
Esaret 21. Bölüm | Redemption Episode 21 

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Redemption airs on Kanal 7 at 19.00 every weekday!
To Subscribe to Redemptıon RU-vid Channel 👉bit.ly/3UCkP3N
A duel of revenge and love.
On one side, there is Orhun, who is burning with revenge and his arrogance, on the other side, there is Hira, who is ready to take on the role that's been assigned to her even though she is innocent…
Orhun, the heir to the Demirhanlı family, and Hira, whom Orhun thinks killed his twin sister, keep their viewers glued to the screen with a love that is kneaded with vengeance.
As fate drags winds from the dessert to Istanbul; A proud woman and a victim are now on the same path. REDEMPTION has begun.
The story of Orhun, who wants to avenge his sister, and Hira, who is the prisoner of her conscience, will soon air on Channel 7 with Redemption.
Channel: Kanal 7
Production: Karamel Yapım
Directors: Ayhan Özen - Serkan Mut
Mahassine Merabet
Cenk Torun
Hilal Anay
Ali Yağız Durmuş
#esaret #redemption #ecchorights




18 дек 2022




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Комментарии : 1 тыс.   
@sfoodie Год назад
I like the fact the wedding was done before they come.
@Passion407 11 месяцев назад
Me too. So glad the wicked witch from hell got there late. What a mother.
@anabellesoliguin2318 10 месяцев назад
@yaimery3076 Год назад
Episodio fuerte!!! En este capitulo vimos a Orhun y Hira unirse en matrimonio dejando a su madre muy enojada. Quiero detenerme en particular en esta escena porque en ella se refleja muchas csracteristicas de lo que estaban sintiendo cada uno ellos a raiz de este grandioso evento. El ministro dio su ultima sentencia, esas palabras magicas, que una pareja de enamorados de recien casados espera con ansias: " Puedes besar a la Novia". Sin embargo en este csso no tuvo la misma comnotacion porque el rostro de Hira reflejaba mucha tristeza. Ella sabe las razones de ese matrimonio, que sus bases no estan fundadas sobre el amor, sino por una venganza cruel y despiadada y por eso su tristeza. Perooo... La cara de Orhun Bey, su mirada hacia su madre es de triumfo total ya que el ssbe que no hay peor castigo para su orgullosa madre que verlo cssado con una simple criada El peor csstigo que pudo darle Orhun Bey a su madre es que su preciada sangre y su linaje se manche con una plebeya cualquiera. Por lo tanto el Ogro Orhun hizo uso de su deber, de cssados y se da la vuelta para besar a una timida, temblorosa, cabizbaja novia. Mientras el la miraba de frente pude ver en el diferentes tipos de sentimientos en su mirada desde: venganza, odio amor, placer, deseo, triumfo, pero tambien mucho enojo ya que el sabe que Hira no quiere ser tocada asi, el sabe que posar sus labios en la frente de la bella Hira es como si estuviera quemando el alma de Hira en mil pedazos. Para Afife su rostro era de desprecio total ante semejante escena. Su hijo la ha desafiado con este matrimonio y con su mirada de mujer envenenada por la ira le dio a entender: " Hijo, pagaras por tu osadia". Por supuesto con ese beso, que en este momento no fue un beso de amor se sello matrimonio. Esa fue mi apreciacion sobre escena. Orhun Bey quiere usar a Hira como un arma contra su despiadada msdre y de paso quiere vengarse de Hira por lo de su hermana ,por lo que este matrimonio sera en apariencia porque el cree que tiene el poder suficiente para mover el tiempo, el destino, su amor que cada dia mas crece en su corazon a su antojo cuando no sera asi porque el cazador caera en la trampa que el mismo ha creado tan meticulosamrnte. Todo es cuestion de tiempo. Hira esta temblando de miedo y las palabras del Maestro Yakup le vinieron como anillo al dedo. " El esta en la cara de la persona. No hay tela en tu piel que pueda lastimar una vida si dices esto, obviamente Orhun no ve ese embudo que ves tu. Su dolor fue muy doloroso porque el te mira con el dolor de la perdida de su hermana. Conozco a Demirhan Bey hace mucho tiempo. No importa cuan equivocado este, tiene un corazon que rventualmente encontrara la verdad. Siempre veo y el vera que la paciencia es la clave de la prosperidad. No digo que sea facil para ti tener paciencia, pero no te rindas. Esperanza en la misericordia de Dios. Tambien hay uno, por supuesto. No se debe decir que conozco la esencia de una persona sin verla. Por supuesto que el lo vera, pero se vera un poco de tiempo". Fin de las palabras. Sabias palabras con un gran significado. La paciencia es la clave para cualquier matrimonio y Hira la necesitara mucho con el ogro grunon 😁😁 Pero por supuesto llego el momento de la verdad, cuando la psreja de recien casados les toco quedarse solos en esa enorme casa donde pudimos ver a la bella Hira temblando de miedo sobre todo cusndo la bestia enfurecida le dice: " Esperame en tu cuarto". Ay Ay Ay!!! A la Bella le dio algo!! La pobre estaba tan nerviosa adentro de su habitacion, caminaba de un lado hacia el otro, se paraba atras de la puerta escuchando su converzacion telefonica, etc. La parte que me causo risa fue Cuando lo escucha decir por telefono que en 10 minutos terminaba. El caso es que Hira miraba el reloj sin cesar preguntandose si tuviera el poder para detener el tiempo, si se congelara por unos segundos para que esos preciados minutos no se movieran, pero desgraciadamente para Hira las manejillas de ese reloj siguio en perfecta sincronia su movimiento hasta que paso lo inevitable cuando el Ogro Orhun decide hacer su entrada triumfal en el cuarto nupcial de su bella, pero una temblorosa esposa virgen. Interesante final!! Hira no quiere entregar lo unico sagrado y especial que tiene en su vida, que es su virginidad, se la quiere entregar al hombre que ama y no por una cruel venganza Cuales son las bases de un matrimonio? El amor, respeto y paciencia, como bien dijo el Maestro a Hira, pero los cimientos de esta union estan manchados, estan debiles porque nuestro ogro esta ciego en su sed de venganza y no es capaz de ver el diamante valioso que es Hira. El la ama, pero su corazon, con el amor que esta sintiendo por ella lo sostienen las mismas cadenas, que lleva Hira como esclava y mientras el no libere el Fuego que consume su alma. Mientras ella no encuentre la forma de llegar a su corazon herido de la Bestia para poder sanarlo, este matrimonio sera como una casa rota, que sus fundaciones estan debiles y Cuando llega la gran tormenta entonces esa casa se desploma con todo lo que lleva adentro. Y aqui la gran tormenta sera Afife que no le importara destruir a Hira y a su propio hijo por su arrogancia extrema. Veremos si Orhun es capaz de liberar Las ataduras de su corazon para poder amar con todas las fuerzas a lbella Hira y si ese amor es lo suficientemente fuerte para aplastar a la implacable Afife. Preparense la gran tormenta comenzara pronto. Buenas noches a todos.😍😍😍
@anaraquelgomezcorreas4979 Год назад
Gracias 🌹🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤❤❤
@marilucasanchez6500 Год назад
Gracias ❤️!!! Esto es la esencia del capítulo
@rocioyaninalezcano6938 Год назад
Muchas gracias por tu bello relato...
