
FATCA Explained in 4 Minutes... 

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FATCA is the worst...
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FATCA is a crazy law that the United States Congress has decided to impose on the entire world. Basically we're building a world-wide empire subject to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This video cuts through the BS and explains the law in the simplest terms possible.



19 сен 2024




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@whartanto2 8 лет назад
I found it insulting that 6.7 billions people in the world that is not American citizen must prove to their bank that they are not US citizen.
@MoFreedomFoundation 8 лет назад
+Edward Snowden Among many other things...
@whartanto2 8 лет назад
+MoFreedomFoundation I found it funny that people laugh when Donald Trump said that he will build a wall in Mexico border and makes them pay for it. Obama has build a gigantic financial wall that costs a lot more than a freaking wall and he made the whole world pay for it!
@MoFreedomFoundation 8 лет назад
Yep, It's pretty mind blowing...
@mikebreen2890 7 лет назад
Edward....I have made exactly the same observation many times, usually to be met with ridicule by fools that still think they are free to leave the plantation. Obama has possibly built the most effective wall the world has ever seen, and he made the world pay to build it. Trump might actually admire Obama for that little gem.
@Shmilfke 6 лет назад
Exactly. So true. What Obama did with FATCA is waaaaay worse than even the most extreme things Trump does or proposes. Obama was sneaky and sly - he damaged our freedoms in ways no other president has. Ok so he was better at talking to cameras and handling his social media. I don't give a shit. I actually like it better that Trump tweets to us directly and tells us what he's thinking.
@sbradley915 10 лет назад
As a regular Canadian citizen who accidentally happens to also be a "US person", I think this explanation nails it!
@robbo28 10 лет назад
@ateistsmart2905 7 лет назад
My parents are European, and unfortunately I was born in the US. We moved back to Europe when I was a baby. I didn't even speak English before I was 15 or something. I moved to Asia 14 years ago (I am now 47), because of the lower income tax. So I moved away from family and friends to work hard and save up money. Now, I suddenly get a reminder from banks that I could be a US person. Looking into this, I realize I am in deep shit. Basically my 14 years in Asia could be wasted. The US ( a nation I have never lived in, or worked in), could take all my savings, and on top of that fine me. I am almost suicidal because of all this sh*t. I don't even want to be American
@MoFreedomFoundation 7 лет назад
Yep. That's pretty fucked up. If you were the British foreign minister like Boris Johnson maybe you could get out of it. Good luck.
@mikebreen2890 6 лет назад
Ateist...I know it's been six months but I hope you didn't do anything hasty. Do NOT follow the instructions of a CPA, they are NOT your friend and simply ignoring the USA absolutely IS an option for most people. Come along to the Isaac Brock society, we can help and give you sound advice. Google it.
@Shmilfke 6 лет назад
You are not the only one. If you do commit suicide, do it at your local U.S. embassy/consulate and take some of the thieves with you. What they are doing is criminal. So sorry for what you are going through.
@dxd8776 6 лет назад
Renounce your American citizenship, problem solved.
@mikebreen2890 6 лет назад
If people could simply renounce then that would indeed solve the problem. Most people cannot, therefore the USA is in extreme violation of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights with its treatment of U.S. citizens who try and live elsewhere.
@mikelovecutefeet5857 8 лет назад
It's a stunning betrayal by world governments of their own citizens. In Canada, a Canadian citizen should be just that. If a foreign government claims them as citizens, too, that should not be a Canadian problem. Will Canada start to extradite Turkish-Canadian youngsters claimed by the Turkish govt as citizens for military service? The government should have limited the information to people who are not citizens, or who at least reside in the US.
@mikebreen2890 8 лет назад
Cost of compliance in the UK is now expected to far exceed 1.5 billion Dollars. That's over $750 per family. What does the UK get in return? Well, the USA is supposed to tell us about our people hiding money in the USA. The only problem with that is, like pretty much every civilised country on the planet with the exception of an African dictatorship and the USA, is we don't tax people who left the country.If ever there was a reason for the world to begin divesting itself of the USA Dollar, FATCA stands head and shoulders above any other.
@MoFreedomFoundation 8 лет назад
+Mike Breen Preach it brother. I'm amazed that the US government seems to have gotten away with it thus far.
@foobar201 8 лет назад
This is not just about putting pressure on other countries, it is about putting all American citizens under general suspicion. For example imagine you're an American doing an internship somewhere in Europe. When you try to open a local bank account, you'll get treated like a criminal even though you're not trying to do anything wrong. You won't be able to open a bank account. As a result you probably can't rent a flat or properly register with the local government.
