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@Mav3rickShorts Год назад
Honestly can't believe it that someone would be an atheist after looking so deep into the universe
@ZaberAnsaryOfficial Год назад
He is Lying. He looked into it but Biased with a pre-assumption
@SCP30851 Год назад
Sick hearts
@denisemughrabi8171 Год назад
“Allah guides whom he wills!” Allah puts a seal on their hearts, & Allah knows best!! He is responsible for all of the misguidance, he speaks. Those that follow his misguidance without investigating for themselves will also be held responsible, because God gave us a mind & expects us to use it. On the Day of Judgement, Satan will laugh at you & say he didn’t force you to believe anything. You had free will to choose whatever you wanted to believe. Yes, he spewed lies in an effort to misguide you, but you chose to believe him & did not investigate for yourself! Remember, Satan already knows his abode will be the Hellfire for eternity. He seeks to have company! “May Allah (God Almighty) protect us from such a fate! May he make us from the people of Paradise, insh’Allah!!* Ameen!!*🤲🏻 (*God Willing *Amen!!)
@phoazal-m728 Год назад
Honestly i felt the same as you do, how can someone study the entire universe and find it that there is not a creator
@AbsoluteTruth27 Год назад
Allah's mark is on all of nature, the HEXIGON. It's His logo, if you will, proving that all of creation had only one creator, one designer, one architect, one manufacturer - One God alone, no partners! As a scientist, the evidence has always been right in front of him if he's been "digging deep" as he says. Even the Fibonacci sequence is evidence of the Creator's existence. I'm sure he's heard of it. Also the miracles (signs) of the number 19 in the Quran. Learn from brother zaidg on RU-vid on this topic, it's mind blowing and it will in fact strengthen your faith. Inshallah
@amanshaikh_30 Год назад
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and night there are signs for people of reason. (Qur'an 3:190)
@thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Год назад
Masha’Allah! What is the purpose of our existence? It’s very simple… The Contract : Holy Quran 33:72 72 “Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant.” Our purpose is to fulfill the contract we ALL made with Allah and have been placed on this planet as a TEST using our FREE WILL (freedom of choice)… Holy Quran 2:155 155 “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient.” Holy Quran 3:185 185 “Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion.” I can go on and on about what Allah who’s the Creator of the heavens and earth has informed us through all the previous Prophets as well as the LAST and FINAL Prophet Muhammad (Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him). In a nutshell, this world is a testing ground in which we foolishly and willingly accepted a contract that comes with extreme REWARD (paradise) and extreme PUNISHMENT (Hellfire) with Allah. You and I as well as everybody yearns to get closer to Allah the Creator and discover his creation through scientific knowledge which kicked off during the Islamic Golden Age. In fact, if you’re honest observer of human psychology today you will realize the countries or peoples who become faraway from God end up suffering from DEPRESSION and are OVER-MEDICATED specially the richest people who discover money and power can never buy you happiness nor become content with your life. Only recognizing you are a creation of Allah that has been blessed with so many ways and have even been made a custodian/guardian of this planet (Khalifa / Vicegerent) will you become content with this life and Insha’Allah succeed in this next life when your time on this planet comes to an end. Be grateful to your Creator when times are good or bad because human beings only seem to remember God when times are bad but forget God when times are good. Count your BLESSINGS for every time you breath if only you knew how precious it is until it’s taken away from you when your time is up. Holy Quran 23:115 115 “Did you think that we created you for nothing (without purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?” Anyways, Assalaamu Alaykum (Peace Be With You).
@raz0051 Год назад
It's very simple. There is no compulsion to Islam, its a choice. You either submit to Allah our creator or you submit to your desires. Either way, we will know once our life has been taken if we made the right decision or not. May Allah make us apart of his righteous slaves, keep us steadfast and be of those who fully submit to him.
@khafza-k3509 Год назад
“ a part of his righteous slaves,” my brother. Allahhuma Aameen. BaarakAllahhu Feekum 🙌🏾
@yasskass89 Год назад
SubhanAllah. Well said
@MaddSpazz2000 Год назад
False dichotomy, there's a million religions equally as unfounded as yours, and there's also a million ways to live life without religion.
