
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson’s Consultant: Dr. Jim Stoppani on Strength Science 

Escape Fitness
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@malcolmcampbell9360 2 года назад
Worked out most of my life Being introduced to Jim who I didn’t know about by you has introduced me back to the gym the last few weeks have been great I’m 72 Malc
@SH-yk4ft 3 года назад
Secret to growth: heavy intense training to failure and lots of good food. If you're not getting stronger lower the volume and eat more. That's it, forget all the other crap.
@thatoneguy6165 3 года назад
The sad part is that, though this is completely correct, the vast majority of people wont listen.
@adriansheldon2296 3 года назад
People think this is too simple they believe and buy into the hype
@mervjohnson2140 3 года назад
J H Um Just. Saw Your Post Was Good Information On. On Weight's Volume & Food
@mervjohnson2140 3 года назад
J H What About Monohydrate creatine or just. Creatine itself ??
@olderthanyoucali8512 3 года назад
J.H., Alright Mr. Weider, what about overweight trainers trying to put on more muscle while losing body fat? Your advice shows your a small world thinker, not everyone is just trying to put on muscle, there are many combinations of the three body types in males. And each requires different diets, offering generalized advice is going to take many people down the wrong path. Close to 60 years of weight training is how I know this. I wonder how long you've been working out. I'm 77 and have experienced it all from being a beginner in '61, to reaching my physical potential in my mid forties, and to training as a senior at my present age.
@jefferyboring4410 4 года назад
Recovery is when your muscle doesn’t hurt much any more and you’ve regained full movement and u can lift full weight again
@Buzz_Kill71 3 года назад
I disagree... recovery from a strenuous workout is the return to full strength, plus the additional adaptation. If the work was strong enough, the muscles should be better... hence the term "training". Consistent training over time should lead to a significantly stronger muscle or muscle group.
@davetaitt1528 3 года назад
You are correct about the training paradigm of the eighties. CrossFit was a big catalyst in changing people's perception of what is considered fit by introducing weight training to people who thought that anyone who lifted iron was a meat head. I was reading Dr. Hatfield in my highschool physics class in the eighties, and I very much kept my interest in bodybuilding and powerlifting in the closet back then. Triathletes were considered the gold standard. The problem now is that it's went to far because of social media. You don't have to be a powerlifter or do CrossFit, or subcribe to any of the bullshit being propagated in the fitness industry, to be fit. I knew a guy that was in his nineties that was fit as hell doing just manual labor. The foods we eat and the media at large are the culprit to bad health more than anything else. Separate the branding from truth.
@LisaMurphy 3 года назад
He's absolutely right, for older people working out with weights is even more important. When you go to the gym you really should be seeing it filled with grey haired old ladies, because this is their best defense against osteoporosis, which is a serious danger to women over 60. Weight training will stop it and add quality years to a woman's life.
@cristinacatu3307 2 года назад
This! Nothing beats weight training for bone density yet here we are, with doctors and chemists pushing calcium supplements left and right.
@creightonfreeman8059 5 лет назад
I have had the same complaint as Jim about the supplement industry's shift to "proprietary blends". If they can't tell me what's in it, I won't eat it or use it. How can you possibly make an intelligent decision what dosage to take if they won't even tell you what's in it? What's worse is you can't even tell if it will be helpful or harmful....and the information matters; as Mark Twain said , "Be careful about reading health books. You might die of a misprint."
@Rocket9944 5 лет назад
Intelligent decision? But you're a Hilary supporter!
@blisterbill8477 3 года назад
Proprietary blend : 95% sawdust
@fabiomerlin8820 5 лет назад
About the overtraining aspect: older lifters may have to consider that joint recovery may force them to rest ever when their muscles are already fresh for the next session. Unfortunately there's a different "recovery speed" between the two structures and that's why some bad injuries happen. It would be interesting to have Dr Stoppani's opinion on this issue. Very nice interview though. Regards.
@BeeBopGaming 3 года назад
I’m 37 with 3 sleep disorders including narcolepsy. Takes me some time to recover. I do 3 days weight and then 2 days of active reconvery or sometimes just try and sleep as much as I can that day. Suuucks but you have to get it done and know your body 💪😎
@br777666 3 года назад
Take dbol or deca
@edlop6954 3 года назад
Stoppani is full of shit !!!!!! AthleanX is the best exercises RU-vid advice. Viva Jeff Cavaliere !!