@ukatheism1 10 лет назад
Nice, most Americans have no idea. Maybe they can understand this clip.
@samualwhittemore228 6 лет назад
Shea Volanti They are all FORCED to attend Government "Education" camps - Some call them "public schools".
@hondusspa 4 года назад
Most Americans have no idea about anything. Work and pay taxes. Engrained since childhood.
@JamesGuzmanBorderless 10 лет назад
This is great! You really hit the nail on the head with this one.
@computer_juice 3 года назад
This was actually surprisingly helpful for me to understand how FATCA works.
@MoFreedomFoundation 3 года назад
I'm happy to hear it! At the point I made this video I was probably one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet on FATCA. Today I don't know the difference between an FFI and an IGA.
@mikebreen2890 9 лет назад
Another case, also Canadian. There may be a relatively high earnings exemption before Americans are forced to send additional taxation back to the USA, but not all income is earned.The USA is taxing the trust fund of a disabled child born and resident in Canada. A fund being added to by the parents and the Canadian government for the future care of the child when the parents can no longer do it, is being diverted to the US treasury?! To add insult to injury, the USA won't allow this Canadian born child to hand back his US passport(if he ever had one) because he is not mentally able to understand the process, and so they continue to dip in to his fund.USA, shame on you!
@hhiser6206 10 лет назад
You would think the person that came up with Patriot Act could have worked a last T into FATCA ! what do you think?
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
Too obvious! They got the association they wanted without going that far...
@Lovelystevie 10 лет назад
Nice way of putting things :). I'm an american citizen living in France since 1973 (7 ears old) and I received a FATCA form to fill out from my bank! I've been reading all about this on the internet this weekend. Until today, I have never filed back an IRS form and never even new I had to. I've only lived and worked in France my whole life and until today, was always proud of being an american citizen. I don't even have an american social security number. Now, I'm just furious at such an injust, imperialistic dicatorship called Uncle Sam. I pay taxes in the country of residence where I make my money. IRS has no right whatsoever on the money I make in France. So, even if I know I won't owe them anything anyway because I just make average wages, I'm going to get naturalized French and send my passeport back to the american ambassy here in France with a denial of american citizenship immediately. And I'm not paying a penny to quit my american citizenship I can tell you that. Don't be afraid fellow citizens, just take another nationality and become free ounce again. So much for the US of A. IRS can go fly a kite on Mars as far as I'm concerned. I don't owe them anything and they have no right what so ever on my french money. God bless my father for bringing me to France and to Europe. Also, my mother is Dutch, so I feel much more of a European citizen anyway. The only result of all this, is turning abroad citizens into enemies, furious of such injustice, instead of being proud ambassadors. Now when I hear people criticize USA I'll say "You are absolutely right" instead of trying to defend america. A sad story really for USA. So be it, it will help America collapse faster
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
Thanks for chiming in Steven! Sorry to hear you are just hearing about this now. That's one of the most frustrating thing about this revolutionary change to the way international finance is handled. It was obvious from the get go, and yet nobody in the international media thought to do the actual research and publicize it. The litigation has already started, and it's going to become a bigger mess. I wish you luck with the renunciation. It is a very challenging process. It would be nice if your country would stand up for you, but most of Europe has decided to just take it. Disturbing times indeed. I certainly hope and believe that you are wrong about an impending US collapse, but if we continue on our current path it may be inevitable.
@Lovelystevie 10 лет назад
MoFreedomFoundation Well no, US is going to collapse soon, probably in the next six months. So much for the first world power arrogance wich represents, with it's ginormous debt, one of the poorist countrys in the worle. That's why they came up with FATCA, their las t chance to survive just a wee bit longer. America is the country in the world that succeeds the best in making it's citizens blind compatriots. I'm 49 years old and NO AMERICAN TAX REPRESENT is going to come in and claim I owe them money. Cause if they do, I swear I'll blow up the IRS office in Paris while the people are working. If that's what it takes to make them realise the injustice that we are going through then ok, so be it, to bad for them. Giving up US citizen ship won't be hard for me. I worked for the French government 20 years ago wich is something that automatically causes the loss of american citizenship. You see, clever guys always get awey...
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
Ummm. Violence is bad, and if your threats are a joke I don't find them particularly funny. I assure you that if he US collapses in the next 6 months, France will be in much, much worse shape than it already is. My concern is that our current path might lead to societal downfall on a century long time scale. Theories of more imminent collapse don't strike me as particularly credible. I would be interested to hear whether they let you off that quickly. Good luck!
