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Fixing Overwatch's Tutorial 

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4 сен 2024




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@canovanthecanman 2 месяца назад
The tutorial is pretty silly. When I first started playing, I thought every character’s ult was just a tactical visor clone, where everyone gets aimbot. I also noticed from the replies that thinking everyone can sprint is a pretty common theme too
@tamooz6649 2 месяца назад
@daigonmocs0785 2 месяца назад
"more aimbot is always better" - alec dawson, probably
@TamWam_ 2 месяца назад
for my first time playing OW2, i just went to the practice range and I kid you not read every hero's f1 thing and tried to figure out who i liked best. i got to trying sombra and echo, and i really liked them but didn't have them unlocked, but i knew i'd be a sombra or echo main when i got them. i even watched guides on how to play sombra and echo, before i even unlocked them LMFAO anyways, i mained sombra for 18 hrs, til smth in me clicked and i became a mercy/kiri main. now, after almost 200h on mercy, and 55h on kiri, i slowly got into dps again, mainly widow and soldier... til i decided to go echo. so i guess i was right, i'd be an echo main, since i guess she is one of my mains now. not sombra tho
@canovanthecanman 2 месяца назад
@@TamWam_ glad you switched because maining sombra is dishonorable and stupid
@TamWam_ 2 месяца назад
@@canovanthecanman i wouldn't say it's dishonourable, yes she's annoying asf but can help, like this one game there was a ball who kept denying area and rolled around the map for free, killing everyone, and the only way to counter him was sombra
@dumbino7745 2 месяца назад
I can count the amount of competitive games with good tutorials on zero fingers and that frustrates me to no end. If devs can't figure out how to teach people with gameplay they can at least make a video series that's watchable inside the game or something, anything that's better than telling the player the bare minimum then leaving them out to dry.
@mr_mykal 2 месяца назад
Let's be honest, most of the tutorials for competitive games are less than the bare minimum in a lot of cases
@squiddler7731 2 месяца назад
I feel like Splatoon has a pretty good tutorial purely due to the fact that it has a substantial singleplayer for people to learn the game through. I haven't played Titanfall 2, but from what I've heard it might fall in that same boat?
@wub2898 2 месяца назад
For Honor isn’t too bad, every character has a video guide in the game that gives you an overview
@plus9775 2 месяца назад
​@@wub2898 paladins just lets you fight bots to get the hang of things lol
@elektro8808 2 месяца назад
The new console valorant tutorial is sooo good, but yk its exclusive to the CONSOLE BETA idk why they wouldnt bring that to the main version
@zc8673 2 месяца назад
I think the revamped tutorial is perfect. The only criticism I'd have based on the test run, is to space out the audio more and have super clear visual markers where the characters should go.
@PA551ON Месяц назад
That, and there could have been a quick mention of "the more members of your team that are on the objective, the faster it captures."
@Ag3nt-MC 2 месяца назад
The tutorial selected the only character who can sprint, I was pretty confused why I couldn’t sprint with anyone else when I first started. I wish they added a separate tutorial for each character. Not hero mastery. Something like the base tutorial for every hero.
@kappa1990 2 месяца назад
I like your choice of heroes for the tutorial. They're all simple and easy to pick up but have a high skill ceiling, and most importantly they're all from Overwatch meaning from a lore wise perspective we're introduced to our "hero" faction before players would be introduced to the other more complex factions and characters from like Talon or Vishcar.
@ciach0_ 2 месяца назад
Pharah was in Overwatch, but it was later in Helix Security International where she received her armor & equipment
@Juxtude 19 дней назад
I thought it was the other way around? Like, she knew Overwatch people because Ana worked there, but Phara herself went straight to Helix when she grew up, and she didn't joined Overwatch as a member until Cassidy recruited her.
@Megggazap 2 месяца назад
Just to point something out, they do teach you how to swap heroes and they do mention one thing about each role, which they force you to do in the practice range before going into Open Queue. You just dont see it because its not a part of the replayable tutorial, but you’ll see it on any new account you make
@AdhvaithSane 2 месяца назад
Still. The tutorial is dogshit and need serious changes.
@HopeIsADrug11037 2 месяца назад
i tried sprinting on other characters way too many times
@TheOne-hi2so 2 месяца назад
me when 11037
@OX.kO. 2 месяца назад
@z3t494 Месяц назад
I remember when I met overwatch (the actual game) I thought “only soldier can sprint? Why would I play anyone else?” Then I met junkrat, and since I come from tf2 I fell in love with him
@certifiedfemale0930 Месяц назад
Literally I haven’t met a person that had the experience where they try a new character, and start wondering why they cant sprint.