@castielvargastv7931 2 года назад
I am in my 40s nothing hurts and i can train just as heavy as in my younger years but i cant o it as often i train one day on one day off and if i feel like it after a heavy leg workout i take two days off or even three. I learned from dorian yates that less is more. Even as a young guy i never trained major bodyparts more than one time a week. If you really want to get big and strong you have to lift as heavy and as little as possible with strict form.
@ggrthemostgodless8713 2 года назад
@@castielvargastv7931 YES... me too, I am 55 and nothing hurts. Of course if I do 6x5 @405 I know enough NOT to try and do THAT again the next day, or even two days later; that is a PROGRAMMING issue not a physiological issue. If you hurt change your programming, not the exercises.... it still may be a technique issue, but not too often. Of course technique is a never ending quest. Same when I deadlift 500 pounds... I don't expect to do it the next session. Recovery is systemic, not specific. So considering the overall workload and accumulation, you can do your heavy, true 5x3 benchpress one day, and while that recovers you can do your true 5x5 squats the next day, etc etc, and still recover that chest meanwhile... I don't know why some people say they hurt but always blame the age!
@uberneanderthal 3 года назад
there's no reason to lift heavy unless you're specifically training to lift heavy, and even then it will only carryover to that specific lift. if you're training for muscle gain and fitness, 60-70% RM (approx. 10-20 reps) is plenty, any higher than that is just increasing injury risk for negligible benefit. the important thing is to train the muscles to exhaustion, within 1-2 reps to failure.
@stu3775 3 года назад
The important think is to break down muscle a little every work out, any way you can, light, heavy, high , rep low rep, reverse, etc come on man.
@matthaycock9215 3 года назад
The heavier you go the more testosterone and growth hormone. You're just another troll that is angry about not having any gains.
@uberneanderthal 3 года назад
@@matthaycock9215 is this satire or do you actually believe that nonsense?
@stu3775 3 года назад
@@matthaycock9215 There is some truth in that.
@vanguard4065 3 года назад
@@uberneanderthal training heavy like a powerlifter or weightlifter can be done at any age but it must be done carefully and not with abandon. when done so it is the ultimate muscle and strength builder.
@joesfreshfarm 3 года назад
Jim is a sincere athlete, trainer and inspiration. My understanding on training, supplementation and how to look at training as a lifestyle has been greatly shaped by him. Thanks Jim. God bless you.
@Yepppppppp533 5 лет назад
Yes sir! 👍💪 Jim is a very smart man and is very down to earth and loves to see people happy and learning.
@Yepppppppp533 3 года назад
@Belial 777 easy to talk shit about a product , yet you can’t provide me any proof behind you’re OPINION. He’s highly educated with a PHD and years of lifting.
@Yepppppppp533 3 года назад
@Belial 777 of course you’re allowed to have an opinion but what you’re saying is exactly just that because I don’t see you providing any facts to back up you’re opinion. So there for your just hating on a guy who is making millions, has thousands of people who have proven results, he gives back to people all the time such as going to GNC stores and giving away his supplements for free/ meeting fans/ new fans and loves to help people with proven science. Yet I do t see any other supplement company that has a PHD or giving out free supplements and responds to a lot of people for help. So instead of being a bitch hater that’s never met him maybe you should meet him first and ask him questions before giving out a disrespectful opinion .
@beemilker88 3 года назад
I got good with lifting because of the "shortcut to" series. Whenever I first joined a gym I started the "Shortcut to Strength" and it taught me alot. Thanks, Jim. Even if you don't like steroids.
@robertsaladino 3 года назад
He's forgetting the tendons, ligaments and joints on natural lifters in their 60's simply can't lift heavy. It's never a muscle problem, it's an age problem. Just life.
@stevenewer1 3 года назад
Bullshit... It depends on the person. Its no issue for me.....
@27pugsly 3 года назад
U lift heavy for your age
@mountzion4668 3 года назад
Robert your comment is ignorant.
@jerrycunningham1820 3 года назад
Actually older people can lift heavy. Volume has to be regulated for recovery. As well as sleep, and nutrition. I get TRT from the doctor that also helps. 55 strongest I have ever been.
