
EXCLUSIVE: Facebook’s ‘independent’ fact-checking certifier exposed as Hillary Clinton supporter 

Sky News Australia
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An outspoken Twitter activist critical of Donald Trump who brags about being on “team” Hillary Clinton is a supposedly independent expert who approves and recommends organisations to become Facebook fact-checkers.
Facebook fact-checkers have extraordinary powers to censor news stories they disagree with, demonetize news organisations and ban news outlets entirely.
The process of becoming a fact-checker is described as “non-partisan” by Facebook but a Sky News Australia investigation has uncovered disturbing evidence of political bias and lack of accountability at the top levels of the certification process.
International Fact-Checking Network certifier and American University School of Communication professor Margot Susca is unashamedly politically biased but she was responsible for issuing 19 recommendations for organisations to become fact-checkers.
This includes the Associated Press, Check Your Fact, Decrypteurs, Lead Stories, Media Wise and The Dispatch.
Ms Susca has appeared on propaganda network Russia Today to criticise President Trump and has tweeted that it would be a “dereliction of duty” to broadcast his speeches.
In 2019 Ms Susca posted a happy snap with failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton where she admitted “I’ve been on Team Hillary since 08 tbh” and said she was disappointed her likability did not resonate with the public in 2016.
“My boyfriend was her nuclear policy fellow for a year when she was in the Senate,” she wrote.
“Says she’s the smartest, wittiest, most likeable person. It just never came through I guess. So f---ing sad.”
Ms Susca also retweeted content that said: “A projected Joe Biden Win won’t erase the racism shown by Donald Trump and embraced by nearly half of the country’s electorate.”
In one of her several appearances on Russia Today, Ms Susca, admits that she cannot be objective about President Trump.
“It is hard for me to be an objective observer of this presidential administration when for years now they have continuously tried to delegitimise and marginalise news reporters for doing their constitutionally protected job,” Ms Susca said.
However, despite her public political activism Ms Susca holds a key role within the International Fact-Checking Network process which allows her to approve and recommend fact-checking licenses to the International Fact Checking Network Board which formally grants the licence.
Ms Susca was also the person who assessed and recommended the grant of a licence to become a fact checker to Australia’s left-wing opinion website The Conversation in May, 2018.
That license has since expired.
Sky News Australia asked Ms Susca a series of questions about whether the public could have faith in her ability to be objective or whether she felt appearing on Russia Today hurt her credibility. Ms Susca described the questions as “threatening”.
“Are you independent of Comcast or Sky’s executives,” she said in her response.
“Look at your own ownership and ethics before you threaten others working on these crucial issues and charge that they lack independence and a commitment to truth. Your email was meant to be threatening and, quite frankly, I find its tone abhorrent.
“I’ve worked in journalism or media for decades so your accusation that I don’t take it seriously is egregious and you should be ashamed of yourself.”
Ms Susca said her tweets were not a display of bias but a “call for news organizations to do fact-based journalism to help average citizens govern themselves in a democracy”.
“I think you’re starting off from a place of bad faith and you are, quite frankly, missing the point of the tweets specifically and my work generally,” she said.
Fact-checkers certified by the International Fact-Checking Network are not automatically allowed to police Facebook content but Facebook only subcontracts organisations recommended a certification by supposedly independent experts such as Ms Susca.
Sky News is not alleging Ms Susca acted improperly when assessing and recommending organisations, only that she may not meet the standards in the IFCN’s own Code of Principles which require fact-checkers themselves to be objective and not publicly support a political candidate.
The IFCN Code of Principles states a fact-checker must not be “affiliated with nor declares or shows support for any party, any politician or political candidate, nor does it advocate for or against any policy positions on any issues save for transparency and accuracy in public debate.”
Facebook partnered with the International Fact-Checking Network after the group wrote an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg complaining that the 2016 US election was influenced by misinformation on Facebook.
Facebook claims the International Fact-Checking Network group is “non-partisan”.
Update: This article has been amended to reflect the fact that grant of a licence is made by the IFCN Board following assessment and recommendations from external assessors such as Ms Susca.



11 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 6 тыс.   
@3877michael 3 года назад
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
@joeywantstoplay 3 года назад
@Michael Harrell they are losing CON-Troll of the narrative.....these a-LIE-n invaders/colonizers. we are so daft, we cant even see we have been at a passive war for well over 100 yrs. we need to expose them often & publicly consistently, their media wont broadcast our victories......but will exaggerate about theirs.....basic mental warfare. Your wisdom is appreciated, its time to share truth. "truth doesnt need you to defend it, its like a lion, set it free & it will defend itself!
@unclepete5877 3 года назад
Thats a good quote
@3877michael 3 года назад
@@joeywantstoplay ` I agree.
