
Executive Function and the Autistic Brain 

Mom on the Spectrum
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@sarahleony 2 года назад
Executive functioning is, aside from sensory difficulties, my biggest area of struggle. I honestly don’t think I could live entirely on my own without support. I am paralyzed by all I have to do so very often. During my worst years (university) I would take all morning to get ready to leave the house only to then return back home without getting anything done, because I was so exhausted. It sounds absolutely ridiculous. It has been wonderful to have my diagnosis and ”absolve” myself of some of those feelings of guilt, laziness and inadequacy.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
So glad you’re finding some self compassion!! I know that can be a journey.
@miraid06 Год назад
Currently dealing with that now. Not diagnosed, but my teenage daughter’s therapist told her she thinks I am Autistic with ADHD. As I looked into it, my whole life and all my difficulties made sense. I’m 39, single mom of 2 teenagers, Medically retired veteran and in school for the 25th time trying to get my undergraduate in Mathematics. I either get all A’s or all F’s. I would beat myself up, wonder why I just can’t do it. I know I’m intelligent enough to do it, but I just-can’t. Then I’d feel like I had 15 balls that I was juggling so well, then they all drop. Then I’d be embarrassed and essentially run away. I’ve lived in burnout for years. My executive functioning is atrocious. I don’t know if I should cry or be relieved to know that it’s not just me.
@treesart6914 Год назад
Yes. I've been 'frozen' for months now because I'm in a very complex situation: in a foreign country that I may need to leave, need to finish my dissertation, need to find a job, hate my city, my house is a mess and I'm mostly alone all the time....getting depressed (47 year old and life is getting very hard). I've been unable to make progress, and I see all my money drain away because I have no income. My diagnosis is generalized anxiety disorder (some years ago at uni when I had a breakdown), but I always feel there is much more going on with me. I recently found out one of my uncles was autistic, so I looked into it and OMG ....I score high on all the tests and recognized so much!
@sarahleony Год назад
@@treesart6914 I'm sorry you're struggling! That's a lot of stuff to deal with. Sending you strength and compassion
@treesart6914 Год назад
@@sarahleony thank you, I send you good things too.
@cheesebread3 Год назад
I didn’t realize I had executive functioning challenges until recently I stayed over at a friends house and we were getting ready for bed and when I came out of the bathroom from washing my face and brushing my teeth and hair she said “that was a LONG nighttime routine.” I was like what? Really? It felt like it only took me 10 minutes but actually I was in there for 30! Absolutely wild. I then watched her wash her face, dry it, and do her skincare routine in about 2 minutes flat. It blew me away.
@violakarl6900 Год назад
The bathroom is a area thats exempted from time space continuum. It's a dimension of timelessness and peace to which every living area has it's own acess to. We shall not take the bathroom and the wisdom it reveals to us for granted. 😁
@violakarl6900 Год назад
.. and btw some skincare can't be rushed.. oil cleansing f.e. should be done for 5 mins anyway to get the best results
@YugeYun 12 дней назад
Omg I’ve always wondered how people do their night routines so fast. It takes me 2 hours. I’m so jealous when I see my friends get finished in few minutes. Still, I haven’t figured out how to get ready faster. Same thing applies to morning and pretty much every part of the day. I often make plans but I’m unable to execute them. It’s so frustrating.
@TheBanana93 5 дней назад
My Gf is like this but she aint autistic xD
@buttercxpdraws8101 2 года назад
5. Time Management - I chuckle as I sit here watching this video when I should have left home 3 hours ago to meet my sister at a shop in another city! 🤦‍♀️
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
@whitneymason406 2 года назад
I too appear organized to many people! I also keep a detailed calendar. Before I had these tools my anxiety around time in particular was paralyzing. I couldn't understand why I couldn't get it together and do basic tasks. Getting my diagnosis and learning about executive functions and how many autistic people have issues with this really helped me become more compassionate towards myself. Great video Taylor this information is so useful!
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Yay I’m so glad it’s helpful! After I shot it I was like, does anyone care about this other than me? 🤪as always, glad I’m in good company
@varvaracoronado9036 2 года назад
What helps me a lot is periodic decluttering of my house
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
sometimes we will turn on loud music that we can dance to and clean as a family. I feel like that is pretty helpful to me
@T.T.M.60 2 года назад
Me too!….I declutter 3-4 times a year and am constantly re organizing things
@avrilleepayne Год назад
I believe firmly that the biggest problem that I have is definitely related to organizing and cleaning but yet I can't live with the chaos. Also, my children call what I do Circle cleaning. I will spend a minute or 5 or 10 on one specific task and then move to the next without completing that task and sometimes it takes me weeks to complete the tasks, but then they're all done at one time and everybody is very confused as to how that happened, sometimes including me.
@MomontheSpectrum Год назад
circle cleaning! I can relate to this concept... Thank you for sharing!
@charissekenkel1692 Год назад
There are definitely not enough resources, help, understanding, or compassion for parents who are autistic . Up until recently I was ableist with myself and my kids who also have autism. I love the information, support, and validation that your channel provides.
