
East Africa Report - China Africa 

CNBC Africa
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It has been referred to as the last colonialist: hunting for oil and raw materials to feed its fast growing economy; online platforms are packed with discussions about whether it is good for Africa; but the jury is still out on Chinas growing presence on the African continent.



8 апр 2010




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@user-pj9wr1xu9i 8 лет назад
Everything is not free. No one can just expect everything at no expense because it is not sustainable. Chinese also started to develop at much sacrifice too. We used to sell resources, our market, our labor force at very low price at the beginning. But after that we learned how to develop our country. This situation lasted for periods time, even until today. No pains, no gains! HELP is not to send a man how to fish, but teach him how to fish. I hope African people can develop themselves well one day and all the world will be benefited from the booming.
@ziggyblazintafari4666 8 лет назад
+Isobel Mitton right
@dcyo 8 лет назад
+Isobel Mitton He meant develope your land.
@Geordany7788 10 лет назад
As an American I'm glad china is helping unlike the US, Europe
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@DrMMHMD, I have family there and I visit every year. What planet are you from?
@stephenjohnson6632 4 года назад
How many of the mayjor projects where given to local companys. And can anyone show me where the local common and poor people have benefited from these loans that china has given to these countries in Africans
@brokecreole 12 лет назад
is this report from South Africa?
@naomilelah9771 11 лет назад
brings me to tears. I pray and cry out for the prosperity for ALL OF AFRICA every single day. Only GOD can help Africa. She has been an exploited nation of abuse for centuries. May GOD remember her kindness as she has allow many nations to rape and rob her bare. As she has withstood genocide and greed. May GOD look at her again, and spread his love on her and cause her to live again.
@odingamubutu3187 7 лет назад
Clear message: "No black man on sight in this video"
@FlavoursofAfrica 11 лет назад
@SeanCothrine1 11 лет назад
I agree completely when you say teaching a man how to fish is what china claims to be be doing in africa.. But there is always a catch or compromise to any deal. Ofcourse this is not a favor it is a compromise.. china will take oil and resources and africa will get special assistance in return.. it sounds like a good deal to me? i just hope china's impact on africa will inspire africans to rise from the ashes and take what ever china teaches them about fishing and build a fish market.(metaphor)
@verjiggawich 12 лет назад
@72won10lost 11 лет назад
Africa should start with agriculture and education, that is the foundation of any further development. Train your own peasant, train your own engineers. Greeting from China.
@kosuekonnkiane5290 5 лет назад
That's good
@malarki5 12 лет назад
@BermudaEntrepreneur right on, Brother!
@wisnujamal3646 8 лет назад
where are the west? better not come anyway.. danger!! good to make propaganda.
@OurTube92 13 лет назад
@Afrocanuk 4 года назад
I hope China is not relying on the middle-east for crude oil as so many western countries.
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@DrMMHMD, obviously there are parts of China that are still hellholes (just like there are parts of every country that are still hellholes), but the progress they've made is nothing short of incredible. Maybe the number isn't as high as 800 million, but it's impressive enough that it warrants attention from countries in Africa. Give the rulers time and they'll get it. Everyone wants sweeping change, but that's not going to happen.
@mikeaman2008 10 лет назад
I say we take the Chinese at their word!...we listen first, then think, then act.
@shewika1 11 лет назад
This is worth watching than the dirty politics.
@NWOConspiracyGroup 12 лет назад
@BermudaEntrepreneur - I wont argue with that :)
@84tonikk 6 лет назад
BRICS-nations are cool. They help Africa!
@Phalilat 11 лет назад
Not just chinese proverb but its also a proverb in the yoruba language of Western nigeria.
@garyhilson7220 11 лет назад
Woooo Weeee!!!!! That Sister reporting the news is Fine as Frog Hair. I just meant my wife!!!!! I'm leaving the ATL/USA and going home to Africa!!!!!!!!
