
Explaining Why They Follow Quran Only | Ahmed & Cameron Speakers Corner 2019 

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Speakers Corner 11th August 2019.
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For The Study Of Human Psychology and Behaviour.
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@bossh9716 Год назад
I nearly died 2 years ago and since i started to research the quran and hadith and came to the realisation that all my life i been thought wrong Heartbreaking ! Worst thing is trying to explain to your family and friends to see the truth also btw look up how many times hadith is mentiomed in the quran and what is said one example is ..."in which hadith after allah and his verses will they believe" !
@jeanettedavies8665 2 года назад
I feel happy too see some brothers out there spreading the truth of Islam. I reverted to islam in 2001 and it took me another few years too find the truth that hadiths are a lie. Now I tell everyone I meet.
@tariqhussain2276 2 года назад
Go back to the truth
@0808phoenix 2 года назад
@@tariqhussain2276 You're talking, as if Qur'an was a lie(as a matter of fact, it's not! Qur'an is only truth from GOD!) That means, that you're ignorant and were deceived by your ulemas, sheikhs you name it!
@deechonada Год назад
​@@0808phoenix strawman argument
@soothingandmediating5426 3 месяца назад
​@@0808phoenixGoing back to the truth means quran is a lie???😂😂 bruh he meant that going back to the truth means to follow quran and sunnah both.........
@soothingandmediating5426 3 месяца назад
​@@0808phoenixOK lets see who is ignorant here.....prove me the authenticity of the quran
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
We did not leave anything out of the Book. 6:38
@HA-vy9ow 3 года назад
@@OussamaOurimi nonsense: here is the verse: All living beings roaming the earth and winged birds soaring in the sky are communities like yourselves.1 We have left nothing out of the Book. 2 Then to their Lord they will be gathered all together.
@qasimmehmood1576 3 года назад
@@HA-vy9ow And the hadith is included in the book
@HA-vy9ow 3 года назад
@@qasimmehmood1576 included after 250 years..?
@qasimmehmood1576 3 года назад
@@HA-vy9ow No thats false. There are many hadith that were written at the time of the Prophet (saw). Even the Quraish used to taunt him fot writing everything. Most hadiths were written during his time. Some were memorised and written later similarly to how the Quran was written down. Similarly in surah noor verse 63 it explains to follow the orders of the Prophet (saw). This cannot be in reference to the Qu'ran as the Qu'ran is the speech of Allah (swt) and any orders found in the Quran are orders given to us by Allah swt and not the one who conveyed the message.
@Leil2221 4 месяца назад
@anthonygloria5192 5 лет назад
My problem is that the methods of hadith scholars do not give you 100% certainty. I wouldn't bet my afterlife on something I'm not 100% certain is true.
@anthonygloria5192 5 лет назад
@AA *A* 123 My name? What does my name have to do with being a Muslim? Not all Muslims are Arabs.
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Hadith been thrown under the bus! Lol. Why because they include Anti Jew! Anti Christian! Anti athiest! FGM! No Music allowed! Kill homosexuals! Slavery! Marrying Young girls! Sharia Law!Be harsh to Non believers!.
@fuadahmed8638 5 лет назад
Are you hundred percent certain that your mum is your mum
@anthonygloria5192 5 лет назад
@@fuadahmed8638 My afterlife doesn't depend on me believing who my mother is.
@ys8004 5 лет назад
Nathaniel so are you 100% certain what you believe or follow is true?
@CCP-Lies 10 месяцев назад
Most Muslims see prophet Muhammad as Christians see their Jesus Christ
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Such was the Sunna of Allah for those who passed on before. You will find that there is no substitute for the Sunna of Allah. 33:62
@Aliameem 5 лет назад
And The Sunna of Allah is that He decides upon who The Khalifa is every time. Not man.
@deistormmods 4 года назад
@@Aliameem And Allah decided Ali (RA) would be the first caliph? Is that why Abu Bakr (RA) was first? Foolish argument.
@Aliameem 4 года назад
@@deistormmods And whatever it is that you / yourself /your sect has decided with regard to what The Caliphate is, Imam Ali superseded it well beforehand when The Holy Prophet of Allah announced that Ali is The Leader of whomsoever he IS the Leader of. No ifs woulds or buts. The only foolish argument is the one that contests The Prophet's. Wassalaam.
@deistormmods 4 года назад
@@Aliameem Provide proof for your claim. Either from authentic sources or the Qu'ran.
@Aliameem 4 года назад
@@deistormmods Jabir ibn ʿAbd Allah said: "I saw the Messenger of Allah - upon whom be God's peace and benedictions - in the course of his Hajj (pilgrimage) on the day of ʿArafah. The Prophet (S) was seated on his camel, al-Qaswa', and was delivering a sermon. I heard him say: 'O people, I am leaving among you that which if you hold on to you shall never go astray: the Book of Allah and my kindred, my household (Ahl al-Bayt)." - At-Tirmidhi This tradition was recorded by many other sources[8][9][10] Muhammad also repeated this hadith at a place called Ghadir Khumm. Al-Nasa'i[11] records the following tradition: Al-Nasaʾi narrates from Muhammad ibn al-Muthanna, he from Yahya ibn Hammad, from Abu 'Uwwanah, from Sulayman, from Habib ibn Abi Thabit, from Abu al-¬Tufayl, from Zayd ibn Arqam, who said, "When the Messenger of Allah (S) returned from the last hajj and came down at Ghadir Khumm.... "Then he declared: 'I am about to answer the call (of death). Verily, I have left two precious things (thaqalayn) among you, one of which is greater than the other: the Book of God and my ʿItrah, my Ahlul Bayt. So watch out how you treat them after me. For, indeed, they will never separate until they return to me by the side of the Pond.' Then he said, 'Verily, God is my Leader and I am the Leader of every believer.' Then he took ʿAli's hand and declared, 'To whomever I am his Leader , this one is also his Leader. My God, befriend whoever befriends him and be hostile to whoever is hostile to him.'" Abu al-Tufayl says: "I said to Zayd, 'Did you hear it from the Prophet(S)?' He replied, 'There was no one in the caravan who did not see it with his eyes and hear it with his ears,'" - Al-Nasa'i Among others who have recorded it in their books are Al-Bukhari in his tarikh,[12] Muslim in his sahih,[13] the musnad of ahmad bin hanbal,[14] sunan of abu dawud,[15] and al tabarani:[16] These hadiths indicate that Muhammad left the Muslim Ummah to the leadership of his progeny or household (ahlul-bayt) and established the first of these 12 imams / khalifs as his cousin and son-in-law, Ali ibn Abu Talib. Having established the importance of following the teachings of his bayt as the guides for the understanding of the Quran for members of his community, Muhammad also informed his companions that the number of leaders / Imams / Khalifs after him will specifically be twelve in number. The following references are taken from the "sahih" books of Sunni Muslims: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "Islam will continue to be triumphant until there have been twelve Caliphs, all of them from Quraysh." - Sahih Muslim[17] Narrated Jabir ibn Samura: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "This matter (life) will not end, until it is passed by twelve Caliphs." He then whispered a sentence. I asked my father what the Prophet said. He said, the Prophet added: "All of them will be from Quraysh." - Sahih Muslim[18] The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: "There will be after me twelve Amir (Princes / Rulers), all of them from Quraysh." - Sunan al-Tirmidhi[19] Narrated Jabir ibn Samura: I heard the Prophet saying, "There will be twelve commanders (Amir)." He then said a sentence which I did not hear. My father said, the Prophet added, "All of them will be from Quraysh." - Sahih al-Bukhari[20] The conclusion of the Twelver Shia school is that Muhammad left the world with the Quran and his bayt (household) as guides for humanity. Similar to the 12 tribes of bani Israel (Quran 2:60-61) and the 12 disciples of Jesus (Bible Revelation 21:14), Muhammad also left his community with 12 heirs to guide the community and protect the interpretation of the Quran. Of note, very few of God's chosen messengers and guides ever attained worldly power. As such, the concept of the twelve successors is not a prophecy of worldly leaders, but rather spiritual guides (imams) and the notion that these twelve must be worldly leaders to be successors of Muhammad is rejected. These twelve imams are not a monarchy, but rather are spiritual leaders in the line of Abraham as promised to him in the Quran 2:124:[21] "And when his Lord tried Ibrahim with commands, he fulfilled them. He said: Surely I will make you an Imam for mankind. (Ibrahim) said: And of my offspring (will there be Imams)? He said, my covenant does not include the unjust."
@cmonski9973 2 года назад
To all those who hate or dislike people who BELIEVE ALLAH when he says his provided a book of ultimate guidance to mankind? And that he hasn’t left anything out? And that anything outside of his holy book you will find errors? A people who believe Allah over mankind are a wise people. For Allah is WISDOM and all knowing. Our beloved Prophet was very obedient to Allah when he told him in the Surat Al- Kahf Ayat 18:27 ‘ And RECITE, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the BOOK of your LORD. There is no CHANGER of His words, and never will you find in other than Him a refuge.’ Therefore he wouldn’t dare ever try change or edit or add anything to the perfect book of Allah he only recited it! To which by the mercy of Allah we have the same book and we should recite it too and have it in our hearts. It is the best gift you can ever think of. Then you’ll be guided in the right path & be able to know it’s IMPOSSIBLE to follow a book of errors made by man who will tell you it’s not a major sin to smoke, that it’s okay to masterbate in extreme circumstances, that Allahs servant and prophet can intercede for the sins of Muslims, that if you need to understand Allahs words you need to follow there book? Even though Allah has told us over and over and over there can never be a book like his you will find errors. God warned our beloved prophet in Surat Al - Haqqah 69:43 - 49 ‘[It is] a revelation from the Lord of the worlds. And if Muhammad had made up about Us some [false] sayings, We would have seized him by the right hand; Then We would have cut from him the aorta. And there is no one of you who could prevent [Us] from him. And indeed, the Qur'an is a reminder for the righteous. And indeed, We know that among you are deniers.’ So after reading what YOUR GOD AND MY GOD AND EVERYONES GOD said to our obedient prophet, do you really believe that he will authorise ANYONE to make a book(s) of errors to which you have to differentiate which is authentic and which is not? About his life? Yet he submitted his life to the will of ALLAH. A collection of books that make statements the Quran NEVER taught mankind to believe. To give us additional ways of prayer yet the Quran gives us countless verses explaining how to pray and gave examples of prophets who prayed! Imagine being by the throne of God and half way in your prayer talking to the creator of everything you start turning to the left and right angels who were ALSO created by Allah? When Allah has ordered to not have any deity’s when worshipping him? Even the angels would say Astaghfirullah. Let alone praying for the dead Allah has never ordered this. So it’s either you listen to Allah and the words Allah told our prophet to say to his people which is ALL in the book, or you can listen to your Imans, scholars, parents and ultimately Iblis the corrupter! Your choice. Also if Shamsi and those who shout really believed Allah is the ULTIMATE POWER they’d know ayat 2:263 ‘Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Free of need and Forbearing.’ And also ayat 4:5 ‘And do not give the weak-minded your property, which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness.’ And 17:28 ‘And if you [must] turn away from the needy awaiting mercy from your Lord which you expect, then speak to them a gentle word.’ But because they don’t and they believe Abu Bakr who tells people to suck the clitoris of Al - Laat. Or listen to Anas bin Malik who says ‘“You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin’ LOL is that how he views Allahs creation? Dehumanising statement as if there’s sutten wrong with blacks yet Adam was made from Mud? (15:26) let alone when Abdullah said ‘I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) forbidding the offering of prayers at the time of sunrise and sunset.’ Yet ALLAH SAYS in 7:205 ‘And remember your Lord within yourself in humility and in fear without being apparent in speech - in the mornings and the evenings. And do not be among the heedless.’ CHOOSE WHO YOU BELIEVE! Allah has PREWARNED THOSE WHO BELIEVE ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT MUHAMMAD OR JESUS OR BUDDAH OR A GOD WHO ONLY LOVES BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES (Not a character of Allah) WILL INTERCEDE FOR THEM IN SURAT AL - A raf ayat 7:53 ‘Do they await except its result? The Day its result comes those who had ignored it before will say, "The messengers of our Lord had come with the truth, so are there [now] any intercessors to intercede for us or could we be sent back to do other than we used to do?" They will have lost themselves, and lost from them is what they used to invent.’ Truth mixed with lies is the devils greatest trick, his used this trick in the bible, the fake Torah, hadiths, science books, Hindu books yes you can find good but you are still being misguided. No one will be deceived if the devil was bait and said from the beginning I hated mankind even when Allah ORDERED the angels to bow to Adam to prove to Adam who his enemy is and I said to Allah his NOTHING MADE OUT OF CHEAP MUD MATERIAL I WAS MADE FROM SMOKELESS FIRE! And that if we accept the GUIDANCE of Allah we will be saved from an eternal hell fire but anything EXPECT his guidance will cause us to fall so I will use my intelligence which is higher than mankind but not higher than Allahs to make flirtatious books and creep into their mind for them to follow ANYTHING except Allahs way. Love you all please stop trusting man TRUST ALLAH and whoever Allah told you to follow you will find them in his holy book and in that book you’ll find what they taught and you’ll see ALL prophets had CLEAR instruction and teaching from Allah to which they were obedient and didn’t teach anything out of this. Please don’t hate me for my comment cause I only highlighted what the one and only creator said. These are not my words. Thanks.
