
Equal Rights Amendment: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 

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@jamiewells22 5 лет назад
“Alabama it definitely won’t be you” “Somebody please do it before Florida” I love that.
@sirf4ce 5 лет назад
I wish Alabama or Florida would do it out of pure spite! "John Oliver said we wouldn't do it! We'll show him!" Fell for the old double bluff, aye?
@Frir10 5 лет назад
@@sirf4ce Yeah. "Wait, no! It's a trick!", "Oh no, too late..."
@dpas2009 5 лет назад
I am just glad he called out Virginia like that!
@AnthonyMackONE 5 лет назад
@@sirf4ce As a resident of Alabama, I'd like to inform you that some of us concerned citizens are on the case.
@loganrenfrow2544 5 лет назад
@@AnthonyMackONE Also a resident of Alabama but I don't have any illusions about our chances
@mattlaughton5765 5 лет назад
I mean Mississippi took till 2013 to ratify the 13th amendment abolishing slavery so I doubt it will be them
@0Clewi0 5 лет назад
"Mississippi, Goddam"
@naota3k 5 лет назад
Mississippi is the confused and violent red-headed stepchild of the States.
@daveyhouston 5 лет назад
Honestly !!! WTF no way!!
@brandonblanco8379 5 лет назад
Matt Laughton I would Say Virginia is more likely to ratify than Arizona
@mattlaughton5765 5 лет назад
@@daveyhouston someone realized it in 1995 and they certified it but then they forgot to submit the paperwork for it until 2013 when it was officially ratified
@GuusJanssen 5 лет назад
_"I'm so sick of living here"_ should be on the flag of Florida.
@josephrodriguez454 5 лет назад
Honestly yeah I'm sick of living here lol
@Kdm109 5 лет назад
joseph rodriguez you could leave. We have enough transplants and natives. You won’t be missed.
@Pharm213 5 лет назад
Seriously. Tired of this state as well 😂
@z.s.7992 5 лет назад
Ive been in florida for five years and the "lack of culture" shock is astounding
@Sticky1254 5 лет назад
the only people who like it are cubans and old people from the midwest who call it flaw-rid-da
@jayarby8494 4 года назад
Who came back here after Virginia just ratified the ERA and finally allowed it to pass?
@Mr.DiughGames 4 года назад
Me. Let's hear it for Virginia!👏👏👏👏
@ezekielmartin4323 4 года назад
@blakeknotts9702 4 года назад
Thank you Virginia
@12gizmo16 4 года назад
I did! From the ALL BLUE (finally!) Commonwealth of Virginia :-))
@paigecook4750 4 года назад
I’m pretty mad at my state
@stevenshar1233 5 лет назад
It would be so American if Florida did it, just to reassure that nothing makes sense in Florida
@emanuelmartinez7267 5 лет назад
Lmao right? The most Florida thing to do is to do the exact opposite of what Florida does 😂
@germanvisitor2 5 лет назад
It would be in character if it somehow involved a gun with a calibre that does _real damage,_ illegal drugs and/or a big reptile.
@derpmcgerp8062 5 лет назад
"Local Florida man approves ERA while caught on film bringing alligators into Wal-Mart."
@Sirgillif 5 лет назад
@@germanvisitor2 I agree, like if they forced ppl to sign with a literal gun to their head
@lmgmaster7526 5 лет назад
In the words of Tony Stank, "Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't so anything I wouldn't do"
@kodi7651 5 лет назад
"People who were born in privilege, always debate whether those who were not deserve equality." - Powerful as hell.
@JohnBorgen 5 лет назад
It's sad that I'm nearly 50 and haven't heard this quote yet. I mean, I'm glad I finally got to it...and have the freedom to let that statement sink in. It just shouldn't have taken this long.
@pedrorodrigueziii4859 5 лет назад
It's as bad as the same sentiment when it comes to wage equality. "The largest crime of the wealthy is that they have convinced the poor to defend a class they do not belong to."
@thomaswild46 5 лет назад
The reason you haven't heard of it, because it was very recently said by Sen. Pat Spearman (D), during the debate over the ERA this year. Also, Kodi please cite your sources, and "powerful as hell" is not helping anyone determine anything, but your personal opinion about the quote. I also feel you should probably be giving more credit to the woman who said it, rather than giving her a 4 syllable anonymous suck off in the form of unneeded complement that isn't even directed at her, but the words she said. This lack or sources completely strips away the humanity and the background of this quote for all we know this quote could have been written by Stalin, Hitler, or it may be even wasn't made by a person it could have been put randomly together using an algorithm.
@phunmaster2000 5 лет назад
@@thomaswild46 5 syllables, m8
@MrSears_1.618 5 лет назад
@@thomaswild46 Good job! He was a little off-message. Luckily you were here to cast shade from you moral highground.
@alex9046 5 лет назад
"People who were born in privilege always debate whether those of us who were not deserve equality" DIGGITY GOD DAMN that's a great line
@DrPrfesurPatrik 5 лет назад
I beg to differ that "diggity god damn" is a better line tbh
@SirPhysics 5 лет назад
isn't it usually "god diggity damn"? But yeah. It's right up there with "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
@perunalastu77 5 лет назад
Sounds like a straw man to me, but whatever.
@SirPhysics 5 лет назад
@CurrentLee Sorry, but this is demonstrably false.Wealth is certainly the biggest contributor to privilege, but it is far from the only privilege.
@Chris-yo9oi 5 лет назад
@@perunalastu77 only if you don't understand what Straw Man means
@andrearobyn3701 4 года назад
If it weren't for feminists which came before her, Phyllis Schafly wouldn't have the platform to advocate against women's rights. Irony to the highest degree.
@DepressinglyOptimistic 4 года назад
@@xilrondo2907 bei g that youve repeatedly trolled on this video, your litle rant makes itself irrelevant. Most women did supoort feminist movements. I. Fact , the group yph aresayi g didnt, often daid thsoe who were co sidered radical were simply fighting for tje wrong rights of the time. Laws were still demanding women legally curtail to their husbands, and wanted this abolished before fifgting for working rights. Before the suffrage movement in Maerica, women were beaten i tje streets for holding speeches of change. A woman was beatento near death by her husband, and when she left him in tje middle of tje night with her children, she was thrown in prison for abandoning her family. She was raped and killed by a gaurd. But you know what was more important at the time in the men's government? The formation of the National Gaurd and how to limit gun powers to citizens. So, at least when women want an amendment done it doesn't take more than 110 years.
@xilrondo2907 4 года назад
@@DepressinglyOptimistic "Opposing votes for women may seem surprising today, but anti-suffrage views dominated among men and women through the early twentieth century. Suffragists had national organizations since 1869, but anti-suffragists did not found their own group until 1911. Before organizing, suffrage opponents bonded without an official institution. Artists created political cartoons that mocked suffragists. Religious leaders spoke out against women’s political activism from the pulpit. Articles attacked women who took part in public life. Even without a coordinating institution, opposition to suffrage remained popular." - crusade for the vote org perhaps before running your mouth you might research even a tad about what was said?
@DepressinglyOptimistic 4 года назад
@@xilrondo2907 research a tad? I have a minor in history and women's studies. Every political movement has opposition, so you trying to use that as an arguemnt that women were against suffrage and feminism is moot. Even Phyllis Schlafly was on the fence about feminism, until she was convinced by conservatives that it would take away her priviligaed life as a housewife. She wasn't agaisnt women's rights in the work place, she was brainwashed into thinking she was being forced to work. Yet, while she was fighting women's rights and the ERA (thinking this would disintergrate gender roles which was happening either way), she also ended up fighting for disenfranchised and abused wives, which ran right along the wave of feminism. Anyone can look up suffrage opposition and get the information you just spouted off, from the first google page. The main arguemnt of anti-suffragism was that women wanted full freedom within their home, not an actual vote, and were simply making a piunt to men. So you repeatedly trying to back your sexist arguemnt that women were largely anti-feminist is based of a complete lie. Either wau women wanted more control in their lives, they were just fighting for it from 2 different battles. States were passing laws allowing women to vote long before the federal government ever did, and women were turning up to the voting booths in droves. In fact, in New Jersey, before a ratifixation of the state amendment in 1807, women had the vote in state and local matters. It wasnt a new issue out of nowhere that radicalists wanted to jsut cause a hooplah over. And, political cartoons...Really? Everything being fought by any federal power has political cartoons. Especially skmethignthat goes against the norms of those innpower at the time.
@xilrondo2907 4 года назад
@@DepressinglyOptimistic dude, no one believes you have a degree of any kind, i quite literally just directed you to a site all about a specific movement (the suffrage) in the U.S saying "most women supported it" is a straight up lie, funny how you say anyone can simply google it, then call it bullshit fine though, give me a source that most women supported the right to vote. since apparently history is wrong and you're right, prove it. CRF is wrong, womenshistory is wrong, crusade for the vote is wrong, news articles are wrong, survey's dating fromt he time are wrong so by all means mr "i have a degree therefore am right" WHERE is your source?, it should be quite easy to show no?
@xilrondo2907 4 года назад
@@DepressinglyOptimistic while not relevent towards the U.S here's a fun one During the early 20th century there was widespread public support for anti-suffragism, yet modern histories have generally focused upon the triumphant suffragists and suffragettes rather than upon their defeated opponents. Initially the opponents of women’s suffrage were ridiculed by suffragist opponents and their reputation has been further diminished by historical neglect. Millicent Fawcett wrote in 1912 of the ‘inherent absurdity of the whole position of anti-suffrage women’, while Ray Strachey, one of the first historians of suffragism, claimed that the organised anti-suffrage leagues ‘soon began to afford great delight and comfort to their opponents by the ineptitude and futility of their ways’. It suited the suffragists to portray a laughably ineffective opposition dominated by misogynistic men, rather than acknowledge the predominance of fellow women within a large and well-organised anti-suffrage movement" - BL granted this was from the U.K, but the same shit played out across the board, fuck it's still playing out in some countries (such as SA), and to a lesser degree many asian countries who view traditional roles as important whether you like it or not, feminists were never supported, they had "victories" but those victories weren't really theirs, they were motivated by other factors, such as political power for a specific party and you don't get to rewrite history to suit your desires.
@Kaimli 5 лет назад
The rat from Ratatouille wouldn't stand for this. He can make a McRib just fine on his own.