@raz0051 Год назад
@@MaddSpazz2000 Anyone can make claims without evidence, just like you did. For 1400 years the Quran (Which is from Allah) has challenged people, yet no one has succeeded. Yes, I agree people can live a subjective life without religion, but whose to dictate what is universally right and wrong.
@MaddSpazz2000 Год назад
@@raz0051 I don't need any evidence to see that you spoke nonsense. To frame spirituality as either Islam or non-Islam is inherently ignorant. Also Ive spent year trying to understand why people believe the Quran, and ultimately my questions just piss believers off. Why would that happen unless they're getting defensive over an inability to respond. All abrahamic religions are obviously bogus.
@Enes-wj5xq Год назад
Neil DeGrass Tyson's God concept is like this: Imagine a student in an exam, he sees some hard questions which he can't answer then he says "so, exam is a false since some questions can't be answered".
@palestineeeonly 11 месяцев назад
Ma Shaa Allah brother . Exactly
@miladmirgv2259 7 месяцев назад
@YameenMalik. Месяц назад
@EAA33217 Год назад
and I love Allah he was the one made us live to pray
@Jezabhaal Год назад
Scientists and there Scientists experiments push an agenda they never went to the moon there liars
@mobidick6064 Год назад
" for every disease there is a cure " Give the man a Quraan
@phoenixgrove Год назад
Beautiful video. Great explanation of our trials and the existence of the Almighty.
@vender Год назад
“Which, then, of your Lord's blessings do you both deny?"
@MurineMischief Год назад
Astagfirullah, May Allah SWT guide us and protect us, ameen
@hamadadnan2866 Год назад
@rose4lyfe Год назад
@kenanhadziedhemovic6945 Год назад
we must understand that no matter what proof we give to the disbelivers , if they dont have Allah guidance , they will never be belivers , no matter what proof they see .. we all know the story of Prophet Musa and his people , they all saw the see split , imagine seeing that and after Allah saved them from Firaun, they disbelive and worshiped cow so we just have to accept the fact that Allah choose those who will be belivers and who not and be thankful that we are belivers and thankful for His guidance to us 🤲
@magicalgold010 Год назад
Already the believers have looked more deep in the universe than the best atheist in the world
@kaizen_monk Год назад
Lol..good joke
@aamirsiddiqui3338 Год назад
My God.... What a core shaking video ❤❤❤❤
@islamonlywayout Год назад
May Allah guide him to the truth. Ameen.
@zndxanh Год назад
وَمَا أَصَبَكُم مِّن مُّصِيبَةٍ فَبِمَا كَسَبَتْ أَيْدِيكُمْ وَيَعْفُوا عَن كَثِيرٍ Whatever affliction befalls you is because of what your own hands have committed. And He pardons much. Quran 42:30
@souderyabbas3732 Год назад
"In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are signs for those who possess intelligence." [Quran 3:190]
@CoBER-nc3el Год назад
I really enjoyed the plant analysis, very eye opening.
@Selfrespect12345 Год назад
It reminds of a famous Indian Atheist writer Javed Akhtar, some one asked him, "Why you are atheist"? He said, "I am atheist simply because I think" so pathetic. Despite of the fact that he had been to many ups and downs, met hundred of thousands of people, been through tough and easy times and as writers and poets have more sense of expression and looking things at a different perspectives, I found him standing no where but in complete darkness. Because he thinks Allah Subhana Tallah (Naozobillah) is so cruel that he gave some people tough times, illness , diseases and miserable lives while some are enjoying luxurious life so why can't Allah Talah be merciful with those people in need. This is the main point where almost every atheist stuck like Javed Akhtar. He himself says that life is not easy, life is continuous struggle. In others words he agrees that life is a test and on the other hand you want a test of your own choice. It is for Creator to put His creation to different situations (test) and people are put to perform various rolls at the stage of life in different scenarios at different ages and time.
@SoothingNasheeds Год назад
They dont read the quran but they claim that everything is false... like come on guys be sincere
@kaizen_monk Год назад
Qur'an itself is a fiction created by Muhammad to grab power, ladies
@fuadyafai8739 Год назад
Science are limited to answering HOW but WHY is beyond any human capacity. The cure for ignorance is learning, not being arrogant. Mr. "Scientist"
@Nozthedon1 Год назад
The more I listen to this video the more it hurts that he literally has no idea even with all that education and intellect.His ignorance has clouded his judgement.It’s sad he is so blind aswell.