@Learner_Deen 4 месяца назад
Lovely post, thank you, brother
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114
@PantheraTK 5 лет назад
Where is the description on how to pray? How to perform fear Prayer? What was the full name of the Prophet (salAllaahu alahi wa sallam)?
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
Panthera Ok, but how can you pray Salat without Hadith? My question to you is: How do you pray Salat WITH Hadith? I've never met one person who learned Salat by opening a Hadith book. And go ahead and try. Show me one Hadith which tells you step by step, start to finish, how to pray Salat. And there are plenty of Hadith on Salat but they're unclear and contradictory. That's why so many people pray so many different ways. Personally I learned when my uncle taught me, not from opening Bukhari. How did you learn? So what does Quran say about Salat? There are five things that entail Quranic Salat. I can find the verses later if you're interested. It's all in Quran: 1. To do Wudu first (ablution) 2. To face the Qibla 3. To commemorate God alone 4. To recite from Quran 5. To stand, bow and prostrate Anything else that God didn't mention, is not important. As crazy as it may sound, how many raka you do, how your toe is curled, how your hands are positioned doesn't matter to God from what I can see through Quran. All that matters is that we worship him. Our intention and sincerity matter. The details are for those who want to show everyone "I'm more Islamic than you." Lastly, I'll say study history. You will find many answers. What Muslim scholars have done to Quran is the exact same thing the Jewish pharisees did to the Torah. They added the Talmud, oral Torah and changed Gods laws and added to his words. Same thing with Hadith. Are we allowed to do this? [10:59] Say, "Have you seen what God has sent down to you from provisions, then you made some of it forbidden and some lawful?" Say, "Did God authorize you, or did you invent lies against God?" [16:116] You shall not invent lies about God by attributing lies with your tongues, saying: "This is lawful and that is forbidden." Those who invent lies about God will not succeed. Peace🌹The Qur’an alone🌹 www.quranite.com
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
GodAlone Show your doing good job ! we needed Because Islam is Hijacked by Brand islam followers. Peace 🌹the Qur’an alone🌹
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
QURAN ALONE can you help me with this Q: I have a question, who do you think goes to Jenneah(Paradise)? All people who have good deeds without faith in a God?
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
QURAN ALONE Dear broth Thanks again Because i get this questions from Sunny Muslims When i debate with them i m sinds one Year Quran alone follower since I read Sam Gerrans translation im still a student I need to learn more & I learned alot from you & your the only one gave quikly unswer! Thanks again & greeting from Holland the tulips country 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
@Nextstreet8 5 лет назад
The Quran is the only hadith Allah says....
@Nextstreet8 4 года назад
@REACTION CHANNEL is this true??
4 года назад
Only taking the quran and rejecting all the hadith meaning rejecting the messenger
@iMindFr3ak 4 года назад
L He , please stand in front of a mirror and say your comment to yourself, if you didnt get the mistake and laughed then be sure that you are an idiot😇
4 года назад
@@yobro6053 the hadith is mostly about the sahaba that lived and been teached by the prophet and those teaching we follow rejecting all the hadith that has those teaching like praying and fasting ect is the same as saying i will pray My own way or i will Fast My own way so what did i said that is wrong
@dijabelle8348 3 года назад
@ your sooo wasted
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Or do they have 'shuraka' (partners) who legislate for them of the religion what Allah did not authorise? If it were not for a decisive Word, judgement would have already been passed over them. Indeed, the transgressors shall have a painful punishment. 42:21
@celestialknight2339 3 года назад
Salam Alaikum. I have 12 simple questions for Traditional Muslims, and I hope you could be the first person to attempt in answering them after sincerely reflecting upon them, God-willing: *1)* Throughout the Quran, we frequently see its reference to itself as “Al-Quran”. Why then is there not a single place in the entire Quran where a secondary scripture or divine revelation called “As-Sunnah” (the Sunnah) or “Al-Hadith An-Nabawi” (the Prophetic Hadith) is likewise mentioned? Doesn’t the Quran constantly claim that it is clear & straightforward? How then could God take the time to mention something as seemingly trivial as onions and lentils (Quran 2:61), and yet fail to clearly identify the most important source of guidance & revelation that all believers for all times are forever required to follow as religious guidance? *2)* Why do the words “Hadith” and “Sunnah” nevertheless amazingly appear over and over again throughout the Quran, yet never ONCE refer to what traditional Muslims use them as? (as the inspired words & teachings of the Prophet). Not only this, but the words “Sunnah” and “Hadith” are in fact often used throughout the Quran in ways that refer to the supremacy & exclusive authority of the Quran’s message itself, thus in almost a taunting manner towards what traditional Muslims would later come to believe about the “prophetic Hadith” and this idea of ‘dual revelation’ (see for example Q 77:50, 46:5, 39:23). If there was actually a second scripture or revelation ordained by God called the ‘Sunnah/Hadith’, wouldn’t this be extremely deceptive and misleading? *3)* Why does the Quran constantly make mention of itself and it’s perfect guidance, lack of contradictions, and promise of its preservation, and so on, yet make NO such magnificent claims about the Sunnah if it is indeed a co-authoritative revelation of God to humanity? Wouldn’t we at least expect that the Quran adds something like the phrase “ ‏والسنة” (‘and the Sunnah’) in these numerous verses where the Quran alone is uniquely mentioned as the supreme guidance & sacred revelation? *4)* Why does the so-called Prophetic Sunnah (as supposedly codified in the Hadith) contradict the Quran in so many significant ways? For example, so-called “Sahih” Hadiths tell us that tiger and other animals are forbidden to eat, whereas the Quran is manifestly clear-multiple times, in fact-that the ONLY four prohibited foods are carrion, blood, pig’s meat, and idol-offerings; nothing more (Quran 6:145). Or for example, Sahih Hadiths tell is that the Prophet will be an intercessor on Judgement Day for those in his Ummah who committed MAJOR sins, whereas the Quran clearly states that anyone who commits major sins and fails to repent will be condemned to Hell, and will have no protector, intercessor, or savior. How can these teachings be a “commentary” on the Quran (as virtually all sunni Muslim scholars posit) when they blatantly contradict it? (P.S. Ask me for any specific references if needed). *5)* Why do you say that the Sunnah (as supposedly preserved in the Hadith) is a commentary on the Quran, when we know that the Hadith is actually just a collection of isolated sayings and doings of the Prophet and his companions, with less than 1% actually being direct commentary on the Quran? How can one claim this especially when considering the massive disagreement amongst traditional sects and scholars when it comes to Hadith-based theology, as well as numerous clear & major contradictions between the Quran and Hadith as pointed out above? *6)* Why does the Quran constantly make mention of the Torah and Gospel, as well as the Psalms and other revealed scriptures of God-and call these “guidance” and “beacons of light”-while no such honorable mention is ever made of the supposed second revelation that God allegedly sent down to the Prophet as the inspired Sunnah? How could God possibly fail to prioritize the divine identification of the Sunnah/Hadith-which is supposedly INDISPENSABLE for understanding the Quran itself-and yet constantly make mention of the amazing wonder & authority of the previous scriptures & revelations, which we aren’t even required to follow anymore? Once again, wouldn’t this seem to be gravely misleading? *7)* If we got rid of the Quran and just kept all of the accepted Hadith, don’t you think that the current religion of traditional Islam would still be perfectly intact? In other words, isn’t the Hadith alone sufficient for nearly everything you need to practice traditional Islam in its current form? What then is the need for the Quran under this framework? What other essential use or practical value does the Quran actually provide that the Hadith cannot? In fact, isn’t this why the Sunni Muslim scholars of the past were forced to admit “the Quran is in more need of the Sunnah than the Sunnah is in need of the Quran”? *8)* Why is there such a massive difference between the structure of the Quran (the codified words of God) and the structure of the Hadith (the alleged codified words of the Prophet) if they are both indeed co-equal legally-binding divine revelations brought down by God? For example, the Quran is preserved word-for-word, whereas the Hadith is mainly preserved meaning-to-meaning; the Quran is unique in style and incredibly easy to memorize & recite, whereas the Hadith is clearly human literature and was not made for easy memorization; the Quran has a set ‘canon’ that is more-or-less unanimously agreed upon and was transmitted as such, whereas the Hadith consists of thousands of disjointed unrelated reports that had to be individually collected and vigorously authenticated using human-devised methods of verification; and the list goes on. If both the Quran and the Sunnah were equally divine revelations of God, why is this the case? Yet isn’t this EXACTLY what one would expect if people falsely attributed a human work of literature as being divine revelation alongside God’s true word? *9)* If you were to hand a copy of the Quran to an unbiased stranger who spoke fluent classical Arabic, and had them read the Quran for the first time, from beginning to end, and with no other source of information-would they come back to you confused and puzzled, and be asking you for the secondary scripture & co-divine revelation called the “Prophetic Sunnah & Hadith” that they were allegedly supposed to read about in the Quran? *10)* The Quran mentions that the Jinn (the beings of the unseen realm; the parallel creation to us human beings) can actually hear the Quran being recited and follow it as such (Quran 72:1); thus we learn that the Quran is even a source of guidance for Jinn themselves. Therefore, is it required for the Jinn to follow the Sunnah & Hadith? If not, why not? But if so, how so? What model do you propose for such a thing to work? *11)* We already know and agree that the previous generations before us who were given scripture & prophethood by Allah (SWT) went far astray and added all sorts of falsehoods and fake traditions to their religion, including the Talmud of the Jews (who also interestingly claim that it contains ancient traditions of Moses passed down as commentary on the Torah) as well as the writings of Paul & the early Church fathers, whom Christians have essentially given precedence over Jesus’ own words and have thereby begun to worship the Trinity and hold other serious false beliefs, that can even lead one to eternal damnation on Judgement Day. With this (frightening) reality in mind, shouldn’t we be wary that WE too might also have gone astray from the pure teachings of God in the Quran? Wouldn’t it be utterly foolish and careless of us to ignore the warnings of Allah (SWT) about the historical corruptions & fabrications of the people of divine Scripture before us, and thus fail to consider that we too might be deviating from the right path just as they once did?... Indeed, when Prophet Moses left his people for just 40 days to meet with God, he came back to find them committing no less than the most heinous & atrocious sin of worshipping a carved idol, even after they had seen all that God did for them in Egypt. That was 40 DAYS; what then do you think of the Prophet’s followers after 1,400 years? *12)* Finally, what WOULD the Quran actually have to say for you to accept that it is the only revelation brought down from God to the Prophet? The Quran already says countless times that it is clear & lucid, sufficient for guidance, detailed & self-explanatory, unmatched & supreme, and perfectly preserved-so what else could the Quran possibly say for you to realize that it is indeed what it claims to be, and that no other scriptures or revelations are mandated on us to follow? I hope you will contemplate on these questions deeply & sincerely, and reflect with a clear & open mind. I look forward to your response. Much Salam.
