you and me, we SHALL BE JUDGED. Therefore, let me ask a little: which ones your actions and thoughts are? - evil or good? 1776 - 2022 = 246 1776 - 2076 = 300 We have lived under the freemasons tryanny, oh perdon, i mean, under their rulership close to 300 years. Sadly much anough to forget all, that was before „they” took everything under their control and keep it that way, that long. 246 years of lifetimes, under the „power” of evil. And we dream of a good lives to live. How come we can do it under the rulership of the wicked? !go and find a job! = !go and find a enslavement!. And we, humans, find it a problem, that we were slaves generations back. The reasons it ain´t a problem now? For we, humans, being slaves, haven`t changed. WE ARE ALL STILL SLAVES!
Siiani kõige lemmikum osa❤️ Võiksite podcasti kunagi kutsuda Kirsti Timmeri, minule kui 19 aastasele iidoli eest ja arvan, et temaga oleks teil huvitav vestelda.😊
Naljakas on kuulda noormehi ütlemas "eriti noored". Statistiliselt nemad ongi ju need noored. :D :D (Kas polnud turunduses/statistikas mitte kuidagi nii: kuni 12 või 13 lapsed, siis 13-18 on teismelised, 19-26 noored, 27-32 vms noored täiskasvanud ja siis täiskasvanud alles ?) Aga jah.. kui oled juba a la 30-35, siis oledki (loodetavasti) paljud samad asjad ära õppinud millest Epp räägib ja muudki/rohkemadki. Muidugi on ka uusi detaile :). Aga jah.. eks ole parem, kui saad neist teada varem. Aga paraku on eluga nii, et mida peab õppima tegema, õpib tegelikult vaid tehes. Teadvustamine muidugi - see ongi babystep1 :).