
Fibonacci Programming - Computerphile 

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@BewilderedBird 4 года назад
No joke, this channel, and, in particular, this man, Professor Brailsford, are very significant factors in my decision to go back to college at age 30 and get my bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am now halfway done with my degree, and I have a perfect 4.0. I never wrote a line of code until I was 29, but the programming bug bit me hard. Thank you for inspiring my love of computer science, Professor!
@Aprokind 2 года назад
I am in a similar situation like you although slightly younger. How is it going man?
@underpaidnurse2 9 лет назад
Dear Professor Brailsford, Thank you so much for this series, I"m a nurse whose gone back to school for web development and you just made a part of my program a success instead of a failure. Many thanks!
@BenjaminAlexander 10 лет назад
We're going to cover 'recursion' again? I see what you did there....
@MarcoMeerman 9 лет назад
This man is such a great teller, i found gold in this video's. Golden knowledge and am learning all of this. And I feel that you are making the world a better place with sharing this. Thank you.
@woodywoodlstein9519 5 лет назад
Marco Meerman exactly how I feel.
@andreimadalin6207 4 года назад
I guess we can say u found the golden rule
@chkhd 8 лет назад
Thank you computerphile, watching these videos I finally remembered what it was that made me choose programming as a profession. I feel like a 10 year old right now :)
@Lttlemoi 10 лет назад
The most beautiful definition of the Fibonacci sequence I have seen is still this Haskell one liner: fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
@Pterry23real 10 лет назад
By the way, the dynamic approch in python: memo = {} def fib(n): if n in memo: return memo[n] else: memo[n] = n if n < 2 else fib(n-2) + fib(n-1) return memo[n]
@GreenJalapenjo 10 лет назад
Tail recursive Fibonacci in Erlang: fib(N) -> fib(N, 1, 0). fib(0, Acc, _) -> Acc; fib(N, Acc, Tmp) -> fib(N-1, Acc+Tmp, Acc).
@JakeFace0 8 лет назад
I love writing recursive programs. They're so elegant! (If occasionally inefficient)
@jmlassen 10 лет назад
Computerphile has been literally posting the exact same material that I have been learning in my data structures class. It has been great for furthering my understanding!
@aserhassan 7 лет назад
sometimes you need to trust your teacher or instructor to understand something, I looked up recursion online because I have difficulties to understand it, and then finally Professor Brailsford helped me and I got it, but I think the only reason is because he is the only one I trusted and for the first time I listened to the end, maybe because he is very much experienced and look very wise person to me
@keen96 9 лет назад
I absolutely love and admire this guy. Well, I don't think I haven't liked any of Numberphile or Computerphile's guests ever, they are all so smart and charismatic!
@PvblivsAelivs 10 лет назад
I remember reading that any recursive function can be converted into an iterative procedure (though it may require the use of a stack.) This makes sense because assembly language (and I don't care what processor we are talking about; I've seen several and it holds for all of them) does not actually allow for recursion.
@PyraTheHead 9 лет назад
I've been reading through the wizard book (The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs) recently, and another interesting thing about the tree recursion definition of Fibonacci(n) is it's order of growth. Because each time you want to compute a fibonacci number you have to compute the last two fibonacci numbers, the time it takes to compute a given fibonacci number is itself a fibonacci number. Fibonacci numbers are intricately linked to the golden ratio, and in fact a given fibonacci number is the closest integer that is a result of taking the golden ratio to the nth power, divided by the square root of five. So with respect to time, the order of growth is given by (phi^n / sqrt(5)), which we can put as Theta(phi^n) for simplicity's sake. This is an exponential order of growth, and so very bad if you want to compute large fibonacci numbers!
