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Eric Metaxas and Larry Taunton on Jordan Peterson's Theology 

Larry Alex Taunton
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5 сен 2024




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@DAYHOMEONE 2 месяца назад
I'm glad to hear this. I've seen so many people embracing Jordan Peterson as a person of faith. Peterson has not had a spiritual encounter with God. He has had an intellectual one. He is a "Christian Friendly" version of Joseph Campbell so far as I'm concerned. On the whole, I don't care for Jordan Peterson. He's too smart for his own good, if that makes sense.
@isrberlinerin4063 2 месяца назад
Your comment makes complete sense and i agree !
@annamineer2521 Месяц назад
I agree! We should pray that Jordan's heart is pierced by the truth.
@MLiving4Jesus Месяц назад
Colossians 2:8 AMP See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception [pseudo-intellectual babble], according to the tradition [and musings] of mere men, following the elementary principles of this world, rather than following [the truth-the teachings of] Christ.
@isrberlinerin4063 Месяц назад
@@MLiving4Jesus I concur with your excelent true statement .
@GTRalso 29 дней назад
He seems to enjoy hearing himself speak
@lauragrinberg3988 2 месяца назад
So true. Jordan is a smart and compelling guy, but no Christian. Jesus is the savor of humanity. That's God plan. End of story, it's the TRUTH. Seek, and you will find. GOD BLESS YOU BOTH ❤
@tammywisdom3701 2 месяца назад
" Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened." Romans 1: 21
@cemelson 2 месяца назад
This made me think of ‭2 Timothy 3:7 KJV‬ [7] ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
@JesusistheonetrueGod 2 месяца назад
Peterson embodies a concept I've heard from Pastor Jeff Durbin: Christless conservatism. One can only hope, and should pray, that Peterson comes to Christ.
@karinmassey7806 2 месяца назад
Agreed sista... Christless conform-atism not Christ transform-atism, in JP teachings. Which is why he's high strung. Lord you entrusted yourself to no man. Keeping that in mind, our Spirit can love you, but our mind, will, and emotions can disconnect. Matthew 22:36-40 Which is why the greatest commandment is so great. It's our utmost for your highest. Prayed directly to You Father through Jesus with Holy Spirits undergirding dunamus.
@Yesica1993 2 месяца назад
Yep. Love Pastor Jeff!
@JesusistheonetrueGod 2 месяца назад
@@Yesica1993 You and I both sister
@chriswatson276 2 месяца назад
Right on, Larry, sadly. The difference between Dawkins and Peterson really symbolizes the change in culture we've experienced over the last 20 years or so. We went from the "angry atheists" to "spiritual" types. With the atheists, there were at least concrete points to be debated. With the spiritual types, there are no corners, nothing to get your hands on. It's so much more slippery and imprecise and harder to deal with. Interesting too, because it looks very much like the hopeless, disenchanted world of the atheists gave rise to the fluffy spiritualists who crave enchantment. Both equally lost but very different to interact with.
@Yesica1993 2 месяца назад
Well said!
@catherinesummers5057 Месяц назад
This is absolutely bang on!!! You hit the nail on the head Different head of the hydra pops up!!
@helenbeekman9700 2 месяца назад
I think you should minister to him personally. He is searching but his great intellect makes him proceed cautiously. Solomon can ask for wisdom and so could J. P. I don’t see the benefit to think we know his heart.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
I have reached out to him privately. He attacked me publicly. Teaching is by definition a public endeavor. Therefore bad teaching much be called out publicly. See Galatians 2 and the Apostle Paul confronting Peter.
@eveofthewest 2 месяца назад
Bond, don’t question yourself on calling this out.. Your discernment knew that Peterson is leading his followers to a pitfall. You are spot on. Peterson tickles the ears, and that is deadly to a young believer. You calling out Peterson is one more example of why you are a great end times “Watchman on the wall”..
@pakrm2023 2 месяца назад
Well said!
@martyduke3139 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Larry, I've been waiting for 2+ years for 7:26 someone with a podcast to say the truth about Jordan Peterson. I agree with what you said & there is no judgment on my part nor do I hear even one iota of judgment from you. I appreciate your clarity on this & your stand on this! Thank you!! ❤
@americafirst9144 2 месяца назад
Jordon Peterson makes me very tense. He is so high strung and intense.
@LuvableAF 2 месяца назад
Put Jordan on closed caption … you will question why he is so popular for being a “theologian” .. a “philosopher “… buddy is big words and circle talk.
@pjwhitmire2687 Месяц назад
I’ve tried to listen to him but just never saw why he became so popular.