@robertsaladino 3 года назад
@@jerrycunningham1820 I said natural. You're not.
@AntonioDe-Rossi007 3 года назад
Man Jim Stoppani is a legend, started training with one of his programmes and got massive real quick, felt amazing
@blablablabla8239 3 года назад
Yep you can clearly see on your avatar...🤡
@micdropfroggyface6466 2 года назад
The guy is skin and bones man…. I wouldn’t take advice from this guy big someone paid me. He’s the only guy in history to workout for 3 decades and not achieve one single gain lol. He looks horrible, has always looked horrible, and judging by his body he has almost no idea what he’s doing.
@justinwow3144 3 года назад
Some people don't get the difference between a wise man and a wise guy...
@richardcrocker8048 3 года назад
Heavy lifting for decades will result in cartilage in major joints wearing out and chronic pain even with light weights later in life ….
@dallasswafford148 3 года назад
BS. Super Heavy or heavy lifting with bad form will definitely cause bad joints and chronic pain but strength training with the proper form ridoes not harm joints and is the best thing you can do for the health of your spine. The problem is most people lift with awful form. I’d say 95%-99% of people do bench press wrong. (bench press is pretty useless anyways). Go to any globo gym and and even the biggest muscle heads in there go way to wide and arch their back arched to where it looks like a disc explosion is waiting to happen. Machines also suck and are hard on joints. Proper form and and doing movements that engage stabilizer muscle are one the best things you can do to have a healthy body. Even if lifting with proper form causes minor joint issues it far outweighs the side effects of not having strength training regimen.
@richardcrocker8048 3 года назад
@@dallasswafford148 Agree to a large degree … I’ve suffered the result of heavy lifting with too many exercises per muscle group per workout (volume) … as well as 5-7 day workouts per week. I started lifting in the 80’s when lifting heavy and often was the norm …. looking around the gym you would see spotters/assistance in both bar and dumbbell exercises as forced reps ( with minimal assistance ) were also the norm. I suffer from multiple joint pain. If I had to do it again, ….. less weight, less exercises/reps and 3 or 4 days only per week. When you’re young, and because cartilage has no nerve innervation (and thus you are not aware of any damage being done), “the sky is the limit”, “more is better” and the ego is prone to cloud your rationale. I’m just trying to caution people to think long term … of course when you’re young, “it’s not going to happen to ME”.
@dallasswafford148 3 года назад
@@richardcrocker8048 absolutely agree. Even calisthenics with bad form are hard on joints. I did pushups with bad form for years and my shoulders suffered as a result. I didn’t learn how to do push-ups with the right form until my mid-late 30s. I was in the military and they don’t show you the right way. Heavy with bad form on anything is awful.
@riddlescom 3 года назад
Why is Telly savalas interviewing Telly Savalas
@anshulpiperde2702 3 года назад
Mark strong i loved you in shazam!! Huge fan
@maz1702 3 года назад
Hah I see the resemblance
@chadr2604 3 года назад
I always wanted to open a gym for geriatric patients. A lot of their mobility issues could be helped with exercise. There is a placebo effect with medication and exercise I think it could be used to help them. Have a big old timer bodybuilder training them but he would need to be someone likeable that they trust. Have a doctor give them fake pills to take before exercise and tell them how good they are.
@MrKbuland 4 года назад
Great stuff on recovery. Just look at construction workers too. Immensely strong from doing strenuous work everyday in the sun. I believe physical work outdoors in sunlight makes you strong too. That should also be researched.
@BruceLee-xn3nn 3 года назад
And they have immune system of a cock roach.
@enriquevarela1902 3 года назад
@Tdjay79 2 года назад
100 Think your right, i myself is an old scaffold-worker and my god …did’nt need to train my arms and legs and back!! At the time😉💪💪✌️🍀
@davidkent5172 3 года назад
Much of what Stoppani espouses about recovery and overtraining is patently wrong. Adaptive capacity, aka, recovery debate is quite clear. Moreover, overtraining if training with the right intensity can occur within days not months. Seriously, if you want the best in training and diet look up Jerry Brainum. Hands down the best in the world.