@Lovelystevie 10 лет назад
MoFreedomFoundation I'm not a violante person and don't earn more than 97 600$ per year so I don't owe IRS anything anyway. But I'm furiuos at the american gouvernment for imposing FATCA tha has incalulable effects on the ordinary lives of millions of americans abroad. Here in France the AXA bank closed all american citizen accounts. Now, that's disrimination. So now I feel bad to be an american, I am deceived, dissapoint and angry at the US of A. So, I'm going to get the French citizenship and give up my american citizenship to continu to live an ordinary, free life. And, yes again, america is on the verge of collapsing so you better start buying euros cause the dollar ain't going to be worth a thing anymore. Not enough gold in the states left to back up the US debt. The Chinese and the Russians are buyibg tons of gold and selling their US bounds. Just watch the news.
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
You should be aware that the FBAR requirement means that you were supposed to be reporting your foreign bank accounts to the US government for decades. Hopefully there will be an opportunity for you to settle with the US government. It is a true injustice that you and your savings are now jeopardized in this way. I am familiar with those "news" resources you are talking about. Most of them are affiliated with gold dealers, and they were confidently reporting that the US government would collapse as soon as FATCA reached its effective date. This failed to happen. It was the latest in a long line of predicted disasters that failed to occur. So I will believe it when I see it.
@EvenMoreFreedom 10 лет назад
Tom Hunter has made the delightful choice of disabling the ability to reply to his comment. Nonetheless, I am grateful to him for taking the time to lay out the IRS's case. He's not wrong about the problems that the Cayman Islands and Switzerland presented. FATCA is the wrong way to settle the problem for the following reasons among many others: 1. There is no effect on the United States. The IGAs that are being signed have made some reference to information sharing, but reciprocity will never be implemented. As he points out Manhattan is the largest tax haven of all, and it will remain so. 2. If he thinks the Mitt Romneys and Apples of this world are effected by this he is dreaming. Any American with offshore billions dealt with their exposure as soon as the law was passed in 2010. It's the folks who have lived abroad their whole lives that now owe a portion of their pensions to the US government that are effected. 3. It is hard to lament the suffering in Switzerland or the Cayman Islands. It is a lot easier to lament what it is doing to everybody else. Writing people's laws for them is a great way to make things work out well for us in the short term. It is also tyranny. We shouldn't be "writing laws with teeth" for other countries. This is a pretty obvious statement for me, though apparently not for others. 4 "FATCA is one of the greatest things to happen in years" exclusively for American and British "too big to fail" banks. They will be able to deal with FATCA easily. Their foreign, smaller competitors will not. When the next crisis comes, FATCA will be yet another factor making it worse.
@salvadornunezcuevas4427 3 года назад
Loved the performance of you guys, want to see more of that, its funny, insightful and easy to understand Blessings...
@MoFreedomFoundation 3 года назад
Thanks man. It's been a long time since I tried anything like this...
@N5cool 5 лет назад
🇪🇷 and the 🇺🇸 have the same problem - they charge income tax from their citizens where ever they are in the world.
@MoFreedomFoundation 5 лет назад
Just Eritrea and the US is my understanding. Haven't done the research myself though.
@N5cool 5 лет назад
@@MoFreedomFoundation Yes you are right, it's just 🇪🇷 and the 🇺🇸.
@MoFreedomFoundation 9 лет назад
SmokeRingsPipeDreams I agree with you. The uncritical embrace of whatever our government does can be really frustrating. I don't think we are hostages though. That's the annoying thing. We have all the tools we need to shut these jokers down, we just keep not doing it.
@SmokeRingsPipeDreams 9 лет назад
Prisoners might be a better word for it. In any prison the prisoners outnumber the guards, yet they remain prisoners. But people who care are still very much outnumbered by the easily led lemmings which dominate the electorate.
@MoFreedomFoundation 9 лет назад
SmokeRingsPipeDreams Hard to disagree with that.
@mikebreen2890 9 лет назад
Canadian couple, Canadian citizenship. He's Canadian through and through, she left the USA aged 12 and took Canadian citizenship. She was told, long ago that her US citizenship would lapse. Since then the USA changed the rules and claimed her as a US citizen again. Just sold their home on which no Canadian taxes are due, USA sends them a tax bill for $100,000. They are also facing US taxes on meagre retirement income as there is no allowance on unearned income. They have not seen the USA in 40 years. This is flat out wrong.