@hassanaozeto4363 3 года назад
@ShameenYakubu 2 года назад
@denohart4929 Год назад
@deechonada Год назад
I'd suggest youd sit and talk with a scholar. Someone preferably who has studied both the Qur'an and hadith formally. No layman would have the time nor the eloquence to answer these questions in a depth you'd require. Walaikum assalaam
@Leil2221 4 месяца назад
@gondala 2 года назад
Actually, the Quranist has a lot more sense than the hadithist.
@billyragnar2433 Год назад
We’re not Quranist that’s a term the mushriqs made up, we’re true Muslims. Submitters to God
@CCP-Lies 10 месяцев назад
No hadithists can debate with a knowledgeable quranist with knowledge of hadith and quran
@deerugz2152 6 месяцев назад
@@billyragnar2433🎯 like the whole point of being a Muslim is to follow and obey Quran alone . Which by doing that we obey Allah and his messenger giving us the warning
@IceCream_Racing 4 месяца назад
If it makes sense, please explain surah baqarah verse 143, where it says that god had assigned a qibla before mekkah, If quran is the only revelation from god to the prophet then where is that command of the qibla before mekkah became qibla.
@gondala 4 месяца назад
@@IceCream_Racing i will answer your question if you can answer my question first. Please tell me according to hadith, in surah al kahf verse 74, who is the name of the young boy who was killed by moses' teacher? I need this young boy's name similar as you want to know which qibla before mekkah.
@berniebey517 5 лет назад
*Mohammed was commanded NOT to explain the Quran, and he followed that divine command: [Quran 75:16] Do not move your tongue to hasten it. [Quran 75:17] It is we who will collect it into Quran. [Quran 75:18] Once we recite it, you shall follow such a Quran. [Quran 75:19] Then it is we who will explain it
@tonyronta 5 лет назад
I have spoken to these two men at speakers corner and both are polite and good people to talk to. Unlike a few other people at speakers corner.
@moorefyre9381 5 лет назад
Being polite doesn't mean anything, some ppl confuse aggression with assertiveness. These guys talk utter trash just because they do it in a nice manner doesnt mean it's not trash it will always be tht.
@tonyronta 5 лет назад
Moore Fyre I didn’t say that these two men don’t talk “utter trash.” However being polite in speech does mean something. It means that one can have a relaxed and calm discussion with that person. Are you suggesting that two people taking politely and calmly are not easier to understand than two rowdy people shouting over each other? These two however seem more convincing though than Shamsi and a lot of the other Muslims they debate. Maybe because of their manner and politeness? What do you think?
@moorefyre9381 5 лет назад
@@tonyronta I think whoever you speak to you have to take in their character. Shamsi can seem not convincing in some way I feel he isn't skilled to deal with everyone. Hamza ginger and saboor are the best speakers in my opinion. At the same time I feel like there is a lot of word playing and tactics going on.
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
Moore Fyre care to point out the factually incorrect statements made in this video? Or are you cheerleading and upset your positions are challenged?
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Hadith been thrown under the bus! Lol. Why because they include Anti Jew! Anti Christian! Anti athiest! FGM! No Music allowed! Kill homosexuals! Slavery! Marrying Young girls! Sharia Law!Be harsh to Non believers!.
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
We brought the Book down to you providing explanations of all things. 16:89
@HA-vy9ow 4 года назад
L He Quran 5:99 The SOLE duty of the messenger is to deliver the message, and God knows everything you declare and everything you conceal.
@monaliza820 4 года назад
@MJAli89 4 года назад
Notice the word “we”, Allah could have said “I”, this is due to that Allah and the messenger go hand in hand.
@deistormmods 4 года назад
@@MJAli89 While, I agree that they go hand in hand. This is false. The "We" used is a royal we. When Allah says "we", "us", etc, he is talking about Himself.
@MJAli89 4 года назад
Dei I agree with your point that Allah does not need no one, as he is all powerful. We have to obey Allah and his Commands. And one of his commands is to obey Prophet Mohammed PBUH.
@wolfganghumboldt4830 5 лет назад
Read a book called Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires. It is a good book written by a non-muslim that speaks very well of Muhammad. Using history he also explains how looking at the corpus of Islamic literature from the Quran and onwards shows clearly that the religion as well as Muhammad's story was militarized by people abusing power after the life of the prophet. The Quran shows the best narrative as it is the closest in time to the actual events.
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Read Quran 5 33! 5 51! 8 55! 9 29! 9 111! Then Try to Tell me the Quran is a Nice book!
@wolfganghumboldt4830 5 лет назад
@@MegaTrueTalk I didnt call it a nice book. Please learn to read before telling me to read.
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
They’re afraid to challenge their elders who sold them a lie
@JonJon-rz5el 4 года назад
Maverick X true brother
@leertaste1265 2 года назад
@@MegaTrueTalk And now read it with context. Or do you not know how to read a book
@omarfarooq1350 5 лет назад
My dear brother qamaran I've Watched many videos of you and you are a very sincere guy honestly , may Allah bless you And keep you happy, hope I can meet you one day
@zainpowell4202 4 года назад
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
And We brought down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (Quran) with truth, confirming what came before it of the Scripture and superseding it. So rule among them in accordance with what Allah has brought down and do not follow their desires in place of what has come to you of the truth. 5:48
@yobro6053 4 года назад
I was laughing at these guys and now slowly they are making sense to me may Allah guide me I am a Quran only Muslim, I reject the man made hadiths
@armorwolf7934 2 года назад
It’s good you are thinking there is so many verse like 16:89 and 6:114 that strongly say how Quran is complete. Than many Hadithers make fun of Quranist and say we reject Hadith to fulfil are desires because only the Hadith says music and art is haram. But there is literally worse like yawning and eating with left hand is apparently haram in al bukahari. It’s very absurd and false.
@ace9924 2 года назад
Not only that but the hadiths mention stoning of apostates as well as other things that contradicts principle tenets of our faith.
@realislam3838 4 года назад
Thank you so much my brothers,it's really very useful video.. May Allah bless you... I'm native Arabic speaker and I just want to mention that Quran itself has clarified that revelation that Prophet Muhammad got it from Allah is the Quran as stated in verse 6:19: "Say, "What thing is greatest in testimony?" Say, " Allah is witness between me and you. And this Qur'an was revealed to me that I may warn you thereby and whomever it reaches. Do you [truly] testify that with Allah there are other deities?" Say, "I will not testify [with you]." Say, "Indeed, He is but one God, and indeed, I am free of what you associate [with Him]. (6-19)"
@nidalkhawatmi2759 2 года назад
الذين يتبعون كتاب الله وحده لا شريك له هم المؤمنين حقا عباد الله المخلصين الذين لا يشركون مع كلام ربهم وكتابه المنزل من السماء كتبا آخرى بشرية أرضية خطوها الشياطين بأيديهم وقالوا هذا من عند الله ليشتروا بها ثمنا قليلا وليفتروا على الله ورسله الكذب فصدوا بها عن سبيل الله إنهم ساء ما كانوا يعملون هؤلاء العباد المخلصين الذين بربهم لا يشركون سماهم الله في أول كتابه بعباده المتقين الذين يتبعون صراطه المستقيم لا يحيدون عنه ولا يخرجون منه بسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ الٓمٓ (١) ذَٰلِكَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبُ📖☝🏻️ لَا رَيۡبَۛ فِيهِۛ #هُدٗى لِّلۡمُتَّقِينَ (٢) ٱلَّذِينَ يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱلۡغَيۡبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقۡنَٰهُمۡ يُنفِقُونَ (٣) وَٱلَّذِينَ يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيۡكَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ مِن قَبۡلِكَ وَبِٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ هُمۡ يُوقِنُونَ (٤) أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ عَلَىٰ #هُدٗى مِّن رَّبِّهِمۡۖ وَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ هُمُ #ٱلۡمُفۡلِحُونَ (٥) من اتبع كتاب الله وحده ولم يشرك به شيئا فقد اهتدى وكان من المفلحين ومن خرج عنه فقد ضل سواء السبيل وكان مصيره مع المغضوب عليهم والضالين سبحان الذي أخرجنا من ظلمات الشرك والضلال إلى نور الهدى والسلام إلى نور كتابه سبحانه الحق المبين والسلام على من اتبع الهدى والحمد لله رب العالمين ru-vid.com/show-UCYb-SqPZhWdjlwKoeGP6ixw
@Quran-Life 3 года назад
We have revealed to you the Book, as an explanation of all things, and guidance, and mercy and good news for those who submit. 16 89
@asadsaifudeen8958 5 лет назад
Hadithist don’t know what kind of Hadith to follow... Sunni Hadith or Shia Hadith??? Plus they place Hadith on the same level as the Quran which is kind of like shirk.
@Gaga4Parma 5 лет назад
Lolwut? Shi'a don't use Sunni Hadith and vice-versa.
@user-nl9qp8ve8d 5 лет назад
@asadsaifudeen8958 5 лет назад
Gaga4Parma yeah that’s my point. How do you know who got the right Hadiths?