@jasperlover200555 3 года назад
Absolutely correct
@constancerobinson1827 5 лет назад
Gotta love the doc I owe my gainz to him
@charleymichel6163 4 года назад
@charleymichel6163 4 года назад
@berbashoot 4 года назад
Great guests, I wish you went more in depth into training, nutrition and so on, so that we learn how to apply this man's knowledge and get results instead of focusing so much on his career and the business side. It's not everyday you get an exercise scientist PhD bodybuilder in front of you
@chrisgagnon2942 4 года назад
Very smart man. Thanks 🙏
@karlwashere123 3 года назад
This guy literally says I haven't done anything for 10 years except sell supplements.
@HardcoreNaturalFitness 5 лет назад
This guy really llive the moto Sharing is caring Really he luv to share knowledge
@dojanglesclimb 3 года назад
"The best thing for olddr people is training heavy - *cough* and massive doses of TRT *cough*"
@roncassudy2200 3 года назад
Can u say JUICE??cmon man!!
@thaddeuswagaba8042 3 года назад
WHATS THE REASON for an older person working out heAVY FOR. It doesnt make sense but only looking to get hurt
@dojanglesclimb 3 года назад
@@thaddeuswagaba8042 if you're "enhanced" I imagine it may be fine. I definitely wouldn't do it. Hell, I'm 30 and don't lift heavy anymore. Unless you're a pro athlete or something the risk/award ratio ain't worth it.
@moderatemexicanamericanpat4904 3 года назад
This guy is def a PED dealer
@tommycasidy3031 3 года назад
@@thaddeuswagaba8042 If the older person recently started training its obviously not good. But I'm 55 and been working out since I was 19 , in a case like mine its ok to go heavy. Heavy is also different for different people. For me benching 10 reps at 240 is heavy, for someone else that may be light weight. I think the thing that keeps you going in later years is weather you abused enhancement drugs in the past or stood natural. I'm as strong as I was when I was in my mid 20s, never got real strong, but also haven't done steroids, which damage tendons and joints over time. Either you abused your body when you were younger or you started training at an older age. Those are a couple of reasons why you aren't able to go heavy at an older age. It all depends on the tolerance your body has built up over time. I see guys who worked out in my gym in the 80s, they are amazed that I'm still in shape and working out. These same guys made fun of me for being natural and not making the big gains. Some of them are waking with cains, due to 600lb steroid induced squats and deadlifts. Keep it real, your older self will appreciate it. 😉👍
@rubenvargas3547 5 лет назад
Doc.. your awesome, thank you for all your RU-vid videos and supplements, I’ve learned so much. Stay grounded brother
@jerrysmith7166 3 года назад
Man's Man... Ive said things similar to this mindset for a long time now... truth
@TimLevi 3 года назад
A mans man is gay
@BigBadJerryRogers 3 года назад
I like the way he thinks. My workouts are 4 hours of lifting every day. I am not overtraining.
@chadr2604 3 года назад
The best thing for balance is weightlifting. My grandmother is 94 and she was using a walker when she was 90. They have her doing free weight exercises 3 times a week she calls it taking metal. She gets around without a walker she carries a cane with her but rarely uses it.
@topproff2558 3 года назад
What’s her max clean & press bra?
@chadr2604 3 года назад
@@topproff2558 I don't know exactly what they have her doing she lives in a different state. I know they have the light training bars it has ore to do with balance than anything. Geriatric people have balance problems it doesn't need to be heavy to improve their balance.
@zuckerrat8272 3 года назад
That’s really awesome. Watching what can happen to a persons body with age is truly sobering. Good to hear that she is turning things around.
@d2dar459 3 года назад
"Taking metal", Im borrowing that one from her 😁👍🏽🔥
@Icecold0505 3 года назад
Both The Rock and Dr. Dre are 100% natural. Jim Stoppani as well. No PEDs ever. Just protein powder and sleep.
@JahshuaGiveon 3 года назад
The rock is NOT natty. he had gyno when he shot walking tall, there are pictures on google.
@Icecold0505 3 года назад
@@JahshuaGiveon Yeah, that was obvious sarcasm.