@MoFreedomFoundation 9 лет назад
+Mike Breen Sure is. Too bad you're not the Mayor of London and famous enough to settle the issue easily.
@cwolff 8 лет назад
someone linked to this vid in a breakdown of offshore banking on reddit. but i'll always remember y'all from the clap. loved the vid, btw.
@MoFreedomFoundation 8 лет назад
+cwolff Ah Thanks on multiple levels! Could you send me the link to that reddit thread? I was wondering what gave me that boost over the past couple days...
@Lovelystevie 10 лет назад
Go for the mouvement "As long as FATCA lives, I’m not buying American" (companies like Apple, Dell, Ford and even Boeing would be quickly penalized :).
@loboalamo 10 лет назад
We keep chewing gum in our global banks. Don't get stuck.
@darkeyah 8 лет назад
@MoFreedomFoundation 8 лет назад
+Darkeyah Reuven Thanks!
@BakerVS 10 лет назад
Could we use this video on stop-fatca.ch?
@Dan76135 10 лет назад
Oh boy....
@WARSMITHAFROW 7 лет назад
"15 fucking air craft carriers" 😂
@MoFreedomFoundation 7 лет назад
A very important fact.
@mkmason2002 10 лет назад
Great acting! Well spoken.
@returnofthegorgon8687 6 лет назад
So um? Who owns the banks???? Because that could be..........I don't know ....... important maybe???
@MoFreedomFoundation 6 лет назад
I do. Along with millions of others. Ownership of large institutions like banks has been pretty widely distributed since the mid 20th century. Was that not the answer you were looking for? Because it's the truth.
@HutchesonCa 10 лет назад
Adding some humor to a fairly complex and dry subject....nicely done.
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
Many thanks! That's the problem with FATCA. Something quite revolutionary, expressed in hundreds of pages of dry regulations.
@Lovelystevie 10 лет назад
Join the fight, sign the petition against FATCA : fatcalegalaction.com/join-the-fight/
@EvenMoreFreedom 10 лет назад
Oh, Tom Hunter is also very wrong about Social Security but I've already dedicated enough time to a person who doesn't have the decency to let people reply directly to his trolling.
@angpers8 9 лет назад
The Alliance for the Defence of Canadian Sovereignty (ADCS), a Canadian non-profit organisation, is sponsoring a lawsuit against Canadian legislation enabling the Canada-US inter-governmental agreement (IGA) implementing FATCA in Canada. The plaintiffs are two Canadian citizens, both born in the US to Canadian parents and returned to Canada as infants. The lawsuit was filed August 11, 2014 in the Federal Court of Canada. Leading the suit is top Canadian constitutional lawyer Joseph Arvay. So far, $280,000 has been raised in support of the case. We are serious! For more information or to participate in the suit, see the ADCS website: www.adcs-adsc.ca/ If you are a Canadian citizen born in the US, or if either of your parents were born in the US, or if you have or had a green card, or if you are a "snow bird", or indeed if you are a US citizen resident in Canada, you may be a "US person" in the eyes of the US government and subject to American tax law. FATCA is intended for identifying your financial assets, so as to facilitate confiscation by the IRS. There is considerable interest in this lawsuit outside Canada (and the US), in countries which also have FATCA IGAs. Persons in these countries affected by FATCA and their own country's IGA see the Canadian case as a precedent for legal action where they live.
@EchadLevShtim 10 лет назад
FuBAR and FATCAtz coincident on word play?
@suckapunks 9 лет назад
that woman is not funny. she has no talent. the guy is pretty okay.
@fbnc11 7 лет назад
She was funny
@shawnli9284 6 лет назад
Repeal this mess called FATCA. I’m no FAT cat, I barely have 8000 in foreign account. Which is less than the 10k reporting trigger, right?
@MoFreedomFoundation 6 лет назад
Yep. The rules could well have changed since I was looking at them five years ago, but back then you were good under 10K.
@62ox 10 лет назад
Repeal Fatca please
@RoxStar09 10 лет назад
Basically, the United States has the privilege of printing their own money and living beyond their means (they can't afford to pay back the trillions of debt they're in, since printing more money means using more resources to work the machines to print that money in the first place). Other countries around the world don't like the fact that the U.S. has this privilege, so they're using their own currency instead (Capital flight, I think it was called). Since those countries will have a huge reserve of USD in their banks, this bill will COERCE those countries to comply and have their banks linked to the IRS or something like that. It'll be too late to exchange your USD into another currency because those very same foreign banks will deny access to US citizens.