@LyricalDJ 5 лет назад
Hah! You think that little fellow would even come near a McDonald's?
@KurtKloetentreter 5 лет назад
@@LyricalDJ I think he might have been in more McDonald's than you might imagine ..
@djdhdbznzjjansxjxj 5 лет назад
His name is Remy!
@LabMatt 5 лет назад
I doubt he would lower his standards that much.
@DeepShadedGlassesGuy 5 лет назад
That's a fact
@RealToWonder 5 лет назад
As a Floridian, I felt, "I'm so sick of living here" deep in my soul.
@Azor1Xx 5 лет назад
Right there with you.
@Midnight-Starfish 5 лет назад
@carlos Rivas I think he just meant the state of Florida and not the country as a whole.
@jerkintheween9813 5 лет назад
Just move 4Head
@panchohalo2158 5 лет назад
@carlos Rivas are u ok
@oliviacrane5600 5 лет назад
@Jody Owen well, I'm not sure if you thought about this in the moments before you commented, but I'll say it anyways. Not everyone has the MONEY to move away from a place they don't like.
@omo9131 5 лет назад
Morning is just night but unpleasantly brighter -john oliver
@couragekarnga8735 5 лет назад
Well, he's right. Can't argue with that logic.
@tonyplow9219 5 лет назад
Halley, and what does that mean John is a idiot?
@brianboru175 5 лет назад
John is an anti Trump moron. I do hope he enjoys our great president winning again in 2020. Cnn fake news, libtards etc will be crying! MAGA 2020
@lostintranslation3382 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 lmao u r pathetic.. And so are all republitards with their foolish illogical and cruel policies based on religious fantasies
@me0101001000 5 лет назад
That is such a British thing to say.
@hannahc7950 4 года назад
“It would destroy traditional male female roles” That that’s kind of the point where we’re not servant we are equals
@margaritam.9118 4 года назад
Hannah Currey “First they took our slaves, now they took our maids”
@erica.7231 4 года назад
hmm until men start to sue government-funded women-only organizations.
@darknes4150 4 года назад
@@erica.7231 And the draft just doesn't exist then??????
@erica.7231 4 года назад
@@darknes4150 Men have already sued using similar laws in England. It will happen for sure.
@darknes4150 4 года назад
@BBB H you can literally go on Twitter or tumblr and find tons of women saying things along the lines of "I don't want feminism/equality anymore or I didn't actually mean it or not like this" in response to any article bringing up women potentially being forced to sign up for selective service but just keep being a two-faced ass and never be willing to admit anyone else has a point ever I'm sure that will get you far
@emerlad3638 5 лет назад
"I'm so sick of living here" is half of Florida this place is miserable
@CyberKirby 5 лет назад
I’m part of the opposite half.
@patdan123 5 лет назад
Northern Florida is really that grim ?
@protoroc 5 лет назад
It's sucks that this is where the jobs are (South FL at least)
@efarr2385 5 лет назад
@@patdan123 yes
@ThatKidBryan 5 лет назад
@Emerlad Fuck off, you don't speak for anyone but yourself. Chances are you are either 1. Not born and raised in Florida 2. Under the age of 21 or 3. Live somewhere landlocked with nothing to do. Florida is one of the best states to live in. Everyone talks shit about this state yet the AARP demographic comes down here to retire, the middle aged come down here to bring their bratty snot nosed kids to all the theme parks and the Gen X, Y and Zers come here to party on the beach and get alcohol poisoning. We have some of the best beaches in the world, THE best fishing, amazing Universities, the most visited and popular theme parks in the world and weather thats 1000 times better than the shit show the rest of the USA experiences. It's easy to talk shit about Florida based on what you see on the news, not our fault people from all over the country come here and clog it up with their stupidity. In closing, if you don't like living in Florida, move the fuck out. We'd be glad to see you go.
@DarrenNakamura 5 лет назад
As a Mississippi resident I was just waiting for our flag to come up. Was not disappointed in the reaction.
@Archangel251 3 года назад
At least that particular flag is gone now
@SpeedyWings2323 2 года назад
@@Archangel251 the new one actually looks better tbh
@Borealis109 2 года назад
as a canadian, i'm happy to hear they changed their flag
@DarrenNakamura 2 года назад
@@Borealis109 I've got some complaints about the new flag, but it's still a hundred times better than it was before.
@ClawedAsh 2 года назад
@@DarrenNakamura The new flag could have literally been solid beige and it would have been better then... that
@brightivan 5 лет назад
"Alabama... it definitely won't be you" Im dead.
@brianboru175 5 лет назад
Completely unfunny. God bless Alabama for protecting the innocent life of the unborn. Be like Alabama.
@b.k.9797 5 лет назад
big balls Alabama has one of the highest infant mortality rates, it protects no one.
@AnthonyMackONE 5 лет назад
Alabama: we're seriously in need of a Freedom FROM Religion movement...
@tannerwilson4843 5 лет назад
big balls Alabama is a joke because they never seem to ever improve in any meaningful way past the 1950s. This goes for other’s like a Mississippi as well.
@Myron90 5 лет назад
Tupac- "im alive"
@aethelredtheready1739 5 лет назад
This is what happened with climate change, it became a political issue and all logic and common sense flew out the window.
@StormCrownSr 5 лет назад
No, right wingers just won't listen to the scientists.
@aethelredtheready1739 5 лет назад
StormCrown Yes, but they didn't start doing that until it became a political issue. Once politics gets involved, people will gladly ignore evidence.
@StormCrownSr 5 лет назад
@@aethelredtheready1739 No, idiots that only care about their team will ignore the evidence. Big difference.
@KotalaGod 5 лет назад
@@StormCrownSr that's... That's what they said. Once politics get involved, they blindly follow people who have the same party alignment. That's why so many Republicans either don't think climate change is even real, or isn't a problem.
@spongeintheshoe 4 года назад
@@KotalaGod From what I can tell, he's specifying that people who only care about their side being right are the ones who ignore evidence, rather than people in general, as was implied.
@davidmadison9369 5 лет назад
Oliver’s reaction to the Mississippi flag was epic. It’s like realizing that there’s a place in Germany that still uses the swastika.
@4tech69 5 лет назад
@Jose Ojeda Are you fucking kidding? That was rhetorical.
@emanuelmartinez7267 5 лет назад
@Jose Ojeda it doesn't. He was just pointing out that we cant expect the state of Mississippi to do something so progressive when their track record of protecting civil rights isn't exactly flattering
@fionaross3495 5 лет назад
PS: It is a Hindu sign there whole towns in Southern Africa where the Hindus have this flags with Swatstikas outside their home's it is a religious sign in the Hindu religion. Education vitally important.
@Lucaz99 5 лет назад
Neville Ross it’s a hindu flag IN INDIA and other arian cultures! In germany, it has a completely different meaning. As you said, education is vitally important.
@denisdaly1708 5 лет назад
@Jose Ojeda because substantial empirical research shows that conservatism especially fundamentalism is strongly associated with prejudice, discrimination (Dhont and Hodson, 2015).
@las1147 5 лет назад
This is the first article of the Dutch Constitution: Article 1 All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on any other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted. We've had a form of this article since 1798.
@MegaToonzNetwork 5 лет назад
We must give you some good ol American FREEDOM! MWAHAHAHA
@elg6197 5 лет назад
Mexico constitution was written to end slavery and any slave that enters the country becomes free, and nobody should be treated with less right or dignity on the case of race, gender, nor religion... it took a civil war in US to end slavery and treating others with less dignity is protected by the first amendment. ERA will probably wait unfortunately. Edit: article 2 is the ban of slavery, and article 4 is the equal rights/dignity for genders. Here's a copy for whoever is curious: pdba.georgetown.edu/Constitutions/Mexico/mexico1917.html
@Hypotetiskt 5 лет назад
In Sweden we have article 12 and 13: Art. 12. No act of law or other provision may imply the unfavourable treatment of anyone because they belong to a minority group by reason of ethnic origin, colour, or other similar circumstances or on account of their sexual orientation. Art. 13. No act of law or other provision may imply the unfavourable treatment of anyone on grounds of gender, unless the provision forms part of efforts to promote equality between men and women or relates to compulsory military service or other equivalent official duties.
@s.v.o.579 5 лет назад
In Belgium it was also included straight away. Only the women's vote came in 1920: Regular women could vote for the community council (gemeenteraad) and widows of fallen soldiers from WW1 could even vote for the Parliament.
@revspikejonez 5 лет назад
@@elg6197 isn't that why we stole Texas?
@rkkwc 5 лет назад
"i'm so tired of living here" I'M DEAD
@MrGgabber 5 лет назад
rk kwc yet she won't move, because its bettet here than anywhere else
@ericcheese7594 5 лет назад
@@MrGgabber Being able to move out of a shitty state when you're broke, LOL. It's like when rich people wonder why everybody doesn't travel the world more.
@dulisha 5 лет назад
@@ericcheese7594 Florida is not a shitty state. If you're broke any state is shitty lol
@shane_rm1025 5 лет назад
Hi Dead I'm Dad
@Josh-sv7wj 5 лет назад
As a Floridian, I find myself saying that frequently. We do things like ban offshore drilling, and in the same breath we'll allow expansion of fracking into the Everglades. Florida is the most purple of swing states.
@FizzleFX 4 года назад
Why Hawaii was that fast: "want to sign this?" "eh sure, got time, pig is still roasting..."
@giovannilloretsorribas2836 4 года назад
Hawaii did the equivalent of writing "First!" in a RU-vid comment
@rintje6507 3 года назад
Underrated comment
@efedra667 3 года назад
Because they still protect their wise women that not only give them life but also protect it and share knowledge..that is WHY hawaii was arrested to be a state of America..one gives - another only takes..not a first time but always what you know"to use" is better then"we need everyone to be free to choose and we need everyone to choose us"
@shellyjustice7227 3 года назад
Why?? Hawaii is progressive and has respect for women.
@waytoobiased 3 года назад
Kailua pork is decent. Personally I’m more of a loco moco kinda person
@MechanicWolf85 5 лет назад
"Im So Tired Of Living Here" -New Florida Anthem
@kyleguajardo 4 года назад
Suppressed by all my...childish peers...and if I want to leave, I wish that I could just leave EDIT: This should totally be a valid song parody
@BlitzsieLDiscoLSnow 4 года назад
So, I'm not from the US. What's up with Florida that everyone hates it like that? (I've seen the memes of Florida man) What is going on there?
