
EVE Online: In-Depth Tutorial to Mining, Reprocessing and Manufacturing 2021-2022 

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28 сен 2024




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@MrDarkknob 2 года назад
I like your vibe, you seem very nice. Trying to tackle the entire topic of mining is a lot to free style. There is absolutely nothing wrong with smaller topics. A five min video on why you want to mine, 5 mins on basic skills needed for a first time miner. It takes about two weeks for a new player to get into a mining barge. So break up the videos into chunks. Have a playlist, 1st video name it only what you need to know to start mining. You will get comments with questions. Use this to engage with your veiwers and build a relationship with them then bam drop a video with the answers you already anticipated getting, then the next episode ok your in a mining barge whats next? You can fine tune your skills like upgrades strip miners, drones, or spear head into an exhumer. Rinse and repeat. Because it wont matter how indepth you go people will always need a refresher and they can come back and get more views of the short and concise content giving you experience with the material and honing your skills and you grow as well. Later on bring on the master classes, the live streams etc. you got this. The longer videos that you can monetize can come later when your have a group of people you have brought with you on your journey. I dunno just a tip For someone who seems like they want to do this and it be the real deal. Sorry for the rant and poo poo grammar. Imma subscribe and check in.
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Thank for advice! I really appreciate people like you who leave feed back! Sounds like a good plan. I’m currently working on a Corax Abyss Fit video (sequel to my latest video) and a tutorial on moon Mining. After I get those out I’ll start doing your idea. But as I also am rebooting some other space themed games to the channel besides EVE Online, it may take a bit. Expect the first video of that playlist/series too be out by the end of May. -Halo out :)
@itworkss 2 года назад
Hey man, good video, but I recommend planning it out more and using more consolidation in your scenes. Be specific and to the point, there was a lot of down time through the video without information, and with a 25 minute video you’ll run into a lot of people leaving after 5-10 minutes of this. Great start though, look forward to seeing how you progress!
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Thank you for the feed back! I am working on a short education alpha clone mining video right now. I am going to try and script it see how that goes.
@PerN1660 2 года назад
Slowly trying to get back into the game, after 11 years of not playing. This was truly helpfull thanks a lot. The pacing and length of the video was perfect for me, and the amount of info was appropriate and not overwhelming. Will definitly check out your other stuff. Cheers
@halobuilder 2 года назад
You're very welcome!
@mauricebenoit2773 2 года назад
Well done...do not get discouraged by negative comments...
@kurtryankoch7356 2 года назад
Couple bits of advice 1 build a script Out line what your talking about Avoids umms Include more detail what modules do how much they affect the topic like mining boosters how much do they add to you what type of miners are there for alpha and omega like alpha have miner 1 and 2s the ore or named miners go over entry upgrade and top tier for lasers and strip miners
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Yes, I'm not really good at writing scripts. I'll try my best to do so. I will make another video reviewing all the mining fittings.
@michaeltanner4404 2 года назад
@@halobuilder You don't need, or really want, to write an actual script. What you want is an outline of what you intend to cover in your vid. For example, in this one you would have three major points: 1) Mining, 2) Reprocessing and 3) Manufacturing. Then under each major topic, list the bullet points you want to make. Don't write out word for word what you are going to say, just include enough to remind yourself of the ideas you want to present. Also, as someone else said, avoid using words such as umm, like, etc. You want to be as concise and clear as possible. Finally, practice what you are going to say before you make the vid. This is your craft and you want to be as good as possible. All that being said, keep producing content. The only way you get better is to continue doing it. Throwing you a like and subscribe. Keep it up! :)
@futurecrash 2 года назад
I typed an entire 5 page essay before you started explaining how to mine in this video
@ParallelMango 2 года назад
Learned more in this "free style" video then many other videos. GJ dude!
@shiro_naj0307 2 года назад
I'm a newbro myself, this is extremely helpful, thank you :)
@halobuilder 2 года назад
You're so welcome!
