at, and that's just fine by me.
@_ilincic 11 месяцев назад
This is wonderful 🪷
@YungLeavz-lz6df 11 месяцев назад
Im 17 and have smoked weed since I was 12. I cant remember the last time I even had Dream. Im trying to quite smoking and its hard it has a good grip on me psychologically. when I was younger it kind of became part of my identity. On day 2 of sobriety now and hopefully I have some vivid dreams soon
@martha732 11 месяцев назад
@@YungLeavz-lz6df From what I understand, THC inhibits REM sleep and when people quit pot, they almost have this rebound effect of having lots of vivid dreams. Would be interested in knowing what happens with your dream life!
@jojojosi8993 10 месяцев назад
Same category here. I liked weed especially for that effect that you don't dream. I really liked the feeling of going into darkness without the effect of all these dreams. Well i stopped my THC use and dreaming occurs again. I don't like it, keeps me up at night. Had a dream from sat to sun that kept me up for two hours afterwards.
@marcco44 11 месяцев назад
i believe Joseph Campbell wrote that Freud was looking at the personal unconscious and that Jung was looking at the collective unconscious
@livinginparallel Год назад
I've been paying close attention to my dreams my whole life...my current theory is that dreams are memories. All of them. There are different worlds, different vibrations or frequencies of the world and life we live here, and we are connected to all of our selves in all worlds. And since time-space exists in full, always, we could tune in to not only any world(space), but any time as well (any age). My best guess on it is that in moments that we experience deja Vu, we are experiencing a moment that was already observed by another version of ourselves in THEIR dream, creating a glitch where your shared consciousness is viewing the same thing twice and barely remembering it from the first time. Just a theory that fits with my dream experience, knowledge of science,and religion.
@sonicaftermath5776 4 месяца назад
Muzzy here… I’ll have to ponder this approach Very interesting indeed!
@garyspeed1568 9 месяцев назад
Been a vivid dreamer all my life and have only just realised that this is not actually as common as I thought it was. Personally I think most peoples inability to have story like dreams that are vivid in detail is due to lifestyle consequences like alcohol and obesity. However, over the past two months I had dreams that pointed to the divine communications from my guardian angels, they expressed this through angel numbers and then synchronicities in the waking day (Basically what I dreamt the night before would present itself to me the next day) The messages were clear when I took the time to decipher the messages which in the end said that I had been given divine blessings from God, a gift (vague at the time what this meant), and my guardian angels were looking over me and guiding me on the right spiritual path. Knowing that this was what the dreams and synchronicities meant I struggled to know what it meant practically speaking. Was my life about to change? If so how? Well, it did! On two occasions when taking my dog for a walk I encountered in a very real and intimate way the angels. One was a glowing yellow orb that was akin to the sun with its shimmering aura, it seemed to appear out of nowhere and moved so slowly that I pondered whether it was really even moving at all but it became clear it was in fact moving. Eventually, having made its way above the field I was next two it disappeared like a flame being put out my invisible fingers. I returned the next day, same time of day, in the vain attempt and hope that it would be there. I looked at the same area of the sky where the angel had last appeared and only saw a oblong dark cloud covering the night sky. I could see a couple of stars lurking behind this cloud. I decided on a superstitious whim to call out "shalom" (the synchronic messages that the angels used were intelligible in Hebrew), when I did this the oblong cloud parted ways and a bright but short white light flashed across the sky, no higher in the sky than two tall tree lengths, the white light produced embers of green and purple flickers behind it. I was beside myself with joy that this actually just happened! Did i really just call out "peace!" to the universe and get a reply back? I even looked around me as if hoping there would be some other witness to this but of course I was alone (with my dog). Turning my attention back to where the white light appeared there now was a small white light in the sky, exactly where the white light appeared, and it made its way, slowly but surely, to the high point on this field I was standing next to. Unlike the previous day with the yellow orb which terrified me and rooted me to where I was standing, this time I was joyful and encouraged. I decided to hop into the field and gaze as close at this light, which again was only about two tree lengths above the ground (ruling out asteroids etc.) I got as close to this light as possible. It was smaller and had a white aura, as apposed to the yellow, its centre was dark and black. I gazed for about a minute at it before asking its name, I received no reply. After another minute or so the white light moved from the field to the left of me and once again disappeared in that same manor as the yellow orb the previous day. I have no doubt in my mind these two orbs were angels, I suspect the yellow orb was perhaps an archangel and the white orb was a lower status angel. I've been in communication with them in my dreams since trying to learn more about them. I should note that despite being a believer in God I always thought of Angels as being fictitious ways ancients expressed ideas ( like how we in the modern world say "I had a light bulb moment yesterday!" , that ancients perhaps said "an angel came to me and said...). I know for certain that this is not the case and they are very much real! Hope it was okay for me to share this and that it shines some light on what dreams are. I certainly do not have all the answers like 'Do all dreams come from the divine?' or what the connection between subconscious and the divine is? But hopefully this was useful and insightful in someway. I too am a fan of Jung and read his work prior to my experiences, it was him that I turned to in order to understand what synchronicities are, which would play a vital part in my spiritual encounters.