@PressStartLetsPlay 9 лет назад
There is also a formula to find out the nth position in the Fibonacci sequence. f(n) = ((1+√5)^n - (1-√5)^n) / (2^n(√5))
@kikones34 9 лет назад
***** How is that inaccurate? It gives you the exact value for every n.
@PressStartLetsPlay 9 лет назад
***** I was wondering the same exact thing. Plug in any value of n and you will get the correct value.
@asdfghj7911 9 лет назад
***** Theres are quite a few proofs of this formula, I can think of 3 off the top of my head. It works perfectly fine and can cumpute any nth fib number (the golden ratio isnt anything special to do with the fib numbers by the way, check out the brady numbers numberphile video)
@InformaticageNJP 5 лет назад
That is not only incorrect, its a classic example of a wrong algorithm in many algorithms first lessons in Universities. You simply can not store Square root of 5 in a machine with finite amount of memory. Even tho the formula is correct It is not a correct algorithm.
@Orxenhorf 10 лет назад
It's much less computationally intensive if you define f(n) = 2 * f(n-2) + f(n-3). You do need to define one more special case though: f(1)=1 f(2)=1 and f(3)=2. f(10) would then take 17 function calls instead of 55, and f(20) would take 301 instead of 6,765.
@bornach 10 лет назад
This desn't improve the overall computational complexity however. The number of calls is still proportional to r raised to the power of n, where r is the Golden Ratio. There is a way to calculate Fibonacci in linear time. See www.geeksforgeeks.org/dynamic-programming-set-1/
@JoshLathamTutorials 10 лет назад
Really enjoyed the talk you did on the open day for the university. It's where i'd like to come to study Computer Science. It was awesome to see you in the flesh haha Keep up the great work! :D
@TheAlison1456 3 года назад
6:05 very convenient how the lighting turned dark as he was saying this
@michaelwoodhams7866 6 лет назад
About a year ago, I had a great Fibonacci sequence idea, which I call Fibinary notation. It turns out (not too unexpectedly) that not only was I not the first to think of the idea, I also wasn't the first to think of the name. If D is a sequence of binary digits (i.e. D_i = 0 or 1 for all i) then we can interpret it as an integer by value = Sum_i D_i F_{i+1}. (Smallest index is 1.) Compare to binary notation, where value = Sum_i D_i 2^{i-1}. (When we write D as a string of digits, we write it from highest index on left to lowest index on right.) One interesting outcome is that Fibinary notation is not always unique, e.g. 100 = 3, but 011=3 also. In fact, anywhere in the sequence you see '011', you can substitute '100' without changing the value (and vice versa.) I call it canonical form when there are no adjacent 1s. It isn't too hard to come up with an addition algorithm, although it would be hard to efficiently implement in logic gates because you don't know how many times you need to do 011 -> 100 substitutions. I looked at multiplication, threw up my hands in horror, and tried no further. Web search for 'fibinary' to find out more. There is also an academic paper on a generalization of fibinary notation, the citation to which I don't have on hand (as I recall, it did not use the name 'fibinary').
@JavierRuizGonzalez 9 лет назад
With memoizing in Python: computed_fib = {1:1,2:1} def fib(n): if n in computed_fib: return computed_fib[n] else: computed_fib[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) return computed_fib[n] And the 2015 Fibonacci number would be: In [17]: print fib(2015) 5762488896030140993970127447076792874336403418687476758848483166124324633496452225745760531625355769343572448331578223521805650643845496976578903145216445829111893577603290923340147837405958982446562955804144013677696770990394272037162587085666026561601045718910518761496231846434488662629501872606840106837782272291703369191403678479329790837646825844843416090881795139086749031394076973360344297117287140768030461857985
@MA-748 8 лет назад
Fibonacci spiral in python 3 from time import sleep import turtle turtle.color("light blue") turtle.pencolor("dark blue") a, b = 0, 1 for i in range (2000): c=(a+b) a= (b) b = c print (c) turtle.circle(c, 90) sleep (.05) input()
@TheRobinrosenberg 5 лет назад
Why mess with the dict stuff? Postscript already has an "easy" to use stack /fib { dup dup 1 eq exch 2 eq or { pop 1 } { 1 sub dup 1 sub fib exch fib add } ifelse } def
@tomc.1935 10 лет назад
It feels like Winnie the Pooh is teaching me maths!
