
Fox News aired my question on God... 

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...and failed to give a rational answer as expected. I made this video response to explain why.
People seem to be misunderstanding my intentions in this video. Nowhere in it have I even claimed that god doesn't exist. I'm simply stating that one isn't needed to explain the universe. In other words, this is a refute to those such as Father Morris who do make the bold claim that the universe MUST require a supernatural designer because of its complexity. I'm merely pointing out the irony and flawed reasoning in that claim. And just because I can't disprove a god doesn't mean he is therefore believable; if we followed that logic, we would also have to believe in fairies and unicorns.
The last point is key: If an all powerful, all knowing being doesn't require a designer, it makes zero sense to claim that less powerful and less intelligent ones such as ourselves do - because what you are saying is that complexity requires a designer (humans) but extreme complexity (god) doesn't. The irony should be pretty clear.



18 сен 2024




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@Tbear595 13 лет назад
I found you on the escapist from the Mr.Mochi video, not only are you hilarious but also an atheist, I'm subbed (:
@Cloud797 13 лет назад
A human not knowing anything about science telling us how the universe works. What a fucked up world we live in.
@JKumaD 11 лет назад
The problem with Orthodoxy based religions is that they require belief, belief in something. Science builds theories, they are theories that make a whole lot of sense and are plausible. Religions are based off of peoples faiths, and beliefs that there is something, even if they don't know it, haven't seen it, have no evidence, they will find things that seem like evidence and then return to the unwavering "faith" and "belief" that there is god.
@MrTwistedWirez 13 лет назад
God was always there and he is actually very complex because if you think, he's got alot of knowledge and power. He is not simple but very complex. That supposed "Father" on Fox news is just a hired hand who just made up alot of crap.
@OverrideMyFears 13 лет назад
.....dude, you just blew my mind!!! I understand that there are people who always put god before all other logical reasoning, but your question was one that absolutely dumbfounded the preacher, father, etc. Personally, religon is something that people believe in inorder to feel a sense of comfort and/or understanding about the unknown and unexplainable. I'd rather ponder about the unknown so when we ever find the answer, my thirst for knowledge will be fulfilled :)
@RagisterMaskilMagist 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy Reminds me of a Philosoraptor quote: "If one person has an imaginary friend he's crazy, but if many people have the same imaginary friend...it's religion?"
@BASArtemis92 11 лет назад
Thus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
@XDexaXD 14 лет назад
The big bang had to have come from somewhere. Think if there was a black hole so great, that it sucked up an entire universe, and then spat it all back out. That was the big bang.
@orbital1337 12 лет назад
In the common scientific notion "matter" normally refers to something that has mass and volume. Mass is a form of energy. Energy is (somewhat) freely interchangeable into different forms. A particle of mass (and matter) like an electron can be converted into a particle that isn't matter like a photon as long as the energy is kept constant. This is exactly how particle accelerators try to find new particles (just the other way around).
@MrTwistedWirez 13 лет назад
I agree: complexity requires people as smart as us. But extreme complexity requires God.
@Daudgrim 12 лет назад
45 people are too simple to answer such a complex question rationally.
@mattchuuu1 13 лет назад
@EmNTay The question was why does your existence require a designer of the universe, if God, a being far more complex than you, didn't require a designer? The answer is "I don't know what is required.. the beginning is mysterious and unknown at this point" while this preacher presumably stated that a god is required, which logically makes no sense. The question is not asserting that a God does NOT exist, but challenging a person who says a god is "required."
@CliffWinton 13 лет назад
also, a lot of people mistakenly place God into any space that is beyond current comprehension.
@26Guenter 13 лет назад
Science is easy, religion is hard.
@Xajora 13 лет назад
Dear Diary: The internet made me think today; I am scared now.
@SnowBoardingBassist 13 лет назад
But my original point was that as a conscious mind expands its thought process becomes much more complex, and possibly that complexity is partly god.
@FlakonFraggs 13 лет назад
Uuuuugh, there's no origin to matter, that's impossible. It was always here for eternity.
@gamerx112 13 лет назад
my theory is that god isnt an almighty being that knows everything because he created everything but instead just a man who lived with a heart and will of a god. instead of a day of creating oceans the clouds brought water, instead of magically creating plants he planted them all over the globe, instead of creating animals he just discovered them and allowed his son to name them. etc. I am a man of theories and love to create some almost everyday, has anyone ever gave thought that was is human?
@nnooooooooooooo 14 лет назад
Heres my evaluation on the subject. God is a figure made to answer questions people dont have answers to. basically, god and infinity are the same. there is irrefutable proof that god is just a myth. Timelines, for example: god created man. man came after dinosaurs. God;s first living creations were humans. Humans evolved from apes. so, either Adam was a dinosaur/ape or the whole part about the beginning is made up. God was put in a different time so people couldn't prove them wrong.