@J-Train Год назад
Wow, there is a LOT to digest here! Very different from how I'm used to relating to dream content. Your videos are always so fresh and relevant and mind-expanding! Thank you for your content, it's very helpful in ways I cannot express. You're doing good work here!
@kathyannk Год назад
Now I’m curious to look back in my dream journal and reread my interpretations. I don’t remember my dreams often, but when I do - WHOA! (fascinating, weird, full of symbolism and sometimes disturbing shadow stuff of course). I think, or thought, I was good at interpreting them, but most of my interpretations seem to be about my life, my inner child, and the stress and limiting beliefs from my childhood. I can’t wait for the next disturbing one so I can try to stay with it. I don’t know what to think of the stuff presented here. It’s deep and I’m flummoxed. There’s so much to learn! As for that comment about the art you include in your videos, I fully disagree. You do fantastic work and I hope you don’t give that comment any consideration. The artwork you include is always captivating and beautiful - and so elegantly matched to your content. 🫠
@CompassionateConnect 7 месяцев назад
I enjoyed hearing Hillman’s theory behind the kind dreamwork that I do - re-living the dream in the conscious (middle-world) with the help of a dream guide. I get a more direct experience of the dream by taking on the energies of dream characters, while noticing how I’m feeling and the deeper imagination that arises from my embodied space. I learn about the dream from the inside. It has been transformational for me, especially when working with Shadowy dream characters… 😅
@MsMauryLynn 18 дней назад
Fabulous, thank you so much for your contribution to our growth. Much love!
@terryvolbrecht9356 Год назад
I think it was Nietsche who said, "Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be lived.'. In my own dreamwork over the years it has become clear that the way to align the ego as the centre of conscious awareness and the Self as that 'whose circumference is everywhere and whose centre is nowhere' is through Active Imagination dialogues with dream images. To me this is not about the ego prostrating itself, but being willing to let the dream images speak and to respond creatively and imaginatively. Fo me this has followed the pattern identified by Jung and Marie-Louise Von Franz: first dialogue with images of the Shadow (an archetype) and then with images of the anima as a shape-shifter. The whole indivuation process is like a spiral in which keeps returning to the generative images and archetypal symbols. In this process images or symbols of the Self also recurrently appear with their own challenges to our awareness. Last I dreamed a Buddhist friend (a professional musician) said to me: 'the Buddha nature is inherent in the body.' Time for an Active Imagination dialogue! Thanks for another greaat video with amazing images!
Great insights and thank you for the kind words.
@jasonhenkel6247 Год назад
What great work to come to terms with my complete inability to do anything other than just be the observer. Fantastic video, Michael!
