
Fort Myers Beach 'leveled' after Hurricane Ian (2/2) 

10 Tampa Bay
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As of the 11 a.m. advisory, Tropical Storm Ian was located about 25 miles north-northeast of Cape Canaveral, with a north-northeast movement at 9 mph. Maximum sustained winds are 70 mph.
Ian made landfall as a Category 4 storm around 3:05 p.m. along the southwestern coast of Florida near Cayo Costa, the NHC said. It had maximum sustained winds of 150 mph, with even higher gusts.
At 4:35 p.m., Ian made a second landfall - a mainland landfall - south of Punta Gorda as a Category 4 storm packing 145-mph winds.
Further weakening is expected for the next day, but Ian could be near hurricane strength when it moves over the Florida east coast Thursday. It will also approach the northeastern Florida, Georgia and South Carolina coasts late Friday.
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Video taken by Twitter user Bobby Pratt shows Fort Myers Beach leveled in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.



29 сен 2024




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@emilyanderson6915 2 года назад
Oh my God. So many memories of the kind wonderful people who work along that boardwalk and the beach! I'm so sorry this happened to you all! My prayers are with you!
@spaceycaveco.698 2 года назад
I loved those people, they were very good to us and had some really cool stores and great places to eat. One of the greatest times of my life when I vacationed there. I hope they're all safe and can rebuild what was lost.
@achmed2pac 2 года назад
We are all born in sin, god created us and gave his breath of life in our lungs. But because of sin mankind is seperated from the Creator…but Jesus himself came down from heaven…he is the face of God he came to set us free from sin and from the lies of the devil. Turn to Jesus and be born again so you can Enter his Glorious kingdom! I love you all May Jesus bless you
@allaboutairtime6548 2 года назад
A childhood nostalgia treasure box for me. It’s truly heartbreaking seeing it destroyed like this, and to all the other peoples lives it affected, especially residents 😢
@Sher1964 2 года назад
@Bubblz126 2 года назад
My heart is heavy... condolences to this beautiful beach and all the people affected.
@calidreaming7738 2 года назад
So, so sad 😓 May you all stay safe and recover quickly 🙏🏻🥺❤️
@icanhearyoucalling- 2 года назад
this is absolutely heart wrenching to see I grew up here and was always around this area when I was younger. My prayers go out to the people who live on the beach
@EricSPizarro 2 года назад
The following is not only for Ft Myers or SW FL: it is time we start considering stopping building residential areas so close to the ocean/sea. We are seeing way too often destruction every year because these monsters are becoming more and more frequent. We need to move inland, even if we love the beach. We can still go during the day but we have to understand we cannot live so close to it.
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
I agree 1000%, like how many times must we see this movie? Stop building near the ocean, Floridians. But that will never happen as long as TAX PAYERS KEEP FOOTING THE BILL TO REBUILD!!
@tracitatman9515 2 года назад
That is a choice that individuals make. I pray that government does not impose on that freedom of choice.
@edl617 2 года назад
Many Years ago I was offer an opportunity to buy a lot along the ocean shore in Virginia. When I saw it was right on the beach without any sand dunes between the lot an the beach I backed away from buying. Since then All those lots have been surrendered to the ocean.
@prodigiii712 2 года назад
They're not becoming more frequent thought. Florida gets hit by hurricane almost every year.
@prodigiii712 2 года назад
@@gayleholmes9081 they pay more taxes than you. These are very expensive property with high property taxes. We already have a fund for disaster relief whether we get hit by hurricane or not.
@itypethetruthnobshere8975 2 года назад
Is anyone from the Ukraine sending prayers for us?
@HeyMsVal 2 года назад
Sorry for the loss and devastation. I hope that they can rebuild quickly and get back to normal.
@mikes7446 2 года назад
Don’t worry stolen tax money will pay for this.
@mikes7446 2 года назад
They will rebuild until the next geocane destroys it again and will rebuild again and again etc
@JohnnyTheGamer 2 года назад
@@mikes7446 Ok, that's government's fault that they're not bringing up to solve this issue, especially they wouldn't even care about us since they're all here for our money instead of sending charities money, so that Ian hurricane would never occur, they're just vanishing us to death, and sending money to third-world.
@KG-xt4oq 2 года назад
"leveled" yet the buildings are still standing...
@tinypoolmodelshipyard 2 года назад
@@zayncs5241 Hurricane Andrews has entered the chat "hey bub when i came thru all that was left standing was foundations and the Checkers restaurants bolted to the ground"🤣🤣
@tracitatman9515 2 года назад
I have been to the square and Lani Kai many times. How devastating. I am sorry this happened to you all. My prayers go up. You are a strong and resilient community. You will come back stronger and I look forward to visiting. 🙏
@lovejetfuel4071 2 года назад
More liked just trashed, the way the buildings are constructed these days in the U.S. I'm surprised those building are still standing.