@user-nl9qp8ve8d 5 лет назад
@@asadsaifudeen8958 there is science of hadith ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-NUa7k0pNvrg.html
@Gaga4Parma 5 лет назад
@@asadsaifudeen8958 You obviously have to have a certain amount of trust and faith in the science of Hadith. The same can be said of Qur'an btw, you have to put your faith in the oral transmission tradition and also the people in and around Arabia at the time as well as all the people involved in the 7th century onwards. You're applying logic to one thing but are not applying it to the Qur'an when both relied on the same oral transmission tradition.
@adilrasheedonline 4 года назад
Q1: Do you think ulema from ahle-sunna, ahle-hadith misunderstood ? They devoted so much time on studying the hadith. In my opinion Ahle-sunnah, ahle-hadith are many variants of ahle-shirk. If they read crap they will learn and propagate crap. Do not follow them blindly. Allah will question you about your ability to see, hear and the faculty of thinking so, apply brain. Quran 9:31 They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah Q2: You are coming up with new ideas. Majority of ulema have agreed that hadith are legitimate source of Islam. I am not forcing you to believe in what I say. I always quoted verses from Quran and my intention is to make you think. Majority is not the criteria for something to be true and I learned it from my creator. If any mullah tries to explain you something divine using something outside Quran it is mostly assumptions. Quran 6:116 And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying. Q3: Hadith gives the details which are missing in the Quran. Can you explain how we should pray ? This is the biggest lie hadith idolators are feeding. Find out (a) single hadith that tells you the prayer from start to end (b) show me the number of rakat in each of the five prayers in any of your authentic hadith books. You will not find this basic information. But in the Quran Allah commands us to take our prayer from the standing position of Prophet Ibrahim and I believe that Allah protected the prayer there so we should look how the prayer is conducted there. The salat reached us just like it reached Prophet Muhammad from Prophet Ibrahim. Quran 2:125 Take as your place of worship the place where Abraham stood. Q4: We agree there are some problematic hadith Then for God´s sake do not follow and even worse, propagate the doubtful hearsay. Quran 7:36 Do not follow what you have no ˹sure˺ knowledge of. Indeed, all will be called to account for ˹their˺ hearing, sight, and intellect. Q5: The collectors of hadith took extreme care to evaluate the character of the narrators and then authorized the hadith. Will it not be irresponsible to just discard this wealth of information ? When the prophet himself could not make out with certainty who were the hypocrites, do you want to say that Bukhari 200 years received revelation regarding the character of the narrators ? All the hadith collectors just misled the ummah from the Quranic path. Quran 9:101 Some of the desert Arabs around you are hypocrites, and so are some of the residents of Madinah, who are fanatical in their hypocrisy. You do not know them, but We know them. Soon We shall give them double punishment: then they shall be turned to the most severe chastisement. Q6: Isn´t hadith protected by the same chain of narrators who also protected Quran ? Neither the prophets not the sahaba collected and protected the Quran. The fact that anyone can memorize it from the beginning to the end is a divine miracle stated in the Quran itself. Nothing similar is mentioned about hadith so do not associate these hadith books with the Quran. Quran 75:17 Indeed, upon Us is its collection and its recitation. Quran 15:9 Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it. Q7: WHat about "Obey Allah and obey the messenger" Allah also commanded us to obey all the messengers. We have to follow them by following their hadith which are in the Quran itself. In many verses in the Quran, Allah instead of answering to the questions of people commanded the prophets / messengers to reply. These verses start with the word Qul. These are only hadith (close to 300 in numbers) for which "Obey Allah and obey the messenger" is applicable. Bukhari, Muslim etc. collections are filled with so much blashphemy, shirk, filth, contradictions, misogyni, illogical and unscientific stuff that no sane person can claim them to be the undoubted hadith of the prophet. Those who do are liars and spreading falsehood. Q8: Can´t we just follow the good hadith which are in agreement with Quran ? Why do you still want to commit idolatry at a smaller scale. If hadith is in agreement with Quran they follow Quran. Shirk is shirk. Quran 45:6 These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after Allah and His verses will they believe? I hope I have given satisfactory replies to your questions. In this mail I have just reminded you of your lords words. I leave you with the following verse. The choice is yours. Quran 25:73 And they who, when reminded of the communications of their Lord, do not fall down thereat deaf and blind. May Allah guide us all,
@inaaranur1611 4 года назад
This is speaking The truth
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
👍🏻Correct, Logical and Reasonable! The Truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Peace🌹The Qur’an alone www.quranite.com
@MyrzaAkhmad 3 года назад
We have found where is Yajuj Majuj and Wall of Zul Qarnain... its in our channel 5 videoes.. some of them with english subtitles
@user-xu1hn3ic6b Месяц назад
But was it given by prophet? It's written by non eyewitnesses. So it's so and so said so and so said so and so said three people which it needed a prophet to tell truthfulness
@Untainted786 4 года назад
Ahmed's etiquette's of debates are diabolical. Child like behaviour that shows the argument has been lost early on. Don't waste your time with him.
@mystaree 5 лет назад
He became Quran only after Sa Ra used the hadith to show him satan was in his nose every night 😂😂😂😂👃
@DoctorKillamassaLOGS 5 лет назад
@malamakkavu 5 лет назад
In Islam anything hidden we will call it shaitan or jinn We know what is hiding in our nose when we wake up
@cnsmooth 5 лет назад
@Donkey Bellerin How did the moon come back together?
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Hadith been thrown under the bus! Lol. Why because they include Anti Jew! Anti Christian! Anti athiest! FGM! No Music allowed! Kill homosexuals! Slavery! Marrying Young girls! Sharia Law!Be harsh to Non believers!.
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
@Joe Cowboy Yup.
@1dawah 5 лет назад
Sorry ,these two together look like a clumsy combination, the guy on the right seems so perplexed and unconvinced by the arguments Ahmed is advancing.
@induetime215 5 лет назад
Both sides are like Christians tryin to explain the Trinity. You can't find the word Trinity just like you can't find follow the Hadith of the prophet.
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Hadith been thrown under the bus! Lol. Why because they include Anti Jew! Anti Christian! Anti athiest! FGM! No Music allowed! Kill homosexuals! Slavery! Marrying Young girls! Sharia Law!Be harsh to Non believers!.
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
@Muslim Always I'm not gonna keep typing it lol Join us @the Arabian prophet channel. If you defeat CP I will take shahada.
@Aesieda 4 года назад
Attacking character instead of addressing the points. Nice sunni salafi tactic.
@fuadahmed3321 4 года назад
Please keep posting videos with regards to Quran only .... I have followed brother Cameron for some years now with videos of him debating ...May Allah bless him and all those that go out to proclaim the truth. All praise be to he ,the Lord if the worlds . May Allah bless you both and all included in the making ,editing of this upload .keep them coming ..this is how we spread the word . I have a Facebook page and share all the time when I find the new videos .I know other Quran only followed too . Please keep sharing
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
O you prophet, why do you prohibit what Allah has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. 66:1
@iconic-z5906 4 года назад
Which surah??
@emir4921 3 года назад
@@iconic-z5906 Surah Tahrim. 66th Surah
@1dawah 5 лет назад
Well done, very unconvincing argument
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Hadith been thrown under the bus! Lol. Why because they include Anti Jew! Anti Christian! Anti athiest! FGM! No Music allowed! Kill homosexuals! Slavery! Marrying Young girls! Sharia Law!Be harsh to Non believers!.
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
Hamza twin sc such as?
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
DBZ zin93 such as?
@Bengalrest 5 лет назад
DBZ zin93 he clearly avoided that challenge Don’t waste your time bro Ask them how they read salah and watch them swerve that one I can explain it if I’m asked insha allah I’m yet to hear these guys explain even for purpose of dawah let us know please They will guarantee swerve it Snakes are made to swerve
@user-nl9qp8ve8d 5 лет назад
An-Nahl 16:44 [We sent them] with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.
@ultimatetruth9241 4 года назад
Language is not relevant when it comes to the book of the Most High Allah SWT. He said in 41:44 "And if We had made it a non-Arabic Qur'an, they would have said, "Why are its verses not explained in detail [in our language]? Is it a foreign [recitation] and an Arab [messenger]?" Say, "It is, for those who believe, a guidance and cure." And those who do not believe - in their ears is deafness, and it is upon them blindness. Those are being called from a distant place." So for those who believe it does not matter weither it's in there language or another language, and it will be a guidance and a cure for them. Clearly the Quran was revealed in Arabic just to stop excuses from arabs cause they would say "why is it revealed in a foreign language"? Now that it is revealed in their own language, they have no excuses. Read that verse as many times as you can till you understand it correctly. So the Quran could be revealed in any language but it wouldn't prevent other people speaking different languages to understand it even better than those speaking the language in which it was revealed!!!!!! Remember that that's the only book that the writter choses who would understand it : Allah!!!!!! So being an arab alone or speaking arabic alone is not enough to undertand the Quran and not understanding arabic is not a barrier that prevents from understanding the Quran cause Allah choses who understands His book. Got it? So stop using that "do you understand arabic" thing cause you are only showing your ignorance of the Quran and Allah. Peace!!!!!
@tariqhussain2276 2 года назад
And ur qualifications are ???
@TheOrthodoxMoor 5 лет назад
@TheOrthodoxMoor 5 лет назад
@Arian Ansari Jam Peace is this bro "Kamran"?
@mirsalondon8829 Год назад
I love the 2 brothers for the sake of Allah .
@WiseWisdom94 4 месяца назад
Prophet muhammad followed Quran alone.
@MrAlio84 5 лет назад
Daleel: Allah says in the Quran, "Say, " *Obey Allah and the Messenger* ." But if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not like the disbelievers." Quran3:32 " And *obey Allah and the Messenger* that you may obtain mercy." Q3:132 " O you who have believed, *obey Allah and obey the Messenger* and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result." Q4:59 " And We did not send any *messenger except to be obeyed* by permission of Allah . And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad], and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful." Q4:64 " And whoever *obeys Allah and the Messenger* - those will be with the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed favor of the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions." Q4:69 " He who *obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah* ; but those who turn away - We have not sent you over them as a guardian." Q4:80 " And whoever *opposes the Messenger* after guidance has become clear to him and follows other than the way of the believers - We will give him what he has taken and *drive him into Hell* , and evil it is as a destination." Q4:115 " And *obey Allah and obey the Messenger* and beware. And if you turn away - then know that upon Our Messenger is only [the responsibility for] clear notification." Q5:92 " And when it is said to them, *"Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger,"* they say, "Sufficient for us is that upon which we found our fathers." Even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?" Q5:104 " And whoever *obeys Allah and His Messenger* and fears Allah and is conscious of Him - it is those who are the attainers." Q24:52 "Say, *"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger;* but if you turn away - then upon him is only that [duty] with which he has been charged, and upon you is that with which you have been charged. *And if you obey him,* you will be [rightly] guided. And there is not upon the Messenger except the [responsibility for] clear notification." Q24:54 " And establish prayer and give zakah and *obey the Messenger* - that you may receive mercy." Q24:56 " The Day their faces will be turned about in the Fire, they will say, *"How we wish we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger."* Q33:66 "O you who have believed, *obey Allah and obey the Messenger* and do not invalidate your deeds." Q47:33 "And *obey Allah and obey the Messenger;* but if you turn away - then upon Our Messenger is only [the duty of] clear notification." Q64:12 Since Quranists rejects all these verses from the Quran, they are *Kuffar* .