@peoplegolol 3 месяца назад
When I was 11 years old, I had a near-death experience. I almost died due to dehydration caused by a stomach virus and none of the medication I was given was working. I remember being taken to a hospital room, put into bed and being injected with intravenous serum (I have no idea if that's the correct way of saying it, I just looked it up haha) to stay hydrated. I fell asleep (I guess) almost immediately. I woke up at times, feeling so heavy and with no energy to talk that I just kept falling asleep. In one of those times that I fell asleep, I had a dream that I was at home. I remember seeing a lot of small children with wings (like angels. If I am not mistaken, they are called cherubs, but I could be wrong) with me. The phone rang and I rushed to pick it up. When I did, a powerful and thunderous voice on the other side said: "You are cured." When I woke up, the nurses were already taken all the equipment away and also removing the "intravenous serum" from my left arm. I remember seeing my mom's face with relief and asking me how I felt. I had no strength to stand up or even walk but I was ready to go home. Last year, I read a book by Jung (I can't remember the name, but it is about dreams and some of the meanings behind their symbols) and he explains how dreaming with angels or christian symbols (again, I might be wrong but I can't remember exactly what he said in this book) might be related to a possible death or that death is approaching and how he had several patients dreaming about angels as well, and how they died some time later. I've always believed in the power of dreams and now even more than before after reading that book. Two weeks before the war at Gaza, I had a dream that I was taking a nap in the morning. I was in my room, lying in bed and I remember my mom came rushing in and screaming my name saying: "They've already shot the first missile!" and then hearing a big explosion near my house and then I woke up. When I heard the news about the war two weeks after I was shocked, but at the same time kind of scared. It was mind boggling how everything I've been reading about dreams, the collective unconscious and so on is real and everyday makes me believe even stronger on it. Today, my mom had a dream that she went to the bathroom and she realized that she was bleeding, like a heavy "menorrhagia." She is a very spiritual person and sometimes she has dreams that end up predicting the future. Sometimes the predicted event ends up being an very strong confrontation with someone, or bad news regarding my family and now I am a little bit worried. If something happens, I will comment on this post again 😅
@barbaraklaser3681 11 месяцев назад
This is a wonderful way of looking at dreams. I read Hillman's Dream and the Underworld many years ago, but had forgotten much of it. Thank you for this reminder. There are some dream images that just want to stay with me as they are in the dream. In fact the dreams that I recall most clearly even years later are like that, an image that stays with me, that becomes part of me.
@theomniscientvoid9553 Год назад
What a wonderful wonder dip. My Soul is now more colorful than before. Looking forward to the next as always 🙏
@deb4610 8 месяцев назад
Thank you, I really like this way of looking at dreams. I’ve been paying a lot of attention to dreams for some time, keeping a dream journal, and I realized after some time that I can never understand them. So to hold the images in mind without trying to interpret seems like the way to go, in my opinion. Going to read that book!🙏🏻❤️
@THIRDEYEDROPS 8 месяцев назад
@KevinMarsHallMarz 11 месяцев назад
Although my intellectual curiosity prefers a Jungian analysis of the archetypal configuration of psyche, I agree with Hillman that there's a much needed place for experiencing the underworld, something that I can accept more when I realize that to do so is ultimately an attitude of sincere reverence for the soul, and something that will give birth to greater imaginal understanding of the cosmic spirit of being. In that sense, I am glad my deepest dreams were beyond words, because it was simply feeling them that was so transformative and special. By not breaking them down into concepts, they remain alive, and inside, as an active source of my wonder for life.
@micahlively8321 Год назад
It's hard to not make dreams about yourself when you almost always play the starring role in your dreams. Also, many of my dreams are about interactions with personal friends and /or relatives, both those who have passed away and those who.are still alive. I don't really dream much about the black snake or things that are not strongly related to me in a real personal way. For example I have alot of sort of nonsensical dreams about my past and people from my past, but the facts get mixed up, like I'll be living with my dad after my mother passed even though in reality my dad died first. It's hard not to wake-up and make that personally about my own life or ego.
@_ilincic 11 месяцев назад
I slept with a black snake in a dream while ago. It’s very hard not giving meaning to such things.