@sushi-void 2 года назад
Considering they took on a CAT 4 Hurricane head on that was 2.5 mph under a CAT 5. Amazing anything is left at all
@abby54 2 года назад
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy cumbersome loads and put them on other people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by others. But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven. Nor are you to be called instructors, for you have one Instructor, the Messiah. The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted". Matthew 23 NIV YOU SHALL NOT MAKE FOR YOURSELF AN IMAGE in the form of anything, in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them, or worship them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents, up to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me, and keep my commandments. If my people who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, I will hear from Heaven, will forgive their sins, and will heal their land. AND WHEN YOU PRAY DO NOT BE LIKE THE HYPOCRITES, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners, to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. BUT WHEN YOU PRAY, GO INTO YOUR ROOM, close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need, before you ask him. This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. "Matthew 5-7 NIV Bible Gateway", we can use google search. These are the teachings, The Righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ our God. REPENT, and start doing what is right. If you abide my teachings, you are really my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. GOD IS SPIRIT, so his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in Truth. In the New Heaven and the New Earth, only Righteousness dwells. May the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ our God be with you all.
@pawelgruszka7793 2 года назад
I was in Fort Myers between June and July. My sister Malgorzata lives there. A beautiful village. Paradise on earth. Americans believe that you will rise. Poland was destroyed many times. two years. I wish you with all my heart strength and peace in rebuilding. You have a beautiful country of cool people. I have never met so many smiling people. Optimism beats from you. Take care of people and animals you will rise. After that you will come out even stronger!
@edl617 2 года назад
This is Fort Myers Times Square right near the pier on the outer island that faces into the Gulf of Mexico along with Sabine Island whose bridge was washed out The storm surge swept right over these islands. And into the bay behind the islands and the i River passed the Tamiami Boulevard bridge
@murb2586 2 года назад
still not nearly as bad as hurricane fentanyl
@half-breed6793 2 года назад
Are you experiencing a shortage ?
@Resmith18SR 2 года назад
This is a sure sign from God that he absolutely hates Florida and Governor DeSantis.
@imnotfly58 2 года назад
It looks like it was swept by a tsunami
@moleyareolae3460 2 года назад
Did Estero island beach club survive?
@Resmith18SR 2 года назад
Lovey, "What happened to our yacht?"
@walksh2o1 2 года назад
Trevon Martin is an Angel now and has not forgotten about the Florida demons
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
A man after my own heart!! The irony in all this, Steve, is those poor latino's he shipped all over the country to democrats are privately saying THANK YOU GOVERNOR DISGUSTING!! This man, this disgusting pile of hatred, has done more harm than good and with the full support of Floridians.citizens.....couldn't have happened to a better state!!
@leonardodalongisland 2 года назад
If you guys need help cleaning and rebuilding-I'm experienced and available. Good luck.
@littletime100 2 года назад
Devastating, I feel so bad for Florida 🙏😢😢🙏
@anothabsyde6382 2 года назад
ugggh...this is breaking my heart. Godspeed to you all
@2JZUL8R14 2 года назад
So many memories on this strip here. Im so sad to see this. I pray they can recover and build back. This is tragic
@Enly7109 2 года назад
I was celebrating my birthday on September 11th there, now everything it's gone!!! I can't stop crying!!!
@agirlisnoone5953 2 года назад
People acting so surprised... 🤔 this us hurricane territory. Sad but not shocking
@cherylcampbell7495 2 года назад
What a shame. Rebuild and wait for the next one.😂
@briankemp4499 2 года назад
You live in "hurricane alley", why would you expect anything else? Sometimes you win, and sometimes you loose.
@fairygodmotheremilyjean 2 года назад
If only they could turn it into public space and conservation area instead of rebuilding what was and restore the islands natural beauty and habbitat
@UtubeAdviser 2 года назад
I hope this is a lesson to all of the contractors to start building houses hurricane proof by using brackets to attach all of the joist of the roof so this doesn't happen again. You can see the difference why some buildings have no damage at all versus why other houses get destroyed like toothpicks. You can't cut corners building a house.
@iamtoothewalrus 2 года назад
Probably best to not build it back, hurricanes happen.
@jr42a1 2 года назад
I think PR should send Carmen Cruz to Southwest Fla. RSW airport and have her throw rolls of paper towels to the residents.
@dianekennedy977 2 года назад
I'm absolutely devastated for all the people who lost everything. My prayers are with all of you. So sad as I lived in Florida many years. God Bless you all.
