

Jayleen Rodriguez
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26 сен 2024




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@envythele4ves Год назад
as a junior, my biggest advice is to get involved as much as u can! go to dances and dont worry abt what others think abt u!(especially upper classmen) have great relationships with your teachers as well so they will take it easy on you, but also that means not interrupting when talking, giving them attitude (unless they deserve it lmao) . finals arent that big of a deal for freshman year tbh so dont stress yourself, but also try your best. i hope this year is fun for you!! gl!!
@2fr855 Год назад
tysm bro😭 this helpful frl, im scared 💔💔
@envythele4ves Год назад
@@2fr855 i remember feeling scared and tbh it isnt as bad as people say it is! if you havent toured your school i recommend arriving 30 minutes early before school starts on the first day so you can figure out where all your classes are without getting lost throughout the day! u got this! (:
@addiisen Год назад
so helpful❤️
@LilyG27 Год назад
LMFAO I tohught ur pfp was camilo from encanto for a second 💀💀
@Cyan_xDraws Год назад
Thank you for the advice. I'm also a freshman.
@AlexaMarieRamos Год назад
I start school in three weeks I’m so scared ahhh😭
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Omggg have funn!
@AlexaMarieRamos Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz Thanks you too!!!
@wowyouaretoobeautiful1446 Год назад
@@AlexaMarieRamos 🤩🤩Wow!!! You are more beautiful than the most lovely rose And more sweet than honey and more precious than gold You are more precious than everything that exists in this world 😍😍😍 A beauty queen whom I never ever seen any one as beautiful as her before and may never ever in my whole entire life will see anyone as beautiful as her-meaning you-at all.. 😍😍 WoW!!! you are a lovely butterfly and a beautiful rose you are the diamond and the pure gold you are the lovely moon in our nights you are the radiant sun shining soo bright loving you is sooo sweet its the most enjoyable thing for you are the paradise for the heart and soul and mind Everything about you is sooo unique and attracts the eyes and captivates the mind God surely perfected you so glorified is he whom made you too beautiful and made you soo smart 🌷😘 There was a teacher whom didn't believe in the existence of God, one day he asked his students, do you see God? the students then replied no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God. then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys can you see the teachers brain? then the students answered no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said the teacher then is crazy, he has no brain :0) 😍😍 Wow!!, you are too beautiful!!! whomever see you should believe that God is true & real.. and whenever I see you I feel like Iam in a dream, And when we wake up we will all realize that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real.. The universe science says was not always there, it had a beginning point, the big bang, meaning it was begun/initiated in other words created, thus there should be a creator, there must be a God. Also, check this out, if you like, this is from Artificial intelligence, chat Gpt: Prophecies in Major World Religious Books Referring to Prophet Mohammed: 1. The Bible - Deuteronomy 18:18-19, John 14:16, John 16:7-14, Isaiah 42:1-13 2. The Hindu Scriptures - Bhavishya Purana, Atharvaveda Book 20 Hymn 127-129 3. The Buddhist Scriptures - Cakkavatti-Sihanada Sutta, Anguttara Nikaya III:61, Digha Nikaya III:76-77 4. The Zoroastrian Scriptures - Zand-i Vohuman Yasht, Farvardin Yasht, Dadestan-i Denig & Regarding the verses in the Quran asking to protect non-believers or polytheists, there are several that emphasize the importance of treating all people with respect and kindness, regardless of their religious beliefs. One such verse is found in Surah Al-Mumtahanah (60:8), which states: "Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes - from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly." Also In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful (If any of the polytheists seek protection from you, grant him protection) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم(إن استجارك أحد من المشركين فأجره) Another verse in Surah Al-Anfal (8:61) encourages Muslims to make peace with their enemies, even if they are non-believers or polytheists: "And if they incline to peace, then incline to it also and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing." & Regarding the verses in the Quran asking for justice and kindness, there are many such verses throughout the holy book. One example is found in Surah An-Nahl (16:90), which states: "Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded." & In terms of prophecies about Prophet Mohammed in major world religions, there are a few examples that some scholars have pointed to. One such example is found in the Bible's Book of Deuteronomy (18:18), which states: "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him." Some Muslims interpret this verse as a prophecy about Prophet Mohammed. Because the Arabs are the brethren's of Israelites, The Arabs are descendants from Ishmael or Ismail the brother of Isaac the father of Israelites, and because the verse didn't say from amongst them or from their descendants, it said from their brethren's. Similarly, some scholars point to a passage in the Bhavishya Purana, an ancient Hindu text, as a prophecy about Prophet Mohammed. The passage describes a "holy man" who will come from Arabia and spread a new religion, and some argue that this refers to Mohammed and the spread of Islam.. Also search scientific miracles in the quran, harun