
Everyone is Quiting League of Legends Finale 

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24 сен 2024




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@anderson6013 3 месяца назад
Riot is like a police officer telling you that you cannot call someone an idiot after they have been destroying everyone's windows at the neighborhood.
@mcELINER 3 месяца назад
@lanichilds2825 nah Riot is basically saying that toxic people have more rights that modal citizens. Kind of like if someone broke into your house and tried to steal your stuff theeatening to kill you, but you shot them in the leg, and now you were supposed to pay for their hospital and spend time in jail for attempted murder.
@nanukgamingcz 3 месяца назад
So Riot is like the UK Police?
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
@nanukgamingcz carry a knife blud just don’t say a nasty word
@mcELINER 3 месяца назад
@nanukgamingcz yup. Just the difference is that you can consciously protect yourself in real life while in League Riot puts you with the guy who will break in and try to steal your shit 😄
@smoothierip5693 3 месяца назад
Sounds a lot like Marxists and progressives ideology, the "left" are rewarded for their hypocrisy and degeneracy comparative to those who are logical and fair.
@HowToMolly 3 месяца назад
I remember back when Scarra was relevant, he had an interview with a riot lead about the newly improvised ranked system. The conversation basically boiled down to the rioter confirming that they put you in imbalanced teams so you wouldn't wait in the que longer. Scarra was saying he would be okay waiting if it means he would be enjoying the match he was playing but it fell unto deaf ears.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
engagement matchmaking pretty much ruining every competitive game atm
@johnnymonsterrrr 3 месяца назад
i remember faker saying that too. Too bad they only care about milking him thru gigaexpensive bundles
@Vithonil 3 месяца назад
I dont understand how Riot can be so disconnected from the playerbase regarding this. Yes, I dont wanna wait for 30 mins for a game, but if I queue up for ranked, a competitive gamemode, I want a fair and equal match. I will gladly wait for 10 minutes if need be - and Im sure most other people would too - instead of waiting for 3 mins to get a horribly balanced lobby, where one team has 3 autofills vs the other teams 0 autofills, 2 guys with negative winrates vs other team full on positive winrates etc. Even just one autofill guy ruins the entire game. And sometimes if you start losing, you will for sure lose 10 games in a row. Nobody can tell me that losers queue doesnt exist. Engagement matchmaking has been a thing for ages at this point and it's proven that people ride the high of a winstreak whenever they get one, and they WILL sit through 10 losses in a row just to get another winstreak. The amount of skewed games I've gotten where I either easily win 10 games in a row where everybody on my team does great and on the other side the lossstreaks I've experienced where my botlane went 0 16 before 10 minutes or my jgl went afk and inted etc is just as high. And people wanna actually tell you that losers queue does not exist, when in the past you could easily dodge games like these when you could see your teams op.gg and see that there were 4 retards with 40 % winrate first timing their champs after 5 losses in your team. This game used to be great like 6 or 8 years ago and ever since then it's been a steady decline. Matchmaking is just one of the issues on top of all the other ones like insta chat bans for saying the bad words compared to nothing happening if I go 0 25 in 10 games, getting oneshot in 2 autos from across the screen, etc. I'm just glad arena exists since at its core, the gameplay is just really enjoyable.
@trioz1819 3 месяца назад
50/50 what did you not understand the riot matchmaking was debunked on 2014 it was even a post as dev vlog how resly matchmaking works
@vanjamenadzer 3 месяца назад
@@Vithonil I have tested on multiple fresh accounts and RIOT mm is pure garbage. So same champ, same player, 5 diff accounts all in one patch. One account ended up in bronze after 5 placement losses. 3 ended in gold but after having 65% wr for few days, I was constantly getting significantly worse players until wr was down to 50-52%. One ended up in plat 1 with dia mmr which quickly transferred me to dia 2, where after maintaining 70% wr started getting horrible team mates until wr was down to ~50% and my LP gain leveled, de facto making me hardstuck dia. No one will ever be able to convince me that this is not by design. So instead of punishing high wr by giving worse players to lose, how about instead you shoot up ranks until I start underperforming and let it settle there. My long playing dia mate kept calling me delusional and blamed me for being gold/plat hardstuck until it finally happened one gaming session, when we had 8/8 losses with all 8 being because of our 3 team mates. Individual LP gain/loss would at least help good players. Why am (performing better than my lanner 8/10 times) being punished with the same LP loss as 0/17 mid lanner? They already have all the metrics needed to implement personal LP gain/loss system but hey, it's better to implement scum systems that are proven to keep players hooked. Disgusting.
@andeeersu9287 3 месяца назад
they also hidde names at champ select so you can't dodge the lvl 36 account with 18 stacked loses xD
@iamthehopefulromantic276 2 месяца назад
@HypeTheGamer420 2 месяца назад
Lmao 😂 true I can win like 8 games strait then get demoralized from trolls and have to play for like 16 more hours only after loosing one game just to get back to the same spot I was at
@horizon146 3 месяца назад
30 years of daily lobotomies every 3 hours or 1 game in emerald
@vanjamenadzer 3 месяца назад
As hardstuck eme now hardstuck in gold, I'd take 30 years in eme instead of one game in gold.
@horizon146 3 месяца назад
@@vanjamenadzer idk bro i got to emerald and p2-em4 (when I started getting emeralds in my lobbies) was the most insufferable time I've ever had playing this game I get emerald on main just for the rank then go back to playing in silver-gold for fun, the amount of inters and crybabies with an ego in emerald is so high every game is a coinflip of whose botlane goes afk at minute 5, you don't see those nearly as often in gold I get the difference is you get useless bots for teammates and if you care about winning then that upsets you but I personally care more about preserving my mental sanity by not queuing up in emerald games and not play to win because unless I'm God tier next level gamer I won't get out of emerald unless I get lucky or play a lot and I do NOT wanna play a lot in this elo
@vanjamenadzer 3 месяца назад
@@horizon146 low eme is filled with boosted players, bought accounts and smurf trolls. But none of this pisses me off as much as gold macro knowledge where we'd literally kill 4 of them and my entire team goes on a wild goose chase to catch the 0/9 support instead of doing baron or pushing lanes. Not being able to do anything against troll smurfer is kind of easier to digest than not being able to win a gold game because my team mates have low macro knowledge and it doesn't matter if I am 12/3 and telling them in chat what do to, they do not fucking care. They have their eyes on those kills and that pisses me off a lot more. But my worst experience with players was in Dia 3/2 where most are egomaniacs with short fuse. I have found that plat is now most comfortable elo for me, since I play only high. Plat is very enjoyable for some reason. Not too hard but still not too easy as gold. Not too many trolls as most are now in eme. Not many bought or boosted because most are in eme. Plat is good.
@gen.tucker6024 3 месяца назад
Easy, Emerald is literally elo hell. Had like 10% higher winrate in Diamond once I got through Emerald, and second acc is still stuck there
@maxcoen7641 3 месяца назад
@@horizon146 i got diamond last season and am now suffering through emerald to get back. Eme is the worst elo for sure
@urallnoobs8943 Месяц назад
Can't believe dunkey said all of this 9 years ago and nothing has changed
@ibrahim5463 3 месяца назад
I hate how every time you play you feel like it "i did nothing and i won" or "i did everything and i lost", there are less games being determind by my own impact and no matter what i do i will have no agency over the game I do not know how they could fix this issue
@streptococo4735 3 месяца назад
Make the game less dependant on team. Delete Jungle. Fundamentally change the design of the game so everything has a clear counter. Ranged champions MUST be weak early at all costs, massively reduce all damage. Prioritizing game feel instead of enforcing a meta.
@williamgrignon7969 3 месяца назад
@@streptococo4735 deleting jg would be so boring, and makes lanes like top and mid and island where a lot of champs become useless. Most of the things in league already have a clear counter. And less damage would make the game less explosive and less attractive to younger hyper stimulated generations.
@6idangle 3 месяца назад
@@williamgrignon7969even if you did everything else he described and kept jungle it would be a massive improvement
@ibrahim5463 3 месяца назад
@@streptococo4735 these are all bad changes
@a_lost_one 3 месяца назад
It's a feature, not a bug. It's why League is addictive... it doesn't matter how you play, you can still lose so the outcome is out of your control, and by changing the feedback with the same initial input, it makes it addictive. The term is called 'intermittent reinforcement' and is the cornerstone of behavioral conditioning in gambling.
@TheLastAatroxMain 3 месяца назад
Muting literally exists. If you don’t like what someone is typing in game then just mute them. Banning people for typing IN A GAME is stupid. I would rather my fed teamate to talk sht to all of us and carry us than have a dead weight trash on my team perma running it down as soon as he spawns and holding everyone hostage in a game that no one wants to play anymore. A while back the first game of the day I played literally the first game I get into ranked champ select, my support locks in Vi(I could tell this dude is a troll and is going to run it down) NOBODY DODGES. We have an invade and the Vi flashes into the enemy team and waste her ghost then dies and afk and we remake like the game at this point is just pure trash to play that there is no point in playing ranked anymore as if it wasn’t already hard enough to climb. Also I monitor the Vi’s account in porofessor and this dude is not banned and does the same thing for 3 more games then gets off like what??? But I get chat banned for typing 1 sentence that isn’t even toxic????