@catestout3888 2 года назад
Enough. If anyone has spent any time in Florida - you’d understand they will rebuild and move right back to Ft. Meyers - it’s just what Floridians do. WAR ZONE!!!! (drama) OH MY GOD (more drama) we saw Hurricane Andrew and Irma years ago and it was worse than this so ENOUGH with DRAMA!!!!!
@therealtruth-sy3kv 2 года назад
And it's just the beginning of the last time. Many people refused God's Law. Vatican's pope still bow down and speak to statues :) of Fatima, instead of praying to Lord Jesus Christ. As he sacrificed Ukraine & Russia to her, that's why it doesn't help. And he still teach to celebrate Sunday 1st day of the week, instead of Sabbath 7th day according to Law of God. That's why we have got all these issues. So we all need to repent & go back to the true worship of God.
@barlibernedoodle292 2 года назад
Similar Tsunami,, damage all , also come with mud.
@AnAppleWithEyes 2 года назад
I know people who evacuated to Charleston SC… finna get a double hit. I’m able to come down and help. The worst thing is that this is the kind of weather we can expect moving forward… and it’s only finna get worse. we done fucked the earth
@OurDreamsInMotion 2 года назад
I pray Florida improves their building codes because this is ridiculous honestly. Everything should be built 15-20 feet off the ground level, cement or hurricane proof.
@robertcuvelier6016 2 года назад
Florida coastal areas have current building codes to sustain 150+ mph. I’ve personally had a hand in construction of 20+ coastal Florida homes. Most of them can withstand 210 mph. A lot of the older ones can’t hold up however. And honestly 15-20ft above isn’t practical and won’t pass legislation… everyone wants the good view and large structures block that. These people are aware of the risk living here, the same that people in California are aware of earthquakes, and that people in Hawaii have volcanoes. Each area has its own codes and legislation to meet its community needs.
@half-breed6793 2 года назад
Who cares about their houses, we should say to hell with rebuilding their infrastructure because they choose to live in the swamp
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
Blame the GOP who is so anti government, anti everything that makes sense, all to slap the backs of industry and corporations.
@Greeneggsandham123 2 года назад
Flordians don’t evacuate because it’s a huge hassle. You prepare for worst, sandbag, board up, evacuate, and then storm changes and misses you. This happens a couple of times and then the next one hits directly when you decided not to evacuate. There will never be 100% accuracy with hurricanes, just like tornadoes, earthquakes, and other disasters. You roll the dice. When the big one hits, you never under prepare again. People also know if they do get hit they won’t be able to get back to house for awhile. Road have to be cleared, water receded. Can’t start insurance claims until can get to house. You put higher value to property than life. Finally you move away from coast because it just isn’t worth it anymore. Then there are also the idiots who think it’s a big joke beer party.
@DeadmanDave 2 года назад
The island was like a third home to me. I'm very saddened to see it all in ruins.
@ENFPerspectives 2 года назад
Where are so the rest of the people or is this person hanging out?
@GoldShmrock 2 года назад
This is crazy. I went there last year and walked right in that spot not knowing what was gonna happen there
@ENFPerspectives 2 года назад
Not crazy happens all the time. This is less bad than the last one actually...
@gulabeenerella5345 2 года назад
Yaa allaah yaa rasool allaah🤲😥
@ottomuller8316 2 года назад
IT is Bad Kama for Nord Stream
@luckyboris1 2 года назад
is nervous nellie's still there?
@PraiseAsmr 2 года назад
God is trying to get our attention
@beachbrovlogs 2 года назад
Oh no…🫤
@raylahm4244 2 года назад
That’s not “leveled”
@lindsayhengehold5341 2 года назад
I feel so badly for them.
@maryjayneschrock1861 2 года назад
Show photos of the Lani Kai
@Tyong-sk7vt 2 года назад
We will rebuilt stronger
@petenicezz 2 года назад
i didn't realize how big that storm was until started seeing all these videos showing all the disasters this storm did. This was a huge storm that cover the whole Florida.If it was to come up here to Connecticut it would of taken all Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, NYC and some New Jersey.
@Proteinpapi210 2 года назад
Looked like a bomb went off with all the sand everywhere so sad!
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
Bombs have been going off in Florida since Desantis took office and the ppl of Florida supported his every move...from attacking black history in schools, to stripping women of their rights to shipping immigrants all over the country...to me, this BOMB IS MORE THAN DESERVED!!
@kelseyad 2 года назад
Prayers 🙏
@pizzaearthpancakesandother2549 2 года назад
Joe Branden will be here soon to tell everyone to get booze- ted
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
@daver9643 2 года назад
Total destruction total devastation. I mean it’s as good as wiping the slate completely clear and clean and rebuilding all over again. Hopefully they could bounce back with assistance I mean it doesn’t look like anything can be restored so do they just build of the same architecture that they had in place previously?