@ConquerPS 5 лет назад
You go obey someone who isn't with you
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
MrAlio84 explain which one of them is rejected since this is all in the Quran smartass
@ConquerPS 5 лет назад
@@TheQuranExplainsItself I'm asking you since you brought these verses am now asking it says obey God and obey the messenger how do you obey each? On my understanding of the plain text and logic obey god thru his book and obey the messenger if he is with you if not your obeying the messenger anyways because your reading the message he delivered
@omerfarukanik1834 5 лет назад
@@ConquerPS braba...First of all r u a quranist?
@ConquerPS 5 лет назад
@@omerfarukanik1834 does it matter when it comes to truth ?
@malamakkavu 5 лет назад
We have to accept this fool's explanation but scholars or prophet's no-no
@niinculus 5 лет назад
@@MegaTrueTalk everything you're heard is a lie before u post anything seek knowledge
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
@Muslim Always I am quoting the hadith!!!Join us @ the Arabian prophet channel RU-vid.
@revelation333 3 года назад
You're a lier who never studied the Quran. You have time for everything except God.
@rashidfadhaye8100 4 года назад
Unfortunately Sunnis read the quran and couldn't make sense of it, so they made up TAfsir books and random hadiths collections and they call This Sunnism. Some of the earliest quranists asked the great imam of sunnis Imam al-shafi, what the evidence was For the "sunna" after reading quran many times the only answer he come up with is; Sunna=hikma.
@davudphilip4500 Год назад
Masha Allah... When I hear both of you first time, I am wondering how these two talk what I understand from Quran. Honestly tears...
@Aesieda 4 года назад
Great video, mashaAllah. It's good to see more Muslims seeing the truth and spreading it to others.
@nidalkhawatmi2759 2 года назад
الذين يتبعون كتاب الله وحده لا شريك له هم المؤمنين حقا عباد الله المخلصين الذين لا يشركون مع كلام ربهم وكتابه المنزل من السماء كتبا آخرى بشرية أرضية خطوها الشياطين بأيديهم وقالوا هذا من عند الله ليشتروا بها ثمنا قليلا وليفتروا على الله ورسله الكذب فصدوا بها عن سبيل الله إنهم ساء ما كانوا يعملون هؤلاء العباد المخلصين الذين بربهم لا يشركون سماهم الله في أول كتابه بعباده المتقين الذين يتبعون صراطه المستقيم لا يحيدون عنه ولا يخرجون منه بسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ الٓمٓ (١) ذَٰلِكَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبُ📖☝🏻️ لَا رَيۡبَۛ فِيهِۛ #هُدٗى لِّلۡمُتَّقِينَ (٢) ٱلَّذِينَ يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱلۡغَيۡبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقۡنَٰهُمۡ يُنفِقُونَ (٣) وَٱلَّذِينَ يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيۡكَ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ مِن قَبۡلِكَ وَبِٱلۡأٓخِرَةِ هُمۡ يُوقِنُونَ (٤) أُوْلَٰٓئِكَ عَلَىٰ #هُدٗى مِّن رَّبِّهِمۡۖ وَأُوْلَٰٓئِكَ هُمُ #ٱلۡمُفۡلِحُونَ (٥) من اتبع كتاب الله وحده ولم يشرك به شيئا فقد اهتدى وكان من المفلحين ومن خرج عنه فقد ضل سواء السبيل وكان مصيره مع المغضوب عليهم والضالين سبحان الذي أخرجنا من ظلمات الشرك والضلال إلى نور الهدى والسلام إلى نور كتابه سبحانه الحق المبين والسلام على من اتبع الهدى والحمد لله رب العالمين ru-vid.com/show-UCYb-SqPZhWdjlwKoeGP6ixw
@tariqhussain2276 2 года назад
How ?
@munib1000 2 года назад
For people on either side, please consider their points of view cause even though the delivery could be a little less arrogant but what they both were saying does carry weight.
@XVXSound 5 лет назад
Mashallah these brothers are very good at discerning, may ALLAH grant them the highest jannah ameen
@irfanlokhandwala4823 5 лет назад
According to these quraanis who say that how the quran came to them is irrelevant if the method of preservation is not relevant thsn the bible of the Christians cannot be challenged
@michaelwilcox8187 5 лет назад
Christians existed before the Bible. We don't need it. Jesus was crucified and rose again. Fact of history. That's what the faith stands on. You cannot challenge us.
@irfanlokhandwala4823 5 лет назад
Michael Wilcox who told u all this that’s important forget challenging Christians Its the same like these quraanis you don’t care how the bible came to u Jesus dint tell u directly so u need to know the source where it cane from
@Rogue_Console 5 лет назад
The fact that non muslims and Islam haters are supporting these guys speaks volumes 😂
@ultimatetruth9241 4 года назад
Thanks brothers. Please create a channel for the two of you and about one a month, make videos like this. May Allah keep on guiding you.
@زينب44 4 года назад
Agreed brothers. The calm in which people discuss this topic who believe this are never screaming over each other. I believe it's because they're confident in their belief.
@tariqhussain2276 2 года назад
They have no idea what they on about
@billyragnar2433 Год назад
If you’re a sunni or a shia or anyone who accepts hadeeth as an authority from God (astagfirullah) before u turn this away because of what “most scholars” (Allah tells us if we follow the majority on earth we will go astray) say just pray to God if it’s the truth to Guide you from your heart pray.
@irfanlokhandwala4823 5 лет назад
Ahmed if ur saying quran does not need to be explained Than why allah says to muhammed ti explain what has been given to him
@joelouis3068 5 лет назад
As a outsider, to me thats a weird question. Your asking why God told your prophet to explain something? The word "messenger" answers that question. You all are not messangers of God. Obey the message. Thats why scholars say " when speaking on ISLAM we have to start using the word ISLAMS because there all so diffrent.
@user-nl9qp8ve8d 5 лет назад
@ortomy An-Nahl 16:44 [We sent them] with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.
@berniebey517 5 лет назад
6:50 Say, (Mohammed)"I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of God. Nor do I know the future. Nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I simply follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Do you not reflect?" 🍵
@revelation333 5 лет назад
Ye, to explain the quran not his own way of law's. Explaining the Quran is like explaining a legal statement by a lawyer which is in this case the prophet.
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Not necessarily to explain but to reveal, to show or to make apparent what was revealed to him.
@imgguru1277 5 лет назад
COE more of Quran-only muslim videos please. World needs to see the difference between the Quran & Islam
@afiam6345 Год назад
Quran only
@CCP-Lies 10 месяцев назад
Reason why there aren't many quranists because most muslims will take whatever their imams or ulemas says without actually reading the hadith
@ness_3391 5 лет назад
4:49 : The messenger delivered a message that he applied and he understood. Isn't this the whole problem? Where can we find his understanding of the Quran ?
@Aliameem 5 лет назад
@anonymous guy Via his family, who is a Prophetic family, in the same way that the families of other Prophets were Prophetic ie. Abraham and Ismail. And the Qur'an says that God does not change his Sunna. The True Sunna therefore is gauged via Mohammad and his family as it was gauged via Ibrahim and his family. After the ransomed sacrifice of Ismail that is described in The Qur'an, God declares to Ibrahim 'Surely I have made you an Imam of men' .. Ibrahim retorts 'and of my family' ? Allah replies 'My covenant does not include the unjust'. If the parallel between The Family of Mohammad and The Family of Abraham that is reiterated over five times a day by the common Muslim does not signify 'Imamat '/True leadership and succession for The Family of Mohammad then what dies it signify?
@Aliameem 5 лет назад
@anonymous guy Well I'm a Muslim and so that is the belief of The Muslims. Ismaeel is the sacrifice that was ransomed from Abraham for a later date. 10th Dhul Hijjja , on the 12th month of The Islamic Calendar. Even the Qur'an says that the 12 months are a sign of Allah. And on the 10th of 1st Month of Muharram (like exactly 30 days later) over 1400 years ago, The son (grandson) of The Final Prophet Mohammad was sacrificed in The Battle of Karbala when his head got cut off, with a blunt dagger. Coinicidence ? I don't think so. Now. Repeat after me "God bless Mohammad and his family as you blessed Abraham and his family". Where are Mohammad's friends ? It's not in there. You can't all of a sudden decide to include Mohammad's friends in your daily prayers because you would be changing the form of the prayer . Family is first here. The Sunnah of Allah doesn't change - Holy Qur'an. Imam Hussein's dad got put on the back burner by the three illigitimate Caliphs previous to him. They knew his position to The Prophet was as Haroon was to Musa but that legacy clearly got betrayed . How could Mu'awiah wage war against Ali ع and still ask God to bless his family. 1. The curse of blindness in his heart. 2. Blind hypocrisy. Wake up to smell the coffee friend. The Golden age of Caliphate had a Golden Calf sitting right in the middle of it. Haqq Haydar .
@Aliameem 5 лет назад
@anonymous guy The Muslim consensus is that it's Ismaeel. That's all I know. Wikipedia it if you want, just to make sure. There maybe a difference of opinion. But I'm pretty sure we believe it's Ismaeel not Isaac as the Christians and Jews do. Now. I didn't say I didn't believe in Hadith literature. But what I'm saying is that I believe in Ali as a designated Imam of God prior to any collection of Hadith ever having been written. Ali (as) is the sure fire transition from Prophecy toward The Very First Islamic School of Thought because The Final Prophet said "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is it's gate. If you wish to enter the city then you must enter through the gate', and he also said 'Ali is to me as Haroon was to Musa except that there will be no Prophet after me' . I mean these quotes in themselves are from authenticated Sunni Hadith sources but, In the same way that you believe the same pile of six Hadith collections and that they are an obligatory authority for you within Sunni Islam, we believe that Ali is an obligatory authority upon us in Shi'a Islam. This is because The Quran actually states 'Obey Allah, the Messenger and The Authority amongst you' . And the Quran states :'There is a guide for every nation' . None of the people that Sunnis took as Caliphs (barring Imam Ali) had the compound Islamic knowledge to match him (as). The problem is that whilst your focus is on a bunch of books your prayer is making you bless Mohammad and then his family, but you are paying the least amount of importance to it. Wake up to what you are actually saying. The proof is in your own pudding. Smell the coffee. It's truth time. Haqq Haydar.
@revelation333 5 лет назад
So you don't understand the Quran then come and ask these Quranist.
@MrQabalist 3 года назад
altan duru He is a but man who violated its precepts at times (66:1). Suppose you followed his prohibition in contradiction to revelation. Is there a problem with you having followed his action here?