@j00loves00rock 3 месяца назад
i feel that. playing with 20/0 draven who complains that the jungler is bad is 100x better than playing with 0/20 draven who spams emotes and takes the jungler's camps
@gagecoutch3284 3 месяца назад
Game is run by communists that are more concerned with speech over fixing their money maker
@aKindred 3 месяца назад
the only people who says "just mute them haha" are toxic people, even if you dont care about the msgs on chat, they still dont pay attention to type or argue, its still a huge issue
@TheLastAatroxMain 3 месяца назад
​@@aKindred The only people who have an issue with that are fragile snowflakes who are offended by everything and thanks to the fragile snowflakes you now get chat restricted by a stupid bot for typing anything. I bet even a couple of years from now chat will be completely removed and you can only say pre typed messages already in the game like in SMITE because people don't know how to use a function that is literally already in the game to stop seeing messages from a certain player. Sh* talking in games has existed since forever. Most of the times people aren't even toxic themselves its this game that turns people toxic. You have no control of what goes on in the game and more than half of your games you always have someone griefing and trolling and running it down on purpose. They deserve to be sh* talked. Why do you even care about what some random person on the internet said to you its freedom of speech you can say something back or....MUTE THEM! I could grief 5 games ruining the game for many people and I wont get banned but you type one black listed word and your ranked and chat banned LOL MAKES SENSE!
@alexandergray5977 3 месяца назад
@@aKindred If the typing affects their gameplay, it shows as trolling. If it doesn't then 100% muting is a good option. At the end of the day, if they type and it doesn't affect their gameplay, then literally nobody cares. People need to stop putting so much emphasis on peoples words. It's stupid, childish, and makes people fragile. Grow a spine.
@Gabrielbew 3 месяца назад
I have been system muted for cursing people like that Aatrox or that Anivia. So people can freely troll, can give up on the game within three minutes, but I can't even rant or show my frustration at them by saying a "bad" word? F off, Riot. I'm never playing League or any other game Riot has any influence over ever again.
@aKindred 3 месяца назад
how about not typing something toxic and reporting the person? I know it feels bad but calling someone a bad word its not something you can defend yourself lmao, its not a good reason to say something bad to someone
@Gabrielbew 3 месяца назад
​@@aKindred Nah, swearing is a good release of built-up tension. Swearing online is harmless, no one will duck it out over it. Trying to sanitize games is worse than the alternative.
@aKindred 3 месяца назад
@Gabrielbew scream at your wall not at humans, release your stress on a actual good thing to do, not playing a stressful game and making it worse for everyone around you So selfish
@RandomXse1245 2 месяца назад
@@aKindredbro I had an account for 10 years had all honor badge icons 10+ years of gaming, only bans I had were from like season 4 when my internet was bad and I got dced. I got 14 day ban for saying stuff like “lets f**king baron move, we can f**king win” Then I come back after the ban first game my Shyvanna trolls goes perma splitpush because I took birds as a midlaner at minute 25, I ignore it and queue another with my premade. I do one singular mistake as a support and my adc goes to run down perma splitpush. I even admitted it was a mistake on my part said sorry and “can win” almost 2v8 carry with my premade, but we lose after 15 minutes of me trying to convince my adc to play. I say whatever if you want to act like an idiot clown then go ahead. I mute him and try to win my hardest. Instantly permabanned after the game, because the adc reported me
@archcynic404 2 месяца назад
@@aKindredNPC take. Don’t type lol 😂
@dzigayu4944 3 месяца назад
True story of my last attempt at grinding Ranked. I lost two games in a row for the exact same reason, my jungler ganked my top, the gank failed or went bad and my toplaner proceeded to rage in chat and perma int the game despite the other two lanes winning, and yes it was completely different players, and despite both of them explicitly typing in chat that they were going to int and proceeding to blatantly do so, they were both never banned as far as I know despite me and presumably my other teammates reporting them, since I never got the notification that someone I reported was banned. I think this pretty easily sums up most reasons why ranked League is probably the most miserable gaming experience someone can have.
@godhand2018 3 месяца назад
I think maybe they changed something about their automated ban system. It wasn't this bad in the past with all the inters (and actual bots in low elo) you rarely saw someone run it down. In all my time playing league I ran it down exactly once in ranked, that was a couple seasons ago (like s10 maybe). I went 1/16 in 20 minutes and I got banned for int feeding immediately after the game ended. Like literally 10 seconds after, I didn't even leave the lobby yet.
@Junomybeloved 3 месяца назад
People still dont know how ban system works lmfao
@Pheonixess 3 месяца назад
I quit playing and uninstalled 5 months ago after playing for 10+ years, exactly for these reasons. Glad to see I made the right decision since League is only getting worse.
@BobFudgee 3 месяца назад
"MidBeast got the same haiorcut as micheal jordan" you wrong for that 💀🤣
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
My man is the goat on and off the rift
@takataki2 3 месяца назад
@@Rewleague dick riding here is crazy
@badguy8604 3 месяца назад
what i hate the most is when literally 4 enemies come to my lane at the same time, gank me under turret, take my turret and then i look at the map and see that my team hasnt pushed the other 2 lanes. like they dont help, but they also dont do anything else.
@AfroDevil 3 месяца назад
Communicate that to them
@GaminWithBK 3 месяца назад
@@AfroDevil you cannot you will be chat banned.
@lordyasonevarietygaming1124 3 месяца назад
Also why is it on one person too keep track of all enemy players , all objectives , all the opponent abilities , ward , itemize correctly, and then on top of all of this mind you I'm still missing things on this list, but on top of it all you expect me to tell my team how to play the game every game and direct them? Assuming they won't think I'm flaming or egoing and then I'll have to pray for no chat ban?. Oh and I'll probably still lose lp after I get chat banned after typing how all the fundamentals of the game to my other teammates
@tatzecom 3 месяца назад
on god you sit there, mid and jungle come down for the 4 man botlane party, you give up some CS, maybe defend tower dives by the skin of your teeth or force them to dive you dry without minions, you do your very best to survive and not fall too far behind and then you look at the map and see your jungler is hard at work doing his own camps rather than invading while your midlaner pushes the wave in and recalls. If you dont wanna help me, at least DO SOMETHING with all the pressure im soaking. I cant keep tanking ganks while yall sit around, dick in hand, yuumi r34 open on the second monitor.
@notg1 3 месяца назад
@@AfroDevil ''hey guys, maybe push your lanes when I get 4 man ganked?'' - chat restricted for 3 days.
@durumane2181 3 месяца назад
its crazy to say that i enjoy fortnite more than league for the past 9 months 💀
@sS0ulSs 3 месяца назад
Uninstalled the game about two weeks ago precisely because of this. - haven't played in many years, cam back last year. Got up to date with watching coaching videos, etc. Actually started to enjoy the game again for its strategies, macro, etc. Got to Emerald 2024 S1, mind you my account is a S3 account with a totally f-cked MMR since it was stolen from me and deranked all the way to bronze from gold/plat, so getting to Emerald was an absolute accomplishment. 2024 Season 2 comes along, won 4/5 placements got to start at Plat 1 50LP. One of the placements we won 4v5, my Top Laner rage quit at 5min.....we still won because myself (morgana) and my Zac Jungler absolutely smurfed the enemy team. I should have taken the hint from this game of the rollercoaster that awaited me.....From reaching Emerald last season and being placed on Plat 1 50LP, I have uninstalled the game after going all the way down back to Gold 3 and around 44% win rate....it just does not add up at all. The matchmaking is rigged. The ranked system is rigged. This is a free to play game. Riot needs to keep people playing. How do they do that? Get you matched with these type of players so that you have higher chance of losing and keep grinding for your next win. That is why these accounts/players are not banned, because Riot needs them. I'm not going over the Communication issue.....it is just beating the dead horse... If you are looking for an alternative to League of Legends, try ETERNAL RETURN. It is free to play, you can find on Steam. They have tons of events and you get a bunch of skins for free on those events.
@Blckk89 3 месяца назад
im wating for Supervive
@sem1518 3 месяца назад
Buddy if you manage to get ur ass in bronze there is 0 way you belonged in plat or gold you probably got placed in plat during previous season bugged placings
@sS0ulSs 3 месяца назад
@@sem1518 Buddy, If you keep getting a bad matchmaking that affects your performance and outcome. Do you still belong in Bronze? Also, I didn't had an easy time climbing to Emerald. I reached Plat 3 and then got demoted to Gold 3 and then from there climbed to Emerald. That argument of yours is honestly so disgusting. It is one of the fundamental problems with resolving the issue at hand. That argument is not always applicable.
