
Felix’s Story by Lucy Alexander |  

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On 27th April 2016, Lucy Alexander’s son Felix took his own life aged just 17 after a decade of relentless school bullying.
Lucy wants to see Anti-Bullying Ambassadors in every school in the country. It costs just £30 to train an Anti-Bullying Ambassador to stand up to bullying. Young people spend 11,000 hours at school, you have the power to make sure that they’re in a safe and positive environment when they go #Back2School this September.
Find out more and donate now: back2school.an...



27 сен 2024




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@T.287J 4 года назад
Hate people who feed off other people’s self esteem to make themselves feel big if absolutely clatter anyone who does it
@josiannegirschweiler4624 4 года назад
I heard today the first time about your story... i suddendly cried when i heard it. Felix was a really really Beautiful Young boy. Im so sorry for the loss of him. thanks for this courageous video! Praying for you!
@lucvs2170 4 года назад
This story really gets to me I’m so sorry for your loss I bet Felix was a lovely boy hearing what happened just makes me wish I could have been his friend
@clareobrien3265 5 лет назад
I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful amazing son, Lucy. Thank you for uploading this courageous video. xx Kids can certainly be so wicked at times.
@papaemeritus_ghoulsss 4 года назад
She went to my school to talk about this everyone cried
@channelfive7883 4 года назад
@@papaemeritus_ghoulsss When's
@Oject 3 года назад
@@papaemeritus_ghoulsss she came to our school but no one cried, they couldn’t care a fuck, I felt like crying and she said if anyone wanted to ask her questions privately at the end they could but I didn’t because my friends were there. I’m so sorry RIP Felix ❤️
@hasos5577 2 года назад
"He never had a friend" my heart is shattered,what a waste of a beautiful life🥺🥺
@davidgoulden5956 7 месяцев назад
Read about Felix when The Times covered it in detail. Have never forgotten it. Desperately sad story. RIP FELIX.
@suwaidpuccini6918 3 года назад
RIP, i'd show him what a real friend is but this world is full of hate and its hard to cope with at times-you must enjoy your own company before enjoying someone else's. HE REALLY NEEDED A BEST FRIEND ALWAYS BY HIM SIDE. JUST A CLOSE BEST FRIEND WOULD HAVE HELPED HIM. RIP ALL LOVE.
@Karlos12934 2 года назад
Sometimes I think people only begin to care at the point when you are already dead.
@dmc41987 Год назад
So sorry for your loss Lucy may Felix Rest In Peace
@jmxtvarchive9064 2 года назад
I have read so much about Felix's story and it is really sad how he suffered like that and there were a number of things that hit home. Yes he was trying to fit in just to be popular it seems only for it to fail badly. I remember Lucy mentioning about how Felix tried to be the class clown at school only for it to get him in trouble more and make things worse. Certainly in your teens (more likely with boys) it is not unusual for someone to try and say and do wacky things in lessons to win approval of others and maybe even the teacher ends up smiling at the banter. If it works then that pupil becomes popular supposedly and other kids think "Hey, he's a funny guy, such a legend" etc. However if for whatever reason attempts to be the class clown fail (which may have been what happened with Felix perhaps?) and it generates no laughs from the class but rather frowns and groans or stone cold silence and even the teacher is visibly unimpressed then I can imagine how things got worse. And then more malicious rumours and comments go around school and it adds more fuel to the fire and gives other kids a justification to their nastiness towards the victim. I should know because I can relate and empathize a lot with this, I remember in my GCSE French classes circa 1998 at my all-boys school that were a living hell. There was one lad who liked to think he was God's gift to comedy and everything and even cracked vulgar and sexist jokes in the name of banter (supposedly) and had his sidekick who was a real aggressive lad type that would try to sing song lyrics like the attention seeker he was. And the teacher did naff all about it whilst I found it off-putting and made me dread a subject I previously did well in. They could do what they liked and get away with it and continue ruling the roost in school, double standards. Maybe because they somehow happened to be A-grade pupils and one of them was a star player in the Rugby 1st XV. Whereas if I tried to be funny it would lead to a bemused response and cue the "he's a weirdo, nobody likes him" type responses from others and I'd get scowling looks directed at me. What is also interesting is how the bullying and exclusion with Felix happened at the posh fee-paying private school he went to and that was where he became the loner and got referred to as "the boy that nobody likes", whereas for A-levels he went to a new school (a state comprehensive) and started to feel respected and make a genuine group of friends for the first time. Indeed, in an interview his mother did say that he had to change schools regardless as he did not get the grades for 6th Form. Which brings another point raised in this story at how his grades and schoolwork suffered as a result of the abuse and torment. It goes hand in hand that, a lack of self-confidence and below par grades. Most upsetting to hear is how he seemed to be making a fresh start at his new school and went on this ski trip where he said he had the best time ever and seemed super happy for the first time and had found some great friends only for things to take the tragic turn they did. I agree and acknowledge Lucy's point about how the years of torment had damaged him inside so much that all he ever knew from people was nastiness and abuse, he had never had that genuine friend who sticks up for him and supports him. He had never experienced kindness from his peers. So he would get worried and concerned thinking "it's happening all over again" if someone had not spoken to him even if that was not the case. The nasty abuse had damaged his thought process so badly. Likewise, the times when at school if he thought he had made a friend only for that "friend" to be told not to be friends with him. I wonder if Felix wanted to stay on at his fee-paying school because he felt he had some unfinished business socially, maybe even a girl he fancied but was too shy to do anything? (I believe it was a mixed school?) Honestly, not impossible a scenario but he may have bottled it up so badly. Maybe the people he seemed to get on OK with who he was "friendly" with but not friends with perhaps he wanted to prove a point there. Alas we won't ever know. For anyone in a similar situation it hurts beyond words and feels like every day is a black hole but there is help and the first step is to talk even confidentially to a private counsellor. But please do not bottle it up. RIP Felix