@MrJdcirbo 4 года назад
I can't unhear this now...
@thomashanson3476 3 года назад
Gather round the pot of honey guys it time to learn advanced computer science
@Ymbirtt 10 лет назад
For people who enjoy fun bits of trivia, the desks behind which the panellists sit on QI each have Fibonacci spirals on them. If you take adjacent pairs of Fibonacci numbers and divide them (1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5,...), you'll find yourself steadily getting closer to the quantity which is written behind Stephen Fry's right ear.
@L0LWTF1337 10 лет назад
Actually the first fibonacci number is 0, although I think it's F(0). 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 includes the case where no rabbits are there.
@miri_kess 10 лет назад
***** Prove it. Because its impossible for me to prove that I draw invisible object.
@spacedew 10 лет назад
no...it 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...
@GPCTM 7 лет назад
No. 0 rabbits is no case. 2 rabbits is the beginning. 1, 1. and then the rabbits, you know, do their thing.
@Gimbar83 10 лет назад
Haskell: fib 0 = 0 fib 1 = 1 fib n = fib ( n - 1 ) + fib ( n - 2 )
@sunealkaersig 10 лет назад
or fib = 0 : 1 : (zipWith + fib (tail fib))
@jeehwanlee 8 лет назад
@Luke29121999 8 лет назад
+Steve Lee Im pretty sure just about any computer science class wants him as a professor.
@spektrum1983 10 лет назад
You can also use Z Transform to get a formula for every nth number in the fibonacci sequence. You get F(z) = z/(z^2-z-1). Inverse Z transform gives, F(n)=(-(1/2 (1 - Sqrt[5]))^n + (1/2 (1 + Sqrt[5]))^n)/Sqrt[5]. If you put in negative numbers, and plot a curve in the complex plane. Imaginary number as the y axis and real numbers as the x axis. you get a fine spiral too :) If you plot from 0 to 2, I really love the little loop the curve does to pass number 1 twice :D
@jmlassen 10 лет назад
My assignment in class was to write a program that could handle calculating the Fibonacci sequence to the 1000th number. But we could not use any of the large number libraries. We had to build a linked list class that could add and store the numbers.
@SamarSunkaria 10 лет назад
Would love to see more videos on recursion!
@ffggddss 6 лет назад
... and you can make it into an actual logarithmic spiral by using actual golden rectangles (GRs) from the start, each added square making the next larger GR out of the previous one; and continuously increasing the radius of curvature of the spiral, not just at each rectangle boundary crossing. Might be interesting to see those two sets of rectangles and spirals co-overlaid, maybe in contrasting colors. Fred
@GPCTM 7 лет назад
#GPC - 2017 x, y = 1, 1 while True: print(y) x, y = y, x+y
@MrJdcirbo 4 года назад
I wrote a recursive program in c++ to find the Fibonacci sequence at varying steps and included the number of iterations of the function it take to get from one member of the set to the next.... The first, like, ten members took a couple hundred iterations each. It ground to a near halt around the 50th member of the sequence... That's because it took 25 billion iterations of fib() to get from the 49th to the 50th member... 😳... If anyone wants the code, I'll gladly paste it.
@goeiecool9999 10 лет назад
5:43 *windows closes behind him* Woo for smart buildings!