@barryallen4353 3 года назад
This was in another group that was taken from MeWe... what do y'all think? 🤔🤔🤔 I found this in MEWE.. can someone get it to the right people? I can't say this on facebook, but I feel it's important to say. I was a facebook Fact Checker. And your conspiracy theories about facebook, are more true than you realize. I work for a company named Appen. We are a 3rd party freelance contract company. A few years ago facebook approached us with an offer. He couldn't legally censor people on his platform because he plead to congress that he was an open forum. So, he uses several 3rd party companies to "Fact Check", and otherwise censor, information. Justin Trudeau has been taking action in Canada, China, and America, to prepare us for the Great Reset, and by us, I refer to civilians. Part of this process is to work with Zuckerburg and Dorsey to restrict the flow of information, and to push the statutes of the Reset into peoples minds, repetition is the key here. We coordinate our efforts with a company in India, from our base in Canada, to provide our censorship services to Facebook. A lot of this information, you probably already guessed. But here's what you might not have known We have specific directives on what to fact check and how to fact check. I'm going to list off a couple of these directives: 1) First off, primarily conservative and right leaning posts on twitter and facebook make it to our service. 2) Left leaning posts are to be ignored and never manually flagged, it doesnt matter if it violates ToS or even federal law. If facebook gets in trouble they blame us, and they can't do anything because we're not based in America, so we give the government the run around and nothing can be done. It's worked so far. 3) Zuckerburg created a program that feeds posts automatically into our service, it analyzes content in posts, searching for common images and lines of text, and if it matches any of our guidelines it gets automatically flagged and entered into our system to be "Fact Checked". So we don't just go looking for conservative posts, Zuckerburg sends them to us with his automatic program. 4)If there are multiple ideas in a conservative post, only 1 of them needs to be potentially disputable. We are to flag an entire article as disputed/false/discredited/untrue/etc even if theres only 1 idea thats not completely confirmed. 5) Even ideas that are confirmed, don't matter unless its a left leaning idea. What this translates to is as long as we all push the same idea, what we say becomes truth. That's standard psychology, and American's are the easiest to manipulate with this. The only thing making it difficult is their Freedoms that are not common in most countries around the world, which forces us to deal with America in a different way. 6)When we write articles for politico, nyt, etc we are allowed to mark a title or article as true as long as at least 3 of the core ideas in the article or post are potentially true. Keyword here is potentially, it can be completely false, but as long as we can cite a source that argues in our favor, we can confirm it 100% true. The inverse is also true, if we can find even 1 source that dictates something to be potentially false, we can mark the entire article/post. 7) We write articles, and then cite our own articles as evidence. Check the fine print of each article, we always cite ourselves, but what you might not know, is that only a handful of companies are actually writing the articles for dozens of websites, news media, and mass media. This isn't unique to America, we've done this in countries around the world for a very long time. 8 ) We only allow members to join us if they pass a test, this test is an opinion based survey, however, they must answer all left leaning, or they are not allowed to join, we wont be diluted. 9) This part I cannot confirm, but I am suspicious that China has more to do with this than just their involvement with Canada, but again, i can't confirm that, thats just my personal theory because we're not allowed to say anything negative in our business chats about China's government. 10) This is all preparation for the Great Reset, by getting Trump out, because he opposed the idea. Biden has agreed to go full on into it, which is why he's been getting such a big hand from Facebook and Twitter, however, it's much bigger than just that. In our new world order, we'll control not just national news, but global news. By controlling the global narrative, we control what information you're allowed to know and what you're allowed to think. 11) There are contingencies in place, Trump cannot win. We have members of Congress apart of this, and soon the President and VP. 12) If a Civil War breaks out, it will be according to our plan. We hope for it, and we tried to use Race to spark it in America, if that doesnt work, ISIS is on stand by for when Biden is in office. This was determined along time ago, or so i'm told. 13) I no longer work for this company. I registered with them using a fake identity. While I am afraid that they'll find out, i'm hoping this post is just an obscure enough place to start leaking information without drawing too much attention too quickly. My hope is that this information gets out, but you cannot change whats already in place.
@barryallen4353 3 года назад
14) I left because what they were doing was appalling to me. I can't stand by and watch this happen. My original job was to consult with Walmart and Facebook on customer engagement and advertisement engagement, as well as website management. This isn't what I signed up for. Now all the new recruits are immediately pushed into this Facebook fact checker conspiracy. It's sickening.Ill say that facebook at least pays up, which is the only reason I think most of us were doing it this long. I'm under a very strict NDA, so I had to use a throw away account. 15) You can't change whats to come, but what you can do is get the message out to not just Americans, but everyone in every country that values Freedom. There are allies all over the world that are resisting this, especially in France and Australia. If you want to remain free, you have to hope that Trump can pull out a miracle, but i already know its not possible, trust me when I say, they'll make sure people die before they let him get another 4 years. If that happens, Americans, do what you need to do to keep your country free. Protect yourselves. 16) Admins, if I do not delete this post sooner, please delete this within 24 hours.
@katburkhill701 3 года назад
This has been glaringly obvious over the last 4 years .
@steveguse4481 3 года назад
Yes. Glaringly
@rogerc23 3 года назад
95% of my friends and family do not find this obvious. They are completely brainwashed and clueless. There is no helping them. I’ve tried for four years
@anglosaxon5874 3 года назад
“When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.” - Edward Snowden
@Mangsaab1954 3 года назад
One man's crime is another man's duty.
@kyledonahue9315 3 года назад
Nah, Snowden is a liar and a traitor. It’s beyond me why people lionize him, especially when his first instinct after stealing sensitive government documents was to flee to China and then Russia - two of the west’s most influential opponents.
@jackthetoiletbowlgamer 3 года назад
@@kyledonahue9315 not just that he talked to the UN using google voice lol 😂 yet they said they didn’t know where he was
@zakurn1086 3 года назад
Reminds me of a certain politician who got busted for having big ties with a Chinese spy woman, even being funded by her, while he ranted and shouted "Russian collusion!!!" in all the fake new stations, then he demanded the people who uncovered this crucial piece of information be investigated.
@stephenbartram7377 3 года назад
Hmmm Edward snowed in cia contractor who tried to take down the NSA
3 года назад
Can we stop pretending to be surprised about the corruption and start actually doing something about it?
@ollietabooger7204 3 года назад
That's gonna be hard with all of these libtards in the way. We all know they love that government cock.
@TV-ob1if 3 года назад
Egg-fkn-zactly... 👍🏽
@SizemicKick177 3 года назад
Yes we can, but dont wait for others, be the leader! Who knows when someone other than you will act?
@wheelz8288 3 года назад
Wait til spring constant fireworks coming very soon. Trust me, when the weather turns, tyrants will burn. Anybody in the military that defends them will be public enemies.
@McfcMancs 3 года назад
What corruption? 😂 I totally agree but this won’t ever happen.
@lhayashi7835 3 года назад
I’m in the U.S. and I have to watch Australian news if I want to know what’s going on in my country. Thank you for reporting this.
@MichaelAChristian1 3 года назад
@codyantrim8700 3 года назад
Oan network and newmax as well
@MichaelAChristian1 3 года назад
Let's see national socialist and democratic socialists both want total control and openly CENSOT ideas. Both want people disarmed. Both want eugenics. Both want keep races seperate. Both want depopulation. Both want control over all resources food and power. But everyone else is the bad guy? Because they want yo to have gun rights, freedom of religion and speech and transparent and fair election?? That's the lie you want to go with?? Wake up! Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Get a king james bible and believe. Read Matthew. Read 1 John chapter 4.
@eleanorgrey2269 3 года назад
That’s where I get the real news from too. And send my friends here for the truth.
@mdb9933 3 года назад
Our journalism industry is over.
@CrystalJ7 3 года назад
Pray for Candace Owens going after the fact-checkers ......
@beatrixkiddo3867 3 года назад
She already won her first case. Not sure how many more she's bringing.