@sm0lfoxi685 2 месяца назад
I really like the idea of being able to interact with the computer terminals
@AdhvaithSane 2 месяца назад
Still. The tutorial is dogshit and in desperate need of serious changes.
@maddiemaybe 2 месяца назад
sigma was my first tank i ever chose, didn't practice range him cause i got into a game already but i tried him and fell in love with him and ever since that day i can only ever hear "Actuating the barrier." over and over in my head i think i need help
@hihiglug 2 месяца назад
that's me but with widow's voice lines, I've heard them a million times now. I have 80 hours on her and playing her (just sniping away) is by far the most enjoyable thing about the game. it's so interesting how everyone likes the heroes for different reasons
@neonoir__ 2 месяца назад
hearing voices is perfectly normal sigma main behaviour
@TamWam_ 2 месяца назад
sad to say sombra was my first main, this was in early OW2 and valorant was my first fps game. i was like "wait, sombra is a mix of yoru (from the tp) and kayo", which btw i mained sage at the time and didnt even unlock kayo or yoru so idfk why i chose her. but after 18 hrs, i tried kiriko in the range and absolutely adored her kit. i needed 35 wins as support, that's when i got introduced to like skiesti or eleyzhau or some mercy main, and i really loved her movement. so by the time i unlocked kiriko, i was already a mercy main, as for now i have almost 200h on her and 55h on kiri. but i got bored of support and delved into dps, specifically widow, but branched out to tracer, echo, cass, soldier, reaper, etc. and support, i like playing bap, zen, even lw, rarely ana, but never brig or lucio. idk why i posted a ramble here but i did cause i could
@octoroidd 2 месяца назад
"omg, a silly fruity little robot that throws balls" almost 2k hours on zen in ow2 later, i wonder what the sum would be of hours played on him in total across ow1 and 2, since I started back in 2018 fuck it we ball
@nikirol4051 2 месяца назад
​@@octoroidd Zen mains 💜
@landanmoore8713 2 месяца назад
Symmetra has LIFEsteal to shields?! I thought it just made the ammo counter go in reverse. Edit: Just looked it up. Sym regenerates 30 shield health per second when beaming down a shield. Genuinely did not know that.
@Luci-pz8xx 2 месяца назад
To be fair, they only recently made that change in the past few seasons. if you don't look at every patch note you could easily miss something.
@erak7 Месяц назад
Ok i misunderstood XD i just learned It thx
@pichujiggs153 2 месяца назад
As someone who has no clue about overwatch mechanics I felt this was a very clear and easy to understand video! The explanations for the revamped mode was simple enough to grasp and the example of the reworked tutorial was a nice visual! With that in mind I do have a qualm with the reworked tutorial: The voice moves from topic to topic way too fast. Let’s take 20:11 as an example. The voice talks about doing lethal damage with charge(?) and then instantly jumps to what his ultimate does. A short pause before switching to the next topic, such as what happens at 19:38 or at 21:52, would make the voice feel much less overwhelming and understandable.
@sebastianturner2458 2 месяца назад
I think part of that was the player moving too fast - he already knew what to do before the voice could finish telling him, so it was lagging behind a bit. Wouldn't happen as much in practice.
@pichujiggs153 2 месяца назад
@@sebastianturner2458 That is true!
@TheDarkPeasant 28 дней назад
And I think some changes to Athena’s script as well to make it more new overwatch/fps player friendly
@ibaggz8215 2 месяца назад
i would like to say that when i played paladins it was very nice to have detailed descriptions of damage, rate or fire, and other things like that for abilities since it let me find out which heroes did damage in the way i liked and let me know raum was my favorite champion
@landrydunhm3067 Месяц назад
I would say that this is a great solution to a tutorial, but I do have a few things I would change for a more cohesive and polished product. 1. Instead of showing a picture of the location you are supposed to be moving to, give a ping players can see through walls (or both a picture and ping for that matter). This will help keep new players from wandering and feeling confused or overwhelmed. 2. Have an option to either slow down or repeat information players might have not heard on the first listen (press R to repeat last instruction). I can’t stand playing a tutorial for a game and zoning out at the wrong time to be soft locked for 30 seconds while I figure out what info I just missed. Giving players agency in the pacing of a tutorial is SUPER important. 3. Have some sort of animation in the corner of the screen demonstrating each action from both a first and third person perspective. This will give players a lot more confidence that they’re on the same page as the dev without doing what the current overwatch tutorial does and just disabling buttons (not fun). 4. Highlight the button on the player UI and/or in the middle of the screen to tell players where they should look to gain more info. The point of a tutorial is also to train players to be able to keep learning about the game after the tutorial ends. You conveyed this very well with the advanced hero info, but making the game UI pop a bit more for new players never hurts in my experience. Overall 11/10. Every improvement you made in this video was MUCH NEEDED.