@kaizen_monk Год назад
It's other way round, Qur'anic indoctrination has clouded your critical faculties to question things
@rnbnart Год назад
Goes to show you. The more you think you know, the more you don’t.
@Scottking0011 Год назад
I love Allah
@sussyanya3568 Год назад
Shut up spammer
@rose4lyfe Год назад
@@circulargear23t8 Oh look… its another islamophobe… like why are you even on a religious channel. You have the choice to come here or use your time doing your own atheist things. Yet you come here, trying to prove that your an athiest? go away kindly thank you
@yasskass89 Год назад
Allah loves his servants and forgives them ❤
@nosmokejazwinski6297 Год назад
@@circulargear23t8God is the only reality. Everything else is fiction.
@Stiffytheenlightened Год назад
The True Story of Muhammad and Moses. Moses wanted to control his unruly people so he made up 10 commandments and carved them onto a stone slab. He then took the slab up a mountain, set fire to a bush and returned saying 'God' has given you a sign and sent you these commandments. The Christian 'God' was created. Muhammad was a clever man. He copied the idea of a Christian 'God' and fed it to the Arabs to control them. He backed up his creation of a 'God' by getting someone to write a book of rules to make 'God' more believable. He knew people didn't want to die so he invented Heaven to give people a reason to be religious. Then he had total control of his people. The name 'Allah' was taken from the name of the old Pagan Moon God 'Al Lah' After that religion took hold and although false, has been difficult to disprove (until now).
@shafqatishan437 Год назад
Only reason to be an atheist is the worship of ego & desires.
@obsidian0 Год назад
may Allah Subhana wa ta'ala help your channel grow faster than ever so that you guys can spread Islam fast.
@rose4lyfe Год назад
The first thing i wanna say, whoever was reciting the quran at the end part, i have heard a good few different ppl’s recitations before but this one was soo beautiful on a level i have never heard. ❤ Also, i wanna add on smth. Babies. If ppl need evidence of Allah, babies is a massive piece of evidence. How can an egg and sperm randomly meet and form a baby soo specifically with all functions present and yet ppl think “oh its just human nature” like no 😂 it isnt. Human nature is still just a code. All codes have a coder. That coder is Allah, subhanallah. Also, if i understand the thinking of Atheists though, they won’t believe in smth they cant see. But the thing is… science has proven that the human eye can only see the white light spectrum. Its cant see beyond red nor violet (infra red and ultraviolet). So common sense would be the reason you cannot see God is because his magnificence is not on the white light spectrum. Its beyond it. But no, scientists are too foolish to realise. Oh well, they’ll get their wish regardless… that is… on judgement day. 😊
@hypermangi8265 Год назад
plus. everyone is unique. had there be any change, you and I wouldn't exist, simply put. Subhanallah. It's all written. 👽
@Hulleek Год назад
The one reciting the Quran in the end was Abdullah Humeid. His recitations are extremely beautiful and melodic.
@faysalhasan9769 Год назад
​@@HulleekThanks for providing the name.
@rose4lyfe Год назад
@@Hulleek Thank you thank you thank you. Does he make his own videos of recitations on youtube? Or maybe somewhere else? Because yes he was soo melodious 😌
@Hulleek Год назад
⁠@@rose4lyfeI personally have only heard his recitations in RU-vid. From what I know, he does not seem to have a personal RU-vid channel so it is a possibility that his recitations were initially published in other platforms.
@hadithoftheday3858 Год назад
an-Nasa'i 148 It was narrated that 'Umar bin Al-Khattab said: "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'Whoever performs Wudu' and does it well, then says: "Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah was ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'abduhu wa rasuluh (I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger)," eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him, and he may enter through whichever one he wishes.'"
@MojoDevirus Год назад
"It is not the eyes that are blind but the hearts." Quran 22:46
@AsafeFialho 9 месяцев назад
Do you know his heart to say that?
@MojoDevirus 9 месяцев назад
Click on the link and have a listen. You might learn something @@AsafeFialho
@saara1296 7 месяцев назад
⁠@@AsafeFialho well he’s telling us
@ThomasConover Год назад
The more I look at the mathematics holding the universe in absolute perfectly predictable “chaos”, the more I’m convinced there must be a God who made all this. ❤️🙏😑
@CaptainS159 Год назад
Maybe he did not look into Islam yet . Unless he knows the Truth and denies it .
