
EXPOSING The Myth of the Palestinian State | Episode 2 

The Israel Guys
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In episode two of this four-part series, the five hosts at The Israel Guys take you to an off-the-beaten path, exclusive location inside northern Samaria (falsely known as the West Bank). You’ll discover just how tiny Israel would become if a Palestinian state were established. You’ll be shocked to watch the already tiny nation of Israel shrink before your eyes if Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria were given away.
Afterwards, the team travels to the northern tip of Samaria where you’ll discover just how close a Palestinian state would be to many well-known spots in Israel. Can you guess how far from this spot Mt. Hermon, Caesarea, the Sea of Galilee, or Bet Shean would be?
While skepticism about the feasibility of the two-state solution is growing in Israel and amongst clear-headed thinkers around the world, we’ll let you watch today’s episode and decide what you think for yourself. Be sure to post your opinion in the comment section!
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The Case for Sovereignty: a four-part series exclusively on The Israel Guys Network.
All the hosts at the Israel Guys teamed up to bring you a four-part series on exactly why Israeli Sovereignty is the only path forward for Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank). Shot on location in northern Samaria, at amazing overlooks, in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea, this series is both eye-opening and shocking. Stay tuned for an up-close and personal look at why Israel should be sovereign in Judea and Samaria, Israel's Biblical Heartland.
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7 окт 2024




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@TheIsraelGuys 20 часов назад
Purchase beautiful products from Israel’s Heartland: blessedbuyisrael.com/
@ZandraDINDIAL День назад
The land of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 belongs to the Jews no two states GOD BLESS ISRAEL
@BertGraef День назад
John 8:19 King James Version 19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
@Hireharis 23 часа назад
The land of America belongs to Red indians, not the Britishers..
@118pickle 20 часов назад
Egypt and the Canaanite’s would like a word about the land 🫠
@Truth... 18 часов назад
Haven't they already? ​@@118pickle
@charlescoker7752 15 часов назад
@@BertGraef Are you saying Israel is lost/ can not be saved, or will not be saved??
@joeyconlin6543 День назад
The land of Israel Judea and Samaria, belongs to the nation of Israel. 🇺🇸❤️💙🇮🇱
@michaelclaude4644 День назад
Israel will kick out all of the Arabs when it’s said and done
@BertGraef День назад
John 8:19 King James Version 19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
@martinscrapp7166 День назад
@@BertGraef Making good use of the Copy/Paste function, ay?
@BertGraef День назад
@@martinscrapp7166 Jesus made some very startling claims in the gospel of John.Its best you people read and really ponder them. This is the REAL controversy of ZION. Over the Stone. Gods Stone, set in ZION 2000 years ago. Isaiah 28:16.
@Mr97cobravert День назад
They also enjoy beads of the backside variety
@GrandFyre День назад
Israeli American here. I absolutely LOVE you guys, and your work in Israel. You're showing footage and perspective almost unheard of in the past. Jews and Christians uniting. The enemy of the real Almighty, is terrified of that unification. You are truly doing God's work, for both us Jews, and Christians, and actually, for the entire world. The footage you're getting is spectacular. Keep up the incredible work guys. ✡️✝️👏🏼💪🏼🙏🏼👌🏼
@BertGraef День назад
God will overthrow the antichrist nation formed in 1948. As surely as He always has done in times past. You people dont know how angry God gets at these liars.
@lauradillingham1842 День назад
@BertGraef День назад
John 8:19 King James Version 19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
@linobiavaschi9157 День назад
Nice to know I am in Canada. How can I receive honey and olive oil?
@BertGraef День назад
Jews and Christian uniting? What does Christ have to do with antichrists?
@jessicarichter6436 День назад
Great episode. Love to the Jewish people & Israel from England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️🇮🇱
@Optical747 День назад
Thank you for addressing this nonsense!
@BertGraef День назад
The nonsense is that zionism is biblical Israle and Gods will. That is the real nonsense .