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@GhostOfAStranger1, I would say it's more accurate to state that China keeps business and politics/ideology separate. When African countries call on the Chinese to upgrade infrastructure, that's all the Chinese do; they don't make political demands left and right and refuse to begin the task until those demands are met. This is why African leaders find it easier to turn to China aid in addition to China being the prime example of a country that lifted itself out of its "Third World" status.
@khav99 11 лет назад
read between the lines
@judyabes6404 11 лет назад
She didn't speak to one AFRICAN for this news report. Wow
@zili8329 10 лет назад
At the bottom of society of people just play on youtube. real businessman have not rest time play this.
@MossitaBrenande 12 лет назад
We need to be able to trade between our African countries more easily.
@72won10lost 11 лет назад
I don't know what you are angry about. I mentioned nothing about inferior. I just thought modernized agriculture and industry could be a effective way to start accumulaion. 100 years ago China was in real trouble as you said, that is the truth. And today China has many problems and actually a poor country in many aspects. But education and modernization did help to turn things in China better. Maybe you have your own method other than this. Still hope you people all good. No war, no poor.
@inferno0020 11 лет назад
That is one possibility. I worry about the worst scenario: the Chinese workers and merchants stay in Africa for generations and control jobs and exploit economic resources; one day violent riots will drive Chinese them out. (it is what happened once in Southeast Asia)
@jzk2020 11 лет назад
I appreciate what you are saying. But don't get it twisted for 1 single second, China is there to profit ALL DAY LONG. They are not going to africa to help us, no, it's has its own personal agenda to profit from Africa. But that does not mean we can not work together to make it a win win for both parties!
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@DrMMHMD, 中国是很好的国家。 让他继续发展。 China has lifted upwards of 800 million people out of poverty. You can't argue with that kind of progress.
@sammyblacksteen 12 лет назад
damnnnn, ima jump on that train
@ChelskiBonjourino 14 лет назад
"China has one hand reaching out for friendship and the other behind its back holding slave chains". Sums up China's relationship towards Africa.
@soundbeans 13 лет назад
@goldenage They are already heavily involved in poaching. Ivory is another gold mine for them. Security at the international airport in Kenya regularly finds ivory being smuggled out to Asian countries.
@711DAS 11 лет назад
Give a man fish and he eats for a day(Western Aid). Teach a man how to fish and he eats for a lifetime(Chinese Investment). That would be a Chinese proverb too.....
@99bigox 11 лет назад
PRC's lucky # is 9. Any significant date or data related to PRC is 9. 30 years is small change, 60 years is big change, that's how we count using ancient Chinese calender. And its Five Element's qi is wood (east), Mao Zedong literally Mao water east. In 1919, the Chinese people suffered. In 1949, the Chinese people stood up. In 1979, the Chinese people becoming rich. In 2009, the Chinese people took off. In 2039, the Chinese people is peaceful and content. In 2069, world harmony.
@Zirious23 13 лет назад
I see this as good for Africa, the U.S. had many opportunities but china actually DOES what it says it's going to do.
@geppegep 12 лет назад
China, please come and take on Norway and make some good infrastructure and stuff, we are useless!
@munemu82 12 лет назад
hey xrey2000, can I put your comment in my website, I am so much a believer of that. I am African, living in the West., but I believe ppl need to be educated first before they can be democratic and free, if Western countries really want democracy in Africa, they should cancel all the debts and establish education centers in Africa, set strategic goals for the next 10-30 years, after 30 years then talk about damn democracy
@choikyo 13 лет назад
@lolumad82 so whats your suggestion? Stop trading with Chinese? and keep trading with EU/US and being politically restricted by them , or w/e? Developing countries needs to have money on education, infrastructure, food issue, tech improvement and etc. so instead of saying ppl are stupid, maybe you are smart to list the general solution for them? otherwise, how can you show your "kindness" and concerns? or your are just not happy about the fact they are doing trade with China. Plz answer politely
@goldenage 13 лет назад
im not very knowledgable with this situation, but one concern I have (asides from any human exploitation that could occur) is the exploitation of nature and wildlife of Africa. China has a huge black market economy. I could easily see China get heavily involved with poaching, deforestation, and other forms of animal exploitation. It would undermine the uphill battle that many environmentalists, scientist, and nature lovers are fighting so hard for. For example, Rhino Horns.