@RadmilaIdimum Год назад
Que bonito suena lbella Hira y Orhun = amor...❤💜💚💙🤎 Única Yaimery, muchas gracias por la traducción...🍎
@adacuba1388 Год назад
Muchísimas gracias Por la traducción, así si puedo ver la novela y suena interesante cada capítulo gracias a tu traducción
@suleymanquliyev5671 Год назад
Orhun Hiraya yaklaşdıkca zaman onların yerine heyacanlanan ben 😉😉😍😍💖
@wahibaabbes Год назад
@user-hf1tc6yx8r Год назад
@xstrecht Год назад
Tradução para Português🇵🇹 Hira e Orhum 1❤ Juíz: pode beijar a noiva! Orhum: Nursha? Nursha: A nossa mãe nunca me vai perdoar, não sei como a irei encarar novamente! Orhum:Tu não tens culpa de nada, acalma-te. Nursha! Nursha: desculpa-me irmão. Eu não queria arruinar este dia tão feliz...mas a nossa mãe, nunca pensei que ficaria tão zangada! 2❤ Orhum: Nursha não terás que dar explicações nenhumas, vais dizer à nossa mãe que tudo foi ideia minha, estamos de acordo? A responsabilidade de tudo é minha. Nursha: não irmão, eu também tenho responsabilidade. Eu sabia que ela ía ficar brava, mas ela nunca olhou daquela maneira para mim. Orhum: esse olhar erapara mim, o problema da nossa mãe é comigo. Nursha: eu sei. Ela está zangada porque te casaste com alguém de quem ela não gosta, que não encaixa na nossa família. Irmão porque é que ela não faz um esforço para conhecer a Hira, porque é que ela julga sem conhecer? Será que ela não vê o sacrifício que a Hira fez à poucos dias atrás, essa garota saltou em frente das balas para te proteger. Toda a gente víu! Se algo de que tenho certeza é de que a Hira é uma boa pessoa, mas acima de tudo, sei que ela se importa contigo. A nossa mãe vai entender isso um dia e vai-se arrepender de tudo o que está a fazer. Orhum: eu não quero que te preocupes com essas coisas. Quero que te preocupes apenas contigo. Nursha: irmão isto da minha mãe é algo que me preocupa, mas eu acredito muito que tudo vai dar certo entre ti e a Hira. Tudo isto parece um pesadelo mas quero que saibas que sempre estarei do teu lado. 3❤ Prima: eu ainda não consigo acreditar no que aconteceu...o que é que ela fez? Como é que ela enfeitiçou o Orhun? Ela assinou aquele livro com ar de triunfo e agora ela é oficialmente a mulher dele! Isto não vai resultar, ela não combina com esta família. E pior do que tudo, eles te ignoraram completamente. O orhan nunca faria tal coisa se não fosse ela, ele está enfeitiçado por ela. Afife: Deixa-me ficar na mansão e leva a Eda aonde ela quiser. 4❤ Hira relembra que o Orhum lhe disse que ela só saltou em frente das balas porque achou que ele a perdoaria, só que ele jamais a perdoará. Hira: nem que eu me mate, o meu castigo jamais acabará! Hira relembra que orhun lhe disse que ela é uma assassina que matou a melhor pessoa do mundo. Orhum: não penses que isto te vai proteger, nada mudou. O teu castigo continuará, sim eu dei-te o meu sobrenome, mas ainda tens muito que sofrer, não terás um minuto de paz. 5❤ Yakup: como te sentes? Hira: eu estou bem, só saí porque queria apanhar um pouco de ar fresco. Yakup: eu consigo ver a tua tristeza minha filha, esses teus olhos marejados denunciam a tua tristeza. Hira: não tio, percebeste mal Yakup: sabes, eu sei tudo o que se passou, ele contou-me tudo. Tudo o que aconteceu África. Porque é que isto teve que acontecer? Hira: eu juro, eu não fiz nada com más intenções, eu não sabia. A nossa irmã era muito preciosa para mim. E nós gostávamos muito uma da outra. Nunca lhe faria mal. Yakup: vejo a bondade nos teus olhos minha filha, mas precisas entender que ele não consegue ver isso em ti, pois a dor dele é muito grande. Ele olha para ti e só vê a morte da irmã. Eu conheço-o à muitos anos, ele não está a agir bem, mas um dia o coração dele verá a verdade. Tens de ter paciência é a chave. Eu sei que não será fácil para ti, mas não perca a fé em Deus. Tu és uma pedra preciosa e um dia ele vai descobrir isso...mas levará tempo. 6❤ Afife: eu não consegui evitar o casamento! Não consegui evitar que o meu sobrenome fosse dado a uma empregada! Empregado: há algo que queira que eu faça? Afife: por enquanto não Empregado: vou buscar o seu remédio. 7❤ Prima: mãe estou tão mal. Mãe: ele casou-se? Prima: infelizmente aconteceu, o orhum casou-se. Está tudo acabado. Mãe: maldição o que vamos fazer agora, a minha única esperança era o Orhun. Prima: mãe estás a falar de quê? Eu estou a sofrer não entendes? Mãe: pára de chorar, onde estás? Anda para casa. Prima: estou em frente da nossa antiga casa. Mãe: e estás aí a fazer o quê? Prima:eu vim para aqui porque não podia dizer ao motorista que estamos a viver num bairro pobre. Mãe: venha já para casa Prima: desligou...ela não entende como me sinto. 8❤ Nursah: o sorriso dela era tão lindo, se ela estivesse viva, hoje teria sido um dia mágico. Ela era a chave que abria o coração do meu irmão. Ela era tão importante para ele, ele fazia tudo por ela. Desculpa não te queria importunar com estas coisas neste dia tão feliz...mas não consigo deixar de pensar nela, sinto tanto a sua falta. A minha irmã era um ser especial, se ela estivesse aqui hoje tudo seria diferente. Orhum: vais embora? Vou chamar o motorista Yakup: sim já vou também Orhum: ok Nursah: vamos deixar os noivos sozinhos. Eles já passaram por coisas desagradáveis que chegue. Espero que passem bem o resto do dia. Orhum: eu vou falar com a mãe, aguenta o tranco até eu chegar ok? Nursha: não quero que penses mais em mim, disfruta do teu primeiro dia de casado. Hoje é um dia muito importante e não me sentirei confortável se não vos disser algumas palavras. Primeiro quero dizer que vos desejo aos dois, felicidade eterna. E tu Hira, não abriste unicamente o coração do meu irmão como também o salvaste. Yakup: que o Senhor que abençoou este casamento, permita que vocês tenham uma vida longa e feliz, retire do vosso caminho todas as pedras e vos cubra de bênçãos. Que os vossos corações estejam unidos. A caminhada é longa e penosa...paciência....paciência....paciência 9❤ hira relembra que o orhum lhe disse que lhe deu o sobrenome mas que o castigo continuará. Orhum: sim, estou a ouvir.. 10❤ Hira: vou voltar aos meus deveres, queres que faça chá ou café? Orhum: vai para o quarto e espera lá por mim. 11❤ A Hira relembra que. Nursah lhe disse que íam deixa-los sozinhos e que o orham a mandou para o quarto. Orhum: eu não te disse para esperares por mim, porque não cumpres as minhas ordens? Não sabes administrar as coisas? Tens 10 minutos para resolver o problema. Hira: 10 minutos! Orhum: se isto não estiver resolvido em 10 minutos, eu vou aí e resolvo eu mesmo. Hira: 10 minutos....10 minutos Nursah: mãe desculpa sei que estás zangada comigo. Eu queria contar-te mas o meu irmão queria segredo. Não podia fazer nada. Mãe querida, por favor fala comigo, a tua raiva não é para mim, achas que vais resolver alguma coisa a reagir assim. Afife: vocês ignoraram-me, enganaram-me. Nursha: mãe isso não é verdade. O meu irmão casou por amor e a Hira também do contrário não o teria salvado. Afife: não voltes a dirigir-me a palavra. Nursah: desculpa mãe. Afife: isto não tem perdão. 12❤ Orhun: não podes faze-lo? Assim que ficar resolvido quero saber.
@thaoao413 Год назад
Cảm ơn bạn thật nhiều vì đã giúp tôi hiểu nội dung tập phim.
@tomtit556 Год назад
Thanks 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💐🌹🌺
@mariacardo85 Год назад
@sulakshanapradeep5341 Год назад
Thank you dear ❤️🇱🇰🇱🇰
@robotbr Год назад
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
I 'm happy to hear from the old man that Orhun has a kind heart but the lose of his sister is influencing his behaviour😥
@anajakovljevic9540 Год назад
Hira knows it . Nihan told her , this old man too.. She herself felt that ... He saved her in destiny and bought her a freedom, he saved her honor when Vedet attacked her , he returned her Nihan"s necklace ,he is so tender with Nursah ,he suffers a lot because of Nihan ,she saw him in hospital when his father was duying ...She is absolutelly aware that this Orhun is not a real Orhun and she knows why is it so... But everything has its limit..
@janetnesser1429 9 месяцев назад
Background with the way he was treated by his mother does not help either.
@omnashwanfadel3027 9 месяцев назад
@@anajakovljevic9540 Well said😘👍!
@smittenkitten2512 Месяц назад
I truly don't understand why Eda can't accept it was never going to be her.