@Agdem_ 2 месяца назад
It does add up. You don't just go from being a casual player who hasn't played ranked in years on an S3 account all the way to Emerald in a single season. You coin-flipped to Emerald when elo inflation was at it's peak. Pretty much all of the playerbase was in Plat/Low Emerald at the beginning of season 2024. They adjusted the MMR/Ranked system to account for the ridiculous amount of inflation that was present, to ensure a better ranked distribution. If you are 44% WR in Gold over a good amount of games, I'm sorry to say, you aren't an Emerald level player. My peak is DII and I have a Graves OTP account that is 19-4 in Gold/Plat Split 1 (83% WR)... There is 100% an issue with Riot's approach to punishing in-game behavior. But if you're good enough at the game you will climb to the rank you are supposed to be at, regardless of trolls. I can win a game 1v5 at your MMR because of the difference in skill. You clearly went on a lucky run after your hiatus and aren't consistently playing at the level you think you should be at.
@sS0ulSs 2 месяца назад
@@Agdem_ your assumption that because I haven't played the game in a few years makes bad at the game and thus I shouldn't be allowed to climb is ludicrous and nothing more than a construct. You are basically saying that I must be both bad mechanically and macro wise, ridiculous assumption. Yet again we dismissed that there are genuinely decent players out there who play to win, have a fair understanding of the game and mechanics and are affected by the matchmaking. Can't you understand that what you are saying is part of the problem? Granted, there were lost games where I could have done better - we always can. And that is why I like League, the journey of self-improvement. However if this journey is affected by someone who decides to stay in base not even disconnecting so that you are a hostage? I'm sorry, but that argument of yours will never be the reality. It just really saddens me that this is something that is being talked for years, yet the same troll argument of "you are in the elo you belong to" is still used. Utter bulshitery. Edit. To be clear, I didn't simply "climbed to Emerald" please read what i wrote. I started gold, wen to plat, then back to gold again, and then to Emerald. Also, in 2023 I'd setup the rank back to gold. Picked up again on 2024 S1 as gold and got to emerald. This seems quite acceptable and fair to me.
@unknownposter2075 3 месяца назад
"0-18 does not happen often." Inting Sion: "Allow me to introduce myself." On a serious note, FF/running it down culture has been getting promoted for so long, I hate it. A lot of games are still winnable if everyone actually plays rather than constantly complaining or pointing fingers over small mistakes.
@prayerko253 3 месяца назад
inting sion is commonly talked about by riot being a strat they hate so that literally wouldn't fucking matter to them
@laciel7458 3 месяца назад
I don't spend my time playing a game to win, I play to have fun. Winning is a side goal. If I'm not having fun anymore, of course I'd rather go next. If riot isn't fixing their casual matchmaking, then players will go do it ranked.
@AhoooY1 3 месяца назад
@@laciel7458 cope. shit mentality. Winning is fun, having a good game is fun. Being 0/6 is not fun. You should rush rope chair build
@stivcdl 3 месяца назад
I got chat banned by saying the word "dumb". It's not like I said an actual slur or some heavy shit, I literally just said "how dumb are you?". Immediately after the game, meaning it was obviously an automated system, I was forced to read all my messages and type "I Understand", which for me was just an extra level of humiliation. The worst part is I was being very positive, the dumb message was the only negative one, all other messager were like "we can win guys, dont give up".
@prestond4065 3 месяца назад
I got chat restricted for calling myself dumb one time lol
@horizon146 3 месяца назад
my friend got a restriction for saying "samira has dirk" (it was almost all he typed all game lol)
@dzigayu4944 3 месяца назад
I got chat restricted because a LeBlanc was perma inting in team fights and dying to stupid pick offs, and blaming me because I was "shit at front lining", and when I fired back and called her a r*tard who dies with one of the safest champions in the game, I got punished and not the guy who literally was flaming me all game.
@kennethyates1725 3 месяца назад
As someone who used to play and be very toxic, stuff like dumb could always get you banned but usually not the word by itself. But im not disagreeing with you. i have been banned for saying absolutely nothing at all. After the bans became more and more normal, i finally quit the game.
@valjohnson7112 3 месяца назад
@@dzigayu4944 its just a computer program that scans for certain keywords. you said one of the keywords, the leblanc didnt.
@NoSkinLeo 3 месяца назад
u my friend got a wonderful voice
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
cheers bro
@meesvijfhuizen8271 3 месяца назад
Can someone explain what riot thinks of smurfs? Like streamers and youtubers do it loud in the open.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
Dota smurfing is against TOS. Riot smurfing is allowed and they give streamers fresh level 30 smurf accounts says it all really
@dzigayu4944 3 месяца назад
They say they don't condone smurfing but they clearly not only don't give a flying fuck but also actively help streamers and pro play get fresh accounts at base mmr
@kennethyates1725 3 месяца назад
well smurfing means people have to buy new skins and reinvest. I think it's in their best interest to make the game quality go down for non-smurfs so they feel the need to smurf.
@Ausku_24 3 месяца назад
they dont care about smurfs, same thing in valorant u get to play vs a smurf that warms up before he plays on his main once every 3 or 5 ranked games
@LEANMACHINE123 3 месяца назад
@@dzigayu4944 riot accounts given to streamers do not have 'base' mmr. Riot accounts start diamond mmr (Or atleast they used to)
@soulawaken24 3 месяца назад
I vented my frustration in game chat so many times (often not even using anything racist or super insulting) when people troll or go afk after one death. And as a result, i got chat restricted twice this season already. And they got nothing. Their response: its just a game. That pissed me off even more. Yea its a game and i am not gonna question my life choices over it obviously. But it doesnt mean you can proceed to hold everyone hostage by trolling and refusing to surrender, wasting 50min of my life. After a few of these games, i quit. Havent played a single SR game for 2months and i feel much more sane now 😂
@kennethyates1725 3 месяца назад
5 months here. stay clean. Feels good for me. the only problem is league is a hard game to replace without playing games that feel worse to play, dota, or games in completely different genres like a shooter and even RTS games.
@SmallPotato2313 3 месяца назад
The best thing to do is to never type in chat. Feeding doesnt get you banned but one wrong word does.
@soulawaken24 3 месяца назад
​​@@kennethyates1725 yea i didnt try to find a replacement. I just play whatever i am in the mood for. Single player rpg, MMOs, mobile gacha. I dare say none of them spoil my mood as bad as League did 😂 I still watch league gameplays and pro play tho. Its still fun to watch, just not as fun as play as before
@SmallPotato2313 3 месяца назад
​@@kennethyates1725same. I watch league streams still and it makes me feel like i want to play it again.
@kennethyates1725 3 месяца назад
@@soulawaken24 ohh yeah i still watch Pinkward play the game and a few others but i myself WONT TOUCH THE GAME. now the game has what i heard was invasive kernal level anti cheat, i further dont want to play with stuff like that running on my system.
@MorganMindfulness 3 месяца назад
This is what happens when the intention is not for your customer base to have fun but to keep your customers addicted and spending money.
@ReivasMC 3 месяца назад
gave up league years ago, I'm so glad you made this video because you hit every nail precisely. This is exactly how I feel about the game.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
Worst thing is it really could be SOOOO GOOD
@jpuc5568 3 месяца назад
@@Rewleagueit is good it’s just the players
@ReivasMC 3 месяца назад
@@Rewleague Indeed, and I kept playing for way too long because what I had in my mind were the memories of when it was kinda good. Took me several years to understand that those times are gone and we only got this shit now.
@adriancervenka7682 3 месяца назад
They just need to stop focusing for banning people for chatting and instead ban people for giving up, people that play ranked without wanting to play ranked. I ran down an account from gold to iron before, that account never been punished. I had like 9% win rate out of 40 games. But when I'm trying my hardest, trying to call out stuff in chat, but since I'm toxic I will get chat restricted and forced to play normal games. Make people that go 0/10 or just straight up give up don't get punished ever...
@moneybaggrigo 2 месяца назад
i remember my first account got perma banned because i had a nunu with clense ghost running it down middle and i called him an "idiot" and asked if he "had a problem in his head". He got no punishment because he didnt type a single word the whole game.
@Damian_h 3 месяца назад
I heard 120k+ players quitted League. I cant speak for others but my entire circle of friends are not playing league anymore and thats around 50+ people on a third ass world country with potatoes pc so the total number of players that quitted league is probably bigger than what Riot was expecting.
@Matt-de7ro 3 месяца назад
In Korea, their acc is linked to their ID number, so they can't simply create endless number of accs. Once they're banned, they're banned for good (or at least makes things harder for trolls).
@paddyod16 3 месяца назад
Why does this get upvotes? Why does anyone want to give their ID, SS# or whatever else to Riot and Tencent?
@giftapfel 3 месяца назад
@@paddyod16 vidya game players
@davemassa7249 3 месяца назад
@@paddyod16 because i want to play a fuckin enjoyable game
@drjamaymay405 3 месяца назад
​@@paddyod16it's a comp game, the player base cares about integrity. Your opinion is of the minority in this instance.
