
*EXCLUSIVE* Why Did Ron Dalton, A Hebrew Israelite, Escape America & Move To South Africa? 

Maximum Impact with Jay Cameron
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Jay sits down with Ron Dalton, producer of the Hebrews to Negroes documentaries and book series to discuss why he chose to leave America and move to South Africa.
If you would like to learn more about Ron’s documentaries, you can visit H2NTV.com



10 сен 2024




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@shirleymyahs_dghtr8182 Год назад
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in UNITY" Psalm 133:1
@aviark Год назад
That scripture is addressing unity in the spirit through the bond of peace [James 1]. It is speaking to unity among the Body of Christ that is not based on flesh and blood but on His spirit. Division in the body of Christ based on any fleshly reason is an offense to our God and Savior Jesus Christ. A Love of the truth is being lost through division, 2 Thessalonians 2:10.
@bumblebee4024 Год назад
Watch the videos by Stephen Darby called: 1) Who Are We 2) Negroland 3) Zion vs. Rome 4) What Do We Do 5) JUDAH, It’s Almost Time To Go! 6) 400 Years of Pharaoh is Ending 7) The Day of The Lord
@bpjulie1 Год назад
Thank you
@customaewrld1788 Год назад
Darby didn't know the complete truth before he died Rip to his soul He kept preaching that only AA are hebrews and y'all are from modern day isreal,but that's not true cause AA are the same as sub saharan Africans especially west and central Africans, that's where AA are from and AFRICA is where the real biblical isreal existed, the colonial masters in Africa during colonialism erased the name of all these biblical places on the African continent, infact if you see old maps of Africa you will see , Jerusalem and all these other biblical sites on the ancient African Maps That modern day isreal is in the so called middle East is false and was established in 1948 It was erased by the Europeans Keep searching brother and you'll find out God bless you
@richporter8828 Год назад
Mann… this is going VIRAL right now, let’s continue to seek the truth of our ancestors history.🙏
@nashambenyisrael7689 Год назад
Our people already done the work, the info is out there you just go to find it and research a little.
@richporter8828 Год назад
@@nashambenyisrael7689 …Never thought cancel culture would exist, it prevented a lot of high profile people from expressing the truth in time.
@nashambenyisrael7689 Год назад
@@richporter8828 true but again the truth is out there. You just gotta do your own research I’m glad YE and Kyrie are speaking their minds because they have a lot of followers and their voice as we seen can be seen and heard from far and it’s prompting blacks to search their origins the Bible has many answers to our issues the sad part is the black churches failed us and they will be penalized for allowing the children of Israel to run into a ditch. Are you studied on who are people are ?
@richporter8828 Год назад
@@nashambenyisrael7689 for sure those guys opened the door for conversation and I have been doing some research over the years and came across Ethiopian Jews who live in Ethiopia and still keep the same practices. There are also Ethiopian Jews in Israel. I’m not sure if all Blacks are Jews but it could be possible, at the end of the day we all originated from Africa.
@richporter8828 Год назад
Most American churches have failed black people in finding their true identity.
@harmonyhomeandgarden Год назад
So glad that he didn’t delay, but created his own platform in light of everything going on right now.
@ShamyYah Год назад
Congratulations Ron All Praises! I pray you and your family stay safe and be at peace. Thank you for all you do for our people. Keep pressing that truth. May TMH continue to keep you under his divine protection. 🙏🏽
@maryharris8129 Год назад
Praying for you Ron and we love you!!. ❤️🙏
@Thollis1987 Год назад
I had bought all 3 volumes of Ron Dalton books back in 2017. A very eye opener book.
@bruthaboxwood Год назад
Once a person learns they're Israel, they need to remember that the Most High still sees the heart! Shalom!