@MechanicalMooCow 3 года назад
Candace Owens is a joke
@frankrogers436 3 года назад
@@MechanicalMooCow , so the truth is a joke to you? Why am I not surprised lol.
@MechanicalMooCow 3 года назад
@@frankrogers436 no, an attention whofe that not 6 years ago was trying to collect funding for a website to dox conservatives as "racist" and "bigoted" but then saw simp losers like you would grovel at her feet is the joke. Quite simple really. Simply Google "candace owens social autopsy" and stop being a drooling simpleton punking yourself for some money and fame hungry bint. Remember that time she wrote for Degree180 and ysed to write articles about how stupid and worthless republicans were, and how all Trump supporters were nazis, just months before she saw the money in her eyes 🤑🤑🤑 and now gets simps like you lining her pockets?
@CrystalJ7 3 года назад
@@MechanicalMooCow bless you sir
@williambecker7063 3 года назад
Sad that an Australian news source gives me more facts than my local news
@ssd5975 3 года назад
This story is not giving you the whole story. Yes I agree with parts of it in that there are indeed members of the Democratic party spreading false information but these people are not left-wing they are to the right they are neo liberal Corporatists and they serve the same people who they say they denounce.
@TheBronf 3 года назад
dont fully trust australian news. they are just as bias as American news. also we aussies don't exist.
@annewilson4029 3 года назад
How do you know that what they are saying is true?
@eyeswideshut2800 3 года назад
normal, talking heads for evil elite
@animallover2476 3 года назад
I agree. But, you can never fully trust any news source... even the reliable ones. There are ones that tell you BS & and ones that can make the smallest mistake and the whole broadcast changes. That is why you need confirm thing by watching other channels.
@Burger1097 3 года назад
We used to have journalism like this in America.
@dannyneve8501 3 года назад
Oh those were the days.
@thomastolbert6184 3 года назад
Burger,sorry to say both of them died!
@mrs.schmenkman 3 года назад
Go Candice Owens!!! She’s suing FB for their fact checkers!!
@ports787 3 года назад
Unfortunately even if she wins and gets a billion dollar payout, it’s still only a drop in the bucket for Facebook and as far as they are concerned it will still be worth it for the crap they have spread about trump and the interference they managed during his election. Simple truth is they would need to be sued for everything they are worth to make them pay any attention so unfortunately I can’t see them changing any to soon.
@KpopMom1980 3 года назад
A couple others are as well :)
@KILLtrOTTcity 3 года назад
I'll marry that woman if I have my way! 😍😍❤❤🤣🤣
@dannyneve8501 3 года назад
She is suing the fact checkers, not facebook.
@thealchemist5761 3 года назад
@@ports787 well I guess we should all sue for violation of our first amendment rights.
@dirtpatcheaven 3 года назад
Wow. Thanks for putting real journalism back on the internet! Great job!
@44cinderellaful 3 года назад
@largol33t1 3 года назад
Yeah, but this is ancient news. Fartbook has been "fact checking" for anything not ultraleftist for a verrrrrrrrry long time.
@danielpeter1315 3 года назад
Hello dear how are you today
@danielpeter1315 3 года назад
Hello dear how are you today
@SteveJohnson007 3 года назад
Has Ms. Susca made any errors in fact-checking? ever?
@proudpatriot3491 3 года назад
You know she was guilty when you guys asked her simple questions and she lashed out.
@kedanpie4409 3 года назад
A true display of cognitive dissonance, if I understand that word correctly.
@grotesquehead322 3 года назад
@@kedanpie4409 you are correct; cognitive dissonance is the uncomfortable feeling that results from a cognitive distortion being challenged or exposed. A cognitive distortion is a lie that one tells oneself, usually in order to justify some belief or attitude. It is often built into a fundamental part of a person's identity, and can be referred to as "living a lie". In this case, the cognitive distortion is Susca's identity as an unbiased fact checker. The cognitive dissonance is experienced when she is challenged with evidence of her bias, which then causes her to lash out.
@buckwildsrq 3 года назад
Unprovoked defensive posturing is always a tell-tale sign of fuckery.
@BoltUpright190 3 года назад
It's called DARVO, and there's an epidemic of it on the Left these days.
@susanlisson7066 3 года назад
@followeroftheway8454 3 года назад
Thank you news Australia for being honest, its like a breath of fresh air.
@TheJetsetter 3 года назад
“Oh wow who could have seen that coming?...” Literally everyone with a brain.
@schami00 3 года назад
Speech to humanity by Mark Passio: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-P-4avI64rxU.html
@psalmregulated 3 года назад
Apparently the rest of the world are zombies...
@schami00 3 года назад
@@psalmregulated yes..
@markfurnell6748 3 года назад
@john doe not the Mark....but Satanic, I agree!
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
And the IFCN formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@FredDurst00 3 года назад
I shouldn't have to be getting this information from Australia, yet here we are.
@margaritadubrovina7063 3 года назад
Thank God! Now you can get all information from FOX news.
@yn77733 3 года назад
When the majority of the media is ran by one side how else is the other side going to be heard
@TheHolyGhost777 3 года назад
Yup... I'm in the same boat.. =)
@davidcurr6221 3 года назад
I shouldn't have to get my news from Austin, Texas, yet here we are. banned.video
@JGregoryscribe 3 года назад
It's just criminal that we are here looking for US 🇺🇸 news is..... well, deplorable.
@rubyduma6238 3 года назад
I’m sure face book will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing
@docbohemian1328 3 года назад
The Fox has investigated its behavior in the henhouse and has found itself blameless, faultless, and totally exempt from prosecution.
@ferrumignis 3 года назад
Facebook's fact checkers have determined that Facebook's fact checkers are beyond reproach and totally unbiased.
@segsb7085 3 года назад
This is funny coz it's true...and it's sad coz it's true
@dangiroux7065 3 года назад
Facebook, RU-vid, twitter and mainstream media needs to be charged for treason period......
@jjbuschpokemon6846 3 года назад
Hahahaaaa the old men in government minds cant keep up with fb.... Fb controls fb... Lol... Thats was the worst thing ever. These old people in congress lost a battle and lose another battle... We must win the war against fb and evil doers like fb
@JamieJoeJustice 3 года назад
Virtually every thing the fact checkers label as false, is true. And everything labeled as true tends to be false.