@JahshuaGiveon 3 года назад
Ooohhhh lol i was bout to say ha
@joro18d93 3 года назад
Great point about the sprint calorie burning vs the long session Doc. Tony Little said the same thing when he advertised the Gazelle. Your calorie burning continues at a higher rate for up to 9 hours per Tony Little. I have experienced exactly what you are saying. I require more food throughout the day after an intense workout. Thx for clearing this up for people.
@tymyshoes103 3 года назад
It’s hard fathom that muscle science is still very new!
@xbookman6823 3 года назад
@Theo5555 3 года назад
Jim ( Mr HRT ) Stoppani love to sell you ... crap !
@amandasellers569 3 года назад
What crap do you use?
@richarddebono7092 3 года назад
Never been here before but can't wait to check out Jim's full body training & fasting video next. Thank you both.
@timproffit7861 3 года назад
Wow, what an amazing interview. You have definitely gained my respect.
@tc1203 3 года назад
Yes, you are right Dr. Stoppani.
@4himsanctified 3 года назад
Good stuff! Been serious about flipping a heavy equipment tire... different rates and intensity... warm up... explosive, etc. Trust me, I feel it. Listen to your body. This last week I had done 11 days of 100 situps each day. Friday I didnt feel it. Gave my self a rest and Saturday I was refreshed and banged out 130 plus my other routine. I listened to the whole, but should be split up into many parts. You'll get more viewers.
@Blinkoneeightyluke 3 года назад
Really enjoyed this chat. Big fan of Jim, his book The Encyclopaedia of Muscle and Strength is fantastic
@woodallsfitness 3 года назад
Great video! We think a lot alike and travel in similar circles!
@exploringwithdave5926 3 года назад
Where is all the information about nutrition? The website has nothing along those lines. ? It's in the UK by default. What about the US?
@andreitapalaga8901 4 года назад
Too many fucking *you knows*! IT s driving ME crazy.
@exploringwithdave5926 3 года назад
How do you feel about ipamorelin? I am 59. I lift weights and have some I was 49. Took a few years off along the way for injuries to elbow tendons and or for school. But back in the gym now again. So happy to be back at a gym. Really looking to develop my muscles again, but noticed just the last year getting that tissue paper skin and spots on my hands. It's scary to get old. But I combat it with lifting and trying to body build even at this age.
@yodathehutt1557 3 года назад
Hats off to ya, great work bro! I'm 36 and I'm really scared to get old, Thanks for being honest. I think it's awesome you still lift weights, My dad is 65 but his body has been broke down forever, I would always try to get him to work out he could have greatly benefitted from it. Wish he wasn't so stubborn 🤷‍♂️
@maddhatter1206 3 года назад
This dude sells the most criminally underdosed supplements for ridiculously high prices 🙄
@carlodangelo1 3 года назад
agreed, while he's doing roids
@mtmatt8958 3 года назад
roid juice? must be some new shit out
@1x1HealthyEnergybyAndrew 3 года назад
So true I have an old bottle and it was horrible
@waqidj 3 года назад
Yah? I had no clue
@maddhatter1206 3 года назад
@@waqidj check out Axe & Sledge or Hosstile, Blackstone labs.
@hazeltate6614 3 года назад
Lift heavy Intensity is key
@TimLevi 3 года назад
You're so beautiful!
@Letsgoo2025 2 года назад
@@TimLevi your so sad.
@lancesphillips5978 2 года назад
That's awesome rant Dave!! Love it but so true.. Like machine preacher.. Dudes do like 30 sets on there with rest time of 5 minutes..
@richardprice9730 3 года назад
23:00 in Sprinters burn out quick though ...It is possible because endurance built up muscle is a lot more efficient as at utilizing Glucose ! Fitness does not equate with fat loss or rather weight loss. As the body ages the vascular sytem becomes hardened and so cardio work is harder it is pyschologically harder ie running for 5-8 miles is tough running sprinting is hard but it is very short duration , there is a point where the vacsular sytem must be used consistently ie long distance runners are or usually have better cardio vascular health better use of oxygen and elinmation of CO2 better brain health better heart health etc , we need both endurance and HIT.
@eddy94f 5 лет назад
intelligent guy that knows his staff. he speaks slowly without making you stupid. i do not have the same idea of him about health but i have learnt so much from him in general. he practices his staff and this is more important that theorical studies.
@baqalfaham6621 5 лет назад
We need you on the joe rogan experience
@AdamScottfit 4 года назад
That would be next level!
