
"Father's Heart為父的心" (Ezekiel 以西結書 

Roots & Branches Int'l Ministries 根與枝子國際事工
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Sister Joyce Jung 죠이스 혜란 정 鄭惠爛姐妹 (Korean-American living in Jerusalem, Israel 美籍韓裔/居耶路撒冷, 以色列)
Message: "Father's heart"
(Ezekiel 39:27~28) “27 When I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and I am hallowed in them in the sight of many nations, 28 then they shall know that I am the LORD their God, who sent them into captivity among the nations, but also brought them back to their land, and left none of them captive any longer.” (NKJV)
Director of LOVE153 International
Director of Beit Ahava All Nations Praye Center. Doing ministry for 10 years in Israel working with government, Ministry of Education, Orthodox communities, running widow center in Nazareth, providing support for Refugees, helping Ethiopian Jew and those who need help.
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主題:“ 為父的心”(以西結書 39:27~28)
“27我把他們從萬族中領回來,從仇敵之地召回來的時候,我必在他們身上向列國顯為聖。28我使他們被擄到列國去,後來又聚集他們到自己的土地,連一個也不再留在列國那裡。這樣,他們就知道我是耶和華他們的 神。 “ (新譯)
愛153國際主任,愛之家萬國禱告中心主任. 在以色列服事了10年與政府、教育部、正統猶太教社區合作,在拿撒勒經營寡婦中心,為難民提供支援。幫助衣索比亞猶太人和那些需要的人。
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5 дек 2022




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