@fothgt Год назад
Sorry friend. but the Apostle Paul extensively wrote on being IN CHRIST JESUS , whether Israel or not. And he was more of an Hebrew Israelite than ANY of blacks making those claims. And the communities he wrote to existed of Masters, slaves, Jews, Gentiles, male, female, bond or free but are ONE IN CHRIST! That was based on the grace of God what Paul called "my gospel" Romans 2:16. It in is the gospel of Jesus that brings Salvation to all who believe, Romans 1:16. Years ago King spoke about America "playing with God." I apply that same statement to us blacks who think they are Israel. That is not the basis to be saved today! Read Romans 1-8th chapters for salvation, the whole world guilty before God, what Abraham found, the law Holy just and good, sin keeping men from keeping God's laws, Jesus being the means to overcome the sinful nature. People better stop playing the race game and experience Grace!!!
@fothgt Год назад
Romans 5th chapter by a real Israelite!
@geronimopratt7976 Год назад
@@fothgt Paul wasn't white so I don't know why you mentioned black people in your comment
@JimskiBeatz Год назад
None of y’all are from Ethiopia tho so shut up lol y’all from nigeria and Senegal 💯
@riverlife2379 Год назад
@sistaluv1357 Год назад
Brother-Man your content is just what the Doctor ordered. Thanks for helping us figure some things out. PEACE 🙏🏾
@CB-jz2dn Год назад
May God grant Ron the Grace to complete the assignment God has called him to complete. Like Moses, Ron will hear from the Lord and will receive Devine strategy of what steps he will be graced to take to turn the tide for the people of God.
@JamilMusicLoverSingleton Год назад
Thanks for posting this video. I watched the documentary since kyrie made this viral. Im glad for you all spreading awareness and trying to wake our people up. Keep up the good work.
@Luvrsplay Год назад
I knew of brother Ron, but like you, I found out about this movie with them attacking Ir ving
@Luvrsplay Год назад
Boycott sports
@GUYANAECHO 2 года назад
Great interview. The solution to all our problems is to unite but first we must know and understand who we are and that we are one family. It's truly a family affair!!! It's always good to know that they are brothers such as your guest leading with truth...
@nowthatsacookie Год назад
Yes! Our power is in knowing who we are.
@messengerisrael3817 Год назад
@@nowthatsacookie WE KNEW WHO WE WERE AT ONE TIME , WHY ARE WE SCATTERED TO THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH TODAY ? BECAUSE WE REFUSED TO OBEY OUR GOD , THE GOD OF ISRAEL . OUR POWER IS OBEYING THE GOD OF ISRAEL , PERIOD ! DEUTERONOMY 28: 1-3,13,15-16,43-44 , " 1.And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: 2And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. 3.Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field. 13.And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: 15.But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: 16Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field. 43.The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. 44He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail. THE SABBATH , DIETARY LAW , CIRCUMCISION , ETC ... ; ARE STILL IN THAT BOOK WE CALL THE BIBLE . CHRISTIAN IS A WORD WHICH MEANS : " FOLLOWER OF CHRIST " . WHO IS JESUS CHRIST ? THE MEDIATOR /HUSBAND , OF THE COVENANT BETWEEN THE FATHER AND THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL . JEREMIAH 31:31-34 , " 31.Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32.Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD: 33.But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34.And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. ISRAEL IS THE ONLY NATION UNDER THE LAWS OF THE FATHER ; GENTILES ARE ACCEPTED IF THEY DO WHAT IS REQUIRED OF ISRAEL . ACTS 10:34-36 , " 34.Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: 35.But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. 36.The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:) SHALOM !