@tkrohshi510 3 года назад
@@AdamScottfit veg u
@tkrohshi510 3 года назад
@@AdamScottfit cc
@tkrohshi510 3 года назад
@@AdamScottfit c o
@tkrohshi510 3 года назад
@@AdamScottfit cc
@helenachase78 3 года назад
He has a nice personality
@PL-tu7jg 3 года назад
Excellent content. 10/10. Many thanks 🙏.
@bobz4968 2 года назад
SF walking up and down hills everyday makes sense for muscles but the knees go eventually. (In his example, is the old lady stopping and visiting or shopping, or is she rushing to work to stand on her feet all day) Check back when this man is sixty-five. Everybody is different depending on stressors in life
@ggod4185 3 года назад
You forgot the mention his gear usage
@Heikkiman 3 года назад
It needs to be mentioned only to satisfy idiots like you so you can feel better about yourself. These are private matters and no one owes you anything, especially not a detailed description of drugs they are taking. Get juiced and stop crying.
@thewintersoldier8387 3 года назад
@@Heikkiman STFU try hard
@Heikkiman 3 года назад
@@thewintersoldier8387 get bent, I don’t get why people are always judging. If you guys are scared or don’t want to do it cause it is illegal lol then just live your life. The rest of us will make something out of the things we love. It is not needed to be jacked, but neither is bitching about it.
@vlada 3 года назад
@@Heikkiman that overreaction is quite common if you're on Halotestin. Cut dosage in half.
@_Sam62 3 года назад
@@Heikkiman No, it is necessary to be mentioned so that no false expectations are created.
@howy3333 3 года назад
Theyve disproved what youre saying about hit cardio. Less calories from fat burned for same total time spent exercising with steady state because of the neccessity to take breaks. This includes the metabolic effect
@-aussie- 3 года назад
Great guy ! Be extremely consistent over an extended period.
@jmclaughlin0229 3 года назад
Okay. You're missing the point between HIIT cardio and slow steady state. If you were to do JUST cardio. Yes HIIT is the way to go. But if you're doing weight training, that is already HIIT cardio. You should not combine HIIT cardio with strength training. It interferes with recovery. Slow steady state can speed recovery from weight training
@MDDeardorff 3 года назад
One of the side effects of anabolic steroids is hair loss
@mayorrodgers7446 3 года назад
Don’t have time or interest in watching the video. If this doctor is, indeed, same with the best thing for old people to do is to lift heavy and it is prove that while educated person can be wrong. I mean I’m not gonna say it it’s necessarily bad but just remember this. The heavier the weight the greater the chances of injury.
@chadr2604 3 года назад
She had bone density issues and was on deca-durabolin and bonevia for it. The exercise seems to stopped the bone density loss.
@thomasorchard 3 года назад
You know... you know... uh... you know... uh... uh... YOU KNOW
@jackmorrissey24 3 года назад
But....you know?
@michaelpeters364 3 года назад
Pre-exhaust sort of works... doing an isolation before the compound seems to strengthen the mind-muscle connection, more than actually exhausting the muscle.
@tetzel0587 3 года назад
Hey look, it's Lance Armstrong!
@PL-tu7jg 3 года назад
Shave lances hair off and you are spot on with that call! Good shout! 🤣
@constancerobinson1827 5 лет назад
Holy hell this interview was ridiculously bad ass and inspiring
@mikidron 2 года назад
I like this guy
@davewhite1368 5 месяцев назад
You know you know you know
@xalibas 2 года назад
Great interview, but has anyone believed that his content production is out of sheer altruism? As if it didn’t help build authority and lever up sales big time
@nikitaw1982 3 года назад
Those Chinese factory videos are very calming.
@BLUNTZnBEATZ97 3 года назад
its nice to hear him talk about fitness without Sounding like hes Juiced up 24hrs a day...
@jdram58 3 года назад
So for me it is back to my basement gym like when nI was a kid n nonly had110 pound aet of weights as that is all we had at the time 3 sets of 10 reps or 8 reps it worked for me at that time a much skinnier kid. doing all types of things in life. It was a starting place and with older brothers came other various types of training tips all my lifeand Ive done some Gym work and health club work truck driving you name it I think truck driving was the worst on my body pushing me into diabetes. I should have continued in warehouse work. As far as staying in shape goes. But I learned a lot been in all 50 states and canada and Germany interesting and sometimes boring life.