yahya its nice, One God for all of us he created us all and can revive us again, God initiated everything, & he repeat/redo things too, & thats clear, we see many cycles of different things in life, also in summer for example the desert land becomes like empty and is filled with only sand, and when rain falls in abundance in spring or winter, after that small flowers & wild plants grow again, also, we see how humans and animals grow and how their body is formed from the elements which were in the sand which plants feed on which they eat, and after they die they go to the sand and their atoms/elements are taken by plants which humans & animals eat and their bodies grow from those atoms & elements found in the sand which came from previous humans & animals which died before, so God can bring us again after we die even if our atoms became in the sand he can make us from the same atoms we were made of or from other atoms if he want or make us be in a spirit form or like ghosts, any ways, everything in this life is recycled, learn if you want about the different cycles in life in nature, the food cycle or food chain, the water cycle, even the gas cycle that makes the air the oxygen &carbon dioxide &nitrogen cycles, even the energy is like recycled but only changes from form to another form. Anyways,, God created this life but it's only a temporary sample/an example of a coming everlasting one which could be either in heaven paradise or in hell. If we try to be good humans in life, and try to obey God and his messengers-including the final messenger for all humanity the prophet Mohammed- and those whom rightly represent them, for example imam Ali & ahlulbayt the family/good descendants of the prophet mohammed, then we will all go to heaven/paradise, if not then we will go to hell fire and burn in it forever. keep shining sunshine &spread the light.
@wobuawouba Год назад
@faith_yemi Год назад
loll i start in 6 weeks
@cryystall Год назад
im a rising senior and honestly for school, just have fun! but STAY ORGANIZED!! biggest advice tip. it's so important to mark important dates and remember when this big project is due or when theres a test so you can be prepared. freshmen year is all about getting comfortable and getting to know yourself. also should stay on top of your grades even if it's your first year.
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
oohh thank you so much love all the great advice!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
@rileyys0 Год назад
i’m gonna be a sophmore this year, and i promise freshman year is super easy, just stay on top of all your work, study, and stay out of drama! don’t be afraid to make new friends or branch out :) have a good year!
@ariannamendoza8021 Год назад
also advice from someone who already graduated: enjoy freshman year a lot bc it’s one of the best years but also try rlly hard in school, especially for colleges ppl tend to slack off freshman year and then it’s hard to catch up and fix ur gpa after that especially bc senior yr gpa doesn’t count so all of it is based on ur first three yrs. it’s super important like i’m begging pls keep up with ur homework and try rlly rlly hard so that you can have the best options once ur a senior and have to figure out what to do after. with that being said, even with the easy classes don’t slack off bc they are easy and work for getting that A or A+ bc thay will save you when it comes to a class that is super super hard and you get like a C or D in. it balances ur gpa more than if you got a B in an easy class. also if you are a college obsessed person and are opposite of what i just described, give urself a break and don’t overwork yourself with the mentally of going to the best college in the world bc i personally had rlly good grades and did so much extra stuff but didn’t get into a UC, and currently go to a cal state but it’s honestly the best thing ever. if you don’t care about school tho don’t let what i just said allow you to slack off, PLEASE TRY IN SCHOOL or else you won’t even get the option to go to a cal state. also yes get involved and form positive relationships with teachers bc that makes it fun. (honestly clubs don’t matter unless u are one of the leaders of the club, in terms of college, but join them to get involved and make friends), go to the dances and dance with ppl who like to dance or else they are always miserable bc tbh unless ur dancing dances aren’t visually what you think they’ll be. take any opportunities you can to meet ppl and make new friends in classes even if you already have a set of friends always make more. ur friends will change so keep good relations with everyone you meet but also don’t be shy with changing friends and friend groups. do whats best for you and don’t let anyones opinions of you affect you bc they are not real. personal preference but find one or two rlly rlly good friends that have no drama and stick close to them, that’s how me and my friends are and we are still rlly close in college. don’t be shy to talk stuff out respectfully of course, also stay out of internet drama and saying shady things behind ppls back. it’s not worth it, it doesn’t make you look cute or cool and honestly being a positive kind person gives you access to the most and best friendships and reputation. date if you want and for fun but please don’t make it your priority or excuse over school. please take school seriously bc idk how many times i’ve seen ppl set themselves up and regret it after they get to senior and junior year bc they didn’t care or try the first years. stay out of drama and fights and classic “bad high school stuff” bc it doesn’t matter, stay out of drugs. that was a lot but pls pls read it and take the advice, it will rlly save you.