@ShobhitVashistha 7 лет назад
wow... great observation :)
@robl4836 10 лет назад
Here's an example. it calculates the first 93 Fibonacci numbers almost instantly (caching previous values for performance).. Incidentally, 'theAnswer' = 12200160415121876738. I'll leave you to check manually if it is correct.numeric overflow started occurring just after 93 on my 64-bit PC. using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Fibbers { class Program { private static Dictionary _fibs = new Dictionary(); static void Main(string[] args) { _fibs.Add(1UL, 1UL); _fibs.Add(2UL, 1UL); ulong theAnswer = Fib(93); } private static ulong Fib(ulong i) { if (_fibs.ContainsKey(i)) return _fibs[i]; _fibs.Add(i, Fib(i - 1) + Fib(i - 2)); return _fibs[i]; } } }
@xanokothe 10 лет назад
For Professor Brailsford, everythink will end up in stacks
@mikado_ 10 лет назад
As long as they are implemented in PostScript of course !
@NickiRusin 10 лет назад
I bet he puts stacks in stacks, too.
@xanokothe 10 лет назад
Stackception programmed in PostScript
@naaj100 10 лет назад
On a hardware level stacks are everywhere, so he is not wrong
@mikado_ 10 лет назад
well this should not matter since computer science isn't about computers...
@slr150 10 лет назад
Possible to do this at O(log n), by squaring matrix transforms.
@Finnnicus 10 лет назад
Thank you very much for this, I'll use it whenever I need to help explain recursion.
@duncpoly236 9 лет назад
what is the formula of logarithmic spiral approximated by Fibonacci spiral?
@Kabitu1 10 лет назад
So, did he actually explain what kind of operations can´t be de-recursed?
@dasten123 8 лет назад
+Kabitu1 I think it's in here /watch?v=i7sm9dzFtEI
@HadienReiRick 10 лет назад
Here's a little fact: Did you know the human hand follows the Fibonacci sequence? Start at the tip of any finger and measure the distance between the joints all the way to your wrist. Its actually what I go by when I'm 3D modeling a human hand to proportion.
@PvtHaggard 10 лет назад
Python: oldNumber, newNumber, answer, n = 0,1,0,10 for i in range(n): answer = newNumber + oldNumber oldNumber = newNumber newNumber = answer print answer STOP = input("STOP!")
@HTownsend 7 лет назад
Doesn't a recursive approach lead to an exponential nightmare with larger values of n though? Unless you do something clever with a globally available array of already determined values set from previous function calls, you'll find an ever increasing number of cases where the function is called with the same arguments as one or more others, which is entirely pointless for a deterministic function.
@RegularTetragon 5 лет назад
Some clever languages like Haskell let you define an operator that automatically memoizes (i.e. stores prior results in a list) for any function, which is a top down approach.
@Nyitemare 9 лет назад
Really liked that =)
@tyebillion 10 лет назад
Do a Computerphile or Numberphile or both on the Mandelbrot set!
@siratthebox 10 лет назад
Could you do a video on prolog?
@gano54 10 лет назад
Maybe you could use the Fibonacci sequence to introduce the concepts of Memoization and Dynamic Programming.
@Kino-Imsureq 6 лет назад
i guess for javascript: var fibNum = 8; //Amount of numbers in the sequence (example: 6) var fibArr = []; fibArr[0] = 1,fibArr[1] = 1; var fibString = 'Fibonacci Sequence: 1, 1'; var fibCn = 2; for(var i = 2; i < fibNum; i++) { fibArr[i]=fibArr[i-1]+fibArr[i-2]; fibString = fibString + ', ' + fibArr[i]; fibCn += fibArr[i]; } var fibSum = 'Sum: ' + fibCn; var total = fibString + ' ' + fibSum;
@BGroothedde 10 лет назад
I see a few recursive functions in the comments, some call it a 'better' version, but they have probably never called those functions with high integer values... stack overflow imminent.
@kujmous 10 лет назад
A non-recursive equation can be made for fibb(n). What I have been trying to determine is if a non-recursive equation can be made if we scale the recursion to a third degree. If a1=1, a2=1, and a3=1, and a(n+1)=a(n)+a(n-1)+a(n-2).... can a non-recursive function be made?
10 лет назад
Y sigo teniendo demostraciones de que mi tatto es un EXCELENTE Y MUY BIEN ELEGIDO TATTO algo de lo que nunca me arrepentiré
@D1GItAL_CVTS 7 лет назад
4:33 this sounds like a name for some kind of a world replacement meme video...