@virginiacook5727 Год назад
@@messengerisrael3817 because of the sins of our Forefathers...read DEUTERONOMY 28
@messengerisrael3817 Год назад
@@virginiacook5727 THE SINS OF OUR FOREFATHERS GOT US HERE , BUT OUR SINS KEEP US HERE . LEVITICUS 26:40-45 , " 40.If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; 41.And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity: 42.Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land. 43.The land also shall be left of them, and shall enjoy her sabbaths, while she lieth desolate without them: and they shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity: because, even because they despised my judgments, and because their soul abhorred my statutes. 44.And yet for all that, when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant with them: for I am the LORD their God. 45.But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the heathen, that I might be their God: I am the LORD. DEUTERONOMY 30:1-9 , " 1.And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee, 2.And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul; 3.That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and will return and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee. 4.If any of thine be driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from thence will the LORD thy God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee: 5.And the LORD thy God will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it; and he will do thee good, and multiply thee above thy fathers. 6.And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live. 7.And the LORD thy God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which persecuted thee. 8.And thou shalt return and obey the voice of the LORD, and do all his commandments which I command thee this day. 9.And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the LORD will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers: PSALM 68:32-35 , " 32.Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth; O sing praises unto the Lord; Selah: 33.To him that rideth upon the heavens of heavens, which were of old; lo, he doth send out his voice, and that a mighty voice. 34.Ascribe ye strength unto God: his excellency is over Israel, and his strength is in the clouds. 35.O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God. I REPLIED TO THE COMMENTS BECAUSE THERE WAS NO ACKNOWLEDGMENT AS TO WHERE OUR REAL POWER COMES FROM ! SHALOM !
@deborahjohnson1936 Год назад
Unity will begin when we have our people who have acquired substantial amounts of financial freedom invest in local: supermarkets, health systems, social competency lessons, libraries, schools with tutors, weapons detectors, and especially affordable quality housing that are not on top of each other. Also, we all make daily contributions of $1.00 per day into a treasury for an advance quality of life.
@Zaiyahel Год назад
All praises to Yah for this truth!
@Luvrsplay Год назад
I found out about this Doc recently but I have known about Ron since Nick Cannon's dad did the conference but I'm glad you did this Jay Cameron and I stand for the sports Boycott!!!!!!
@justicechampion5555 Год назад
It's better to boycott the companies that ended the contracts with Ye & Irving, Collin, etc , specifically Nike, Adidas, Gap, etc.
@RogerSanGabriel Год назад
He didn't escape he moved. Good video.
@alrobinson261 Год назад
I agree...this was a great interview! At 1:13:0 he said that he questioned a tour guide as to his (the tour guide) heritage. He responded that he was Hebrew (from Shem) BUT was ordered to say that he was a Canaanite from the line of Ham...or...lose his job! The exact same thing happened to me in Mexico AND Guatemala! The guide confessed that his people (Guatemalans) were Hebrews, but the tourist minister controlled what he said, on and off the record. Read Deuteronomy 28:65..."And among these nations shall thou find no ease...but a trembling heart..."
@mikega1252 Год назад
The brother made a wise move.
@Lioness1499 Год назад
Yes, he did. I so glad he and his family are safe.
@lisa196409 Год назад
I wish I could move there but it ain't no jobs there you have to create jobs and everybody can't have their own business if you will some of us are consumers and some of us are business owners and I would for one like to just go there and retire I'm tired.
@mikega1252 Год назад
@@lisa196409 That’s exactly why you should go there to retire. I believe there is less stress for us there. I can see why you are tired of North American.
@siyayvonne7479 Год назад
@@lisa196409 you can do agriculture. It pays
@ylstaggs 2 года назад
Good to know, and I already knew this, I’m glad he is telling the truth!❤️🙏🏽
@aviakidos-lobitos2398 2 года назад
It's amazing how Black people say they already know.. but to damn scared to teach. Nope, you don't want that hate, The Inter Net toxic comments.. You didn't know.. people are scared 😨
@ylstaggs Год назад
@@aviakidos-lobitos2398 wow, you are annoying, leave the most high daughter alone!!
@aviakidos-lobitos2398 Год назад
@@ylstaggs you use the word annoying out of context... i because i have never responded or comment about the above person before.. please use the correct phrase.. Thank you Shalom
@yeahada7826 Год назад
I am leaving America as soon as my family and I can
@joycho2925 2 года назад
Much respect to Ron. He’s one of the arrow of deliverance shot back to the continent especially in South Africa. Rom 10:14 - How will they know unless they hear?