@IFreakinLovePickless 2 месяца назад
Actually, when they updated the game to OW2 they added a whole new tutorial sequence that isn't accessible once you complete it. It DOES force you to switch heroes and it DOES force you to try different roles. You'd have to create a new account to play through it. Obviously it's not nearly as elaborate as yours, but it's still something to point out
@staticforce5367 Месяц назад
It took me a few days to realize that not every hero has a sprint ability. I even tried to look up "how to sprint in overwatch" 💀💀
@holydoggo4822 2 месяца назад
100% worthwhile fixing the tutorial to be more up to date and include more hero choices. Should still be generally the hero’s considered easy or starter heroes
@kunizite 2 месяца назад
The premise for this video is so true. When i first unlocked competitive and played it i didnt even get how the competitive system worked
@blueimp7054 2 месяца назад
someone told me if I Maylee the push robots ass it would go faster and I believe it for a couple months
@sleepydog7057 2 месяца назад
that is so funny, but sadly people just smack it for fun; imagining it being an actual game mechanic is kinda nice though xD
@danv9718 Месяц назад
the only two points missing from the revamped tutorial I'd say is letting players know about capture speed differences (and the max speed), and some of the later mentioned objective functions, during the new queen street section
@alexadams4017 2 месяца назад
Watching the background b-roll, im seeing some really cool pharah tech that i cant wait to use in game
@tadhgkircher9904 2 месяца назад
The tutorial is perfect but I would switch for the ultimate I would put the charge up to 75 or 80 so they don't have to spend too long on beating up the bots
@charlottev6746 Месяц назад
A good explination on how healing works would be very helpfull, not just for the people who will play support, but specifically for the people that will not. The amount of times I have been yelled at to heal more while I am like 4 walls away from them all the time is insane
@CheesyKitten48 Месяц назад
I didn’t know about baptises boots, junkrats death explosives or mercy’s launch abilities until way later into the game
@fork3810 Месяц назад
Fun fact: on console, showing the hero information screen isn’t even an assigned button. You need to change your controls and assign it to something in order to see it. So there is literally no way to see your characters’ abilities outside of playing the them
@model0.519 2 месяца назад
No joke, I honestly could not wait to get out of that tutorial. It looks like it was made on the knee in five minutes during lunch break. We all know how to use a gun. TEACH ME HOW DO I FLY, BRO
@gladimusmaximus Месяц назад
I lived in Peru for an extended period, and also partially speak Quechua, the language that Illiari's culture and name come from, and I can tell you that it is 100%, undoubtedly, undeniably, pronounced EE-LEE-AR-EE. In Spanish, a LL sounds like a Y (YUH), but that is not the case in Quechua. In Quechua, a LL makes the sound of LEE combined with YUH, but slurred together (LEEUH). She speaks Spanish, yes, because Spanish is spoken in Peru. But Illiari is not a name that comes from Spanish. EE-LYAR-EE, not EE-YAR-EE. Great video btw
@lost8861 2 месяца назад
This was very nice! Though i do think it would be quite useful to mention that you can change the sensitivity of mercys gun and staff separately in settings
@hihiglug 2 месяца назад
I didn't even know that tbh and and I have a LOT of hours on her 😭
@themegacactus Месяц назад
Dude in plat i had a dva that was dominating our lobby and he didn't know how the cart worked in comp
@clown8168 2 месяца назад
u should make a revamp tutorial custom map so we can share it with newbies
@idiomasentusiasticos7954 2 месяца назад
5:49 I’ve always thought that in-game, the condensed version is good. But when you go to “hero information” in the hero screen, you should be able to see ALL of their stats. Including damage, range and shields- along with any of their special abilities/cooldowns. We should be able to see a breakdown. Maybe not in-game, but definitely on the hero menu.
@Satellaview1889 2 месяца назад
A suggestion I would make is that after the character is done completing a few tasks, they could leave the training area, and go through a small Hero Mastery-type course which is focused on the fundamentals of the characters I think it would be interesting to re-use the assets that are in the tutorial section to create scenarios where the player has to figure out how to apply the lessons learned from the range. Then, after that, they could have a mock game within a fake map made from the tutorial, which introduces them to the fundamentals of the game mode, and then uses bots to teach them how to play them. This way the player is taught the existence of abilities, is encouraged on how to use them, and then gets a light into into how to play the game, before getting the option to use any hero in the range. Then, the player could take each hero through the guided tour, now with a better understanding of how deep each character may be, and how to apply that to the other heroes.