@Edwin-iw8gb 3 месяца назад
@@drjamaymay405 sounds like digital ID which should never be a thing
@szymonrozanski6938 3 месяца назад
Entered a normal quickplay. 5 enemy players levels 13-35 beating my duo premade Diamond adc and supp onetricks. Both level 700. Called them a smurf. They denied. I did report them. But i reminded myself this isnt DOTA2 where valve actually bans smurfs because they ruin the game experience. So i left and uninstalled.
@guydunn8259 3 месяца назад
Out of every game I've ever played, League of Legends has the worst community I have ever dealt with. Every community has its bad apples, but when thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of players are saying they're getting trolled or held hostage in a video game, that's insane. Spending 40+ minutes in a game that will drive anyone mental if they care about their rank is not worth all the horrible experiences you have to endure just to get a badge. There are many other games with toxic players, but I've never seen a community so immature and petty. Some players die twice, find someone to blame, and then make the rest of the game impossible for everyone. And these players aren't getting banned. People can lie or manipulate their stats to avoid punishment. We all have bad games, but if your response to a bad game is to ruin everyone else's experience, you shouldn't be in the community. Skill issue? Does it matter if you win the game? This person just tried to make everyone lose their minds because they weren't performing well. So what if you're Challenger if it means everyone else has to deal with an asshole who makes the game unfun? You can't ignore this behavior just because it's considered acceptable. It's normalized and even encouraged to brush it off as just a couple of bad games. When hundreds of others just went through the same exact 40 minute hostage negotiation. Coaches often say, "That's how it is, it's just an outlier," or "Your teammates aren't the problem, it's about climbing." I can improve regardless of trolls, but as a person, I can't stand that this is treated like it's beyond the control of a multi-billion dollar company. They claim they can't fix the community issues that other games have managed to address. Nobody should put up with this, its no wonder I quit, and I've been happier ever since.
@YuYuYuna_ 3 месяца назад
"Spending 40+ minutes in a game that will drive anyone mental if they care about their rank is not worth all the horrible experiences you have to endure just to get a badge." Yup. This is exactly how i felt on my climb to reach my goal of diamond in split 1 this year. Finally did get it 2 weeks before the split ended. I haven't been playing league since. I tried a few games, immediately got c*ncer and stopped. It's just not fun. The average game experience is 1) 1-2 trolls/inters/griefers, 2) people with massive egos typing the whole game and then choosing to make everyone lose because they want to ego, or 3) it's more rare, but you eventually get a well balanced match that is competitive and feels fun. Most games are stomps in either direction and it's precisely because people give up, tilt and soft int because Riot doesn't punish them. I used to always be excited to come home and hop on league and grind some games. Now after reaching my goal in League I have zero interest or motivation to stomach the c*ncer anymore. I could push for masters but I've had enough. Getting through emerald into diamond was enough of a headache. The community is rotten to the core and Riot doesn't care to do anything.
@letsgomets5725 26 дней назад
@@YuYuYuna_ or just humans are
@WeeZz95 3 месяца назад
what's crazy is that in plat 1 you'll go a game in mid where u don't get ganked at all and the next you get ganked 10 times in 5 minutes by the whole enemy team, you can't even learn the game by playing anymore cuz every game some different bullshit happens
@troyjohnson7154 3 месяца назад
Im such a proponent for good sportsmanship and honorable fighting that one of my last games I ended up losing because I convinced an enemy player that it isnt cool to throw games. I basically told him that he is ruining the game for nine people, not just himself. That it isnt fun to play shut out games as the victor or the loser, admittedly its worse for the losers, but it isnt fun to win a game that you didnt have to fight for. Were here to compete, and competing is fun. The guy stopped inting to towers and started trying, he was clearly very skilled at the game because he came back and won. I convinced an enemy player that had decided to throw the game to stop throwing and they won.
@Nallieheai 3 месяца назад
Nearly level 1000 before i uninstalled League with the release of Vanguard. I cant remember once thinking "You know what this guy might actually be scripting", given i never got past Plat 1/Emerald 2, however... what i can remember is being frustrated with people griefing the game. I also knew that it was not going to change anything when they introduced Vanguard, i dont care what they say after their blog post where they literally stated that they will not actively ban players but it will be easier to spot cheaters with the help of Vanguard so they can later ban a large group of people in waves, which is what theyre apparently already doing. Then whats the point of having an intrusive anti-cheat if youre not going to ban them on the spot. Besides, 99% of people would probably not even know if someone is scripting anyways, what people do easily see are the obvious griefers. And to ban those you wouldnt even need Vanguard in the first place, simply look at the stats like mentioned in the video. League simply isnt worth it anymore, also feeling better mentally just having moved on to better things.
@obsessedwithcats 3 месяца назад
The best part is that my first game after using Vanguard HAD A SCRIPTER, it’s really funny to me.
@EurovisionESC 2 месяца назад
yeah... so true. I dont have an issue with Vanguard and if Vanguard will result in a total ban of bot accounts and level 30 accounts, then I'm totally fine with it. But in 12 years of league, I only saw 1 single scripter !!! 1 !!!! It was a xerath mid that ended up with negative kda because of how dificult was understanding the script. League has NEVER really had a "cheating" issues. Actually, it's also a "cheating" issue but it's one that cheats fair matchmaking (so basically, it's still a hack , no?) . AND riot is fine!
@AD4- 3 месяца назад
The problem is queuing up with random people to play competitively. This formula just ends up as a disaster no matter the elo and game. As long as this option exists and people opt into it, they will end up having a terrible time. There is too much variance/inconsistency in a game where you people with random people. This is the heart of the problem and haven't seen anyone mention this. Overall, the game at it's core is a great, but I avoid modes where you queue up with random people. I'd much rather play solo, 1v1, or with a pre-made group, knowing that I'll enjoy the game with friends and play cooperatively. I guess it depends on how tolerant people are when they face these variances/inconsistencies.
@m1r197 3 месяца назад
Absolutley agree. The fact that stuff like Clash hasn't been expanded just shows where their priorities lie. Mostly me and my firends dont activley play much anymore because were tired of it, but we still try and play Clash and ARAM clash whenever we can. Those tournaments should happen more frequently and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD get rid of the consolation bracket and make it an actual double elim tournament. No one wants to continue playing in a tournament they know they wont win. Weve won clash a couple times but we always quit after a loss because most dont want to play a lame consolation bracket. Its sad that they just want everyone addicted to solo/duo and dont care to expand teamplay what so ever.
@nivyan 3 месяца назад
"The problem with this pvp game is the pvp"
@docfortune 2 месяца назад
This is the other major sticking point for me. When I watch popular streamers for insight or entertainment, they have all the same issues, all the same problems, all the same characters who int/quit/rage/troll. It never gets better, at any rank. I used to think I could climb to Elo Heaven and then finally have fun one day, but every rank is Elo Hell.
@AD4- 2 месяца назад
@@docfortune I have been low-mid elo in league and high elo in Valoroant. The sun doesn't sun any brighter up in Radiant within the game Valorant. Valorant is top 500 to put it into perspective.
@docfortune 2 месяца назад
@AD4- I believe you. What is the point of even climbing? The answer is, there is none. If you aren't having fun at your current rank, then quit the game. It's not going to get any better.
