
easy runs TOO EASY? Is that really a thing? 🤯 

Kori Runs
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25 окт 2024




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@EnigmaExplorersOriginal 2 года назад
I run based on feel. Basically, my goal is to feel good when running. So, if I had a hard day, then I would prefer to run easy. On the contrary, if I am feeling the best, then I would train and run a bit harder than usual. Happy running and have a wonderful day.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Thanks, Saif! That sounds like a pretty good approach!
@mikea6710 Год назад
Guelph guy is my philosophy.. when i first started to seriously look at 'the easy pace' running: essentially sticking to my zone 2, below 132bpm, it was so hard to run slow cause my form was off and i felt my it bands more than ever before... After a couple of weeks into it (sprinkled in some weight training in too) i guess my heart rate adjusted for the better, running at just below my 132bpm i can open my legs a little bit more resembling my version of correct form My approach, is to never break the sub132bpm rule for these runs (although very tempting to), and diarise that average net avg speed of the run... Watch that net avg speed/average lap pace go smaller and smaller.. Im new to this, but it is kinda exciting to see my old medium effort run speed becoming the new easy.. also great that you can kinda chill on these runs
@OldMonkeyFood 2 года назад
I use the conversational pace (even when I'm alone). I try to talk for a bit, and then slow down a tiny bit from there. Mentally, I tend to want to run a tad bit faster than I should (I think we're all a bit guilty of this) so I try to keep it a bit under conversational pace. What's worked for me has also been to hide all my stats on Strava. I found that not "caring" as much about the metrics towards other people, enables me to be more comfortable running slower, rather than the temptation of trying to flex that my easy pace is much faster than it actually is. Awesome video, once again. Have a good one Kori!
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
OMG, totally agree on Strava. This is literally the reason that I don't use it (or more accurately, I use it but intentionally don't have any followers). I previously found myself not running as slow as I should because I was self conscious, which is totally crazy!
@teetertotter5787 2 года назад
It's Guelph, with a G. :) Hard G as in "go". I've been thinking about the line between easy and too easy too lately. I want the right level of stimulus to get stronger. I'm using heart rate/feel, but I get cardiac drift so sometimes have to ignore the watch and go by feel/perceived effort so I am not going "too easy."
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Yeah, not sure why I went with the Q sound 🤣. Yeah, I used to struggle with going too fast on easy runs. Guess I have to find the sweet spot.
@tawfeeqismail9279 2 года назад
Cardiac drift is normal. I usually overcome it by ensuring I start off at around 5bpm lower than my target. That way I can still hit my target average HR for the run.
@AlisonWilliamsMorris 2 года назад
I like to go by feel and occasionally look at my hr but I agree that when the form goes… it’s too slow! Great topic!!
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Thanks, Alison!
@jwuertz7101 2 года назад
I'm not a fast runner and I keep trying to be slow and just find myself at my normal jogging pace. My 'easy' days are walks.
@johnellis2992 2 года назад
I base all my runs on heart rate. For me, heart rate indicates over all fitness plus it also reflects other elements like lack of sleep or getting over the flu, etc. An easy / recovery run would be 130 bpm whereas my race rate would be 150ish bpm . No second guessing.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Keeping a HR of 150 during a race is pretty impressive! I run by feel but occasionally check my watch. I've gotten pretty good at sensing where my heart is.
@mikeleonard8684 2 года назад
I stay with Hansons method - 1 to 2 minutes slower than MP. Warmups and cooldowns on the slow end of that range, and "more advanced runners," generally on the 1 minute end of that range for all other easy runs.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
I used to do MAF and the approach is so incredibly different. I'm going to do some experimenting!
@therunophil 2 года назад
For recovery runs I will go very slow by feel (which usually results in HR zone 2), for base building I'm going by heart rate (zone 2, below 70% max HR) but I'm rather guilty of sometimes going a bit too fast than going too slow.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
It's soooo easy to go too fast. Especially when you feel good!
@q4short 2 года назад
Lol at the quelph. Not a runner myself but it sounds so technical. I’d imagine every one is different and one persons recipe for success isn’t the same for another. If you’re enjoying yourself overall, that’s what matters
@tawfeeqismail9279 2 года назад
My easy runs will usually be around 130bpm (or maybe slightly under), which is the high end of zone 2. I also run on feel and see what HR I'm at. If I see it's into the 130's, I generally tend to slow down unless it's at the end of my run.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
That sounds pretty reasonable to me. I think after a while you're really able to "feel out" your HR zones.