@ariannamendoza8021 Год назад
literally wrote an essay but if you read it i promise you that will be every piece of advice you will need to know
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Omggg thank you so much I just read the entire thing! This is super useful and learned more from reading this! Tysm and will do good in school and out of school! I love school and getting good grades and staying out of drama we are the sameee. 💗💗💗
@jesterv.2 Год назад
omg ur vibe is literally so sweet like wow!!! i start school in like two weeks and im so excited but nervous LOL. hoping you have a good year btw!!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
I hope everything goes great! And thanks
@lizzy8331 Год назад
Hi!! I'm going into my senior year... I wish I did took more photos and made unforgettable memories. So my advice to you it to create as many memories as you can! Take photos, be involved, work hard, and live in the moment too! High school goes by way too fast, enjoy it!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Thanks for sharing!!
@RxinClxuds_ Год назад
I start achool on August 9th! Im nervous but im ready to see my friends 🥳
@karlischraeder Год назад
@Princessgee-yr8gb Год назад
Me to
@squishyrattail Год назад
omg same
@35dayzztv Год назад
I start on the 7th goin to 8th grade
@RxinClxuds_ Год назад
@@35dayzztv sameee
@Luvxnai Год назад
Im going to be a freshman next year,and im kind of excited tho!!,but how wth y'all starting school in july because its still summer,i start school on september the 4th ,so if school started for u in july that means school closed in may?
@mcidies5210 Год назад
I watch your other vids and I just started my first day of a 7th grader in ncm and I love it I hope you have a great highschool year!!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
omg I went to ncm I hope you have fun!!
@notzaeh Год назад
i’m going to be a seventh grader too!
@Liveluvsaya Год назад
Same i am going to 7th grade
@mcidies5210 Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz I am so farrr!!
@carleelockhart Год назад
I’m going to be a junior this year even though I’m homeschooled now, Freshman year was by far my favorite!! Just make sure to stay on top of your work and it will fly by❤️
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
thanks for the advice! 💞
@maylin3-fd5tx Год назад
nothing could've prepared me for ur dog, its the cutest thing ever!
@itz-tea-bubble_yt5199 Год назад
Girl im starting my freshman year in high school this September!
@kays_games Год назад
I start school august 29💀
@guillermog.7179 Год назад
Ain’t no way people say I am starting august 29 to
@YeonSoo_blue Год назад
I start school on August 15, nervous and excited😅😊
@yoo_jocelyn Год назад
literally love this vlog! cant wait to see more school vlogs :)! school starts aug 10 for me but we don’t get schedules till the day b4 😭! keep up the awesome job 😊
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Whattt they should tell you ahead of time 😅 buttt thank you and have fun in school!