@Dday31 2 месяца назад
Peterson was asked directly in an interview if he was a Christain ..his response was not yes or no..but basically said he didn't know if he could live up to the standard..& didn't want to become a hypocrite. Someone needs to tell him the gospel teaches that none of us can & that's why we needed Jesus as a sacrifice to recieve our salvation!! Do you think he gets that?
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
He does not understand the Bible or the gospel -- but he thinks he qualified to teach it!
@sandramckeehan5679 2 месяца назад
Thank you for talking about "Peterson's Theology". I only hope he doesn't do too much harm.
@CountItJoy140 2 месяца назад
@tammywisdom3701 2 месяца назад
When someone says they believe in God, you have to ask them which god that is.
@vitaleonis1196 2 месяца назад
ABSOLUTELY PERFECT POINT! I have been saying that EXACT thing for years.
@PrettiBelle 2 месяца назад
@annamineer2521 Месяц назад
I tell them that even Satan and his demons believe in God, but that isn't going to get them back into Heaven. Accepting His gift of sacrifice for our salvation and surrendering to His will for our lives will.
@antbrown9066 Месяц назад
And belief is more than just saying it. I believe that when I ask a stranger for directions to the corner shop they will point the way to the correct place. Little commitment required. Belief in the life, teaching and resurrection of Christ requires a much different type of “belief”. The word belief has multiple layers of strength
@donnajohnson3334 Месяц назад
The difference is do they believe in the historical man, Jesus or do they put their trust and faith on Jesus, the Christ, Son of God ?.
@marinavalenzuela6517 Месяц назад
Learn from a knowledgeable Christ follower and a seasoned debater, Eric. Thank God we have him on our side. Grateful for Eric, too.
@jamesphilip6737 2 месяца назад
Larry, You weren't swayed by Eric's contention about Peterson's "journey" and stood by your convictions that I have heard you express before. Though you may disagree with Metaxas on some things, Eric and you are both phenomenal conveyors of the Faith.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
Eric is a friend. But he is wrong here. ;)
@surrenderdaily333 Месяц назад
I've been watching Jordan Peterson for some time and have been praying for him to become a Christian. Sometimes he seems so close, but he's just missing it every time and it's somewhat frustrating me to watch him do this dance he does with the Bible. But Larry Taunton is absolutely right in that we can't allow anyone to dilute the actual definition of what a Christian is, there are millions of people out there who think they are Christians and they aren't, but they think they are because of all the terrible preaching and media and everything else related to religion being perverted and twisted. The true path and definition of Christianity MUST be preserved at all costs. After all, didn't Jesus ask, "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find {the} faith on the earth?" I also watch whenever Ben Shapiro is confronted by people like John MacArther and others. I prayed for Russell Brand awhile back when I was watching his channel. There are so many famous people claiming suddenly that they are Christians, like it's the new fad type thing to do. But I don't really believe what they say. Jesus said by their fruit ye shall know them. I always enjoy conversations like this between my favorite Christians. I always come away feeling blessed. Thanks to both of you.
@dragonslayer7587 2 месяца назад
JESUS IS LORD! I will never stop confessing that TRUTH! I know the power of my God! IF, you are truly seeking the Lord, HE WILL reveal himself to you.
@rosetocreation 2 месяца назад
Thanks for this discussion. I have been seeing Peterson as a wolf in sheep's clothes for awhile now.. I just can't unsee it! He is constantly misquoting the Bible as well. Appreciate that others really listening to what he's saying and realize something is off as well. I agree we must honor what a Christian means and what you are saying about what happens with the young men following him... I've spoken to many regurgitating Peterson and like him on the fence about actually commiting to their faith. Have you seen this? An example can be seen in the discussion between Ruslan and Nate Rose if you are interested.
@sherrikish3987 2 месяца назад
To be a Christian is not just believe but be born again or anew by the Spirit of God. We become one with Him and now can choose to try to walk by the Spirit and obey His commandments, with His strength.
@tinadockery103 2 месяца назад
When are you going to invite him on your podcast, would appreciate hearing both sides of that conversation...I enjoy listening to you both😊
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
I have done so multiple times.
@OldBenKenobi1964 2 месяца назад
Grateful you call out Jordan P. I like him. And he is an ally the way Ben Franklin or Thomas Jefferson were allies in civil liberty. But I don’t look to either as spiritual founding fathers.
@debrasknowles1637 2 месяца назад
We must be “born again.”
@isrberlinerin4063 2 месяца назад
Amen !
@rosetocreation 2 месяца назад
Truth. 🙏
@jodylawson6414 2 месяца назад
I don't want to sound legalistic, but I've never understood if anyone truly understands who Jesus is and what His death on the cross accomplished, how they could flippantly use His name as Jordan Peterson so often does. I also believe Peterson is in a more risky place thinking he's a believer than Dawkins is knowing he's not.