@MomontheSpectrum Год назад
Thanks so much. If you haven’t already, you may find the Big Autistic Resource Guide helpful! MomOnTheSpectrum.life/resources
@bryanmerton5153 2 года назад
Hi Taylor. Really cool video. I have done a lot of reading on executive function but not to this level. Of course I took the test😀! My lowest score was 2 for behavioral regulation. Everything else was 2.5-3. I really have little to no executive function. This has sort of been my struggle throughout my life. I made it through K-12 somehow, but couldn’t cope with college. That being said, I have managed to create tons of hacks and with the dawn of the smart phone life became that much easier. You, by the way, are the only person who gets what a Herculean task brushing ones teeth is🤣! I too manage to do it every day. Despite the fact that I have been living with this for 62 years I still can get frustrated with myself. Another thing that I find interesting is time management. I have a real problem with the concept of time. I can add most numbers in my head in an instant, yet I have a devil of a time figuring out how long something will take to complete. Also I can’t calculate how much time it will take me to get to work. I am always an hour to an hour and a half early. Thank goodness I am early as I know many with ADHD arrive late for things. I even have to calculate hours to an event on my fingers rather then in my head. I know, weird right? Thank you for this video. Spent the morning taking tests and reflecting! Very nice.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
So glad it was helpful to you and you know I appreciate the feedback! I, too, count things on my fingers. I can't really visualize math in my head. I'm awesome at math on paper because I triple check my work and understand logic and equations, but head math has always stumped me. As far as being on time goes, I feel like I'm either really early or running in right on time. If I'm there on time, the time leading up to it feels completely frantic. Never chill, hey I'm getting ready to go somewhere. It always feels like "IM GONNA BE LATE I HAVE TO GO NOWWWWW" lol. Our brains. So glad I'm not alone and that we are learning how to find our own version of success in this one wild and crazy life!
@NiinaSKlove 2 года назад
LOL! When your cat jumped on the piano - and sniffed the plant - my brain was like: Hm. I wonder which plants are pet-friendly? If I were to get a cat, I would have to know that. I have to do research on that! And then I got back to you and realized that I had missed out on some things you said. I rewind the video, and now I am about to watch that segment again. 😂😂 #autisitc
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Haha love it! Totally relatable!
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Hey niina your other comment got deleted by RU-vid but I think I could piece together what you were saying before it got deleted. For some reason, my FULL website has to be typed in on some browsers. Still trying to figure out why. So instead of momothespectrum.net, try www.momonthespectrum.net and see if this works. Sorry for the confusion.
@NiinaSKlove 2 года назад
@@MomontheSpectrum Oh! Well, when I tried getting to your website, by writing in the address you provided, it doesn't work...
@gardengirl4718 2 года назад
I have a thing I do that I helps me face the often times overwhelming task of just tidying the house on a daily basis. I've found that if I can begin my day in a non-cluttered environment it makes the rest of the day better. What I've done is break down all the individual tasks into manageable chunks and I've written them all on strips of tagboard. So, for example, instead of writing 'clean the kitchen' I have strips that say, 'kitchen, sink side', 'kitchen, stove side', 'kitchen pantry corner', and 'kitchen, floor'. For the bedroom there are strips labeled 'make the bed', 'bedroom, surfaces', and 'bedroom, floor'. I break each room down into as many tasks as seems reasonable. When it's time to 'do the sticks' (the first time I ever used this system I wrote them on popsicle sticks, thus the name), I draw out one at a time and I complete just that task. All I have to do is the task I've just pulled from the pile. I shuffle the tasks after each use so the order comes up different each time which helps keep my brain engaged. I usually put on a favorite podcast or some upbeat music and before I know it my whole house has been tidied and I can move on, guilt free, to the other more attractive jobs I have assigned for that day. Hope someone else finds this useful!
@katvb5686 Год назад
wow, I'm going to try that. thanks!
@lauranilsen8988 Год назад
Great idea!!
@michaelfreydberg4619 Год назад
That’s a very creative brain task!
@racheloliveri5568 Год назад
Brilliant system. My house is a complete pigsty and I’m so overwhelmed by the mess and disorganisation that I do absolutely nothing. Every day I walk around achieving nothing because I’m too overwhelmed and “freeze”. By the end of the day I have achieved nothing and this feeds into a spiral of depression, then I drink to escape my negative emotions. Currently in rehab for the 35th time. It depresses me that I can’t get out of this rut. I’m beginning to understand myself through these videos and getting to know why I’m in this cycle of ALCOHOLISM but am feeling more able to tackle my issues now that I know what they are. I’ve only been diagnosed yesterday. It all makes sense finally - I’m 50 but feel empowered to take charge. Thank you soo much for the fantastic advice.
@LynxyPie Год назад
When I get my place (hopefully by the end of the summer), I am DEFINITELY going to try this! It looks like a method that could help me out a lot.
@autumn3499 17 дней назад
thank you for including the reminder executive function difficulties is a spectrum as well and you can have some while others may be strengths too. There are tons of videos that list them, but I’ve fallen into thinking “well I’m good at that one so I guess I can’t have executive function difficulties”.
@JessicaSmith-of2uj 2 года назад
As someone who was just diagnosed during her first month of graduate school recently, this video is so helpful and eye-opening! Thank you
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
You’re so welcome! Glad it was helpful. I’m always open to suggestions for future videos.