@TimLevi 3 года назад
Wtf are you talking about. Why are you writing your autobiography here like we fuckkng care. Talk about the video or shut your idiotic mouth
@edgonzalez186 3 года назад
Does this guy has a show about restaurants overhaul or chefs business?
@kttango9662 3 года назад
I circuit train with a small dose of powerlifting. Why? Because soo many men around here are dying young from heart attacks 😎😎😎😎
@ashburnconnecttv7860 2 года назад
His father is 74, he looks 74!!! LOL
@bpthegreatt 3 года назад
Uncle L , Dre, and the Rock .... are the natural
@27pugsly 3 года назад
He’s awesome very smart dude
@LarsRyeJeppesen 3 года назад
@philbogle9188 3 года назад
What he means is he couldn’t pin in front his daddy 🤣
@txbeachlife 4 года назад
We need “nursing CEU’s” or medical educational credit in weight training. And a more clear path for people who want to further their education in this industry.
@jeffreyrivera2755 3 года назад
He just really said you burn more calories and fat doing weight training, hit vs cardio or walking 😂
@murdaapolis612 3 года назад
You do
@TheRisto2 3 года назад
Weight training increases your metabolism for up to 24 hours. No other form of training does this. After aerobic training yor metabolism is normal within 2 hours. Also if you build more muscle you burn more energy every day. Even sleeping. Cardio makes you loose muscle. It's not simply effective to run around with a lot of excessive weight.
@jeffreyrivera2755 3 года назад
@@TheRisto2 that's the most moronic thing I've heard. Yes the more muscle i you carry the more your body will burn just by sitting down. But cardio is still the most effective to burn calories especially steady state cardio.
@jeffreyrivera2755 3 года назад
@@TheRisto2 my comment is about what burns more calories which is cardio. The more you burn the more of a deficit you'll be hence the more you'll burn fat and lose weight
@murdaapolis612 3 года назад
@@TheRisto2 correct
@valeyyrm 3 года назад
true when you get old you can lift 3 reps to the max
@stephiegetsit 3 года назад
Couldn't listen to this way to much "you know " in this video
@IERKRUGER 3 года назад
Now I can't stop hearing "you know" THANKS!
@darrenhawkins3014 3 года назад
I disagree with the example of an 80 year old, Id say an 80 year old doesn't need to be doing bench press, its an unnatural movement that wont help him with the strength required to carry out tasks in his everyday life. But I guess I'm not a Harved doctor of exercise science.
@jizzyjake6783 3 года назад
Wtf how is the bench press an unnatural movement or not beneficial to every day life?
@darrenhawkins3014 3 года назад
Explain when in nature you would lie on a bench and press a weight off your chest. Leg when pushing something bin real world situations you would be be using your quads ets. Big chests is a phenomenon of modern times, gladiators and warriors historically didn’t have big chests.
@jizzyjake6783 3 года назад
@@darrenhawkins3014 It's still a natural movement we just train it laying on a bench because it's convenient. The bench press strengthens more then just your chest. If you're pushing anything you're going to use your legs but you still have to brace your upper body and there's always instances where you may not be able to fully utilize your legs when pushing or pressing something. I imagine falls are pretty common in elderly people having a stronger upper body could help them prevent more serious injury if they are able to catch themselves or even slow down the force.
@darrenhawkins3014 3 года назад
Ye I hear you, I do bench. Was just stating my opinion.
@MikeOxlong12 3 года назад
@TimLevi 3 года назад
What sound does a duck make?
@76MUTiger 3 года назад
Dr. Stoppani, in the controlled study for creatine you mentioned, and the limits of taking it in isolation, that would be a limitation in that design. But as you know, the design was poor, but it was not a limitation of a controlled study. Because they COULD have had the subjects take creatine with carbs and protein, and holding those quantities/mixtures constant while changing only the timing of the consumption. I DO like your point that controlled studies often don't mimic real world situations. Thanks for bringing science into exercise and diet!
@engineeringman3281 5 лет назад
I want his laughing when I got a Message on my phone =D
@robertfussenegger9664 5 лет назад
Best in the business!!!
