The reasons for conservation are important. ط أسباب الحفظ / (Save God and He will protect you. Save God and you will find Him toward you) A great prophetic law 1. Continuous daily charity, even if it is little, with intention Preservation . 2. Repeated supplication, in any case, you are a passenger You work, you sit. 3. Honoring one's parents to a high degree. 4. Humanitarian actions with the intention of reconciliation. 5. Asking for forgiveness a lot.
Багасса - отход сахарного тростника, после измельчения и отделения от него сока. Свежая багасса может служить как корм для скота. Сухая багасса используется как топливо, в производстве изоляционных строительных материалов, картона. Систематическое вдыхание пыли багассы может вызвать специфический пневмокониоз - багассоз.
In this part of the world anything goes. How can you load a truck like that.. In Africa, the so called dark continent we have proper trucks for this, a full height cantainer trailer with an open top. Furthermore why move the waste. In South Africa it is turned to compost and boiler fuel right at the sugar mills.