@maybebaby1112 3 года назад
In the end good will be bad and bad will be good
@rebepage 3 года назад
@@maybebaby1112 Then the former usa has absolutely reached its end.🇺🇸➗🇨🇳🥀⚰️🇺🇲
@truthhub7395 3 года назад
Woe to them who put evil for good and good for evil
@1BlueEyeCreativeStudio 3 года назад
It's like every day is "opposite day" for them. If they had a randomized A.I. program as a fact checker, it would be more fair than it is now.
@JamieJoeJustice 3 года назад
@@sampeacock3819 Haha go back to sleep.
@joshuaprets2044 3 года назад
“Fact Checkers” is just another word for “Politburos”.
@Mercmad 3 года назад
thankyou. that is exactly what I thought. I wonder if anyone has made the connection to Winston Smiths employer?
@chrishadden4834 3 года назад
SkyNews is another word for bullshit.
@SuperIliad 3 года назад
@caspice 3 года назад
@joeywantstoplay 3 года назад
zio/mossad snake. SoS
@mrbillhilly343 3 года назад
That's why it's called Fascistbook.
@tcmw779 3 года назад
I personally think FAKEbook is easier, but I agree with your point
@be6388 3 года назад
not everyone knows, who the real fascists are..
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
And the IFCN formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@anonb4632 3 года назад
@michaelfitzpatrick3084 3 года назад
Her job and being friends with Hillary are all we need to know about her integrity.
@barneyrice8502 3 года назад
@¿0.O? I actually Have A Meme That Shows Hillary On The Suicide Hotline Placing An Order
@bigp3006 3 года назад
We knew the "fact checker" was biased, but this solidifies it.
@eversun77 3 года назад
Just the sight of Hillary Clinton these days is enough to make anyone sick.
@siciliansistah 3 года назад
M That's How I Feel seeing the Pathological LYING Sociopathic Face of Adamn Shapeschiffter ❗🤬
@candimero5634 3 года назад
@jeremycaffrey6924 3 года назад
This won't stay on RU-vid much longer. It will be "fact checked."
@ssd5975 3 года назад
It should be fact checked. To call Obama and Hillary Clinton Progressives is a deliberate language attempt to undermine and to ride the plight of true Progressives like Bernie Sanders and the will of the people who want a living wage Medicare for all to end the wars and have free and fair elections to name a few.
@stacyflood8764 3 года назад
This report will suicide itself
@kateschannel5774 3 года назад
@@ssd5975 if they're not progressives at this point then what are they? They're definitely not moderate Bernie Sanders is just extremely progressive, in a way like, AOC, in some fairy tale land where the idea that Medicare for all and taxing the rich and giving handouts is the answer and you can't have a society at all without police so to me they are just unrealistic.defunding the police and taking funds away from what makes society function in the first place to give more isn't the way to run a functioning society there is a balance to be found there is Middle ground it can work they just have extreme,Grand ideas that they actually believe can work they truly believe something that has never worked can work.
@cyrilculton1181 3 года назад
@@kateschannel5774 not only systems that haven't worked in the past but have been attempted so many times & failed that they are proven impossible to work.
@theobserver3753 3 года назад
@Ss D You’re an idiot if you really think people should be censored just because you don’t like what they’re saying. Grow up. Stop hiding in your bubble.
@Ultronmclovin 3 года назад
Remember when censorship was a word associated with communism ? It still is
@PK-re3lu 3 года назад
@Tom slick You're clearly an illiterate moron. Censorship is not limited to 'the left' or your infantile view of Marx. The 'left' does not run the international financial system etc. etc.
@mattberg916 3 года назад
@@PK-re3lu I think that you are wrong. The left, globalists, China...call it what you will, do control world wide financials.
@bentoblaster 3 года назад
The National Socialists censored everything too, remember? WW2 anyone?
@marlonjormungand7845 3 года назад
Censorship is much older than communism and was used as much by fascism
@ajhaley177 3 года назад
This is tyranny.... we need to do what brave Americans have done before us to protect our country and freedom. REVOLT. Don't use social media, start protesting in very obvious ways, don't use your own comfort as an excuse not to....its not going to be there much longer anyways. For the love of whatever you believe is Holy take up a history book! 1930s socialism....its bacccckkkk.
@BelleEFlopp-nk5xe 3 года назад
I’m American. Curious how many others are here
@tamraanne4066 3 года назад
@normabryan2725 3 года назад
I'm UK I have to watch this channel to hear truth
@chynnadoll3277 3 года назад
I’m American and have been a satisfied viewer for awhile now. This channel and The Epoch Times are the only news sources I trust.
@iamgabriel5823 3 года назад
Watching from Yosemite, California.
@wandabellamy9171 3 года назад
Alabama here🙋
@eversun77 3 года назад
If a ‘leftist’ doesn’t have any concerns about something then you know we should be concerned.
@ssd5975 3 года назад
You’re not left unless you’re a true progressive. You’re just to the right with a rainbow Flag and a pink beanie playing identity politics like the right does all the time
@jwadaow 3 года назад
@@ssd5975 That doesn't make any sense. Everyone and everything is now captured by the progressive.
@sethbettwieser 3 года назад
@@ssd5975 do you think before you spew words? The right having issues with "gender identity"? Seriously?
@Cavscout101 3 года назад
Wow, real Journalism. Thank you Aussies
@bro_chacho 3 года назад
Switch to Rumble and Parler everyone who believes in freedom
@brianjohnson698 3 года назад
@hello_Blake_Alan 3 года назад
My aunt is on Facebook, does she not believe in freedom?
@bro_chacho 3 года назад
@@hello_Blake_Alan perhaps not freedom of thought if you take a look at how FB is censoring more and more information
@skyking6495 3 года назад
I tried to upload an eleven minute video on parler but they said it was too long.
@larryjones3017 3 года назад
The Exodus is ON ! Rumble is Great !
@timothynflanagan8278 3 года назад
Hey Media, Jack Dorsey of Twitter is crapping his pants, as he deleted Donald Trumps Twitter account, which is actually Presidential, material.
@chynnadoll3277 3 года назад
Did you ever see that guy?!? Oh my gosh, he went to Woodstock and never came back........