@Paumonsu 11 лет назад
God is just used to explain things science has yet to discover. So... god gets smaller everyday
@epshot 14 лет назад
Maybe the God particle is at the very epicenter of a black hole. The immense gravity of the blackhole tries to squeeze all the matter it sucks in through this atom sized pinhole leading to another void. But maybe this pinhole gets "clogged". A cosmic pressure builds up until the blackhole collapses into itself with everything it has "collected". Maybe it would exit "the other side" in the form of a big bang, creating a new universe outside the original.
@Crazibouncer 13 лет назад
Mind just got blown. I never thought about that whole energy thing and what was before the Big Bang had different physical laws.
@BloodMagex 14 лет назад
You know you have a good point when Francis is on your side!!
@soulsquisher 13 лет назад
Its pointless to argue this topic because god is an entity that requires faith to exist and with proof there is no faith and thus no god. Also in a broader sense god doesn't necessarily only imply the christian view of god. From an Aristotelian point of view god is a perfect entity that all beings move towards and is more like an energy rather than some type of being.
@tom_guyette 13 лет назад
Think like a sci fi writer and come up with an explanation of God that makes sense within your own framework of beliefs. Then choose to believe it, like a comforting presence, or choose not to. Either way, if you've done it properly, things can remain indelibly the same. I think the point we often miss is that "faith" can be defined simply as a choice to act and feel as though one believes something. If someone wrote a good sci fi God, that faith would be a choosable, reasonable option.
@KinchMTG 13 лет назад
"He is" - Lawl
@NinjaGangSigns 13 лет назад
Taco flavored Doritos PISS ME OFF! They don't even taste like tacos. :L
@Zolio6 13 лет назад
God is not complex Humans are in God's image Humans are not complex Wait what?
@Guernicaman 14 лет назад
If you follow the theory of extreme simplicity, then God must have been created by someone else. He just didn't exist, becausethen why didn't the rest of matter just exist?
@mattchuuu1 13 лет назад
@EmNTay I can't speak for the video creator, but I am not an Atheist, but an Absurdist. My stance is that it is absurd for a person to think they can know that a god is required, because human beings are too limited to know the universe, let alone supernatural dimensions and beings that reside in it. Adding a god simply makes the universe's beginning harder to explain, not easier. That god had to figure how to create the 'verse from nothing, and god's own ultimate complexity came from no where.
@stephjh2006 11 лет назад
It's not ad hominem, Dawkins giving the objection is not important or relevant. I was just pointing out a well known fact that it is from Dawkins book the God delusion which has been refuted. Not that Dawkins makes the argument weak, but that the argument itself has already been shown to be weak. It just wasn't a very sophisticated or well thought out argument. It's not dependent on who gave the argument. I can see how my comment brought your response but hope this clears up my position
@MagooTora 13 лет назад
Please be sure to check the relation between mass and energy, all of you
@snowaier 13 лет назад
dude.. that priest is tryin to sell Origin. He's a Prior! If a prior visits your world; leave.
@WhiteTiger225 13 лет назад
@BigBadJohn88 We can feel Placebos work when we are tolf how to feel. We can feel a spider walking on our back when we are told one is there (even if one is not). When someone says the sympton to penial Cancer is a tinging pain in the male scrotum, suddenly 95% of males told this will start to feel slight tings of pain. The mind is a wonderful thing, but sadly it is also such a simple thing despite its complexity. We think ourselves above animals, when are are animals ourselves.
@SludgerSlipfwysh 14 лет назад
Well you do raise a good point, but I'd like to point out that supposedly, the dinosaurs and any of the other animals God's followers are willing to believe in are for the most part convinced that the extinction of dinosaurs was in the presence of mankind.
@Connors116 13 лет назад
@Connors116 THIS IS STILL ME. THIS IS THE REPLY COMMENT. My friend's friend (WHO I HAVE SPOKEN TO ONLINE MYSELF) nearly died cutting himself. Why? Cause his parents are extremely Catholic and actually say 'GRR YOU ARE GOD'S HATE AND RAGE AND THAT' CONCENTRATED HATE COMING OUT OF YOU (Family Guy reference) and launched him into a mass depression. On a light note, he's a furry. They feel too. Like you. and JUH-JUH-JUH-JEEZUZZZZZZZZZZZZ! I'm an atheist, by the way. We believe in the D&D rule.