@CinkSVideo 2 года назад
Working memory…especially for instructions or directions. I just look at the person and ask them to write it down. I’m ultra organized because not being able to find things are triggers for meltdowns…cause finding that thing is routine based. Prioritizing life tasks.is.so.hard. I have a house cleaner too. It allows me to take that thing off my plate the interferes with my everything I need/want to do. Extremely grateful I can afford that.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
yes having things written down helps me SO much.
@leigholding1397 2 года назад
I go to adult literacy group. And when ever we read a txt about an article... I don't understand what it's about initially. We go through it together in class... we write and take notes. Then at the end I'll get it.. then 5 minutes later I'll forget again... I also feel sooo tired after... like my brain has had a marathon of a thinking workout. Can make me disassociate to... honestly it's sooo hard to function executively... the amount of work... the layout... taking notes, so much involved. Also at times I've listened to audio books and if there's to much information coming in I have a meltdown. Like fall down on my knees and cry... cause over load with information just can't handle sensory overload. If I can't do the executive function I have fear of the future too. Really sucks.
@Marie-1901 2 года назад
This was one of my favorites from you - SO relatable and reassuring to know my struggles with these things are hard for a reason. Thank you!
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Oh yay I’m so glad to hear it. Thanks so much for commenting.
@TRXST.ISSUES 2 года назад
This list is my life lol 😂. What a surprise piano riff from Beltre, speaking of loud noises in social situations- it kills me when shopping carts slam down as someone grabs one. I have to brace for the hit. You really stepped your game up on this one, super inspiring! Know too what it’s like to get fixated on small seemingly insignificant details. Can’t help it. Great job!! 🦾🙏🔥
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Thanks! Yeah I had fun with some new video editing stuff this time around.
@sueannevangalen5186 2 года назад
I can relate to SO much of this. My housekeeping skills are terrible. I never was that great and I know what you mean about shoving things into closets and attics because I can't throw them out and don't know what else to do with them. But since we moved to a place with insufficient storage space and had kids, forget it. The place is a junk heap. My floors are especially bad. It just costs me so much energy to pick things up off the floor! I find myself in a sticky little place where the mess stresses me out but I also feel like I never have the time or energy to do anything about it. I really have to reach the absolute end of my rope to go out of my way to pick up after my kids. If I've just had a meltdown, the junk heaps become towers and I hate living here. Is anyone else really struggling hard? I use a planner and a special app on my phone to help with executive dysfunction but they don't always help.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
I have bought so many planners and I’m really great at using them…for at LEAST two weeks. 🤪
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Also yes to really struggling. Life is TUFF right now
@whitneymason406 2 года назад
I can totally relate! I've always had anxiety in messy spaces. I was very orderly before kids and I still try...in vain lol 😅 I can't afford someone to clean but I might ask for it as a Mother's Day or birthday gift. That would definitely be a gift that keeps on giving!
@sueannevangalen5186 2 года назад
@@MomontheSpectrum 😂 Sounds about right
@sueannevangalen5186 2 года назад
@@whitneymason406 Yes, that was a great tip, getting someone in to help with the cleaning. Maybe when I go back to work, we'll be able to afford it.
@Ramagon98 2 года назад
Before I forget, love the new intro and outro "splash screens" or whatever they're called! Executive function is definitely something that impacts me quite a bit. Learning I need to make lists and set reminders... however, I'm finding that getting "interrupted" with the reminders and shifting gears is a challenge. Which tends to make me set less reminders... ;-) I didn't realize it for the longest time, but clutter is something that affects me a lot. I'm certainly not the tidiest of people or a "clean freak", but too many items around, especially if they don't have a defined place, just starts "getting" to me? It's like I have to keep track of everything around me... and if it's just a "mess" (another person's trash...) or stuff is moving around, that just wears me out or something? We've been working on getting organized lately and that has helped quite a bit. Especially in the kitchen... I would get so frustrated trying to find something, that it just wasn't worth me "helping", hah! Now, with a little planning, I can take care of dinner most nights (if needed). Great video, as always... I'll probably have to watch again to catch everything. I'm finding that's something I do quite a bit as well... it takes a couple times (or just time?) for things to sink in? Anyway, thank you and take care!
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Thank you! I spent way too much time picking the splash screens out but I like them too and thought it was like a visual stim. Yes to also needing to watch/listen/learn things more than once to understand. Usually after I’ve given myself considerable time from the first absorption of info.
@rachelwong3474 Год назад
..honestly I do feel more comfortable with life just knowing that there are other ppl like me ❤️
@julialaynemcclain1562 2 месяца назад
I’m in process on late (65) diagnosis. In my 30’s I had brain bleeds/surgeries and so all my exec function issues were attributed to that. It definitely got worse and I have lots of long practiced strategies and support for working around it but I can see now all that went into my being able to perform in that way before the bleeds. I still have good planning skills but the ability to even start a series of tasks to complete a project takes priming my brain and my space often for hours to start. I have uniforms/outfits that I wear for different tasks (for practicality- painting or yard work or housework or groc store or lounging or hiking etc) so then if I put the outfit on it starts the gestalt of the activity. Packing lists and reminders and “launch pad” bags for commitments set up ahead of time. I’m learning to listen to music while doing tasks to minimize auditory distraction and also just to stop and purposely stim/move until the task sequence reboots. This saves me trying to control others to not distract me and also means I always have to allow for/negotiate extra time for that to be part of the process. I know this is an old post but I’m probably not the only one out here working my way through all your terrific content. Thank you! When I need support/solidarity/ideas for coping, your content is always helpful.