@FTE99699 10 лет назад
Just love the Prof!
@Aefire1 10 лет назад
Saying the Fibonacci sequence is recursive is a little misleading. That is, on a Turing machine, the operation would be fine, but in reality, when you get up to the 50th or so number, it begins to call the function far too many times, looking for answers it's already computed an upteenth number of times. I believe it's an O(n^n) function. By storing results in an array, you can decrease the running time to O(1), which is so infinitely better. It's the difference between a microprocessor and a supercomputer.
@CourtOfWinter 10 лет назад
It being recursive has nothing to do with the capabilities of computers, but with how it is defined. Also it can easily be calculated in linear time. O(1) can only be achieved, if the array is filled beforehand or if you use the formula (((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n+((1-sqrt(5))/2)^n)/sqrt(5). Edit: The other answers weren't shown to me before oO
@ScormGaming 10 лет назад
I think the answer is in maths. As Fibonacci sequence is a recurrent sequence of order 2 you can in fact simplify it's expression by something which looks like Un = A.(r1)^n + B.(r2)^n ; r1,r2 being the roots of the r^2=r+1 equation(fibonacci recurrence definition) which is r^2-r-1=0. A and B are factors that depends on the initial values of the sequence. Here U(0)=1 and U(1)=1. It is in fact similar to solving a differential equation in the end.
@edgeeffect 8 лет назад
Postscript reminds me of FORTH
@theignorantphilosopher4855 5 лет назад
Just because: void fib(int* a, int* b) { Printf("%i ", *b); *a += *b; fib(b,a); }
@rossgeography 7 лет назад
loving the scrap paper ;)
@tiltedtesseract8210 10 лет назад
if you follow the fibonacci sequence in reverse, you get alternating positive and negative numbers of the same as forwards. just thought it was interesting.
@sergioavila2720 10 лет назад
Please make a video about polymorphism
@alexthi 10 лет назад
Is it possible to generate the set of arrangements of a n-element set without recursion ?
@justahker3988 10 лет назад
"en plus oneth" or "en plus first"?
@bolivianoman1831 3 года назад
Someone could say me if there's a reproduction list about recursion or the videos that talk about it? I'm doing an important work about it to enter for the university and it would be useful
@robl39 10 лет назад
Do all of the people posting their O(N) solution for the nth Fibonacci number know that there is a closed form for the nth Fibonacci number that uses the Golden Ratio. The nth Fibonacci can be computed in O(1) using this.
@MrKorrazonCold 10 лет назад
"The fact that this region of the universe has a limited observable range as the waves come from a distance radius. . ..And the fact that the electron is a perfectly round sphere.. . .Are two sides of the same + and - coin!! There exists only two combinations of these two spherical + and - electromagnetic sine waves, or wavefronts multiplying and dividing at right angles.. . .They have opposite vectors and quantum spin forming the positron and electron wave centre.. . .4pi R2=/N pi Re2.. . . Or "the two energy states of Qubits" in quantum computing which can be such things as photons, trapped ions, atoms, electrons, and nuclear spins made of vibrating wavefronts called shells in particle physics, or spherical standing wave structures over a period of time.. . .E2=mc2/c4+p2/c2.. . .Only difference is time dilating Volume!! Their output was the negation of their input: 0 goes to 1/1 to 0.. . .the start of a Fibonacci spiral.. . . Therefore generation of any information exceeds radiation during the first half of the cycle. . ..Radiation now exceeds generation during the second half of the cycle as the constant outward momentum of EMR (de-compression) repels like charged particles absorbing energy and emitting the density from the two previous vectors spiralling out the Fibonacci sequence seen everywhere in nature.. . . Since centre is everywhere forming the total amplitude of sinusoidal waves at each and every point of space then mc2 represents the expansion of mass which is an opposite de-compression from the energy compression c4+ acting upon time dilating inertial ref-frames p2 at the expense of gravitational potential c2.. . . Space is a division of solidity into entropy C2 the second law of thermodynamics.. . .But also E2= a multiplication of volume at the expense of gravitational potential."