@senzenimang1354 2 года назад
Ron we know that your in South Africa because you've worked out that SA ZIM & NaB is the land of CAANAN that's why bro placing yourself properly
@viyahingra183 Год назад
Be safe my brother… be careful who you trusting
@geraldcolbert8312 Год назад
America says its unlawful to have more than 1 wife but will allow 2 men to marry. Wickedness!
@nashambenyisrael7689 Год назад
Babylon is wicked indeed, it's ways are abomination and it will burn for it's wickedness and atrocities against the children of Israel...
@wiljet1420 Год назад
Boy you said something then!
@lovetemple3610 Год назад
There was a time when GOD winked at the ignorance of men but now he demanded that men shiuld repent and be birn again in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
@israeliteking1761 Год назад
Powerful what you said, Agreed 1,000,000%
@Nikkinoonie Год назад
That’s Deep ‼️‼️‼️‼️
@CB-jz2dn Год назад
As you have done Ron, people can ask God to open their spiritual eyes to see and hear Truth. As He did with you and with me, He will do it for them.
@sandindamae.iwantmetowin5652 3 месяца назад
WoW, great conversation! I thank you y brother, brother Dalton for choosing our country , SA, as his home. Thank you brother Ron, we love you & blessed to have you living with us and being one of us. We love you my brother & family and we accept you as our own and you are 100% South African. Thank you my brother, brother Jay for showing us this amazing interview.
@kennethdavis5309 Год назад
To know your true history is a treasure to be found. Thanks for the truth...
@sharonradcliffe861 Год назад
@zurijames9232 Год назад
Good day brother Ronald Dalton Jr., We're so grateful to God for allowing you to speak his Truth during these troubled times upon His earth.My husband and I have watched your documentary movie film Hebrews to Negroes and know everything you have spoken is Truth.We're in the true faith of following the Messiah as it's written in Torah.We're also relocating to South Africa in Spring of 2023 and possibly sooner depending on the outcome of world war 3 brewing. I believe America will collapse like Rome and we must prepare to Unite as a nation during these trying hard times.Elohim continue to keep His hedge of protection around your daily life. Sister Zuri James.
@CB-jz2dn Год назад
One of the confidences we can embrace is the confidence that God will right the wrongs & will open the eyes of His people. Until then, those walking in Truth must continue to give the clarion call.
@CB-jz2dn Год назад
If we unpack the Scriptures, they will clearly demonstrate, without question, that the Bible is a History Book about us. Only those who walk in the spirit will embrace TRUTH. May God help us all. Those who wish to remain under deception, will perish.
@zanelentuli7709 Год назад
Truth to Power✊🏾 we have been lied to for a really long time!!! Powerful truth….nothing remains hidden forever. This is the age of information. It’s our time!! The world is built on lies and these lies are now crumbling. They are panicking hence they are now self destructing. Isiah 60 V 1 Arise and Shine!!!! Welcome home brothers…you have done a good thing….encourage others to come back home🙏🏾
@Blackeyedview1611 Год назад
We're moving too! We have a lot things we have to take care in Babylon before we move next year. The most high giving us time
@dadonreiatasupremedag1334 Год назад
@KatkovaK 8 месяцев назад
Good decision.
@hephzbah1130 Год назад
The interviewer question at 54:19: I want to add two things scripturally: 1. 1 Corinthians 13:12, Ezikiel 37: 17-20 2. Zechariah 13: 8-9 So as Yahuah purges the 2/3 of Israel that won’t be returning to the land, our understanding will become one. HOWEVER, this will not happen FULLY until the Messiah comes. Then we will be ONE people with ONE understanding Biblically. So unity will happen, just not until the appointed time😊
@audreylee1076 Год назад
Unity is strength. Most Black Israelites now learned who they are and from where they come. The next step is to create unity, economic prosperity and stability for self and community.
