
Facing Existential Threats! EU Steel Industry Under Pressure! 

Thies the Atomic Jedi
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Facing Existential Threats! EU Steel Industry Under Pressure! In this video I outline the risks that EU Steel Industry is facing, and why losing the primary-steel industry can become a huge problem for Europe.
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Information on Steel Production in Europe : www.eurofer.eu/



31 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 2   
@InternetLaser 5 дней назад
EU industry is protected by CBAM and industries like steel are given a free allocation to support their competitiveness with global markets. EU ETS is not a contributing factor to steel offshoring. Prices aren't an arbitrary phenomenon. They exist and are what they are in Europe because there's more valuable things to be done in Europe with the electricity, labor, etc in Europe than producing steel. I see no issue with offshoring steel from Europe.
@Atomicjedi 5 дней назад
That's because you do not realize our geopolitical vulnerabilities. If you expect everything to become pre-2022 again, you're quite optimistic.
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