@danieloutloud9151 2 месяца назад
Hadn't realized that this was a video I'd watched earlier , it becomes clear and unmistakable that Eric has glommed on to Peterson so hard as a guru that he's not bothered by Peterson handing out Spiritual wisdom and advice although Peterson is as lost and unknowing about God as the most ignorant human being . Eric has shown this willingness before as he interviews very very lost Priests , Cardinals , etc. and accepts their Spiritual insights as valuable .
@vitaleonis1196 2 месяца назад
@meggy8868 2 месяца назад
Also Eric has taken up with the apostolic, prophetic movement and they are very fringe.
@thebluedoorstep647 Месяц назад
Jordan uses an abundance of words to impress his listeners. He is not a believer and should not be idolized but rather warned against until he repents. Humility of mind and heart is the first requirement when seeking God. Has anyone shared the gospel with him? He needs our prayers.
@eveofthewest 2 месяца назад
I believe Peterson got so much attention because he knows how to turn on the waterworks.. In a time that has grown cold, people are desperate to feel. But it’s an emotional show. A lie..
@stevezub9752 Месяц назад
This analysis was spot on. Peterson, as much as I respect and admire him for all he has done and said, dances around the fiery truth of the gospel. He refuses to break through the glass ceiling of faith and repentance where he embraces Jesus as his personal saviour.
@meggy8868 2 месяца назад
Larry, exactly right. For Peterson every thing is an allegory. That makes him a dangerous handler of the Scriptures. Dawkins reveals in a discussion with Ali that he understands what a Christian is Ayan says she " chooses" to believe and Hitchens caught her on it. He is a sweet guy too.
@generalmod2698 2 месяца назад
Dawkins himself said he was a cultural Christian which I believe JP was paraphrasing
@s.hicks7213 2 месяца назад
I truly pray for RD salvation and that he one day truly comes to faith in Messiah, Christ Jesus. I remember an interview he did a long time ago. (And I’m paraphrasing here) but he was asked why he is so insistent and stubbornly adamant about his position regarding his refusal to accept that there is a One and Only true and living God-meaning the Father in Heaven, his Son, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. The interviewer wanted to know what RD would do if he found out he was wrong. Dawkins at first had anger and irritation in his facial expression, but then there was, (dare I say) what looked like sadness and sorrow in his eyes and he said something along the lines of, “then why did He make it so hard for me to see and believe in Him?”
@itzawrap 2 месяца назад
I love Jordan, but he’s stuck on ‘over-thinking’ a personal relationship with Jesus. Either he doesn’t get it, or doesn’t think he needs that personal relationship. I am hopeful though. Eventually the one who seeks God in spirit and truth, God will reveal Himself clearly enough to transcend a purely mental apprehension to a transformed heart. That’s how it happens. It did for me 50 years ago this year. Life has never been the same. Thank you Lord for not forsaking my hard heart.
@FightingforGold Месяц назад
Jordan Peterson is very prideful and showcases his intelligence through wordiness and over complicating things.
@kikkan7110 2 месяца назад
Very correct, thank you so much!
@teddy122389 2 месяца назад
On a side note, I wouldn't be so quick to say angels are strictky spiritual beings. Every time the scriptures tell us of human to angel contact, they are described as physical, human looking creatures. They obviously look very unique as the men of Sodom singled them out by sight. And why wouldn't they look similar to us? Are they not sons of God, made in His image?
@kimmoffett6537 Месяц назад
don’t think you’re hearing what is being said by Peterson ; still love you guys as well as Peterson ❤
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
Oh, I think I did.
@JesusistheonetrueGod 2 месяца назад
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV [1] But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. [2] For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, [3] heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, [4] treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, [5] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
@gregbeck7276 Месяц назад
My life to Christ was a journey as God was calling me. The actual event of God depositing His Holy Spirit into me though was an actual event. I still remember it so clearly to this day as God dealt with me ever so gently but with a holy clarity about my sinfulness which I repented of and still to this day I daily repent of bring a sinful person but then like breathing I always thank Him for His grace and mercy to me in saving me. That was at 22 I was born into a religious family with a narcissistic mum so I got belt over the head with the bible and that Hod was angry with me. So my journey took time until I was in a place to listen to God but He was soo loving and kind to me and to this day now at 60 yrs of age I still love and trust His ways over my ways. His nature is so loving and kind while still being Holy and only accepting us to obey Him each day. I think Jordan Peterson whom I love to follow and I think his journey is God trying to win him over to himself. He just needs to submit and repent of his sins which I'm praying will happen soon. Let's all pray for this great man that he can fall on his knees and come to know Him who is our salvation.