@shadowmil 10 лет назад
give me 10 dicts? oh my professor...
@BrigittePlattner 9 лет назад
This fibonacci programming they used in building of Pyramids.
@Pseudoradius 10 лет назад
I think a small error slipped into this video. You can write every recursive function without using recursion. However for some functions simple for-loops are not powerful enough. Simple for-loops meaning, that they can only loop a finite number of times.
@Miranotuk 10 лет назад
I'm not sure for all languages, but you can't do recursion forever either. Python for instance will return RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded after 995 recursions.
@pwn2own23 10 лет назад
And now the Ackermann function, please :)
@Holobrine 10 лет назад
Fibonacci's real name is Leonardo of Pisa. On a similar note, Da Vinci is Italian for "of Vinci", so it's not Leonardo Da Vinci's last name, rather, it's his birthplace.
@martin128 8 лет назад
Stack frames?! I need a video on it, professor!
@GtaRockt 8 лет назад
+CircleofMadness watch the previous one (what on earth is recursion)
@martin128 8 лет назад
Thanks, I think I got it. Basically every time a recursion goes one level down it creates a stack frame with it's own local variables and waiting for a return.
@alexbarber210 10 лет назад
You sent me here from the university of Nottingham open day.
@Miranotuk 10 лет назад
Python FTW! :) def fib(n): if n < 0 or type(n) != int: raise ValueError if n < 3: return int(bool(n)) return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
@AchDeFuckLP 9 лет назад
this is the fibonacci programm in vb for an consoleapplication Module Module1 Sub Main() Do Dim zähler As ULong = 2 Dim index As ULong = 1 Dim zwischenspeicher As ULong Dim fm1 As ULong = 1 Dim limit As ULong Console.WriteLine("Write the limit, until wich number it should be calculated.") Do Try limit = Console.ReadLine() Exit Do Catch Console.WriteLine("Please write a number greater or equal to 0") End Try Loop Console.WriteLine("The value of fib 1 is 1") Try Do Until index > limit Console.WriteLine("The value of fib " & zähler & " is " & index) zwischenspeicher = fm1 + index fm1 = index index = zwischenspeicher zähler = zähler + 1 Loop Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine("Error:") Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) End Try Loop End Sub End Module
@MA-748 8 лет назад
+AchDeFuckLP i keep getting an error at line 3 char 18
@boballen1232 7 лет назад
I just wrote a Fibonacci sequence using tail calls to optimize it so it doesn't use the stack. I think that would make an interesting video. Thanks for your work, I love the channel. Here's the links to my program, it's written in javaScript. jsfiddle.net/syntaxerrorforbearer/yjjbxhve/ - optimized (not using the stack), and jsfiddle.net/syntaxerrorforbearer/uku716z2/3/ - recursive version using the stack. If you put a large number in the recursive version the browser will crash because the stack gets overflowed, but the tail call version handles big numbers no problem because there are no pending computations between recursive calls.
@davecrupel2817 7 лет назад
Rumor has it professor Brailford dreams about recursion
@Archie3D 10 лет назад
Cocktail "Recursive": 20% of alcohol, 30% of water and 50% of cocktail "Recursive."
@egalearningcurveuk375 4 года назад
Yup sir.....
@MEGATRON01ification 10 лет назад
I'm trying to get into computer science and programming. Any help? I'm fairly young so I have lots of time to learn.
@mohnandmohmmed 6 лет назад
@bentoth9555 8 лет назад
Am I the only one who, if I made a movie about recursion, would have it link to itself?
