
Fireside Chat with LTG Berrier 

Center for Strategic & International Studies
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21 сен 2024




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@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Gen Berrier, we need to talk about what an incredible fit this is, the affirmation I am already getting and the resources I bring to the table. I am still in same position and need emergency assistance to facilitate this move. Thanking you in advance!
@enriquecastillo-ni5mg 8 месяцев назад
Wow u talk alot
@malloc7108 10 месяцев назад
A General Berrier is definitely a thing that US army would fund and procure. I have a late question for CSIS: did he arrive on a pallet? Jokes aside, great interview, thanks for taking the extra time past the land power talk.
@susanflakes6968 8 месяцев назад
Scott, I believe alot has gone on as I slept and awoke to limber in my limbs..but still a dire need for REST..because I most certainly will not quit..we have momentum and that is valuable...I hope that is the real deal Netanyahu...I need to talk to him...Blessings!
@anjosfeio4129 9 месяцев назад
Intersting military conversation...
@susanflakes6968 7 месяцев назад
Scott, I just talked to Officer Eric @ the Mount Pleasant TX Police Dept. My Case #24-2849 and he took another deposition. I also told him I had asked you to connect with them. He said they would be glad to help and would like for you to call them. That, is something I need you to do because until we get Franklin and get those weapons away from him we are not finished. I am sure we need re enforcement here, my guys are musicians, Rabbi's and a Russian president...with leaders from all over the world ready to be ENFORCERS...WE don't want this to fall into the wrong hands..WE'VE GOT'EM in JESUS name! Thank YOU! LORD! Blessings..if you can help me with resources for SECURITY/BODY GUARDS or Contract Mercenaries, I would appreciate that as well. Blessings!
@susanflakes6968 8 месяцев назад
Scott, I have rescuers who are apparently intimidated again by Franklin's threatening...could you please call ASHEVILLE NC police dept as well as MOUNT PLEASANT TX police deot. I called last week and they came out. I reported who and what. This sane scenario has been going on loke this for three years..people give up and leave me hanging. This is a crime as well as the EMP DRONE. IT HAS TO STOP..I WILL HELP IN EVERY WAY..THANK YOU.
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Scott, I'm really trying to get out of here and moved...now by Baruch Levine and crew. They are hesitant and I am trying to encourage. Today on the Dark Colony i.e. Prophetic (false) took credit for "my testing" to be accepted into (implied consent) their group, which I have time and again said I want no part with them..never agreeing to be "one of them". This weekend has been rough on me with their electromagnetic device which Franklin and probably others have access to. This gets crazier but I'm going to stop there. If Baruch and crew fail me...the LORD WILL MOST CERTAINLY PROVIDE. Please keep in mind, in spite of this...I consistently only stay in DEFENSE MODE for a minute or rwo...the rest of the time..I AM IN OFFENSE MODE. I'm praying for you to see just where this fits and I can get.President Putin to come in and help...REMEMBER...Saul to Paul...he has told me, he WAS a scoundrel, but no more. Also, don't know if you saw it "THEY" not sure "ELITE" "RUSSIAN ELITE" are using AI of him..because he won't let them use him. This was actually on utube, I believe yesterday. I'm praying.
@susanflakes6968 7 месяцев назад
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Could you call Ola and call the police just in case. There is an officer who lives here but I'm not sure where.
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Yes, remember, there is an officer who lives here in the complex.
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Just warned by "friend" to be careful and I am receiving the usual fire threats...
@susanflakes6968 7 месяцев назад
Hello, Scott...status: Urgently trying to depart but FG and Apostate "church" trying to subvert by continuous deception and supporting FG to use EMP Device to as they out it cause me to have gynecological coma..that's the delicate way to put it. This has been going on for weeks and we're it not for RESURRECTION POWER residing in me and GOD as my sheild I would be a wreck. As it is it takes a lot of strategic prayer but still it keeps me unsteady to the extent I can't afford to take a real shower or wash my hair. Think of jet turbulence multiplied radically. As I said this has intensified over the last month. The Apostate Church is now trying to abduct me..I don't know for sure just how much you know but I will say..."When they said let us go up to the House of the Lord...I was glad VLADI and the KGB were there. There really is no evidence of the actual KGB except he is a fourth generation in his family. But if that isn't wild enough for you..this spectacle is being watched by foreign leaders who may already have ir want to jump into the fray. There is Biblical reason for all of this all over the WORD of GOD. The 2 main spirits we are dealing with are JEZEBEL (see REVELATION 2 Church at Thyatira) and Revelation 12..the WOMAN..I see what popped up and I see where you are coming from. Scott, this polarization and deception is thrusting us into WWIII its also called political correctness and national pride...in the negative sense..biblically we know PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL...LETS LOOK AT IT THIS WAY.. AND EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND TONGUE CONFESS..THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD...because that is the TRUTH that will set us i.e. U. S. free..you've been indoctrinated and you are talking to a person who was raised by her heroic father who fought for our country..I love my country..I hope if you can't get past your point here that you will at least not involve yourself with people who are trying to do the most disgusting and perverted things to harm me. Maybe that's why I've had to suffer this way to show you..
