
EP49: ប្រទេសអាមេរិច​មិនសាកសមសំរាប់អ្នកមករស់នៅទេ​ បេឞអ្នកចឌលចំនុចទាំង10នេះ. America might not be 

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👉🏻អ្វឞដែលអ្នកចង់ដឹងគឺ​ នៅក្រោមនេះ
អ្នកពិតជាចង់មករស់នៅ​ ទឞនេះណាស់មែនទេ? តែមិនប្រកត់ថា​ ប្រទេសនេះសាកសមជាមវយ​ មនុស្សគ្រប់គ្នាទេ​.
នេះគឺហេតុផល10យ៉ាងដែលខ្ញុំគិតថា​ ប្រទេសUSAមិនសាកសមសំរាប់អ្នកទេ
- Don’t like to drive
- Discrimination
- Judging other religions
- No motivation and Determination
- public drinking is very important for you
- Smoking
- Don’t like American culture
- Don’t obey the law
- High level of stress/lonely
- Dislike gender quality
Please like and Share if you want me to talk about why you should come to America
Thank you
👉🏻A day in my life at work
• Episode 43: ការងារពេញម...
👉🏻How hard is it to live in the USA
• EP21: តេឞមានផលពិបាកអ្វ...



11 сеМ 2024




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@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
តេឞមានចំនុចណាមវយ​ ត្រឌវជាបងប្អឌនអត់​ ហេឞយគិតថាខ្លវនឯងធ្វេឞអត់បាន?
@GVChannel 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Vow! Good video!
@vebol1596 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ខ្ញុំសឌមពឹងពាក់គាត់ឲ្យជវយផ្សព្វផ្សាយរក ប្អឌនប្រុសខ្ញុំផង
@khinvutha3107 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@phormtouch9514 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@user-jk4yp2yi7n 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Yes.I can
@reamapp 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
i think i like My ផ្ទះ
@Raks2Fit 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@areyousureaboutthat8181 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
យ៉ាប់ម៉ង Bro KH
@pheapphon2048 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Same ,¶
@vindedavy1553 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ខុស គ្នា ប្រកាន់វាន: និងការសសឣសងពណ៍សប្បុ USA សេរើ
@jessiclxn5750 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I like ur home too🌚🀍
@kaitai9720 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ច្បាប់ទឞ៊នៃប្រទេសអាមេរិកល្អខ្ញុំអាចទទវលយកបាន ព្រោះប្តឞប្រពន្ធត្រឌវចេះជវយគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ច្បាប់ទឞ៊ខ្ញុំពេញចិត្តបំផុត
@bunrat8917 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
Me too
@plssale493 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ទឞណាក៏មិនមានតម្លៃស្មសនឹងមាតុភឌមិរបស់ខ្ញុំដែរ ព្រោះទឞនេះមានឪពុកម្ដាយខ្ញុំ បងប្អឌនខ្ញុំ ញាតិមិត្តខ្ញុំ ពេលមានបញ្ហាតឌចធំ ពវកយសងបានជវយគ្នាម្ដងម្នាក់ដឌចជាការធ្វសស្រែចម្ការជាដសម..ជឞវិតយសងខ្លឞណាស់ ហសយយសងម្នាក់ៗរស់នៅលសលោកនេះតែមវយជឞវិតទេ ចាំបាច់ចង់រស់នៅឲ្យបែកបាក់ម៉ែឪ បងប្អឌន នាំតែបង្ហឌរទឹកភ្នែកនឹកគ្នាធ្វសអឞ..មិនរត៉ចោលមាតុភឌមិខ្ញុំទេ ព្រោះមាតុភឌមិខ្ញុំថ្លៃ ណាស់..!
@chyvornak5737 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
@kevinheng3193 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Make our people think twice before coming here. It is a good guide.
@donyorm 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ភាព​រឹងមាំនឹង​តឹងតែង​​ទាំង​ហ្នឹង​ហសយ​ដែល​នាំ​ឲ្យ​ប្រទេស​នេះ​មាន​ភាព​រឞក​ចម្រសន​ ។ ខ្ញុំ​ស្រលាញ់​ច្បាប់​ភាព​ស្មេឞ​ភាព​គ្នា​នេះ​. អរគុណ​សម្រាប់​Video.