@yusuftavli9943 5 лет назад
The instruction to follow the Quran alone and to disregard any secondary source of religious guidance is found in such clear verses of the quran. The following verses all debunk any secondary source of religious guidance. 45:6) These are God's signs that we recite to you with truth. So, in which HADITH, after God and his signs, do they acknowledge? 77:50) So in which HADITH after it will they acknowledge? 7:185) Do they not look at the dominions of the heaven and the earth, and all that God has created, and perhaps their time is drawing near? Which HADITH after this one will they acknowledge? The only answer is NO HADITH after Allah his verses. We must only follow that which God has revealed, and to not follow any masters besides him. 7:3) Follow what is was sent down to you all from your Lord, and do not follow besides him any supporters. Little do you remember! Some sectarian Muslims claim that the quran wasn't the only revelation, they believe hadith is also revelation because of 53:3-4. But as far as the quran is concerned, ONLY the quran is revelation in relation to guidance. Let's examine 53:3-4. 53:3-4) Nor does he speak from personal desire. It is a divine inspiration. Yes, he doesn't speak of his own desire. He was reciting to the people what was revealed to him. Since that is his duty according to 5:99. Now what was revealed to Prophet Muhammed that was being recited by him to the people? According to the quran, the only revelation was the quran and this comes from a couple clear cut verses. 6:19) Say, "Which is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is a witness between me and you, and he has inspired to me this QURAN that I may warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you hear witness that along with God are other gods?" Say, " I do not bear witness!" Say, " He is only one God, and I am innocent of your setting up partners!" 20:2-3) We did not send down to you the Quran so you may suffer. It is but a reminder for the one who takes heed. 36:2-5) By the wise QURAN. You are one of the messengers. Upon a straight path. The revelation of the Honourable, the Compassionate. 27:1-2) Ta, Seen. These are the signs of the Quran and a clear book. A guide and good news to those who acknowledge. Why do we not see any mention of anything but the quran being revelation in relation to guidance? Now since the only revelation the messenger received was the quran, it only makes sense that he was reciting the quran only, because he doesn't speak of his own desire according to 53:3-4. 27:91-92) " I have been ordered to serve the Lord of this town that he has made restricted, and to him are all things, and I have been ordered to be of those who peacefully surrender." "That I recite the QURAN." He who is guided is guided for himself, and to he who is misguided, say, "I am but one of the warmers." Now we have established that the quran was the only revelation is relation to guidance and that Allah debunks any hadith besides the quran. Another reason as to why we should completely disregard hadiths as a secondary source of religious guidance is because it is NOT authorised by God what so ever. 7:33) Say, "My Lord has forbidden all lewd action, what is obvious from them and what is subtle, and sun, aggression without cause, your setting up partners with with God that were never authorised by him, and saying about God what you do not know." 42:21) Or do they have partners who decree for them a SHARIA which has not been authorised by God? If it were not for the word already given, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors will have a painful retribution. No where has God authorised a secondary source besides the quran. Accepting religious authorities and laws besides God's words is unlawful due to the fact they aren't divinely authorised. The quran claims to be complete, God neglected nothing in the book according to 6:38. 6:38) This is not a creature in the earth, or a bird that flies with its wings, but are nations like you. We did not leave anything out of the book; then to their Lord they will be summoned. God commands us to only seek God as a source of law, therefore the only laws that are meant to be followed are the ones God has laid out for us in the quran. 6:114) "Shall I seek other than God as a judge when he has sent then to you to you this book sufficiently detailed?" Those to whom we have given the book know it is sent down from your Lord with truth; so do not be of those who doubt have doubt. The Quran claims to be detailed exposition of ALL things. 12:111) In their stories is a lesson for the people of intelligence. It is not a HADITH that was invented, but a detailed of all things, and a guidance and mercy to a people who acknowledge. The Quran claims to clarfie ALL things. 16:89) The day we send to every nation a witness against them from themselves, and we have brought you as a witness against these. We have sent down to the book as a clarification for ALL things, a guide, mercy and good tidings for those who have peacefully surrendered. You have to believe God when he says he left nothing out of the Quran, when he says the Quran is fully detailed, when he says the Quran clarifies all things, when he commands you to not seek anyone as a source of law besides him. On the day of judgment, the messenger will say his people have abandoned the Quran. 25:30) And the Messenger will say, “My Lord, my people have abandoned this Quran.” Why might the messenger say this? #1) Sectarians Muslims take hadith laws over the laws in the Quran when it comes to a certain matter. #2) Sectarians follow hadiths which are not authorised by allah, nor witnessed by his messenger. If we are doing a practise that is not in the quran, this means this practise is not from God.
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Tony G Narrations.
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Tony G Definition of hadith 1 : a narrative record of the sayings or customs. They are usually narrations about a certain incident in which someone said or did something. Salam
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Tony G The term Hadith derives from the Arabic root ḥ-d-th meaning “to happen” and so “to tell a happening,” “to report,” “to have, or give, as news,” or “to speak of.”
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Tony G I got it from any dictionary you want.
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Tony G So why are you asking, is it a trap!? 🤭
@ariyani878 3 года назад
MashaAllah :) Thanks for the clearance! I have to mention that funny jump at 26:09 :D
@ProjectThought Год назад
How can you obey the “messenger’s” message, if you don’t believe in the integrity of the WAY the message has been received by you. You’ve dug yourself a huge hole here. The Quran didn’t magically come to you, it was narrated and written down by people who you don’t trust!
@stevenpattrick4244 5 лет назад
Am I correct in thinking that this is the same Muslim that had an argument with Sara regarding the age of Aisha - which stems from a Hadith ????
@clearbaba1360 5 лет назад
yes he is, he went home and watched the debate and realised how stupid he was and decided to throw all hadiths. muslims are programmed not to think, the moment they use their brain they leave the religion or become quran only.
@MegaTrueTalk 5 лет назад
Hadith been thrown under the bus! Lol. Why because they include Anti Jew! Anti Christian! Anti athiest! FGM! No Music allowed! Kill homosexuals! Slavery! Marrying Young girls! Sharia Law!Be harsh to Non believers!.
@amir123786 4 года назад
clear baba bible Jesus said only the father knows the day of judgment. So Jesus can’t be god Christians turn off their brains and say Jesus is god. A man who needed his nappy changed. Wow
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
No one is going to refute a single point I made, they’ll just go for the individual proving they can’t deal with anyone ever having the audacity to question them. Bully boy tactics is the only reason this fraud survives. Even after I predicted their moves watch em do exactly what I’ve just said.
@MrAkm1984 5 лет назад
Ahmed Mohamed Big ups walaal. Speak your truth wholeheartedly my brother. I can respect that even if I don’t necessarily agree. I’m glad you’ve decided to do away with those hadiths. Peace ✌🏾
@retvrntotradition4454 5 лет назад
Warya what is wrong with you? How can you reject the hadiths, a core part of our religious corpus, a way for us to follow the footsteps of the Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him, in hukm and ibadah. According to you, the sahaba who sat with the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon him) deceived us all with the hadiths, are you saying they lied to us? Alhamdulillah if you said this in Xamar or anywhere else in Somalia, you would've been ridiculed. May Allah guide you back to Islam.
@MrAkm1984 5 лет назад
Osmanlı Devleti Wait ... is Somalia the pinnacle of understanding and tolerance for different ideas?? Also, the Hadith only contribute to personality worship and more specifically ARAB culture reverence...GO BACK TO YOUR SOMALI CULTURE. The Most High IS NOT UNILINGUALLY ARAB!! Yes YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO !! Peace ✌🏾
@eesafrimpony6432 5 лет назад
How do you know that both مالك يوم الدين and ملك يوم الدين was revealed?
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
Eesa Frimpony you entertain the North African version as revelation why don’t you ask yourself how u came to that conclusion
@sabrinak4570 4 года назад
very good points
@untoldstories001 5 месяцев назад
well very well explained, hadith can't be used as legislation and anything used other than the Quran in order to get close to Allah, is just not allowed as Allah says that his is too be followed Alone, that is through his message, which is the Quran. Prophet Muhammad was only following the Quran, he was not reciting durood on himself, these things dont make any sense at all.
Big *up the Somali maverick, my Brother Ahmed 😎
@ys8004 5 лет назад
Ultra Funky ex Somali you mean
@abdulwahabmohamad9440 4 года назад
Very good..my frieds Ahmed and kamaron.. hope both of u not feel sad with them .. we only convey massages of Allah ..
@Ezraadir 5 лет назад
Man like Ahmed
@munderelgummi8950 3 года назад
4:59 O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution.
@dekkoko 5 лет назад
Sa Ra Garvey effect.. wowwww. i could remember yrs back Sa Ra was discussing the Hadith with Ahmed Somali and things Ahmed heard from Sa Ra he couldn't believe it and was shocked until he later found out.. Now Ahmed Somali is a full time Quranist and no Hadiths again.. The message behind what Sa Ra has been saying for years is to be open minded, Logic, think outside the box and read.. Problems with millions of Muslims is they haven't sat down to read the Koran and Hadiths they use..They only rely on what Imam, Ustaz and Scholars says.. Sa Ra Garvey, your just damn good... keep it up.
@Projeectt 5 лет назад
It's sad how you ask muslims to be more clever with a speech like this lol irony at its best.
@simonjames7594 5 лет назад
Fair play to Ahmed to reflect on the Sa Ra debate. To reject all the hadith is a step in the right direction because it takes away the fanatic from Islam.
@darkzi1431 5 лет назад
@@simonjames7594 Islam is not gonna change for the likes of you. We don't need validation from the west, the west has this egotistical view that they are superior and the whole world should follow their world view. The truth is that the west feels threatened by the influence and strength, truth and sovereignty of Islam.
@harrywells1181 8 месяцев назад
It's so hilarious that none of them even know a letter of the Arabic language. I dare them both to prove me otherwise.
@M.Universe 3 года назад
For those who question how to perform prayers according to the Quran. Allah has clearly mentioned the important ways to perform a prayer. Allah said: Establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and bow down with those who bow down. 2:43 O believers! Bow down, prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord, and do ˹what is˺ good so that you may be successful 22:77 To worship Allah is by prostrating and bowing down. All the Islamic sects don’t pray the exactly the same way and there are some minor differences between those sects (Sunnis, Ibadhis, Shias, Sufis, Ashari, etc.) But they all indeed prostate and bow down to God!
@qasimmehmood1576 3 года назад
How often do you bow down? How many rakats do you pray in a salat? What do you say during salat? How do you perform Jummah salat?
@M.Universe 3 года назад
@@qasimmehmood1576 First of all, God hasn't mentioned the numbers of rakat you perform for each prayer in the Quran. As a result, it should be your own personal effort to show much you want to get closer to God. It's all on you! Secondly, you can recite verses from the Quran and make supplications to God or seek His forgiveness. (You talk with God as He's your best friend!). There are no restrictions on what to say while praying ,as long as, you're not making partnership with God or backbiting someone else. Thirdly, Jummah prayer starts with fajir or morning prayer and not during the afternoon! In fact, there's no specific verse in the Quran which mentions the "Jummah prayer". And just to clarify my point: O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business. That is best for you, if only you knew. 62:9 Do call for prayer firstly begins in the morning or in the afternoon? If your answer is in the afternoon, then Friday doesn't begin with fajr/ morning prayer, right?