@vanessabeaton Год назад
I’m extremely impressed with the consistency you maintain to “do” this channel. So inspiring 😊
@bethwishitwereviolet5938 Год назад
A habit tracker is a helpful way to make sure you’re doing self care, and tasks that need to get done. It’s very satisfying to me to check them off each day as they are completed. 💕
@shiny6123 2 года назад
👏🏼👏🏼 a running list on my iphone notepad and making a list for the day but not doing a single thing on it…. That’s me too !!The thing that I find helps to get started and get through difficult tasks is I set a timer for 5 minutes and then allow myself to stop. So then I keep the 5 minute timer going over and over allowing myself to stop and I have no pressure nor anxiety .
@joybiddie6575 4 месяца назад
Thank you for giving me the idea to put my tasks in Google calendar. I don't think you said that specifically but your video brought the idea to my head 🙂 I look at my phone all day long so that's the perfect spot to remind me. My area of interest is on the brain and how it works, so I enjoy the parts where you talk about the brain specifically and what it's doing. ❤
@HKOlaura 2 месяца назад
8:26 cleaning house is actually one of the tasks I find so satisfying…now. When I lived with my ex husband, it was almost impossible. I think part of that difference was having to pay attention to where I put things, consider his needs/desires/preferences when deciding what to tidy, and the issue with being observed and criticized for the order and manner I go about cleaning and tidying. Now that I live alone in my own space, if I want to take 2 hours to reorganize a portion of my closet, no one cares. I can even stop if I get tired and not have the burden of someone else’s inconvenience or judgement. Not having all the emotional and moral factors involved in cleaning makes task initiation easier, so I get things done on schedule and with a nice glow of satisfaction when I’m done (instead of exhaustion). I would like to know what other people feel and do when they live with a partner/roommates/children/other family.
@user-ly3li3ex8c 6 дней назад
The worst is if or when they berate and insult your character when you fail to do cleaning tasks as often as they expect you too and then to criticize you on how and what time you get yourself to do it. I get so exhausted in the heat in a house without air conditioning, so I can't bring myself to do tasks during the day when its hot
@varvaracoronado9036 2 года назад
I have an issue with the time management from a different perspective. I’m preoccupied with how much time each task “normally” takes and if IRL it takes longer I get super frustrated. I absolutely can’t stand when people are late, or holding me longer than promised/announced/agreed upon. My husband is aware of my time fixation. He learned to give me more precise time frames. So, it’s not “I’ll be there around 4-5 -ish”, rather 4.45 - 5.00. I can tolerate 15 min difference, but not 1 hr!! I know I need to loosen up, but it’s so hard. What I noticed helped me to deal with it is to tell a “new” person upfront that I am a bit particular about time, so bear with me 💁‍♀️
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Interesting! Thanks for sharing this perspective.
@SandraLemenaite 2 года назад
I have THE SAME struggle. It’s so kind when people give me clear times
@flyingroses 2 года назад
You would perfectly fit in here in the Netherlands. If people here say they'll be there at 5, they'll be there at 5. More than about 10 minutes early or late would be communicated beforehand. It would stress me out too if I don't know when to expect people to turn up
@elizabethivy1337 8 месяцев назад
I totally get the time fixation! Once I know that someone is going to be arriving in the next ten minutes, I literally cannot do any other activity as I wait for them to get there because the thought of the interruption makes me feel frozen. Someone having an hour window during which they could arrive basically messes up the whole hour for me. Personal anecdote, one of my exes would text me randomly to "heat up dinner for him in the microwave," but he wouldn't specify which food he wanted or when exactly he was arriving home (I tried to get specifics, but he was driving and usually ended the call in a hurry). It was like an ambiguous time-management nightmare for me. I was paralyzed trying to figure out what he would want to eat and when I needed to get it out so it would be warm at the right time. It felt like he had asked me to wear a chicken suit, squawk loudly in the middle of a crowded mall and then make eye contact with every on-looker. Unlikely to ever happen without great motivation or exhaustive fallout directly afterwards.
@arielnecessary1615 Год назад
Initiating anything is really hard for me, whether it's a conversation or a chore I have to do. I procrastinate a lot. I seldom set goals for myself because I know they probably won't get done and then I'll feel like a failure. Shifting gears is another hard thing. I have my script in my head about how an interaction is supposed to go, but if the person I'm talking to offers me a different alternative, I can't shift to it even if it's a better alternative and one that I'd really like. I can't make myself say okay to the preferable alternative because it's not part of my pre-planned script. Then I get really angry at myself later for not accepting the better alternative.