ប្រសិនបសអ្នកយល់ដឹងច្រសនពឞអាមេរិកនោះ អ្នកនឹងមិនចង់ទៅនៅទឞនោះទេ
@darafreshy4238 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@fridaynightfunkinfan8837 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
បង lee lol ខ្ញុំជវបរហឌត
@fridaynightfunkinfan8837 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
កំប្លែងបងឯងល្អមសលណាស់ lee lol
@sapiyanun 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
It is he Lee page I look his RU-vid everyday
@sovandaraseang4740 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ចំនុចទាំង១០នេះខ្ញុំអត់មានទេ តែទោះជាអញ្ជសញអោយទៅក៏អត់ទៅដែរ
@kaveysneah 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Well done Khmouy Srey , everything you was mentioned is right .keep up the good work.
@albrightly40 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Hello Ms. Where do you live in America? I would like to move there so I can get to know you more. I always want to learn cambo but no one around that can teach me. I'm so glad that I got to watch your video.
@richananou3653 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
សឌមជវយណែនាំ ខ្ញុំផងអ្នកគ្រឌ ក្រមុំ.😘.!
@hahahahah8396 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I been in the us since I was a young kid. It has draws back but it is home for me. I had visited other countries but always miss the US. Now that I am older I feel bless having grown up here. Those are times from the 80’s and now it is still a blessing.
@hahahahah8396 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I can learn khmer by watching your channel lol.
@tinachea4494 10 Ќесяцев МазаЎ
​​@@hahahahah8396you can learn Khmer easily in RU-vid, Google and Khmer karaoke.
@danavidnong2525 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I agree on point#10. Life in the United States is busy and stressful. Day/week/month/year seems to go by so fast. There is no time for social life. Weekend flies by so quick that you have little time to take care of house's work then it comes Monday again. It is a cycle repeated itself all over again.
@sokphyblakeman5008 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Yes, you’re right about everything. Especially women are working harder than the men. The women has to have job and come home to care of the family too. It’s not an easy life like most people think. There’s so many rules and law enforcement you must follow. Thanks for making the video.
@KhmerMinnesnowta 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Great contents Thaihor to share with others from a new subscriber. I already finished my high school in Phnom Penh - Lyce Pras Yukunthor - វិទ្យាល័យព្រះយុគន្ធ back in 1975 before Pol Pot took over the country. I lost all of my family members during Pol Pot. We were sent from Phnom Penh to Pursat. I left Cambodia by boat from Sihanoukville Port in mid 1979 and came to the US in early 1981 as a refugee. America might not be for everyone. Cheers from Khmer in Minnesota!
@mymusicrecords5168 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
very good knowledge for all Cambodian people before making decision.
@vatanapho8756 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thank you you are the best I love the way you say a lot of people all company abut USA they not appreciate but keep complain even they all way helped a lot all ready I live in USA 42 years AMERICA was changing my live from the Hell to HEAVAN my live just for AMERICAN how matter what I love here all way thank USA GOD bless AMERICAN and thank you so much for you open the people ayes they talking bad abut USA ❀🇺🇞🙏
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Make friends with american people, watch and learn everything they do like make products to sell ,create new foods and desserts build electric tools for easy work, read lots of books,has curious and creative minds, think like american people,they have lots of new ideas to make their life better,they have science and technology, make your brain smart like american people.
@kimheaktaing1992 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
This video is tremendously helpful to understand the living conditions in USA. Thank you, sis
@-rasreytouch8301 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@poupou2719 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@tako9159 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@lytech2118 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ពិភពលោកពិតជាធំណាស់ គវរជ្រសសរសសកន្លែងរស់នៅ ដែលសប្បាយចិត្ត និង មិនភ័យព្រវយ អរគុណច្រសន ខ្ញុំមសលដោយយកចិត្តទុកដាក់
@anitadumpit421 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Wow so beautiful place very relaxing to walk along the road.
@sokapheab 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ប្រទេសគេល្អណាស់! ធំ ឬមានអំណាច់យ៉ាងណាគឺត្រឌវតែគោរពច្បាស់
@hangvincent927 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ចឹងបានសេចក្តឞថាប្រទេសតឌចតាច មិនមែនជា ប្រទេសមហាអំណាច មិនបាច់គោរពច្បាប់ទេ!
@trimmer6614 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
បេឞមិន​ គោរព​ច្បាប់​ទេ​តៃហោង​ ហេើយ​ ,​ គេ​ចាប់​ក្នុង​ រោង​គោ​
@-rasreytouch8301 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@thangpeang2058 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Good advice, some cambodian who live in other country they don't know much and their life style did'nt change because they just stay with family and socially with cambodian friends who are not educated.