@chuchaixia7328 Год назад
I was crying for Hira all the time 😭😭 such a painful words she have received all the time😭
@Chaw2 Год назад
Orhun was like " oh you missed the wedding. okay, you are just in time for the kiss" 🤣🤣🤣
@elizenel8438 Год назад
@user-pf3sl6gq6p Год назад
@teddysamalie8819 4 месяца назад
No one is talking about how talented this young girl nefes is ..she's brings out her role very well
@doeliza3239 Год назад
Huhuhu...Hira's sad and sorrowful eyes broke my heart. Orhun watch the whole video to know you have a noble woman from her heart... please!
@rocioyaninalezcano6938 Год назад
Que serie tan bella de Esaret.. Me quedaba sin respirar cuando Orhun se acercaba a Hira.. Que buena está la serie. Me tiene atrapada..
@lunar-light Год назад
Literally no one : Orhun every second he sees Hira : go to the room and wait for me 😭😭
@nairgamarra7129 Год назад
Que bien actúa hira.. pocas veces vemos actrices con ese nivel de profesionalismo ♥️
@severcavanicavani6531 Год назад
Bu dizidə rol bölumu o qədər gözəl seçilmişki.Esaretin butun heyətinə uğurlar
@whitneyfakaosi9955 Год назад
OMG!! When Hira asked Orhun if he wanted coffee or tea as he was walking towards her, I almost cried!! You can tell in her eyes and voice how scared she was!! 😢😢😢
@jiyakumari9879 Год назад
Do u understand turkish language ,I barely understand from where I can watch these series in english subtitles.
@whitneyfakaosi9955 Год назад
@@jiyakumari9879 tap on screen then settings I think on the top right corner, then auto-translate and click English. It doesn't translate fully but it's enough to understand what their saying. Also, everytime there's an ad, you gotta go it again as the subtitles will disappear again.
@hafsaahmed2189 Год назад
Whitney...thanks that was helpful i can understand a bit now 🤗
@Jenny-ti6dz Год назад
​@@whitneyfakaosi9955 yo tambien voy a configuración para medio tener una idea, hay palabras en inglés que no se traducir, pero ya puedo entender mejor.
@mhelbanag9876 11 месяцев назад
Where can i find english subtitle?
@Red-ql2wr Год назад
I adore her wedding dress, so dignifying, and the shape and cut for sleeves so modern, I would say modern minimalist chic, this I will choose for my wedding dress.
@yaimery3076 Год назад
" Translation of Ezaret's Episode 21. ( In English) At the Farmhouse. Minister: You kiss the bride.😘👰👰 You can kiss the bride.👰😘 Kaleli: Obviously you haven't heard of my name, come to my place by waving your hand,🤡🤡 I'm sending your hand to your lap,🤡🤡 Meryem: Pearl weapon it's just to protect me.😪 Kaleli: What are you guys.🤡🤡 Kenan: I can't get over you. You're going to give it 😠😠 Kaleli: No, no such a thing if you were a teenager,🤬🤡 you're going to end it Kenan: You are determined.😠 Meryem: Kenan... Kenan: Shall I tell you a little bit about the law.😠 You pull that trigger, I'll tell you what will happen, you won't be caught off guard.😡😠 Kaleli: I'm a person who wrote my own laws 😳🤡. Penalty can't punish me 🤡🤡 Meryem: Kenan....👊🤛💪 At the Farmhouse. Nursah to Orhun: My mother, I didn't rxpect you to be this angry, I don't know how to face.😪😪 Orhun: You don't have responsibility, just be. Nursah...🥰🥰 Nursah: I'm sorry bro I didn't mean to ruin your happy day 🥰 but mommy I didn't expect you to be this angry.😪😪 Kaleli to Kenan: Only I know the man for real.🤡 I don't have the heart to the type with you, it's because of me 🤡 Kenan: It's your turn to attack me Messi will defend me. Do you know that?😡😠 Kaleli: Did you hear I'm the gun. But in this place 🤡🤬, the view of the security camera at the entrance we're uncle.🤡🤡 Kenan: Come on!!! I'm kill you 😠😠 ( not sure) Meryem: Kenan... Kaleli: It's fun to have a rooster when you hold the iron bar, isn't it, 🤡😠 let it be like this time, we'll see you later.🤡 Kenan: It's mine do you trust your stick but those without cellings like you Guvenir.😠😠 Kenan to Meryem: Come on.🤬🤬 You regret!!! Out side on the Office. Kenan to Meryem: Did you see what could happen when you go straight,😡😡 it could be worse. What if I went and found you a job, I turned away just because I found it,😡😡 You quit the job 😡, you fell.😡 Meryem: You cant do it.😣😣 Kenan: You can't do it is that so ( Not sure) Come on.😡 At the Farmhouse. Orhun: There is no situation that will require you to explain, dear,🥰 you will say I did it.🥰 Do we agree that much? All responsibility is mine 😊😊 Nursah: It's not responsibility, I already knew my mother would be angry,😪😪 but I don't remember that I was afraid of her that much.😪😪 Orhun: That look, its not to you, my mother's problem is with me 🥰😐, Nursah: I know she is so angry because you got married,😪😪 she doesn't like him to our family 😪😯. Brother, why is my mother not to trying to get to know anyone? 😪 Who is so prejudiced, 😯 she has such a veil that she doesn't see the sacrifice that Hira has made yet 😪🥰 a few days ago she jumped to her death to protect you this girl saved you 😪😪😪 her life. My mother will one day realize this and regret what she did, but.🥰🥰🥰 Orhun: I don't want you to think about things. Just focus on yourself, okay?😍 Nursah: Brother My mother worried 😏 me a lot, but I believe in you and Hira very much 😍, I will always be by your side 🥰😍 To be Continued.
@user-ko8gf8sg3o Год назад
Thank you💗
@user-ko8gf8sg3o Год назад
Waiting for a second part
@yaimery3076 Год назад
" Translation of Ezaret's Episode 21. ( Part 2) Eda to Afife: We are in a nightmare officially. I still can't believe them 🙄🙄 What did that girl do, how did she do that?🙄😶 She became Orhun's wife 🙄🙄 No, a human. He looks at the person next to him, it doesn't suit the family 🙃🙃 he's in. Everything aside, they ignored you. Orhun would never have done such a thing must have made Orhun blind him,😲😕 whatever he did.😲 Afife: Leave me to the Mansion and take Ms.Eda wherever she wants.😁😁 At the Farmhouse. Flashback of Hira. Orhun: Who killed my sister.😞 You jumped in front of the bullet that came to me again 😢 it's so clear that you wanted to do it,😞 did you think that punishment would end by doing this 😞😢 End of Flashback. Hira said: It will not end even if I die. Punishment 😢 Flashback of Hira. Orhun: You kilked my sister 😖😖, the best person on earth Nihan.😢😢 End of Flashback. Orhun to Hira: Don't let that make you feel safe 😲. Nothing has changed, 😲 you will be punished,😕 I gave you my last name 😖 the things you will have to do will hurt you much more 🥺😡 You can be sure that the day you sleep in the grave you will call him 😵😳 Kenan: I would not leave him like that,😡 I would go, I would strangle him,dishonest 😞😞What are you looking like that 🙃 Meryem: Reading ( Not sure) Kenan: Are you afraid of that honorless Elif, whose power only educates women,😕🙃 what more can she do? How far can she go?🙃🙃 Meryem: I'm afraid of you 😍 I'm afraid of getting in trouble because of me 🥰😍 Kenan: We'll go to the police, You'll be the chican ( not sure), come on 😉😉 Meryem: I don't want to go. Kenan: What does it mean..😶😶 No, nothing happened, you already came. 🙃🙃 Come on. To be Continued.