@elizabethivy1337 8 месяцев назад
I just have to say thank you again for posting these videos, they really are so helpful! Understanding how being autistic affects my executive functioning has been an important part of being kinder to myself. Being less negative and self-critical is still an ongoing process for me. However, I am getting better at taking pauses and reassessing my own internal views rather than just accepting them for reality. I no longer feel like it's my fault if I'm struggling to remember things, start tasks, manage time, switch gears, etc. It used to be a constant litany of all the things I was accused of as a child such as "not caring enough, being lazy, or not applying myself as well as I could." Just try harder... lol. My thoughts have now shifted towards "well, this is just how my brain functions, so how can 'we' work together in a way that moves me towards my goals, even if it's doesn't match how I was told I should be getting there." As an aside, I totally relate to having a hard time assessing how long tasks will take and if I am doing well at them. I've struggled to understand how people "half-ass" something or "try their best" because I feel like, if I have committed myself to doing a task, then the only way I can perform it is by giving it all my effort. I'm unlikely to be able to perform the action at all if I'm not committing 100% effort. The only ways I tend to not do 100% at something is when I'm listening to music or watching a show in the background to help occupy my brain so I can focus on the true activity that I want to be doing. I guess the same would go for physical activities too. I.E. running at a sustainable pace vs. just sprinting.
@visionsmagazineonlin Год назад
Now that I cannot physically withstand all the bending that cleaning requires and even putting on makeup & doing my hair results in a severe backache. Then to worry about navigating my steps without falling due to multiple areas of arthritis & ligament issues. I am in mental overload. People who are able bodied don't realize just a little shopping wipes me out.
@marisa5359 Год назад
I have EDS as well as ASD and totally relate. Each day is very carefully doled out for me and in there is always the knowledge my body is going to say, "Nope" at any given time.
@charging7 2 года назад
Thanks for covering this very important subject! I take issue with #7, or at least, you're take on the solution. To me, the answer isn't getting rid of the challenge you're having trouble with, I've seen the solution as breaking the job, the enormity of the job, into smaller, more digestible parts and tackling each one separately until I'm completed. I get a lot of satisfaction from this because like you, I see all the detail and there's thousands of them to cover inside any task. I love your spirit.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Thanks so much for sharing your perspective!
@TommyBrum 2 года назад
I struggle with a lot of these. The most pressing at the moment is that I can't find the best way to study for a licensing exam. There is a mountain of information, with no direction of how to study. I can't orchestrate a plan to tackle this enormous task, so I've just sat her for months, a deer in the headlights. I've failed finals in the past due to this. Terrified I'll fail this as well.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
I understand that feeling 💔 it is overwhelming
@whitneymason406 2 года назад
I totally get how you feel, Tommy. In college it didn't matter how hard I studied or knew the content, once I sat down to take the test everything in my head would vanish! I think I have test anxiety. Do you have someone you can partner with and quiz each other? Breaking down topics into smaller categories, like Talor mentioned with the going grocery shopping example, might help too. Best of luck to you!!
@varvaracoronado9036 2 года назад
What kind of exam are you trying to take? My husband was in similar situation for several years. He’s been trying to pass PE (professional engineering, there are 2 exams). He kept failing until he realized he didn’t want to do the engineering at all and changed his career toward software engineering where he’s very successful now, tripled his income.
@sheri6089 8 месяцев назад
Working memory and special interests!! And to do lists and calendars/planners!!
@marcusaurelius49 2 года назад
My attention span when working on tasks I don’t particularly enjoy is a fleeting as a humming bird, but I can watch luthiers repair or build guitars for hours and hours on RU-vid. Organisation is also my kryptonite at work.
@camellia8625 11 месяцев назад
This is an incredibly clear and comprehensive and highly understandable summary of executive functioning. Thank you for so generously sharing your expertise.
@desacrater221 Год назад
👂🏼sensitive ears can be very difficult. porcelain plates inside on tile. And in the same way smells can trigger memory, specific sounds in certain contexts can trigger the chaotic states of mind.
@rachelwong3474 Год назад
.I’ve been feeling soooo lost and isolated whole lifeee
@shadowfox933 2 года назад
I'm not sure it really counts since I don't have much trouble with time management, but I've found that having a physical planner helps me avoid stress. It isn't that I need it to keep track of all of the things I'm doing, it just reduces my stress for some reason?
@debbehwebbeh Год назад
I am 39. Thanks to finding your video about the chart/criteria for autistic women the other day, i feel seen, and I feel so relieved. I was walking around too long with a misdiagnosis of a personality disorder which two therapists strongly believe is not accurate; the symptoms and causes do not match with that; something I suspected for a long time. I will be evaluated by a psychologist with an expertise in ASD/adhd soon.
@kellyely9113 3 месяца назад
For me, I Assimilate information, Rearrange the information, then Train my brain to learn a skill or social norm to fit in, thus creating the "mask" that hides my social deficits and ability to fully understand the intention of other people. I used to always assume that if I explained to someone my process of ART in how my brain makes connections, that I would be misunderstood or worse, ostracized from the social connection. The "fake it until you make it" is how I learned to calm my somatic mind in social environments as I tend to observe much more than I engage in them. This only works when you are not the target of attention (and I struggle greatly with interpersonal connection with new people that have not had time to be around me and become aware of my differences in communication), so dating and relationships of an intimate nature are very challenging to develop (but I'm getting better at the social navigation of them as I understand the psyche of different neurotypes of people). As far as I have observed, neurotypical people use the Acceptance, Recognition and Touch or Train (depending on if the attention is required internally or externally), thus creating ART in their brain that creates the ability to execute and the ability to attach to other people. I mimic a lot with new people and I have had to remind myself not to "enmesh" my thoughts and feelings with theirs so that I can maintain my sense of self if I plan to develop a relationship with them.