@Optical747 День назад
@@BertGraef lol ok keep dreaming about your imaginary state of Palestine.
@mikelundmikel4006 День назад
yes lie to me more?
@LanghamW1 11 часов назад
​@BertGraef At around 1000 B.C. King David of Israel conquered a Canaanite city called Jebus. He changed its name to Jerusalem and made it his capital. It remained the capital of the united kingdom of Israel, and later, of the kingdom of Judah, for over 500 years. After 70 years of captivity in a distant land, the Jews returned there from Babylon and Jerusalem then became the capital of Judea. In A.D. 33 during the Roman occupation, Pilate, the then Roman Governor of Jerusalem, ordered the crucifixion of a certain Jewish man and had a sign stating his 'crime' placed above his head; It read: *_Jesus of Nazareth King of the JEWS_* In A.D. 70, Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome and all Jews were prohibited from entering it. Where do _the Palestinians_ fit into any of that history?
@BertGraef 10 часов назад
@@LanghamW1 Ironically, the exilic rabbis also called it Palestine. Palestine. And they have a Talmud called the Palestine Talmud besides the Babylonian Talmud . Peruse the Jewish encyclopedia and look under "Palestine". And there was a second revolt against Rome in 135AD and it failed miserably again. As well as the futile attempt to rebuild thier temple in 363AD. So why does God allow a Mosque on his former Temple site?
@rankobarensic День назад
West Bank ❌️....Judea and Samaria ✅️
@BertGraef День назад
Its not Israel. Very good counterfiet though. Satan disguises himself well.
@vartansepanian1819 День назад
Yes to Israel and no to two state solution!!!!!
@jubanvidoes347 День назад
Unfortunately nethanyahu has a plan for a new gaza WHAT A SELFLESS MAN🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@vartansepanian1819 День назад
@@jubanvidoes347 unfortunately Arab oil money dictates our politics all over the world, and I know how much pressure he is under. He is the best Israel has for these troublesome days so may God bless him and keep him.🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
@mikelundmikel4006 День назад
sure.jews can leave then
@StephenGrover-zc4hp День назад
Israel's creator said woe to those who try to divide his country!
@Wyndham21044 День назад
Jesus said Israel sucks
@russischlernen7393 День назад
It's really beautiful in Israel. thank you for showing us the country.
@BertGraef День назад
enjoy it before it all becomes a radiocative desert, bereft of any life at all. God is not mocked by the Son mockers.
@HenrietteDrennan-xg6vj День назад
Time to clear up the confusion
@BertGraef День назад
Your the ones utterly confused
@carolynnunes3922 День назад
1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
@BertGraef День назад
@@carolynnunes3922 John 8:19 King James Version 19 Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.
@BertGraef День назад
Controversy of zion started when Christ came to them. Fulfilling Isaiah 28:16. Your the ones sadly confused. The controversy is not over LAND but over the STONE GOD has SET IN ZION. They are the sworn enemies of Gods precious STONE, so God will remove those OBSESSED with removing THE STONE. That is how all the prophets need to be interpreted. Especially Zechariahs prophecies. Those who burden themselves with the STONE are doomed. Because they fight Gods STONE. Those who fall upon the stone will be broken, BUT on those whom the STONE SHALL FALL, will be utterly crushed. Christ Jesus of Nazareth. THE STUMBLING STONE the CHIEF CORNERSTONE OF GODS NEW TEMPLE.
@carolynnunes3922 День назад
@@BertGraef Bert, as with us today, it is the supposed LEADERS that are corrupt! Jesus knew that the scribes and Pharisees were of their father the devil-not the ordinary Jews! I’ll bet you know Revelation 2:9 and 3:9…to the church in Smyrna and to the church in Philadelphia… Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, AND ARE NOT, but are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and ARE NOT NOT, BUT DO LIE; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Romans 8:35-37 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; WE ARE ACCOUNTED AS SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerers through him that loved us. Matthew 7:25 Beware of FALSE PROPHETS, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are RAVENING WOLVES Acts 20:28-30 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall GRIEVOUS WOLVES ENTER IN AMONG YOU, NOT SPARING THE FLOCK 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as SHEEP IN THE MIDST OF WOLVES: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves Romans 9:8; 30-33 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. 30 What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. 31 But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. 32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; 33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. Romans 10:9-14 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Romans 11:25-27 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: 27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
@jancoley9051 День назад
I know Israel. As a child, over half a century ago, my grandmother taught me from the Bible, of God's chosen people and the Holy Land. What is strange is something called the West Bank. It sounds like it should be connected to a body of water. Judea and Samaria were also places in the Bible that I will never forget.