@yaimery3076 Год назад
" Translation of Ezaret's Episode 21. ( Part 3) At the Farmhouse. Master Yakup: Sit girl. Sit down 🥰🥰 Hira,: I'm fine. I wanted to get some air I came out of her.😪😪 Master Yakup: I see her grief my daughter 😪is on the tip on the hedgehog. The tears are giving you away.😥 Hira: No, you misunderstood me 😭😭 Master Yakup: I know why they happened. Orhun told me everything.🙃 There is what happened in Africa 😚😚 Hira: I swear I didn't know what happened to the world. I would have given my life to her 😭😭 I mean sister was very precious to each other 🥰 We loved him 🥰, I did not hurt him intentionally.😭😭 Master Yakup: His heart ❤️ is on his face, my daughter, there is no fabric that can hurt a life in your skin,😑 If you say that he obviously does Orhun not see that you see,😪😪his pain was very painful because he looks at you with the pain of his sister 😪☹️😕 I see Demirhanli from a long time ago 🤗 I know he is wrong no matter how wrong he is.🤨🤨 He has a heart ❤️ that will eventually find the truth.🤗 Of course, what I see is he will see. Patience is the key to your patience 🤗🤗 I'm not saying that it will be easy for you to be patient, but don't give up hope on God's mercy.🥰 There is also One, of course.🥰 One Shouldn't say that I know the essence of a person without seeing it 🥰, of course, give it to you, but it will be seen a little bit time🤗🥰 At the Demirhanli's Mansion. Afife: Is there anything you want me to do with my last name ☹️☹️ on a piece of maid's one ☹️☹️ Butler: But I couldn't help it for a while?😞 Afife: No ( not sure) Eda is calling on the phone with his mother. Eda: Mom, I'm so bad, 😭 Perihan: I'm afraid, it happened to us, right?🙄🙄 Eda: It's all over now.🙄🙄 Perihan: God damn it,😣 how are we going to get rid of this peace my only hope was Orhun.🙄🥴 Eda: Mom, what are you saying, what are saying, 😳🥴 what are you saying, I'm here, aren't you aware?🙁🙁 Perihan: Don't stop crying, Eda, my dear, I'm already in my nose, what are you looking for there, come home.🙄🙄 What are waiting for, what are you waiting for?😮😮 Eda: Aunt Afife, mom, made me drop off with her driver 😁😁 Perihan: Anyway, take a minibus to something, come home quickly 😁😁 End of Call. Eda said: Don't you understand mine.😅🙄😭 To be Continued.
@anajakovljevic9540 Год назад
@@yaimery3076 Thank you ! 😘
@mariamadde3960 Год назад
Bu çılgın Orhun klibin tamamını ne zaman görecek?🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
@annaak5673 Год назад
Hira and Yaman Kirimly imagine this couple together 🥰🥰🥰🥰 perfection only face expressions speaking 😊
@lizrotoni9224 Год назад
We are the same thinking😅 when I first saw hira I'm thinking hope she partner with halil in the same series.
@aquarius--it3ro Год назад
Hehe same opinion here..
@devlinfake315 Год назад
@salwamedicine9601 Год назад
@@lizrotoni9224 she with Halil will do great , halarious. I am sure Nazmyie will do this later
@numangurung2848 Год назад
Omg...she would have been the perfect one after SEHER!
@marilucasanchez6500 Год назад
Un capítulo excitante, lleno de emociones que en definitiva lastiman a Hira pero destruirá a Orhun cuando descubra que ella es inocente pues estará perdidamente enamorado de ella.
@migusiekijm9329 Год назад
@diaorl7763 Год назад
Pero cuando se dará cuenta ya estoy ansiosa que se entere para que se le quite tanto odio, tanta rabia y deseos de vengarse de la pobre inocente Hira que ha hecho trizas su pobre corazón 💔
@orlenezaccharo7584 Год назад
Qual o idioma que eles falam alguém pode me dizer?
@katteemontielalvarado5681 Год назад
Porfavor nos puede traducir cuando están con la.policia queremos saber que dice Hira para defender a Orhun de la acusación que se le hizo por trata de esclavos.
@ananovakovic9392 9 месяцев назад
@@orlenezaccharo7584 Turkish....
@m1tatii329 Год назад
É inacreditável o quanto eu estou presa nessa novela!
@medinabarre660 Год назад
Aquí comienza el reto de Ohnur de ignorar un sentimiento que gritar en salir y estar en su corazón y Hira en se fuerte , valiente y sobre todo de tener mucha paciencia mucha paciencia por que al final del túnel siempre hay una luz...❤️ Y por cierto Ohnur le debería de bajar tantito a la tortura emocional que la tiene sometida 😞😞😞😞
@nayro7 Год назад
All these wedding scenes that were supposed to be romantic, they weren't at all. It was infuriating how orhun taking advantage of hera's helplessness like this.. I felt nothing but disdain for orhun the whole episode. It really was torture.
@lizheffernan346 Год назад
Agree with u
@jnova3328 Год назад
Orhun is a good person but is inhumane to Hira. My dilemma with the Orhun character is how can he be a good person and be over the top cruel to Hira?!? How much can anyone take of being shamed, humiliated, and berated non-stop on a daily basis and at times roughed up and even put in pain while recovering from a gunshot wound that was inflicted because she saved his life? If she went to trial for what he is accusing her of, she would probably be absolved of any wrongdoing and certainly would be if someone watched the entire video. If a person harms another person but is innocent because they did nothing to make the harm happen and had no knowledge of what was going to happen or if an accident happened, I think most of the time the person would not be held accountable and would not be put in prison. Hira did serve his sister the food, but he never discussed the incident with Hira and he doesn't know if someone was in the kitchen with Hira when she prepared the food or if she stepped away momentarily while cooking and then the food was poisoned. Even without Orhun knowing that the poisoned food Hira served was thrown out and his sister's coffee was poisoned by someone else, he should not appoint himself the judge and one-man jury. He is not a rapist but he has done physical harm to Hira. I was completely turned off by the Orhun character when he roughly grabbed her arm and held it up while she was in bed in the hospital and recovering from a gunshot wound that happened because she saved his life. I am tired of his abuse and torture, and I hope he will completely stop his behavior.
@tahirakhan7189 Год назад
Torture....that's y he married.... So....hhv patience.....few episodes....and then plot will change😋
@Roro-bt8cw Год назад
Aint going to be a wedding romantic scene this is part of his revenge no love can't yu get it🤦🏾‍♀️
@Najma-Mohamed Год назад
@@jnova3328 I’m with you on that last sentence…
@mehtapeyyub6595 Год назад
Sabır,,_öyle bir ipdir ki sen kopacak sanırsın,ama O gettikce güçleniyor,Sen bitecek sanırsın O daha çok artır,, Hz Mevlana,🌹 işte Hira ve Orhun ilk önce Sabrı öğrenecekler,,
@yusifquliyev9648 Год назад
Gözəl söz
@mehtapeyyub6595 Год назад
@@yusifquliyev9648 teşekkür ederim
@ankaral9867 Год назад
Baslıycaz onun sabrına karsısında Sanko ordu varda onunla savadıyo gıbınkımsesız varıp Allahdan baska kımsesı olmayan elın yetımıne oksuzune saldırıya saldırıyo asaglık Orhun haksızlıklar buran önce cıkmalı yoksa bayagı sıkmaya başladı orhunun tehdıtlerı
@sunatastan6832 Год назад
Aynen öyle
@mehtapeyyub6595 Год назад
@@sunatastan6832 🥰🌹
@xstrecht Год назад
Translation in english 🇬🇧 Hira and Orhum 1❤ Judge: you may kiss the bride! Orhum: Nursha? Nursha: Our mother will never forgive me, I don't know how I will face her again! Orhum:You are not to blame for anything, calm down. Nursha! Nursha: I am sorry brother. I didn't mean to ruin this very happy day...but our mother, I never thought she would be so angry! 2❤ Orhum: Nursha you will not have to give any explanations, you will tell our mother that everything was my idea, are we agreed? The responsibility of everything is mine. Nursha: no brother, I too have responsibility. I knew she would be angry, but she has never looked at me like that. Orhum: that look was for me, our mother's problem is with me. Nursha: I know. She is angry that you have married someone she doesn't like, who doesn't fit in with our family. Brother why doesn't she make an effort to get to know Hira, why does she judge without knowing? Doesn't she see the sacrifice Hira made a few days ago, that girl jumped in front of bullets to protect you. Everyone saw it! If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that Hira is a good person, but most of all, I know she cares about you. Our mother will understand that one day and will regret everything she's doing. Orhum: I don't want you to worry about those things. I want you to worry only about yourself. Nursha: brother this thing about my mother is something that worries me but I really believe that everything will work out between you and Hira. This all sounds like a nightmare but I want you to know that I will always be on your side. 3❤ Cousin: I still can't believe what happened...what did she do? How did she bewitch Orhun? She signed that book looking triumphant and now she's officially his wife! This won't work, she doesn't fit in with this family. And worst of all, they have completely ignored you. The orhan would never do such a thing if it wasn't for her, he's bewitched by her. Afife: Let me stay in the mansion and take Eda wherever she wants. 