@kathyedwards7808 3 года назад
@@chynnadoll3277 🤣🤣
@greatbrittany7717 3 года назад
The crazy times when Americans find out what’s really going on in their country by watching Australian news
@JesusIsLord105 3 года назад
@@rell7773 Sky News in the UK is terrible. So I come here
@KufreOkon 3 года назад
Sky News UK is despicably a disservice to journalism. Thank God for Sky News Australia
@acharich 3 года назад
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
I thought he was going to expose the International Fact Checking Network... the IFCN formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@charlesbennett9461 3 года назад
Just quit using Google Twitter and Facebook, that will break their ass
@rosarader6820 3 года назад
Thank you that's the right answer. Hit them in the wallet.
@YourAverageGoyl 3 года назад
RU-vid is owned by Google.
@hbjshowslopper 3 года назад
As you reply on RU-vid
@lilty8359 3 года назад
Everybody is moving to Parler and rumble
@ak2nda695 3 года назад
Unfortunately it's too late for that each of these "platforms" are too rich and powerful.
@kipp1755 3 года назад
“Fact checking”. I.E. It’s wrong because it goes against my opinion.
@jcontreras03145 3 года назад
Quit calling they Fact Checkers. Call them what they are, CENSORSHIP.
@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 3 года назад
Never been on Facebook and have no notion to ever go there. What you have don’t have you don’t miss.
@corneillececil9437 3 года назад
Unfortunately, RU-vid is becoming just like Facebook...
@maxshiraz3447 3 года назад
"Fact Checker" is an Orwellian term for censor.
@SuperIliad 3 года назад
Good one.
@anonb4632 3 года назад
Ministry of Truth
@thedearjohns 3 года назад
They call themselves fact-checkers not fact-tellers.
@donnikubbitz2146 3 года назад
Nicely put! Great f'n point.
@betterleftsaid3688 3 года назад
@Kenny700777 3 года назад
@sunayakong8537 3 года назад
They are fact checker who ignore facts. Insert opinion here.
@britzel71 3 года назад
Perfectly said 👏 Biden told everyone when he said they believed in Truth ,not Facts🤦‍♀️ when I heard him say that I thought, yep your version of truth but then when he said Not Facts I was amazed that he finally was telling the 'Truth' !!!!!
@richardpinkerton4512 3 года назад
Bravo Sky News Australia! The world needs to wake up to this
@Astinsan 3 года назад
They literally get paid for each “fact check” by facebook.. it’s literally not independent at that point
@AnaLuiza-kd5yx 3 года назад
Bill Gates foundation and open society George soros are funding poynter fact checkers
@mickk8519 3 года назад
To be fair to them, they do actually look for facts, then remove them, we all know, demoncrats don't like facts, it's their Stake, Silver, Garlic, Holy Water etc and so on.
@katrinetroelsen 3 года назад
and she said 6 questions were THREATENING? WTF? i used to be a journalist, those are pretty standard questions
@jasonfrisken7606 3 года назад
@@AnaLuiza-kd5yx I'm surprised and skocked
@AnaLuiza-kd5yx 3 года назад
@@jasonfrisken7606 yes, I am too! All press like newspaper, tv has their own platform for fact checker and they all work in cooperation with each other around the world to demolish a leaked news. They have their own journalist army well paid by bill and George. It means All the press are bought by them .. imagine! I think New York post ( remember Hunter Biden with his secret computer full of under age naked and drugs with Obama daughter in sex action? just disapered? ) and sky Australia ( youtube channel) are not yet bought
@exit209 3 года назад
It’s refreshing to see actual news and journalism. Sky News isn’t like this in the UK unfortunately...
@kod9400 3 года назад
Different owners. Murdoch media empire owns Sky Australia.
@mickk8519 3 года назад
And one of the American news groups owns Sky news U.K.
@mrsgbee8246 3 года назад
We have idiots as journalists not idealists. I truelly believe all this junk food is making the UK a basket case.
@jsf5219 3 года назад
Sly News
@sirhath24 3 года назад
Anytime anything is ever “fact checked” you know it’s absolutely true.
@GRobsTravels 3 года назад
Whenever I get 'fact checked' I just take it as a sign I'm doing something right.
@hbjshowslopper 3 года назад
@@GRobsTravels or, hear me out, you're probably posting links to RU-vid videos from other uneducated people or citing unreliable and unproven facts?
@slowmomma7222 3 года назад
@@hbjshowslopper I take it you didn't watch the video
@auntypizza 3 года назад
@Hillbilly Jim Aren't hillbillies uneducated 😂😜
@hbjshowslopper 3 года назад
@@auntypizza Must be as there is a whole thread of them commenting on this video
@amandaroper6550 3 года назад
I’m an American and I come here every day for news. Thank you for reporting what our corrupt media won’t!
@calvinc.7900 3 года назад
If such a person can be a “fact checker”, anyone can be a fact checker!
@DaCaptainV 3 года назад
I just fat checked what you just wrote and YOU'RE CORRECT AF!
@stevenhaley3144 3 года назад
@@DaCaptainV me and the former obama staff just checked your fact check.. althoughbwe found that you dont exude the level of ass kissyness we require. Your are correct in your findings
@theallseeingeye9388 3 года назад
Using Social Media 101. You are suppose to fact check the stuff you see on social media before concluding what is being narrated as true or false. As opposed to assuming that the otherside puts out nothing but lies where else the one you identify with only speaks the truth at all times. Kim Kardashians arse does not look like the ones we see on Instagram.
@SteveJohnson007 3 года назад
Has Ms. Susca made any errors in fact-checking? ever?
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
I agree and if I'm wrong I'll have to research more. I also found out through my quest to find out more about fact checkers the following...the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@susantaggart5122 3 года назад
I always assume that if the fact checkers claim it's not true, then it is true.
@brianjohnson698 3 года назад
@reneemoore6249 3 года назад
The censorship of truth tellers content has been most disturbing! Many of us are looking for alternative platforms where we can be free again to listen and speak our own thoughts and ideas.
@mamas_quilts3573 3 года назад
@fdcayf1836 3 года назад
It’s really simple , stop using Facebook! 😂
@Kfreeks 3 года назад
And Instagram. And WhatsApp. Yeah people probably will just do that. Not. I don't see it happen in quite some time..
@lonewolf3564 3 года назад
Or dismantle all those companies for good. They are committing crimes so they should be disbanded, shut down, and jailed. Let's buy an island somewhere and send all socialist/communists/libtards/blm/antifa/biden /harris/AOC/Sanders/Pelosi etc to that island and let them have their socialism and make their CHAZ/CHAD zones with no police and let's how well it works for them.