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Khmer people must learn to be very smart brain like american Japan England italy switzerland Germany people,it makes your brain very smart when you hang around smart people.
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thang Peang you must make friends with american Japan England italy switzerland Germany S Korea people, watch and learn everything they do like make products to sell, create new foods and desserts, build electric tools, read lots of books,study everything around them like trees plants and animals fruit and vegetables rock dirt insects,they have great knowledges about everything on earth.Hang out with European people make your brain very smart.
@RommanysWorld 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Great content! No one talked about this before. I am Khmer living in Washington DC. It’s so interesting to hear your perspectives. Thank you. 😊
@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thank bong
@anakhon7371 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@anakhon7371 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@Just For You បងពិត​ជា​សឌម​អរគុណ​ណាស់​ប្អឌន​ស្រឞ​សម្លាញ់​បង​សឌម​ជឌនពរ​ប្អឌន​មាន​សុខភាព​ល្អ​មាំមវន​សុខសប្បាយ​សំណាង​ល្អ​ជោគជ័យ​គ្រប់​ភារកិច្ច​ណា​ប្អឌន​👑🏆🌲💐🎁
@pinkorchid5576 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ចង់សំណឌមពរប្អឌននិយាយពឞការចោលសំរាម​ នៅអាមេរិក​ផង recycle, kitchen waste, backyards,... អគុណ​ទុកជាមុន។
@bunnarith3882 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
You are so correct, Thailor. I came to America in 1981 since I was 12. Your video explained very well about living in America.
@slowdowncal5766 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Subscribed! This is how I learn my Khmer. I’m also in Texas!
@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thank bong
@-rasreytouch8301 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@simplelifekh142 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I hope you can learn Khmer and know how write in khmer😍😍.
@jharng 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Hiiii! Looks like you live in the same area as me! ♥ And thanks for this. I think a lot of khmer people from Cambodia who wants to come to America should watch this!
@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@eddiepenh1077 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@IknowIShareKhmer hi, I’m from Dallas area like you. Look me up. Maybe we can get to know each other
@-rasreytouch8301 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@meassavuth4649 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ត្រឹមត្រឌវហសយ​​​​ , មិនគវរជាន់ដឞគេទេ, ,ព្រោះយសងអន់ចរិកពេក , អន់ត្រង់ណាដឹងអត់ ,????? - គ្មានវិន័យ - អត់គោរពភ្លសង STOP , ខ្ញុំនៅឈរចាំមសលផ្ទាល់ភ្នែក , គឺឃសញ , អន់ចរិកមែន , អត់ឈប់ភ្លសង STOP តែម្តង ,
@darafreshy4238 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
និយាយអញ្ចឹងក៏បាន, តែវាអាស្រ័យទៅនឹងច្បាប់នឹងមជ្ឈដ្ឋានជុំវិញនៃប្រទេសដែលយសងរស់នៅនឞមវយៗ
@BlueRice 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
majority of khmer i met are nice people. i encountered against other race who disrespect me.
@sokunprum 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
In fact, these 10 points are all good, they make people and countries prosper if I can really go and live because I have 10 points
@MM-vp5iu 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
The USA is a land of Freedom. Freedom of Speech including complaining is one of many freedoms in the USA. If people do not like something, they can complain about things they don't like, but not to be rude or do not act in aggressive behavior or action for what they do not like.
@respectprotectfulfillhr3326 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
សឌមបងជវយពន្យល់ពឞការបោះឆ្នោតរសសប្រធានាធិបតឞនៅអាមេរិកផង បងពឌកែពន្យល់ក្បោះក្បាយល្អណាស់ សឌមអរគុណ
@cpsspecialcorner 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
That is great videos. New fan look forward to see newest. We are the world... God Bless you
@lealee7882 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Well done girl you are right, no one above the law! this country is for intellectual and people who has money to enjoy! 😃
@tako9159 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I still wanna live there it’s such a great country have better laws and high paid jobs that’s why I like America
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
America has lots of super smart people that is why they are the greatest country in the world,super smart people are scientist, biologist,chemist researcher ,engineer, inventor, entrepreneur ,politics, military, economy ,ceo, surgeon.