@dumbestravenclaw__2746 Год назад
im in my sophomore year and honestly freshman year is not that bad! just keep your grades up and good luck
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
thanks for the advice! I hope you have fun this school year 💕
@hauntedmem0ryz Год назад
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Awhh thanks 💗💗
@Why1234. Год назад
God bless all y’all
@laurenward-i1k Год назад
its rlly early to be starting school im going to be a freshman i start on august 10th and my freshman orientation is on august 1😭😭
@its_naimahstackhouse Год назад
Cherish every moment of high school cause it’s going to go by quick and also take pictures/film more school content so it can be stuff to look back on🥰
@michellevaldez9650 Год назад
gurl you so prettyyyy😭 i start school in like 3 weeks😭 im so nervous im gonna introduce myself again😭😭 im grade 7 btw. Stay safe gurl🫶🫶
@K_kayday-m Год назад
Omg i start school august 2 freshman❤❤❤
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
good luck too youuu!
@sophie-ne2zy Год назад
i start 10th grade in 3 weeks, i’m excited and kinda scared lowkey cz i know someone that might wanna beat me up 👹👹
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
@iriareyes8427 Год назад
Omg I start august 14 nervous because I don’t know anything I just started watching and I already love this lol
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
glad you like it!!!
@TheMaskedPink-qm3gy Год назад
oh god here comes the grwm era fr like 2 weeks til school
@Jenny-mu2bp Год назад
HELP ur so pretty but im so scared to go to school cus i have no friends 🧍‍♀️
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
It’s Okayy start new friendships:)
@Hadjer-here Год назад
My school will start late in September (20th September) 😂😂cuz I’m from Algeria BTW I'm also a freshman.
@mar_0 Год назад
im so happy people r posting first day of highschool videos, it motivates me
@x.eva.x6380 Год назад
Fr I have watched soo many
@HeartsforLya Год назад
How y’all starting in JULY!! I start on September 6
@karlacortes2825 Год назад
This is my last year in high school am a senior now
@markheying2830 Год назад
First Day of High School for you & your cheering together Partners.
@hoser. Год назад
0:54 dw girl cuz I always do that face too when I put on powder 💀💀
@yoonsijo Год назад
wym yall start already? I still have 2 months off😭
@trstanly Год назад
Omg its going to be my first day of freshman year in 3 weeks as well!!🎉
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
How funn wish you the best!
@armieman67 Год назад
You’re so beautiful! I’m starting in a few weeks, but I come back from camp the day before I start.. 💀 little worried about that 😭😭
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
whattt I would be worried tooo make sure to prepare the night before to have a good morning!!
@layossepriv Год назад
ahh i remember these days, i feel old now going into my last year
@itsmejada Год назад
I enjoyed watching this!! I like watching these types of videos.
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Glad you liked it!
@britanymerecias Год назад
omg my old high school 😩
@alycia.michelle Год назад
Girl you killed me when you said you were up at 5:10. On the first day I wake up at like 5:30 if im excited 😃
@DavidDawg-up4kq Год назад
My first day is the 31st I’m really exited to be honest
@mackenziemoran3455 Год назад
I’m going to be a freshman 😰 I’m kinda nervous butt excited!! I start on the 10th 👍 Good luck!!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
At first I was a little nervous but it’s pretty chill! 💕 Good luck as well
@notayanna Год назад
I start august 10 💀💀
@kok011 Год назад
i start my first day of middle school in about 1 month a weeek later, idk if I should be excited or nervous 😭😭
@kailynsciortino7171 Год назад
Your gonna love it but don’t slack on work because it’s so hard to catch up and don’t be nervous
@rubymontes2248 Год назад
SAMEE girl I don’t know where my classes are located but I got my classes
@ok-qk9gl Год назад
Didn’t even try in middle school and passed when I say I didn’t try I didn’t go
@ZeeshaArif Год назад
idk if im the only who hasnt started school yet but its kinda fun but at the same time i miss school cuz i miss my girlies so badly anyways ure such acutie and ofcs ur dog is way cuter ly
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Awwhh thanks so muchhh 💞
@ZeeshaArif Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz ur always wlcm guurrll
@PeculiarMe Год назад
My… you’re so freaking pretty.