4❤ Hira recalls that Orhum told her that she only jumped in front of the bullets because she thought he would forgive her, only he will never forgive her. Hira: even if I kill myself, my punishment will never end! Hira recalls that orhun told her that she is a murderer who killed the best person in the world. Orhum: don't think this will protect you, nothing has changed. Your punishment will continue, yes I gave you my last name, but you still have a lot to suffer, you won't have a minute of peace. 5❤ Yakup: how are you feeling? Hira: I'm fine, I just went out because I wanted to get some fresh air. Yakup: I can see your sadness my child, those watery eyes of yours give away your sadness. Hira: No uncle, you got it wrong. Yakup: you know, I know everything that happened, he told me everything. Everything that happened in Africa. Why did this have to happen? Hira: I swear, I didn't do anything with bad intentions, I didn't know. Our sister was very precious to me. And we loved each other very much. I would never hurt her. Yakup: I see the goodness in your eyes my child, but you need to understand that he can't see that in you, because his pain is too great. He looks at you and only sees his sister's death. I have known him for many years, he is not acting right, but one day his heart will see the truth. You have to be patient is the key. I know it won't be easy for you, but don't lose faith in God. You are a gem and one day he will find that out...but it will take time. 6❤ Afife: I couldn't help myself from getting married! I couldn't prevent my surname being given to a maid! Waiter: is there anything you want me to do? Afife: not for the time being Waiter: I'll get your medicine. 7❤ Cousin: mother I am so bad. Mother: did he get married? Cousin: unfortunately it happened, orhum got married. It is all over. Mother: damn what are we going to do now, my only hope was orhun. Cousin: What are you talking about? I am suffering don't you understand? Mother: Stop crying, where are you, come home. Cousin: I am in front of our old house. MOTHER: And what are you doing there? Cousin: I came here because I couldn't tell the driver that we are living in a poor neighbourhood. MOTHER: come home now. Cousin: hung up...she doesn't understand how I feel. 8❤ Nursah: her smile was so beautiful, if she was alive, today would have been a magical day. She was the key that opened my brother's heart. She was so important to him, he would do anything for her. Sorry I didn't mean to bother you with these things on such a happy day...but I can't stop thinking about her, I miss her so much. My sister was a special being, if she were here today everything would be different. Orhum: are you leaving? I will call the driver. Yakup: yes I am coming too Orhum: OK Nursah: let us leave the bride and groom alone. They have been through enough unpleasant things. I hope they have a good time for the rest of the day. Orhum: I will go and talk to mum, just hold on until I arrive ok? Nursha: I don't want you to think about me anymore, enjoy your first of marriage. Today is a very important day and I will not feel comfortable if I do not say a few words to you. First I want to say that I wish you both eternal happiness. And you Hira, you have not only opened my brother's heart but also saved it. Yakup: May the Lord who has blessed this marriage, grant you a long and happy life, remove all stones from your path and shower you with blessings. May your hearts be united. The journey is long and painful...patience....patience....patience 9❤ hira recalls that orhum told him that he gave him his surname but the punishment will continue. Orhum: yes, I am listening.... 10❤ Hira: I'm going back to my duties, do you want me to make tea or coffee? Orhum: go to your room and wait for me there. 11❤ Hira recalls that. Nursah told her that they were going to leave them alone and that orham sent her to her room. Orhum: didn't I tell you to wait for me, why don't you carry out my orders? Don't you know how to manage things? You have 10 minutes to solve the problem. Hira: 10 minutes! Orhum: if this is not solved in 10 minutes, I will come and solve it myself. Hira: 10 minutes....10 minutes Nursah: mum I am sorry I know you are angry with me. I wanted to tell you but my brother wanted secret. I couldn't do anything about it. Mother dear please talk to me, your anger is not for me, do you think you will solve anything by reacting like this. Afife: you have ignored me, you have deceived me. Nursha: mother that is not true. My brother married for love and so did Hira otherwise she wouldn't have saved him. Afife: don't ever speak to me again. Nursah: I am sorry mama. Afife: this is unforgivable. 12❤ Orhun: can't you do it? As soon as it is resolved I want to know.
@Dreamligth Год назад
gracias por la traduccion
@mariacardo85 Год назад
Thank you very much👏👏💐💐💐
@ccjadd10 Год назад
Thank you so much 💞
@mysonsinandaman9384 Год назад
Thank u sooooooooooooo much for u r translation
@corneliaandrei1013 Год назад
Mulțumesc frumos pentru traducere.
@luciag1329 Год назад
Creo que la guionista o bien ha aprendido de sus errores pasados o bien le han dado un toque de atención, ya que en esta serie el personaje de Orhun (por el momento) es muy observador e inteligente y va varios pasos por delante de todos, se anticipa a lo va a ocurrir y sabe muy bien qué motivaciones tienen todas las personas que le rodean (excepto Hira, con quien no puede haberse equivocado más). En cuanto a Hira también es consciente de todo y no confía en nadie y eso me gusta, que los malos no campen a sus anchas haciendo todas las maldades sin que los personajes principales se den cuenta de todo lo que traman a su alrededor.
@jannyoliveira545 10 месяцев назад
O Orhun: oq vc vai fazer vai doer muito mais A Hira 😳 O Orhun: vai para o quarto e espere por mim A Hira 😳😳 O Orhun: Quero isso resolvido em 10 minutos A Hira atrás da porta já lelé, tadinha, ouvindo e entendo tudo errado: 10 dez minutos 😳😳😳 Ela pensando q ia consumar o casamento, q o Orhun ia agarrar ela 😂😂😂 O Orhun é tão embuste que ele sabe q não ia fazer nada, mas deixou ela pensar que sim só pra azucrinar a coitada. Quando ele olha para porta do quarto deve pensar "vou ali assustar ela mais um pouco" 😠😠
@user-rb2vu5uy8m Год назад
لا سلطـة لنـا على قلوبنـا هى تنبـض لمـن أرادت …!”
@user-uc5el7dw3m Год назад
I realize Orhun's farm house is Serkan Bolat's house in Sen cal kapimi 🧐
@miriampowers5774 Год назад
The mansion is the same mansion in bride of Istanbul and the farm house is also the same farm house in cennet (tears of cennet) 😊
@hipotenuza5663 Год назад
Ayfer's house. Even the horse head was on the table. From the episode when all of them got drugged with tea and cakes. It was a happy house.
@alfredomartinez5480 Год назад
Y la casa blanca es la misma de varías serie cómo mi mentiras más dulce
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
Bravo Kenan 👏 You're a man of honor 😘😘
@minnyugodinez5545 Год назад
Pobre Hira yo que ella me desmayo cada vez que viene Orhun
@luanacorrea9008 Год назад
A raiva maior dele é que ele se apaixonou por ela no deserto assim que a viu , e quando " descobriu que ela foi a assassina " da sua irmã, isso o enfureceu, e ao descobrir que ela era escrava , ele a trouxe para Istambul como uma forma de mantê-la por perto e a punir pelo ato que ele acredita que ela cometeu .
@zineidefelix7932 Год назад
hoje é ele nem assistiu o vídeo da irmã todo . ,gente estou vendo 👀 ele na q ver a verdade td maldade que ele já fez com ela
@siaualasoa4568 Год назад
@taniaalves7001 Год назад
Você fez um resumo maravilhoso ❤️,penso do mesmo jeito!
@antoniamacedo2109 Год назад
Não sou de assistir série turca mas me apaixonei por ele
@sandrabarbosa4957 Год назад
Vc assiste o EP em português?
@Semo-gj2rr Год назад
جميل لاكن لايوجد ترجمه للعربيه مع ذالك انا اتابعه ولو لم افهم شي لاكن استطيع الاستمتاع به للصراحه
@user-xk5ue4wu6m Год назад
مثلي تماما ولا بفهم كلمه ىثاني يوم بفوت عالتيك توك بلاقي الكل مترجم
@manelmanel7556 Год назад
مم انا
@user-tk2kn1tn4j Год назад
نزلي برنامج الترجمة
@sandrahelena5305 Год назад
Oi, gente por favor ,coloca a tradução, por favor. Dois casal , otimo e não consigo assistir, por favor a TRADUÇÃO
@nurayaliyeva5689 Год назад
Dizi məndə bağımlılık yapiyo👍👍❤️
@martagomes6204 Год назад
Seria bom se fosse legendado em português
@nargizaoshbekkyzy9904 Год назад
Orhun orhun kendi uyregi yetmedi videoni bakmaya ama zalim olmayu seçti.