@BertGraef День назад
Your Grandma was mistaken.
@froukjematthews3421 День назад
@@BertGraef You sound like a troll. Are you one? A Dutch troll? Living under a bridge, frightening the little Billy goats?
@estherimmer5766 День назад
​@@BertGraef Why she was mistaken? At biblical times there were no Arabs/Muslims living in Israel.
@Useryr-m8q День назад
The Myth of the Palestinian, not only a state.
@KM-ev3cy День назад
God bless Israel and every Jewish person. Never, ever give up, love and blessings to all of you guys. ❤
@arnoldfloyd1433 День назад
It's all Israel's land
@MeglowManiac День назад
Abraham was wise because he believed in God’s promises. The LORD gives and takes nothing back. “If trouble comes looking for you I didn’t send it”
@BertGraef День назад
zionism is the age old desire to overthrow the verdict of Christ upon them. The finality of that verdict fell in70AD. Ever since, the zionists have insisted they were right and Jesus wrong. It should be obvious that constant wars is the result. If it was Gods will , then the nations would realize that, as surely as the ancient nations seen the captives of Babylon return to the land and it was actually decreed by the greatest empire in the world in their day under Cyrus, ruler of that empire. For God had stirred Cyrus up for this very purpose. The prophet had said 70 years were determined. Jeremiah 29:10, Jeremiah 25:11. For modern zionism, the prophets are silent. Nothing is prophesied. Jesus himself pronounced the final and damming verdict upon the nation which had rejected Him outright. YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT DESOLATE.
@1dutchess68 День назад
@mikelundmikel4006 День назад
not.ancient israel long gone.modern israel built on someone elses land.try joining this century maybe
@mikelundmikel4006 День назад
@@MeglowManiacgods promise?
@wingzblessed6649 День назад
Israel should not give up one grain of sand!
@144Donn День назад
I lived in Israel for a number of years and closely follow all the news. But, I have never been treated to these views of the land. It is like discovering a long lost family member you vaguely knew about. Thank you!
@BertGraef День назад
Its not biblical Israel. Nice couterfeit though.
@tigersforever4577 День назад
​@@BertGraeffrom an islamist bot, don't expect historical knowledge or critical thinking.
@RichBrady78 22 часа назад
​@BertGraef, go back and really read the Bible. I mean study it. You won't think the same. You won't be the same.
@144Donn 22 часа назад
@@BertGraef as you wish!
@lukehilton2951 20 часов назад
@@BertGraef I guess you read a fake version of history?
@JesusisGod-yf5bk День назад
Make Samaria Jewish, it always has been and always will be! God bless Israel!
@BertGraef День назад
God doesnt recognize zionism. He dissolved the biblical nation by 70AD. Temple destroyed, Levites disappeared. The surviving rabbis snuck out of destroyed Jerusalem in COFFINS , and reformulated thier antichrist religion ,codified thier traditions and invented thier own religion. God doenst honor them and neither should you people.
@Fayth_Marie День назад
Thank you for sharing. This is so important for people to see. Stay safe, and God bless.
@astegasaurous День назад
God will keep His promise, the land belongs to Israel. ❤ Call on Yeshua ❤
@Tobeesho День назад
Envy is the foremost runner of hate. God bless Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 even more. 😊
@BertGraef День назад
no one envies them.
@speshwemmick6225 День назад
So very true. Am Yisrael Chai.