@chendaouk4146 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@ronphon2970 you have very smart brain I wish millions of Khmer people are very smart like you 🙏🙏🙏
@chamnessharingkh7417 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
Hello sister! Thanks for your information sharing about living in the States
@chanvotey7930 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Good video sis😍 Thank for sharing, USA is the country that human rights is respected 👍
@nhemsavuth1061 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
after watching this video, living in Cambodia is best choice. thank for your video
@rasok5771 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Bong and poun Khmer people are very very lucky that came to the U.S, don't forget to get great education,study very very hard to become entrepreneur scientist biologist chemist researcher engineer inventor ceo surgeon biochemistry environmentalist nutritionist,these careers pay in salaries.We live here learn their culture,the way they live,think, make products to sell,read lots of books, american are very super smart people,they read lots of books,has curious and creative minds, create new foods and desserts and products to sell, build electric tools,they study everything around them,they have great knowledge and understanding about everything on earth because they do explore research experiment develop,they can make anything to sell like toys snack candy jewelry furniture home decorations kitchen tools package foods cleaning tools fashion designer sneakers fruit drink exercise products and lots more just need an ideas.
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Ra sok you are very super smart brain man, the smartest Khmer man ever live,I wish millions and millions of Khmer people smart like you 🙏🙏🙏
@junprum2473 ГПЎ МазаЎ
I agree with you everything you said is true, Americans people know everything about Earth.
@p0kernewbie 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
#2 must obey the law. thats hilarious. I enjoyed the video. thank you. Come to DC to make a video. I'll give you a tour.
@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@sroastes6673 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I really appreciate you good morning Florida
@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Good morning!
@ntaingyoutubecom 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@tiitii4669 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Wow American 🇺🇞 sky so beautiful 🀩
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
American people has very super smart brain is even better than the blue sky,they have scientist biologist chemist researcher engineer inventor entrepreneur politics military economy,the smartest people in the world.We Khmer people must learn to be very smart like american people.They build electric tools and machine for easy work, read lots of books about world history economy inventor entrepreneur politics science biology chemistry researcher plant.They create new foods and desserts,has lots of new ideas to make their life easy.They can make anything to sell.
@sosanisa5311 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ខ្ញុំជឿ។ ព្រោះខ្ញុំធ្លាប់រស់នៅប្រទេសគេ10ឆ្នាំដែរ។ ជាការពិតណាស់។ គឺសែនឯកកោណាស់។ មវយថ្ងៃៗដឹងតែពឞធ្វសការតែរហឌត
@chhetdaracheat5397 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
@marileap2130 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I always say thank you for your told me that I couldn’t stay in the USA.
@samanthasau4086 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Well done Miss Lady. The cost of living in in Seattle Washington is sky high. A pack of cigarettes here almost $12. Housings here is not affordable for under privileged working individuals who are making minimum wage. I’ve lived here since I was a little girl for 38yrs. Living in the U.S is not all glitz and glams like how people think it is. Its all about work work and more work just to live and pay bills until death here in the U.S. unless ur born rich or came from a wealthy family then life here is peaches and cream!!!
@phanith9732 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
តាំងពឞ1-9គ្មានបញ្ហា😃តែបែជាទឞ10មានបញ្ហា😲ទៅវិញហសយមិនមែនតឌចទៀតគឺធំខ្លាំងណាស់ 😭 ។ មវយជឞវិតនេះខ្ញុំស្អប់បំផុតគឺភាពឯក្កា😞។
@thameas4169 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ភាពឯកោតាមកន្លែងទេ មានរដ្ឋមវយចំនវនដែលមានភាពកក់ក្ដៅគឺកន្លែងដែលបងប្អឌនខ្មែរយសងរស់នៅច្រសន
@heati8888 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ចឹងហសយទសបគេចឌលចិត្តចិញ្ចឹមសត្វ គ្រាន់បានជវយបំបាត់អផ្សុក
Good sister for sharing
@BdM007 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
មិនចង់ទៅនៅទេ ! ញំធ្លាប់បានបដិសេធ មិនទៅនៅទឞនោះ4ដងហសយ អគុណដែលបាននិយាយចំៗ ដឌចដែលអារម្មណ៏ដែលញំបានគិត
@khmerkomsan1103 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@BdM007 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@khmerkomsan1103 "បាទពិតមែន"ព្រោះញំដឹងពឞខ្លវនឯងច្បាស់
@tkuy0124 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@BdM007 So you decline America invitation to live in America 4 times? I never heard America force anyone to come to to live in America. You are just a liar.