@MemeAnt 2 месяца назад
12:07 Why must my brain be cursed by freedom units It took me a moment to process that you were talking Celsius lmao Good video 👍
@coolitten4937 2 месяца назад
I feel like this new tutorial is information overload for a new player
@ktownshutdown21 2 месяца назад
The character tutorials would be enough for me. The game modes are pretty self explanatory once you enter each game.
@kappa1990 2 месяца назад
I feel like if it was a little less heavy on the details, then the character totourial would be almost perfect
@tokyosterror 2 месяца назад
It can exist tho, it would either just need to be like an advanced or hard tutorial for after the normal one, or they could do hero specific tutorials (or lead people to play hero mastery but they update that shit so slow)
@daigonmocs0785 2 месяца назад
could split it up into beginner, advanced and expert tutorial
@aidan_cro_vamp 2 месяца назад
@Person-bp7qk 2 месяца назад
that fact that mercy is my second most played character and i never realized u get infinite ammo in valk
@SHUTENSEPC Месяц назад
Teaching that Mercy have a weapon is ridiculous. Even diamond Mercys don't know what it is 😮
@artsyafroqueen 2 месяца назад
I like this a lot better, I started playing in 2022, and I did the tutorial, sucked at Soldier lol, my friend who let me play a little on her account told me to try Mercy and Moira, definitely preferred Mercy. Saw Sombra in the character menu, played her, loved her immediately and was surprised to see just how different everyone was considering what I was shown in the tutorial lol. Also, I didn't know that the information I got by pressing triangle (play on PS5) during a game wasn't me pausing the game but me just standing there reading their abilities lol. I picked up quickly but the tutorial should definitely be more like this. Also proud of myself that I knew the heroes you were gonna choose from each role for your tutorial lol.
@addicted_mel_cherub 22 дня назад
Wanna play? If you wanna type your battletag
@PhuongNguyen-uf2xs Месяц назад
I tried to guide a friend through the game, who is a totally newbie, and he quit after a week of boring tutorial and getting cursed out by other players every quickplay lol
@stargateheaven23 Месяц назад
One thing that would be a problem is that blizzard still don't really know what some characters are. you could play it one day and suddenly a character does completely different things.. has a new ability. suddenly something doesn't do as much damage etc. its just confusing lol
@Jawsome-ou9ke 11 дней назад
I played overwatch for the first time today, there are several things I would suggest: - Have a ‘skip section’ and ‘go to previous section’ for the tutorial. Later things are important but some stuff is basic to fps players - Mention tank is the name for the role of a defensive character. If you’re including a WASD tutorial this should be in there - Say left shift is mobility and is different for each character - Add a glowing trail to the target location. - Make it so after you do the first 2 dps tests, you are given the option to chose which character initially, something like “select one of the tank characters to try out” (Diva and Rineheart are the options) - Explain the orange health. I have an hour on tanks and I still don’t know how it works - Mention headshot multiplayer - Mention how out of combat healing works - What does ult charge is converted to a max of 15% mean? Is it a 1:1 ratio until 15%? Is it a 1:15 ratio? This is more confusing than not explaining it - Explain primary vs secondary support (I only know there’s a difference bc you said it in this video) First game: The tutorial does do a good job with switching characters, you learn it in your first (all bot) match. - you removed the pining section of the tutorial. Make sure it’s there - During the capture process make it something like “to speed up the tutorial I’ll give you a bit of help” and you go from 15% to 85% - New players will not always be able to carry the initial match, ensure that the enemy doesn’t win for better player retention - If you’re going to mention games modes than list all standard game modes and their goal. It can be in a click the mode for more info type of way, but saying “in hybrid the zone works like this” is only helpful for hybrid and IDK even know what that is Post game: - Unlock the characters used in the tutorial in addition to the already unlocked characters (D.Va is the only one I think), and 2 tickets to unlock any character right away. One Overwatch 1 /the play games to unlock path, then shift the remaining characters down to fill it up. The other is an overwatch 2 character and you can just unlock them.
@2close2sun Месяц назад
I also think mentioning ult lines would be very usefull, people dont catch on from only using ONE ultimate the entire tutorial
@Shiro-yp5xg 2 месяца назад
lol when he said "thats terrible *wHaT iS ThIS*?!"