@allmixedup058 Год назад
As I'm getting back to a mental space where I'm remembering more and more of my dreams, thank you for this dive. I feel like my biggest takeaway personally is to focus on holding on to what I see and do in the dreams as long as possible and letting go of the desire to puzzle it all together. Although I'm still convinced that I'm going to learn how to take the skill of levitation/ flying that I've grown accustomed to in the dreamworld into this waking reality 😅
@_ilincic 11 месяцев назад
I’m not a skilled flyer in dreams. Often it happens that I begin to fall. Having something under my feet helps a lot. So I got accustomed into invoking a surf table and travel as silver surfer. Nowadays I don’t fly anymore because it has become a way of avoiding hard tasks. It’s like my unconscious makes a path filled with challenges and then I throw it all away. I’m getting to a state where I do not over control the dream state anymore.
@catherinecalderwood9243 10 месяцев назад
Love this! Even as a small child I would talk about my dreams. I think my family was very uncomfortable with me. I think it was they did not dream like me. I just took for granted everyone must. Hummm.
@THIRDEYEDROPS 10 месяцев назад
@marcco44 11 месяцев назад
great stuff......thank you for helping me navigate this inner world🙏
@THIRDEYEDROPS 11 месяцев назад
My pleasure 🙏
@0ptimal 6 месяцев назад
Wish we could record our dreams. Like a video. Imagine browsing youtube dream videos. But the tech needed to do so isn't something you'd want in existence, so memory will have to do.
@chris123457839 Год назад
Awesome vid. Thanks man
@tg_5565 Год назад
I really like the way you present the information. The flow of the content makes it digestible and the images you use are gorgeous and attention grabbing. I love the idea of dreams not necessarily being about the person receiving them. How interesting and thought-provoking. Thank you.
@sifromwales5452 Год назад
That was really good :)
@tracyking4518 Год назад
Great video, thanks
@davidrautenbach Год назад
This is really insightful thank you!
@leonakemp7542 11 месяцев назад
I perceive my dreams as an alter reality I am experiencing but not able to see while I am awake but just as real. There are times while awake that I perceive these other realities occurring simultaneously, as though I am existing in more than one plane at the same time as different people. As far as symbols, I think they are specific to the individual, meaning I can’t go to a dream interpreter with a symbol I have seen and have them explain it to me. At this point, I am not good at figuring out the significance of my dreams for the most part, but the journey of discovery is fascinating.
@BallBatteryReligion 5 месяцев назад
I experience lucid dreams almost everytime I sleep now along with sleep paralysis. I've gotten better at remaining inside the dreamscapes. I often experience a feeling of being carried around, or my most recent one I journaled as "Aquarius" where the area I live was in reconstruction, literally. My house and surrounding buildings were bare bone construction sites. The garden was a field of small scarecrows. Cars were hitting a "launch point" on the nearby road and soaring upwards. Much more wooded areas and trails than in real life. That's the closest I've been to experiencing a real, alternate dream setting. So much more detail and symbolism. I've been working at exploring those lucid dreams without waking myself up or panicking. It's a fun challenge. Curious about other lucid dreamers too.
@deb4610 Год назад
I very recently came to see that I need to look at my dream as a whole, as a myth perhaps, rather than seeking meaning in the symbols that are presented. The perspective that you put forward adds to that insight - to treat them as sacred - that resonates. I’m going to read Hillman’s book that you mention. Thank you for this content, always interesting, often fascinating. 🙏🏻❤️
@TheLuxevolupte Год назад
Wonderful as always
Thank you 🌀🏄‍♂️🌀
@MoiraGordon-lg1fy Год назад
I really like this post, it justifies my feelings that interpretation takes away from the enjoyment of the dream. We don't need to know why, the reason destroys the mystery. You've renewed my interest in James Hillman as successor to Jung, he's on point with modern issues.
@Carolevw 10 месяцев назад
I agree with the philosophy of the Underworld but as for referencing the dream as a whole and not putting symbols into it, I think it's only half-right. Looking back on my dreams, as an example, I see me in a shop trying to find some simple slippers, but the more I look the harder the choice and the more fancy the slippers. Someone I was with came up twice behind me to say "it's time to go" and "we gotta go now". Yet I struggled to make a decision but felt pulled to go. I woke up when leaving and find that I am a half hour late to wake up for work. So part of that dream is real in context sure, (someone from the 'Underworld' was trying to wake me up) but the slippers I feel is more symbolic of the difficulty in simplifying my life. I do feel these two worlds combine to make good context of understanding that relates to my own life.