@professorg7387 2 года назад
We struggle with disorganization, both mentally and in the physical realm, and have found The Home Edit and their organizing products to be life saving! Truly, the first thing we organized was our medicine cabinet.
@janejones5362 10 месяцев назад
I'm autistic, AND have brain injuries from 1967, and 2023. Left frontal lobe affected, both times. So executive function issues, oh my...I know a lot of workarounds. EVERYthing gets written down. Planning and emotional regulation are big issues.
@jrose93 Год назад
Dishes tip: (i don’t have a working dishwasher at the moment) keep the sink empty at all times!!! an empty sink gets used, a full sink gets ignored. “load” the rinsed off dirty dishes on the counter so they can be seen easily for sorting into piles. (I use a dishwasher silverware caddy on the counter to sort the dirty silverware) When you’ve got the window of time and motivation to do some dishes, you get to choose which sink full to wash, pile by pile, one at time. (my favorite method for everything is going largest to smallest. Pots and pans to cutting boards down to plates bowls cups and silverware)This gives me minimal decision making for what needs washed first, it gives me chunks of actual washing and moments for a break in between each pile. I also always keep dishwashing gloves handy now. No exceptions. This has been the single biggest change for me in 8 weeks i’ve done the dishes every day for the first time in my entire life. I’m cooking meals more, Im dreading being in my kitchen less.
@craigcarter400 2 года назад
I definitely have masking tape labels on my tool box in the garage.
@ursinahack-maclellan6717 Год назад
My executive functioning was seriously impaired by that lovely wrap you are wearing. My mind keeps focusing on that and goes down the weaving rabbit hole trying to figure out how I would try and recreate that on my loom. I might have to re-listen to the whole video without the picture.😅
@nandep2149 Год назад
My suggestion/request: Please keep extra comments in your videos to a minimum. Better yet, just remove them, and try to keep your videos shorter and to the point. If you want to discuss a cookie recipe, make a separate video for it. You're great, Taylor, and the information can be helpful. However, people with these conditions will have difficulty focusing on these long videos (especially when you talk about your channel, other subjects, include long drawn-out stories, etc.). For example, for this video, I'd carve off at least 10 minutes. Thank you, and again, your efforts are appreciated. :)
@AndrewChun791 3 месяца назад
If your psychiatrist diagnosed you with Autism Spectrum Disorder, then I would consider switching to a new provider, maybe even hiring a medical malpractice attorney to represent you if the condition is directly affecting your day-to-day life activities like work, family, or enjoying leisure activities. But for arguments sake, I'd love to be notified about any new group sessions you may be hosting via Zoom! Have a good one Taylor.
@ChantalM3 2 месяца назад
What are you saying here? Do you think she has something else instead? Genuinely curious.
@blossom654 Год назад
Looking back to my younger years (Iong before diagnosis), I would love dancing jive, swing and jitterbug, because you swing, twist, turn upside-down and bounce around a lot. Great for the brain, as if it gets you out of a rigid and stuck, repetitive state and loosens up the mind🤯🤩👍🏼 Also going to fun-fair tivolis in all those machines that does the same…really awesome for the brain 🧠👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 There must be a reason that many autistics love and feel compelled to spin round and round 🔄 I would love to go for astronaut training 🧑🏽‍🚀❤😅
@blossom654 Год назад
I can also recommend this particular wonderful Bollywood dance class, lots of turning, spin and head work 💃💃💃Both my autistic and ADHD side love this class ❤ ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nXMXUjX5wCM.html
@blossom654 Год назад
Much exercise is quite rigid and robotic….back and forth, up and down…even much aerobics and astoundingly many dance classes too. When real Zumba entered it started to loosen up ❤
@MomontheSpectrum Год назад
thanks so much for sharing this!
@vanessabeaton Год назад
I identify with just about everything you’ve said in this video. It’s insane 😮
@gardengenie6300 Год назад
>>> " ..I will have a completely different day than what I planned..." I thought that happened to everyone!! lol 6 yo woman here who is just beginning to explore this. I resonate with a LOT of what you are talking about! o.m.g. thank you for speaking out.
@joshuabaker8304 8 месяцев назад
One of the problems I have with verbal communication is that I think visually .my mind makes pictures of what I'm hearing people say to me as well as what I'm saying to them and words never come close to what is in my head. It's like fast food ! The picture is fantastic but words never come close to what your really trying g to say!
@logicalameetsworld Год назад
Getting too focused on a task or special interest can literally shut off my auditory senses. I set alarms and text to vibrant and we train each dog we get to make physical contact with me when they need to go out. These two things have solved the frustration my wife had trying to audibly get my attention.
@racheloliveri5568 Год назад
Most of these rip relate to all these. I especially resonate with working memory, I feel like a goldfish. I have to write everything down otherwise the information disappears. Planning and organisation, I get bogged down by the details and lose track of what I am supposed to do. Flexibility is also huge, I get completely thrown off track if things don’t go according to plan. Stress-little things stress me out, like I’m interrupted I have a melt down and can’t get back on track
@christineclarke9063 2 года назад
Thankyou so much for your channel 💓
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
You are so welcome!
@MrLeethium 7 месяцев назад
I strongly suspect i'm autistic, and executive functioning is the area i struggle the most at. What's very frustrating is i know my long term goal, but i struggle SO MUCH to identify all the steps i need to do to achieve it... And when something has more than 2 or 3 steps i get all confused it's so frustrating... Thanks for the tips.