@ransche1 Месяц назад
The narration in Acts 8 says very clearly that Simon believed. Just because he made a mistake and misunderstood the Holy Spirit does not negate his conversion.
@karinmassey7806 2 месяца назад
I totally agree with Larry Alex Taunton as much as I love Jordan Peterson. LORD HELP US TO REPENT OF ANYTHING THAT OFFENDS YOU. DRAW US BACK TO YOU WITH A RENEWED FERVOR.
@isrberlinerin4063 2 месяца назад
I wonder why you love J.P ? He is a carnal unsaved man and tries to convince others of his futile knowledge he read and learned from other persons like him .
@vitaleonis1196 2 месяца назад
Jordan Peterson was absolutely on the right path to the knowledge, understanding and belief in Christ. However - what can only be described as a reenactment of CS Lewis's "the Screwtape Letters" - the spiritual enemy whispered into the ear of Jordan Peterson, and he went off the path, to the joy of Wormwood. After this whispering in the ear, Jordan apparently had his personal Ah-ha! moment, where he decided to add his own brand of psychology to the Scriptures. This however, made him feel very comfortable - since he was already a great debater and a well-read psychologist. So, Peterson decided to create his own style of telling people that the Bible is about analogies and storytelling, rather than actual events that happened, and what will happen in the future, as well as what it takes to find Salvation through Christ alone. Now, his daughter helps him with marketing a whole new employment world of podcasting and interviews for him. It is really sad to see that he was on the right path, only to be led astray. You could obviously see that he was starting to see the path a few years back, when he was starting to cry during his interviews. He was truly starting to understand that life was so much more than atheism, and that God in Christ were not only possibly real, they actually were real - and He can live in your heart and you can find eternal Salvation. Wormwood did his job well; it will take a miracle to change Jordan Peterson now.
@mrwiggiewoo 2 месяца назад
I respect JP and think he has much to offer to the culture, but I've heard him laud Christianity to the point of tears sayi ng if God is real how could I live up to that? As if to say I really want to believe but I just can't because I'm not worthy of something. He's been dancing around this topic for a long time and all the Christians are cheering him on because we want him to be Christian and he's almost there. I don't believe that's true sadly. 1 I think he has his own religion based on Jungian ideology. For example his archetype class in which he uses biblical models so we can figure out what our life is all about or something like that. Like I said I respect the man but I don't believe that he is Christian or necessarily is on the cusp of being a Christian despite all of his admiration for Christianity for what he thinks is Christianity. By the way, if you do a little bit of a dive, at the root of Jungian philosophy/ idealogy is a form of Enochian magic and gnostisim. I do believe Christians should stop fawning over him.
@isrberlinerin4063 2 месяца назад
You are absolutely correct . Some Christians say they love J.P and Eric M. says he respects J.P. to me that is disturbing that those Christians love and respect a carnal unsaved man and listen to his futile worldly philosophy .
@gamota4523 2 месяца назад
JP does not have a biblical concept of who God is. Period!!
@godlychristian8257 Месяц назад
Mr Peterson’s god inspires him to charge upwards of $80 per person to listen to him ‘speak’… “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Colossians 2:8
@DavidMccallister65 2 месяца назад
Jordan won't even say that he believes in God, and despite whatever philosophical gobbledygook he uses as an excuse, that's a MAJOR red flag.
@LuvableAF 2 месяца назад
Gobbledegook. Exactly.
@pakrm2023 2 месяца назад
Amen! I have to agree with several comments below . . . we can only pray that some day real SOON, Jordan Peterson comes to recognize the fact that HE is an UNWORTHY sinner, that he needs to REPENT of his sins and comes to accept the Lord, Jesus Christ as his King, his Savior, his Messiah, his everything. All Glory Be To God! Maranatha! Sola scriptura Sola fide Sola gratia Solus Christus Soli Deo gloria
@tombretislow7091 Месяц назад
If justification were an event and not a process 1 Cor 1:18 would not refer to "us who are being saved". It would have said "us who have been saved". Also if as Rom 10:9 says "if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you WILL BE saved.", then confessing with your lips and believing in your heart do not accomplish salvation. It says "WILL BE", not "ARE"
@louskimming4371 2 месяца назад
Gnosticism has always competed with God’s truth. Peterson is enamored with Carl Jung's work on religion, and as I understand it Jung self-identified as a Gnostic.