@timmabotha4596 Год назад
Well said 🙌🏾
@timmabotha4596 Год назад
@shainazion4073 Год назад
Well if they actually learned or accepted where they came from, they would be learning it is Africa, not Israel.
@tramainethomas6887 Год назад
I can relate so much as far as growing up in a pentecostal church , non denominational etc. Holy ghost filled, speaking in tongue . My grandmother was one of the morhers of the church also known as prophetess Mitchell
@JudahsExodus 2 года назад
Shalom to the 12 Tribes worldwide 🌐
@yapah9190 Год назад
David & Solomon’ Kingdoms were divided by TMH because of their sins & we are still apart of that division today. We MUST come back to Yahawah’ COMMANDMENTS N Yahawashi’s Name. We’re coming back day N & day out we are coming back to Yah’ Commandments! This is by far one of the BEST interviews I have ever heard great job brothers. All Praises to Yahawah N Yahawashi’ Name. All Praises, Glory, & Credit be To TMH. All Love Israelites!!!!!!! I love all the respect you guys are giving…
@sharonradcliffe861 Год назад
@lisa196409 Год назад
This interview is epic I am really loving it it is 148 in the morning and I'm watching it Friday morning. One way Mr Dalton could introduce Hebrews to Negroes and the fact that we are Israelites is to tell the churches in Africa that you too grew up Christian under the tutelage of your father who was a pastor. You have to sort of feed them with baby steps not strong meat they're not ready for that you have to give them a little bit of milk at a time. Our identity was stolen and we can't help it if the people who stole our identity their ancestors lied to them. I think that's what's wrong with them that they're having a hard time swallowing the fact that they've grown up all their lives being Jewish one woman said I don't know no other way to be but Jewish and it's nothing wrong with adapting being Jewish but you can't steal someone else's identity and then call them anti-Semitic.
Amen!. Sis.🥰♥
@DanielParkerjr-b8e День назад
WE are told that OUR deliverance will come to the places WE are suffering ! HALLELUYAHUAH !
@CB-jz2dn Год назад
Isaiah 10:27 KJV "27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing."
@keithmoore5738 Год назад
Great interview. We can only be free by knowing the truth. Thank God and the brother for the education. The truth do set you free.
@pretendok6925 Год назад
Ron Dalton Jr, speaks about how we are divided and don't support one another. From my personal experience communicating with him. He contradicts himself. Just for me asking him some questions and making some points of view. He cut me off and shunned me. He takes the position that his word is the end all be all.
@Koiva232 Год назад
What are the odds that you interview the director before his documentary blows up? lol You need to pin this video for a week or 2
@jaycameronofficial Год назад
Words of wisdom
@RaiderClarke312 Год назад
​@@jaycameronofficial Thank You for Interviewing Brother Ron Before the World Recently Started Learning about Him. A Lot of what he Talks about in his Writings, Documentary, I learned Years Ago.... Glad to See More Black People Around the World are Finally Starting to Become Conscious.
@a1b1Bantu Год назад
I wish Jay could also interview Elder Robert Headley of Black Re Education TV...now that is some real eye opening findings,
@twanacisse3950 Год назад
Good morning B Fay, one of the greatest linguists , scholar, engineer and well known talented chemist who also was Senegalese was name Cheik Anta, Diop. He studied Woolf and trace it back to ancient Egypt. He want to prove the connection further by taking samples of the Egyptian DNA. But was denied access. The French authorities put pressure on the Senegal government at the time, to not allow brother Diop to leave the country to prove through scientific evidence that the Egyptians were in fact Black Africans from the early dynastic period and the growing Age of Egyptian Enlightenment. Also I was married to a man from Senegal. When he saw me reading books by Diop he grab them out of my hand throwing them across the floor. At that time I was reading 25 books a month. At that moment I new two things, one go any apply to university, and secondly, file for my divorce.We have a beautiful daughter from that union. You should realize Diop was a Pan African first of all. Unlike most Senegalese he did not put Islam as a center point. Sad to say but most Africans from say Mali, Ivory Coast and other areas like Niger and Chad are radically Muslim and do not understand Pan Africanism as a weapon to help end white supremacy. Ok Brither Diop, historical center was race first politically. He understood that unity first was key. The French went on to name a entire university at Diop which he refused to attend, recognize and teach at. Brother could not be bought off cause he was a strong black Pan African until the end!!!!!!