@anajakovljevic9540 Год назад
Orhun"s cruelty is like a vice that someone sinks deeper and deeper into...It is the worst thing that could stand in his way to avenge his sister .. To fall in love with Hira...Nihan took poison from her hand and that is enough for him... He himself saw that in the video..That cast a shadow over any reasonable explanation of how exactly everything happened.. Orhun is in vicious circle from which he is not able to get out..He can not love her ,she poisoned Nihan..He can not kill her , nor let her go , nor put her in prison ,nor hand her over to Afife ... He can not do that ,he loves her more and more .. Madness ! And yes , now when she became his wife , he would give everything to be with her ,he burns with that desire but he will not hurt her in that way ! Never ! When he surprises her with romantic dinner , or just touches her or buys her a nice dress or flowers , he knows that it is punishment for her , but in the same time somewhere inside he would like everything to be different...We also know how Hira suffered as a Caesar"s slave thinking that this was the fate of every slave..But until he tried to rape her... Then she run away to the desert ,alone ,without any help , plus in a country where there was chaos,war... What changed now ? She has beatiful dresses ,jewelry , nice house , but she has to endure all this suffering thinking that she killed Nihan ,thinking that she deserves this punishment.. Orhun is now her master , because of her sin ,that is what she thinks , and that is why she didn"t tell a word ..But , the danger that someone will take her by force is here again..The problem is that someone is her husband now...He has that right ,hasn"t he ? If "it " doesn"t happen today ,it will happen some other day.. To whom to complain ? I am afraid that all this will force her to run away ..It is clear that then she will be just easy pray for Afife... And then her real troubles just begin...
@smittenkitten2512 6 месяцев назад
She didn't poison his sister. It was another woman. It was captured on video.
@anajakovljevic9540 6 месяцев назад
@@smittenkitten2512 I know,but Orhun didn"t kmow that ...Hira also thought tat she did it..
@mertdemirov3376 Год назад
ama yeter artik masum oldunu gorsun hira sonunakadar uzulmesin
@taniaalves7001 Год назад
Existe muito amor desde o início,desde que ele a salvou no deserto,e um dia ele saberá que ela não tem nada com a morte de sua irmã,fiquei triste com o choro de sua irmã no final do casamento!
@iris8146 Год назад
Sabır sabır denir; Çünkü onu kalbe geçirmek ve nefsi rahatsız etmek, sabrı ağızdan geçirmek gibidir. Sabretmek dışında hiç kimse bir hayır elde edemez. Ve Allah'ın musibetlere karşı sabrı bağışladığı hiç kimse yoktur ki, Allah ona sabrının karşılığını daha hayırlı bir şeyle versin.
@iris8146 Год назад
@Semural Memmedov Gerçeğin hemen ortaya çıkacağını düşünmüyorum yoksa dizinin bir anlamı kalmayacak.
@isabelsimoes217 Год назад
Por favor faz com que esse homem veja o computador até o fim logo um abraço do Brasil.
@chargitourki744 Год назад
من فضليكم الطرجمة بلعربية مسلسل في قيمة تحية من الجزائر الي تركيا و شكرا 🇩🇿🇩🇿
@lyndalily5228 Год назад
Makanch en arabe malheureusement ! Rani natfaradj ki lbahloula 😅 mani fahma f djadha walou 😂
@sarahibrahim2748 Год назад
و كالعادة سخافات نظمية مستمرة، لا يوجد أي قيمة ترجوها من مسلسلاندت هذه الكاتبة. كل شيء عن التعذيب النفسي و الاتقان و التضحيات الغبية. انها النسخة الرابعة لنفس القصة التافهة.
@Itsmsohail Год назад
So Beautiful Hira & Orhun 😍🔥
@niginaakhmedova255 Год назад
Yine de söylüyorum, bu dizi muhteşem olmuş. Ellerinize sağlık.
@-Chaersmoon- Год назад
Türk buldum😮
@niginaakhmedova255 Год назад
@@-Chaersmoon- Merhaba ! Rusyadan selamlar.
@valeriapereiradesouza6462 Год назад
O problema das séries turcas em que as personagens femininas sofrem muito é que elas não conseguem dar a volta por cima e enfrentar os homens. Sempre são dependentes financeiramente ou estão presas a uma vingança ou acordos.
@griseldafelizfeliz5784 Год назад
Exacto todas son iguales, la mujer es humillada ultrajada, la pobre Hira ahora también después de casada tiene que aguantar los maltratos de orhun.
@gracielaelbablanco6490 Год назад
Tal cuál Pero Nazmiye no sale de ese esquema
@kagod2459 Год назад
Nakakatamad manood, wala ako maintindihan 😄
@rosacandida8178 Год назад
Isso é horrível 😭🖤
@educiradjarasidibe110 Год назад
É por isso que eu amo Asli, Amor branco e negro
@sahibsemiyev3024 Год назад
Biz azerbaycandan agdas seherinden baxrg Hira cok guzel sade bir kiz geyindiyi elbiselerde cok guzel
@elbacristina855 Год назад
Simplesmente Esaret. Bora de mais um semana dessa série que estou gostando muito. Vamos esperar o que nos aguarda. Cheiros de Recife. Saúde. Felicidades. Sucesso para todos.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🇧🇷
@martamires7761 Год назад
Mais um episódio lindo só esse fundo musical já vale apena assistir essa série saudações do Brasil
@serifeegitmenoglu9723 Год назад
Kenan ❤️ Meryem ❤️ Nefes ❤️❤️❤️
@Viran292 Год назад
Orhun& hira♥️
@Viran292 Год назад
Orhun& hira♥️
@user-fb6gh6dh6w Год назад
Kenan & Mériem 💞💞💞💞🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@nerminhesenbeyli Год назад
Bikdirdin artik hepimiz anladik Hira cezasini cekecek cezani cekeceksin cekeceksin 🤦🏻‍♀️Orhun efendi sen gercegi oyrenince senin cezani kim vericek sen nasil cezani cekeceksin acaba
@julianalatifi4776 Год назад
Violence ! To much violence...
@ilahememmedova7004 Год назад
Cok güzel hiç bitmesin a ama sonucu mükemmel olur güzel yapi
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
Great😘👏 Kenan convinced Meryem to complain her employer at the police department/station
@martagomes6204 Год назад
A gente fica perdido assistindo uma série sem entender o que estão conversando...Por favor you tube legenda essa série em português por favor.
@zoranabogdanovic6952 Год назад
Me pregunto como va a hacer Orhun para remediar todo el maltrato psicológico que le hace a Hira? Y ella, será capaz de perdonarlo? Cuando digo que él es peor que Cezar es porque estén último era un traficante, pero Orhun tan distinguido, respetado y justo le quitó a Hira lo único por lo que ella se quería escapar en África y es la dignidad. A la madrenle cuestionó que no averiguo más sobre el engaño del padre, pero él es juez y verdugo de una inocente sin averiguar nada
@saanxozat Год назад
Yonetmen arkds umarim kisa sure de gercegi izleten sahneyi uygular,olümune Yapilan saygi ve fedakarliklarin karsiliginda masum bir insan dizi Film de olsa bu kadar uzun süreli asagilanmamasi gerekir derim, dizi Film artik gerceklgin bir an once ortaya cikip gorulmesine endeksli devam etmesi, Asil cezalinin bulunup cezalandirilmasi, bu yuzden Asil suclu icin Afrika ya donus sahneleri yeni den cekilmeli, dizi boylelikle diger olaylarla birlikte dahada surukleyici olabilir,.
@sefaqetqocayeva8808 Год назад
Çox gözəl bir bölüm.belə davam edin.təşəkkürlər.orhun və hira.😍😍
@mariapaulo7101 Год назад
Quando será que Orhum vai terminar de ver o vídeo, pra acabar com essa tortura com Hira, ela sofre o tempo todo sempre assustada,triste de cabeça baixa com medo de olhar pro Orhum, esse casamento vai dar muito o que falar,que família Cheia de preconceito. UFAAAAA
@aliberty9333 Год назад
Zannedersem senarist yazacak birsey bulamadigi icin ayni iskenceleri tekrar tekrar seyircilere bunu layik gormeside cabasi tesekkurler.
@ankaral9867 Год назад
@sumeyraelinden8181 Год назад
Aynen izleyiciye büyük saygısızlık ama.Seneryosunu beğenerek izlediğimiz dizinin herbölümünü lastik gibi uzatma sahneleriyle doldurmasıda bezdirdi.Sürükleyici olsa varya bu seneryo tadından yenmezdi ki reytinlerde ön sırılsrda yer alırdı.