@GREENDIET2137 3 месяца назад
As a shen mid main nothing feels better then not allowing my mid oponent to win against me or roam and seeing my teammates die to the most obvious ganks and not responding when i ping ult and go in. Lovely
@Bellicosy 3 месяца назад
I don't claim to know how to make nuanced changes that will fix things. But even any old fool can see that there are problems. Riot has the resources to be able to hire people that have the ability to make the game enjoyable. But for one reason or another, they haven't. The mishandling has been so chronic that riot are known for it. The company should be ashamed, but the player base is vast and the profits are large. As players, the only effective response we have at our disposal is just to stop playing, even if we want to play, unfortunately. Also, we all hate our own voice, but dont be too self aware, yours is alright.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
cheers mate and the problem is theres no other game as good! its frustrating
@Bellicosy 3 месяца назад
@@Rewleague The amount of genuinely good games that are both free and playable for hours on end aren't that numerous. League is one of the few. When the backlog of single player games and books run out, maybe I'll have finally kicked the league habit.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
Its like it part 1 that graph league is just so good even at its worst it’s better than any other competitive game
@azmalguthek4502 3 месяца назад
@@Rewleague I hope you mean in MOBAs specifically, because there are many, MANY games that shit on League in terms of enjoyability. EDIT: League isn't competitive btw. Fighting your teammates is not competing, it's sabotage. Riot's matchmaking system and lack of monitoring ensures the lack of competitiveness, not the guarantee or health of it. The only thing you're "competing" against is your enjoyment of life. High elo is infested with win trading and other anti-competitive nonsense. You could argue that solo queue itself as a concept in a team-based game is also not competitive if you wanted to go down that route as well.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
@@azmalguthek4502 dota temps me but there’s a huge time sink to get into it. I 100% think league is the best competitive game Clash as a 5 man is incredible
@Ad_Dystopia 3 месяца назад
IMO the problem is the low Ranked entry level of 30. IDC how much people call it "cope", but when I was a new player, even at level 100, I was more than capable of running it down 0/18 due to skill issue. The game is way too complex to be learned so quickly. And instead of giving actual tips in chat, teammates are actively trying to make it worse by telling you to go AFK, etc. I understand, that some people learn faster than me, but unless you actively have people check whether someone is actually griefing or not (i.e. someone manually going into a game, reading the chat logs, etc.), I think you can't just ban a level 30 account for being bad. There are no useful official guides in this game, so unless you watch educational content, EVERYTHING has to be learned via trial and error. That to me includes trying things like: - If you're 0/7, you're too vulnerable in a sidelane, so how about you help the team by fighting and catching as often as possible? - If you're 0/7, you'd be useless in teamfights anyway, so you might as well AFK in a sidelane to make it a 4v4 on the other side of the map? - If you're 0/7, maybe you should just avoid feeding and taking any risks, avoiding ANY interaction with enemies? Now, how many players would consider all of the above griefing and just press the report button? Whether or not the three points above work, you won't find out, if you don't try it. At level 30, and even way above, you might've played a lot, but ultimately you're still a beginner. That's just how complex League is. If Riot raised the entry level to something like 100 with a normal game requirement of 200 games, then it'd way easier to distinguish an experienced beginner, who doesn't really know better, from an actual toxic troll, who's trying to lose the game once they died. It would be easier to rank a player accurately based on how they played in normal games. It would also make smurfing very unattractive. Those are very strict requirements, Riot won't do that for obvious reasons, but it comes at the price of lower game quality in Ranked, especially in a game as complex as League. Maybe Riot can find a middle ground at some point, where Ranked requirements and entry level game quality is somewhat balanced.
@Ad_Dystopia 3 месяца назад
Once again, I'm not saying, that smurfing isn't a problem. I'm just saying, that someone griefing by going 0/10 doesn't have to be intentional, ESPECIALLY at such a low level.
@kauanjos3199 3 месяца назад
Actually agree but I think 100 is too much maybe 80 would be a better margin
@maestrofrags3436 3 месяца назад
ive played thousands of games and i dont remember one enjoyable game of league besides the normals with friends..because of how much toxic the ranked games are ane am not talking about chat toxicity or spam pinging am not a snowflake am talking about gameplay quality...its so many players dont wanna try at all they die countless times in lane u tell them that u can help u gank them they sit under tower u go back to jungle they go fight ive talked to many of them post game in VC they all are laughing it off...Either play for fun or not play at all and by fun i mean troll am gonna be tryinf jinx jug akshan support zilean jungle kaisa jungle whats the point in burning ur cells for no reason...il try ly best like riot games responded to 20 tickets ive sent they are trying their best il try my best aswell first timing yasuo...every chamo i have a skin on is my main till they fix the game
@kennethyates1725 3 месяца назад
not going to lie, i played only a few custom games and they were so much better than any ranked games. Even if players were worse, people might not rage and just continue to have fun regardless of what's happening.
@FerLaxXD 3 месяца назад
Just uninstall and play fortnite
@paddyod16 3 месяца назад
"every champ i have a skin on is my main till they fix the game" this whole rant was based but thats just icing on the cake.
@maestrofrags3436 2 месяца назад
​@@FerLaxXD i didnt play in 3 months i ve sent them 50 tickets they dont care,am nit even kidding if i sent 50 tickets to a wall it would respond but they are just bots saying" this how we calculate MMR and the matchmaking is fair"...thats me after playing getting 3 low elo lanes as a jungler into 80%+ on role team not one not twice every day 7/10 games...i would rather play gacha games
@FerLaxXD 2 месяца назад
@@maestrofrags3436 wuthering waves > league of legends
@UninstalledLeague 3 месяца назад
You know, in some cases, it might be ok to just restrict players to using only the practice tool, instead of a full perma-ban. I mean, if they paid money for skins and stuff, they should still be able to use them/meditate in solitary confinement of the practice tool.
@GrumpyArtistBen 3 месяца назад
One thing that always annoyed me is that we have a Honoring system that does absolutely nothing. You can go 0/15 or 15/0 on a Victory and you get the exact same LPs, I can get 4 honors from all my team mates for hard carrying a game and it doesnt matter. The current honoring rewards are a joke, but what if players were properly rewarded for performing well in a game? What if I could get 1 or 2 extra LP for each honor (excluding premade) that a team mate gives me? Wouldnt that be a motivating factor for players to try harder?
@obsessedwithcats 3 месяца назад
Yeah the honour system is terrible. Also, you don’t get ranked rewards if you get even a single chat ban which I think is very silly. Not to mention you have to play 300+ games to get back to honor 2. It’s ridiculous
@embalancer6146 15 дней назад
The funny thing is when it was introduced it utterly changed the game as you could be rewarded for good behavour not just punished for bad. It was such a huge shift that it took academics by suprise and it even ended up being picked up by the BBC! problem is riot dropped the ball and did nothing with the system so everyone went back to being dicks
@fericul5717 Месяц назад
Two friends and I got held hostage in a ranked flex by a 7 man premade saying they would end if we paid them and linked their paypal. My premades and I got very lucky 1hour and 22minutes in and were able to delete their team and end. We reported it to riot both in game and through their support tickets. The 7 people are still not banned. One was a level 800 account. Their friends on our team fed all game until the spawn timers become to large that the enemy minions would end, at that point they just farmed the enemy minions so that the game wouldn't end. The score was 37-133.
@holandesvoador7683 3 месяца назад
I can confirm the system is not even trying to punish trolls, inters, feeders. I'm probabily the king of getting chat banned, and honestly, I didn't care, until they started banning my chat and banned from ranked untill I play 5 normal games. I recently got out of a 1 year chat ban on my main account, and it actually was a good thing. Banning for 5 ranked games tho is stupid imo. Why? I only play 2 champs on ranked, and once I was in a lobby showing my champ and my ADC banned it. Immediatly i showed my other intention pick and my support banned it. I didn't really wanna dodge because of 2 idiots like that, so I picked soraka mid. I wasn't gonna run it down, but i decided i was just gonna act like those bots that level up accounts. I healed NO ONE, built AD for soraka and nothing happened. But mannnnnn, if i call someone a retard just once... 1 month chat ban and banned of ranked untill i play 5 normals................. Riot is not even trying to make the game better, and they don't even hide it. My complain here is not about that guy that goes 04 in lane cause we all done that at some point, and to say that u cant climb because of those people is a lie. Yeah, its frustrating, but if enough games are played, u'll get to ur deserved rank. Just sucks that riot ain't trying to make the competitive mode to be competitive, but a family friendly place where u cant say bad words. Bruh if I wanted that I was playing club penguin.
@obsessedwithcats 3 месяца назад
I’ve had people get the 5-game ranked bans and run it down in my draft games. It’s so cringe that Riot would shove toxic inters into casual games (I’m not a casual player but my friends are). Feels bad
@holandesvoador7683 2 месяца назад
@@obsessedwithcats I totally agree with u bro. Altho I don't run it down, I'm usually titled when I have to play the 5 normals. Once I told all my team in champ select that I was just getting the ban off, and asked them if we could ff at 15 so it could go faster and everyone agreed hahaha
@obsessedwithcats 2 месяца назад
@@holandesvoador7683 Haha, wow. That’s lucky then. I had the ranked bans once so far and 2 of those games were remakes which counted :D
@lydierayn 2 месяца назад
Every 12th or 15th game I play is ballanced, enjoyable and worth playing. Its those rare matches where nobody steamrolls, its head-to-head and you even enjoy a defeat because everyone played well. The rest of the time fizz cheeses, adc disconnects, toplaner runs down, jungler doesn't buy jungle items, vanguard forces teammates to disconnect, Katarina goes 20/1/15 and alike
@Jaimitox1x3x 3 месяца назад
I don't play ranked anymore because of this.
@veganlsd1577 3 месяца назад
i was suspended for 2 weeks because some kid banned the champ i was hovering. And then proceeded to complain about that champ ... when i then started venting and due to my main champ being banned i got screwed in lane (top) because i was countered ... i sent an email disputing their decission and the answere was "we understand it can be frustrating...bla bla..."
@dazeen9591 3 месяца назад
Level 30s aren't even smurfs. They're forced to play the game that way because the League of Legends LP system and skill based matchmaking are so dog💩 -28 LP on loss and +10 on a win. Fix LP system and you will have like 60% less level 30 accounts.