@manlikeak Год назад
Allah SWT guides whom he wills
@surihakim9976 Год назад
This guy is not a thinker, nor an observer. And he just couldn't be bothered to do a research about faith.
@JasvindarSingh458 Год назад
Inshallah i will revert to islam very soon islam is the only solution to every problem mankind faces on earth the glorious QURAN is the word of allah ISLAM Zindabaad
@obaid1333 Год назад
These scientists think they're Smart? I call them Extra SMART 😅😂.
@beingjamsu 4 месяца назад
🇫🇷 love from France 🇧🇩 and 🇪🇸
@PSMbayan Год назад
What rogue and foolish is this who saw the evidences of Allah subhan wa tala and still denying
@anwarvanommeren8407 Год назад
Mister Neil Degrass Tyson is a scientist on the highest of his field so he tends to view things from that angle. He's actually really good in explaining scientific concepts and I appreciate him for that. He's not a theologican so yeah, his word on religion isn't worth much. Inscha'Allah he finds his way to Islam someday. Otherwise, just appreciate his scientific shows for what they are.
@amneyomar1183 Год назад
Allahumma Aameen
@joshuayanez7674 Год назад
The end will define the truth
@rc6289 Год назад
"The Athiest Delusion" is a great Movie.
@MaddSpazz2000 Год назад
You mean propaganda for imbeciles
@mohammedsherief5487 Год назад
See the thing is that most atheists deny the existence of the creator on the basis that sufferings exist on earth. But the fact is that the tribulations are means to push us towards the creator......
@Theo_Skeptomai Год назад
@infinitesolutions2602 Год назад
Ma sha Allah. Alhamdulillah. Barak Allah feek.
@bakary333 Год назад
May Allah bless us all ameen 🙏
@Stiffytheenlightened Год назад
Why would an atheist want to know Islam? why would anybody?
@theachilles96 Год назад
Why did Hitman 47 narrate the first part of the video
@mohammedsherief5487 Год назад
Evidence for Islam is the life and teachings of the prophet peace be upon him and his family; His life and teachings can still be experienced looking at the faithful upon whom Allah bestows his bounties.... Look at the Shuyukh of Syria, Malabar, Mauritania, India and elsewhere .... They have life that fulfills all that they need
@Theo_Skeptomai Год назад
It is not evidence of Islam concerns me. There are over a billion followers of Islam. It is the _claims_ of Islam that lack evidence. Are you aware of any _evidentiary facts_ that can substantiate _any_ claim of Islam?
@zoi7582 10 месяцев назад
Instead of mocking him i appreciate him for asking for a proof if he is sincere hope he finds the truth
@AsafeFialho 9 месяцев назад
Exactly! Those videos are not helping anything, just judging :(
@sheyshah2848 Год назад
He doesn't know modern hairstyles either.
@hypermangi8265 Год назад
Ah. Mohammed Hijab talks about this. For there to be evil, there has to be good. For there to be darkness, there has to be light. 👽
@Saba-if5mu Год назад
@mtjfans Год назад
May ALLAH(ﷻ) save us all from the punishment of the grave 💀, Ameen 🤲❤🕋 .... ..... ..... .....
@HajjiJesus Год назад
One of the first thing we humans take for granted is the place we are in. We live in a place created, a time and space continuum, and because we live in it, those so-called scientists never ask who made it. Nothing, zero of everything, can not generate something.
@kaizen_monk Год назад
Then what created your allah?
@HajjiJesus Год назад
@kaizen_monk God, or the entity that created all Existences, does not depend on its creation. God is the Originator, the explanation of the existence of everything. Think of you being a character in virtual Game and God, the developer, designer, programmer, Originator of that Existence. Without a Source, nobody will be here. Nothing will be possible to exist, let alone space time continuum. *We don't give God he proper reference. This is our test. BTW, we all know God more than anybody in this world. Our lack of remembering is due to Test of this existence.*
@kaizen_monk Год назад
@@HajjiJesus source - trust me bro ... Universe can very well come in existence by itself without fake fictional allah created by Muhammad's imagination.. If u read quantum mechanics, subatomic particles have been observed to come in existence out of vaccum without any outside interference, similar phenomenon might have caused the creation of Universe as well.. Universe doesn't need a creator & certainly not fake fictional creator imagined by Muhammad..