@trustfullservice Год назад
My brother, you made a great move to Africa ( the Holy land) but ther is stil a lot more to learn about who WE are!! as a nation! Greetings Molo!
@realtrapwill9635 Год назад
Kyrie brought me here.
@islandsun8235 Год назад
Esau is very Busy in the comment section. Y'all behind is on 🔥 fire. U see, the Truth is Almost Out. 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ Run Esau.
@blackbutterflyjourney Год назад
💗💗💗 Love the interview. You gotta have a private plane because you are everywhere! Lol
@yahuahforever3169 Год назад
For the safety of him and his family!
@olatunbosunbode-alaaka3688 Год назад
Afrika is the safest h(e)aven for awakened Black People.
@Aligbo Год назад
Keep it coming Br Ron
@negusprime856 Год назад
Yeshua Hamashiach was Black
@shainazion4073 Год назад
Prove it!!
@Raheem-Braveheart Год назад
@@shainazion4073 Revelations 1:13-15 proves it.
@glorytoyahzulu6229 Год назад
@@shainazion4073 Ezekiel 1:26-28 Revelation 4:1-8.
@danamarie6066 Год назад
@@shainazion4073 read the bible
@beats4life971 Год назад
U meant IS not WAS.
@dadonreiatasupremedag1334 Год назад
@cherylbrown9456 Год назад
Wow thanks for this. Just ordered book.
@Erika-tu5kp Год назад
I’m waiting on Ahayah to let me know when to leave. The tribulation when happen every where! When it is time to head to the wilderness the Most High will tell us!
@NationofYahsharal12 Год назад
Praise The Most High 👏🏾💜👏🏾.. He showed me the way to move and i did..!!
@drinabooboo Год назад
@@NationofYahsharal12 I don't know where to go!
@aaronlattimore9409 Год назад
Wow! Great interview. Very informative. Very knowledgeable. Very Powerful!!!!
@chevellethomas7123 Год назад
We must keep the Laws Statues & commandments to show ourselves approve to The Most High, being a Hebrew Israelite is a blood line and we was put under curses because we disobeyed The Most High YAH, so it's not about just moving to Africa but The most high ask us to seek him and if he gave us the vision through the Ruach to move to Africa then we must abey him, no matter where we are we will not escape persecution, the only way to escape persecution is to come out of the world and return to the old path, this world was given to the wicked, so we must be stead fast In seeking The Most High YAH! YAH put us in the hand of our enemies for disobeying him. Hallelu-YAH APTTMH-YAH 📖🙌🏽💜
@zizimatanda3685 2 года назад
Thanks Ron this is exciting.Im glad youare settled safelyin AzanYah.
@maryharris8129 Год назад
We don't need negativity Yah (God) can do what ever he wants this is his world and we all are his creation rather you like it or not. He is in control and he's been in control. We should just follow his lead because he leading rather we all like it or not. This is the time to repent and pray!. 🙏❤️
@bobbyjones8852 Год назад
Excellent interviewer, outstanding questions.
@GeecheeWoman 2 года назад
If you break one part of the law , then you are a law breaker . According to the Bible, it isn't what goes into a man/woman that defines the body , it is what comes out of a man /woman that defines him/her .Everyone can be challenged respectfully , nobody is above GOD .
@ahayahshouse5344 Год назад
Do you keep the 7-day sabbath and the biblical feasts?