@jasonfrisken7606 3 года назад
I seen their shares have dropped 10percent
@hamzahalshatari3353 3 года назад
What Most likely will happen is nations will start banning these websites sometime in the future. something like what China does
@SpiritualGoddess69 3 года назад
@@lonewolf3564 I’m with you on this one 💯
@AlaskanAndie 3 года назад
@erichargrove2287 3 года назад
Has anyone ever gotten a fact check when posting something they know to be false about Trump? I haven't...
@youtubeofficial4606 3 года назад
@@GKSC That information seems correct.
@billdautreve9277 3 года назад
I’m currently in “Facebook jail” and get “fact checked” n even my own opinions.. it’s literally disgusting..anyone else?
@luluforlenza4148 3 года назад
@TheSpekkel1 3 года назад
You directly play into their bag by using facebook at all. Stop using it or stop complaining.
@auntypizza 3 года назад
I post anti-covid stuff all day and have never been in Farcebook jail
@bycracky22 3 года назад
Left the rascist truth cover up group over 2 years ago. Anyone staying on it knowing what we know gets what they dederve. Same with twitter
@woodbooger777 3 года назад
I often get UToob jail for posting conservative views. Had two accounts deleted.
@auntypizza 3 года назад
It’s so obvious when these “fact checkers” call something not a fact, it’s a fact. Really pathetic.
@rhonda.santis 3 года назад
The irony is that they show us the truth they are trying so hard to conceal
@theykilledkennyagain423 3 года назад
Auntypizza, ur pic is sexy
@TheComedyHistorian 3 года назад
@@rhonda.santis the Streisand effect
3 года назад
Talking puppets reading teleprompters. there is evidence for that certainly
@chrishadden4834 3 года назад
It's not a fact because you think it is. Fuck Murdoch!
@spiritisalive1 3 года назад
People can see halfway across the world, what we can't even see in our own country. Thank you Australia for having our back. You just got a new subscriber.👏👏👏
@anialiandr 3 года назад
To imagine that millions believed in that Russian story.
@ommachining154 3 года назад
And billions believing in a fake pandemic...
@CJ-rx5fi 3 года назад
Millions still do! They’ve never heard anything different!
@interestinoldschool8080 3 года назад
They call them sheeple.
@EpochUnlocked 3 года назад
And they called us Russian bots while we flooded their pages with memes
@verafranz8425 3 года назад
It was Hillary the whole time. As usual with lefties always accusing someone else of doing what they are doing !
@mrjinks5641 3 года назад
Can’t stand Facebook never had an account never will.
@chynnadoll3277 3 года назад
Same here 👍.
@pattiramsey8511 3 года назад
I wish I never had. I recently deactivated my account.
@chynnadoll3277 3 года назад
@@pattiramsey8511 Awesome! If you really think about it, Facebook and Twitter (for so many people) are forms of enslavement. If they’re used for good, such as sharing the Gospel of Christ, that’s one thing. But too many people I know feel very depressed after being on these sites, especially Facebook, because it makes them feel that they’re missing out on things, don’t have enough material things, etc.
@pattiramsey8511 3 года назад
@@chynnadoll3277 Agree!
@Dan-ger82 3 года назад
I deleted about 3 years ago and glad I did.
@sweets_treats9533 3 года назад
When a whole other country gives real facts about America’s media
@thebossy1 3 года назад
Crazy right?!!?
@Soul-OnFire 3 года назад
@pamjarvis2771 3 года назад
Sadly , it is really full truth of the matter. Our media news had used to be same as Sky news so many years ago before mainstream media and politicians had joined forces to betray America citizens.
@ginabell5161 3 года назад
You guys would be giving fake news to if your powers that be were getting paid for it, so you can jump down off your high horse
@thebossy1 3 года назад
@@ginabell5161 girl please why would we do that? U act like its ok ur countrys news is lying to people and not reporting and covering up story's....that's what they do in Russia and China we are talking about AMERICA and the fact that people are ok with this is the problem!🙏 U just sit back watch CNN and let the true Patriots handle this mkay 😘
@mccormickshiddenhomestead1147 3 года назад
Every foreign nation needs to call them out. We are dealing with pure evil and need all the help we can get. God bless you and God bless the United States of America.
@ricky6864 3 года назад
RU-vid just as bad
@RJ1999x 3 года назад
If not worse
@ThePharaz 3 года назад
I regularly find Facebook fact-checkers are anything but neutral.
@terencejay8845 3 года назад
Fact-checker job interview: 'Do you hate Donald Trump more than anything you can think of?' 'Yes' 'Can you ignore all the election fraud and insist that Joe Biden is the true winner?' 'Yes' 'Are you able to turn a blind eye to all the obvious machinations of the Democrat Party?' 'Yes' 'Welcome to the Facebook Independent Fact-Checker Family.'
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
Probably not as the IFCN formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@Mapdotnowhere 3 года назад
Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see
@tjslooking 3 года назад
Good Advice.
@Victory987 3 года назад
George Carlin.
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
That's my motto lately....I realize how little I knew of the truth the more I did up. It's hard to fathom the deception so I don't know how to make others believe. I found out this though digging into fact checkers.....the IFCN formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@TheHop55 3 года назад
I give feed back EVERY TIME I am a recipient of their "Fact Checking" I call them out for the liars I know they are.
@Nonamagic 3 года назад
Me too, but just got 60 days in fb jail for memes from nearly 3 years ago. They are corrupt, bullies
@youmakemehappy7 3 года назад
When the Australia news covers this, but the US mainstream media doesn't!!😭
@ryanryan6981 3 года назад
Sky news is the only non biased media outlet that I know of but there could be others
@KpopMom1980 3 года назад
@@ryanryan6981 Newsmax is another one
@nickzero6921 3 года назад
Imagine that Americans are learning the truth from australian media....
@Shawn6751 3 года назад
It doesn't surprise me one bit.
@aj126052 3 года назад
this channel is owned by foxnews owner
@skip031890 3 года назад
@@aj126052 I can't tell. This seems completely different from American media.
@PlTTY 3 года назад
Aussies are realists
@martinriggs4960 3 года назад
you mean hearing the truth. as if any honest american doesn't know this
@Sochi_Mochi 3 года назад
Facebook: Let’s find 3rd party “fact checkers” that will only agree with our narrative, all in favor??”