@sarimnop6583 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thanks you for your advice to all Khmer people very smart lady. 👍
@sumsear5022 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ល្អអាមេរិក! អាមេរិកគឺជាប្រទេសនៃសេរឞភាព ខ្ញុំចង់រស់នៅអាមេរិក ប្រទេសមានច្បាប់ទម្លាប់ត្រឹមត្រឌវខ្ញុំចឌលចិត្ត។ កម្ពុជានៅឆ្ងាយនៅឡសយ
@chhetdaracheat5397 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
កម្ពុជានៅឆ្នាំ២០២២ជាស្រុកចោរ ដឹកនាំដោយចោរ
@seakchengchou9314 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Most people is dying to come and live here because of Freedom that we have. It might not be 100% perfect, but it is a lot better than other countries?
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Yes I agree with you and us Khmer people must learn to be very super smart brain like american Japan England italy switzerland Germany people watch and learn everything they do like entrepreneur scientist biologist chemist researcher engineer inventor businesses politics military economy ceo surgeon.
@kaitai9720 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ខ្ញុំស្អោះត្រង់ណាស់រឿងធ្វសការ បសបានមេល្អទៀត ខ្ញុំធ្វសការងាប់ចោល
@SOLO-xs8zj 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Good តែ កុំដល់ងាប់ចោល 😂😂😂🀭
@larrytek9536 3 Ќесяца МазаЎ
All the best to you, to take your busiest times to share this video. I love to live here in the U.S.. My first State we went too was Minnesota. We lived there for about 6 years then we moved to live in CA to present. U.S. A. is not the country for lazy people as you already mentioned that people worked to make a living. I went to school and worked after I finished college.
@prathnasomrach6854 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thanks for sharing. . Happy weekend💃🏂
@kongkeahoe 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I grew up in America, so I have to deal with all these . I’ve got no choices 😂 loves you oun
@angkorviajecompartido 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Hi, there. Thanks for sharing.
@creativityshow7566 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
អរគុណដែលបានផ្តល់ចំណេះដឹងដ៍ល្អនេះ ជឌនពរប្អឌនជោគជយ័គ្រប់ការងារ ពឞខ្ងុំនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ
@kaitai9720 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ប្រទេសអាមេរិកមានច្បាប់ល្អទាំងអស់ខ្ញុំពេញចិត្តចង់ងាប់ហសយ បសស្តាប់ទៅ
@mrrraremix8627 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
@sophalanier7042 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Discrimination is not obvious but it happens even in the The US. I agree with most of what you suggest or state. but we are going for an opportunity such as education and better paying job. I am older now and quite happy to live in Cambodia.
@kheangseng1310 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@cambokarate6307 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ពិតជាល្អណាស់ បងស្រើ នុវចំនេះដឹងចែលរំលែក អរគុណ
@vongoudom196 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
These are good 10 points to not living in the US although I have never been there. I like the opportunity part though from your point of working all the time therefore become mostly lonely.
@Bormey2003 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@luckynasourn979 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
How do u know for sure about that? Just to hear about that, it could be true, but if u go throw the hell in this country, u would know what the true is. 10 years for me in America is just the hell. I don’t understand why some people ( I don’t mean about u, just in general) think that this country is a good one? In a very very old day, I could be true that people stated that America is the country of opportunity, but in these, this statement is not true.
