
Dutch soldiers battle Taliban in Chora valley pt. 1/2 

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3 окт 2007




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@OgamerNL 15 лет назад
Oh yeh, so true :D The fact that Holland is small, but still has a very good army, is not seen often! And if you see the Dutch news, you rarely see that there are Dutch casualties, and more often American.
@Nelsinho86 16 лет назад
Wilde op me 17e naar het corps mariniers, en landmacht trok me ook wel erg. Als je dit zo ziet, is het werkelijk dood eng! Mocht Nederland ooit nog eens echt in oorlog raken, meld ik me natuurlijk aan om mee te vechten... Respect voor de jongens die daar zo ver weg vechten voor vrijheid!
@porsche076 15 лет назад
I've got much respect for those from any country fighting and contributing to the Afghanistan cause. Holland has very well trained and disciplined soldiers and Special Forces! Only a handful of certain countries have very well trained specialized soldiers that are capable of being outmanned and outgunned in an ambush or firefight and come out victorious. Special Forces are very special individuals who are capable of walking through the gates of hell and the valley of death and come back alive.
@MetalAriel 13 лет назад
greettings from germany, we are all brithers in arms... keep the good work up!
@AllcarsPOVreview 14 дней назад
En dan te bedenken dat dit dagelijkse kost was daar. Het thuisfront dat denkt dat je het land gaat stabiliseren en opbouwen, Maar eigenlijk dagelijks in een vuurgevechten terecht kwam. Het was veel te vroeg voor dit soort prt zaken. Ik loop ook tussen deze gasten op dat moment. Ik denk er nog dagelijks aan terug, en Het heeft een enorme impact gehad op mijn leven. Enorm veel van mijn collega’s zien omvallen jaren na terugkomst.
@NoNoN88 15 лет назад
Lol the Dutch army is one of the Best trained army's in the world.. :) Specialist your looking at:) So all ppl who thing they can see something with there big mouth at the internet;) You can't make an diffrence;) Dutch Soldiers are one of a kind;) the best of the kind!
@LLM.Sietse 15 лет назад
ik denk dat daar meer gebeurd dan dat jij doorhebt. xD
@vloepkleedje 14 лет назад
@nielsspaceface thanks ;) was this the only large battle in afghanisten with dutch forces being involved?
@atarvos8686 3 года назад
Nope, there are several . . Sadly we only see this kind of short video's. In this regard the dutch have something to improve.
@drink_kompot3656 3 года назад
Me in Squad playing on a Dutch server
@lillemakken 15 лет назад
But I like you fight Taliban too :]
@yaakhee 16 лет назад
that ANA was getting all gangsta on the civvie at 6:00.
@BartBRH 15 лет назад
no no, you got me wrong mate. this guy thinks that the taliban is going to kick out the SAS trained dutch special forces. i mean, a bunch of poorly trained rookies are not got to get the dutch out. we are simply the best!
@stevinatornl 14 лет назад
@OMFGitsMARK what they do? where the hell did they steal those
@owlscraig 14 лет назад
Why dont any of the dutch soldiers have helmt covers ?
@DavidStanleymusic 14 лет назад
well done operation 100%
@OgamerNL 16 лет назад
Infanterie is alleen de troepen zelf. Tank jeeps elk elk ander voertuig(dus ook een heli, en een vliegtuig) wordt cavallerie genoemd. En hoe bedoel je artillerie (op de voet) ..?
@Kianmp 6 лет назад
@BartBRH 15 лет назад
well i mean, even Norway is in the ISAF opperation. i guess Holland is just doing whatever everyone else is doing so we dont feel like were just sitting back. and basically you cant get me to not agree with whatever Holland is doing, cause i love Holland!
@TheDavidNathan 13 лет назад
Respect voor deze mannen! Heeft iemand hier het boek 'Als een nacht met duizend sterren' gelezen van oorlogsverslaggever Joeri Boom? Dit vuurgevecht komt namelijk voor in het boek. De Nederlandse eenheden zijn van het OMLT (aangevuld met twee verkenners).