@UFOJockey 13 лет назад
I believe it is POSSIBLE there is a god. Its also possible that Mr. Mochi created the universe with a smack of his mighty fish sword. Until a god or gods or goddess come out of the sky and publicly announces his existence, we should just live our lives. If you must have a religion, worship the POWER OF ATOM!!!! (Fallout 3 reference, but also kinda true)
@Hypnokid 14 лет назад
yes we are twizzle sticks that required design but god is the the super large hadron collider and has always just existed
@Lozzer70 13 лет назад
And do you think all beleivers hate gays? My uncle is gay, and I he's in the choir! The fact that you are trying to deisprove the fact that god does not exist shows that you, as a person, do not respect the right to believe what you want. I do not agree with Fox News, in fact I think they are the worst media on the planet, and that where I come, Britain, is blessed with not having them on their networks. Plese, I do not want an arguement, I want to be a reasonable as possible.
@AeroCodex 13 лет назад
But what you all must remember is: This is Fox News. This may very well be the most logical argument they have ever supported. Jokes aside, I love how logical and clear your video is. You are one of the few people I know of, that actually think before you speak. Err, type.
@MendrakeD 13 лет назад
@Lozzer70 and on the thing about disoproving: thats how science works. our beliefs are based on a lack of faith. we try to disprove everything, even our own ideas! asking us not to try and disprove something is insulting because its a fundemental part of what we belive in. If we could not try to disprove theories, than we would rely on faith. thats not an option due to our beliefs revolving around NOT having faith. And dont get me started on how much christians seem to disrespect us.
@Connors116 13 лет назад
@Connors116 THE D&D RULE BEING: When your character's dead, it's dead. Gone. Poof. Boo friggidy hoo.
@sammelief1 13 лет назад
finaly someone who shares my idea's and also believes in hard evidence and who dares to say it outloud and give pleople some freaking proof in their face, religion might be a verygood think, but boy have a lot of people died ofr it.....
@mattchuuu1 13 лет назад
@EmNTay belief and knowledge are two very different things. Yes, an honest person can believe anything, but no honest person can have authority (knowledge) over the matter of what is required for the universe to exist. It is beyond our current knowledge (data) of the universe.
@CEC_Engineer 13 лет назад
God feeds on faith so hes to complex to understand...if hed just show himself everyone would believe and every one would convert to a religion assosiated with God...simple as that
@dracosummoner 13 лет назад
@Sirmango101 In a way, I think this could be inverted -- "we can't disprove atheism and we can't disprove theism," which is pretty much a logical fallacy (appeal to ignorance) either way.
@fangedcricket12 13 лет назад
My belief is that god made energy put all 'material' there for the big bang to occur then sat back and watched as life and other matter stemmed off of what he originally created. And please dont flame me with tons of comments telling me im a blind religious follower or uber long comment explaining quantun mechanics, cause i really dont feel like dealing with 50-sum e-mails tomorrow.
@triplewar100 11 лет назад
erm.. yeah. Exactly. The atheists are entitled to an opinion. We are not forcing you to do anything. This video is not making your religious practice illegal or taking your bible away. It is just an opinion. Don't like it? don't click on the video. Christians voice their opinion all the time, saying god is real. they go door to door. Why is it wrong for atheists to say there is no god on his own channel, but not wrong for theists to say there IS a god in my own home, where I am forced to listen?
@Sirmango101 13 лет назад
We can't prove God does exist, we also can't prove they don't, so why don't we all stfu and keep to our own beliefs? Great video anyway :)
@hotrokr69 13 лет назад
The one thing you do not mention is the notion of finite regress in existence. Basically in this universe, there is a chain of cause-effect relations that defines how everything exists (including us). In short, everything depends on something for its existence. So that comes to the question...where does the chain begin? We can say all existence is either rooted in the multiverse/omniverse (supported by M-theory) or God. The point is that there has to be something that has ALWAYS existed.
@xiXequinoxXix 13 лет назад
Good ole Francis, making the world a better place.
@SnowBoardingBassist 13 лет назад
Look up the word Namaste. I don't necessarily believe in it but what it entails is that when an inner conscious mind "evolves" (i use that term lightly.) then the "inner god or goddess" inside of someone recognizes the "inner god or goddess" in another. Has anyone ever wondered that because god is, will always be, always has been, and is everything that quite possibly all life could be considered god? I mean it makes sense in a way since he is within all of us according to most religion.
@llamapi3 13 лет назад
@danielsangeo The assumption is that originally something existed outside the laws of the universe. Otherwise there is no other explanation. See what people don't understand is that they are trying to rationalize something they can't possibly understand.