@marymartin3278 Год назад
Gracias yemeire por tu traducción desde Canarias España 🇮🇨🇪🇸
@vusalgulusov2698 Год назад
Kenan kişi kimi adam super oyuncu
Meninas não vamos esquecer que o orhun que manchar a linhagem da mãe então tem que ter descendente tem que ter bebê esse casamento tem que ser consumado.
@serkanyalcn7373 Год назад
Artık mutlu olsunlar öğrensin gerceyi orhun
@jeanefreiredacosta8004 Год назад
O que aconteceu na série hoje foi tudo muito tenso, foi fartidioso, teve pressão psicológica, foi pura angústia. Para começar, no início o beijo que Orhun deu em Hira para enfurecer sua mãe foi muito frio e carregado de raiva, depois ele continua machucando a mulher com suas palavras e no final ainda a tortura com a impressão de que irá fazer algo com ela. Logo em seguida, temos o caso Meryem que além de uma tentativa de abuso, ainda tem que ligar com a fúria da irmã de Kenan caso aceite trabalhar com ele.
@jeanefreiredacosta8004 Год назад
@antoniailzacruzbispo5231 É ruim mesmo Antônia, eu estou tendo que esperar a tradução em português em um grupo, mas acabo assistindo em espanhol em outro, por causa da ansiedade de saber o que falam. Já tentei assistir traduzindo do turco para o português para não é muito legal.
@marifairy6445 Год назад
@Antonia Ilza Cruz Bispo coloco a legenda no automático fica em inglês dá pra entender melhor
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
The man of wisdom knows everything that happened in Africa 🤔, and has an idea what's going on between Orhun and Hira🙁
@jnova3328 Год назад
I wish Mr. Wisdom would do something to help Hira.
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
@@jnova3328 I think his role in the story is that . "Goodness always prevail in the end"
@jnova3328 Год назад
@@omnashwanfadel3027 I agree. Goodness will triumph but it is difficult to watch his abuse increase.
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
@@jnova3328 We have to consider the pain of lose of beloved ones" twin sister and dad nearly at the same period"
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
nova Sadness is a process and takes some time 😢; it differs from one person to another 🙂
@pheminaoreko6301 Год назад
Kenan really loves meryem even he says it is only being helping
@vinna9968 Год назад
I also will learn how to be patience to wait the next episodes 🥺❤
@suleymanquliyev5671 Год назад
böyle zamanda Kenan gibi sevin varmı?🥺🥺
@user-fb6gh6dh6w Год назад
Kennan ve Mériem🔥🔥🔥🔥💕💕💕💕💕
@prvaneimanova8264 Год назад
Her weyin usdu acilsin sixildim Hiranin uzulmesine dozmek olmur
@livaisempai5059 Год назад
nos vamos ahogar con tantas lagrimas por dios cuando va descubrir la verdad
@saratv561 Год назад
🇰🇬❤️🇹🇷🥰🥰🥰 çok güzel dizi bekliyorum arkadaşlar.
@sweetgal38 Год назад
I wish they had english subs.....thousands of eng fans 9f turkish series....what a shame....still love this series poor Hira
@afsanakarimova3455 Год назад
21ci seriya ya catdiq hele agliyir bu qiz ....
@selalehummetova5199 Год назад
@whitneyfakaosi9955 Год назад
@etelkakelemen258 Год назад
And the dialog of Hira and Orhun mother...almost none...
@user-rb2vu5uy8m Год назад
لن تكسرك الحياة إذا أتقنت فن الصبر ..!
@marksiezure3285 Год назад
Nazmiye's usual style is to stretch her stories for two seasons-.....three, if she can get away with it. And by that time the audience has grown tired of the repetition, dragging, and non- stop evil. Unfortunately, in all her stories, there's not enough meat on their bones to justify their length. Much as I like Hira and Orhun, their story could be resolved beautifully in one season of daily episodes.
@salwamedicine9601 Год назад
Totally agree
@helloitsingrid2666 Год назад
Just watch another similar story or tale called blood flower ? Flor de sangre , it is a mix of these other series wounded birds or yarali kuşlar + Emanet + Esaret almost the same pattern. This guy is = to levent + yam k + ODH . 😉
@megancorrigan8479 Год назад
I AM ALREADY TIRED !!! WHY MIX 2 STORIES WHEN EACH COULD STAND ALONE. I only watch the Hira and Orhun parts and nothing happens ~
@agnesdorothy23968 Год назад
I agree 💯
@tijenyalchin3358 Год назад
Çok heyecanlı güzel bir dizi
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
The clicking of the clock reflects Hira' s heart beating
@janetnesser1429 9 месяцев назад
Maybe his too in the same beat unknown yet to both of them.
@omnashwanfadel3027 9 месяцев назад
@@janetnesser1429 👍😊
@vivianamigueles9842 Год назад
Espere tanto esta continuación ....que nervios
@laurauribe6537 Год назад
mil gracias por regalarnos este capitulo lo estaba esperando
@pureprobinsyana1768 Год назад
Watching from 🇵🇭 even don't understand what they say still watching.
@evich3680 Год назад
Cerita nya bagus banget.... Bikin penasaran.... Semoga tidak terputus kelanjutannya sampai tamat....
@lorraineshobajo7648 Год назад
NO COMMENT! IM OISSED OFF! He needs to finish watching his dead sisters video in the computer!! That would clear a lot of this drama he is sending his bride through. Poor girl gone pee her wedding dress if he gets too close to her! Episode 22 please!!
@elisabetereis2279 Год назад
Parabéns dona NAZ, mais uma série espetacular, espero que a atriz principal não abandone a série. Amando Esaret 👏😍❤️🔥
@user-lz1dq5wz2k Год назад
الحلقة رائعة.وحيراء أبدعت.💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
@nadjasantana3512 Год назад
Subtítulos en español porfi! 🫶🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@marilucasanchez6500 Год назад
ESARET Capítulo 21 Por mentir te engañas Pobre Orhun, cada vez se enreda más su pensamientos van por un lado y sentimientos por otro. Acabando de recibir la declaración de amor más pura y sincera, por no merecerla llama mentirosa a Hira. La mente de Orhun es un torbellino, quiere herir a dos mujeres por razones diversas:a su madre por destruir su familia, exiliar a su padre, quien en definitiva muere de sufrimiento. Ella le responsabilizó de ocupar el lugar de su padre, estando este aún vivo. El orgullo y la discriminación de clases dañaron su niñez y juventud. A Hira la quiere destruir moralmente acusándola de lo que no ha cometido. Hira no es culpable a pesar de que hizo la comida envenenada porque nunca tuvo la intención de matar a Nihan. La acusación de Orhun no es sólo por la muerte de su hermana, es que afecta toda la imagen de quien es Hira, pues la iguala a Cezzar... El sonoro beso que Orhun depositó en la frente de Hira lastimó su ❤️ como aquellas goteras su oído, por la herida por el balazo en el desierto. Orhun por su loca obsesión destruye todo lo sagrado. Es el primer beso 💋 de Hira, ella es pura como una niña y el hombre a quien dijo amar la deshonra con este beso. Exagero? NO nadie debe violentar a una mujer ni con un beso. Hira no es una mujer cualquiera, ella siquiera recuerda la última vez que la abrazaron sus padres...Las únicas palabras amables las recibió de Nihan, y una promesa que en poco tiempo sería liberada. Jamás pudo imaginar Hira que Nihan moriría minutos después ni Nihan que por su muerte Hira será despojada de lo único que posee su dignidad de mujer. Orhun no tiene que culminar este día despojandola de su virginidad, le quitó de su integridad para decidir si quiere o no amarlo. Orhun compró a Hira por $50,000 y supuestamente la liberó en el desierto. Hira perdió esa libertad por un crimen que no cometió pero hoy Orhun le arrebató su dignidad como mujer por vengarse de su madre por lo que ella hizo a su padre. .Cezzar robó físicamente la libertad de Hira, Orhun moralmente la despojó de su identidad y la convierte por rencor en "esposa". Nurşa cree en la brillante actuación de Orhun; pero no pudo engañar a Afife, sabe que ese matrimonio es para castigarle. Nunca medió gratitud por salvar la vida de Orhun del "noble sobrino Vedat"; en virtud de la "pureza de la estirpe" está dispuesta a sacrificar la felicidad A Hira Orhun le dio el mismo apellido por el cuál murió su padre y la colmó de joyas, de vestidos y prestigio, pero a precio de ser despreciada. Nursą le teme a su madre a pesar de contar con la protección de Orhun. Se v presentó ante su madre con temor y la contempla más confundida que cuando murió Nihan, es una tragedia peor? Afife ama más su apellido que a sus hijos. Y mientras Hira perdió hasta el derecho de tener el documento que la certifica como esposa. Vive esta hora como un condenado a muerte esperando la hora de la ejecución, cada minuto la estremece. Orhun cruzó el umbral de la cordura por odio está yendo en contra de sí mismo. JAMÁS