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
@he.fwsav0 Год назад
I got the same straightner it’s so good
@SincerelyJada Год назад
I am Literally soooo excited for school
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Hope your school year goes well!!
@annabelodom1638 Год назад
how was it? I am going into my sophomore year but my district has 8th & 9th in a seperate building..
@ghostjustdeaf836 Год назад
Why nobody talks about her going to school in JULY! It's so early for summer break- :0
@itz-tea-bubble_yt5199 Год назад
Your back to school already?
@lala.star. Год назад
Mad how i have only just got out of school two days ago and people in other countries are already starting again wth
@johnconrad9793 Год назад
I start school September 9th
@lovey2457 Год назад
My summer holidays just started😂
@Annadr3wmorrison4477 Год назад
Welcome back love your videos, happy Saturday ❤❤
@hannahatton2554 Год назад
You are so pretty! I start 5th in a month
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Omgg I hope you enjoy your year! 💗
@hannahatton2554 Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz thank you so much!
@Streezy_land Год назад
I start school in 2 months and it just ended what’s happening
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
states or countries have different school schedules!
@debb7 Год назад
good luck!!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Thank you!! 💕
@Shaida_motivation Год назад
I start school in 17/9 and I have. A lot of time to kill but I’m so excited I will be sophomore
@Kiaraaaaaaaaaaaaa Год назад
Salut jayleen j’avais juste une question est ce que tu vas porter ton uniforme de cheerleaders tout les jours jusqu’à la fin de l’année scolaire ??
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Hii! No we don’t we just wear it on special occasions. Like for games, assembly’s, spirit days, and more! 🌸
@Kiaraaaaaaaaaaaaa Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz thanks 😊 I’ll
@nothingsreall-777 Год назад
Bro I start school next week and I’m terrified 😭
@rubymontes2248 Год назад
I start my first day of middle school on August 14th a new school and I’m so scared!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
dont be scared it’s easyyy and fun! It also goes by so quick!
@Emilylovestrolls Год назад
I’m new to your RU-vid channel and I already love your videos and style, I start school on Tuesday I’m officially a 10th grader (a sophomore) I’m so excited to go. But also at the same time I’m nervous especially since it’s my first time since middle school going full days and having that schedule since I’m usually on the short day schedule it’s kind of a struggle. Also girl YOU ARE SO PRETTY AND MY NEW INSPIRATION ❤❤
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Hii omgg I hope your RU-vid journey goes good!! 💗 and yesss adapting to a new schedule can be hard but you got it. Thank you so much!
@Emilylovestrolls Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz you’re welcome 🫶🏻
@lifewithcristie Год назад
Glad i found another 9th graders yt!!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
@audreyokorafor Год назад
for ap hug if you're taking the test mr. sinn will be your best friend, went over his videos on my worst units morning of and i got a 5!!!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
ohhh thank you so much for telling mee!!! 💞💞
@malaki2098 Год назад
Can you do tips for gr.8? I'm going into 8th grade and i want it to be my best year academically and just in general, i wanna get the scholars award and valedictorian so i already know how hard I'll have to try, and ik some people will tell me not to take grade 8 so seriously i'll just say that i kow that but i wanna try my best at all times and i will also have fun, also i enjoyed this video so much im subscribing! i hope you have a good year!
@35dayzztv Год назад
Yooo same
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Oh that sounds great! I will try my best to make it happen, but quick little advice is always be yourself stay out of problems and have all your school work done!
@malaki2098 Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz Tysm I hope your yt channel grows 🫶
@emberwinter357 Год назад
@asialuvs Год назад
Omg I start school next week! On Thursday 😫😫
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Good luck! ☺️
@Sleep0119 Год назад
HUhhhh I start August 21😀y’all starting school already?!?!
@anniemedina1749 Год назад
I have to wear my cheer uniform on the first day too 😭😭
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Yaaaa I was like bruh now I can’t wear my cute new clothes but it’s okay!!