@alexandersnell4550 8 лет назад
Google recursion. You are definitely not the only one :P
@bentoth9555 8 лет назад
That's what I was thinking when I commented that. ;)
@abanoubsameh6608 5 лет назад
why can't you declare an array and pass it to your c function and get the results in it?? Isn't that the same thing??
@alpemxyz 5 лет назад
Yes you can. In fact, it is posible to optimize the function by storing previously computed results in the array.
@shruggzdastr8-facedclown 4 года назад
I actually love "boring" courier
@Pterry23real 10 лет назад
I can't understand, that every time the faculty and the fibonacci secence is used to explain recussion. At higher n this way is way too slow and most times impossible. Only a memoized recursion can slightly beat the iterative solution, because, it is basically the same. But there are better examples like the Euler Tour, actually recursion is extremly important for graphs, more examples in this directions please. Because what should I do with a simple recursion that didn't allow me to compute fac(100) or fib(55) because the recursion depth is way to deep for normal computers.
@alicraftserveur 7 лет назад
Yeah, I was surprised he didn't even talk about that. By the way, strictly speaking it's more the breadth of the recursion than its depth that's the issue here
@statixsc3013 8 лет назад
OI! dont go dissing comic sans when in the recursive videos one of those n's was comic sans . . . but ye, comic sans . . . .
@GegoXaren 10 лет назад
Aaaaand.... cliffhanger...
@SuperAwesomeStuntMan 10 лет назад
@desromic 10 лет назад
The question is: Just by watching this video, can you determine if Computerphile will ever stop making videos about recursion?
@PvtHaggard 10 лет назад
Got a little programing challenge for anyone interested. You have to find a way to swap the values of two integers. Sounds simple doesn't, But the catch is you can't use a third temporary integr.
@DarioTA139 10 лет назад
Trivial. Let a and b be two integers. a *= b; b = a/b; a = a/b;
@KilgoreTroutAsf 10 лет назад
@KilgoreTroutAsf 10 лет назад
works with xor, too
@hynjus001 10 лет назад
Before I try this, I need to ask: is this possible?
@DarioTA139 10 лет назад
There are two perfectly functional solutions above your comment.
@ryman989898 10 лет назад
fibonacci easy as 1,1,2,3
@jdlopez131 5 лет назад
that seems like an awful amount of code to produce fibonacci. This is in R fiboSeq
@TheTechAdmin 2 года назад
0:16 Printed Math code turns me on.
@fletcherreder6091 5 лет назад
Ok, maybe this would have been the place to put 'Puff the Fractal Dragon', but it's a little late now.
@Kino-Imsureq 6 лет назад
um, is this java? i think i need a comment for a code in javascript, but ya ill make one dont worry :)
@christinaeneroth675 5 лет назад
Am I the only one thinking the Fibonacci spiral is terribly ugly? I can see every point where the radius changes almost as if it was a sharp corner. I would even call it the uncanny valley of sharp corners, as it looks off but it's hard put your finger on why until you learn about derivatives.
@crismonBlue 10 лет назад
fib 10 = 55 ; 5+5 = 10 ... just saying
@mbias87 9 лет назад
i dont comment much but Professor Brailsford has to be related to hannibal lecter
@hellterminator 10 лет назад
So I've skipped a couple a episodes. Has Brady lost a tremendous amount of weight or was he abducted by aliens and replaced by a lousy replica? (In other words: Who the hell is the guy in the end of the video?)
@henrikwannheden7114 10 лет назад
Why is F(1)=1 and F(2)=1 and not F(1)=0 and F(2)=1? That would still reproduce the same sequence but begin with a digit earlier: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13…
@SmileyMPV 9 лет назад
why is it not f(1)=2 f(2)=-1? that would create the same aswell 2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... see the problem? there are infinitely many possible starting points, the inventor just wanted them to be 1,1
@B58-Minecraft 3 года назад
I watched this to make a computer in Minecraft.
@resonance2001 10 лет назад
I have an itchy Fibonacci
@_trupples 10 лет назад
de-re-cursed :)
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