@thefutureisnow4349 Год назад
It’s really good information on how to get linked with a Hebrew Isrealite camp. I went to the one in Lis Angeles, dressed in my king skirt as usual and dressed with my hair wrapped as I’ve done for years. I was searched, okay. Picture of driver’s license was taken; okay. The clan was dressed in purple and gold; beautiful! The camp meeting had Nathanyel on video which I have a tendency to close my eyes so I can concentrate; I briefly opened them and one of the clan was talking pictures of me, shortly after one came telling me I was sleeping; I told him I close my eyes so that I can listen better instead of staring at a picture. Then one came wanting me to complete a form with personal I formation including medications I might be on; that was humiliating! Ayer the camp meeting they were having a fashion show and a celebration which included alcohol. I don’t drink alcohol but have nothing against those who do. So I’m talking yo a sister then someone came to usher me out, saying I hadn’t been there long enough to participate in their celebration. I thought I had found a community where I could learn more, where I could socialize with like minded people, but learned they were very similar to the Adventist, clannish in very nice purple and gold outfits. So I suggest to do as Ron suggested; study myself and eventually I’ll find a community that is less judgemental!
@kennethparks9665 Год назад
I have found that the best bible for Hebrews is the Ethiopian bible, it was written 800 years before King James. It does not make sense to me to rely on Roman Pagans and 70 white men to determine for me who GOD is, what he looks like and what is his Holy book. Also i have found the CEPHER BIBLE to be the best current bible for Hebrews. The CEPHER is a transliteration of the Ethiopian bible, with all books included and transliterated directly from the Hebrew language. SHALOM.
@mikemyers2140 2 года назад
South Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Zimbawbae, botzwana are idea countries for blk americans starters venturing to Africa. Those southern african countries have the same infrastructures like america. Blk Americans are always welcome in Africa man.
@chinibubu411 Год назад
If you do too well in S Africa, jealousy sets in-riots against the foreigner starts. Just wait and see…
@blessings-every1 Год назад
17:55 Didn't know this information. My Ancestry DNA was tested 7yrs ago and I have DNA from the Bantu people and a few other African ethnic groups.
@angelwalters7117 Год назад
Hi how can I get my DNA done where do I go? Hope to hear back from you 🙏
@thelastshallbefirst6531 Год назад
@@angelwalters7117 I uploaded mine to gedmatch. Been playing around with the calculators.
@MissTippiLu Год назад
And there it is 1:05:14. There is no way MOST black women are gonna tolerate multiple wives legal, moral or illegal… and there are THOSE who are abusing women by doing this. Good to know Ron respects his wife and would not do that.
@viyahingra183 Год назад
That’s a very sad truth. All the pieces
@siyayvonne7479 Год назад
Because they've been into the doctrine of Babylon. Our mothers in Africa were used to polygamy and there was no issues
@MissTippiLu Год назад
@@siyayvonne7479 Most people will NATURALLY follow what they were raised to believe. I don’t know what’s unbelievable about that. If you want polygamy find someone who was raised in that belief, but be the man who can live up to the standards that woman expects of you. Otherwise you’re just a grifter who exploits women. Not many women who are raised in a monogamous household will accept polygamy. No reason they should.
@rhondahairston8092 Год назад
The Brother Jay Cameron mentions the Council of Nicae. He knows what the Romans have done.
@carlmichaelashanti 7 месяцев назад
Only those who are shut out of the Kingdom will remain in Babylon.
@archiebarrier5633 Год назад
Keep the truth coming brother
@herrututt1396 Год назад
@rmccaindet Год назад
Great interview I’m ready to visit the motherland
@BethanyNes77 Год назад
Great interview
Shalom..absolutely & know as Jeremiah 16 says they realize inherited lies themselves. Psalms 83 tumult against us; Psalms 33:10-12 Wicked Device & Counsel comes to nought. We must stay united...