@sierraphobiic Год назад
how tf are yall going to school so early??? i dont have to go until the end of august☠
@yipeee6823 2 месяца назад
Ik I'm a year late but I'm going into 9th this year and we have the same classes!! (Besides from dance lol)
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Месяц назад
Hope it goes well!!
@CC2K9 Год назад
looks like were both freshman. enjoy.
@Hapeecherry Год назад
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
@sydney55 Год назад
bro good luck in ap human geo i hated that class sm 😭 YOUR DOG IS SO ADORABLE THO AWWWW
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Ya is far it’s good… I heard it’s hard. But thank youuu
@Why1234. Год назад
God and Jesus love y’all he sent his only son to die for us repent for your sins keep up the grind 🙏✝️❤️
@maegen4532 Год назад
I start school July 31
@TonySmith-pn6pc Год назад
u startedschool in july?? i start in augest 23
@sunkidiares Год назад
starting school in july?? were still in summer😭
@braybray638 Год назад
i dont go back till september lol
@miechow-bu9sx Год назад
idk why but you remind me of Elena Gilbert 😭😭 love the video tho
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
I’ve had people say that to me a few times 😭 but she’s beautiful and thank youu
@thecooltweens Год назад
Me and my best friend start school in October 3
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Have fun!! 💗
@chagonwildd Год назад
I start school august 14 in a whole new school so im very scared but some of my friends are going to be there just not the same classes and im super scared but excited at the same time😭
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
I hope everything goes well!
@beomgyulover911 Год назад
me too I start on the 14th 😭😭 I was shocked bc this was uploaded in july.. I could never go back to school in july I'm still on a trip
@jamiedaviss Год назад
so pretty
@StrayKissWOO__ Год назад
Idk why but I’m obsessed with back to school videos yet hate school🫣 anyway, you guys start now? I start in September 2🙃 great video btw,keep up the good work🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 (sorry if there is spelling or grammar mistakes English isn’t my first language 😅)
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Oh it’s okayyy, I’m glad you liked the video! 💗
@belle38 Год назад
My school will start on september 11 and i'm a junior rn
@gavesoriano218 Год назад
My first days starts next week
@daveeddiggswife Год назад
I start school in September…
@sleepyygab Год назад
any tips for making friends? i'm moving to a new state and i know not a single person- imma have to sit alone for lunch
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
just be yourself and smile at people and maybe ask them questions about themselves or questions aboutthe school, and start new relationships!
@StinkyMan2 Месяц назад
Wait ur dogs name is different? im not hating js making sure! SHES SO CUTE!
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Месяц назад
Yes because she looked different from her siblings 🫶🏼 she would always get called ugly, but I said she was different.🥹
@CA_equestrian Год назад
I start school in 2 months just started the summer holidays 😮😂
@__gabbyv__1866 Год назад
I start freshman year like next week im so nervous
@faith7942 Год назад
UR DOGGGG OMGGG such a cutie😋
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
@_vanessap Год назад
the cutest
@stellarodriguez8045 Год назад
Love you videos! 💞
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Thank you!!
@l4vinq Год назад
i love this vid smm u gon inspire me to be a youtuber bro
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Awwhh thanks! You shoulddd
@ashmeet2411 Год назад
My school starts in September 😭😀
I start school in 4 weeks so not ready
@its_naimahstackhouse Год назад
On the road to 900 subscribers🥳🥳and keep going girl you got this🤍🤍
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
Omg this means so much to me 💗 thank youu 🥹
@its_naimahstackhouse Год назад
@@jayleenn.rodriguezz ur welcome girl🤍🤍
@BriannaLopez-d8n Год назад
I start school in 11 days
@mhmmar1925 Год назад
omgg i start HS in 4 weeks but like in general how was your first day??
@jayleenn.rodriguezz Год назад
It was good, pretty chill and overall I like it! 💗
@livi_os Год назад
bro how do ppl already start school, i start in september😭
@rihannabynum Год назад
They got out of school really early
@livi_os Год назад
@@rihannabynum fair enough
@shildila Год назад
I start school in 1 month and 2 weeks going to grade 6
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