@kazehakai 11 лет назад
WTF are you talking about?? The US is only about 300 years old.
@AussieStandsWithRussia 12 лет назад
That women is FINE.
@callumreilly6569 10 лет назад
Stop talking about Greeks romans etc. not relevant. The canceling of the loans/debt is the big thing that can be taken from this video. Money earn can be used to improve rather than service debts and repay. USA having only 5% of the world population hasn't stopped it from dominating the world economy for over 70 years. Africa lacks educated people. within those 4.5% of europeans there are more educated than in the african portion of the world. Brazil, China and India have all "got educated", thus allowing them to compete with the educated west. Like Africa, Brazil has got an abundance of natural resources. Like Africa, Brazil has a large majority of black population. Unlike Africa, Brazil has educated black people and good governance. These strength of these two factors have partially hidden the fact that Brazils infrastructure is woeful
@callumreilly6569 10 лет назад
i not at one point said "graduates" i said educated. Can people be educated without going to university? As it happens I yesterday got back from South America. One of the places I went was Choco Colombia. It seems as though these days we can't write a simple comment about our perceptions or opinions without being asked for proof and conclusions. Is this an thesis or an essay? if you would like to read one of my essays on the topic of Brazil, or indeed read my references where I quote my statistics from let me know. Indeed, if you would like to read my dissertation that I have been writing about social protection, institutional racism and lack of access services and participation in Colombia and Brazil. let me know. I said Brazil has good governance. I didn't say representative. I was talking relatively. Compared to Germany or other federal or decentralized states it doesn't have good governance. again relatively speaking, Brazil has a population of around 200 million (Reference...my knowledge) and in 10 years the amount of black people educated at a university (not GRADUATES) but people who are attending university has got up 10 fold. It looks like I need to start using references to comment on youtube videos…in that case Im out. Yes your right, Kenya and Nigeria has more graduates per capita than Brazil I have no doubt but how many of those are actually educated in Nigera from 4 years old to 28 years old?
@tianamsh 10 лет назад
Wouldn't it be great is African abroad learned about how develop their countries and came home to apply it. instead of having some foreigners with coming their country to exploit them at a low cost. I'm suspicious of every foreign interest in Afrikah....because no one comes to Afrikah with her interest at hear
@42TALIYAH 12 лет назад
We are "god" so start building where you are!
@lmolovespapa 11 лет назад
They've already started
@geek1604 11 лет назад
there is no Chinese and African speak in this video
@bbrother081 11 лет назад
Well, in that case history has showed that Europe diseased and robbed Africa. They deliberately stopped Africa from trading with them, at the same time offering aid for natural resource. For example Somalia which is known for failed state was from 1969 till the civil war era 1991 a middle income country, trading with Asia. The 32 years strong relations with Russia and China helped Somalia prosper in that period. We all know what happened when the Europeans and Americans came to so call ''help''
@Mikelobi 11 лет назад
is that so?? how come people like alko dangote (25 billion usd) and over 50 african people are billonaires?? with 2 dollars a day lol.. thats the rubbish some donation company told you to rip you off?
@frankyflowers 5 лет назад
to bad Africa cant figure out how to dig holes without fighting and need china to help them.
@liemperess6965 11 лет назад
3. you say "i do not see a chinese bill gates eer appearignin africa" You mention Chinese bill gates to prove what? even though you use steve jobs it still can not prove anything.
@herrdirektor4607 11 лет назад
everything u see build in africa that wasnt destroyed it was build by europeans not chinese... i guess i never been to africa
@Johnnygyro 13 лет назад
China and Africa, only time will tell. The only thing that I can decide for certain from this video is that the anchor girl is way hot. Holla at a mzungu.
@frankyflowers 5 лет назад
china would need to control local law enforcement or nothing will work.