@zanelentuli7709 Год назад
Hi Ron, Kindly advise on which part of SA are you staying? I am based in Jburg…I would like to meet you. Thanks
@sharonradcliffe861 Год назад
@ZerahYAH144 Год назад
🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾All Praises for the truth going viral🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@drinabooboo Год назад
I love Ron and appreciate his work, but I found it funny when he said don't get into a cult. We are literally in a socially acceptable cult no matter who we are as long as we associate ourselves with others' beliefs that do not line up with the Word. The best thing we can do is read the Word for ourselves and allow the Ruach to guide us in all truth, so we don't follow man who ultimately is following satan.
@Julimango Год назад
I’m about to watch the movie… love the interview
@salathielbelvin4633 Год назад
I am in Michigan and we are a tribe, we eat we help each other but we knew at a young age we came from Africa and that Elohim was our father.
Now that family talking about fixing us💪🏾Let me go rol one with my happy head😂
@morelove4you96 Год назад
I bought all 4 books. Will get the movie as well.
@deborahyisrael5258 Год назад
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I still have another 30 minutes to go in this video, but I still have not heard Brother Dalton make a distinction between between Ham and Shem... And there IS a very important distinction between Ham and Shem... Does he make this distinction, or does he kind of lump all blacks together calling them ALL Israelites?
@Yahudah75 Год назад
I’ll be there soon
@joimonae4090 10 месяцев назад
really enjoyed this
@carlososcarcomedy Год назад
I tried but the music bed in this vid rocked me to sleep
@lindaharp4473 Год назад
I believe that Mr Dalton was touched by the Most High, the motivation to learn his history and his people. However, Moses also had reasons or fears in preparation for the Exodus. His primary task was to awaken his people. We are all over the world surfing, you can seek safety or hide for awhile where you are. However, you become a negative target in a Country that is a World target for rape and destruction.
@therealempress Год назад
..when I think of myself as a child, I was very envious of my friends who had both a Father and a Mother, stable, in love, and together. I always felt safer and protected in their homes. My view is Monogamy....if for nothing, for the children.
@thatotsautse344 Год назад
How does one invite Ron...I would like this discussion in our Churches
@PureAbundance Год назад
We will be recognized and respected when we come together as THE NATION OF ISRAEL !!! That's what the bible says and turn from our ugly ways !
@hephzbah1130 Год назад
At 56:37: it MUST be understood as our people wake up according to prophecy in Ezikiel 37 where should we fellowship to get more information about who we are as an ancient people. Because we must remember what’s happening is blood calling blood to be self, and nationality; NOT a religion we are converting into.
@sherrygoldman8938 Год назад
My question is when the Hebrew nation came out of Egypt it was also a mixed multitude that went out with them and what about other nations of blacks that are not Hebrew, how do you determine which black people are Hebrews, because not every black skinned person who got on the slave ships were Hebrew. Can Ron answer that question for me.
@fivestar000 Год назад
We are scattered across all other nations…. South America got the most not North American Caribbean Europe Asia we are everywhere
@infinitelove3221 Год назад
Laws statues and commandments.
@christinecarmichael244 Год назад
He is so right about Israelites not coming together to build anything, just standing on the corners saying the same thing over and over and not building to help our people.
@THE_ROYALS2019 7 месяцев назад
@jeanwilliams6623 Год назад
So much History
@abelhamel1754 Год назад
Nobody is going to be a polygamous because is no longer Biblical 😕. The Most High tolerated them under an old dispensation. In the NT it is Unbiblical.
@lutresiawalker3850 Год назад
Shalom Family
@irwincarter2820 Год назад
We are blessed to finally wake up,before it's too late.
@SherrieNichols-zu6qt Год назад
That's the same way I find out that same way and a nurse in ask the same question the most high lead me to the very same way .
@meredithhurston Год назад
Lawd! This was a palatable message until I got to @1:03:00: I don't think the majority of Black American women are going to agree to be polygamous for the "betterment" or growth of the race. This isn't what Ron said verbatim, but it's a bit implied in his commentary that the way we can grow as a people is to practice polygamy. I also don't believe disallowing polygamy is a form of eugenics in America.
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