@kyleguajardo 4 года назад
@@BlitzsieLDiscoLSnow There is a lot to cover about Florida but just to explain, it is a miserable place full of backwards thinking assholes. Check this out for a more humorous take on it. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KSCRUuUgiUE.html
@Guwaposteven 4 года назад
Kael Foxtrot I’m in Florida form Florida and it sucks here
@yeeted9466 4 года назад
Said as Florida man in the background chokes a pastor with a slim Jim rapper
@Funnyguy382 5 лет назад
"Alabama, it definitely won't be you" Me, a person who lives in Alabama: Sadly true
@sixstanger00 5 лет назад
Same here. For some reason, our state is having trouble getting out of the 1800s...
@SleepyDragonAMVs 5 лет назад
Big Same
@mellodees3663 5 лет назад
I'm right there with you...
@steventhrasher3608 5 лет назад
I live in Georgia, it won't be us either sadly. Not a chance until we reverse the election rigging our current Governor put in place.
@sebasand-rade2120 5 лет назад
sixstanger00 which state ?
@eyesofthefox 5 лет назад
Funny how all maps showing states that do something versus states that don't, always end up looking like a map of the Civil War.
@tervizka98 5 лет назад
Exactly my thoughts... and then the Mississippi flag came 😑
@armedwombat6816 5 лет назад
American conservatism: "When you don't have any ideas of your own... maybe blocking progress counts as one?"
@IndioGringo 5 лет назад
Ehem also known as the south*cough*
@brandonnoyes1364 5 лет назад
American conservatism: facts not feelings
@SuperAurore1 5 лет назад
@@brandonnoyes1364 American conservatism: FaCts DoN't cARe AobUt uR feELIngs Also American conservatism: is deeply religious
@LinusandSally 4 года назад
John: Virginia, it really could be you. Virginia: Challenge Accepted.
@carternabors1303 4 года назад
LinusandSally I was there during the vote. I was a page for the Virginia senate. A really great time
@theshadowherself 4 года назад
Super happy that my new state decided to do the right thing.
@eifbkcn 4 года назад
@@user-cc7vx7sw4z there's no procedure to revoke ratification (which is why article the first should have passed, but Connecticut argued about it so much they forgot about it mereorthodoxy.com/congressional-apportionment-amendment/ )
@l.dorado5729 4 года назад
Y'know, I find it difficult to say many many disparaging things about Virginia. (As opposed to West Virginia [FUCK West Virginia, those people are racist AF) Virginia, on the other hand, has proven through history to be a valuable ally to progress.
@l.dorado5729 4 года назад
@@presidentialcampaignmusic1018 the south used to be democratic too. Gotta love irony.
@arvaborelius7269 5 лет назад
Florida woman is tired of living in Florida.
@couragekarnga8735 5 лет назад
Rest of us don't blame her.
@KinreeveNaku 5 лет назад
@sharonolsen6579 5 лет назад
I lived in Florida for one long hellish summer that lasted TWO YEARS !.. It is Africa HOT.. died and gone to the deepest depths of HELL HOT !! And... The air either smells like mold or the sewage smell of the intracoastal waterway ...Jungle bugs .. Fire ants , humidity ! Water Moccasins in the "lawn" which you can't walk on anyway because it is full of critters AND it is so rough and spikey it will hurt your feet .. ! The ocean doesn't even have good waves unless there is a Hurricane off shore.. and the beach is either TOO freaking HOT or the sand fleas prohibit even walking around.. I just do NOT see the appeal ! ... I only stayed two years because I needed to save enough money to move OUTTA THERE ! I wish I had known all this BEFORE I endured hell on earth living there. Now, I realize that many will hate this comment .. my apologies to the Floridians who love their state.. in spite of its numerous FLAWS!
@bradhaines3142 5 лет назад
@@sharonolsen6579 i grew up in florida, lived there 19 years before i got a chance to leave. now i live in texas near houston and the weather is just as bad as florida. on the bright side there are less bugs, but on the other hand the beach is actually worse thanks to toxic waste.
@spiralentree737 5 лет назад
@@bradhaines3142 if you want good weather and nice beaches California is the place to go
@articunodostres5326 5 лет назад
His reaction to the Mississippi flag was my favorite part.
@brianboru175 5 лет назад
He's an anti Trump loser. I hope he enjoys our great president winning again in 2020 like the other libtards, cnn fake news etc! MAGA 2020
@Room142 5 лет назад
It was my first time seeing it and that was my reaction too!
@lotus1528 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 How does this relate to the original comment?
@eazon 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 Anti Trump are not losers. Trump supporters are losers.
@FlorenceFox 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 Guys. His name is "big balls". Do you really think he's here to have a good faith conversation with you?
@DaveLH 5 лет назад
"A woman's place is in the home." -- Phyllis Schlafly "Well then, GO HOME, Phyllis!" -- Congresswoman Pat Schroeder
@judecaruso434 5 лет назад
DaveLH ok
@JustWasted3HoursHere 5 лет назад
It just amazes me how people will compromise themselves because of religious belief, even admitting that they "belong" in the kitchen. That Schlafly is a skank.
@TheEmanExperience 5 лет назад
hey if she wants to work and have a career great, i'll stay home watch the kids and she can pay the mortgage , insurance and credit cards
@Ugly_German_Truths 5 лет назад
@@JustWasted3HoursHere As the OP cited Rep Pat Schroeder, bloody Phyllis fucking Schloffley DID NOT STAY IN HER KITCHEN. Hypocritical religious misogynist she was.
@karinemw 5 лет назад
@@TheEmanExperience Why are you acting like that's unheard of? Plenty of women share equal financial responsibility with their husbands. Also, a lot of women are the main provider for their home. In fact, it's pretty difficult for a household to subsist off of a single income now. It's 2019.
@jessicacreed7773 3 года назад
"People who are born in privilege always debate whether or not those of us who were not deserve equality. And so what we are talking about here is the fact that *equality is not debatable. We are born with it.* " God I'm a member of two oppressed groups and this has me choking up
@protonneutron9046 Год назад
The Equal Rights Amendment is NOT about RIGHTS. This video is completely false. Women DO have equal rights in the USA.
@audrey0554 Год назад
@@protonneutron9046 lmao shut up loser
@protonneutron9046 Год назад
@@audrey0554 aw, pls show where women DON'T have equal rights in the USA or admit you are just an overused, diseased twaat.
@audrey0554 Год назад
@@protonneutron9046 all your comments on this channel are about how insufferable of a person you are because you're so anti people unlike you having rights lmao
@Schalla1641 Год назад
@@protonneutron9046 not the right to bodily autonomy though :)
@evildoesnotsleep-x2b 5 лет назад
"People who were born in privilege always debate whether those of us who were not deserve equality" . she hit the nail in the head with this line
@choco2482 5 лет назад
I think it's a load of bs. Who isn't born in some sort of privilege? I don't see everyone always debating equality.
@grbrg4007 5 лет назад
@@choco2482 You realize old white men who got into politics banned abortions for women in Alabama.
@eringalligan4481 5 лет назад
@@choco2482 if that's really true then you are blind and deaf my friend. And it's not really about having any sort of privilege it's about having enough to squash the person below you.
@playablue 5 лет назад
And this is why oppression and some sort of racism or bigotry will go on.
@lightwishatnight 5 лет назад
@@choco2482 "Those who have privilege feel equality as oppression". Ergo congratulations, you played yourself.
@snapgab 5 лет назад
It never ceases to amaze me how the US relies so much on "interpreting" the constitution, rather than on just fucking improving it and making it crystal clear and not open to interpretation.
@Tonyhouse1168 3 года назад
Thank you!
@MrGamelover23 2 года назад
It's because it's a trillion times harder to pass an amendment to improve it. This video demonstrates that quite clearly.
@nomad2305 2 года назад
We Americans are very touchy when it comes to the Constitution
@jennifer60515 2 года назад
As long as attorneys and the law exists, it will always be open to interpretation. And that’s how it should be. It’s ultimately how amendments come about.
@TNTkeynine 2 года назад
@theCodyReeder 5 лет назад
~ 10 years ago I asked my high-school history professor about this and they said that it will 100% never ever be ratified. Utah for ya I guess.
@richardwilliamsiv3778 5 лет назад
Cody'sLab :::::: I love how you still interact and comment on all sorts of videos, like you aren’t a RU-vid superstar! Ps I hope you’re doing better, takes a lot of courage to open up like you did.
@westingtyler1 5 лет назад
yeah anyone who predicts the future with absolute certainty is an idiot.
@thatplane3865 5 лет назад
I'm surprised you're here, this was a great episode
@simonli4484 5 лет назад
Of course it’s Utah
@anonamouse4732 5 лет назад
Ayeeeeee it's this guy. Get back in the lab cody
@stematart1327 5 лет назад
*John lists off states and doesn't pick on Florida* Me, a Floridian: Damn, opportunity mi- John: "Somebody please do it before Florida bc I don't want to give them credit for this" Me: 👉:D👉 *aTTA BOY*
@arianedennison2395 5 лет назад
@amandairvine3658 4 года назад
Like wise thank you for backing us up!
@marvelgirlxvii 4 года назад
I live in Arizona. I feel you bro.
@AlexOtten44 5 лет назад
It's a good thing these videos are uploaded as I don't have HBO.
@ColoringKaria 5 лет назад
Alex Otten it’s not the whole show. The first segment was pretty funny.
@hegemonys 5 лет назад
It’s about time you get an HBO subscription. How can live so long without an HBO?
@AlexOtten44 5 лет назад
@@hegemonys I had an HBO subscription, then Game of Thrones ended.
@skillzorz101 5 лет назад
I have HBO on Amazon, and this episode still isn't on there. I can pirate it faster than HBO can upload it. They suck. It's usually instant, and GoT was live, but this and Friday's Real Time are slow for some reason.
@DecayedPony 5 лет назад
Don't think anyone has HBO anymore
@boboloko 5 лет назад
I'm an Arizonan. Mr. Oliver, that Grand Canyon burn was pretty good.