@Jojo-bm4tb День назад
@@BertGraef seems like you are. lol
@arnoldfloyd1433 День назад
Thanks guys, in my prayers ☝️🙏❤️
@lazarius17 День назад
We don't give anything away to terrorists!!! On the contrary we should take our country back and stick together as a nation, whether at home or abroad.
@kdenebeim День назад
It makes so much sense! Thanks Guys! Now to spread the word.
@BertGraef День назад
radioactive no mans land very soon. Keep bickering and fighting
@olgay555 День назад
I really appreciate your work!!! Thanks, guys
@parrotraiser6541 День назад
Defensible borders are essential for a stable state. Without them, constant conflict is inevitable. Israel needs the Jordan as it's Eastern boundary.
@dianadelcastillo1896 День назад
I read an article about how the partition plan was created. They focused on water supply and totally omitted to consider who should hold the higher land. I guess the assumption was that both sides would be happy to be given the opportunity to have their own state.
@marveloussoftware4914 9 часов назад
I was fine with giving the west bank to the Palestinians. But considering how inconsiderate and violent they are AND they had the west bank, jordan took it and the Palestinian terrorists blamed israel for it. But they eventually attacked jordan as the Palestinians attacked just about every country they can reach.
@judyjackson2260 День назад
Many people have never seen the pictures of Israel in 1948 when they became a nation. It was a desolate depressing desert and swamp. God blessed the Jews hard work and ingenuity to make Israel the thriving nation it is today. 22 rich oil Arab nations, yet they want to take the only Jewish nation that has no oil.
@BertGraef День назад
Your all pathetic liars. You know nothng of Palestine in 1948. You listen to that Jonathan Cahn (CON), guy, that kabbalist pseudochristian "rabbi" on CBN yammering about how Mark Twain visited the land for 2 weeks in the 1860s and talk about his "depressing tour" there ,and sop it up. The truth is Palestine was rich , productive, and well developed, 90 years after Twains visit , and Palestine was actually a nation ruled by CHRISTIAN BRITAIN, until the zionist terror gangs came and kicked their benefactors out, backstabbing them and then terrorizing the Palestinians peacefully living there. To hell with all your shameless propaganda and lies .
@BertGraef День назад
It was not a desert and swamp in 1948. And a mosque had been sitting on Gods former temple for 1200 years. You want to know why. Because God even uses an error like Islam to thwart those who keep denying His SON.
@Divocwax День назад
​@@BertGraefyou expect Jews to say sorry for killing Jesus. I recall it was Romans who killed Jesus.
@BertGraef День назад
@@Divocwax In your addled mind maybe.
@BertGraef День назад
@@Divocwax they are still proud of the deed. And they claim thier Hashem Gd is pleased with them for thier deed. So that begs an honest question . Who really is thier G-d??
@lauriemclean1131 День назад
Sovereignty would definitely make life better for everyone in Israel. Thank you guys for sharing this information.
@merav1624 День назад
Hard to believe that this is the west bank... I pictured it so differently in my head... Thank u so much for showing what's on the ground.
@estherimmer5766 День назад
It was called Westbank just during Jordanians illegal occupation from 1948 to 1967. They named it Westbank because Judea and Samaria is in the West of Jordan. Jordan is the 77% the Arabs and Muslim got already 1921.
@loreebrew38 День назад
It infuriates me when they call those small Jewish communities with farmers and businesses an "occupation"!
@MalkaShifra День назад
I’m building my very first montessori school in a moshav that just opened up passing RBS called Gvot Eden in Judaea area. It’s 15 minutes away from the Jewish RBS community. It’s beautiful and open pastures. It’s in the gush. Israel is our home and we need to settle in our land. I am an American Israeli. I love my land and I will not leave it. ❤️❤️
@susanjackson5017 День назад
Thank you, "The Israel Guys." I love your reporting the truth from Judea and Samaria. Good job!