@pshphx 13 лет назад
@foetsie85 3 года назад
and now it was all for nothing
@BartBRH 15 лет назад
haha, you funny
@jenevertranen 14 лет назад
@SgtBanks1 Peace in Iraq???
@dvolkor 14 лет назад
le honneur pour le militaire toet le monde viva la legion et le armee
@2R0bin0 14 лет назад
@vloepkleedje Other purpose, for example names...
@yaakhee 16 лет назад
sorry my mistake.
@Khogiani1213 15 лет назад
the translator is giving wrong info.
@dutchhartz3628 11 лет назад
Helden komen in alle soorten en maten ;)
@vloepkleedje 14 лет назад
@muslimKurdistan das gebiet wo Niederländischen soldaten kämpfen hat viele mal mehr taliban-aktivität als bijvorbeeld den provinz Kunduz, wo Deutschen soldaten stationiert seine.
@vloepkleedje 14 лет назад
the soldiers use a lot of bad language, or is the censor used for another purpose?
@BartBRH 15 лет назад
Yeah im reading a book on the Navy Seals. people like to say that theyre not as good as everyone says they are, but they are pretty bad boys. so are your Deltas. yeah the Dutch army is kinda upsessed with making weel disaplined soldiers, our motto is (translated) small in numbers, big in deeds. (which is not the one of our coutry, which is "i shall stand fast" all special forces are good, that why they car carry that name.
@LLM.Sietse 15 лет назад
the dutch soldiers have other tactics, + when u compare the casualties is just a fact , america haves more than 1000 soldiers killed holland only 13 if im right.
@31415916 16 лет назад
Afghanistan is more lush than i thought. Lots of foliage to hide in...
@Dhaune 15 лет назад
europeans would not send 20 year old inexperienced boys into a war
@porsche076 15 лет назад
I like how you dislike Americans when they are the ones providing the aviation and close air support to back up troops from your homeland when they are in trouble and in need of help. Does Holland have aircraft carriers in the area to provide backup to Holland's troops and SF? I got news for you... They don't. And for someone who dislikes America why are you attending education in an American named school?
@Khogiani1213 15 лет назад
the Afghan solider is Hazzra.......
@DennisSpeer1 12 лет назад
@Weebigballs Aren't the people from Brittain tall aswell? I am 'only' 1.95 meter long lolz
@naroj10 13 лет назад
@SoldierTherm Tuurlijk jong je bent 15 jaar.
@henkbres2007 17 лет назад
OMLT, samengestelde eenheid in Afghanistan. Dit zijn geen Mariniers maar KLers
@hamza786h 13 лет назад
@moviieoner18) you give training to those poeple to protect western in afghanistan the real afghan real afghan are taliban and mujaheden ,who defend ther own country from you guys
@lillemakken 15 лет назад
I might be offensive towards many of you now but :P. The Norwegian army are actually the best trained, skilled army in the world. We are few, but skilled. Search it on youtube, Norwegian Special Forces, or Norwegian Army. Recruits from USA actually travel to Norway to get their training here. And the leaders who train us are Very short-tempered.
@henkdeveroveraar 15 лет назад
het afghan national army
@hamza786h 13 лет назад
@moviieoner18) you give training to those poeple to protect western in afghanistan the real afghan real afghan are taliban and mujaheden ,who defend ther own country from you guys(
@alkmaarishethardste 13 лет назад
@NomendeiNL jah man rotten.nl
@jenevertranen 14 лет назад
@muslimKurdistan: Seit 10 Mai 1940!!
@zosot 15 лет назад
maar taliban is tactisch beter ,als zelfde wapen hadden als de amerikanen was het nl leger en andere zo foetsie
@stevinatornl 14 лет назад
@afgqqq speak normal english
@BartBRH 15 лет назад
yeah you see, our coutnries make a great team! eventuall we are both "red, white and blue" ey? So is Britain who is helping and so is... well France, but theyre hopless.
@Timbobob123 8 лет назад
haha the netherlands, that is coffeshops, new kids and more immigrants than natives..
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