@qasimmehmood1576 3 года назад
@@M.Universe My brother. Respectfully your reasoning is completely flawed and ill explain why. You said you can recite verses from the Quran and that there are no restrictions as long as you are not backbiting or doing shirk. But where is your evidence from the Quran that your meant to pray your salat like this? Where does it say to recite the Quran when performing salat? You also said there are no restrictions on what to say during prayer but then proceeded to identify two restrictions. So where are these restrictions present in the Quran? Backbiting and shirk is completely different where one leads you outside of the fold of islam and the other doesnt. So its very interesting that according to you, if you backbite DURING prayer then that invalidates your prayer so where is your evidence of this. Now in regards to 62.9 and how you mentioned there's no mention of the "jummah prayer". Even though Allah swt mentions in so many places in the Quran to establish salah, he singled out this prayer on friday and instructed us to leave what we are doing and pray and proceeded to warn us that it is best to us. That description is what we call Jummah. Now where in the Quran does it say that Jumnah beings in the morning. Call of prayer happens at the start of every salah and not just at the beginning of the day at Fajr. As allah swt says in 4:103 "Salah is enjoined at fixed hours". So there are times throughout the day which are fixed that we have to pray and before we pray we pronounce the call of prayer. So Jummah doesnt start at Fajr time as there is no evidence from the Quran to suggest this So where in the Quran does it say that Jummah starts at Fajr time using evidence from the Qu'ran? Again call of prayers happens at the start if every prayer. Now my question to you is what is the call of prayer? What does the call of prayer entail? Using evidence from the Qu'ran.
@M.Universe 3 года назад
@@qasimmehmood1576 Here are the evidence from the Quran: Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side,1 the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful, 4:36 Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Call upon Allah or call upon the Most Compassionate-whichever you call, He has the Most Beautiful Names.” Do not recite your prayers too loudly or silently, but seek a way between. 17:110 and say, “All praise is for Allah, Who has never had ˹any˺ offspring;1 nor does He have a partner in ˹governing˺ the kingdom;2 nor is He pathetic, needing a protector.3 And revere Him immensely.” 17:111 Surely your Lord knows that you ˹O Prophet˺ stand ˹in prayer˺ for nearly two-thirds of the night, or ˹sometimes˺ half of it, or a third, as do some of those with you. Allah ˹alone˺ keeps a ˹precise˺ measure of the day and night. He knows that you ˹believers˺ are unable to endure this, and has turned to you in mercy.1 So recite ˹in prayer˺ whatever you can from the Quran. He knows that some of you will be sick, some will be travelling throughout the land seeking Allah’s bounty, and some fighting in the cause of Allah. So recite whatever you can from it. And ˹continue to˺ perform ˹regular˺ prayers, pay alms-tax, and lend to Allah a good loan.2 Whatever good you send forth for yourselves, you will find it with Allah far better and more rewarding.3 And seek Allah’s forgiveness. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 73:20 Regarding your second point: O believers! Avoid many suspicions, ˹for˺ indeed, some suspicions are sinful. And do not spy, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of their dead brother? You would despise that!1 And fear Allah. Surely Allah is ˹the˺ Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful. 49:12 It is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me. So worship Me ˹alone˺, and establish prayer for My remembrance. 20:14 So, no backbiting and no partnership with God. However, I'm surprised that you asked me to provide you with evidence regarding this simple issue. Logically and morally speaking, do you think it's permissible to make partnership with God? And Is it permissible to backbite people? (Please answer me with a simple: yes or no) Now onto your third point, the evidence is in the verse itself: O believers! *When the call to prayer is made on Friday*, then proceed ˹diligently˺ to the remembrance of Allah and leave off ˹your˺ business. That is best for you, if only you knew. 62:9 Call for prayer entails the call to pray at the beginning of the day (Which is fajr/morning prayer). 1. Isn't fajr/ morning the first prayer everyday? 2. Where is the evidence from the Quran that Jummah prayer starts in the afternoon? Please provide the evidence for that.
@qasimmehmood1576 3 года назад
@@M.Universe My brother, i first asked where does it say when to recite the Quran when reading salah. You have quoted me 4:36 which has nothing to do with the question i asked. You then quoted 17:110 and 17:111 which again have nothing to do with what i asked as this verse says to call upon Allah swt using his beautiful names, nothing to do with reciting the Quran in salah. Then you quoted me 73:20 which i was hoping you would quote. This is because this leads me to my main two point of this particular topic of praying. In this verse, the arabic word for salah or prayer is not used when describing Muhammed (saw) standing 2/3 of the night . So the first half there is no link between salah and reciting Quran when reading it in Arabic (Not using English translations as the Quran was revealed in Arabic). This is further proven towards the end of this verse where it says "Recite what is easy from it AND establish prayer AND give zakat. If you know arabic when this is a wow letter, it means to separate each word. So this means to recite and then establish prayer, it doesnt say to do it simultaneously and if you say that it does mean that, then that means you have to give zakat whilst praying as that is included in that list My point with this topic is that there is no mention of the word salah at all apart from the end of verse 20. If you want to intrepret the Quran, you must have a solid understanding of the Arabic language and not rely on English translations. So these translations can never be used as evidence unless you can provide verbatim the meanings of the arabic words. This is my argument in regards to using only the Quran as evidence as it means you must use solely the Quran as evidence in its Arabic form. Regarding second point. I feel you may have misunderstood me my brother. I didnt ask for evidence to say that backbiting and commiting shirk is a sin. If you can remember i mentioned the differences between backbiting and shirk and mentioned that shirk takes you out of the fold of islam so i discontinued with using shirk as an example as i agreed that one who commits shirk is a kafr so no argument there. But my question to you was, Where is you evidence that backbiting invalidates your prayer? You mentioned the verse 49:12 which explains that backbiting is a sin which i totally agree but that is not the question i am asking you. There are many sins that are mentioned in the Quran but why is backbiting in particular a sin that invalidates your prayer while other sins doesnt invalidate it? And a follow up question is, you mentioned earlier above that your meant to recite Quran when praying salah. So if thats the case then how can one backbite if he is busy reciting the Quran? And to answer that question, "is it permissible to make partnership or backbite?" My answer is categorically no, it is not permissible at all. But you misunderstood my question unfortunately which hopefully i clarified above. Now onto the third point. You said the call of prayer entails the call of prayer at the beginning of the day (fajr). How did you come to that conclusion? Where does it say in the Quran that the call of prayer only starts at Fajr and not at other times? To answer your last questions, 1) Fajr is the first prayer of the day BUT we have the call of prayer at the start of EVERY OBLIGATORY PRAYER. Your idea was that the call of prayer is only during Fajr so where is your evidence of that? 2) That is exactly my whole argument. There is no mention in the Quran when the time of Jummah begins. You assumed it is in the morning but your assumption is flawed as there are 5 call of prayers everyday but you wrongly assumed it refers to the morning prayer. My evidence is in the hadith which is linked to the Quran. Where is your evidence from the Qu'ran that is refers to the morning prayer. And i wanted to ask you a question outside of this subject of prayer if i may. Now as you may know that there are many qiraats of the Quran that exists today. There are two main Qiraats that are commonly used today which is Hafs and Warsh. They both contains many textual variants that are different to each other throughout the quran and ill give an easy example such as in Surah Fatiha, in the 3rd ayat it says (Hafs) says مالك يوم الدين (Maaliki yawm al-deen) (Warsh) says ملك يوم الدين (Maliki yawm al-deen) They are both different meaning with different root words. So my question is which way is more correct to recite it according to the Qu'ran and which qiraat do you read?
@riyaadl3531 5 лет назад
These guys are clearly not following islam
@Rogue_Console 5 лет назад
@sister 14 well done for exposing yourself
@Naquel21 5 лет назад
Ahmed is back!!!
@ARmohammed1445 Год назад
They're disbelievers. Prophet Muhammad pbuh prophesied them in a hadith
@maulajatt5655 4 года назад
This is a fantastic video. Can someone answer my question, how do you then perform Salah according to the Qur'an and what do you recite in the Salah?
@maulajatt5655 3 года назад
@mercy so the word Salah does not mean prayer right? Can you explain what is meant in that case where it says in the Qur'an that you shall bow down with those who bow and prostate with those who prostate and why has Allah told Muhammed the messenger to turn to the Kaaba when praying? In your case Salah means following Allah's commandment so should one turn to the Kaaba when following Allah's commandment?
@maulajatt5655 3 года назад
@mercy I have seen this video before but he does not answer my question and Sam Gerrans never replies to anyone messages aswell. He likes to preach his version of the translation for the Qur'an, he likes to upload videos to gain popularity but like Said Mirza, he also doesn't reply to peoples messages or emails
@maulajatt5655 3 года назад
Why did Allah in the Qur'an order Prophet Muhammad to turn towards the Kaaba when praying Salah if Salah means following Allah's commandment??? Answer the question, no good sending me links to other people's videos
@maulajatt5655 3 года назад
@@iii___iii so there is a physical movement of standing, bowing and prostration. Can someone please explain this to Mirza as well as Sam Gerrans
@mannenibla204 3 года назад
​@@maulajatt5655 2:144 Indeed we see the turning of your face towards the heaven so we will surely turn you to the direction/location of prayer ( duty,commitment,following closely) you will be pleased with. So turn your face (look) towards the direction of the place of (al masjid al haram) and wherever that you are so turn your faces in its direction. And indeed those who where given the book surely know that it is the truth from their Lord , And Allah is not unaware of what they do So in order for me to explain my understanding of this verse we first have to translate the word al masjid al haram, Which is often translated to holy mosque which is indeed wrong, The word al masjid al haram simply means the submission of the prohibitions. This is a place where all muslim should gather together for salat, Which means duty/commitment and ponder on the Quran while in submission to our lord and not doing anything that is prohibited, Hence the name the submission of the prohibitions. Now when God is telling us that he sees us turning our faces towards the sky it is an metaphor that we are confused on what we should do, Hence he is telling us that he will turn us towards the direction of the submission of the prohibitions, Which means he will guide us towards that direction. * and wherever that you are so turn your faces in its direction. And indeed those who where given the book surely know that it is the truth from their Lord , And Allah is not unaware of what they do * Here God is telling us that we should turn our faces in the direction of the submission of the prohibitions which means that we should observe, And then God says * And indeed those who where given the book surely know that it is the truth from their Lord , And Allah is not unaware of what they do * Now think about what makes more sense? Turning your face towards a building wouldn't make you realize truth, God tells us that we should turn our faces(Look) towards the direction of al masjid al haram and observe how everyone there are united and in peace with eachother, This would make you realize that this is the true way of life. Now this place must not be in Mecca, It could be any place where muslims gathers and do their duty, Uniting and discussing the Quran, Think of it like Quran sessions. Now read the verse again and it will make more sense Inshallah. Indeed we see the turning of your face towards the heaven so we will surely turn you to the direction/location of prayer ( duty,commitment,following closely) you will be pleased with. So turn your face (look) towards the direction of the place of submission of the prohibitions (al masjid al haram) and wherever that you are so turn your faces in its direction. And indeed those who where given the book surely know that it is the truth from their lord , And Allah is not unaware of what they do.