@NickMirambeau 13 дней назад
When I first started, I thought every character could sprint, so I changed all my controls around "needing to bind something as sprint" before completing the tutorial and realizing I needed to change everything again once I learned that no one else could sprint 😭
@konas937 Месяц назад
I still remember when I first started valorant and one of my teammates noticed I had so much money and had to teach me how to buy and drop weapons. I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THAT WAS A FEATURE!!
@addicted_mel_cherub 22 дня назад
this is overwatch 2 just so you know
@konas937 22 дня назад
@@addicted_mel_cherub do u understand that I was simply giving the example of another game with a subpar tutorial
@addicted_mel_cherub 20 дней назад
@@konas937 it wasn't to be mean 😃
@heyyou9903 2 месяца назад
Great video and Tutorial A few things missing is the passives to all heroes, other sources of healing like health packs or the Cart objectives, and that some/most objectives capture faster with more players on it up to a max of 3 Could also use the communication wheel and pings
@siegebug 26 дней назад
you've shown more love and care than what the dev has for the past 7 years. Not teaching the player about your game is basically telling the players you don't care about them and don't care if they succeed. If players don't feel enough care from the devs, they'll walk away and never comeback.
@betabee1221 2 месяца назад
I think the main issue with having Mercy or Lifeweaver in the tutorial is their weapon swap system. They are some of the few characters in this game to even have it at all, and might be a bombardment of new info to a new player. New players might learn the bad habit of either never using the weapon, or ALWAYS using it
@dekucake4395 Месяц назад
I have to say, your tutorial is significantly better, good job there. I will say one thing I would change is, during the King's Row section, I would add some enemies coming in to contest the point, in order to teach the player how contesting objectives works, and how enemy players can halt capture progress. Probably send in some very weak Tracers or training bots from the archway leading toward the rest of the map. Other than that, this is a pretty good alternate tutorial idea!
@ciach0_ 2 месяца назад
Hero switching was in OW1 Beta at the end of the tutorial, I don't know why they removed it though. The hero you were allowed to switch to was only Tracer though
@vulpesinculta3478 Месяц назад
I can foresee some fun challenge ideas in your tutorial, like attempting to wipe out the bot team before they can even contest. Fun little things like that are what I adore in tutorials, not so rigid if ykwim
@plushdragonteddy 2 месяца назад
i've been playing overwatch since 2017 (with a long break when OW2 came out), and this improved tutorial still taught me something 😭 i didn't know pharah's boost refilled her fuel !! after all this time !! it was so daunting picking up OW2 after my break, and i felt like i wasn't getting all the info about the new characters, despite being overwhelmed by all the information in the F1 screen. now i *know* i wasn't getting everything, even about the old characters i was already familiar with! agh. there's so much about overwatch that i love, but that's compromised by something else. i love these characters and their unique abilities! why don't i get to know what those are???
@PixelRory 2 месяца назад
@@plushdragonteddy well in pharahs case it was only around February this year that boosters were changed to do that, she got a mini rework
@plushdragonteddy 2 месяца назад
@@PixelRory oh that’s kind of a relief lol! good to know :)
@sunny.skylie 27 дней назад
I wasn’t told how the payload worked when I first started playing, so on the very first game I played I left due to how confused I was
@Jonster91YT 22 дня назад
I've been playing since 2016 and I legitimately still don't know the differences between armor health, shield health and now overhealth.
@MsQueenOfDance 9 дней назад
The one issue I have with this reworked version is that some of the information is highly dependent on the curent state of the game. Specifically, stating details about character abilities in voice-over would take a lot of work to come back and remake when changes are made to the game. Any new tutorial should strive (keyword being STRIVE, no one can obviously perdict the future) to be future-proof. However, the lineup of heroes, the focus on hero swapping, and taking place in the shooting range are all excellent ideas.
@DigitYT Месяц назад
I’ve been playing this game for a year…. SYM HAS LIFE STEAL????
@rockleesmile 25 дней назад
Blizzard can figure out how to extract every penny for the laziest recolored skins but it's up to the community to actually teach people how to play their game.
@ConfusedEli 11 дней назад
Never played the tutorial, when I played for the first time he just invited me to his party skipping the tutorial and bringing me to the practice range to try out All the hero’s
@jamesmikayelyan3357 4 дня назад
I think it’s kind of funny that the tutorial gives targets to use soldiers rockets on but doesn’t even show tank or support ideas, imagine a new player thinking it’s some apex legends rip off to then be cooked by some nano blade
@TheDarkPeasant 28 дней назад
I think with some changes to Athena’s script, more tip cards on the side with buttons (ie press [button] to [action]), and some in world indicators and general polish (obviously), your modified tutorial could be a good introduction!