@HiHi-qn4ul 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ចឌលស្ទឹងតាមបត់ ចឌលស្រុកតាមប្រទេស à¹€àž‚à¹‰àž²à¹€àž¡àž·àž­àž‡àž•àž²àž«àž¥àžŽà¹ˆàž§ àž•à¹‰àž­àž‡ àž«àž¥àžŽà¹ˆàž§àž•àž²àž•àž²àž¡
@vongsocheat 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@khanchnaheng7944 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thank you so much for sharing those points
@ahhearpov927 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ខ្ញុំចឌលចិត្តការនៅUSដែល តែបសខ្ញុំមានមុខរបរក្នុងស្រុកហសយបសមានលុយឡសងចុះបានទេ តសខ្ញុំគវរដាក់ពាក្យជាមវយ DV Lottery ទេ? ដោយសារការចឌលចិត្តការនៅUS ចង់មានបទពិសោធន៍ការនៅUS តែបសទៅនៅដឌចStart​ពើ0វិញចឹង
@helsayna2071 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
🙏👍♥ ស្រលាញ់សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិចពេញបេះដឌង ! អរគុណខ្លាំងៗដល់ដំបឌន្មានដ៏ល្អៗរបស់ Idol 🙏🙏🙏 ខ្ញុំនឹងដាក់ផែការទៅរស់នៅ USA អោយបាននៅថ្ងៃខាងមុខ💪💪💪ដោយសារខ្ញុំស្រលាញ់ ច្បាប់ វប្បធម៏ និង ជនជាតិអាមេរិច។
@legendtou 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Me too
@bonin8752 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Me too
@danakong8364 3 Ќесяца МазаЎ
ស្តាប់ទៅច្បាប់អាមេរិកល្អណាស់ អ្វឞៗដសម្បឞសុភមង្គល ក្តឞសុខ សុវត្ថិភាព
@cindychea9481 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Bong when did you arrive to America? Thank you for the video!👍
@armarastudy7535 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
នៅប្រទេស គេ គោរពច្បាប់ ល្អណាស់🥺❀
@boramy6523 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Hello oun srey am here live in usa state kansas city Missouri. Tall 10 points that you are trying to tell khmer people who want to come to live in America what is in for you. They don't understand or haven't a clue what are you talking about. Most of them believe in America 🇺🇞 is haven also money grown on 🌳 here in usa so it don't matter how hard you try to tell them. They never believe in you. They could call you a liar. Anyway keep up a good work if you think this is your harbi thing that you like to do. Thank you for sharing have a very happy holiday season and marry Christmas 🎄
@vattanaktv5082 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
What she said are all good advices, - but most of them (Khmer in Cambodia) would think those must be the laws of the heaven, and people who live in the US are heavenly angels.You are right, some people might think she has a problem, but the Worse part is that there are those who said they love these laws until they taste it themselves
@Raks2Fit 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I like your videos but I think it's kinda long, it would be cool if you short it to 10 or 15 minutes
@saypisal7 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ទើ9 ជាចំណុចដែល ពិសេសជាងគេបំផុត
@chhaisophal2058 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thank you beautiful
@BroDaraGamer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ការរស់នៅនៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិកពិតជាល្អ ការគោរពសិទ្ធិសេរឞភាព
@vcam7777 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Good sharing
@chhaekkimchhon4284 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
និយាយរៀងឈ្លសយបន្ទិចត្រង់ពាក្យថា ( បងប្អឌនមិនសំមករសនៅអាមេរិច) ខ្វះអឞអ្នកអត់ចេះបសកបរមានច្រសនណាស់តែពវកគាត់មករសនៅអាមេរិចបាន
@roberthout3786 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Just to add to your vdo about working hrs. 8hrs a day, but 15 minutes break every two hrs and 30minutes break time every 4hrs for lunch. For 8hrs time you only work 7.5 hrs. Great job!👍
@sophorn8032 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I like the law of American
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I wish cambodia has democracy and independent and freedom like america,also very super smart brain like american people.
@khmerfeature8423 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thanks you for Sharing
@kaitai9720 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
រឿងភាពឯកានោះមិនប៉ះពាល់ដល់ខ្ញុំទេ ខ្ញុំអាចលេងជាមវយខ្លវនឯងបាន
@simplelifekh142 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I love my country then but I love to visit USA.
@NICESHOT-ww2xk 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@honglychun9807 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@kimsreangbouy6857 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
That is a very good country and I think I wish to go there live there. Those 10 points are very good. How can I go and live there.
@Lightning_MQ 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
This video makes me wanna move to USA. Love the rules.
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
You also want to have very super smart brain like american people watch and learn everything they do.
@Lightning_MQ 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@ronphon2970Rule everything becomes easy if you make it easy.
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@Lightning_MQ I'm talking about knowledges and super intelligent brains, american people study everything around them like trees, plants and animals ,environment, insects, fruit and vegetables, rock ,dirt ,water ,fire.They build electric tools and machine for easy work, read lots of books about history science biology chemistry researcher world history economy inventor entrepreneur politics military businesses.Smart people can can make or build anything.They use science and technology to improve their life.American has great knowledges and understanding about everything on earth.They are very super intelligent people,we Khmer people must be like them.Make cambodia great country.
@chendaouk4146 2 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@ronphon2970 I agree with you bong Americans people have very smart brain,they can do anything.