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
Thats the main problem either Smurfs or people in the wrong rank because there mains mmr is dead
@dazeen9591 3 месяца назад
@@Rewleague yes. The problem is people are in the wrong rank. SBMM does NOT WORK. That's why I don't play ranked. Because ranks don't matter. Lots of old high elo accounts shouldn't be anywhere near the elo they are in. They only stay in high elo because Riot is forcing 50% win rates. Same reason why lots of people hardstuck in low elo genuinely should be like 4 entire tiers higher. I see lots of bronze/silver players who are way better than a lot of diamond or even challenger players I see.
@nemokukeptiblynu 3 месяца назад
never had that problem, how many games u have to lose to get -28 and +10?
@billykhoury4038 3 месяца назад
@@dazeen9591we are just hard stuck lol. Too many trolls in the game and inters. I started playing damage support and attempting to climb, and I feel like I have to carry so hard for my team to win. I’m literally a support that has more gold, more cs, and stronger than jungler, mid laner, and top laner. This is really awful experience that we face but we got to do what we got to do honestly.
@dazeen9591 3 месяца назад
@@nemokukeptiblynu doesn't matter it shouldn't happen period
@nopianocovers6628 3 месяца назад
I loved this game once upon a time, but I quit around Yone’s release due to 200 years champion design, inconsistent balance, toxicity, and low match quality. I came back years later because I reconnected with some old friends, but I realized all of the issues only got worse since then and only stayed around for two splits. Now with Vanguard implemented and all of my old friends converting to new games, I don’t think I’ll ever return to LoL again.
@viperdragon35lol6 3 месяца назад
Been playing Dota and it’s way different over there. Since there is no surrender button most people play games out and the amount of comeback games you experience in Dota where the team groups and does a play turns game around happens all the time..I remember when league had games like this a long time ago. There is a voice chat built in and occasionally people talk and strategize but trust me it’s not like what people say where people are toxic every game it happens here and there and most people talk shit then immediately group together and play it’s really funny how on voice the toxic interaction flares up and die down. I think it’s because ppl actually hear themself as opposed to only typing. Game has a lot of depth and there is a new player mode where everyone who is new can play and not have to go up versus a lot of smurfs. Snowballing happens in this game but unlike league if your draft is off there is an item that you can build situationally to shut down a matchup. So many utility in the items and hero kits. League isn’t a bad game it’s mainly matchmaking having a game depending on skill shots and is snowball means if the weak link feeds somebody the margin for error gets really small. This leads to losing even harder and put a lot of pressure on said weak link leading to losing team fights even harder. Played a few league games recently was 3/0/1 on fizz someone dies entire team just ffs at 15 mins score was literally 7-8..not really trying to be a Dota advocate I would try Dota here and there like 2 games this year 4 games this year and it’s something where you just notice the design choices just from playing. The early stages of trying I remember constantly saying “ Sheesh it would be cool if LoL did something like this” “This would be huge change in LoL”
@m1r197 3 месяца назад
Nice analysis except I'd argue league has been increasingly less about spacing/dodging skillshots, rather, its more about spacing (notice how I didnt add dodging) fake skillshots which are made for the champion to hit. This results in more macthups being s-key fests and prioritizes non interaction, where interaction leads to losing.
@viperdragon35lol6 3 месяца назад
@@m1r197 yea there are those matchups where playing into it means griefing your lane
@drjamaymay405 3 месяца назад
The ff button has ruined league forever. If they removed it (they never will) the game could prosper.
@RA-eg8tw 3 месяца назад
they will never hardware ban a troll, because that is potential revenue gone, unless they consider trolls as detrimental to their profits as cheaters. I don't think they will. They have been restricting chat options, because riot executives concluded being toxic to a karthus by spam pinging his ult will reduce the likelihood that he will buy skins and will waste customer support's time with reports.
@alexsanderognev 3 месяца назад
Game is so boring so there is actually nothing better to do but troll games just to get some emotions
@bootlegtwoism 3 месяца назад
@EmilioHernandez-z3b7r 3 месяца назад
I lost my account of 5 years because of my name “seasoned Mexican” when I’m literally Mexican. Idk how it happened exactly it just told me that my name was inappropriate and I couldn’t retrieve the account
@souranis 3 месяца назад
Reminder that voice chat fixes almost all of these problems
@armoureddanger 3 месяца назад
it deosnt xd
@souranis 3 месяца назад
@@armoureddanger yeah true bro vc totally doesn't decrease toxicity!
@NeverTriedHardEnough 3 месяца назад
It's actually 2 crazy things that make leagues community unbearable. 1 thing most league players can agree on is the voice chat thing, but the second is something league players have to stop coping about. The surrender button should not be a thing. I was masters in Hots, 4k in dota back when that was a lot, and leagues community is so dogshit I've never felt the desire to play actually even climb rank, and it's because literally no league player I've ever met knows how to play from behind, they all just give up and wait to push the surrender button.
@LegendaryFusions 3 месяца назад
​@@NeverTriedHardEnoughill only accept that if VC is added because when you fall behind in league its miserable and a waste of time waiting for the enemy to end and there is nothing you can do to have some fun In games like CS2 i can still have fun with VC and trolling
@Ausku_24 3 месяца назад
@@NeverTriedHardEnough i dont agree u need to surrender games to not lose time, it depends of your elo probably but i had 0 problems with ppl trying to surrender except emerald
@jacobcannon8876 3 месяца назад
On voidgrubs: there’s a special XP bonus on the first one a jungler kills so it’s VERY important that they at least get 1, that’s why you see inting on that objective
@meesvijfhuizen8271 3 месяца назад
Last game in a diamond 1-3 lobby i had a teemo top who placed 1 shroom on the map, the rest was used for waveclear. I also had a lee-sin jgl who only took void grubs and after that went to the opposite side of objectives and team fights. Those 2 where in the same game. We lost quite hard there.
@sticksbender4057 2 месяца назад
I’d like to point out about the Phreak clip: he says it himself their statistic for player interactions went from “2.1 to 2.7” The “midpoint” is 3.0; the expected outcome if you just remove the chat feature entirely from the game… is 3.0 So of course you got closer to that by basically telling everyone to stop chatting. You haven’t solved the problem until that number is ABOVE 3.0
@E1barto212 3 месяца назад
The questions in the surveys do not present a way for them to come to some of their conclusions. There appears to be a lot of assumptions from a found correlation (insert 'not causation' here) from how they interpret their results. The surveys do not provide appropriate space to raise frustrations. Anytime I've received the 'how do you like the game' surveys, they always use questions that isolate from problems. It's always, "How was the match you just finished?" I've ALWAYS seen them pop up after a good game, so honestly, I answered it was good. But, that misrepresented the 7 matches beforehand that I hated because every single one had trolls! I do not care if someone is being vocal, but I barely look at the chat. If I do notice it (or I notice myself typing), I use the /deafen function. Problem solved. Verbal Abuse is the main report that works because it's easy to verify the accusation. Bots can easily do the job and dish out the penalty so it gets the best results. Riot says the game is too complex and fast to type things out so they built the ping system up to a level that you don't have to type. It was great! Which is why I HATE the follow-up removal of the ability to ping certain things (and I miss the 'Enemy No Vision' ping). Phreak's comment (he's representing Riot's intentions, but, yes, it was his choice to double down) about typing, "Karthus Ult" literally goes back on what Riot's understanding of the importance of communication in a complex, fast game is. They are sacrificing gameplay to try to reduce toxicity and that is NOT worth it. It hurts the game WAY more than dealing with Verbal Abuse. In my experience, things people say can be shrugged off after 5 minutes (even mid game) because 'whatever, they're just an asshole', mute and move on. People griefing/inting for the entirety of a match will stick with you for the rest of the day. It is WAY more important for the longevity of the game to actually punish the worse reports for the health of the game. Also, as much as people hate the chat, I think it's an easy target to aim hate because it's screenshottable, but I think having ways to communicate helps with the longevity of a game in many ways.
@tgworks5791 2 месяца назад
Real answer is ban Smurfs, if u don’t have a second account the consequences mean a lot more.
@DCGScuff 2 месяца назад
the problem, is that riots defenition of toxic only equals to chats, instead of gameplay, so when players say pls ban these toxic players they think we mean the ones who get angry in chat.
@LeagueFlashClips 3 месяца назад
i 100% agree, people go 0/3 and or either soft int or just refuse to play so they q next and hope enemy is bad so they can get kills and play to carry
@judostar11 2 месяца назад
After 11 years of playing league (the last couple years were on and off), I quit because of the toxicity. Don't get me wrong, the community in LoL has always been toxic but it's gotten way worse because of the trolls, smurfs, and growing number of people with ego problems that play every game as if it's game 5 of the World's Final.
@joshuakern3355 2 месяца назад
This perfectly illustrates that Devs that do not play their own game will never understand the player base problems.
@dennisthemenace7304 2 месяца назад
Once they add account verification to phone numbers or something of the sort the ranking will start to balance back out. The fact anyone with $5 can buy a fresh level 30 account as many times as they want is the reason no one cares, smurfs run a muck and trolls exist. Once riot creates a way to limit accounts the game will improve.