@dmm6341 2 месяца назад
Finally Truth❤
@mjschoensee93 28 дней назад
I agree with LAT on this point
@vladpsychotrope3187 Месяц назад
All that said, his opinions are virtuous and his insights uniquely profound. He's a truth hammer in a secular world full of fools.
@ronhall3269 Месяц назад
You know what? It took me a while because I’m logical and I really did seek truth. If I had run across this person, Larry, and people with the comments that are on here before I found it, I would likely have been just like Gandhi. Who said I really like what God says, but the Christians are so not. We are here to teach and help people find and complete their truth journey. And when somebody like Jordan, who is seeking and has made some really interesting insights that are quite good is attacked by the people who are actually being judgmental in the wrong way not a biblical way, and not encouraging them to come further in their journey 3:35 and state how close you’re getting and we just need to help you with some nuances. And yes, I chose nuances on purpose because just like when I trained people in multiple businesses as manager and owner of businesses, my goal was not to tear them down and tell them how far off they are but to admit and acknowledge that they’re on a decent path with guidance and patience Will get them to where they need to be. I pray that you people do not react this way to everybody you come across because you are the problem, as one of the famous Christian leaders said when ask and said I am the problem.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
Belief in the Person of Jesus is not a “nuance.”
@user-wz7zk5ce5t 2 месяца назад
When Peterson speaks about Christianity, I have not heard The Gospel of Jesus Christ spoken. He sounds theological but not according to the truth of The Gospel.
@garypotter5569 2 месяца назад
Peterson is a psychologist. A not Christian psychologist. That explains everything you need to know about him.
@copperskycoppersky6074 Месяц назад
Becoming a follower of Jesus is a Spiritual birth, not simply becoming a pursuant of Truth… and I DO think Jordan Peterson is on His way and I’m praying he truly encounters the living Jesus… and while I get the caution I think you should have this conversation with him directly first not first talk about it on RU-vid… take him for coffee and disciple Him seeing as you’re Christians
@cptrikester2671 2 месяца назад
I've been very impressed with David Berlinski. Seems like he is an extremely good critical thinker but unable to arrive at a critical conclusion.
@purrrfectnarrative5201 2 месяца назад
If self serving is grace then JP is a good Christian
@lynpuente5248 2 месяца назад
But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born [a]again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” 5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:3-6 NKJV
@beppiek 2 месяца назад
Why don’t we look at John 644 guys? No one no man’s can come unless the father draws him to his son and you’ll know when you’ve been touched by God and I’ll tell you what Jordan hasn’t been touched not even close.
@antbrown9066 Месяц назад
Richard Dawkins grew up in theology and rejected it. He comes across often as the polite academic. However, a close examination reveals that he is out of his depth. He has done lectures and presentations mocking Christianity and casting it in a light of ridicule. The height of unscientific process- antithetical to the ideology that he desperately clings to. Know this. Atheism, while the word has roots in absence of belief, has come to mean a strong system of belief that takes a stand declaring with arrogant assertion, that there is no God - something that cannot be discovered or concluded by the scientific process. Atheism is at it’s strongest stand point - a system of faith - a belief system.
@easzyprogramming Месяц назад
Worth shouting on rooftops, why dont we see unicorn non existentialist hitting everybody on their head that they don't exist. And trying to force everyone to accept their system of believe. Atheism is a strong system of believe that rejects God
@Successor123 2 месяца назад
You know, I don't go to Peterson for theology. I go to Peterson for comments and perspectives on the current issues in society. Peterson doesn't need people jumping on the bandwagon to trash him. He's already got enough of those. I really wish you would stop this shit, Larry.
@bridgetttubbs9959 2 месяца назад
You make seek the truth but when you come to know Christ you come in repentance and asking forgiveness because you know the truth is that you are Sinner and are going to die in your sins and live forever in eternity separated from God. Saved by Grace by Jesus Christ. Jesus is the truth. Peterson is not a Christian.
@vashtiruth 2 месяца назад
Jordan Peterson has not humbled himself to the point of realizing and saying that he is a wretched man in need of a savior. He has not bowed his knees to Jesus. I pray that the Lord will save him.
@NorthLVLowRoller 2 месяца назад
Our church had a sermon on false teachers and our pastor said (You might not like this but I'm going to list a few that you shouldn't be listening too" and I turned to my wife and said Jordan Peterson, after he said his Theology on Shawn Ryan (a new Christian) and completely confused Shawn with false statements (that he said with conviction) I just couldn't believe my ears. Our pastor's end words were "just stop listening to them" and I dont listen to any Peterson anymore, he sprinkle's in now to everything he says and its dangerous. He even got mad at me in the comments for saying something lol.