@demona6662 5 лет назад
as a fellow desert rat myself, we need to beat these other guys. something other than a giant hole would be great.
@derpmcgerp8062 5 лет назад
How 'bout them Cardinals? XD
@nullnull7089 5 лет назад
When people ask me to describe what Phoenix is like I tell them that its a gigantic, flat, parking lot with the occasional one-story building and everything, including the trees, is a shade of grey or brown because the dry 130°F summers evaporate all the color. I want to leave.
@shenanigans5911 5 лет назад
Please, call your representatives and demand ratification of the ERA. Thank you!
@Mr.ShadeO 5 лет назад
I'm so happy he finally mocked our state for once!
@empireoflightz 5 лет назад
You should absolutely be "so sick of living here" when even Texas and Tennessee have ratified a women's rights ammendment which your own state still hasn't
@nikibronson133 5 лет назад
lol im Texan and I was suprised myself
@TheBKLD 5 лет назад
@@nikibronson133 Me too.
@kathys2357 5 лет назад
@@nikibronson133 Texas used to be a Democratic State.
@nikibronson133 5 лет назад
@@kathys2357 when the Republicans were Democrats and the Democrats were Republicans thought. Different era
@Nik110512 4 года назад
How would the ERA lead to increase in abortions? Also why are women still living in Alabama?
@StrazdasLT 3 года назад
Let me troll you: If we cannot discirminate by sex than both parents must have equal right to abortion. Currently ony one sex has exclusive rights to decide what happens. If we assume fathers want abortion in same number of cases as mothers, ERA would double abortions.
@gautamvaze1101 3 года назад
@@StrazdasLT you kinda make a valid point but I think the reason women get to decide whether or not to abort is because they have to carry the fetus in their womb for the better part of a year. I guess the father should have some say if he wants to abort but the mother doesnt, but that's kinda murky territory
@StrazdasLT 3 года назад
@@gautamvaze1101 There were suggestions that fathers should have a right to "financial abortion", which is to say that if the father expresses desire for abortion before child is born but the mother still has a child, the father does not need to pay for it. This would allow the women to do what they want with theri bodies but would also ensure at least closer to equal rights to abortion.
@gautamvaze1101 3 года назад
@@StrazdasLT cool. Didnt know about this
@defensivekobra3873 3 года назад
Strazdas makes the excellent point where if anything, abortions might be banned in such an equal rights amendment becuase only one gender can physically conduct them
@penguinspie2767 5 лет назад
When that girl said she was tired of living in Florida I felt that deep in my soul.
@tori2dles 5 лет назад
Sara Skinner - Cool 🐙 octopus hat. 😁
@JEMurl 5 лет назад
Sara: florida is the worst state in the union, literally the WORST and most bizarre occurrences to happen in our Nation; is always Florida, always.
@penguinspie2767 5 лет назад
J. E. Murl As a Florida native, can confirm its the weirdest. Wouldn't say the worst, but definitely is home to the strangest people.
@pkrprince2513 5 лет назад
I'm moving to florida soon.... My sense of excitement is dwindling.
@penguinspie2767 5 лет назад
@@pkrprince2513 Welcome! Hope you have a safe move. Watch out for gators ,friend.
@IliyaMoroumetz 5 лет назад
"Could it be you, Utah?" Me, a Utahn: *Uproarious laughter followed by soul crushed sobs*
@blackraptor2260 5 лет назад
@Mark Shamy As a Mormon myself, I found it a terribly bitter pill to swallow, learning that Utah's government officials are just as prone to corruption and hypocrisy as those of any other state. It's like, "Why are you supporting Trump, he's a monster according to our religion's values. He uses hate speech and playing on America's ego and selfishness to achieve his goals." It was so nice finding out that we advocated rights for homosexual partnership, even if we take/took issue with gay marriage. That's the sort of Mormon legislature I have complicated but general approval for. Maybe it could happen if people got their heads out of their butts about this and ignored their *cultural* "Mormonism" and viewed it through the lens of the values of our doctrine. Hope springs eternal and all that... Of course, what do I know. I'm a Democrat-leaning Independent living in Wisconsin.
@bonnierobinson5917 5 лет назад
I'm in Utah and if the Mormon Church would get behind this it could happen. In the 1970s they fought it. Perhaps enough women like me would now stand up and demand to be treated equally under the law.
@ezekielmartin4323 5 лет назад
Wait, is Utahn actually what you call someone from Utah?
@DaveLH 5 лет назад
It's fun to think about though, if only to imagine Orrin Hatch's head exploding because of it. >:)
@mjshorty101 5 лет назад
oof as a Utahn I get tired of seeing mormons brought up every time Utah is mentioned.
@THEMithrandir09 5 лет назад
"One of the things so obvious that we assume we already have it..." Like affordable health care and education?
@Wolfwood2057 5 лет назад
I don't think anyone thinks we obviously have that though.
@ThePanuccio 5 лет назад
Who the fuck thinks that, hell im not even in the USA right now yey i know they dont have those.
@marialuke2116 5 лет назад
@@Wolfwood2057 You'd be surprised. Kid me obviously thought we had that, but I was a little _fool._
@simplyridiculous 5 лет назад
@akadeepsea so??? That's basic. We should get publicly provided post-secondary education. Period.
@zer0ishere 5 лет назад
I feel so sorry for American people. As a child I thought USA was an awesome place where you could be whatever you wanted (because of movies) but as I grew up I saw that as many opportunities you may have, if you aren't born privileged or have an extreme amount of luck and determination, the system and the government will abandon you
@scorpio1644 4 года назад
Virginia: ...soooo, we even now?
@Mr.DiughGames 4 года назад
We cool, Virginia. Thank you.
@carternabors1303 4 года назад
I was in the senate when it happened. It was a great moment
@clinteastwood1629 4 года назад
Yeah you good
@Canada1994 3 года назад
Wait did Virginia pass it? I'm from Canada so I wouldn't have heard about it, has any other of the holdout states pass it if not them?
@Advent3546 5 лет назад
"I'm so sick of living here" speaks to me and my fellow Floridians too hard.
@frankg6981 5 лет назад
Advent3546 what is the hurricanes, the government, or maybe it’s just you?
@TheBushdoctor68 5 лет назад
*speaks to the heart
@pronounjow 5 лет назад
Got out 4 years ago. Never looked back.
@jeffs6090 5 лет назад
Yes, it's only a place to visit for no more than a week per year.
@csy897 5 лет назад
@@jeffs6090 For disney? Haha
@WNC1901 5 лет назад
Roast more states please. I want a five minute sesh at the end of every episode until you cover all fifty.
@Madhatter1781 5 лет назад
Aw man, Idaho is gonna get torn apart :(
@Meeeeeeeeeeeeh34 5 лет назад
Madhatter1781 hey, they make all the potatoes, potatoes are beautiful and it’s all they have going
@haleygilmour9393 5 лет назад
4th of July web exclusive?
@garrettslobey9204 5 лет назад
that's genius!
@LeBonkJordan 5 лет назад
(Paraphrasing Bill Maher) *WYOMING:* we copy-pasted Colorado and forgot to put people in it (also Bill Maher) *MAINE:* Population: Steven King, two lobsters, and a bear *MINNESOTA:* America's Canada *ILLINOIS:* known for that one warzone city and nothing else *OREGON:* known for that one computer game named after it and nothing else *MICHIGAN:* "Iron's good for you, so why not lead!" *ARIZONA:* It's a dry hate. *ALABAMA:* "with no exceptions for rape or incest" *DAKOTA:* The conjoined twins of American states; there should really just be one of them, and you're not sure when to treat them separately and when to treat them singularly
@roundearthshill248 5 лет назад
I died at the Mississippi state flag part 🤣🤣🤣
@briwelch712 5 лет назад
I was trying to think of what he could say about MS, and that was better than anything I had thought of. I didn't even hear the others because I was laughing.
@JasonW. 5 лет назад
A lot of people died because of that flag.
@oankp2634 5 лет назад
@@JasonW. , yes from both sides of ideals...
@krisjohnson9484 5 лет назад
@@JasonW. 😂😂
@roundearthshill248 5 лет назад
@@JasonW. some of them were my relatives. Native Mississippian here. I have all my teeth and have never fucked my sister. Mostly because I don't have a sister. I do, however, find it strange that the "blackest" (for lack of a better word) state per capita in the US is also the state with a confederate battle flag in it. Part of me kinda likes having the flag in it but at the same time a part of me is like "how is this still a thing"? I won't be surprised when it's redesigned, and to be honest, it's probably time.
@DalleDayul 4 года назад
I could swear that Margaret Wood has said somewhere before that Phyllis Schlafly was one of the inspirations for the character of Serena Joy in The Handmaid's Tale, and now that I've seen what she was like, that doesn't surprise me at all
@g_gator_g9417 5 лет назад
I have lived in Florida my whole life and every time I see someone make fun of it, i'm like "yeah that's something we do"
@Shitstainsteve 5 лет назад
G_gator_G lamborghinis parked outside trailer park single wides?
@Ipang69 5 лет назад
yeah own it like a champ
@uhhguy 5 лет назад
Its windy up in Idaho/Utah, and an old adage has been "Idaho sucks, and Utah blows."
@sidneyrosey 5 лет назад
Big mood
@GoldenPheonix123x 5 лет назад
Look man if you live in florida you all play the game......" alright lets watch the news i got ten bucks saying some stile something using a funny object and they where high"
@danielfay8963 5 лет назад
As someone from Arizona... I completely agree with your assessment
@couragekarnga8735 5 лет назад
I think it's the Arizona sun that does it.
@kendrapatterson8941 5 лет назад
Agreed. I live in Oklahoma.
@jan3211200 5 лет назад
... i was thinking what in the world is famous in Arizona.... he says grand canyon i go... wait the grand canyon was in Arizona???( thats how little effect arizona has)
@weldmaster80 5 лет назад
There is no Arizona no painted desert, no Sedona, if there was a Grand canyon you could fill it up with the lies he told her....