@LunnaJannah Месяц назад
No one learns anything in comfort that’s a lie we learn arrogance
@almadeliacastroguzman2427 8 месяцев назад
Assalamu Aleikum hermano que bellos videos, me interesan. Hermanos no tienen subtitulados por favor..??
@emoothelimoo Год назад
❤this is just beautiful 💗😭
@Jezabhaal Год назад
Who is he that we must wait for him to decide on what is air and who made the sun was definitely not a man
@naturegirl4803 Год назад
There's one God Who beautifully sustaining whole universe. Allah o Akbar.
@attiqurrahman7957 Год назад
He doesn’t know about Islam or he doesn’t wanna know about Islam
@indianloverxyz7774 Год назад
First word of every human is ALLAAH..... Go and hear the first sound of new born baby ascent
@rizwaaaaan Год назад
It just makes me laugh that these type of people will believe darwin's theory which has no evidence, but they won't believe in Allah and Islam even after looking at so many scientific discoveries today which was already told by Allah 1400 years ago, These satan worshippers will try to make people disbelieve in Allah forever, coz that's what endeavour is of Iblis.
@itxmfahadkhan Год назад
Have they not considered how Allah begins creation and then repeats it? (29:19)
@aiya5777 Год назад
it kinda reminds me of a cell multiplying itself, a virus does it as well
@mogamadgreyson143 Год назад
There is none so blind as those that would not see 😢
@kiyonahthundersong828 Год назад
Ive always thought this guy was a little off. He says gravity is just a theory, among other ridiculous and illogical things.
@aminusaleh1996 Год назад
There is a clear difference between knowing something and accepting something.
@truemessage7069 Год назад
Who is better in speech than the one who invites people to Allah and also he is a doer of good.
@palestineeeonly 11 месяцев назад
The more i study Science the more convinced i am of Allah's existence and superiority . Allahu Akbar
@mohammed15878 8 месяцев назад
@Mirakuruuu Год назад
Atheist thinks he knows better. Sometimes, being a genius is a curse
@BaSsGaZ 5 месяцев назад
If life was like Tyson wants, then it would be heaven. And you don't grant heaven to evil people.
@CougheePls Год назад
Since when did you start using AI voice?
@forevergamer245 Год назад
Hitman agent 47 narrating😂😂😂😂
@riaz951 6 месяцев назад
It is our perceptions
@ranawaleed2332 Год назад
Somebody please tell me why am I hearing Mr., 47 Voice? Please🥺🥺
@abdalrahmanmahmoud9209 8 месяцев назад
They can't define what morally good is? 😂
@BiggShABi Год назад
Is this the voice actor of Hitman video game series? is he muslim or did he become muslim?
@alican5505 Год назад
What does someone who finds Allah lose, what does someone who loses Allah find.
@xRareOnyx 10 месяцев назад
This life is merely a test, Allah is testing your faith in Islam
@icangicang9265 Год назад
Degreese Eyes gave him up, he looks so uncertain and worried, he is just an afraid guy, afraid of acknowledging there is God
@shahanalikhan8879 Год назад
Humans have a tendency to forget years and years of suffering and pain as soon as they come out of it. They remain grateful and thankful for a short period of time until they complain about their new situation again and call it pain and suffering. This is how humans keep wanting more and more and remain ungrateful. Thus they believe God is not all good.
@adamaze2920 Год назад
this guy cant even complete his video game ...
@user-nd7do9bl3v Год назад
Clown World. Allah guide us to your truth and to raise your word over the word of the soddomites and hypocrites
@LoveLove-kq3nk Год назад
Who is the one who recited the Quran in the beginning part of the video?