@rodneybell3201 День назад
Outstanding video! Tell the truth Ladd’s
@mikelundmikel4006 День назад
@anlerden4851 День назад
I love You all and Israel so much Dear Justin and Dear Israel Guys God Bless You all and Israel in Dear Jesus Holy Name Amen.🙏💙🇮🇱🇺🇲✡✝️
@lauradillingham1842 День назад
Happy Sunday hope you have a great day blessings and peace and joy 💪🇮🇱💪🕊️🫒💎💙
@anlerden4851 День назад
​@@lauradillingham1842Thank You so much Dear Laura Happy Sunday too in Dear Jesus Holy Name Amen.🥰😍🤗🙏✝️
@lauradillingham1842 День назад
@@anlerden4851 💪🇮🇱💪🕊️🫒❤️✨👍
@Wyndham21044 День назад
John 7 King James Version 7 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him Amen
@JosephAbraham-o4f 11 часов назад
I support Israel's sovereignty and pray for Israel daily.
@tigersforever4577 День назад
Thanks Israel Guys for the tour and for debunking the lies, and yes it is time to reclaim Judaea and Samaria
@heni8794 День назад
Educate the people! Share share share
@irenemunga7682 День назад
Thank you guys! This is amazing! i pray that more people get educated on this. God bless and protect you. I STAND WITH ISRAEL!
@BertGraef День назад
look at the mess they are making. Millions displaced, tens of thousands slaughtered and maimed. For what? Your "Judea"???
@Idgreekz День назад
Wow, how amazing are you oh Lord how you love us oh Lord, My soul oh Lord would just love to sing unto you. I love you’re word oh Lord, 2 Corinthians 6:2 For He says: "In the time of favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." Behold, now is the time of favor; now is the day of salvation! Right now. Crying unto you oh Lord my heart cries.. 🥲🥲🥲🙏🙏🙏🔥
@ofeiraangelomorjaan6286 День назад
Thanks Israel guys ❤ praying for the safety of Israel from Samoa 🇼🇸 the God of Israel and the Creator of the Universe will protect the apple of His eye Israel❤
@judyjackson2260 День назад
Very cool!❤
@williams9195 День назад
Cool video thanks alot❤😊 but first time I was too busy looking at beautiful Israel that I had to watch it a 2nd time to hear what you where talking about
@drewwhitehead6567 День назад
Again, great series, thank you all.
@jennypalmer331 День назад
Thank you for explaining. Watching from Australia
@jewelssylva3738 22 часа назад
The world doesn't understand that the Palestinians have no desire for peace & there is no governing agency among the Palestinian people who could rule a Palestinian State. Israel can't keep making concessions. It's ludicrous. God we pray for your justice 🙏🏼
@Srossartist День назад
Love you guys! Just a friendly reminder to stop using the terms “West Bank” and “settlements”. 🙏🏻
@cat-bg3rv День назад
The Covenant with Abraham is important to Israel and is unconditional. Genesis 15 📖
@Amen4truth День назад
Unbelievable and I love you guys for telling the truth ❤
@jonkomatsu8192 День назад
Wow, so far this is a great series! Man, I hope Israel's work towards what amounts to "prosperity zones" is embraced by the local populace. But let's face it, Palestinian governance has brought nothing but violence, corruption and poverty. Baruch HaShem, the Palestinians will at least consider some Israeli cooperation and investment in good faith. Looking forward to the next instalment. Mahalo shalom gents! 🤙🤍💙🇮🇱
@circuscase День назад
You can defend the 9 miles , but you have to put basically every kind of "mine" ever conceived of, absolutely everywhere.
@SH-ug6xr День назад
Keep speaking and showing this truth, my boys. Proud of you.
@MrMike7777 День назад
You guys are the best keep up the great work I have learned so much about the truth of Israel
@awaitingthetrumpetcall4529 15 часов назад
This is a very important series. Thank you for posting.