@jrbs 4 года назад
Children always seem to latch on to one subject with which to bully someone. They pick up on things where there is something different about the victim and will make this the main focus of their hatred and bullying. I am so upset listening to Felix's poor mother.
@johntomlinson6849 3 года назад
This was me back in the 1970s and 1980s, bulled from 8 to 18 at my school on my english sink estate. No friends, no social life. Why was I different to this young, beautiful lad? I'm not certain but I think it was due to me having a reserve of hatred and anger that sustained me, a self belief that I could get through it somehow. I wish Felix had possessed it too. A turning point was, of all stupid things, the film "Back to the Future". I saw it, and wanted to be Marty, but realised I was the dad. It was a line of his near the end of the film "It's like I've always said: if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything" that became my mantra. I got at clerical job at a major multi-national. Low wages, but lot of opportunities - and I took every one, no matter what hours I had to work (it made little difference - I had few friends to socialise with) Within 4 years I was the assistant manager - the youngest in our company's history - at the tender age of 25. Wages were still pretty poor to be honest, but I finally managed to buy my first house at 30 and then, with a couple of good promotions, I saved damned hard and paid the mortgage off in under 7 years. I worked on, somewhat disliked by some of the people there, but with a solid core of good friends I'd built up, and I retired two years ago at 54 with a good generous pension. The world is somewhat my oyster now. However all is not Hollywood endings... I ran out of patience with my chief bully - my elder brother - who was still tormenting me at the time of my retirement with withering putdowns and comments to isolate me from the rest of my family. I've told him to do one. I wrote to him a detailed five page letter, giving him chapter and verse on what he's done and told him I was moving on. Best thing I've ever done. Am I happy? Not totally 100%, to be honest... Am I unhappy. No!!!! It's a sort of netherworld where I pretty much control things and CAN WALK AWAY FROM PEOPLE WHOSE AIM IS TO CAUSE ME GRIEF - AND THEY CAN'T STOP ME (capitals for emphasis!) Each day I can look for and determine my own happiness. It takes time, work and lots of patience but NEVER stay at a party where you're not welcome. Walk out, walk fast, keep on walking... You will find something that is better than that you have left behind, and you can leave it behind for ever.
@connieoshea 2 года назад
I think a lot of people who are at the polar opposite end of the moral spectrum tend to resort to such hatefulness as a form of projection and a pack mentality ensues. I think subconsciously that jealousy (one can’t deny that he was a good looking lad) might also have factored into the horrible mistreatment of this otherwise “bright, kind and caring” young man (to coin a couple of descriptions I’ve seen written about him) because I simply cannot fathom why else he was tormented so relentlessly and on such a large scale for such a long time. Can one computer game, coupled with cyber bullying, seriously create this kind of corrosive domino effect, surely not and yet seemingly so. Huge respect to his mother Lucy and I’m sure that her son Felix is finally now at peace.
@charlottebruce979 4 года назад
My daughter was badly bullied, we had to move school a few times and she ended up staying in bed for three months and not going to school. She thankfully didn't commit suicide. I'm so upset about this story, I have three sons and it worries me about social media. Felix looks like my son Kristian, I know he would have been Felix's friend. I think racism came into this story as Felix was half Indian.
@channelfive7883 4 года назад
Where does it say Felix was half Indian?
@channelfive7883 4 года назад
Why did they do this? For what reason did they try to annoy him?
@dmc41987 4 месяца назад
It started with him not owning, Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
@evjogkg344 5 месяцев назад
I would have been friend with him absolutely:)
@terixxxlouise7504 4 года назад
Felix was a handsome looking young man wasn't he? That smile...... EVERYTHING It seems the world has lost an amazing young man. I'm dying inside, Felixs story is identical to my son I'm just lost don't know what to do.... I'm so sorry for your loss Lucy as I am too sorry to Felix that you had to endure all the nastiness humanity has to offer Rest in peace
@jrbs 4 года назад
This really is a tragic and upsetting story. I wonder just how those bullies feel now?
@terixxxlouise7504 4 года назад
jrbs I really couldn't give 2 shits how the bullies feel now they shudda felt summat when torturing this poor lads life into non existence You know they will never feel as shitty as they made Felix feel if anything they've probably turned the whole thing round to gain sympathy for themselves on how bad they now feel for what they have caused They should all have 2 rot in solitary confinement for the rest of there days and endure the loneliness felt by Felix
@joanneclements8426 4 года назад
I'm so sorry for your loss Kids can be so cruel. Those bullies should be so ashed of themselves. I would be absolutely furious if I found out my kids were bullying someone. I'd also go mad if my kids were being bullied.x❤️
@richellegonzales8922 3 года назад
I understand what Felix was feeling and I can relate to his situation. He is too kind to be bullied. I would be happy to be his friend. Friendship is everything and most important to him. I wish I was there to support and to motivate him and the only person to change his life so i could give himself a chance so he could survive. 😔💔
@Awarebynature 21 день назад
This made me so sad :( how incredibly heartbreaking
@yazzo4618 4 года назад
So sorry on the loss of Felix.
@Analuiza-jz8cr 4 года назад
Mano por favor põe legenda em português porque eu queria entender oque ela fala
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