@hanacinnabun Месяц назад
I could totally see Athena explaining what a projectile is vs a hitscan. These are terms I wasn't familiar with when I started playing (this was the only shooter I played). I could also see her explaining that the obective capture speed can be increased by the number of people on the point. Additionally, she could explain that if there is an enemy on the point the capture will be stopped, and if you leave the point and no one on the attacking team is capturing, the tick meter goes down. Perhaps this will be introduced on the first point tutorial and then both your team and the enemy teams are introduced on the second point. But overwall these are great changes! I hope they implement some type of sytem like this into the game!
@theletter8309 Месяц назад
I think the best tutorial would be it telling the player where the uninstall button is
@thebanja4442 2 месяца назад
the mini tutorials mentioned are like the challenges needed to unlock characters the season after they released. Its a great idea and is already implemented in some way.
@DeltaTheTrue 2 месяца назад
That was actually removed with venture. All the ow2 heroes are now instantly unlocked.
@thebanja4442 2 месяца назад
@@DeltaTheTrue honestly probably for the best
@iSuckAtGamesGG Месяц назад
i remember thinking that mercy's blue beam fixed sheilds, and i was completely baffled when someone god zaria bubbles, no i did not read the tips or hero info, i thought i was never gonna play the game again tbh
@jinsoulsscalp 2 дня назад
My biggest pet peeve is the thing about not including details in skill descriptions. Like, why? Just why? If it’s about the game looking clean or some shit, at least make it an option to view detailed descriptions of the skills
@user-so4xo7ig2b Месяц назад
This a really good video and great work on the editing , there are 2 problems I see with it though (not hating though really great vid) 1 - Its too long , as a player who hates when the tutorial takes an hour to get me into my first game , it really frustrates me especially if me and my friends just want to play the game and see how it is. There is defo some information you put in here that should be in the tutorial but its overkill to some extent as sometimes you want a tutorial to show you the basics and you learn the rest. I know you said you can leave at anytime but that feels wrong and you know it. 2 - Sometimes not having all the information available is what pushes people to online communities and creators , especially for overwatch where the community is still very much active and for the most part willing to help. It forces people to become apart of the community and eventually turn them into regulars. so yeah Great video though , agree with alot of what you're saying.
@Theboredsheep 2 месяца назад
From a game design perspective, I think a « show don’t tell » (or at least don’t tell only) would be better for ultimate, if a player stopped shooting after soldier ult he wouldn’t see the ult retention, so not having him visor but barrage instead would be (IMO) a little more hands on :)
@BreakerX42 Месяц назад
Learning tanks for me is weird as Rein used to be my top tank in OW1 but i realized im trash as Rein, swapped to Doomfist and realized brawl tanks are the most fun role in the game
@nathaniel1940 Месяц назад
This is a massive improvement over the base tutorial. Although personally i feel like there are a few things that are off. 16:10 i feel like this is misplaced. Showing them their entire list of abilities first. Then having them go through each one individually for 4 separate heroes makes showing the full list redundant, especially if it pulls from the actual tutorial and enables the abilities on your hud as the game teaches you about them. I think the best time to show it would be at about 22:52 when they first select a new hero for themselves. A reminder that the option is there for whenever they want a refresher on what their character does. 17:48 Having the stat numbers for damage and ult charge and such shouted at you while youre likely still trying to figure out the controls likely won't be all too helpful. I agree that the numbers should be viewable in game for those who are looking for it but the tutorial probably shouldn't point out exact numbers as people are likely to forget. Just saying "you keep a small amount of ult charge when you switch heroes" would accomplish the same goal while being less overwhelming. 20:40 telling mercy players about the gun before they have the chance to heal sends mixed signals. (At least from what i remember when playing overwatch 1) the pistol was more of an emergency tool for when you were alone while the staff was used most of the time and while athena says that the staff is more important, the design of the gameplay implies the gun is. Those are all my notes. But i wish the Overwatch Devs would inject more character into the turtorial. (You're fine. Frankly you went above and beyond for this compared to your usual stuff and it helps in conveying the idea a lot) But imagine instead of athena. The four characters were running you through the turtorial. Soldier would be straight laced and give out info efficiently. Mercy could be kind and supportive towards the new player. reinhardt could try and hype them up about all the cool stuff they could do. And pharah can.... uh. Idk. While each of them goes over their own abilities. It still feels odd that a game about unique and cool characters barely lets you see them interact. But yeah you did good here.
@AlbertoRoldanJr Месяц назад
A great example of how awful Blizzard is at giving players information in game is Maugas Ult. In character select/info they STILL haven't updated the description to say he doesn't have infinite ammo while in cage fight. The game isn't just not telling you things, it's lying to you.