@jan3211200 5 лет назад
@@weldmaster80 lololol
@kristinkulman3221 5 лет назад
It's 2019, and we still have to say, *"Mississippi, Goddam".*
@stevethewindsurfer8911 5 лет назад
"Oh but this whole country is full of lies You're all gonna die and die like flies I don't trust you any more You keep on saying 'Go slow!' 'Go slow!' But that's just the trouble 'Do it slow' Desegregation 'Do it slow' Mass participation 'Do it slow' Reunification 'Do it slow' Do things gradually 'Do it slow' But bring more tragedy 'Do it slow' Why don't you see it Why don't you feel it I don't know I don't know"
@dustfreequeen5151 5 лет назад
Nina Simone!!!!!
@ZhangtheGreat 5 лет назад
We'll be saying that for awhile. There's a reason Dr. King called out Mississippi by name in his "I Have a Dream" speech and no other state.
@r0bw00d 5 лет назад
Oh look, another precious snowflake who knows the current year. Good for you!
@Squalla1 5 лет назад
@@r0bw00d What's your point again?
@Prairielander 5 лет назад
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS
@FeathersMcGraw_ 5 лет назад
The US has it too. I have no idea what John is talking about but there's a reason 80% of Americans thinks it already exists: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
@daveyhouston 5 лет назад
Like he said any president can undo it that is to precarious go era I have sisters
@siderealaura2496 5 лет назад
@@daveyhouston No, no president can ratify an amendment single handedly. You, have no idea how government works.
@esteratman1481 5 лет назад
@@FeathersMcGraw_ Nice name. So, I wrote a damn wall of text explaning everything but honestly, I will resume with the words: rights =/= priviledges or immunities. The wall has all the history of the 14th Amendment and everything and the reason WHY some people want a better worded law... So, if you want, i'll post it/send it to you but it's really that simple.
@TheCatLady65 4 года назад
In South Africa we go quite a bit further in our protection of human rights: "(3) The state may not unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth. (4) No person may unfairly discriminate directly or indirectly against anyone on one or more grounds in terms of subsection (3). National legislation must be enacted to prevent or prohibit unfair discrimination."
@lcsperuzzioliveira 5 лет назад
11:15 - "which I can only hope it means dead" I LOST IT HAHAHAHAHA
@syafsmith5085 5 лет назад
By the good words of Danny Devito; "Antonin Scalia retire bitch."
@winesap2 5 лет назад
Burn in hell Scalia
@celieboo 5 лет назад
Me too! 😂😂😂
@abdullahrafique5526 5 лет назад
I would like to thank my husband Fred for letting me comment today
@atheniansoldier811 5 лет назад
I would like to thank my wife Fred for letting me reply to you
@gabbyb5918 5 лет назад
Thank you Offred for thanking your husband. Blessed be the fruit.
@mikspapa 5 лет назад
Fred didn't let her go, he TOOK her there......and left.....WITHOUT her.......
@RunAMuckGirl2 5 лет назад
OfFred would know..
@neo-babylon7872 5 лет назад
We all grateful to Fred.
@hibiscusman 5 лет назад
As a lifelong Floridian... the whole bit at 3:30 is highly accurate.
@wf6951 5 лет назад
I know what will work! Lets cut education funds!
@MyPisceanNature 5 лет назад
As a resident of Mississippi, I laugh at that notion.
@shenanigans5911 5 лет назад
Please, call your representatives and demand the ERA be ratified.
@kimberlys8422 5 лет назад
Same...and I'm from Pensacola... the town with all the abortion clinic bombings and doctor assassinations.
@majatrobevsek6206 3 года назад
4:27 she's a bit confused, but she's got the right spirit😂😂😂
@ASocialistTransGirl 6 месяцев назад
no.. i don’t think she does..
@nimrowd2023 5 лет назад
I seriously didn't realize Mississippi's flag look like that.
@starcherry6814 5 лет назад
Says a lot doesn’t it?
@nimrowd2023 5 лет назад
@@megnoliaedge6500 oh your right. Didn't realize that either.
@satsunada 5 лет назад
Well buckle up because Mississippi is worse than that, the last attempted LEGAL sale of a human occurred in 2005. A crackhead was trying to sell her daughter to a cop and they found out that a) Mississippi never ratified the 13 or 14 amendments and b) only outlawed the sale of adults specifically. So the mother walked free, but the sale of children was corrected a few weeks later and the 13 amendment ratified shortly after... and then the AG of the state (a diehard republican) hid the documents in his desk and never filed them with the US government (as is his job) during the entire time he was in office... literally it took a school child in 2015 to inform the AG at the time that "no, it wasn't ratified", to which he disagreed only to find out the kid was right. He then searched the old desk and found the paperwork and submitted it immediately. Mississippi at it's finest.
@JazznRealHipHop 5 лет назад
Nina Simone made a nice song entitled "Mississippi Goddamn"
@patrickoeary1425 5 лет назад
@Guillotine The Space Giant holy shit its not. I just googled it and yeah, it really did take until 2015... what the actual fuck Mississippi.
@greenyawgmoth 5 лет назад
14:38 "Holy SHIT, Mississippi!" yeah I learned something about MS today, and it's not terribly surprising.
@GeorgeVCohea-dw7ou 5 лет назад
9 out of 10 voters in the most liberal part of Mississippi actually voted to retain that state flag design several years ago. It was the widest margin in the entire state, in an overwhelming desire to keep using that flag. In short, don't count on Mississippi making this history. The last time Mississippi voters made significant history was when they were the first state in the south to legalise casino operations. Mississippi is legally the only state that has a federally legal marijuana grow operation, so maybe their is still hope for them to set an example for the rest of "the south" and even the rest of the country on that front by legalising some marijuana for all adults 18 and older. California doesn't even go that far. I don't know much about Mississippi, but those people have some bizarre political ideals. It seems like I read about some far out law from this state every couple of years. I don't know if the conservatives and liberals compromise to pass anything or what, but there is definitely some bold experimentation worthy of national news periodically coming out of that state government.
@MrMario4president 5 лет назад
While everyone takes notice of the confederate flag on it, I just can't help but notice the rest of the flag is Yugoslavia.
@xWhiteRice 5 лет назад
Florida, Alabama, and Georgia also have confederate inspired flags. Georgia straight up uses the flag of the confederacy with the seal of UGA added in the corner.
@pkattk 5 лет назад
@@xWhiteRice Yep, people forget how much bullshit our flag is. The confederate battle flag was NOT the flag of the confederacy, but Georgia's certainly is! Retch.
@hemil86 5 лет назад
@@GeorgeVCohea-dw7ou the marijuana grown at the university of Mississippi was originally during the 1970s (and is mostly likely continued currently) and was specifically for research purposes.... which in the end doesn't mean its progressing forward. Its just lucked out as the location of the research.
@krmnych_backlog 5 лет назад
'Lack of Arizona' joke is simply brilliant.
@bartmann1521 5 лет назад
*brillant :D
@torrawel 5 лет назад
It actually is true but for a different reason of course: it's almost all federal land (national parks, forest, Indian reservations, etc) so technically not part of the state...
@mulhollanddose 5 лет назад
If you have a brain, it is clear that this whole stinking show is written as a Democrat party brainwashing vehicle.
@erikehlert 5 лет назад
@@mulhollanddose Diwd it huwt yo wittle feewings? Conservatives and their policies and positions are easy to make fun of, and laugh at. Your ilk provides 8 comic shows that I can think of with all of their material on a weekly basis. There's a reason for that, and it's not because, as you conservatives always argue, comics have a liberal bias.
@mulhollanddose 5 лет назад
@@erikehlert Ya, just a coincidence that they couldn't find a single thing to make fun of with the incompetent black guy (wouldn't want to make fun of the black guy who wasn't even American black)...Now, every single show is a hate Trump parade, as well as a homosexual parade...This hate in the form of comedy is engineered to fool idiots like you.
@chrisfloyd9204 5 лет назад
A pleasant surprise to see Texas was for the ERA. At least we're not Alabama bad
@TheWBWoman 5 лет назад
The thing about Texas is people think they are part of the South but every so often they surprise us all by doing the exact opposite of what everyone expects. Texas is less South and more part of the West. People think they are the same but they are not. While they do agree on some things, there are ways in which the ethics/beliefs of Southerners and Western "Cowboys" do diverge. The Southern beliefs are based upon hierarchy, doing what you're told and fear-based respect. The Western beliefs are based upon mutual respect of equals, hard work and independence. Texas is really its own unique country in a lot of ways because of its history.
@chrisfloyd9204 5 лет назад
@@TheWBWoman yeah, Texas is where the South and Southwest meet, both geographically and culturally. It's an interesting borderland and as you said, its history can lead to some interesting decisions
@ranelgallardo7031 4 года назад
I think the state reps from cities like Austin, Houston, DFW area kind of helped push Texas to ratify the ERA.
@tatwood1123 4 года назад
Texas had one of the heartbeat laws and it called for doctors and women who get abortions to be subject to the death penalty. So you guys still have a long way to go bruh.
@ranelgallardo7031 4 года назад
Thomas Atwood It’s been removed from the books, but at least Texas has approved the ERA. The most shocking thing on Earth.
@kayleemorris8104 5 лет назад
John Oliver: ..Phyllis Schlafly. If you've never heard of her, congradulations. Me: Um, I think you're mistaken, that's Dolores Umbridge.
@bruderphillip 5 лет назад
@roberthelmsen6961 5 лет назад
They’re basically the same person
@ShannaCarlson525 5 лет назад
It all makes sense! Except she seems to look more like Aunt Petunia or is it just me?
@roberthelmsen6961 5 лет назад
Shanna Wheeler yeah, she does. But, with her personality and despicable actions, she is more like Umbridge overall
@ShannaCarlson525 5 лет назад
@@roberthelmsen6961 Completely agree! I just thought she looks more like Aunt Petunia XD Wouldn't it be freaky if she was completely the embodiment of Umbridge, though? I shudder to think!
@Docchop1000 5 лет назад
The sudden lack of Arizona is everyone’s favorite part of Arizona.
@brianboru175 5 лет назад
Protecting the life of the unborn is very important. Let's kill all babies because two parties were irresponsible during sex guys!
@Capryism 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 Aww great lets have a baby that nobody wanted, it will surely end in a brighter future for the baby, what can go wrong here...also you do realise that rape victims also can give birth to a baby? Would you call that "irresponsible during sex"?