la tomará como mujer porque él no se rebajará a violarla. Ese será su principal castigo, no poder acercarse a ella porque le ha destruido su dignidad como mujer. Sin embargo, realmente Orhun sabe que Hira no es todo de lo que él la acusa, de otro modo ya la habría asesinado. La crueldad de Ohun es fruto de su desesperanza, cree que jamás podrá ser feliz. Igualmente le sucede a Hira, el documento del matrimonio cree es la prueba de que jamás será feliz porque ahora pasará a ser otro tipo de esclava. Pero, Orhun descubrirá que la belleza del alma de Hira es más valiosa que cualquier joya ... Va a llorar sangre ese día por cuento ella ha sufrido. La esclava será entonces la dueña. Hoy para Hira comienza otro martirio.ESARET Chapter 21 By lying you deceive yourself Poor Orhun, every time he gets more entangled his thoughts go one way and feelings go another. Having just received the purest and most sincere declaration of love, for not deserving it he calls Hira a liar. Orhun's mind is a whirlwind, he wants to hurt two women for different reasons: his mother for destroying his family, exile his father, who ultimately dies of suffering. She held him responsible for taking his father's place, while he was still alive. Pride and class discrimination damaged their childhood and youth. He wants to morally destroy Hira by accusing her of what she has not committed. Hira is not guilty even though he made the poisoned food because he never intended to kill Nihan. Orhun's accusation is not only for the death of his sister, it is that it affects the entire image of who Hira is, since it equals her to Cezzar... The resounding kiss that Orhun placed on Hira's forehead hurt her ❤️ like those leaks his ear, from the bullet wound in the desert. Orhun by his crazy obsession destroys everything sacred. It's Hira's first kiss 💋, she is pure as a girl and the man she said she loved dishonors her with this kiss. Am I exaggerating? No one should violate a woman even with a kiss. Hira is not just any woman, she even remembers the last time her parents hugged her... The only kind words she received were from Nihan, and a promise that in a short time she would be released. Hira could never imagine that Nihan would die minutes later or Nihan that by her death Hira will be stripped of the only thing that possesses her dignity as a woman. Orhun does not have to culminate this day by stripping her of her virginity, he took away her integrity to decide whether or not she wants to love him. Orhun bought Hira for $50,000 and supposedly released her into the desert. Hira lost that freedom for a crime she did not commit but today Orhun took her dignity as a woman for taking revenge on her mother for what she did to her father. .Cezzar physically stole Hira's freedom, Orhun morally stripped her of her identity and turns her into a "wife" out of spite. Nurşa believes in Orhun's brilliant performance; but he could not deceive Afife, he knows that this marriage is to punish him. There was never gratitude for saving Orhun's life from the "noble nephew Vedat"; by virtue of the "purity of the lineage" she is willing to sacrifice happiness. She gave Hira Orhun the same last name for which her father died and showered her with jewels, dresses and prestige, but at the price of being despised. Nursą is afraid of her mother despite Orhun's protection. She appeared before her mother with fear and looks at her more confused than when Nihan died, is it a worse tragedy? Afife loves his last name more than his children. And while Hira even lost the right to have the document that certifies her as a wife. She lives this hour like a condemned to death waiting for the hour of execution, every minute shakes her. Orhun crossed the threshold of sanity out of hatred is going against himself. He will NEVER take her as a woman because he will not lower himself to rape her. That will be her main punishment, not being able to get close to her because she has destroyed her dignity as a woman. However, Orhun really knows that Hira is not all that he accuses her of, otherwise he would have already killed her. Ohun's cruelty is the result of his hopelessness, he believes that he can never be happy. The same happens to Hira, the marriage document he believes is proof that he will never be happy because now he will become another type of slave. But, Orhun will discover that the beauty of Hira's soul is more valuable than any jewel... She will cry blood that day because she has suffered. The slave will then be the owner. Today for Hira another martyrdom begins.
@quebelaquiroga3440 Год назад
Muchas gracias x ayudar a entender lo que realmente sucede, ya que no se idioma turco y tampoco estoy bien con inglés!! Muchas gracias!!
@vianne2008 Год назад
Hira não fez o doce/comida com veneno. Na comida não havia nada a não ser mais canela. Ela morre com o veneno que a enfermeira negra colocou em seu copo. Você não viu o vídeo?
Hola que Bueno leerte nuevamente, ya extrañaba tis analisis, geniales como siempre...aqui seguiremos al pendiente de esta nuevo Drama que me cautivo desde el primer episodio jaja
@yaimery3076 Год назад
Amiga muchas gracias por tu bello resumen. Creeme que Orhun caerá en su propia trampa de cazador y él sufrirá el doble cuando se entere de la realidad de los hechos. Saludos.❤😍
@yaimery3076 Год назад
@@LUCYBANTHA Amiga Lucía de Yemin. Cómo estás? Que bueno verte por aquí. Saludos.❤😍
@phatterolleston7660 Год назад
Omg Orhun wake up and watch that damned video right to the end good riddens🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣 this series really gets to me lol
@phatterolleston7660 Год назад
Can't wait til Orhun watches it to the end , I hope when he does I wish Hira hurts his heart and leaves him and tests how much patience she has savored 🤣🤣🤣 omg this series really gets me going lol
@fdoeppen Год назад
He knows Hira's honor is very important to her and is using that to torment.
@devlinfake315 Год назад
Yes, absolutely.
@1hena Год назад
I don't think so because he hates her so much and thinks she's a murderer, and he never gets close to his sister's killer
@marymartin3278 Год назад
Gracias Mariluca Sánchez por tu relato 🇮🇨🇮🇨🇪🇸🇪🇸
@ninav.1712 Год назад
i just binge to watch the series, but for me the story arc of meryam and kernan is the most promising 😁😁😁
@byruyusom4554 Год назад
😊thank you so much for uploading this episode how many days I’ve been waiting for this..😊even no have English translation😊😊😊
@dalisvillalobosperez4411 Год назад
Por fin estaba esperando este capítulo por días.
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
Hira is in a situation that no woman wants to be 😟😥
@hipotenuza5663 Год назад
The scariest feeling - waiting to be raped 😢
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
BUT....., I don' think Orhun will do that 🤔😔! REMEMBER, ORHUN SAVED HER FROM HIS COUSIN !
@hipotenuza5663 Год назад
@@omnashwanfadel3027 it doesn't matter, she'll be afraid whenever he's close to her.
@omnashwanfadel3027 Год назад
@@hipotenuza5663 It,s true😟 I agree.
@devlinfake315 Год назад
@@omnashwanfadel3027 God, I hope not! His charakter will be destroyed for me forever if he does!
@hannahanderson2321 Год назад
I feel so bad for hira she is so gorgeous how can he be so cruel and nasty to her love keran he is truly a gentleman be so glad when the shoe is on the other feet and orhun what coming to his for all the bad things he did to hira best show ever❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏
@rosadisarno2786 Год назад
Salve x favore sottotitoli in italiano ? Grazie bellissima serie
@jvmmoviesofficial Год назад
I wish it could have English translation
@sebinequliyeva4336 Год назад
Nurwah cox medeni qizdi
@MoniraEity11 Год назад
This show stopped at a certain place that makes me now depressed 😅 if i could watch all episode together 🤭 Let's see how's their first night. M sure he try his best not fall for her. The way he looks at her it’s killing me ☺️
@vinna9968 Год назад
not that fast 🤣 I’m waiting for the day Orhun will learn the truth and realize how stupid he is after watching the whole video of Nihan!
@MoniraEity11 Год назад
@@vinna9968 that'll b at the last stage of this series ☺️
@vinna9968 Год назад
@@MoniraEity11 tbh hopefully they won’t do that I mean I hope I can watch their happines at least in a few episodes before the last stage. I hate the short happy ending 🙃
@nicebastos1073 Год назад
Kenan e merieee lindos adoro fofo
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