@generalpurpose6517 День назад
It has taken an entire year to deal with 140 square miles and it's still not over what's no end in sight. 140 square miles
@Wyndham21044 День назад
140mimes of refugee camp and Israel can not hold it
@anediareese День назад
❤Love to the Israelites of Israel. God is with you. I support Israel 🇮🇱 From the Alabama Gulf Coast USA 🇺🇸 you ARE LOVED ❤
@JA71280 День назад
Take back Judea and Samaria. It’s the heartland of Israel. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@BertGraef День назад
Controversy of zion started when Christ came to them. Fulfilling Isaiah 28:16. Your the ones sadly confused. The controversy is not over LAND but over the STONE GOD has SET IN ZION. They are the sworn enemies of Gods precious STONE, so God will remove those OBSESSED with removing THE STONE. That is how all the prophets need to be interpreted. Especially Zechariahs prophecies. Those who burden themselves with the STONE are doomed. Because they fight Gods STONE. Those who fall upon the stone will be broken, BUT on those whom the STONE SHALL FALL, will be utterly crushed. Christ Jesus of Nazareth. THE STUMBLING STONE the CHIEF CORNERSTONE OF GODS NEW TEMPLE.
@Aviva121 День назад
Critical and important work you are doing! Thank you✡️🙏🏻🇮🇱!
@judyjackson2260 День назад
The Palestinians have a nation. Jordan is mainly Palestinians.
@gheller2261 День назад
Well, more correctly, Jordan is largely Arab refugees who left the region at the urging of Arab leaders before they attacked the newly created state of Israel. But they would be lumped in with the "Palestinians" conjured in 1964.
@veeaxis3892 День назад
@@gheller2261 I believe that she's refering to the fact that Transjordan originally was part of the British Mandate of Palestine, but that the area was split.
@llharrison77 День назад
@@judyjackson2260 No but everyone keeps telling me that the Zionists are colonizers and not the Hashemite dynasty from Saudi Arabia....
@alex8491 День назад
Thank you for spreading the truth!
@scottclawrence День назад
Important material and information you are dispersing. PLEASE keep it up, most people are so ignorant about these facts you are presenting- Thank you!!
@mrjdainsworth День назад
Amazing video, very good to see these areas explained in visuals showing the entire area. Up until watching your videos I didn't quite understand the 'west bank' area at all but now I do. ✡️✝️😎🇬🇧
@jewelssylva3738 22 часа назад
Thank you guys. I've been thinking & praying for your safety in God's hands. Stay safe & stay free. 💜✝️🛐✡️💜
@NaProbablyNot День назад
You all are simply amazing! We love you! 🇺🇸🇮🇱
@Funnyx277 День назад
Israel should declare sovereignty over all Judea and all Samaria and all of Gaza!!! Am Yisrael chai!!! I am American 😊
@Success3797 День назад
Only an evil person will talk of two states solution as if those stupid socall leaders will give up their houses to squatters ..I am Biblical therefore I stand with Israel ❤💯
@RoyKimbrell-l8j День назад
When I was a young man, it’s been a while since then, but I repeated the line of a 2 state solution! When you are young you just think your folks and preacher just don’t know anything! This is the land God gave to the Jews! No govt on earth will ever be able to give to another people or nation! I am humbled to stand by Israel! Praying for the peace of Gods holy city and his people!❤️🙏🇮🇱
@-hbwink-6340 День назад
Thank you, Israeli Guys
@heathergibson2891 16 часов назад
The land belongs to Adonai, and He wants Israel there, so they *will* be there. Stay strong and united in Adonai, Israel, and you will never be moved! Mashiach fights with and for you! We stand with you now and forever!
@rshayleewatkins1545 21 час назад
It never ceases to amaze me that Israel is so small! It really can't afford to give anything to its enemies...infact, it needs to claim back more of the land (that God gave them) it has given away in Judea and Samaria. Claim it back and make it sovereign land of Israel only. The Palestinians have all the other Arab States to choose from but isn't it very telling when even those Arab States don't want them!
@charlescoker7752 День назад
Need to check the so call West Bank. For tunnels!
@powermom5844 День назад
@TheCarmens31 День назад
Israel not must follow the desire of USA and any other countries,Israel must follow the desire of Jesus and keep the promise land
@BertGraef День назад
God doesnt care where ANYONE LIVES!