@witch-of-jotunhiem 5 лет назад
Woo. I want to leave Arizona so badly
Dude arizona is dope, you really crying over all that freedom and low taxes? Come to new jersey Jersey change your tune. 10.75 income tax, laws that contribute to forward the agenda of these corrupt politicians, some of the highest property taxes in the country for honestly no reason. Bad roads, crime, bad schools but we got all these taxes. No reason. Anyway yea, need to fix nj
A Courier of our hopes and a American future I'm from Jersey and live in Arizona lol
@kamillagunzinger4162 5 лет назад
Phyllis Schlafly's Math Time: A divorce between a husband and wife. Under ERA, each parent gets one child. 2 children. Sorry child #3, we're sending you to the camp. It's the law now.
@-._.-KRiS-._.- 5 лет назад
That's when you cut the third child in half and give one half to each parent.
@russianbot1339 5 лет назад
Where you cut and how much each parent gets depends on the quality of the other two children.
@kristyklaws3925 5 лет назад
Yea u gotta cut that 3rd kid in half to make it equal!! Ffs can we find a middle ground already!! 😹
@Vistico93 5 лет назад
@@-._.-KRiS-._.- Solomon would want it that way. After all, it's in the Bible...
@dakotacross1519 5 лет назад
Guess she was off her valium
@kaivickers166 5 лет назад
Phyllis Schlafly keeping women down is no different than Marsha Blackburn staying that “women don’t want equal pay.” THIS IS STILL HAPPENING!
@basilit0 5 лет назад
As an Arizonan, that is one if the most accurate descriptions of AZ that I've heard.
@avigutierrez8948 5 лет назад
Oh yeah😏.
@deadpoolshelby4 5 лет назад
As an Arizonan, I like it that way. Less people from Ohio, Michigan and California coming in. However, ratifying it would be pretty cool with the addition of our two female senators
@pokestevers71 5 лет назад
Okay but besides the hot weather, it's pretty fucking normal here...
@tootz1950 5 лет назад
@@pokestevers71 Not in politics. Sheriff Joe for how many years? (Had to have a Presidential Pardon). Goldwater, one of the strongest Hawks in the US. One of the last, if not the last, to pass MLK Day? I could go on, but Az. is far from normal.
@janedoe6704 5 лет назад
I was disappointed we were on the list against ERA, and then I thought about it and was like, yeah, that sounds like AZ. I have to live here.
@sergiomelendez285 5 лет назад
Reporter: "Florida, is one of the hold outs." Girl 1: "Oh my god, why?" Girl 2: "I'm so tired of living here!"
@DeeJayFM 5 лет назад
@owlgirl1998 5 лет назад
me about the USA in general
@TheEmanExperience 5 лет назад
@@owlgirl1998 then leave
@atma3116 5 лет назад
@@TheEmanExperience I'm sure he would, but our corrupt capitalist system has made it almost impossible for the average person to go to the hospital without going into extraordinary debt, so I assume moving would be a bit of a financial struggle. Now, if you're willing to support positions like Medicare for All, a living wage, free college, paid maternity leave, and amendments like the ERA (as well as the repeal of the Hyde amendment), people might be able to save up enough money to leave... but then, who would want to?
@8wall88 5 лет назад
@@atma3116 Every american i speak too in my country , are glad they left .. it opened there eyes and made them realize that America is not the best country on the world but actually a third world shithole compared to western europe ...
@tonyman1106 5 лет назад
13:51 as someone who lives in Arizona i can confirm that grand canyon is very much lacking in Arizona and very much is the best part.
@BoogsterSU2 5 лет назад
We should've blew up Springfield a long time ago...
@mollyoneal1778 5 лет назад
@AD-hw3nk 5 лет назад
As someone who speaks English I can confirm that the paragraph you sent was hard asf to read
@naota3k 5 лет назад
The only good thing about Phyllis Schafly is that she's dead.
@depressedbreakfast2614 4 года назад
She’s one of the few people I’d be ok with being burned at the stake
@bethanychatman9531 4 года назад
@ArcanineEspeon 4 года назад
@@depressedbreakfast2614 She's one of those people who (unlike everybody who ACTUALLY got burned at the stake for being unconventional), if somebody went, "she thinks differently than the rest of us conventionally do! She's a witch! I might actually think about going, "yeah that's solid logic." I can think of some crazy ladies out there and there is no one else part present or future who I can imagine saying that about.
@ArcanineEspeon 4 года назад
@@romwattlive6181 Dude, it's like you took the jigsaw pieces scattered around my brain and pieced them into the world's most perfect and coherent convalescence of confused and angry thought.
@ArcanineEspeon 4 года назад
just...what was her motivation to make up that stuff?!
@leadroftherats8488 5 лет назад
" Mississippi, maybe you could HOLY SHIT, MISSISSIPPI!" I love it! I'm from MS and even I think that's hysterical.
@Styxintheriver 5 лет назад
Clfjmpr I’m Mississippian too and i lost my shit that’s hilarious. Personally i hate our flag so i’m glad someone mentioned it
@Styxintheriver 5 лет назад
Alabama Imagine not realizing exactly how racist and supremacist the Confederate flag is. We live in a sad world 😔🌎
@cygnus45 5 лет назад
@@evil_spicoli2967 Imagine hating someone for kneeling in front of a piece of cloth. Truly clownish.
@Styxintheriver 5 лет назад
Alabama Dude that flag was literally the symbol of the people who were fighting for slavery. People rallied around that flag to say that they supported the enslavement and hatred of black people. Obviously that’s racist.
@JEMurl 5 лет назад
@cygnus45: only folks who are too lazy to seek better things to devote their brain cells to.
@johnathanjones9684 5 лет назад
"Alabama, it definitely won't be you" Might be true but it's still hurts
@trenauldo 5 лет назад
Johnathan Jones Well, you can add Georgia, Mississippi, and Missouri to that list.
@christiandauz3742 5 лет назад
If Aliens demand human slaves in exchange for giving us their tech... ...nobody would miss the White Racists of the South!
@johnathanjones9684 5 лет назад
@@trenauldo like it kills me a bit. Because everytime I hear about any of the southern states, its represented as a bunch of backwater idiots. And then we do mess like this and it's like well we ain't proving them wrong
@OnionChoppingNinja 5 лет назад
I saw the map at 3:20 and I was like "ah, the usual suspects. Who'd have guessed"
@kaigrote8630 5 лет назад
The South gets such a bad rep. I know there's some good apples down there
@seithroil 5 лет назад
Surprised he didn't mention that Phyllis was the inspiration for Serena Joy in the Handmaid's tale
@Davrainbow 5 лет назад
OMG I thought that as I was watching this and I didn't even know!!!
@emilyb.8219 5 лет назад
@@Davrainbow I had the same thought while watching. Makes total sense now.
@courier772 5 лет назад
topherh33 Are you living in an alternate universe? Or is did Bizarro kidnap you and brought you here?
@joshybratwurst1398 5 лет назад
@topherh33 That's seriously for real? If you have a source, I'd really want to learn more
@courier772 5 лет назад
topherh33 Errr...there’s actually a lot of countries where women do not have the same rights as men. Take India for example. (While some parts of that country has amended this, the less developed parts are still facing this problem.) If a male were to rape a female, all he has to do is to marry her and he’ll get away scot-free. (Only one of the many disadvantages women have there) There are countries where women require the permission of their husbands to work. WORK. I would like to know what you based your opinion on. (P.S are you sure you’re not the sheep here? Cause I wouldn’t know if I was one. How would you know that you’re not one as well?)
@AlexMourning5635 5 лет назад
As a kid I never knew the Grand Canyon was in Arizona, and sometimes I still forget that it is. So now I'm just picturing a giant crack that disappears and reappears randomly across the US like some sort of sentient cryptid.
@chrisalan5610 5 лет назад
Hahahaha WcDonalds is the default parody restaurant in anime, because they can just flip the logo upside down to make it legally distinct. I love that was a real thing
@MisstressMourtisha 5 лет назад
Thank you for pointing this out I just went to an inuyasha clip in thought lol
@mntieboy 5 лет назад
i'm dutch our king is called Willem, on kingsday here the mcd logo is allways upside down, so it was allready a real thing :D i'm glad america is now joining in on honoring our humble king.
@MegaPompoen 5 лет назад
@@hiimjustin8826 Is that with or without "McMask"
@Kredeidi 5 лет назад
maybe it is done so they can do more copyrightclaims :')
@smallbeanmusic2187 5 лет назад
I actually saw it in Dallas Texas on a trip
@CaTastrophy427 5 лет назад
*BREAKING NEWS: Florida Man ratifies the ERA*
@Vaderi300 5 лет назад
@Black Rod I don't know, the following article would probably elaborate that the deciding vote was cast from some drunkard on a tractor in the midst of a Police pursuit after the illegal dumping of several Alligators.
@KingRabid 5 лет назад
@@Vaderi300 way to botch your point.. its florida.. you know damn well it would've been a drunk alligator illegally dumping meth'd up police after pursuing voting guys while RIDING the tractor..
@kateb1761 5 лет назад
A better redemption arc than Snape
@4450krank 5 лет назад
I dont think we can count on Florida Man this time, as im pretty sure him battle cry is "no means yes, yes means anal" atleast it seems like a think Florida Man would say.
@Humphking 5 лет назад
@@KingRabid this guy Florida's
@JSone4Design 5 лет назад
As soon as John started showing those flags of states that have yet to ratify ERA, I was like, "He's gonna roast Mississippi."
@winstonsmith11 5 лет назад
And rightfully so.
@highhi11 5 лет назад
I say that every time he draws breath, because the answer to the question "what is the right thing to do here?" is "roast Mississippi" about 80% of the time.
@lanceash 3 года назад
I attended a small, private, fundamentalist Christian school in the Deep South. When I first started going there, around 1978, the ERA was a hot topic among the teachers. They constantly railed against it, even going so far as to share anti-ERA literature and cartoons with the kids. There was an over-riding fear of men lurking in the women's restrooms. A lot of Phyllis Schlafly talking points. A sense of outrage that the amendment was being given so much time to be ratified.
@ChaserNeos 5 лет назад
As a native of Alabama, I have to say that you are completely right. We will never pass it because we are run by the church rather than a competent governing body.
@brianboru175 5 лет назад
Protecting the life of the unborn my friend. Let's kill all babies because two parties during sex were irresponsible! Don't kill babies! Protect!