@diablotry5154 Месяц назад
It's punishment for playing him so checks out
@coyote2733 2 месяца назад
I don’t want numbers in F1, I want ALL details available in the hero menu. Numbers, stats, dmg falloff and such.
@maguy2538 2 месяца назад
i would put the shooting range in,i just found out that there was one a few weeks ago and ive been plane for quite a bit
@gabeschultz124 Месяц назад
i think overwatch should add a seperate mini tutorial for each character, like for honor kinda has where you learn a lot about the kit without just ham fisting your way to success and messing up in a real game
@nxt_tim 2 месяца назад
I'm a game design student and I appreciate this video. I've said countless of times that the tutorial is outdated and really not that great. However it does have it's perks and those should also be recognized. I would assume the goal was to give the players the most basic information possible to do something at all and then throw them into a match to have them learn by doing things. I like the idea of that. After all, if your players are stuck in the tutorial for too long, maybe they'd get bored. And sometimes they don't want to or can't remember all relevant information from the tutorial. Maybe it's more fun seeing others do things before you can do them so you think "oh nice, I didn't know that was a thing, I want to try that out". After all, why would you want to spend a lot of time learning a game that you don't even know yet if you'll have fun with it or not? I feel like that design principle is absolutely valid for many players. I also love how accessible the tutorial is that even my mom could play it. If you develop a big game I think it's cool to assume that your players might have never played a video game (or a game with those controls) before. But then... there's also the fact how hard it is to learn all the details about the game. How the game modes work. I remember that for OWL they created these videos where they basically explained how each of the game modes worked. Why not put videos like that into the game? Or at least have a voice that guides you on your first match on a new mode. In general, like the idea of some assisted tutorials while playing around. Some players may find that annoying, some might like it. I wonder if someday they will integrate AI assistants into the tutorial that basically comment your gameplay and teach you how to do it. As in that AI Minecraft demo. Could be fun! Anyway, thanks for the video. I can see how lots of effort went into it. 👌
@CBF2006 11 дней назад
Great video! I think tons of games suffer with lackluster tutorials. I’d take a look at the Marvel Rivals Beta tutorial, as it has role descriptions and has you try out one of each! However yours is still way better I know some games like Helldivers actually have tutorials where you can die, and I think that would be very helpful and reinforce good habits I would personally for the kings row portion you added have you start as Rein. There would be an enemy bastion where if you tried to walk forward without shield, you would get obliterated by turret. Athena would tell you to walk forward with your shield towards the bastion and then swing your hammer at him when you get close This would teach how to gain space and how tanks operate. While using your shield immediately isn’t always ideal, it would teach the basics of how tank’s abilities can be used to gain/maintain space, which is crucial for playing tank and probably a very foreign concept for new players
@Bluemansonic 2 месяца назад
This example tutorial is exactly what I was hoping the Devs would replace from the OW1 tutorial when it moved to OW2 but oh well
@hagalgames Месяц назад
Almost everyone is 250hp now and bots are still 200hp. It's absurd.
@jyqgrande 2 месяца назад
When I first started playing in 2018 I didn’t know you could use mercy’s damage boost 😭😭
@nikirol4051 2 месяца назад
Average Mercy player honestly
@jyqgrande 2 месяца назад
@@nikirol4051 I don’t play mercy anymore lol
@strawberrana 2 месяца назад
I agree with this rework, except that I'd definitely still have it be on its own map, with the objective tutorial being on the same map (it could be styled after the Hero Mastery maps if they were so inclined)
@Qwerky_Qwerty Месяц назад
I love the black ops 2 font used for the extra details
@NoBloons 2 месяца назад
A tutorial update would be nice. Because I would not like to admit how many games it took me to learn that you have to aim at allies to fly.
@Edward-Hall 2 месяца назад
This is a really cool idea. I think to improve on this even more, you could separate the tutorials into different levels for both the hero introduction segment and the different gamemodes, similar to how it’s done in rainbow 6
@litterallyacat 3 дня назад
this NEEDS to happen because I started playing overwatch recently and I had no idea what I was doing, I really like venture so I decided to main them but I dont think that was a good idea because I had NO idea how they work, im working on it still atleast im determined lol
@KounterOficial Месяц назад
I started playing overwatch less than a month ago and a big problem I have with the game as a beginer is that you can't tell what most things are just by looking at them. An example of this is Moira and Ramatra's ults. Information is only given to those who already know the game.