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Scott, I'm trying a strategy for next couple of hours..is there anyway uou can offer support to get me out. I don't understand why local police and fire dept can't stand visibly by. This is the 5th group in 4 years that has tried to get me..I know these will do it or whoever now. Just to let you know how long this has gone on..I'm not quitting but something has got to give. He's back to threatening with a chainsaw. Can you make yourself KNOWN to GREG LAURIE..do you know what I mean? Thx
@Goals764 10 месяцев назад
Advertising Gen is not a good habits, let's listen him thank you.
@susanflakes6968 7 месяцев назад
Scott, FRANKLIN has an apartment he uses here at FOX HOLLOW. He has several black trucks, one with a magnet emblem that says TEXAS near driver's door. I have called police three times and I have a Case No. to document. He's here in Mount Pleasant and officer did get his license plate..which was not in his name. We need to get him for DOMESTIC TERRIORISTIC THREATENING ASAP. Please help me with this, I woukd appreciate it very much. Blessings...
@susanflakes6968 8 месяцев назад
Scott, I know this is unprecedented..to say the least. Let me just say, I have been isolated and kept in the dark for the last three years. However, I have been able to go out of that captivity of 24/7 surveillance, humiliation (goes with a homosexual spirit), condemnation and psychological warfare on me (see Jordan Peterson). Utter unfathomable craziness all pro Trump but with the backdrop of bringing Franklin Graham to the forefront if that failed. When I was able to withstand all of that by the GRACE OF GOD, they were shocked..but in keeping with Supreme Delusion (see 2 Thess Chapter 2) they decided I needed to marry one of the two and be like Eleanor Roosevelt and be the "woman" behind the man because of background of royalty and strength of a very close relationship with GOD..but they don't even know GOD themselves...it just got crazier every day..and supposedly both men were married. You better believe I sought the LORD evety second. At that time. I had know Vladi about 6 or 9 months and "kryptonite" had fallen on him..just about the start of the "military presence" and the ROAD to Damascus had already been rumbling towards him, but it hit him so hard (I was there in the Spirit...you better believe I was seeking the LORD..several very emotional things hitting..he was broken in a million pieces) When he called me, because I ministered the WORD to him continuosly and he was so bereft, and told me he was in TX!!! And wanted me to runaway with him and hide..I said, I don't know what's going on here, totally but (he knows the WORD) I do know its GOD. GOD is doing a "WORK"..because the furst thing I said to him after him trying to get my attention for three weeks and me ignoring...was "EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD" He said."YES"..the SPIRIT OF THE LORD through me said "You are a SAUL TO PAUL" and he said "Yes"... So, I know he LOVES RUSSIA with all of his heart and soul and he has been hurt deeply by the WEST but the people who have come to help me are PURE GOLD and they love him. He wants to talk with you... Thank you for your patience.. look at Isaiah 46:11...that's him...
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
I am praying...the leverage we are getting from these "delays" is incredible and very timely.. the LORD MOVING MIGHTILY so that we just have to keep getting a bigger net. See some of my comments to tell you where we really are (recent past). The more he and whoever is helping him delay...the deeper the hole he/they are going to fall into. We will only gain. I'm ok and appreciate you and DIA so much. Remember, truly he is just a puppet..here and England worse...he is banned there. But, there is much much more in other countries as well as here that will make this a MotherLode. His only saving grace is dropping the mask and coming completely clean, because he knows a grand scale of alot from gaddying about statewide as well as other nations. I hope Vladi will get comfortable with the plan of GOD here and come forth. He is a character and though he loves RUSSIA with all of his heart, truly...he needs us to protect him badly. So, surprise, surprise, Scott..stick with us please and while we watch what the LORD will do..we will serenade you as we worship HIM...Blessings!
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
I believe FG has a large luxurious RV black/white..also super Black Truck Dodge Ram..or ? I believe he was here in Fox Hollow parking lot he has gotten the code to gate somehow even last night. He may be staying at KOA across road on Greenhill Rd from Fox Hollow. I could be wrong..but I keep thinking of that...fyi
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Ok...fyi...I know all of this through FG's side of things through videos he sent me. He and Will, his son eldest and second son, Austin do not get get along and I believe there is evidence they are complicite..but third son, Edward is different. He wanted to stay in the army, talked resoectfully about his dad when interviewd, and was extremely solicitous with his grandad. He would be the enroute to you ir whomever. The dsughter, Cissy..FG is very partial to..she continually voices the facade..I hope you get this..there is opposition.
@susanflakes6968 7 месяцев назад
This looks different
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
3 yrs
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
No, not this either
@susanflakes6968 10 месяцев назад
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Scott, I coukd not tell you how awful these people are who want you to think they are christians..our musiciabs and me are SEPARATE from them and they are mad and trying to frustrate Ola. You are probably gone thinking they are alright. I'm trying to get through to Ola to come on. This is complicated but I am not a part of them. The musicians used to be but exited out with me ehen I came. These people hide and then surface only to confuse and thwart. If you can get ahold of Ola and suggest what he do. I don't believe Fg wll do anything becsuse he's in a bad spot.
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Not sure this is you. Scott
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
Sorry to bother you. I know this is crazy.
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
@susanflakes6968 9 месяцев назад
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