@dk-vo3tr 5 лет назад
big balls why not worry about the babies that are already born? Versus fetuses and zygotes.
@HeirofMacedon09 5 лет назад
I can’t wait to get my degree and leave Alabama.
@0KevinsVideoDumpster0 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 Gotta protect the lives of those unborn babies but as soon as they are out not my problem. Go find them healthcare yourself.
@lotus1528 5 лет назад
@@brianboru175 How about we worry about the lives of people who are currently breathing and instead try and make it so that they don't have to. After all, things like rape exist so I doubt the woman wants to have to deal with the problems that pregnancy would intale such as possible loss of job along with doctors visits and several other bills and costs being added onto what they already had to deal with. This is one of those things where we would be happy to push for legal abortions to a point so that we don't keep putting kids into the adoption system with is notoriously garbage with possible parents being poorly vested.
@TalonStormCrow 5 лет назад
Gee, they're pretty much all southern states... go figure.
@juliansenfr 5 лет назад
Utah and Arizona are by no means progressive states, but that is one exclusive club I really don't think they belong in. C'mon guys I have faith in the both of you.
@DeetotheDubs 5 лет назад
I was pleasantly surprised to see Texas was not a hold-out on this one.
@TheKazragore 5 лет назад
@@DeetotheDubs When you've been out-progressed by Texas you know you're on the wrong side of history.
@lotrnerd5037 5 лет назад
I literally just went over this in my history course. The south ironically voted it down due to evangelicals and the passing of Roe V. Wade. Also phylis. There was a wonderful clip of her being pied and cried through it.
@kr4ftt 5 лет назад
@@lotrnerd5037 can you link that? About Phyllis?
@TheDarthEddie 5 лет назад
The likelihood of ratifying the ERA from greatest to least as of this episode: 1. Virginia 2. Arizona 3. North Carolina 4. Skeletor 5. That dude who always screams when his football team doesn't win 6. A stale bag of Funyuns 7. The Mirror Universe Terran Empire from Star Trek 8. Every other state shown on the stage
@crazydano95 5 лет назад
9. Alabama
@ellsworth1956 5 лет назад
North Carolina? The state that is missing a representative because the supposed republican winner of the district was caught stuffing mail in ballots?
@TheDarthEddie 5 лет назад
@@ellsworth1956 True. But on the other hand: voted for Obama in 2008, almost voted for him again in 2012, came close to voting for Hillary in 2016 and now has a Democratic Governor. So, yeah. It could happen.
@fncpickett 5 лет назад
ERA failed by 1 vote in Virginia this past February 2019. So not sure when it could be brought back up again.
@bloody-stupid-johnson 5 лет назад
7 should be higher if we include Star Trek Discovery's Terran Empire.
@JordannEdwards 4 года назад
Who's here after you found out that Virginia became the 38th state? 😃 I feel like this is foresight, as John highlighted VA last. 🤪
@Mr.DiughGames 4 года назад
I am. Thanks Virginia.
@samashbloom3230 5 лет назад
"It's just like night but unpleasantly brighter." As someone with sensitive eyes I FELT THAT.
@TwiPrime 5 лет назад
Always a bummer that it comes so early. :D
@jaelynn7575 5 лет назад
Sounds like something Lestat would have said, or did say.
@kristyklaws3925 5 лет назад
Lol me too.. so I hate morning light 😹
@ddawgmcdawg213 5 лет назад
Phyliss “To show you the power of ERA, I sawed this child in half.”
@yashma4187 5 лет назад
That's a lot of damage!
@Not_Mii_Uus 5 лет назад
No leaks
@randysong823 5 лет назад
@@yashma4187 how bout some more
@LemonadepieX 5 лет назад
She’s referring to the Judgment of Solomon, where King Solomon of Israel ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of a child. Solomon revealed their true feelings and relationship to the child by suggesting to cut the baby in two, with each woman to receive half. She was trying to get the Christian Right on this.
@mikeg9b 5 лет назад
@verve2831 5 лет назад
Every episode of John Oliver now just seems like the US going back in time with obvious issues unaddressed.
@122Delta 5 лет назад
American slavery: Last Week tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Edit: okay I kinda forgot he did those. Now I'm depressed.
@cageybee7221 5 лет назад
@@122Delta he already did one about private prisons.
@LemonadepieX 5 лет назад
musoka122 he already did that one with the confederacy.
@KSangel180 5 лет назад
@@122Delta I wish he would do one on that. It's still happening with mass incarceration.
@cageybee7221 5 лет назад
@@KSangel180 he covered private prisons
@FizzleFX 4 года назад
Between 0:53 and 0:54 somewhere a McDonalds *Lawyer* picked up the phone and put it down again!! XDD "... next time..."
@drewforchic9083 5 лет назад
0:54 If Pixar's "Ratatouille" took place in America instead of Paris.
@doudoulittel3081 5 лет назад
And the rats are cute in their little outfits. The burger... not so much, but the rats are as adorable as rodents can.
@owlgirl1998 5 лет назад
"theres this sudden lack of Arizona and it's everyone's favorite part" mood
@Cruxador 5 лет назад
Also the idea behind Shoshone Falls in Idaho.
@yetanother9127 5 лет назад
Not to mention Window Rock, another famous Arizona landmark characterized by a noticeable lack of Arizona :P
@Josh-sv7wj 5 лет назад
"I'm so tired of living here." As a Floridian, I find myself saying that frequently. We do things like ban offshore drilling, and in the same breath we'll allow expansion of fracking into the Everglades. Florida is the most purple of the purple states. It's so confusing to live here.
@mikehauncho4874 5 лет назад
You should try living in California. We just gave free healthcare to illegal immigrants while we still have Americans dying in the street
@teet0n 5 лет назад
I love this state. Your life must suck. Sorry for that.
@Josh-sv7wj 5 лет назад
@@mikehauncho4874 I mean, they're going to be a burden on the system anyway, why not give them the cheaper preventative care, in hopes that you can prevent them from being an even bigger burden? If you recall, it's illegal for a public hospital to turn away an uninsured patient. So, that just increases the costs to insurance, and then eventually the cost to you and me. At least California is working on a way of paying for the inevitable, that doesn't involve a middleman making a profit.
@senseiadam-brawlstars9465 5 лет назад
In state legislatures, it's not really purple because of gerrymandering that occurred in 2010. Even though Florida is split basically 50-50 in terms of democrat/republican, Republicans have a 71-46 control in the house of representatives due to the gerrymandering.
@mikehauncho4874 5 лет назад
@@Josh-sv7wj I hear what you are saying, but I disagree. This further incentivizes people to make the life threatening journey to come to America. We currently can't provide for the legal people of this country and should never prioritize illegals over legals. All so we can pay these people slave wages for back-breaking work, and we can get avocados for $1.
@DavidVT23 5 лет назад
"Resting Beer Face" deserved more
@michaelbiscay9836 5 лет назад
As a Texan, I was shocked Texas wasn't a hold out.
@AmethystEyes 5 лет назад
Michael Biscay as a person who is not from Texas, me too.
@ledgohan 5 лет назад
The_Large_Moose Houstonian living in Dallas and I feel the same.
@justanotheryoutubecommente2 5 лет назад
Good on you Texas
@ThePucko97 5 лет назад
Well obviously, Women aren't afraid to join(and be drafted) the Military in Texas so of course they will vote and are for equal rights.
@saver_spenta_mainyu 5 лет назад
It surprised me too.
@mediocrely_extraordinary0246 5 лет назад
I'm from Virginia. Both chambers of our state legislatures have a one-seat Republican majority. Statewide elections are this November and we've been trending Democratic since 2008. This could happen.
@JacobBanerjee2821 5 лет назад
I'm a Virginian that will be able to vote for the first time this year in a Republican district with a Democratic candidate who is extremely pro-ERA and I will certainly be doing my part to help VA make history
@alaly1027 5 лет назад
Virginia of those states seem the most likely. Arizona second. Florida with ex felons voting...maybe. The rest: forget it. They're more progressive minded in their big cities and that's it.
@gerrynightingale9045 5 лет назад
*Not if 'certain interests' can find ways to disenfranchise any support foranything they 'don't like'*( *think I'm wrong because of 'Votes?'* *No...if 'Votes' mattered, Clinton would be in the 'WH' now instead of a fucking 'Carnival Barker'* )
@justanotheryoutubecommente2 5 лет назад
Good luck to you Virginia
@joetrunk7234 5 лет назад
I am sorry. I pray it won;t happen for you.
@kelsanggyudzhin2340 5 лет назад
I lived in Texas for a long time, and I really understood why so many Texans absolutely LOVE Texas. Now I live in Florida, and I really understand why so many Floridians absolutely HATE Florida.
@cincybengals101 5 лет назад
I have heard Texas is misunderstood. Yes, overall, it is a red state. But that's due to its sweeping rural and farm areas. As long as you're in or near large cities -- Austin, Dallas, San Antonio -- you're surrounded by more progressive thinking. And with that, I still put Texas on the table for states to move to in my lifetime (specifically Austin, that place looks great). But Florida? Stay out, unless you live in Miami.
@AislinKageno 5 лет назад
@@cincybengals101 I'm a native Texan from one of those liberal pockets and you're absolutely right - a lot of shit comes out of our state, but it's beautiful and full of amazing culture, and I am very proud of it. Except when its politicians give me reason not to be. Shape up, Texas, I mean, really.
@karinemw 5 лет назад
@@AislinKageno We almost did in the last senate election. Ted Cruz only won with 50.9% while Beto had 48.3%.
@conundrum60690 5 лет назад
@@karinemw Almost doesn't change anything unfortunately. Your state is so rigged you'd need AMAZING voter attendance to break thru.
@daveflores1092 5 лет назад
Kelsang Gyudzhin fuck texass
@Cblack456 5 лет назад
Phyllis Schlafly is also the mother of the guy who made Conservapedia. Let that sink in.
@y_fam_goeglyd 4 года назад
Explains a lot. Sheesh.
@hera5614 4 года назад
Still can't believe it's not a parody like Uncyclopedia.