@Wyndham21044 День назад
John 7 King James Version 7 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him Amen
@TruthBTold90 День назад
COVENANT Israel will eventually inherit the land upon Christ’s return and the House of Israel (Judah included) repent and truly obey their King. In the meantime, conflict continues. Nonetheless, we must strive for peace. Thanks Israel Guys!
@BertGraef День назад
Hes not coming back. He returned in 70AD, exactly in the time frame He warned them of.One generation. One biblical generation. 40 years. Temple obliterated as He warned. Jerusalem laid waste. Over a million slaughtered by Rome. Yeah....that was HIS RETURN. The days of VENGEANCE. He was the Master of the word of God. Cutting the prophecy of Isaiah exactly in half, dividing the WORD OF GOD in the syangogues of his day. BY 70 AD, the "acceptable year of the Lord was over. The nation was unrepentant, the devil had returned with 7 others, making it worse off than before. Now only the days of Vengeance remained. Gods wrath fell, using the Romans as his rod of anger. As surely as he had used the Assyrians and Babylonians in times before.Isaiah 10:5
@TruthBTold90 День назад
@@BertGraef I feel sorry for you if you don’t believe He will return again. All of those were preludes and patterns for His final return. God bless.
@BertGraef День назад
@@TruthBTold90 Jesus has done His Fathers perfect will. The kingdom does not come by observation or is it here or there geographically. The kingdom ONLY comes when men OBEY the commands of Christ. He never used a sword to convince anyone of HIS TRUTH. Yet he has conquered the world with his WORD ALONE . The idea that Christ comes to conquer and reign with the Jews from Jerusalem is just a rabbinic idea. A fable of the Jews which Paul warned about.
@jancoley9051 День назад
On the other hand, If they didnt want to integrate into a prosperous sovereign Israel, they could always leave. Jesus said- if you aren't for me, you are against me.
@Wyndham21044 День назад
John 7 7 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him Amen If they are not with him , they are against him
@debbiep9338 День назад
Israel is God's holy land 🙏 I pray everyday for their protection I am from California praying for Israel everyday
@ionciobanu-yo4ul День назад
Bravooooooo baieti !
@Lotterboy День назад
Your guys proposal is actually the only one, that would properly work. The idea of an independent palestinian state is just a woke rainbow-castle in Lalaland.
One state of Israel is the only wise solution 🙏⛺🙌🇮🇱💙🤍💙 love your videos, truth in the face of deception. Keep shining that light of truth many blessings to you all
@jeffsoyk6994 23 часа назад
@lukehilton2951 20 часов назад
Wow, thank you!
@LB14745 День назад
Jordan is the Palestinian state, always has been. Time to rename the Jordanian flag as Jordan-Palestine
@Cruiser777 День назад
All I know is the more you give the more they want enough is enough and all this confusion you can blame the United Nations for all that
@philippealexis День назад
Ohhh... What a surprise... The more you take by virtue of it having belonged to your divinely chosen ancestors, the more they want to take back. How dare they?? Against us? Who do not see ourselves as being members of, and with, Humanity.
@veeaxis3892 День назад
@@philippealexis "Take back"... except it wasn't theirs in the first place. Nice try.
@philippealexis День назад
@@veeaxis3892 Sigh... You know what... Do your worst. Down the path the world is headed, it's Life itself that shall decide whether Humanity is the best embodiment of its worth, or a different species.
@act.13.41 День назад
Thanks guys.
@margaretpickholtz8772 17 часов назад
Thanks guys
@amy3636 21 час назад
Thank you for TRUTH TIG!❤🇮🇱❤️🙏🇮🇱🙏
@ryalscience День назад
You guys are doing a good job!
@TheMalka770 День назад
You guys are really amazing and blessed you are a treasure of integrity and goodness fairy enlightening episode I wonder if Kamala studied the map like she said LOL
@oscarescobar3270 День назад
The world is waking up up!to the truth of God
@oksnarobinson-pl3bq День назад
No to state nonsense. All this land belongs to Israel 🇮🇱. Yes Arabs can live there but under Israel governing this are ! Thank you guys for this video. Of what you doing is very important !