@BobSmith-dk8nw 2 года назад
OK. A few things. This is oriented towards New Players. If you are starting life in EVE as an Alpha it's a harder road than as an Omega (which is because you are paying for an Omega) as there are a lot more things you can do. So - if you are an Alpha starting out - don't Reprocess your ore - just sell it. You can run either the firs Two of the Business Career Agents missions or the Industrialists Career Agent missions and they will give you a Free Venture. The Venture is an outstanding miner, far better than the old Empire Specific Miners we used to have. The big thing it's got is a very large Ore Hold. Now - as you do the Career Agent Missions - there are a lot of them that have Veldspar in them. Regular Veldspar is the easiest ore to mine. If you do a Show Info on the Ores it will indicate how fast you can mine them and how many units of ore you get per cubic meter. Also - you will run out of Regular Veldspar to mine - last. There is more of it than anything else and you will always be able to sell it - as everyone needs Tritainium. You can off course mine in your Rookie ships. In the Station, Leave Ship - then right click on the ship and select Repackage. This will scrunch your ship down for transport and put all you items in you Items Hangar. Then - right click on the now Repackaged Rookie ship and select Assemble. This will Assemble your Rookie ship with a complete set of Rookie stuff - in addition to the stuff you just put into the Items Hangar. Select Make Active. Open you Ship Fitting Tool. Right click on one of the weapons - and select Unfit. That will put it in the Items Hangar. Then go to the Items Hangar and right click on a Civilian Miner and select Fit To Active Ship. You now have TWO Civilian Miners - for Free. You can get two weapons the same way. This is irrelevant past the first few minutes of the game as you will have better stuff to put on the ship - but - when all you've got is 5,000 ISK - it helps. These Civilian Miners really are terrible though. But you can mine a little Veldspar with them. Once you have some Veldspar, right click on it and do a Show Market Details. This will show you all the people selling Veldspar on the top and all the ones buying it on the bottom. Sort by lowest price on the top and highest price on the bottom. Right click on the one with the highest price on the bottom, select Location then select - set destination. Fly to this system and mine there - then sell each load to the guy paying the most money. You don't have to transport your ore - since you are in the same system. And you can do this in your Rookie ship if you want - but - better still - do it in the Venture once you've got one. Here - you want to get enough money to be able to buy the skill books you are going to need as you begin your Career Agent Missions. That is the reason for doing this before completing these missions. Once you have some millions of ISK - go work on the rest of them. I you run low - you can always do this again. One of the first skills you want to train that you have to buy - is Drones. Drones are the weapon of the miner. Drones allow miners to mine systems with active Rat Populations in the belts. And - if you are Omega - you can get Mining Drones - that help with your Ore input. Mining Drones are used two ways. Mine the closest Asteroid to maximize amount. Mine farther Asteroids to increase the range and which you can mine. Heres' how I fit my Ventures Highs: 1) 2 EPS Gausian Miners (16km range and the next best amount - Miner II's take a long time to skill) 2) 1 Salvager. If the Rats come at you and you have Light Scout Drones - you can kill them and salvage them to add to your take. Mid: 1) The 20km Ore Survey Scanner - sort by Quantity and it will let you know how much Ore is still in the rocks. In the Mining Tab - you can also add Size as a sub tab that will give you a more accurate indication of how big the Asteroids are - and you can sort on that - then pick the biggest one to start with. After that - use the Ore Scanner to see which ones have the most - and - see how much they have left as you are mining. 