@CarolannBrendel 2 месяца назад
Anyone who is surprised by Eric Metaxis's wishy-washyness in this clip should check out the show he did, where he said dispensationalism is "from the pit of hell."
@meggy8868 2 месяца назад
Whoops. Dispensationalism is the only view that allows for a literal unfolding of end time Scriptures. Eric has been snared by the Bikels of this world.
@thomassimmons1950 Месяц назад
Well Peterson agrees with one thing: Capitalism is COOL! I know Jesus, I've worked with Jesus, and Jesus, sir was no Capitalist.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
You think the Lord is a socialist? Not so.
@thomassimmons1950 Месяц назад
True. He was not an exponent of political economy...in my humble opinion.​@@IdeasHaveConsequences
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
Not so, Thomas. The Bible dispels any idea of socialism with "Thou shall not steal." There is no private property in socialism. In Acts 5 and the story of Ananias and Sapphira, Peter is at pains to point out that the property was theirs to do with as they wished. And in Proverbs 31 the woman there is commended for making a profit. Socialism seeks to replace God with the state. It is godless by definition.
@mrshankerbillletmein491 2 месяца назад
Having a form of Gogliness denyiing the power thereeof
@pdxeddie1111 2 месяца назад
I agree for the most part "Christians" shouldn't consider Peterson a preacher or evangelist for Christ. What Peterson is is a loose secular ally in truth for the culture at large because he asks good questions of why the culture is moving more and more authoritarian. His defense of free speech is what I like about him and he makes some interesting points in the Bible I find very interesting but he does miss a lot of fundamentals that he can't grasp or are closed to him because of lack of faith. To me he's much like a Jewish Rabbi commenting on the Bible which can be helpful but because their lack of Christ, they usually don't see the big picture or totally miss many truths. Their commentary helps with certain things like why traditions of Jewish faith are visually astounding to Christians yet they lack the understanding why they were implemented in the first place. They dabble around the edges of the target without actually hitting it. Peterson has probably been the most public figure in academia that has incurred the wrath of academia for his defiance of not just going with the program. The first amendment is free press, free speech and freedom of religion. I guess the founders saw them all connected. Free speech helps people to see truth which is the foundation of religion. Anyways Peterson is aware of the danger of suppression of speech or compelled speech of non truth and called it out. The fact that he isn't a "Christian" makes him more of a threat to the powers that be because they can not just readily dismiss him as some sort of superstitious Jesus fanatic like they do with Christians most of the time, if not all the time. I mean you Taunton have a pretty good mind and speak well and your arguments are relatively sound so why aren't they listening to you more? Because your in the Jesus camp and they don't take Christians serious. Of course it's a spiritual war. That doesn't negate the fact that they do not see it that way. Don't know where Peterson will land eventually but making the academic world nervous enough to attack when all he's doing is pointing out the flaws and clear danger in their philosophy I find refreshing. Anyways Peterson isn't a threat to Christians if they know their Bible much at all he may be a threat to those that are not because by the non believer he can appear to be a Christian if they lack Bible knowledge and faith but especially faith. If actual Christians are in danger by him then the problem isn't with Peterson but the "Church" at large. The "Church" I hate to say has been dropping the ball a lot in the last decades mainly probably because of their protection of tax status has made them too compliant to government influence. Just my 2 cents sorry if it was too long. Truth is, Jesus is, G_D's mercy.
@Mark-vf4en Месяц назад
This is purely speculation but I think that Peterson has taken Matthew 6:1-7 literally. I've watched many hours of video and I think I saw a moment where he almost tipped his hand. However, when it comes to Dawkins, there is a man who will not bend his views until he has an idea of his own to take him down another path. Ken Ham just cemented Dawkins' views despite his good arguments for creation. Peterson has accepted the condemnation of man to put forth an effort to point people to the truth of the Bible without saying the words that make an atheist stop listening; "God" or "Jesus". .... Jordan Peterson's arguments led me to dig deeper and ultimately find the words of Ken Ham and Michael Heiser. From them, I can see that there is nothing in this reality that can not be explained through the study of biblical text; including Jesus is Lord. I can point to one phrase that got me to thinking by Jordan Peterson saying, during the study genesis, How can that not be the truth we all seek? (possibly paraphrased here) ... So? Is he worried about man's opinion, or God's? Only God knows where he will end up by speaking "atheist speak".
@jawneethecurious Месяц назад
Been saying for years that Jordan is clueless about real Christianity. At least he is giving God recognition which is needed. Then again, if a person doesn't eventually give oneself to the Lord (born of His Spirit), what's the use?