@Lovelystevie 10 лет назад
Here's what you want to know about the collapse of the dollar : Project Prophecy 2.0 with Jim Rickards
@tantraman93 5 лет назад
Truth in advertising: FATCA is actually more correctly FATCAT.
@MoFreedomFoundation 5 лет назад
Actually it's just marketing. And very effective marketing at that.
@jules7302 10 лет назад
A Call to Action: A Heads Up for Americans Living Overseas
@janayaskrypec2346 10 лет назад
this is fummy that girl is feisty
@strattuner 10 лет назад
@BakerVS 10 лет назад
Hi Robert! Could I have your permission to add French/German subtitles and add "STOP FATCA" at the end of the video? We'd like to put your great video up on this website: stop-fatca.ch, and with your permission, we'd like to have the name of our website at the end of the video. You do a really great job of explaining FATCA, and it would be a great help to the stop FATCA campaign in Switzerland.
@-datnerd-3125 Год назад
Is this still a thing?
@MoFreedomFoundation Год назад
Very much so. The money restored to the IRS, which I favor in other domains, will put teeth on FATCA.
@rochskier 10 лет назад
I know this is supposed to be satire, but as an expat it is more of a documentary.
@tvboxmiracastiptv4397 7 лет назад
oh Obama, you were such a great president. What a legacy!
@MoFreedomFoundation 7 лет назад
Not a great legacy. New guy is making him look amazing though.
@justinmcmullen7860 9 лет назад
Hello Internet. If you have a couple minutes in between cat videos, please take a look at this White House petition asking the WH to oppose double taxation of American ex-pats. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-L2YaIOtJddA.html
8 лет назад
@agentlibre5803 8 лет назад
It's massive bureaucracy and statist supervision. That's what it is.
@mbchudno 9 лет назад
i liked last word... awesome piece. thank you.
@MoFreedomFoundation 9 лет назад
mbchudno Thank you!
@vaibhavgupta20 7 лет назад
how come i haven't seen this videos before?
@MoFreedomFoundation 7 лет назад
I don't know! It's one of the first videos I did. You can sort the videos I've made by the most watched. This comes up as the most watched under that metric. ru-vid.comvideos?sort=p&view=0&flow=grid
@archanamusics1999 6 лет назад
@MoFreedomFoundation 6 лет назад
That's your name!
@househeadericmd 10 лет назад
Bravo! That was the best info on this damn law.
@robbo28 10 лет назад
Many thanks!
@PoliticalThrowback 10 лет назад
Disparity by design.
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
@nowayout8773 2 года назад
I am having a terrible time filling out the FBAR on line and the Submit button, after clicking it, says could not connect to server. I have written emails with reply and I think I have tried sending the " only online " form 17 times. I tried different computers and tried turning off firewall and I probably need to call and say WTF you F n F. No, I am sad. I had no problems previous but I do remember I might have called and I was talked through opening up my computer to hackers or fishing. I would not have a problem mailing it in but really, this is too much stress about a bank account that I saved, rode my bike and really try to cut back. I enjoyed the video
@MoFreedomFoundation 2 года назад
This is what happens when we cut the IRS budget to the bone.
@hhiser6206 10 лет назад
Great parody love the end with china. Maybe we should learn chinese?
@robbo28 10 лет назад
Thanks! It is on my list...
@wwahyyy2035 4 года назад
is that a latina?
@MoFreedomFoundation 4 года назад
Afraid not. She's a Californian with some Japanese ancestry.
@wwahyyy2035 4 года назад
@@MoFreedomFoundation oh. might as well be since she is a cali.
@daigomori7374 3 года назад
Why does that even matter? Are you going to say the same about the "European" looking guy. Latino is not a race. If anything there's latinos that look like both of those two.. maybe you should travel to Latin American and see for yourself. She's just an American
@wwahyyy2035 3 года назад
@@daigomori7374 i agree. latinas are in the americas
@SaintPraguer 7 лет назад
MFF, any updates to this video?
@MoFreedomFoundation 7 лет назад
Three. ru-vid.com?search_query=Mofreedomfoundation+fatca
@Verdeword 9 лет назад
Who cares about the 15 carriers, Drones seem to turn obambars' trick.
@Krthaspecialist Год назад
@MoFreedomFoundation Год назад
A classic.
@solid1378 5 лет назад
Wow, well played! Well played indeed!!!
@MoFreedomFoundation 5 лет назад
Many thanks.