2) A Medium Shield Extender - this will give your Venture a tank - so that the Rats will have to work to kill you - and you can kill them instead - then loot and salvage them. 3) Afterburner - you don't really need this for a Venture and can put a small Shield Extender here to improve your tank but it does speed up getting around a larger belt. Moving within belts - especially in a larger ship - you can right click on the asteroid, Save Location, then warp out to a Warp Tab Destination, then open up your People and Places - Locations - select your Saved Location for the Ore or and warp right to it. Vastly faster than trundling over there in a larger miner as they are slow as hell. Low: Mining Laser Upgrade. Gets you some more Ore. Running Career Agent Missions: You can run these in a Rookie ship - don't risk your Venture. You only get two free Ventures and - *_EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU UNDOCK_* you are risking losing whatever ship you are in. Use the ship that will do that job - but - you don't need to use MORE than that. Rookie ships will do the job for all the Career Agent Missions. Anyone can fly any Rookie ship - there are NO skill requirements for the ships or the guns that go on them. You can buy them and sell them. Every Rookie ship can use Guns, Missiles and Drones as weapons. Every Rookie ship can be repaired for free if it takes damage. If you are in a station where you don't have a Rookie ship - click on Board My Corvette on the right side of the screen and the game will GIVE you a Free Rookie Ship. You can collect as many of them as you want. By Repackaging and then Assembling Rookie ships you can manufacture Rookie Stuff and then sell the miners and the AB's. People will buy those AB's. You're not going to make much from doing that - but - you can help out other New Players who don't know they can do that. The worst part of Rookie ships is their Cap. It sucks. So I buy a Cap Battery and put that as one of the mids - then the AB. Highs: 1) Two weapons. All the Rookie ships can have two guns. Minmatar and Caldari can also have two missile batteries, the others can have one. All of them can have a drone - the Gallente Velator can have two. This makes the Velator the most powerful Rookie ship, especially if you are a miner and train up your drone skills. Mids: 1) Cap Battery - this lets you run an armor repairer and the AB at the same time - if you try and do that without a Cap Battery - or with a Shield Booster and an AB - you will run out of cap. 2) AB - you can probably get by with the Civilian One but fit a better one if you can. Lows: 1) Damage Control Module: - this cuts down on the amount of damage taken by your Shield, Armor and Hull - and is about all you can manage in a Rookie ship. 2) Armor Repairer - I think the Caldari is a Shield Tanking Ship - but ignore that - you need that mid slot for the Cap Battery. Fit like this you can take on any of the Normal Belt Rats in High Sec with a Rookie Ship. Use a Velator with two drones and you can take off a weapon - and fit a Salvager. Thus - missile Battery, Salvager and two drones. Just note that missile skill books are not all sold in Amarr and Galente Space - you have to go to Minmatar or Caldari space to get them from the School Stations or pay through the nose to someone who did (and this is something else you can do - fetching skill books - but like all good things in EVE - someone else has already thought of that too). Alternately you can fit two salvagers and drones. Do a save location on the wrecks you create and warp to them. This isn't much but if you can't fit a destroyer - it's something. Don't run Security Missions for non-rookie corporations in a Rookie ship. You can do it - but it will take way to long. Two destroyers is best for level I's. One to kill them and one to salvage them (4 salvagers and 4 tractor beams (which are very expensive)). You ill be required by some of the Career Agent Missions to use blue prints but often - it is easier to just buy the thing than to go to the trouble to make it. The reason for making it - is to learn how to do it. Don't plan on making things for profit as an Alpha. There are a large number of skills you want to have to increase you profits in making and selling things. Production and Trading are each their own Career Path - so there is a lot to Skill and more importantly than the skills - there is a lot to KNOW about what you are doing to be successful. As to transporting Ore and Minerals - there are two Gallente Industrials The Miasmos is the Ore Hauler - with an Ore Hold There is another with a Mineral Hold Use those ships to move your Ore. As to moving Minerals - you probably won't be moving enough to matter as an Alpha and even then not as an Omega unless you really get into it. But - you will need a general hauler to move other things - as the Cargo Holds on these specialty ships are small. Give your Haulers a good tank so they're less of a good gank. Stay out of Low Sec unless you want to go down there for the Challenge. It's a lot easier to make money in High Sec. .
@BobSmith-dk8nw 2 года назад
This is big. Sorry I didn't have the time to proof read this so I'm sure there are errors. If I try to edit it - I'm pretty sure that RU-vid will eat it - so here it is - as is. .