@freddougman58 2 года назад
that’s what i’m guessing, cuz the businesses still own their plots.
@phillumenistfilms 2 года назад
@pizzaearthpancakesandother2549 2 года назад
@half-breed6793 2 года назад
If you have to watch for alligators your building in a swamp and it's going to flood, seems pretty simple.
@lisamcneilly2637 2 года назад
@magic4026 2 года назад
I live south East Fl my heart literally stopped seeing this thinking of how millions a cross beautiful florida residents are gone without homes cars personal belongings jobs and businesses up in smokes 😢😢😢😢😢😢Im so sad it’s hard to even be happy that I’m ok knowing there’s so much work to do God bless you and our Governor DeSantis for working so hard and showing love and compassion for Floridians sending love and prayers ❤🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏
@moralthreat2745 2 года назад
No worries, insurance.
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
18% of Floridians have home owners insurance because the industry is tired of supporting this sorry as state. Most refused Fed flood insuarnce and now its up to every single tax payer in the country to foot the bill of rebuilding a state that should be wiped off the map!!
@thatguy8005 2 года назад
Wrecked… but it think Andrew with the winds about 75 mph stronger actually leveled south Florida where it hit.
@billybob9269 2 года назад
If there was a bank close I’d definitely stop by during the hurricane.
@Memessssss 2 года назад
@sandrasoares9262 2 года назад
O my God. Sorry for your lost a very thing. God be with you and yours family 👪
@Acanofalconpunch 2 года назад
God did this
@Acanofalconpunch 2 года назад
And two guys in that emoji? Def god Cleanin up
@aspirelee1116 2 года назад
If you believe in God maybe he thinks they deserve this and it's a sign for them to leave. Don't build there is the message I'm getting.
@sandrasoares9262 2 года назад
@@aspirelee1116 thankyou for your time today And have a great day. 👍
@raymondcaylor6292 2 года назад
It's hard to believe the devastation in an area on the shoreline in a city that's 1 meter about sea level.
@judypasqualone3819 2 года назад
Oh my God..I’m so sorry you have this to deal with. 😔
@DDee-oi6kn 2 года назад
It will be years before it is all restored. Wonder how many won't go back.
@jeffprator8171 2 года назад
Obviously you have never lived in Florida
@edl617 2 года назад
2 months tops
@theweakestlink2278 2 года назад
The beach communities in fla bounce back pretty quickly from these kind of storms. It still takes several years to get back close to normal but not 10-20 like the news media always predicts.
@darkwood777 2 года назад
This kind of damage gets cleaned up fast as long as you can get waste haulers on site.
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
Them ppl ain't going no where....These ANTI GOVERNMENT SAPS, ain't going no where
@TrangLe-kc6os 2 года назад
God Bless everyone ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
@tobberfutooagain2628 2 года назад
That chair is still good….
@susannadzejachok1247 2 года назад
To much swaying
@garykrank2224 2 года назад
I hope to open a shop here soon. And a home nearby.
@thesoulinsideusall5448 2 года назад
So sad!!! Thanks for sharing!
@suzanne9150 2 года назад
@christinejenkins4698 2 года назад
God’s wrath.
@suzanolson6621 2 года назад
Prayers for you
@waynepickett1871 2 года назад
sad very sad! prayers!
@dman3623 2 года назад
Is the Lani kai safe
@gcman1111 2 года назад
So 😔
@kdmigloo 2 года назад
One big tourist trap.
@Mrworkout213 2 года назад
@coastalparasail 2 года назад
@jenniferwoltmann9792 2 года назад
@orettacarter1312 2 года назад
Heavenly Father, I come in the precious name of Jesus, asking Father for your grace and mercy on the state of Florida. Give them your strenght, encourage their hearts, as the move forward into recovery in Jesus name amen.
@gayleholmes9081 2 года назад
Uh, hate to tell you the bad news, but GOD knew exactly what he was doing.....and Florida more than deserves it!!
@ENZIO90 2 года назад
@stanleyniezrecki2469 2 года назад
Now does he have enough money to fly a few million more to Martha’s Vineyard?
@alliibee4015 2 года назад
Holy fauc
@TheSwanlake2009 2 года назад
No Uber eats for a while
@chrisw7188 2 года назад
looks just like a city after a "peaceful" BLM night
@garyhines6767 2 года назад
You live near the oceans your going to see hurricanes .common knowledge..they say the same thing every year. See one hurricane you seen them all is the wind speed.
@mikehouliston5489 2 года назад
They laugh at northerners in Jan and Feb up in the teens and 20's temps, now look at them. Wanna live in FLA????
@pinkcat8855 2 года назад
Are you hiring?
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