@jklol1680 Год назад
Wonderful video. Interesting way to decluter the ways one might muddy the waters of perception/dream brought by Mal adapted beliefs and language surrounding dreams/unconscious. Thank you
@lonehawkwhitlock1310 9 месяцев назад
I have experienced dreams that have presented themselves in my waking world. Hypnogogic dreams that presented it self a few hours later in my awake world. I have even been marked/grabbed by a hawk in a dream. They have captivated my sense of wonder and have been mile markers for me on this journey called life. Bewildering, captivating, and keeping me full of wonder. Still being amazed by synchronicities.
@salvas7376 Год назад
Remembered my dreams from this morning… & yes absolutely can see my interior trying to work things out… got lazy & didn’t write anything down but now that I see my changes my dreams staying closer to me & even having one dream they I could make changes. I am getting to documentation of them.
@atreesto 11 месяцев назад
The way i see it is dreams are messages. From who or what I'm not entirely sure. But messages are meant to be received imo. It's funny, i just started reading the book you mentioned and was very thrown off by this angle of looking at dreams. Went to take a walk and listened to this video and I'm still kinda confused. Personally, I have had many experiences within an Ullman Method dream group that has led me to realize that there is always something meaningful in the dream that relates to waking life and self. Hillman's viewis a challenging approach that honestly makes me feel a little uncomfortable (which is a good thing!) Def gonna read more. Thanks for the fantastic video, Micheal!
@Kraj11 Год назад
Exactly what some of us need. Thank you!
@RockMe1977 11 месяцев назад
I think I'm fully awake now, or fully conscious..so I don't dream anymore. When I used to dream, it was my consciousness trying to balance out the unconscious...or ..fill me in on things I missed. A lot of my dreams were prophetic as well. Predicting the future. Dreams I've had in the past are coming true today. I find when I have dreams now which is rare, they are about a past life.
@patriciapinto2820 Год назад
Thanks a million stars for another great video. Very inspiring and it resonates. Most of my dreams are about strangers and places that feel familiar but I actually don’t know.
Thank you my friend 🙏
@tracyking4518 Год назад
I"m so glad i don't know it all, such a relief
@soulscribe_h 11 месяцев назад
To build on your point about the connection between dreams and death: in Islam there's also the belief that God indeed takes your soul when you're sleeping. That it is the lesser death and the major death is the tomb followed by judgement day. So God gives back your soul when you wake up or orders Malak al Mawt (Azrael) to seaze it
@THIRDEYEDROPS 11 месяцев назад
@_ilincic 11 месяцев назад
A week ago, for the first time, I had a dream where I was capable of transforming into animals. First as an Alakazam, wich is a humanoid pokemon, and then into a cat. I’ve never climbed buildings with such dexterity. I’ve never felt the air motion so clearly. Before this I experienced transformation only into other humans, every kind, young, old, every race, every gender. I’ve done it all, but animals? This was drastically different.
@JaredParker-si8fm Год назад
no deep personal reflection ins this comment but I once had a dream where in the dream I took lsd and went through the whole trip having the experience of actually tripping on lsd and at one point during this dream trip I played a beautiful song on a grand piano and of course after waking up realizing the profoundness of the fact that I actually don’t know anything about playing the piano but it was all so real and vivid. I even had the post trip mental fatigue of being on lsd for 8 hours haha. Absolutely wild mythopoetic space dreams are
@bluestar.8938 Год назад
Thank you : )
@mmonaco71 Год назад
It makes a lot of sense to me! Even during meditation sometimes I see scenes not related to me in anyway so make an effort to understand them doesn't mean anything and infact I just try not to let them go away immediately which most of the time is almost impossible but anyway I like to try :) thanks
@MissAmericarules Год назад
Enjoying this very much 😂
@Dreamaster2012 Год назад
We don't need to solve the mystery, but to live and explore the mystery 😉
@zit1999 Год назад
Sounds a lot like what Tom Campbell observed as well, although he goes further than that with his MBT.