@tippydog1010 3 года назад
Wikipedia also alters facts and takes down those who try to expose their political or science or any number of unwanted voices.
@cheers2023 3 года назад
Conflict of interest clearly doesn't mean anything anymore.
@lulasmeader380 3 года назад
Hey, people, just get off Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, etc.
@JT-se5ko 3 года назад
I wish it was that easy but alas it's like asking someone to give up smoking except much more addictive. It's now ingrained as a social norm. The pressure to join for social status is immense especially in younger children. Just like the harms of cigarettes were known the next generation will be responsible for the results of not preventing the mind disease that is the training of children to respond to dopamine rewards.
@boori9557 3 года назад
I never had one as I believe it's a waste of time.
@robb5642 3 года назад
I went on a trip to China and people told me beforehand "Facebook is barred, Google is barred". I thought "Wow! Censorship and restriction of free speech." But now I'm not so sure it was a bad idea. Facebook, RU-vid, Google are all showing themselves as Censors, as Editors, as unelected directors. People say "well just get off Facebook then, they're an Independant business not a Govt org". The trouble is, those that are under their spell are not aware of the censorship, the editing or omissions of fact & truth, of the controlled nature of the information they are being fed.
@Lovey1976 3 года назад
Yall checkout idobbinate.com or download the app if you're looking for an alternative to fb. I switched several weeks ago and love it.
@ffsfabricators9328 3 года назад
I removed myself last week.
@lindainglis8506 3 года назад
Thank you, Australia. America begins the Dark Times.
@gabboGABBOGABBOOO 3 года назад
Not just Facebook. Google, which owns RU-vid, and of course the cesspool, that is Twitter should be all be reviewed and investigated.
@mattd1188 3 года назад
Don't forget that cesspool reddit.
@STVNJNSN 3 года назад
Best story I’ve heard in a LONG TIME!
@missymoonwillow6545 3 года назад
Like George Carlin said "it's all a big club, and you're not in it"
@jourdanlainehowell 3 года назад
@rachelw821 3 года назад
You say “fact checking”, I say “propaganda”
@jasonfrisken7606 3 года назад
That Joseph geobells would be proud of
@janesejohnsen6750 3 года назад
@ronehouse4317 3 года назад
#FREEDOMFIGHTERS virus is lies.. so they can force the vaccine.. lets tell the truth us the gates digital certificate so they can impose us into their nwo... is fake man.... to get control over the masses DW News... Taiwain : Chinas next Target.... MUST WATCH please look at my wall they trying to take our freedom of speech Get this out... Media Fake news guys .... watch skynews.com.AU actually telling truth about Trump .. biden n them standing up to china m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10165028568310193&id=645995192 Watch this guys be4 them takes it down they block me today bc of this post... i found on WION❤️
@debrajohnson382 3 года назад
It's actually censorship.
@macorte1972 3 года назад
Fact Oppressing.
@generalshepherd457 3 года назад
stop adding anything to facebook. just let it be a garbage dump. never log in there.
@missinterpreted4923 3 года назад
Delete it - I did! More and more are deleting FB everyday and just heard today their share price is dropping so it's working
@serendipity0323 3 года назад
I've been without it for 2 years now and life is a lot less stressful, just to name one benefit among all the many others
@bgail7669 3 года назад
I just got banned for posting a quote from Joseph Goebbels which says that tell a lie long enough people will believe it, they said I was encouraging terrorism
@abrahamray3389 3 года назад
Only post pictures of your dog taking a 💩. They can fact check that on Fakebook.
@bigpunisherfan7294 3 года назад
We the people demand that justice needs to be served. My hard earned taxes deserves to fund fair policies and honest people in need.
@nottminame9603 3 года назад
Not so independent then. Basically it’s censorship 🤬
@spencermiles9076 3 года назад
Then leave.. nobody is forcing you into joining
@youmakemehappy7 3 года назад
@@spencermiles9076 that's not the point
@spencermiles9076 3 года назад
@Teller of unfortunate Truths seriously? you probably never even thought about net neutrality which trump and Ajit Pai dismantled
@spencermiles9076 3 года назад
@@youmakemehappy7 yes yes the point isn’t media conglomerates like Sinclair buying up local papers and local independent stations ...no it’s the fact that FB and Twitter won’t let conservatives post dangerous nonsense conspiracies
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
And the IFCN formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@gbolt111 3 года назад
Dems: How can Trump work with russia? Also dems: we dont see anything wrong working with CCP.
@juliedavis9659 3 года назад
I clicked the thumbs up on ur comment. Didn't do anything . Clicked again, then it said u had 3 more likes but didn't turn blue. Clicked again, then said u had 4 more. 🤔
@scotthackenbruch2357 3 года назад
Well, now that is hardly fair. Russia is formerly communist, CCP has stayed the course. Dems just don't like quiters. :p
@karinaglover9990 3 года назад
The same thing happened in New Zealand be warned Australia
@darrenstarling3975 3 года назад
Australian ABC news ran 2 fake stories in latest Queensland election. ABC "fact checking" at RMIT, is headed by the former ABC soyboy, Rusty Skeleton (Russell Skelton) who is the husband of ABC frightbat Virginia Trioli.
@brianjohnson698 3 года назад
@ALF782 3 года назад
@@darrenstarling3975 Yes but only the left watch the ABC so they are preaching to the converted or some jaded farmers.
@darrenstarling3975 3 года назад
@@ALF782 it seems that a lot of Qld folk still use the ABC as a reliable news source.
@ALF782 3 года назад
@@darrenstarling3975 Surprised the ABC didn't dredge up the old chestnut of oil companies wanting to drill the Barrier Reef.
@seraphahuber9547 3 года назад
Thank you for reporting this Australia. It’s scary to be a conservative in America😞.
@billy20069 3 года назад
Thank you for being more honest than our own “news” over here.
@maryyoung5190 3 года назад
Facebook Twitter and now Utube needs to be put in their place
@christybee9457 3 года назад
Suckerberg doesn’t even look human. He looks like a clone.
@tammyeasley2032 3 года назад
Moves robotic here doesnt he
@beemerdadogg2386 3 года назад
Check for a belly button lmao
@chynnadoll3277 3 года назад
There are some people who have no souls, and may in fact, have otherworldly DNA. They aren’t fully human and probably are demonic. It’s all starting to be revealed, and we haven’t seen anything yet.