@Afrocanuk 4 года назад
Franky Flowers That's not necessary since China does not rely on western tactics.
@yihui514 12 лет назад
lol. we take your oils and coals, you get our money. good trade.
@femiog 11 лет назад
and what of the billions of oil ur compnay royal dutch shell exploits. how many billions do they make frorm refining and selling that oil . how about the billions cadbury makes from africas cocoa ????? oh and how much do they pay the cocoa farmer. pennies on the dollar.
@lulu19830606 12 лет назад
anyway, china is a opportunity for Africa, if you can use it very well, work more, African brothers .... from a chinese , in france.
@NWOConspiracyGroup 12 лет назад
@BermudaEntrepreneur - Do you know who the Chinese descend from??? LOL
@herrdirektor4607 11 лет назад
200.000... ahah thats a joke right, thats more then all grads that come out from uk every year... if theres 200 nigerian grads its too much
@BermudaEntrepreneur 12 лет назад
@ieodksnw787 LOL! That's ok! Call me crazy, but I don't believe in a "Kumbaya" society. I'm a Hardcore Pan-Africanist. Sorry!
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@DrMMHMD, I recommend you read the Time Magazine article "Five things the US can learn from China." If you honestly can't see a single major positive thing about China, there's nothing I'll say that'll convince you otherwise, because after all, no matter what China does, people like you only see the faulty side. I do have one word of advice though: don't jump to conclusions about my family. It's very childish.
@BermudaEntrepreneur 12 лет назад
@ieodksnw787 Ok, I've thought about what I said, and that mindset wasn't practical. However, I know that black people historically really have no friends. The only way to fix our problems is to adopt a European mindset and that is through global black supremacy. The same way that Europeans have done.
@stanleytan3353 11 лет назад
if china is doing what the Europe did to Africa it's war machine not trade or infrastructure building, they didn't do it during the early 14 century so did now, yes Africa need to do more given the odds put upon them but did the china gave you all a better deal then those from west, also one must walk before he can run so learn to walk then maybe in future you will fly.
@khav99 11 лет назад
you've got to kidding me
@moodscohen7262 11 лет назад
Africa little Chinatown?Land?
@hotmail2101 13 лет назад
@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy1 I don't see anything wrong in what China is doing 4 Africa. Take it from me, i'm malaysian. We hv a lot of chinese descendents in our country who have been living with us for centuries n much much so after world war 2. They make up bout 20% of our ethnicity. Look at what their entrepreneurial skill has done for our economy. We r near 2 be a developed country. Other races have 2 up their game in order 2 compete, which brings a healthier environment.
@rombooo868 10 лет назад
If you are smart, move your business in Africa or in Asia before the final or semi-final default of Western World.
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@DrMMHMD, oh you're one of THOSE kinds of people. No wonder it's pointless trying to get through to you.
@astroprotector 11 лет назад
@johnkingsley6999 11 лет назад
That lady, I want. damn!!!!
@ZhangtheGreat 13 лет назад
@DrMMHMD, like every country in the world, China is not without its major problems. But if you only see the glass as half empty, there's nothing I can do for you. I'm sorry you're so pessimistic.
@jumpingonglass 13 лет назад
don't pay attention to the white comments
@pagola 13 лет назад
@Monttai LMAO
@djfinex 13 лет назад
LOL, the Chinese don't have white liberal guilt ~ enjoy!
@minmachen 11 лет назад
The world was best advised once let tiger in china sleep or else
@lmlmlmz 8 лет назад
Asking for the white opinion?
@Coffee920 13 лет назад
Chinese came from Africa.
@hotmail2101 13 лет назад
@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy1 If u know chinese culture, it's not dominance they r after, it's prosperity. always hs bn 4 4000yrs.2nd class citizens?tat's social issue tat needs 2 b tackled by african gov n it's people. if african ppl r willing 2 step up and compete, the consequences r great. I fact, thr r utube videos showing nigerian ppl mvg 2 china 2 perform trade or supply bk 2 their country. Besides, foreign investments r always great. China got FDI from west, now it;s africa's turn 2 get frm asia
@njv1234 8 лет назад
why are there so many white people in the comments section upset about this? Why do you care?