@vitaleonis1196 2 месяца назад
05:39 - ERIC IS COMPLETELY WRONG HERE! Someone could be taking LSD and listening to Spiritual music and earnestly seeking truth..... that does not make them a christian, or repentant seeking salvation through Christ Alone. Eric is wrong many times. I only tuned in to hear what Larry had to say about Jordan.
@GTRalso 29 дней назад
Thank you professor. Eric… like me…. like you are wrong many times. The man puts himself out there for Christ. God bless him. So sorry for the anguish you had to endure from Eric so you could listen to Larry. ( “ now we know in part”)
@wendyfisher3886 2 месяца назад
Right as usual, Larry. Your Biblical definition silences the kinda - wanna be's. No need for "supernatural experiences" either to determine who is a Christian. Scripture is very clear who are the elect, and who aren't.
@user-fu2oy6dp4j Месяц назад
If someone does not believe in The Holy Trinity, then they are non believer! Blessings
@britanikothegreat8513 2 месяца назад
Matthew 7:21-23. Matthew 6:33. Matthew 5:17-20!!! Psalms 22:22-31!!! Jeremiah 23:6?!.. Mark 14:60-61. John 12:30-34?!. Malakias 1:11. Hebreo 4:12.
@martyduke3139 2 месяца назад
P.S. i also love Jordan but I have never heard him surrender or make a confession of faith re: Jesus Christ. I also agree with Larry that Richard Dawkins knowingly has rejected the gospel. I am making no judgment on Jordan's heart but he has never been clear about accepting the gospel or Jesus Christ, as much as he may admire him. When it comes down to this most basic of questions, every time he is asked directly, I have seen Jordan get all tangled up in his intellectualizing left brain. 😢
@rinihogewoning6528 2 месяца назад
Without Christ, we are at emnity with God, thus we aren't seeking God or His truth. Thus, God must regenerate the heart of the unbeliever to transform them to love God and his truth. 10 as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one; 11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. (Romans 3:10-11, ESV)
@cindysearl4369 Месяц назад
God is not a god of chaos. He needs to draw closer to God and God will draw close to you. Look up Ephesians chapter 2 verse eight. Ask and it will be given to you seek and you shall fine. Knock and the door will be opened. John 14:6 pls read.
@kathleentiemubol1080 2 месяца назад
Becoming a Christian is both an event (justification by faith in Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and resurrection power) and an ongoing process of growing as a disciple (sanctification; becoming Christlike; living in holiness). When people are seeking the Truth, they are on a journey towards Christ. I agree that there is a time when they must repent and choose to submit their wills and surrender their lives to Jesus. It is right to warn people not to depend on Jordan Peterson for an understanding of the gospel and Christian doctrine.
@jeff4019 Месяц назад
Mr.Taunton, I think you're wrong. You sound like some of Jesus' disciples who complained about the man casting out demons in Jesus' name. But Jesus said, one who is not against us is for us (Mk. 9:38-40). Peterson is definitely not against Christians, and in fact I would say he is very much for Christianity. You should reconsider your thoughts about him.
@autumnleaves2766 Месяц назад
Great comment, Peterson is for Christianity at a time when its own leaders are often weak and woke and not defending it against a certain religion that wants to take over.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
Person is NOT for Christianity as he is NOT a Christian. As for the verses you refer to, they were spoken of those casting out demons in Jesus’ name. Peterson isn’t really sure Jesus was even real.
@ChrisG313rd 2 месяца назад
8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. Gal 1:8 Read your Bible don’t listen to men. Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Jer 17:5
@dianemilnes8561 Месяц назад
Gosh, nothing wrong with seeking the truth. The Bible is very vague and God has so much more to say thru the holy spirit. If u only look at the Bible thru a man's eye, you are very limited in God's knowledge. ..
@dianemilnes8561 Месяц назад
Peterson isnt a theologian, hes very intelligent, a blackmark, but he may not go into real depths because thats not his field. Throwing yourbpearls before the swine, because hes been condemned in Canada for hes words on psychology. Hes cautious.
@faithtalkforum Месяц назад
The LORD said "If you seek Me you will find me"... Seeking is NEVER wrong! I continue to pray for Jordan's journey. He does not claim to be a theologian. We should be grateful that he is bringing attention to the Bible and through that many people are reading the WORD for the first time and being saved. PRAY for HIM.... Criticizing him is not productive... rejoice that he is seeking Truth.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
He is teaching nonsense when it comes to the Bible. He needs to sit down. Seekers shouldn't be teachers. They should be listeners.