@engineeringman3281 5 лет назад
I Think u get his value when he takes time for his Arguments. His Short videos are weird
@haczabim 4 года назад
If he is the Rock's consultant, that would confirm the doctor is not natural. Which is ok
@idrawfunny 4 года назад
So by that logic a doctor who treats cancer patients must have also had cancer and survived it. If you have advanced degree's in human physiology and biochemistry you can absolutely advise someone using PED's and how to use them safely without first-hand experience. Remember that correlation is not causation.
@haczabim 4 года назад
@@idrawfunny ?
@joellombard8206 3 года назад
@@idrawfunny yeah if you read the entire comment he said "which is okay" at the end of it so that is not his "logic" at all you mouth breather.
@kyrluke 3 года назад
U know...
@stephiegetsit 3 года назад
Soooo fucking annoying "you know " definitely a glitch in the matrix
@TJDASHDASH 5 лет назад
Jim knows his stuff!
@eddy94f 5 лет назад
Tamer Jamil exactly
@yassinbah7333 4 года назад
6tnttt56t6 tree tea t6t yr tv uh tea t tip 6yes t b.c. 8BBC has yet again the 8 tree g growing viyvvtvvv vhf rtv8vti RV r8t ft. 8yrrfvvr vhf TV vhf CRT gear rv8tt8rv it tt9vfytgvgv ca 8vy GB b.c. v ft. 88vvtg7vvggtvgy8t7vgg8the it 7c7g7 tv g7f9777d788i iij i8iiiii8ii88i mini kii8i>8i88ik8iiii I'll I'll iiib hi 8i I'm in ill ki8i8ii I'll 888 I'm in ok I imo imo I I'm 8 hi 8i 8i I 8i ïiiiii imo imho8i888i hi i8iiiii8ii88i iikii>iii8 hi iii iou hi III imo kids ok i million I'm 8 imo I I'm iiiii ki iii 8i 8i i8iiiii8ii88i I I'm iiii8iii ki i8ikokk7uu ft. Gh LLP g8ffhggfutuhoooooo[oo utx duudddddddd ooodudddddddddddddkddddddddin dddddd ft. Ft. Ddd c.f dddddddddddddddddddduddudddddd dddddddddd fgd fgd dddddddddd ddddddddtdddddddddd
@yassinbah7333 4 года назад
Ddddddd dr. Ddddddd t.d dfid ft. Dd
@yassinbah7333 4 года назад
Ddddddddddddudddd dr. Drd
@yassinbah7333 4 года назад
@jeffogrady2065 3 года назад
4 to 5 % hahaha my ass!
@LIVITLUVIT 3 года назад
Bishop was "secret" bodybuilder
@gwendolyndarnley9648 5 лет назад
Why is there a girth on the shelf behind him?
@dinomiles7999 3 года назад
It's there so you could ask a dumb question . Lol
@tonyredemann2001 3 года назад
Funny, only watching 18 minutes into this and realizing many people who commented negatively clearly didn't actually watch the video lol. Also stop hating in the man for being on TRT🤣 Who cares. If you're over 40, T is getting low, you don't feel as great physically/mentally, then why not take TRT🤦 Y'all think he's on a "Massive" dose too🤣 You might wanna learn more about TRT. Hell go look at Greg doucette on 125 a week, focused on cardio mostly, and still in phenomenal shape. Much more than Jim. I've seen many older people lift heavy and even my coach has older clients who do it. They're just fine and have phenomenal blood work. Anyways, great video Jim. You're one of the few people I listen to in the fitness industry. He's not my top person, but I do agree with a great deal of what he says.
@LarsRyeJeppesen 3 года назад
2 words: Pink Dumbells
@John-mz4ql 3 года назад
You all may want to rethink this if you have a seriously screwed up back...do yourself a favor: do not lift heavy.
@brentclark11 3 года назад
You know, you know, you know, every other word WTF!?!?!
@jeffro86ap43 3 года назад
It’s Dave Batista in 10 years when not on gear
@raidertyrone3382 5 лет назад
Not everybody can afford a trainer
@homeremodeling4642 3 года назад
Had to fast forward kind of a waste of time.
@billsmith288 3 года назад
Mark the body.No 101
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