@LunnaJannah Месяц назад
Offffhhh there is evidence everywhere even within ourselves in everything everywhere
@AsafeFialho 9 месяцев назад
*It's unfair to diminish people because of their different views about faith. Neil may be silly sometimes, but he's not a fool.* ⭐ 03:00 To scientists, our genes are coded by natural selection, which also would explain some genetic mistakes and errors inside the evolutionary process. Natural selection is not "random", and it is precise and have been observed. ⭐ About 04:13, that follows the principle of *"A planet that is too hot or cold to develop life, would not develop it to complain".* This view states that we are here BECAUSE the Earth was previously capable of generating life (belief in randomness), not that the Earth was made to create us. The universe is full of empty planets, so it's hard to really say it was made to have humans on it. ⭐ 4:35 Most Atheists believe the Universe have always existed. Something (either a God or an Ultimate Reality/Existence) have always existed. Classic Atheism believe we came from "something", just not a being that can think, talk (a god). This is not something science can already detail, so it will always be a matter of faith. ⭐ 4:50 If you are talking about humans being animals, lol, that's Biology, has been proved and is consensus. *If you're trying to refute that, you're wasting your time. Evolution is not necessarily Atheistic, and was not even discovered by Atheists. More than half of them believe in God.* Neil has a simplistic view about religion, and that's it. We should not judge people without understanding their beliefs first. I wish him the best.
@awakenthegreatnesswithin Год назад
Life is a test
@hypermangi8265 Год назад
1:50 Ridddle? Same voice person as Ridddle or Kurzgesagt or just me? 👽👀
@SubmittedtoAllah Год назад
A good Abu Jahel. May Allah guide this atheist.
@khairt1731 Год назад
As salaam alaykum. Where can I find the full videos with the narrators?
@maulanaridwan26 Год назад
But he actually recognized Islamic way of ablution, wudhu before shalat, in midevil era when Europe still deal with filthy life muslims all ready cleaning their self every single days. And he also recognized muslims scientists in astronomy, he mentioned more than half of stars in whole universe names after muslims scientists.
@yamanarslanca8325 Год назад
@Mohammed_Aamir160 Год назад
@ahmedsalim2947 Год назад
@fidelcatsro6948 Год назад
“Were they created by nothing, or were they creators of themselves? (52:35 )
@Anonymous-qp9uy Год назад
@Anonymous-qp9uy Год назад
@@circulargear23t8 so according to you anything that cannot be heard , seen , touched , observed or measured scientifically while we are conscious doesn't exist .. science hasn't even been able to explore even 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 % of this universe at present and you expect to see , hear , touch , observe or measure the Creator of the universe scientifically..🤣🤣🤣😂😂this is lame! Seriously
@Anonymous-qp9uy Год назад
@@circulargear23t8 you believe Reality to be originator of universe via random natural and scientific process.. it is simple THAT'S YOUR FAITH AS MR. TYSON HAS SAID😂 We believe a self sufficient, absolute, eternal being is responsible for regulating these scientific and natural process which you refer as Reality or whatever necessary for us to exist and we find HIS signature in nature and natural process when we observe the universe .. That's our faith based on evidence and this is the difference between you and us You refuse the existence of creator as the solution and corelate Him with Reality which can easily be proved wrong by using science itself😂
@mobidick6064 Год назад
Who coded our genetics
@IronSyaifullah Год назад
who recite the quran verse? its beautiful
@omardibba569 Год назад
@junglee-bee Год назад
Who is he? Not anyone I want to meet.
@dear_imran 5 месяцев назад
I am atheist for the same reason
@Vosa601 9 месяцев назад
if Einstein intended not to express his theory of relativity that means he is not a scientist.... according to your logic if he is not a scientist why he dont have any theory..why he have not express it
@EAA33217 Год назад
I do believe in allah
@SatsJava Год назад
He's a joke Woke "Scientist"
@dr.adnan_19 Год назад
More I study the science, thr more i believe in the God Almighty. Say, [O Muḥammad], "Travel through the Earth and observe how He began creation. Then The God will produce the final creation. Indeed The God, over all things, is competent." (Quran 29:20)
@Theo_Skeptomai Год назад
Then your not comprehending what you're _supposedly_ studying.
@CalibrashGaming 11 месяцев назад
You must understand that Allah has created the opposite in everything ie. as evolutionism is the opposite of creationism, so heliocentrism is the opposite of geocentrism. The surface of the earth is flat "The right path is clearly distinguished from error" - Qur'an
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When Umar And Abu Bakr (R) Disputed
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The Greatest Miracle of All Time! - The Quran
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9 Shocking Facts From the Quran!
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The Devils Plan to Kill the Prophet (saw)
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