@teronjames7457 Месяц назад
who's GOD you guys......talkin about
@antbrown9066 Месяц назад
It appears Larry, that you may be oversimplifying and misinterpreting the meaning of Jordan Petersons dialogue. He has also said that belief and seeking truth requires the greatest or ultimate commitment. Belief is a continuum or degree of intensity. Is isn’t merely a statement, a declaration or agreement. The word belief is one word. That one word can be described further with many adjectives.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
Not even a little bit. Peterson does not understand the Bible. I point you here for a more thorough discussion: thefederalist.com/2024/05/21/behind-jordan-petersons-biblical-teaching-is-his-own-humanistic-agenda/
@antbrown9066 Месяц назад
@@IdeasHaveConsequences you didn’t actually respond to the point. You answered a different question. Whether he understands the bible or not is not for you to pontificate on. That is your opinion. That also wasn’t the point. The point is how he attempts to discuss “belief”. You are welcome to respond appropriately to the words stated, rather than a tangential topic.
@antbrown9066 Месяц назад
@@IdeasHaveConsequences thanks for sending that through - Your thoughts and analysis of Jordan Peterson. I see you see him as a potential for leading people off course. Perhaps more negative than positive in your view… That may be placing too much responsibility on him for the influence of others. It seems to me that there are greater, more serious and blatantly evil deceptions which pose so much more danger. The opposite of seeking truth encompasses a wide range of deception that should stand as a warning and threat to humanity.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
I have not misunderstood him. He’s over his head when he talks about God and the Bible. That is my point.
@antbrown9066 Месяц назад
@@IdeasHaveConsequences I am not sure I said if you misunderstood him. Who can really tell whether anyone understands something. I suspect many are “over their heads” as you put it when they talk about God and the Bible.
@Tyler-xd9rb Месяц назад
Repentance is the activator of grace? Cart before the horse. At least when it comes to being born again. Until God, in His grace, grants someone the gift of faith, it is impossible for someone to recognize that they are a sinner in need of our Savior. It is only after God has removed our heart of stone and placed in us a heart of flesh that we can recognize our sin, confess it to God and repent of it. He of course, true to His Word, is faithful and just to forgive us. That does not mean He won't use His rod of correction to chastise us as a loving Father.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
I think my meaning was clear, Tyler. But let me try again: without repentance there can be no forgiveness.
@ryleighloughty3307 2 месяца назад
Peterson does not present himself as a theologian. He puts his Christian-rooted ideas in the public square as an alternative to other faiths and ideologies, which are inherently wrong and often nihilistic.
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
He is teaching the "Jordan B. Peterson Biblical Series." He is absolutely presenting himself as a biblical expert, and many people are being led astray by his false teaching.
@riner60341 2 месяца назад
Peterson is speaking to non believers not Christians
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
That's the point: Peterson IS a nonbeliever.
@riner60341 Месяц назад
@@IdeasHaveConsequences I didn't say that. You did. You can judge him. I'm thankful for him. He has led more people to Christ than you or me
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
First of all, you haven't any idea how many people I have or haven't led to Christ. To say such a thing is both ignorant and pompous. Second, the Lord does not use false teachers to draw people to himself. Peterson misuses scripture consistently. Third, the Bible speaks very strongly against those who do twist the Gospel message as Peterson does. Fourth, don't assume that because Peterson says what you think are nice things about God and the Bible that the Lord views it the same way. To date, Peterson has rejected belief in Jesus Christ, and the Lord has nothing but condemnation for such people until they repent. (John 3:18) Read more here: thefederalist.com/2024/05/21/behind-jordan-petersons-biblical-teaching-is-his-own-humanistic-agenda/
@riner60341 Месяц назад
@@IdeasHaveConsequences that article is Christian propaganda trying to maintain strict legalistic control over what Christian can and can't say. No different than the Catholic Church. None of it touched on the virtuous impact Peterson is having on young men for our culture.
@nanschricker1475 2 месяца назад
I find your pompous.. self righteous... and public display of another honorable man..most offensive. Mr Peterson is a psychologist.. a Renaissance Man... and loves and honors truth.. and seeks it. Your condemnation... is very..very insulting and premature... and it seems quite self serving. Shame on you!
@IdeasHaveConsequences Месяц назад
I find you vicious and exactly the type of person who would ascribe to JP's type of "Christianity." You deserve each other.
@Frederer59 2 месяца назад
You two should review Piaget's stages of development. Why are you, otherwise intelligent Evangelicals stuck at the concrete operational (7-11 years of age) level of thinking when it comes to Christianity?😂
@77c472 2 месяца назад
Jesua is my Lord and Savior! I am saved by grace through faith.
@tonyohalloran8817 Месяц назад
The Christian faith is racial. You don't get to "choose" or "believe". You are or you aren't, it's already determined whether you like it or not. Cope & seethe, there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth.
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