@sos1691 День назад
Excellent! All of you!
@TheIsraelGuys День назад
Thank you!
@shukida День назад
Israeli from Auckland New Zealand here. Again, admire your work guys, sometime I get sad I’m not there seeing the beautiful land and blue sky my homeland has (left when I was 38 now 60) Please understand your idea is good to expel bad residents of west bank and Gaza to their 22 countries in the Mediterranean or to one of their 56 in the entire Muslim states (which a 1/3 of earth land) but the thing is they will be happy too- Cause they multiply really fast they will overtake Israeli population demographically and at the end with democratic voting system will vote for their parties They have lots and lots of patience. Best is Clean Judaea and Samaria and not as a punishment but as good favour. They will go to countries (22/56) with same religion, food mentality Come back as tourists (hopefully not Terrorists) I can’t see a better simpler solution then that Anyone who had link to Hamas, Hizbollah, anything bad will not be allowed into the homeland neither their families.. forever. The stripe new name will be The Negev Beach חוף הנגב
@cirene9590 23 часа назад
Palestinians should be an Islamic issue for countries in the Middle East. They have a lot to say but no action. They have more land and have a budget surplus but don't provide humanitarian aid & land. Why must US & Europe with huge budget deficit give? It's time for Islamic Middle East countries to shoulder the responsibility. Qatar can give billions to Hamas leader, it should take in Palestinians.
@tahuyachris День назад
keep up the good work, keep the videos coming!!!
@TheIsraelGuys День назад
Thanks! Will do!
@StMyles День назад
Thank you for the detailed information. Judea and Samaria are lands of the Nation of Israel 🇮🇱. Sharing on Other Social Media platforms.
@scottstephenson9597 18 часов назад
Israel should always avid calling it the west bank.
@debrawolfrunninghorses77emma 19 часов назад
thanks for the information 🇮🇱 praying for Israel
@marlysbenitah День назад
Thank you! I now have a clearer picture of the area known as Gaza and the area known as the West Bank which should be called Judea and Samaria
@Mr97cobravert День назад
Ever seen the episode where they voyage down the Hershey highway
@MarkSchrock 10 часов назад
Good stuff brothers
@This-isGirl День назад
Impossible to have two states. You can't give Judea and Samaria away 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@TheIsraelGuys День назад
@lisamorgan4710 День назад
Thank you
@erinbremer5490 День назад
So far loving this series. Would like more, more into the structure and government, etc. The West Bank and the settlement’s seem such a mystery and there are opposing views. Would like to have a more detailed explanation of how it all works. Love this channel and the great content you guys put out. I bought one of the temple patches and it arrived quickly. I ordered it on a Friday and received it on Wednesday. ❤️🇮🇱💪
@BertGraef День назад
Temple patch? I would not wear that sorcery and deception. Christ is the chief cornerstone of Gods new Temple. Anyone who tries to rebuild what Jesus said would be thrown down,and it was, in 70AD, is a false teacher
@erinbremer5490 День назад
@@BertGraef Well, I don’t plan on wearing it. I have a collection of patches from different things and different places and will add it.
@TheIsraelGuys День назад
Stay tuned!
@778denver День назад
​@@BertGraefthere's going to be a 3rd Temple according to God's Word (Daniel 9:27). There's also going to be a 4th Temple during the Millennium and animal sacrifice will continue throughout the Millennium as a memorial to the Lord Jesus Christ. God explicitly promised the 4th Temple over 9 chapters in Ezekiel.
@BertGraef День назад
@@778denver Burn that Scofield bible and all dispensational books with it . Its full of kabbalist sorcery and total deception. It was funded by zionist antichrists who are all deceiving you. Scofields footnotes are cleverly deceptive and programming you all to cheer for the very antichrists you all claim to be watchng for.
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