@gameragedad8953 10 лет назад
I am busting my gut laughing, but then crying because even though they're cracking jokes about it the agenda they've outlined that the IRS has is very real.
@robbo28 10 лет назад
Yeah, this is satirical, but the only thing that's not true is the honesty with which we tried to portray the agenda.
@gameragedad8953 10 лет назад
robbo28 No kidding huh. Funny how 4 years later is when I'm hearing about this stupid bill rather than when it was proposed in 2010!
@robbo28 10 лет назад
GameRage Dad That is what a big government does. My guess is that we will be hearing a lot more about it in the coming months.
@gameragedad8953 10 лет назад
robbo28 I hope so, unfortunately it seems like the UK and the US are doing dirty dealings on this one and that the US has agreed to give UK information on their foreign nationals as well is what I have heard. Thus I don't think that the governments will give in without a very significant amount of pressure from citizens. Most citizens will not make that big of a stink and this will go unnoticed for several decades at least is my prediction.
@robbo28 10 лет назад
GameRage Dad Oh yeah, I don't think it will go anywhere. FATCA is here to stay. I don't think the UK will get any information on its citizens though.
@HERALDHERALD 9 лет назад
So then tax havens are cool then?
@MoFreedomFoundation 9 лет назад
HERALDHERALD Just ours. We shut down the rest, so the US gets all the money. Woo hoo!
@fazbell 6 лет назад
Complain all you want. Nothing will change.
@MoFreedomFoundation 6 лет назад
Things change all the time. We just have to change things more intelligently.
@fazbell 6 лет назад
FATCA is frightening. I live in Thailand and trying to open a local bank account is almost impossible. NO ONE except Bangkok Bank, which has a branch in New York, will open an account for you. They simply don't want American hassles.
@MoFreedomFoundation 6 лет назад
Yep. Makes it harder for Americans to live abroad. Terrible idea.
@markzuke 10 лет назад
Yea the girl screaming foul language got me to hit pause and i'll be heading to another video... not bad though.
@BassApp 8 лет назад
Can you please remove the f****** "bip" sounds when you curse ? We're on youtube, you're explaining a complex subjet to adults, not babies. Apart from that, great video, very informative. In result : don't take any american account.
@MoFreedomFoundation 8 лет назад
+BassApp Thanks! When I made this video over two years ago I took being family friendly a little more seriously. I swear a lot more in my weekly vids now.
@MsJoshisfat 10 лет назад
i did enjoy this video it was funny. but i can see that war may happen because of this
@robbo28 10 лет назад
God I hope not!
@MsJoshisfat 10 лет назад
yeah it would suck
@DukeLaCrosse20 10 лет назад
All your bank are belong to us.
@robbo28 10 лет назад
Yup. The fact that this plays to the interest of the "too big to fail" banks is pretty obvious.
@protoolsfanatic7276 10 лет назад
i thought that was pretty funny,didnt think the pretty girl was gonna go all phyco n shit.hahaall this means is that since the very rich wont get there way they will just take it out on there employees,no more benifets (if any) no raises cut this and cut back on that so they dont have to give up one of there vacation homes.
@commanderofthenorth3348 10 лет назад
@richiesantos8893 9 лет назад
nice video..
@Wrongrealities 10 лет назад
for now... lol
@MoFreedomFoundation 10 лет назад
IAMGOD712007 Thanks for watching! I would suggest you do a little more research. Most people who start off lıke you end up agreeing with me once they stop listening to what they are told and get educated.
@lorrainehillman8130 10 лет назад
@benh9076 10 лет назад
My 12 yr old niece can do a better job at this than these two did, without all the nonsense that went on in this one.
@hhiser6206 10 лет назад
great ending OMG I hope not!
@robbo28 10 лет назад
Thanks! Globalization is a great thing, governmental consolidation is not.
@Stormbringer2012 10 лет назад
robbo28 Yeah that made sense
@Stormbringer2012 10 лет назад
robbo28 Moron
@blkj1973 10 лет назад
@MaryRose007 6 лет назад
The woman is very annoying
@MoFreedomFoundation 6 лет назад
Yes. That is the role she is playing.
@safreen-insightidea7932 4 года назад
@MoFreedomFoundation 4 года назад
Fun emojis.
@BakerVS 10 лет назад
Could we use this video on stop-fatca.ch?
IRS Commissioner Admits: FATCA a total failure.
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.
Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You
FATCA: Why Some Renounce U.S. Citizenship Over Taxes
Withholding Tax: What is Withholding Tax
Просмотров 43 тыс.