@KounterOficial Месяц назад
I still have no clue what each hero does for two reasons: 1) There are so fucking many heroes. 2) Not all the heroes show in an explicit manner what they do. Heroes like Mauga make their role and kit really apparent, but others like Ball with his movenet, Ana with her "switch from projectiles to hitscan" and many others don't tell the player using them nor the player thats fighting against them what the hero does.
@diablotry5154 Месяц назад
​@@KounterOficialunfortunately just due to the nature of the game that'll always be a thing to an extent. The only solutions are playing enough to eventually learn, or by studying up on every hero either by a lengthy in game tutorial, video or wiki all of which ppl will likely forget a lot of the info and have to repeat it
@KounterOficial Месяц назад
My issue is not that i have to do that, im fine with that (I even play Warframe, a game that you basicaly need the wiki open on another tab to play) My issue is that it's inconsistant and EVERYTHING demands your attention ALWAYS.
@Rafa-hs4to 14 дней назад
5:50 been playing for more than a year and never knew she regenerated when attacking shields thanks
@Pichu718 20 дней назад
i never actually played the tutorial as a tutorial,only after playing the game for a while i noticed it, i was 7 or 8, and without help learned simple heros, like tracer, old bastion, and so on
@ThePanMann1810 Месяц назад
this is why I've decided to make a notebook for general knowledge and specific hero knowledge
@Arquimedes1408 Месяц назад
The strange thing its that the tutorial its different when you make a new account, a cousin recently begin playing and the tutorial had more info of roles, switching, different hero styles, etc. And also the training grounds are the tutorial map, this begin as far as I know on season 10, maybe before, but I think the tutorial in the game modes should be that one
@nooobishgamers1695 Месяц назад
I would have courses for all characters and to unlock competitive they have to complete all of them.
@wrxithnomore 4 дня назад
I still don't know the difference between shield and overhealth
@BananaWasTaken 2 месяца назад
I’d also add an explanation of the ping system in there. Just showing them how to ping an enemy could be very useful (especially since new players are less likely to join voice chat)
@alpacawizardman6778 2 месяца назад
I think a good lore-friendly framework to start a tutorial with is the New Blood comics. That way we can get a tutorial mission with two characters from each role (Zarya and D.va on tank, Cassidy and Pharah on Damage, Ana and Baptiste on Support) and give the player different experiences with a small group of heroes. From there, it can branch off into different mission types or more characters.
@sc4reless615 Месяц назад
I wish they showed for every hero. When i first started playing, i had no idea how to revive with mercy.. and let's just say that i received some threats when i was new..
@neonoir__ 2 месяца назад
I'd like if they added a page with wiki type information in the game somewhere. Exact numbers, ranges, whatever. I had 300 hours on genji before knowing that blade give you a 30% movement speed buff
@Leiska27 10 дней назад
I haven't played the game in so long that this video had me convinced they had given Ana the Bapt crouch jump in a recent patch
@TheBallstealer-v9z Месяц назад
My friends when I was learning we went on Gun Game and any hero I got they told me the controls, the abilities, the ult, and the weapons
@TheBallstealer-v9z Месяц назад
I’m a tracer main so I guess I learned well
@wheeleekwazee1641 Месяц назад
another thing they should do is rework how you earn the earnable heroes to be more similar to a game like btd6, after you hit a certain number of games played on a role you get to unlock 1 more hero on that role of choice
@Mushboom37 21 день назад
Overwatch was my first pc game (I was very young), and my first match ever was tracer on dorado. I remember I only pressed one movement key at a time and never used my mouse, SOMEHOW built ult, and bombed myself against a wall, then getting so peeved that the glowing button just killed me. I still can’t play tracer.
@gongoncha1854 Месяц назад
I would do anything to know what gamemode he was playing
@rainerzufall5316 4 дня назад
I think there are a lot of great ideas in this revamped tutorial, but its a bit fast. If you were entirely new to overwatch I think youd feel overwhelmed. Maybe instead of the tutorial being one continuos sequence, it shoul be split into short segments. I think, before you play a hero specific tutorial, you should first be given a brief explanation of the idea behind overwatch. 5v5, 1 tank, 2 dps, 2 supports. Prepare for fights, win objectives, get ultimates. That is the barebones. Then an intro should be given for each role, explaining what they do in the team composition. I think the hero ability tutorials are great, but I would pick cassidy instead of soldier. After that, in the kingsrow game, i think an enemy bot should have contested the point, then after you kill the enemy, the payload unocks and one example fight happens Your bot team spawns in the room behind you and you get into a bot fight after the payload has move a bit. That would conclude the tutorial for me, it should be encuraged to go to the practice range and try out hereos as well as play bot games.
@nooobishgamers1695 Месяц назад
God the feedback on the voice actors mic 😂
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