@SauleNewell 7 месяцев назад
Beltre is such a pretty name ! And in French it sounds a lot like "Belle très", which would mean "Beautiful very" :3
@RolieKloeOlie 6 месяцев назад
I have so much executive dysfunction that for me to eat I have to work at a grocery store or else I can’t go anywhere to buy food
@madisong5276 Год назад
Ugh my husband got a new job and I’ve totally forgotten about multiple appointments. I’m normally so organized and a planner. It’s so frustrating
@Infinitesimal-ho7it 3 месяца назад
The "gear-shift" is not my strength. It takes quite a moment. I became aware of this about myself several years ago and called it "gear-shifting" then. I think I visibly roll eyes when people interrupt me, which I think that they think I'm being a snob. But no, I'm gear-shifting. I wish they would appreciate how suddenly stressful that is. Even if it seems like I'm not doing anything, believe me, my brain is always going. I used to be able to be so focused, but it seems like working life has a knack for distracting me so often over the years, I think I've become ADHD. It's like my brain is "why bother putting energy in deep focusing? Something or someone is going to demand our attention. Just go through the motions."
@mirjamvanderheijden7895 9 месяцев назад
This is me and I really struggle with this. And also my environment. That is Why we argue al lot. I have my own practice physicaltherapy with my husband and it goes very well. And I'm happy, but it is heavy... I and still I don't want to work for a boss anymore. I'm also a late diagnostic mom with ASS 1,2 Adhd. Also my kids have this. I really like to listen to your video's. Thank you for you explanation! In Holland there is also nothing for women with adhd and ass. I'm thinking of writing a book, to explain how it is to have this as a (adult)women. Everything is about boys/ men. And there is one personal artical I could finding about ass en adhd within woman. I hope my language is oké. I have also dyslexia😅. Thank you again. Grtz Mirjam
@2RavenzTarot Год назад
This resonates with me. Thanks for sharing this
@shelbytimbrook2095 2 года назад
I took that ESQ-R test, I got a 0 in organization. My problem is I get exhausted a lot, so me with energy has good executive functioning and me without energy has abysmal executive functioning and certain things drain me more than others like changing expectations or context switching where-as other things recharge me, like cleaning and organizing (aka putting things the way they should be).
@AnnFBug Год назад
I tried to take it and then came unstuck because it asked me to choose which American state I inhabit. I am not American; I’m British. I wonder how Taylor managed it, given that Canadian states were not there either? Why do they need to pin you to a state?
@shelbytimbrook2095 Год назад
@@AnnFBug Eh, Minnesota is like American Canada.
@rebeccaelle135 4 месяца назад
Just yes.
@FourthOneIsIt Год назад
After years, I finally realized I just don't have to do the whole thing. I don't have to do all the dishes. I can clean the pots and pans and leave the rest, instead of leaving it all. And so on. I suppose that's some version of breaking it into smaller steps, but not really. But a little bit maybe. My lists are ridiculous, I'll put a reasonable 11 items on the list for that day, and it will take all day to get three of them done.
@tammylawson3376 2 года назад
Your cat looks like the one I share with my current husband. Her name is Butterscotch. She's 8 1/2 months old. My EX husband is trying to help me get started on a diagnosis so I can get disability benefits. I can't seem to get help from our local Adanta, where my current husband goes. They go out of their ways to ALL help HIM!!! My EX husband and our adult son also see a therapist weekly Both of them draw disability. My ex is autistic and so is our son... And I'm pretty SURE that I am too. My 23 year old daughter is doing well now mentally, but as a teenager, she had serious mental health issues and frequent breakdowns. Me and my kids all are probably ADHD. (Current husband is ADHD) Ex husband is ADD. I struggle mightily with executive functions...
@JustWatchMeDoThis Год назад
I am horrible with initializing even the small things. I'm going to make a kan-ban board
@JuniperLucas555 Год назад
I’m terrible at remembering to brush my teeth, scheduling and planning is a nightmare, prioritizing just doesn’t happen and it takes me a half hour at least to get dressed for work and I don’t even wear makeup…
@mementomori6585 Год назад
Thank you
@c0uc0u 2 года назад
Thank you from Montréal :)
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Hi Eli in Montreal! Thanks for your comment.
@hildalev 2 года назад
I don't know if you or somebody will still see it, but I was wondering how you navigate executive function struggles in a relationship. I had trouble with it in the past and now I'm anxious to be in a relationship again knowing that I can really struggle even with daily tasks from time to time. How do you communicate about these things?
@pteradactyl9799 Год назад
i’m single so i can’t give the best advice (sorry) but being honest from the start. just telling them that you struggle with certain things and it’s not based on their significance or worth to you. tell them that you’re trying to work on it and it’s not something that’ll disappear but something you’ll learn to cope with. i know it’s super cliché but the right person won’t shame you for struggling -we’re all human. but they’ll meet you where you’re at and want to help you grow
@racheloliveri5568 Год назад
@lizagervais8621 2 года назад
I have a major problem with #1 -response inhibition. I don’t know how to fix it.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Although it is an unexciting answer, awareness is the first step. So the fact that you know this is an issue for you can be helpful. Self compassion is also very important! You don’t have to do things like other people do, even though sometimes I know you may want to.