@adamsoft7831 2 года назад
I use heart rate, and how I'm recovering. I race very close to my HR Max (180-183, highest measured 194, 33yr old), then my easy runs I aim to be in the low 140s, but I creep close to 150 when I'm feeling good. I see the point of easy runs as fatigue management, so I go as fast as I can while having my legs feel better or the same as the day before. Also I just ignore Garmin for zones, I am easily conversational even almost into zone 4, so the defaults there just don't seem very good. At least if I'm in zone 4 I know it's definitely not an easy run even if I'm feeling good that day.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Yeah, I've definitely heard it said that if you're finishing a run not feeling better then before you started, you're not running easy.
@Shevock 2 года назад
I do zone 2 mostly. But there's no such thing as too easy. A slow jog that stays in zone one is good for your health and longevity. But to keep my zone 2 pace from being too slow I modify Garmin zones with a recent 5 or 10k races recorded highest HR (e.g, right now is 296, which was recorded using a HR strap at the Black Moshannon 10k in May). I used these modified zones for my marathon training and of course never got near my max. I'm 47 so MAF and other formulas don't work for me.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Great point about zone 1. You're certainly not hurting yourself and yeah, I'll take whatever longevity I can get 🤣
@tawfeeqismail9279 2 года назад
Don't you mean your highest HR is 196 and not 296? 😅
@runningwithaj 2 года назад
I have 2 "easy" paces. My first one, is RG which I run at for 3 out of my 7 runs a week. It's recovery so it's sloooooooowwww. For me that's about 5;30-5:40 per km. Sometimes it can drift to 6:00 per km. I then have EP which is a little quicker, 5:00-5:20 per km. It's still conversational but the focus is definitely on building endurance.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
I think that's what I'm going to focus on post marathon. I think I've been lumping easy runs together with recovery runs when they're actually different things.
@Mdgfievf 2 года назад
My base runs are off HR. Though I’m lucky to have done VO2 max testing and lactate testing so I know that my T2 Zone (2mmol lactate) is upwards of 155hr which is probably far above many others. If I were to run at 120-130hr it would be far far too slow for me personally.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Yeah, the only reasons I'm able to keep my heart rate so low is I did Maffetone training a while back. Changed how I looked at my easy runs.
@ABucc 2 года назад
You can run as slow as you want and still get fitness out of it, as its it's the time on your feet that get you used to the long miles, that's why your speed workouts are for your VO2 max. No run is too slow, and don't forget, you can even walk to get fit for a marathon, you just have to do a lot more of it.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
It's true, we don't give walkers enough credit. I personally have known people that have drastically improved their health and fitness by walking multiple miles a day.
@RunnerWil 2 года назад
Honestly my pace gets jacked because I always run my comfortable pace thats usually faster than my watch wants me to run so what I do is stop and walk a little every now and then because for some reason it's the only way I can slow my pace. It actually does not feel good running slower than my body likes to run.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Yeah, it took me a while to get used to running slowerl. Now it might be too easy 🤣
@RunnerWil 2 года назад
@@KoriRuns my watch tells me to then it says I'm unproductive 🤣
@DarrenDayo0903 Год назад
Honestly easy runs for me tend to be with a HR of between 130-135 so I keep it within that (all based off a bunch of previous easy runs)
@seikodude 2 года назад
According to Vdot my easy pace is between 10:39 to 11:41 since running London. For me it's hard to stay in that zone. I'm usually running faster like 10:00 to 10:30. I can still hold a conversation so I guess I'm good. My heart rate as this pace is around 133, in the blue zone with a hint of green on the Garmin.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
That's really impressive. The speed work is definitely paying off!
@seikodude 2 года назад
Thanks @@KoriRuns I shocked myself 😆
@longdistancerunner 2 года назад
I've heard that you don't get more benefits from running an easy run (long runs included) at a higher pace than running it slower. As long as your running form is ok. The benefits from easy running come from a function of time, not speed.
@KoriRuns Год назад
I've definitely heard the same thing before!
@jason.rams4 2 года назад
I feel as if I am stuck between too slow and too fast. If I run what seems to be easy my heart rate is around 145 to 150 but if I run any slower, to keep my heart rate and zone t or even lower zone 3, I'll either be shuffling or power walking. Kind of stuck lol
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
I did Maffetone method a while back and I struggled with that. Eventually I was able to figure how to run while keeping my HR low but it took some time to figure out.
@TheOldUltraRunner 2 года назад
I hope not, I count even a lot of walking as "training" these days. However, I am getting older and slower anyway. 😂
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
Nothing wrong with walking! Thanks, Jay!