@decontaminate01 11 лет назад
omg so much stupidity hahahaha
@madscientistify 13 лет назад
@jemal99 it daznt matter, that was a very stupid statement u made
@somsatxayalat 9 лет назад
China was forbident to convert foreign people to its religion, and carry gun for protection when go oversea, they went over for trade only. but still depend on its host country for protection.
@ferdinandmillendez5875 9 лет назад
I don't understand why Chinese gov. Helping Africa ,why not help their own country men first.there's a lot of Chinese people who are poor especially.people from the mountains.are they up to something?
@dancemql 9 лет назад
Ferdinand Millendez They are NOT helping .. They are doing Business ...
@kokostillwell4034 9 лет назад
Ferdinand Millendez Have you ever been to China? I have and it was very nice to see people in the country side looking healthy, the children were well clothed; wearing shoes going to school, the area was clean.
@lmlmlmz 8 лет назад
Tell that to euro. haha. tell them to help greece.
@nyashuu 13 лет назад
hahahaha,west u failed us but dnt worry,china is an option with no strings attached.good deals with china!
@liemperess6965 11 лет назад
1.u say" now usa not depend on any african oil source,.china more interested in mongolia ,." 50% true.The reason why U.S not depend on afrtcan oil source because they already boomed lots of Iraqi people then got dirty-cheap and mass oil. 2. u say"seems the chinese liek killing elephants in africa," 1000000% sure you've never been to China, because most Chinese people buy gold for future investment, not Ivory,it is easy to make fake Ivory in China, Ivory doesn't have market in China
@RegulusFosso 10 лет назад
I'm supprised that africa sees china as his saviour, why not first look at thier interntion and interest. I've been watching China settling in Africa for a decade, unfortunately, I'm not supprised that their development in Africa is to build railways from mining site to the harbors. Once they've exploited all Africa's natural resources, they will leave the continent and the railways left behind will be useless. African leaders should make policies that requires foreign investors to build industries and infrastructures to develop, manufacture and industrialise the resources explored in the continent and export them as consumer goods and not raw!
@cbuz06 10 лет назад
exactly all these roads and railways and apartments are mostly for their own benefits. I just came from another video that said the Chinese were building apartments in Angola that were too pricey for the people in that certain area and first thing I thought was those apartments are probably for them. the hundreds of workers the Chinese are bringing in gotta sleep somewhere. And even in my old neighborhood in Kenya its apparently now overrun by Chinese. I keep trying to be optimistic that maybe for once Africans will take the hint and not let themselves be exploited but too many politicians and governments are blinded by money and false aid
@RegulusFosso 10 лет назад
I believe and it's vital that we, African should have an institution in place to control how and to manage the extend of foreign investment in Africa. That these investments must be valuable and contribute to the present and future development of Africa, taking into consideration the future generation of the continent to benefit from these current investment at least at that they will be able to benefit directly from the raw resources. It's a petty that Africa is targeted as soil for exploiting raw resources which is later sold back to us. African must impose that these resource be industrialized and developed in the continent...
@arra2193 10 лет назад
cbuz06 your wrong that video was created in 2012. now 80% of thos apartments are filled with africans. but i can understand why you wouldnt want our countries to succeed.
@Bombfun 6 лет назад
Every work should be done step by step. Now, some of countries in Africa are industrialize and a large chunk of soil in Africa is growing grain and food with huge machine. China is not only take the raw material away. China is transferring technology to Africa. It takes time. China introduced capital and skill from Hong Kong 30 years ago and Chinese also took time to learn and develop herself. Africa now step on China's past step.
@abrihamabe7361 6 лет назад
Regulus Fosso :At least the Chinese haven't killed a single African yet, or cutting off hands like king Leopold of Belgium did in the Congo.
@Drebln893 9 лет назад
Africans are very simple people.
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