@lauranilsen8988 Год назад
I have a label gun but my big family doesn’t always READ the labels! 😩 I don’t have full control over my environment with 8 wonderful children (28-10 now, some with ADHD or ASD and one with Down Syndrome).
@passaggioalivello 2 года назад
Hi Tay, I'm basically a living autistic stereotype, eleven and a half on twelve. Thank you for the test, I took it but I can't understand how and where to check my score. There is a bunch of stuff on that webpage, almost overwhelming, and I'm not able to figure out where score results are.
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
I agree! The website has A LOT of information and is particularly confusing about how to score this questionnaire. Here is the first version of the questionnaire which you can actually take online and then click a button that will score it for you. Let me know if this is works for you. embrace-autism.com/esq/#test
@passaggioalivello 2 года назад
@@MomontheSpectrum Not exactly. I had my scores in the previous test too, but I guess it's my fault if I can't understand where to look to understand what my different types of scores mean. The website is really a mess to me.
@AnnFBug Год назад
I tried to take it and then came unstuck because it asked me to choose which American state I inhabit. I am not American; I’m British. I wonder how Taylor managed it, given that Canadian states were not there either? Why do they need to pin you to a state?
I got a 2.75 score on that test (don't exactly know what that means) recently diagnosed with auDHD-c (with moderate Dyscalculia)...(I don't even remember if I've left a comment before (trying to get on disability)
@JHixon-bi8ok Год назад
Also…my ability to understand the costs of things as related to income. Sooo much trouble with budgeting, here. But, I also have dyscalculia…so…autistic exec functioning issues combined with dyscalculia= not fun!
@rachelwong3474 Год назад
Holy shoot.. initiation and planning… so hard It’s like I want to do all these things in my head. Like the world in my head is so different than what I feel I can do in real lifeee
@lalalalal5304 10 месяцев назад
Me after a week of the 9/5 and can’t do anything in the weekend, even eating is hard
@WondersWhy 7 месяцев назад
Thanks, I just took the tests at embrace-autism. I found sarah hendrickx youtube videos helpful too, by the way. About time, since I'm 71.
@MaryanaMaskar 2 года назад
That's the new meaning of jumpscare 🤣
@MomontheSpectrum 2 года назад
Haha 😸
@aspidoscelis Год назад
At 2:15 - There's a word missing. "Executive function skills are the *mythical* mental processes that enable us to plan, focus [...]"
@jjdippel4152 2 месяца назад
I have issues with "order." I try to put stuff in "steps." Sometimes step 3 must be done before 4 or 5 but something about 5 can affect 3. When I encounter that I freeze and cannot move forward.
@missbangtan6371 Год назад
Your little one gave me a hurt attack 😭😭😭
@HermetteMelville Год назад
How do you cope with the idea of having a stranger in your home to clean. There is an abundance cleaning companies here and it is pretty affordable. My issue is having a stranger come in and do that.
@turtleanton6539 Год назад
@robbiegibson4112 2 месяца назад
I'm about to give up on this. I was writing you and it just f ing disappears. F it. every time I write anyone it is exhausting then it just disappears.
@JamesDavis-ps6yy Год назад
So, a lot of these issues are also part of ADHD, which is why the two have a lot of overlap. Any discussions on the EF domains that differ between the two?
@jbrubin8274 Год назад
Oh my gosh is number three so relatable. It’s taken a fair bit of years to learn to suppress myself, understanding that I’m responsible for how I respond. That said, as a lady of ‘a certain age’, (aka a female in her 40s, lol 🙄) I struggle with it. And every once in awhile it comes right out. Despite my efforts. So please know this- it’s totally okay and perfectly normal if even after extensive therapy and training, it happens. You’re not wrong, you’re entirely human and should be treated as such. 🫶☮️💯
@angsfeatheredfriends 2 года назад
I know I watched all of this video, but I have no idea what you were talking about, I cannot recall anything lol... sigh I just don't know how to focus on things that aren't my special interest or retain the info at all. I used to pause and comment as the video went on, but I forget to do that too. I've heard the term executive function a few times. Maybe something my therapist said.
@stromgrenlovestennis Год назад
Mine would be cleaning! Urgh!
@britthamsund4567 Год назад
@babyprincessplayground4250 Год назад
Good topic love it autism ddlg abdl dissociative identity disorder my channel
@bruhmoment5974 Год назад
bruh keep your gross p3d0 k1nks to yourself
@haroldgifford852 2 года назад
@jahbloomie Год назад
Quiz? Is there a quiz?
@desacrater221 Год назад
@altonlg24 Год назад
Lol @ they matter to me
@yonihales9133 Месяц назад
I think typically Dogs are ADHD and cats Autistic
@kareneaton3318 Год назад
You went way too fast with the first one. Is response inhibition not thinking before doing something or your response is inhibited and I don't understand what it means I'm wicked confused you just zoomed past it and didn't explain it at all 🤪
@freezo244 2 года назад
@Kevin_Beach 5 месяцев назад
I'm sorry, but I had to stop watching halfway through the video. You are delivering the material so fast that my mind can't take in everything that you are saying, and there's so much of it that I don't have the energy to scroll back and listen again to catch up. God bless you for trying though x
@HannahV200 Месяц назад
This isn’t helpful. I am autistic but this feels boring
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