@fiyazjiwani2727 2 года назад
Does anyone know how I can get in contact with the two brothers in the video? Any email they may have?
@irfanlokhandwala4823 5 лет назад
The verse where it says obey allah and obey the messenger and those in authority so these quranis say Obey allah by the quran Obey the messenger is also the quran So then what about the people of authority ?
@berniebey517 5 лет назад
Thats ur government u currently live in 🍵
@simonjames7594 5 лет назад
Where is the messenger today?
@Naquel21 5 лет назад
@@simonjames7594 Farrakhan
@revelation333 5 лет назад
Authorities are those who preaches the Quran
@TheOrthodoxMoor 5 лет назад
@@TheQuranExplainsItself Akhi Don't expect pure logic to work...they don't follow the the Hadith out of logic, you get me? Even Though Your Logic is On Point. Make Them Justify The Sunnah Of Muhammad Over The Sunnah Of Allah...You KNOW The Quran never says Sunnah Of Muhammad s.a.w.,and you already know ALL the verses on Hadith....
@shahzarkhan1966 Год назад
It's simple follow the messenger question who gave the message to the prophet mohammed, he only taught the quran he would never go against our creator who commanded him the message prophet Muhammad never made his own version of Islam he followed the creators instructions full stop.
@seekforjannah2432 5 лет назад
Ahmed may Allah guide you
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
come to the light what do U think the Quran is for 🤔
@malamakkavu 5 лет назад
If you are Quran only, you have to sacrifice animals every day
@yobro6053 4 года назад
Where is the verse?
@xazab12345 5 лет назад
99 heading accuracy
@soodaa2530 4 месяца назад
They're desperately trying to turn Islam to Christianity...everyone giving his Owen interpretation of the verses
@everlastthomas2092 5 лет назад
You two listen to Christian Prince videos try call n refute him. Would love to hear this discussion. God bless you. You make sense.
@everlastthomas2092 5 лет назад
@sophia brown Yea, destroys all. God bless CP.
@tariqhussain2276 2 года назад
1400 years of Islam and now we found our scholars . I am taking the P
@user-nl9qp8ve8d 5 лет назад
An-Nahl 16:44 ... And We revealed to you the message *that you may make clear to the people* what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
Why did you cut the verse in half? And where’s the verse before? Do you people know what context is? When have you ever heard of a statement of any kind without a context? Wallahi you arabs will pay for what you’ve done attempting to use the Quran and the prophet for political purposes twisting some Arabic words and all sorts. Bravo 👏🏿 you think the world is dumb like we can’t read and can’t get hold of Arabic grammar rules yeah lol
@user-nl9qp8ve8d 5 лет назад
@@TheQuranExplainsItself 1.) In other comments i posted the whole vers lol 2.) The Vers before is in the qur'an 3.) Yes 4.) Can i ask you, which books you study to learn the arabic grammer? Just a question, dont get me wrong
@TheQuranExplainsItself 5 лет назад
محمدןابو يعلى Don’t worry about what I’ve read care to explain why you guys have retranslated words away from the Arabic root definitions?
@JohnDoe-sn3sv 3 года назад
Dear Ahmed and Cameron, I am challenging you, I live in the Netherlands and I am willing to travel to England in order to have a civilized conversation with you, in Speakers Corner perhaps?
@Wenutz 5 лет назад
Good brothers! I am not a Qurani un but I am not a hadith absolutist either.
@Shkra-iz5st 7 дней назад
The other two cannot be witnesses as it's not their role to be one unless one keeps receipts for the own interest, even so he can't be held responsible, I guess.
@RPNDWORLDWIDE 5 лет назад
I agree with these brothers.
@nahidulislam9497 5 лет назад
Then you're going down a dark dark path
@RPNDWORLDWIDE 5 лет назад
@@fuadahmed8638 So you're Allah?
@RPNDWORLDWIDE 5 лет назад
@Naz So this negates tawhid, please explain how?
@RPNDWORLDWIDE 5 лет назад
@@nahidulislam9497 Evil jinn like light as the hadit states...
@nahidulislam9497 5 лет назад
@@RPNDWORLDWIDE I have no idea what you are speaking about
@irfanlokhandwala4823 5 лет назад
If u differ among urself refer it to the allah an his messenger Referring back to allah is quran Referring back to the messenger is what again ?the quran how can it be possible that allah uses refer to the messenger for the quran again If that was the case allah would have said simply go back to the quran
@tonigv2936 4 года назад
Respect. Keep with your great work. Thank you.
@tonigv2936 4 года назад
@@quranvshadith Respect to all HUMANS who love The Qur'an and believe that is FULL DETAILED. But for Hadithers because they are simply Hadithers, is BIG SIN if we call them Muslims, GOD will Judge between us. Thank you.
@jeanettedavies8665 2 года назад
286 verses in chapter 2 it say take middle path at verse 143, have a thought about that.
@2000guineas 5 лет назад
MO Farah
@MJAli89 4 года назад
The problem with the quranists is that they take the Hadith as a 2nd source, actually there is only one source The Quran, hadiths are sayings of the prophet (pbuh), he neither adds or subtracts to Islam.
@MJAli89 4 года назад
THFC All The Way You are trying to say that the prophet only spoke Quran, and he did not utter any other word, from himself, that is just ridiculous, the Hadiths are sayings of the prophet, the only difference is it was in a recorded form after 200 years.
@MJAli89 4 года назад
THFC All The Way Well God only reveals his words through revelations to Prophets. Any word spoken by prophets are there words. Hope you understand that.
@MJAli89 4 года назад
K Bob The Prophets words are not REVELATION, they are words said from him speaking about the the REVELATION.
@MJAli89 4 года назад
K Bob Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah Al-Ansari (while talking about the period of pause in revelation) reporting the speech of the Prophet: "While I was walking, all of a sudden I heard a voice from the sky. I looked up and saw the same angel who had visited me at the cave of Hira' sitting on a chair between the sky and the earth. I got afraid of him and came back home and said, 'Wrap me (in blankets).' And then Allah revealed the following Holy Verses (of Quran): 'O you (i.e. Muhammad)! wrapped up in garments!' Arise and warn (the people against Allah's Punishment),... up to 'and desert the idols.' (74.1-5) After this the revelation started coming strongly, frequently and regularly."
@aliabdillahi9556 5 лет назад
So how do they pray Salah
@moorefyre9381 5 лет назад
They dont nor do they fast in a nutshell no Islam.
@Bengalrest 5 лет назад
They don’t like to really talk about that
@OFA1819 5 лет назад
30 mins of there own interpretation.All that was needed to be asked is how do u perform the salaah and you will have the answer of No Comment lol
@Rogue_Console 5 лет назад
They do star jumps while singing Michael Jackson as far we know.
@aliabdillahi9556 5 лет назад
@@OFA1819 case closed lol
@TH-oo9ww 2 года назад
The story of Musa in the Quran or any of the ones ones mentioned proves the job of the messengers is not just to deliver the message "period". . The examples of the messengers does not just talk about them delivering the message "period". The Quran also talks about their lives, their hardships, their struggles, their wars, their relationships, how they dealt with the people. Many many examples beyond just delivering a message. Why would we need the Quran to give us stories from the prophets and messengers if their lives beyond repeating Gods words were irrelevant. So their jobs according to these stories goes beyond what you believe. They are given as examples in their daily lives, so that we may take lessons from them beyond the basic commandments.
@yobro6053 2 года назад
their duty as messengers is only to recite Allah's messages. Now the prophets themselves had other duties like fighting battles, being a husband and being a king for example. But messengers have one job, like Gabriel had one duty as a messenger.
@berniebey517 5 лет назад
My man Ahmed. Keep it up
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
Can some one help me with this vers? alahzab 33:21 There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often. Please tell me what is the excellent pattern of the prophet and how do you follow him as Allah telling as to do so?
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
Quran Alone Versus Hadith And Sunnah Thanks alot Dear brothers Peace & Love🌹🌹the Quran alone 🌹
@safemoonking9501 4 года назад
Quran Alone Versus Hadith And Sunnah Salam can you Maybe give me your email adress or website or online chat So i can ask for help me with this: quranite com as I said it there is no question about Quran but first not every one can claim that I can understand the Quran just by reading the translation and secondly as I said before some words u can’t find the meaning just by talking the and Quran refer it as moteshabehat so u need the Hadith to understand it for example in chapter 33 verse 33 god referred to households of prophet Mohammad and confirm that god has cleaned the household and don’t refer to them in oder sections how should we know what exactly mean here of course not every Hadith is genuine so if it’s opposite the Quran then it’s not genuine very simple
@sl4074 5 лет назад
I like these 2 . Stay strong
@munderelgummi8950 3 года назад
Following only the Quran and not the sunnah of Rasoul Allah (Peace Be Upon Him) is absolute ignorance. My fellow Muslims please don't do as the people of the book have done and reject the sunnah of our Prophet(Peace be upon him) because of what you desire and follow the commands of Allah CLEARLY telling us to follow our beloved prophet(Peace be upon him).
@mfsgmfsg5463 2 года назад
It tells to follow the messenger not the prophet first of all know the difference between prophet and messenger and then you will be good
@Leil2221 4 месяца назад
@ZeiBeatz 5 лет назад
Big up the quranist them!!!🙌🙌🙌
@juventus1056 5 лет назад
ZEI BEATZ evil 👿
@eesafrimpony6432 5 лет назад
ZEI BEATZ lol don’t encourage them
@ZeiBeatz 5 лет назад
@@eesafrimpony6432 😅😅😅alow me fam
@haseebmajid2288 Год назад
Does Kamran the hadith rejector have a RU-vid channel?
@Doktor00Magnus 5 лет назад
COE please dont give a platform to these clowns
@simondepass 5 лет назад
Coe gives a platform to whomever has a message to give. He has no biases to the speaker
@almond7584 5 лет назад
Guys do u pray? The prayer is not described in the Quran but only through Hadith and Sunna!
@zedkhan4137 5 лет назад
How did Abraham pray, how did Moses pray, how did Jesus pray, did mohammed invent prayer for them?
@HA-vy9ow 5 лет назад
Show us where to pray start to finish from Hadiths?
@almond7584 5 лет назад
My Question was to the quranist not to christians! So weird the response come from different side
@almond7584 5 лет назад
H A al-Bukhaari (757) and Muslim (397)
@almond7584 5 лет назад
Scythian Khan I wanted to highlight the same point
@radanis1086 Год назад
if you only believe in the Quran and not hadith.. im interested to know how do you practice Hajj.. Salat.. Zakat.. cuz the method wasn't mentioned in the Quran..
@CCP-Lies 10 месяцев назад
Did Muslims in 750 AD pray? And when was sahih bukhari ever written?
@bigmantm2532 4 месяца назад
@@CCP-Lies of course they prayed you idiot
@guyaneseheat6458 4 года назад
Sunni Muslims vs Quran Alone || Mohammed Hijab
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