@jeffwhite2511 Год назад
I have always resisted interpreting my dreams or even thinking about them as it seems to violate my experience of them even though part of me wants to make use of them in the individuation process. Experiencing dreams like you do with awe and wonder of Nature's gifts which are more magical and mysterious than any dream seems to be what he is expressing
@Trenton1400 Год назад
Does anyone else ever not constantly but very frequently have lucid dreams where sometimes u are almost 100% aware your in a dream world
@JurOz1980 Год назад
I have. First i had alot of nightmares. Then to end it i was programming myself before sleep what i should do to notice when i was dreaming. That worked and the nightmares ended en i started to love dreaming because i became a superman in my dreams because i could create what I wanted. That all ended after i where around the age 25. Now i dont dream much anymore and i dont lucid dream anymore
@Trenton1400 Год назад
@jurjanrozema me too some of my lucid dreams start off as nightmares but it's rare
@MissAmericarules Год назад
Same nightmare every night I look everywhere for my daughter...right when I open the door to see her .she is not there ❤ she ghosted me for 3 years...quit school. Shaved her head xo
@3timesperweek Год назад
What about precognitive dreams?...Jung was a firm believer that you can see the future through your dreams.
True. What about post-cognitive dreams though?
@philippsemlinger2220 Год назад
Hi, TED, I'm currently in of the roughest phases of my life and I'm glad I stumbled upon your channell and jungian psychology today. I'm curious what I'll discover and get inspired to do from your material. I also wanted to ask you whether you happen to know of the manga "Berserk" by now deceased author Kentaro Miura? His works actually got me into jungian psychology and I'd invite you to take a look at them, since I'm sure they'd provide you with interesting perspectives on jungian and nietzschian concepts.
Hell yeah I love Berserk! I need to go deeper into it. Much love to you and I hope things start looking up for you. 🙏
@philippsemlinger2220 Год назад
Great, then enjoy your time getting deeper into it! Sincerely thank you :)
@Metaobserver Год назад
Last night i dreamed of planets and stars in the sky becoming alive, moving and the whole sky full of different colors. It was as if planets and stars are not far away. The whole sky was alive and mysterious. I was still on earth, something from above was firing little light balls at us and we were hiding behind walls and abstacles. I felt fascinated, curious and unsure what was happening. Idk what this dream means. I never had a dream about universe.
@Trenton1400 Год назад
Sounds like the rapture that's a cool dream fr probably a vision
@e.s.l.1083 Год назад
A citizen of the underworld. As much a citizen there, as we are 'a presence' in this subjective, here. Dual citizenship. That we are as much dead, as we are alive. The disillusionment then, that there is a this or that side. With the illusion of that duality dissolved, all dualities seem to dissolve. It is odd to take that step into that heaven (if heaven was unity) and realize we were there all along. Stark, to consider this for the 1st time, and having that 1st time of consideration having it be the last time it needs to be considered. ●●●●● Funny, when taking the bull by the horns, one feels (to know) the bull. Thank You.
@bytatacano3892 Год назад
🎉🎉🎉 excellent 🎉🎉🎉
@blacksunbadger592 11 месяцев назад
No one has ever used a cellphone in a dream
@martha732 11 месяцев назад
I loved the video and your presentation. However still confused about how to not make the dreams about myself. I love standing before and in the mystery, but aren't there some recognizable shapes in the fog? We humans are so programmed to give meaning to things, especially as it relates to ourselves, that it is hard not to. Or am I missing the point? L❤VE this channel! Thank you!
@THIRDEYEDROPS 11 месяцев назад
You’re not alone, it’s difficult to find a practical angle and I would argue that Hillman’s angle really isn’t the most practical for daily life. It’s more about tuning up the volume on wonder and mystery. And really taking the, for lack of a better term, “other realm” seriously.
@martha732 11 месяцев назад
@@THIRDEYEDROPS Yeah, that’s the feeling I got. Not practical but cheers for the wonder and mystery! 🔮💫
@vjensen56 6 месяцев назад
Have you ever practiced lucid dreaming and what are your thoughts on it? Some lucid dreamers will directly ask the dream questions about what is behind it. Would this have a place in Jung or Hillmans philosophy?