@lukemaier182 2 года назад
Wrestled with this question, especially going through the training block I'm in. My long runs during this six week period are 22, 24, 27, 31, 34, 37 kms, then my tapper. Just finished 24 yesterday. I want to be smart with these distances, especially to avoid injury. I don't have a watch ⌚. I don't have a heart rate monitor. Just an app that gives me info from my phone. I hear the conversation stipulation all the time. I also personally believe ever foot you put in front of the other is a victory, regardless of the speed. From really good marathon coaches that I've heard talk about this issue, know the pace you want to run for the race that you are training for at this moment. Add a minute to a minute and a half to that pace. If you need to go slower than that, take it down. But don't take it so far down that the body is not ready for the pace that you actually want to run for race day. Because the goal is how am I effective in my training for RACE DAY. Not how perfect is my training. Your easy runs should be predicated on an honest assessment of what you can do, establish a pace you want to achieve on race day, and add about a minute to a minute and a half for you long run pacing. If that is too hard, if you are exerting too much and having a hard time breathing, can barely talk, reexamine what you are honestly capable of performing on a race day and adjust your training. My realization in these runs is that discipline comes into play in staying in that sweet spot, especially when I feel that frisky feeling you've mentioned before. I'm feeling good, I can push, what's a little faster pace going to hurt. Even in the long run, at a slower than race pace, the pain is going to come. The discipline when we feel good, is the guide to help buckle us into the pain and discomfort to push us through at the end. And when you look down and you see a consistent split, or negative if we're fortunate, it's because we held our discipline during the good times to help us ride through the bad ones. This is as for me too as anything. Ran my 22km run at 6:30 per/km, ran my 24km run yesterday at 6:16 per/km. Didn't show enough discipline. Long runs don't need to be slow slogs. That is as unproductive as only running 15 or 30 seconds slower than your race pace, that's just a glorified tempo run. There has to be that balance of being consistent and efficient with putting out a good effort to get you prepared for Race Day.
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
I kind of like the idea of just adding time to goal pace. Might experiment with that after this next marathon!
@justanoldfashionedrunner605 2 года назад
I know i am running too easy many times.......too easy for what?....too easy to improve my racing times....... I know i am running too easy several times per week.....too easy for what?........too easy to beat up my body... at age 68 , after 48 years of running i am on pace for a lifetimes maximum total distance for the year getting around 3500 miles........maybe not too easy after all? no run is too easy for longevity no run is too easy for joy and happiness no run is too easy for keep on running injury free for decades no run is too easy for old fashioned runners like me
@justanoldfashionedrunner605 2 года назад
nothing older than yesterdays news question of the day: why is the heart rate taken as the single most important measured data by runners the heart muscle is unique and different from all other muscles. You cannot train it. The heart has its own independent conduction system, where we also have no influence. When we train for a marathon, a major aspect is to run efficient. Part of that leads to less oxygen use and caused by less use less heart action. ...and then we punish ourselves by saying we must run faster, because the heart is not beating fast enough. I don`t need to be a brain surgeon to know, that the whole idea is humbug
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
I think that's probably the healthiest way of looking at it!
@PeteS_1994 Год назад
If walking is exercise then i feel like there is no such thing as too easy
@justanoldfashionedrunner605 2 года назад
nothing older than yesterdays news question of the day: why is the heart rate taken as the single most important measured data by runners the heart muscle is unique and different from all other muscles. You cannot train it. The heart has its own independent conduction system, where we also have no influence. When we train for a marathon, a major aspect is to run efficient. Part of that leads to less oxygen use and caused by less use less heart action. ...and then we punish ourselves by saying we must run faster, because the heart is not beating fast enough. I don`t need to be a brain surgeon to know, that the whole idea is humbug
@KoriRuns 2 года назад
You may be right but I think the heart rate is by far the easiest way to know how hard your body is working (certainly more reliable than perceived exertion). I pretty much never look at my HR except when I'm running easy.
@justanoldfashionedrunner605 2 года назад
@@KoriRuns well, if you want an easy way to find out how hard your body is working, just learn how to breath through the nose while running. It might take a while, but besides all the advantages you get from nose breathing, you just listen to your breathing and know how much your body is working........ and yes i agree, the only reason for the industry to make the heart rate the king of the hill is, because it is easy and sounds important, because it is our heart.......but in reality it all starts with the breathing and everything else follows that lead
@RunSmarterwithBrodieSharpe Год назад
Hey Kori, great video! I sent you a message on Instagram a few days ago which is probably hidden in your 'requests' folder. I didn't really know how else to contact you. Looking forward to connecting :)
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