@StrazdasLT 3 года назад
@@hera5614 if you want a parody like that look up "rational wiki"
@RatzBuddie 5 лет назад
Schaffley is the kinda person to qoute the Bible without having read past Genesis
@TheStuport 5 лет назад
I had no clue or even heard of this Lady.....guess it's a good thing for those back in the day that Social Media as we know it today was not around in their time...she would have been all over it I'm afraid and on a daily basis too probably! Cheers Ratz
@joecaner 5 лет назад
"In the beginning, God" Okay! I'm good. I don't need to read anymore. I believes it all... :-)
@bobbysworld281995 5 лет назад
A "Two Corinthians" bitch, I'm guessing.
@benjaminmadrigalperez9010 5 лет назад
@@bobbysworld281995 two Corinthians literally start with Peter saying that was he was saying were his words and that neither Jesus or the prophets have Say anything about "the laws". How could people read it and not get that???
@Jonnyg325 5 лет назад
You should see her son
@smodon24 5 лет назад
14:37 I can't stop laughing at the blatant call out of Mississippi!
@mcmarkmarkson7115 5 лет назад
Not many black people live there right? I hope...
@joedunams3204 5 лет назад
@@mcmarkmarkson7115 Actually, 37% black the largest percentage of any state outside of the District of Columbia, lol. Can't make this stuff up....
@mcmarkmarkson7115 5 лет назад
@OrganicEcstasy I just mean because they kept their shameful past on the flag. Kinda speaks to the mindset. It's prejudice but like with the nazi flag, there is just no way to defend it.
@saver_spenta_mainyu 5 лет назад
Uh no. We have quite a large black population especially the higher north you get where the communities are poorer.
@saver_spenta_mainyu 5 лет назад
Ahaha, yeah, it's great! I always forget that we still run the Confederate flag.
@susan9087 5 лет назад
Thanks, John, for bringing this amendment back into the light of day. It's really a no-brainer and ought to be passed asap. Maybe your spotlight will help.
@ericlurio246 5 лет назад
no, it won't. the deadline, REMEMBER? Also, several states rescinded their ratifications.
@chickensandwich8808 5 лет назад
@@ericlurio246 Except that you can't ACTUALLY rescind a ratification, which has been repeatedly debated and upheld that Article V only speaks of the state power to Ratify not rescind. As John pointed out the deadline is more of a guideline than anything else, as it can be extended or stated that the deadline can remain inconsequential to the overall passing of the amendment.
@whateverbro3848 5 лет назад
The equality act is actually a dangerous piece of legislation. It allows transgender girls(who are biologically boys) to compete in female competitions. We practically have men competing. Doesn't matter, we are just going have to let you fools suffer the consequences of your own narrow minded views.
@chickensandwich8808 5 лет назад
@@whateverbro3848 I agree that having Trans individuals competing in gender specific events or competitive leagues present a particular issue regarding the way in which society itself understands the nuance of gender as it is tied with sex. While gender is not inherently tied to sex, it is also not mutually exclusive and even within trans identities there is a heavy slant towards bi-modal identification; which is to say trans often identify as the sex by which they were not born biologically vs. simply deciding to be a sex from one day to another. There are those who do, but to fully unpack that here is probably not best, though ultimately a necessary conversation itself. That said, it shouldn't be the grounds by which you deny basic human right and decency as a foundation for which you can then address the discrepancy you have mentioned. That is where the logic leap makes no sense. I agree that this is something to be addressed, but it can't be addressed before having some kind of fundamental baseline by which we all understand each other as human beings. By all means suggest the amendment be fine tuned, but the amendment in itself is a framework by which we can then fine tune the legislation around it. You can't fine tune an engine that does not exist. edit: to better explain bi-modal
@TimmyTheTinman 4 года назад
Who here after watching Mrs. America on Hulu
@Ashley-xu1lk 4 года назад
I never knew about the ERA being a thing in the 1970s, it's really something that should've been taught in AMERICAN History in school. After watching Mrs. America, I have never hated a person (Phyllis Schlafly) so much in my life.
@aMac200 4 года назад
Fuck Phyllis, man
@CC-zl7np 4 года назад
@@aMac200 Love Cate Blanchet thought.
@emilyhouston9522 5 лет назад
"Alabama, it definitely won't be you," lmao
@sherpytaona5324 5 лет назад
Q: Why do all the trees in Alabama lean west? A: Mississippi Sucks
@j.scottwilliams7400 5 лет назад
Q: Why doesn't Texas fall off into the Gulf of Mexico? A: Oklahoma Sucks
@GeraldOSteen 5 лет назад
@@j.scottwilliams7400 Living in Texas, I can tell you for certain, Oklahoma would be joining Texas in the Gulf. Over 250,000 square miles of vacuum here. Much of it contained within human skulls.
@emmachang4807 5 лет назад
omg that is ACTUALLY mississippi's freaking flag
@wiseguy1512 5 лет назад
Yeah you didn’t know that it’s stupid that it is
@thecardkillerscorner6515 5 лет назад
Yes, that's still our flag. And out of the 3-4 million people who live in Mississippi, 2/3s of us want it changed. Some of us aren't racist sexist pieces of shit, I promise
@phantomspaceman 5 лет назад
It's the only state will the balls to keep it, but also to not provide municipal water to millions of poor people. They should probably focus on the water thing first.
@thecardkillerscorner6515 5 лет назад
@@Keihryon it's a reminder that incestuous meth ridden twat waffles like you weren't drowned at birth which is the reason why this place is a shithole.
@hassane9158 5 лет назад
@@thecardkillerscorner6515 you want to get rid of it because it's racist, but go ahead and say all that
@DocteurZeuhl 5 лет назад
Phyllis Schlafly sounds like the name of an incurable disease discovered in Eastern Europe circa 1850.
@DGDRamped 5 лет назад
If we resort to name calling or use of vulgar langage, we do not really articulate anything other than a low bar of discourse.
@chezmoi42 5 лет назад
@@DGDRamped True, Daniel, but it is true that she has arguably done far more harm than an incurable disease.
@Charsy8 5 лет назад
Nothing about it has any linguistic similarity to the native languages spoken in Eastern Europe, so get your bigoted comment back where you pulled it from! Not to mention the current political state of the countries in that (geographical) area at the time, which make your comment even more ridiculous and so incredibly unfunny.
@DGDRamped 5 лет назад
chez moi how so specifically?
@alecsherman8600 5 лет назад
I feel like it's the made up name of a character in a Jack Black "School of Rock" sequel
@pr0xZen 5 лет назад
"it would destroy traditional man-woman relationships"...? WTF?! If your model of ideal man-woman relationships is _dependant_ on a reliance of women _not having equal rights _*_under law_* - then it's your model that is out of wack man - not the constitutional amendment proposal. If this is truly a law of _equality,_ then I imagine we'll be repealing and rewriting a tonne of family law as unconstitutional too, to make fathers equal right parents. There's a lot of gender inequality going around in our laws, that hopefully will be rewritten to establish real equality where possible, regardless of what way each law currently tips.
@putheo7745 5 лет назад
Sometimes they forget that this traditional style only pleases one side.
@cd1565 5 лет назад
You would be even more surprised at how much state laws discriminate based on gender
@thexalon 5 лет назад
That is exactly what they think, though. They live in a world where women, because they're women, "belong" first to their fathers and then to their husbands, and woe to anyone who tries to change that including the woman in question.
@Schadrach42 5 лет назад
@Leah Dijon Several states have had pushes made to enshrine in law that in cases of contested custody the default position should be equally shared custody unless there's a good reason for it to be otherwise (a rebuttable presumption of shared custody). The National Organization For Women (the largest feminist lobby group in the US) deems those supporting these groups the "abuser's lobby" and argues that the only reason men would want such a law in place is because they are abusers and want to use their children as a way to further abuse a victim who had escaped them. So, yeah.
@captnmaico6776 5 лет назад
Germany did this already after WW2, our legalisation did rewrite alot after the constituion law about same rights of woman and men . The Weimarer cosntituion already had it, but it was equality not equal rights. So they had to change old weimarer and german empire laws that broke the new constiutional law. There is only one law on mandatory draft only for men thats against the equaly rights law, but it was put on halt in 2011. There has been no draft after 2011 in germany. The weimarer Verfassung actually was one of the most progressive constiution at that time, many people forget that because of the Nazis. The constiution had some major loopholes, which gave them the power to legally supress human rights. (Ultimate power to the president in terms of national tragedy, humand rights at the end of the bill etc) I mean its not suprising that newer democratic countris have far more progressive constitutions, because people writing those new ones, have far more information and can easily abolish old and stupid laws. The USA has the oldest democratic constitution in the world, ofc alot of the passages are outdated and need rewriting and fixing. Some eastern european countries even got more progressive democratic constituion like latvia, estonia or lituhiana, some like poland do not. The conclusion is, the us constituion needs an update for the 21 century.
@HeidiThompson7 5 лет назад
Phyllis Schlafly was a big inspiration for Serena Joy in The Handmaid's Tale and I totally see why.
@pedroaltomar 5 лет назад
Was she really? I actually thought of "Offred" right as she said her husband let her go speak there...
@helen8022 5 лет назад
Saaame. What a shit show of a woman.
@HeidiThompson7 5 лет назад
@@pedroaltomar Yup! She's a maker of her own prison and doesn't even realize it.
@ForeverMe543 5 лет назад
Heidi Thompson I think she realizes it and loves it. Sick twisted bitch.
@Wednesdaywoe1975 5 лет назад
May she roast in hell.
@MrHistory269 4 года назад
5:20 as a Hawaiian I can assure you why enjoy our pigs at the finest quality
@derrickmartin8224 5 лет назад
In Mississippi's defense, no public university currently flies the state flag. That includes the flagship. We're coming along, slowly but surely. Lol
@Aeroldoth3 5 лет назад
Congratulations on finally outlawing slavery in 2013.
@beenaplumber8379 5 лет назад
I understand. I really do. Progress should be recognized, and that includes having to air your dirty laundry. Instead of mocking this, we really should be celebrating, or at least supporting this. Keep up the good work Derrick!
@YankeesFan0620 4 года назад
maybe they'll change the Ole Miss mascot by the end of this century.
@SamWinchester000 4 года назад
Actually, the last Democratic Governor of Mississippi had held a referendum for an alternative state flag, but it was clearly defeated. There's not much hope that this will change soon.
@TheAlps36 4 года назад
The former flag looks pretty decent though
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