@peterchan5742 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
U s a number one I love it living peacefully safety great food everything are following the laws but we can't afford hiring the slave
@ronphon2970 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
If you are millionaire yes you can afford House maids and servants.There is no slaves.
@chanthouheng2862 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Very great sister I like in US too🥰
@chhengsreyoun4655 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thanks for your sharing bong srey😘❀
@leaksoeng4593 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Hello sister I`m come from Cambodia😍
@chendaouk4146 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Leak soeng make friends with Americans and European people, watch and learn everything they do like make all kinds of products to sell, build electric tools and machine for easy work,read lots of books, smart people do explore research experiment and develop.They has lots of great ideas to create new products.American people study trees, plants, animals,dirt, fruit and vegetables, insects and other things.One day you will have a very smart brain like Americans people.
@Kosalsom 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Really thank for sharing
@sokunratanak7199 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ខ្ញុំនៅអាមេរិកជាមវយគ្រវសារខ្ញុំរស់នៅសប្បាយ គ្រាន់តែនឹកមិត្តភក្តិនឹកផ្ទះដែលធ្លាប់នៅពឞមុន
@lagsool5345 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@dahdah6458 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Oh wow I just realized that is near my area too. You should try the Vietnamese food truck, probably a block away from your apt.
@hengkaknika687 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I love this video ❀Full of detail.
@-rasreytouch8301 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@piseth7723 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Nice video and very informative. Thank you, bong.
@IknowIShareKhmer 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
You are welcome
@vitou3251 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
As for Cambodian, if allowed I think 90% of the people go to USA. compared to Cambodia, USA is far better than Cambodia to live.
@hahahahah8396 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
I met some that say Cambodia is better place to live than America. When I talk to some of my friends they want to come back to America after a month in Cambodia. Lol
@vitou3251 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@hahahahah8396 it’s a better place to live if you have lots of money, and close your eyes, pretending you don’t see, hear anything about the plight of the people, about the politics, which causes hardship for the poor every day.
@hahahahah8396 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@vitou3251 thank you for your honestly Visar Thom! America has its ups and down as well that is why Khmer American continue to help the poor over there. Remember the original Khmer American that came in the 1980 know a lot about poverty as we experience it fist hand in the camps. Thanks again my friend
@vitou3251 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@hahahahah8396 you’re welcome. I just want to express my feelings about Cambodia. We know that our country is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia and the world. The vast majority of the people are living with a scant two dollars per day, while a handful of the rich are reveling in their fortunes. That begs the question of why the big gaps between the poor and the rich exist. Corruption is the vicious cause of poverty befell on ordinary people. It has been rooted in our society since very long time ago. The leaders are above the laws; nobody can do anything, or facing arrests an ending up in jail. Nowhere in this world is perfect, but at least in America, people live in peace, not fearful of being arrested, deprived of your property so long as you obey the laws. The harder you work, the more you make (money....) so America is the best place on earth to live.
@hahahahah8396 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@@vitou3251 thank you my friend. Remember this we khmer no matter where will always be Khmer at heart. I respect you for your honestly. I don’t know much about Cambodia since I was not born there but my parents were. Only place I know is America. I do know some people that recently that move from Cambodia to here and brag how rich they are but working their butts off like the rest of us Americans lol. I will say this you are a good Khmer to define the truth but refine the truth as well. God bless you
@sambathbeng8051 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
សម្រាប់គេផ្សេងខ្ញុំមិនដឹងទេ តែសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំមានហេតុផលតែ ២ ប៉ុណ្ណោះដែលខ្ញុំចង់ទៅទឞនោះ៖ ១. សិទ្ធក្នុងការរស់នៅ (មនុស្សម្នាក់ៗមានសិទ្ធស្មសរគ្នា ដោយយកច្បាប់ជាធំ) ២. ប្រព័ន្ធអប់រំ (សម្រាប់កឌន) Anyways thanks for sharing.
@rothsoyadalanh0411 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
The way , you said it’s too hard but the way we lived here not that bad..
@-rasreytouch8301 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
@dynaamelody 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ពិតជាល្អ ក្នុងការបង្ហាញចំនេះដឹងទឌទៅ អរគុណ
@panhagamingkh1999 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
ចឹងបានខ្ញុំចឌលចិត្តamarica រឿងកុំអោយវៃកឌននឹងយកកឌនពឞយសង
@omgomega2198 3 гПЎа МазаЎ
Thank you for sharing ☺