@jordansrhoads 3 месяца назад
I've been saying this since like 2015 and Imma keep saying it until the game dies: Make in game performance affect LP gain/loss. You 1v9 your game? Then you're playing really well and deserve a higher rank, LP boost for performance. You int your ass off and have a 2 KP at 25 minutes? LP penalty. If you win you don't gain as much and if you lose you lose more. Example: you're playing top lane and go 8/0/2, your bot lane goes a combined 2/18/3. You win the game? Top lane gets an extra 15 (as an example) LP for carrying. Bot lane will only gets like 10 LP (if even) because if you're going 2/18/3 between 2 people you probably don't belong here. What if you lost the game? Top gets a loss mitigation because he played well, but bot played bad, so they lose more LP. It doesn't even have to be that drastic, it could be small gain/loss incentives, and it wouldn't just incorporate score, it'd be all stats like tower damage, income, CS etc. I mean, they already have a letter grading for each game. Base it off that. Ideally a better solution would be to only allow 1 account per person and fix their matchmaking, but we know they'll never do that.
@drjamaymay405 3 месяца назад
Sounds great, doesn't work.
@poom323 3 месяца назад
modern main protagonist syndrome seem a lot worse than shonen anime main protagonist syndrome.
@SeraphPatrick 3 месяца назад
for your flowchart a diamond usually represents a decision and the rectangle is usually a task/event/outcome
@AsockRatao 3 месяца назад
I'm not proud of it but I'm very toxic but despite that I always give 200% of me to win a game. I don't understand how people can't see that trolling is 1000x worse than flaming
@abzeromusic 3 месяца назад
When I only have time to play five games a week why am I going to torture myself. I don't have enough games to climb riot refuses to put voice chats into the game to help communication and I'm tired of my character being patched out of viability
@unclutched5702 3 месяца назад
as a toplaner, there is also a jg coinflip: in some games enemy jg just camps top, dives and my full clearing jg is like "top diff" or i get countered(i mostly stay under tower if im countered) and wait for ganks just for cricket sounds to play in the background and i slowly bleed out the game.
@obsessedwithcats 3 месяца назад
Being camped top can be good if you play it right and waste the jungler’s time. The ideal situation would be for your jungler to mirror them and gank/invade bot side or get them ahead. A good tip for top lane is to never expect ganks ever, 1v2 if you have jungler w should never be the one to win your game for you. In counter matchups, just focus on surviving and impacting mid/late-game, that where most games below master are decided. And one good teamfight or pick can turn a game around,
@turkeyguy0 2 месяца назад
This issue was solved a long time ago in other things that use mmr/elo for ranked play, I believe it was implemented on a chess site, don't quote me on that. The solution is to give players the control over who they play with (within reason). You give the player the option to say "I want to use a metric like summoner level to restrict who I play with", check the box on for that and every 30 seconds of queue time passed, you expand the margin by +/-1 level. Set a cap for what's considered max level; 1,000 or something pretty high, now you would have to be queued for 8 hours before you get put in with the level 30 troll. The average level of all accounts in NA is around level 90, likely pulled down heavily by smurfs. Most don't play ranked either. This triples the amount of time required for an account farm to create an account to contend with the averages with no added benefit to doing so. The drawback is a really really bad experience for people who just unlocked ranked.
@umekigoe7784 3 месяца назад
here’s another one for your checklist: does your jungler know he doesn’t need a leash? either you get a crying jungler for the rest of the game or you lost bot lane
@Draven137 2 месяца назад
Tyler1 talked about this, if a player is trolling, inting or anything and you typed something bad you would be punished. If people can't let out their frustration via chat they'll just do it in a more behavioral way which is way more destructive.
@iamthehopefulromantic276 2 месяца назад
Unable to see player names in lobby is the WORST PART. I CANT EVEN DODGE THE ******* TROLLS
@TheeAllMyD 3 месяца назад
Stop playing games that require kennel level anti cheat. That was a very simple and easy uninstall for me, but I’ll agree with everything in the video, I only played normals before and every game I was calling out some raging loon cuz his ego was fragile. It’s anti-cheat is where people should draw the line, kennel level anti cheats don’t work and just expose more vulnerability if able to devise a way through and there always is, hence the apex tournament that happened 2-3 months ago. We really need to be boycotting this as gamers.
@dan-xl4mg 3 месяца назад
Fun fact, If you have censor mode on for chat, The system will ignore it even tho its censored and still chat ban you
@asir9129 2 месяца назад
The funny thing is that I sent a super long post to Riot support where they "supposedly can pass feedback" about if a player is inting for consecutive games, to "restrict their access to ranked" and have them play normal games, WITH , "interactive missions" like die X times or less, have X amount of CS at X minute, participate in X amount of teamfights. The funny thing is, I literally said "do like 5 games of rank restriction" in that post XD But as you know, Riot ended up twisting it, they not only didn't include my idea of having this be a time for the player to practice and improve, but did it for typing in chat situations
@andypae 3 месяца назад
Just played a 5 game losing streak today in high gold / low plat. Basically every game decided by trolling/smurfing level 30 accounts. Every game is a coinflip and it feels impossible to carry a game because in the end you need to play as a team to end the game. Nobody even listens to pings, it's like white noise to my teammates. My account peaked at Plat 1 last split and I still can't tell a difference between an Emerald game and low Silver / high Bronze match where I'm forced to start my climb every split on a decade old account and all the fresh accounts are with me in Gold by default. I remember how it used to mean something to me to finally reach Gold and get the skin. My new goal is to reach Emerald, but it feels like me trying to get better at the game doesn't matter as much than me just spamming games and wishing positive LP gains takes me there after a stupid number of games played.
@obsessedwithcats 3 месяца назад
The issue with emerald is that half the players have been inflated from silver. It’s probably the most inconsistent and frustrating rank to play with the most coin-flip matchmaking and mentality. People have decent mechanics but really poor macro, and if it’s your team with the worse macro you pretty much insta lose a lot of games. It often feels like you’re playing in silver with how little awareness people have: fighting without their win con, over-committing to objectives, chasing low HP enemies across the map through jungle. I’m emerald 1 euw and these happens almost every game, usually multiple times. It’s a joke,
@arghpee 3 месяца назад
to be fair ive seen tyler1 have worse kd than these trolls playing in masters while he's actively trying to win
@Rewleague 3 месяца назад
Definitely exceptions to the rule
@bigshotz80 2 месяца назад
I’m trying to change some of that with adding voice chat to my games. I post a discord and hope my team joins. It has helped with my games being less toxic more hehe
@MannyMM Месяц назад
The problem is not only the 0/18 troll.its the other 4 players that won’t FF as soon as they see they have a troll on the team. There’s always one guy so desperate for LP like his life depends on it. Best thing to do is FF and go again. Everyone gets trolls, best thing to do is ignore them. The more desperate you are to win the better they feel about it and the worse you will feel
@rayman9727 3 месяца назад
i mean if im being honest, when i started playing league i used to just buy champions and try them out and the first time i tried aatrox i was around level 25 and i went 0/20/0 while actually trying which is crazy i still don't understand how i managed to do that but that just shows you that not all of them deserve to be banned and its really hard to differentiate between someone who's bad and someone who's trolling
@YuYuYuna_ 3 месяца назад
Well you were lvl 25 playing normals going 0/20/0, not ranked. That's the difference. Your comment doesn't apply to this video because he's talking about people who do that in ranked. It's fine to test out stuff and be new in Normal queue games. Ranked is where there is (or should be) no excuse for dying that many times. The worst lanes I've ever had in ranked I've went 1/4/1 or 2/5/1. If you are going 0/20/0 in a ranked game I would expect you to be banned for it. In a Normal draft game however, you're fine to do whatever you want because there's nothing on the line. No one is going to lose LP for it and it's meant to be the place to test stuff.
@KingOfMelos 2 месяца назад
I feel like a lot of players have the mentality that they'd rather lose the whole game rather than get carried by their team. There are so many people that try to force a big play and end up running it down hard instead of just sit back and let the four other people, who are ahead, win the game for them. You don't have to be the Faker making the game winning outplay every single game. I've always said that setting your ego aside and letting the team carry you, is a skill all in itself.
@Matt_P 14 часов назад
Riot be like, "They have to have a history of greefing, see.... they got 1 kill that game.... therefore they tried."
@diamondinvr 3 месяца назад
Maybe banning people for chatting and leaving them with no other outlet to vent their frustration other than trolling was a bad idea? Not excusing that behaviour but c'mon. It's obvious here
@dependentmany8359 Месяц назад
They don't do anything about because the game is designed that way, when a game is designed to make you feel like a pro(which it most definitely is), then it's also designed to make you feel like you're bad.
@donewithprecision785 3 месяца назад
3:10 people don’t pursue happiness, they avoid chastisement (really they avoid discomfort but in this case, this explains it). When the whole pain point is being ridiculed for just about anything even considered a mistake, being the main character at least allows them to play without the ridicule. It’s not happening in a trend for no reason. I don’t do it or care, just give me my W, but I completely understand the reasoning behind this main character trend…provided it’s something that’s trending.