@mrhooke_gamer4077 2 года назад
Great explanations, thank you sir. Showing the game to some friends IRL so this was perfect for this topic.
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Glad to hear it!
@OKellyP 2 года назад
Got the Venture, and Got an Endurance, now waiting for Skills to catch up. What I have learned... while mining with Mining Drones, when the little red beasts turn up just cut and run, do not try to save your drones, they are cheap. I've burnt through half a dozen Ventures and kit. Insurance helps but does not cover the full cost. Currently running two EP-S mining rigs with an upgrade, and two small Batteries :)
@OKellyP 2 года назад
Forgot to mention, I'm only at day 8 of playing the game. :)
@ambientsoundsoasis485 2 года назад
Thank you for your help, I have a new RU-vid channel as well and I want to wish you the best with your channel!
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Best of luck to you too!
@usernameusernameusername12 2 года назад
nice vid thx
@BerraLJ 2 года назад
As a miner / Industry guy i wish i could put structures down, seeing as an example how the Carrier i built in npc low sec taking 13 days while it takes 4 in a null T2 rigged Sotiyo makes me sad, sure the Sotiyo cost a fortune but even say an Azbel that is around 18b fitted would speed it up a lot, but if it goes 2 days without a wardec you can be happy.
@ruberduck9 2 года назад
thanks this helped alot
@halobuilder 2 года назад
No problem!
@Omni0404 2 года назад
You suggested using 2 mining lasers, but I just got attacked by some little NPC dudes while mining. Don't I need something to defend myself?
@imdark7372 2 года назад
Use drones to deffend yourself
@halobuilder 2 года назад
As ImDark73 said, the Venture has a drone bay so use it to put 2 combat drones of your choice in there as defence
@Amiruny 2 года назад
god damn am so broke.. seeing Omega feels like homeless😭😭😭
@blayknight7013 2 года назад
@fatiguejras Год назад
'IN DEPTH' 26min vid xDDDD
@zebrakiller69 2 года назад
Mining Laser upgrades don't make you mine faster. They increase the mining amount. Also, there is a LOT of "I guess" and "I think" for a tutorial....
@royking9961 2 года назад
hard to get minerals can be obtained by recycling mods from pve combat.
@halobuilder 2 года назад
thanks for the info!
@Karkonion 2 года назад
Keep up the good work m8 , we need more ppl making content ~!
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Thanks, will do!
@BourbonandGaming 2 года назад
Nice vid, this game is a monster
@marknthetrails7627 9 месяцев назад
Liked your video, but try not moving the pointer unless you need to. Nice overview though. 👍✌🖖🥃(good job, peace, live long, and have a drink)
@Ganganadhi Год назад
is this game or work , i quit the game as i didnt find time for it ... 2- 4 hrs is max i can spend for a game to have fun ,, this game gives no fun and eats up time ....
@korzer Год назад
In depth tutorial? Lol
@fusion9619 Год назад
I have a massive scrodite too.
@jcsmith9518 2 года назад
So, nice general overview to mining. Not alot of steps detail. I tend to agree with other comments about planning, to the point, too much too fast to cover in a lengthy single video. But thank you for your time and effort here. I was able to pick some direction to follow as a new player.
@papawavez4222 2 года назад
Can you add mining crystals to mining laser II's?
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Sorry it took so long to reply. No unfortunately you are not able to fit mining crystals to mining laser II's. You are only allowed to fit them to strip miners and beyond.
@papawavez4222 2 года назад
@@halobuilder Ok. Thanks :)
@raiseyourvibrationalstate 2 года назад
Just a nit pick... It's S..core..dite. And Pie..rocks..ene
@captainsouvlakis3557 2 года назад
Thanks this helped a lot
@isrealjason 2 года назад
Yea go water
@Chaz16 2 года назад
Good video man! Liked and subscribed.
@halobuilder 2 года назад
Thanks for the sub!
@mrschneebly85 2 года назад
begging in the beginning to subscribe is just dumb
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