@julianfairbanks1264 Год назад
You should do a video about people who obsessive compulsively read their horoscope from like 8 different astrologist everyday (me) 👍🏼😭
@TheCoyotemonster 4 месяца назад
When I was younger I used to have beautiful, intense dreams I would try to analyze. Did I kill off my soul's will to communicate with me? Because for decades, my dreams have been very pedestrian. Or is it because I learned a good cure for my chronic, life-long insomnia, Trazodone 200mg?
@moesypittounikos 11 месяцев назад
Feud and Jung are really the Pope's of dreams rather than the godfathers. This is why Freudians and Jungians cant let go of their respective Pontifex Maximus.
@Indianpsychonaut 11 месяцев назад
So If I'm seeing my ex girlfriend in my dreams does that mean I'm meeting Animus archetype ?
@THIRDEYEDROPS 11 месяцев назад
Possibly. For Hillman what the image is doing seems to be the focus.
@KhaoticDeterminism Год назад
Nyx’s Astral realm… nah… 2.2k 2 days… 🤔🤔🤔 #2Spirit
@lizprince-harding4787 Год назад
I don't agree with Hillman on this. I believe that dreams are your unconscious communicating with your conscious mind, but you need to understand the way they speak to you (it's like a game of charades). I love the insights I get from my dreams - when I interpret them. They aren't of much interest if I just leave them as they are. I can even get insights into what's going on for other people that I care about, which would remain mysterious and of no use if I didn't interpret them.
I don’t think it’s mutually exclusive. The personal unconscious touches the collective unconscious (where archetypes live) in Jung’s model.
@lizprince-harding4787 Год назад
@@THIRDEYEDROPS I have found that since I have been paying attention to my dreams (I've been recording the vivid ones for years), and especially since I have learned to interpret them, that my unconscious gives me much more. I wonder - perhaps it is the case that those dreams that are in themselves useful to your psyche, in the way that Hillman suggests, are those that aren't made vivid enough for you to remember, but those that your unconscious is offering up for your conscious mind are made vivid enough to be remembered and recorded. A couple of other things I've noticed since recording (and dating) them: I have series of dreams that are linked by a theme or in relation to a particulur person, that build on the message over time; and some of them are precognitive, or offer up information that is confirmed later in the waking world.
@lizprince-harding4787 Год назад
PS I have found that I can occasionally 'bid' information from dreams if I ask my unconscious.
@joleaneshmoleane8358 Год назад
Wish we could get just a few more AI paintings in there. Not quite enough.
Trying to make it visually interesting and put a lot of time into getting the aesthetic right. Sorry if it’s not your style. Hope you enjoyed it otherwise.
@johnnicholas1488 5 месяцев назад
Dreams tell humans that tbey do not know what the hell is going on. All these arrogant dream explainers are worthless double talkers and simply reinforce the observation in my first sentence. Its like a mouse being flushed down a toilet.
@seeexy Год назад
yes. ik it (and i experience on some special days or moments. after big important stuff happen.) and they explain me so much w the help of my lessons from phycology hobby helping me cure(/understand some of my non born MH issues,) getting into pro stage. besides i download so much information thats unknown to humans idk how to use it yet cuz im only getting turning into an "adult",. barely illiterate and i dont use human language to communicate. ik it sounds MH or autistic its not. cuz of some others few reasons traumas/& works i try to do. it made me understand whats happening in this world, i think in general thats it but idk in details. and its not an ez tiny stuff we've been downloading, its major Major.. too big . much info. for me to digest tbh.. idk where to eveen start processing it, its been 20+ years, now i only start understanding how to translate these informations ugh i hate to say it but i was planning to be still hidden up until now cuz it was my personal journey that i liked to dream dreams in sleep or in awake state cuz i hated being awake. now it's leaking everywhere.. i dont like that . All my hard work is just going away.. other people getting the credits for it it seems like and i am feel like (definitely) im being robbed it was just my own world and my secret
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