@yournemesis192 3 месяца назад
We need Performance Based Matchmaking: Basically what Call of Duty and FPSes have been doing. If you go 20/2/10 with highest damage, most CS and you solo carry your team should gain way more lp than someone who is 2/5 just getting carried. On the other hand if you're the sole reason your team is losing you should lose up to 100 lp per game so climbing rewards good performance and trolling punishes you a lot harder. This system shouldn't be based solely on KDA and it should reward risk taking and playmaking so playing safe under turret isn't as OP.
@drjamaymay405 3 месяца назад
It's very hard to account for every stat. You would need to account for cs, kda, damage dealt, taken, healed, mitigated, cc, vision, objectives, towers, basically every stat. And these stats aren't always worth the same. In some games cc is way more important than damage. It would be a monumental task to create an effective mmr system that tracks all elements of a players game. Take physical sports, they have been around for centuries and have billions of dollars invested in analytics. They don't have a good system that can determine a player skill level in comparison to another. They have estimations, but every single one has flaws. While it's a nice idea, a fair ranking system that gives me more points than my lazy teammate who got carried, it's not feasible to implement. Your dog shit teammates will just lose their next game without you anyway, don't worry you aren't boosting them out of their hard stuck rank.
@alekseykocherov5088 2 месяца назад
​@@drjamaymay405 "system that tracks all elements of a players game" already tracks even more than u said, with riot api u can even see how many skillshots each player dodge in specific game ( good question why 90+ dodgerate players was not banned for scripting, since we have this ). This chinese clowns collecting this data year by year. They know everything, your hardware, your system, how much time u spend in client watching on skins, your behaviour profile "pre-defined personality categories, e.g., Leaders, Teammates, Mentors, and Verbal Aggressors" ( its from riot patent ), your identity as a player, passive/agressive/champion pool, this sht was working perfectly for years, but they just randomly broke smth, even little thing in their casino matchmaking system can cause that. Maybe they know and everything should work differently, or they dont and everything is fine, they just wanna grab as much money as they can before closing game. Like honestly, imagine how much people working on riot, what they was doing all this years like 6-7 XD Deleting comments on reddit ? They cant rebuild league with new graphics on new engine IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT, worse than any mobile moba, they dont have competent programmers, 3d artists, art directors and other stuff. This clowns cant even remake 3 v 3 map for many years, so much people was playing , but they absolutely refuzed to work on this game mode for 3 years just to say HEY nobody play 3 v 3, lets close, look at new cute lux skin u need to buy that !
@jeremyashcraft2053 2 месяца назад
no. just because you have a K/D similar to Doublelift, does not mean you belong in his games. If competitive integrity is the goal, rank should be determined by wins/losses. the problem with LoL is the matchmaker not creating fair games to begin with. it creates "fair" games in the loosest sense of the word, where it mixes noobs and vets in the same lobby, but tries to put the same number of noobs and vets on each team. If LoL just made full lobbies of players of the same skill level: 1. Games would be more fun, people would be more motivated to try harder and play more 2. Games would be less one-sided. 3. The skill level of the player base would improve consistently over time, since ally and opponent skill level would remain consistent from game to game. LoL uses Engagement Optimized Matchmaking, which is very common in the current "competitive" gaming industry. its designed to manipulate your dopamine reward-response system and get you addicted to the game. this is all by design, they do not care about making a good game. they want you requeuing over and over and buying more skins, nothing else matters to them.
@Slapsamillion 2 месяца назад
A teammate should not even have the ability to ban a champion that's being hovered. It's such a simple change.
@Od3628 3 месяца назад
But couldn't we get as many people as possible to boycott the game? The same way people boycotted the ahri skin. If we are obviously unhappy can't we just stop playing? I quit a while ago and I do wish to come back to it someday but I'm aware that things have only gotten worse so I just keep waiting. Why do people torture themselves with this garbage daily. You're not addicted guys, you're just silly.
@leoncoben6983 Месяц назад
At this point I think Riot should just enforce a win requirement in order to enter rank each season with a higher Champion pool minimum requirement. 30 Normal wins doesn't sound unfair or even impossible even with the trolls and 60 champs in a game with over 150 isn't an unfair requirement.
@dimitriostsiampalis364 3 месяца назад
I started playing again and i noticed since all this the game got less toxic, ty for getting all these guys to uninstall😊
@lukamtc9188 2 месяца назад
Ranked is disgusting, thanks for pointing it out. I'm someone who in 3 years spent basically equal time in every rank silver to master, and I can say that all the myths are true and people aren't just insecure about their skill. You need a lucky streak of 20 playable games even if you are a good player to jump out of your current rank. Your champ matters more than anything else, as I can always just play Jinx and... win... Trolling teammates and people giving up removes so much of your agency that a diamond player can't get out of plat. I play ADC, which has it's own problems, but I used to have agency and now I don't feel that agency at all. The system COULD be so much better, but as a company Riot has no interest in making your experience fun, and clearly it's in some way more profitable for them to make the experience miserable. I still play League because it's truly a good game, with so many complexities and nieches and a super high skill ceiling, but I can't even blame the playerbase when I myself could design a system that would make for a happier environment.
@marcus2259 3 месяца назад
I remember feeding and being toxic last year at high elo. Iirc just 1-2 week ban 😂
@twistedf_ 3 месяца назад
Roit James' take on recent communication changes or banning people is a literal beatings will continue untill morale improves strategy. Basically no interaction allowed, 10 silent people scared to type the word "dumb" because they will get ranked restricted and then go speedrun 5 yuumi top games in normal with an average of 13minute per games and then go /deafen in every single ranked moving forward.
@YoBoyRMoy 3 месяца назад
@16:00 THANK YOU!! I am so SICK of hearing the argument "Wellll by that logic, your team has an equal chance to have a smurf stomp 🤓"... That's not the point. No ONE should be being smurf stomped EVER, and definitely not at the rate it's happening now. Silver players deserve to have an environment of Silver players so the game quality for THEM is better.
@tomglover98 10 дней назад
Got to admit, I played since season 2, I was dumb so if people were trolling I would flame them, and my accounts would inevitably get banned. Now whenever someone starts spam pinging me or typing to me I'll just soft int to pushing them into typing like I did and pissing them off to get them banned. This is the type of interactions that Riot have fostered by the way they have moderated the community for the past 8 or so years and its not an enjoyable experience for new players.
@elmariachi112 2 месяца назад
This is very simple. If riot wanted to fix this, they would make a system where you would qualify to play ranked. Say you have a period of qualifiers on a season start, where you play 20 games. Instant ban from that season for those who get 0/5 or above. You get rid of all the trolls from ranked games INSTANTLY. Yes it would make most games difficult because you have more competent players. But you don't have the fucking trolls wasting you fucking time.
@docfortune 2 месяца назад
Played since season 1, uninstalled yesterday. I'm sure there are lots of reasons for this, but I feel like nothing I do has an impact on the outcome of the game and it's a coin toss of which team has the person who is tilted or refuses to teamfight. Also, my normals everyone is friendly and fine, but as soon as you queue up for ranked it's like the worst fucking human beings ever shat out of a human womb.
@Slapsamillion 2 месяца назад
Another issue is that lvl30 account starts ranked with Gold'ish MMR, which leads to making it even harder for low elo players to climb.
@LostOnceLefthanded Месяц назад
Smurfs and alt accounts can never be banned. New players are not picking up league anymore. Smurfs are their only hope of keeping the game alive. Their biggest money comes from people starting a new smurf account and dropping like 10 bucks on it for a skin or two.
@zachjackson5835 2 месяца назад
The chat bann over troll bann issue was something I commented about 6-7 years ago when i first started getting into ranked and was cucked outta getting gold for 3 months, my friend would get banned for telling people how to fix the issue there having in lane, meanwhile when i started trolling and telling people to literally kill themselves cause i felt capped everytime i got to promos and having others run it down, not a damn thing would happen.
@ginger-s1v 2 месяца назад
had a game where one person single handedly ran it down, he was mad his support got caught out ONCE, and the support wasn't doing that bad, i tried my best to carry the game because i was fed but we just ended up losing anyway, and that, is when i will never, ever play ranked again
@Thewicked117 3 месяца назад
This is why flex is the better mode, everyone just treats it like a joke cause it came 2nd but proper 5v5 premade teams is PEAK league
@RandomXse1245 2 месяца назад
Not that I play League anymore, but flex is the biggest hellhole know to gaming. It is decent if you play 5 stack, otherwise you get the biggest skill disparity know to humankind and your team is full of godforsaken wretches
@exalted-champion-of-grinch 3 месяца назад
Top reasons for people leaving: 1. Devs not listening to feedback and doubling down on every bad decision, 2. Rootkit update, 3. Ranked rework, 4. 3 ranked splits, 5. Inhumanely bad match quality, 6. Supervive announcement.
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