@christybee9457 3 года назад
@@chynnadoll3277 truth. The scary truth.
@dornierdo2172 3 года назад
He's a replicant.
@karsonabraham9910 3 года назад
The ministry of truth called, they were asking for advice from “independent fact checkers”
@lanesteele240 3 года назад
They are now allowed to talk about hunters computers in the news.
@leeludlowart237 3 года назад
They are allowed ? What the hell kind of world do we live it. Welcome to nazi Germany 1940.
@RtistiqSkubie 3 года назад
@@leeludlowart237 not a lie though.
@painintheknee1209 3 года назад
That’s true, and then I wonder why they can finally. Are they getting ready to stab someone in the back?
@xxllbb55 3 года назад
WERE COMING !!!!!!!!! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tqpEbQmX1oo.html&feature=emb_logo
@dennismoran9453 3 года назад
is it so we can resolve this treason, or to instate harris as dictator in chief........................
@lowenzahn1334 3 года назад
Projecion is the word i think. Blame them for their sin.
@markmarshall1737 3 года назад
Psychological projection
@Eternalfight87 3 года назад
"Fact checkers" for the general public shouldn't even be a thing
@trinidad17 3 года назад
But how can useless people make a living if not by creating an industry based on unnecessary things?
@chrismckell5353 3 года назад
@@trinidad17 well said.
@raymondready7496 3 года назад
It's time Americans!!!
@briant7265 3 года назад
I have seen "clearly satirical content" flagged so often it's absurd.
@dehydratedwater4803 3 года назад
They love to "fact check" the Babylon Bee, a site that lists itself as satire on top of their page
@lishahuffman7650 3 года назад
I don’t think they’re smart enough to read it. One word triggers them and it’s flagged
@rjd9040 3 года назад
RU-vid, our new North Korea style censorship police
@spencermiles9076 3 года назад
Yes because a publicly traded corporation with an opt in product equals NoKo
@rdyjur 3 года назад
@@spencermiles9076 not much choice and more reach than noko could dream of
@spencermiles9076 3 года назад
@@rdyjur it’s called a free market... hey remember when Republicans supported unfettered capitalism? Go to your safe space Parler.
@rjd9040 3 года назад
@@spencermiles9076 at least parler upholds democratic principles, not like your now communist youtube
@h.s.5995 3 года назад
NK is ruled by China, China wants the same fate for every country in the world, where they are superior to everyone else. They are the self proclaimed "Sky People".
@thetruthwillsetyoufree932 3 года назад
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Everyone will stand before GOD Jesus Almighty and give an account.
@prophetessdeniseann 3 года назад
Yes AMEN.... Just wait.. Luke 8v17...The Year of the LORD'S Hammer of Justice Amen
@kred272 3 года назад
Yes they will. We all will, and these swamp people along with the cabal & Hollywood elite will get to burn forever in hell with the devil their God forever.
@barrymcdougal4816 3 года назад
@b.alexanderjohnstone9774 3 года назад
Factcheck the new word for 'Censor'. I want to be the judge of what's 'misinformation'. Thankfully Sky is watching. Keep it up.
@r3ddbull 3 года назад
"Useful idiots" is the phrase that comes to mind.
@darthhelmet8532 3 года назад
"Who will fact-check the fact-checkers?" - Cicero, probably
@chordsofgratitude2073 3 года назад
Heck, I was thinking more along the lines of Dante cause we seem to be heading straight to hell.... en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(Dante) Inferno (Dante) - Wikipedia
@senseithomas3858 3 года назад
Oh my gosh they’re talking to shifty shif Part of the mob
@gregjosephson 3 года назад
this is brilliant journalism ..massive thank you Sky news!
@Appregator 3 года назад
Sky News Australia report news , but sky news UK, are leftist propagandists as well.
@tellthemthetruth7490 3 года назад
Almighty God is in control JUSTICE will be Done.......
@SC-ph6es 3 года назад
Why want the people just delete it. Everyone should stand together, delete FB and Twitter.
@victorg3338 3 года назад
I agree
@southerngirlsrock2799 3 года назад
I absolutely agree! It’s the viewers that hold the power over the media, if we quit watching them then they go under.
@colleenowens99 3 года назад
I've wanted to expose these fact checkers for a long time...detest their deragatory tone. I've learned about their deflection and gaslighting tactics now too. Also, the International Fact Checking Network (IFCN) formed by the Poynter organization has received funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Open Society Foundations (George Soros)....21 minutes into the video on RU-vid, Bichute and thecorbettreport.com "Who will check the Fact Checkers" by The Corbett Report.
@theconundrumnut5921 3 года назад
Love that you are a source that we Americans can go to for information! Keep up the good work!! I’m spreading the word!
@chevy3022 3 года назад
Another solid reason to rip Facebook apart. Twitter, your next!!
@brianjohnson698 3 года назад
@Ozma337 3 года назад
This will never be reported in the US. People won’t know.
@gregthompson7793 3 года назад
I am sharing this here in the US.
@eeeemmteeee 3 года назад
a news company with more likes then dislikes? cant be from north america then...
@1TalldrinkH2O 3 года назад
Think you for speaking the truth Australia! May God-bless you!
@jackeldogo9552 3 года назад
Fact checkers sounds like something from the USSR or 1984.
@crystalevans184 3 года назад
When he said they were asked to change headlines I instantly thought of the headline about coco in 1984.
@jeanpatedemeyer5034 3 года назад
The ministry of truth...
@jcalz216 3 года назад
"We've come for Hillary," say the aliens. "She's guilty on our planet too!"
@lorenheard2561 3 года назад
@Sammy J Good one!🤣💖
@lorenheard2561 3 года назад
She's guilty of alien spying,reptilians in the Democrat party.
@ThePfactr 3 года назад
Yes!!!! Take Her Away!!! Put her away!!! We’ll all B safer 🙈💦💦💦💦💦💦🔫💗✨✨
@strawman3059 3 года назад
Yep she bled their adrenochrome resources dry 🤔
@leef8126 3 года назад
I thought she was exiled to earth for crimes on her own reptilian planet. 😁
@imapolemicist2239 3 года назад
Love how it is Australian news that pulls apart American news etc. Keep it up guys and gals. 😁
@michaelcoxfitness6089 3 года назад
I’m glad there is someone reporting the right news! Thank you sky news Australia 🇦🇺
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