@SickologicalyCorrect 12 лет назад
I believ that their is one reality full of complex realities and endless posibilities from which one idea dripped out as the creator created the universe with now existing laws and fatal flaws inlayed necesary to existence like the eventual loss of motion or the collapse and repeat exactly what just happened and said creator allowed chaos to enter and at the loss of pefection enters in a chance of renewal and refreshment
@Demonwulf 11 лет назад
"That's Dawkins argument though isn't it from the God delusion, so is rather weak." -- so your claim is that if Dawkins has argued it, it's by nature weak? Ad Hominem, fail logic.
@tom_guyette 13 лет назад
@SirSweetroll Fair point, except they claim it's true. My point is that those who choose to believe must accept the onus of being up-front -- readily admitting (and preaching) that they have made an explicit choice to believe one of two equally valid ways of looking at things that are unobservably different as far as all scientific knowledge is concerned. It's sort of a layer of additional distinction between "spiritual" and "agnostic."
@Lozzer70 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy To continue, I agree, your children should not beleive that fire will rain from the sky if they don't confess their love of god. I think that God created the world through the means of Science, and that god acts through other people. Therefore you could say that Darwin and Galileo, as two examples, who both studied as priests, were just, slightly, pushed in the right direction to find out how the world works. Jesus himself said he would come back, but never said in fire...
@Mizorehatescompany 13 лет назад
Scott jopllin music made me laugh.
@ThexXPolarBenXx 13 лет назад
First off, I would like to say that if you i.q. is below 70, don't post a comment on here, because you have zero chance of understanding his point of view, and especially no chance of understanding the big bang theory. Also, don't post a comment defending the bible if you haven't read it, don't post a comment defending the big bang theory if you don't understand it, because the big bang theory has nothing to do with the beginning of the universe
@mattchuuu1 13 лет назад
@EmNTay Look, you claimed the video poster was calling a double standard, switching out "God" with "Energy" and accepting "energy" on faith, just like people accept "God" on faith. I'm trying to tell you that the poster's only intention was challenging the preacher who said a conscious entity, "God," is a REQUIREMENT. No honest person can really think they know what is required.
@BigBadJohn88 13 лет назад
@suppernoddypo2k7 Because we've felt him. If you deny his existance, you also usually deny any kind of "proof" anyone would slap in your face. If someone, for example, felt that anger is satisfying and healthy, you wouldn't agree without feeling it yourself, right? It doesn't mean the individual's personal experience is wrong. I kinda agree with you that nobody knows God, but it doesn't mean that we cannot feel that religion works for us since most of it is about personal experience.
@hibye654321 12 лет назад
@ethanmosley840 11 лет назад
Um, when you go to heaven you can ask God how he created everything. It's faith in God. and you don't pronounce God " a god" HE IS THE God. Since forever. And I'm unsubscribing. This video is very rude. (And btw athiests make up bout 1-2 percent of the population
@Smithburg01 13 лет назад
Well, we will find out the answer when we die one way or another
@killerb2099 14 лет назад
Wow, even TF2 Griefers can PWN Creationists. :P
@CliffWinton 13 лет назад
God is a Paradox.
@stfuplzzzz 12 лет назад
this vid made me sub, stumbled upon ur game videos today, but this one did it.
@danielsangeo 13 лет назад
@llamapi3 So, what created that creation? And what created that? And what created THAT?
@ChrisAAMO 13 лет назад
@ULTRAMARIOX I didn't intend to single you out with my response, but to provide an answer to your question. I don't want to get pulled into an argument among people who (on both sides) won't change their views, so let's just say that I have faith in science while you have faith in God. An armistice.
@DinosaurSuccess 12 лет назад
lol "Mass is a form of energy" stopped reading there. if you wanna be a 13 year old atheist internet superhero, you gotta try harder man
@Fireball_Roberts 14 лет назад
@pkcrossing89 "the sun is in the right spot" If you consider the size of the universe it seems almost inevitable that at some point in 12 billion years there would be a location suitable for life... for a short while at least.
@BigBadJohn88 13 лет назад
@WhiteTiger225 Yes, but I don't believe God fits under the placebo-category. I grew up in a christian family and I really tried to believe in God. I never felt a thing though. I went with Gods existence as something that was probable, but I didn't wanna go to church, pray et cetera. Of course, my family forced me. In the end, I kinda withdrew from it all, started to live my own life. One day something peculiar happened though. I felt something touching my heart, like when you're in love.
@bobasaurus7 13 лет назад
Is it really necessary to make a video on youtube to bash people's beliefs? None of these ideas are %100 set in stone. I see that you try to prove that the big bang theory did not really create matter, it just put it into modern form. But at some point, matter must have been created. So for the big bang theory, you just create your own "wild card" to help the theory make sense, saying that physical laws may have been very different before... then why can't the same thing work for creationists?
@Connors116 13 лет назад
My Friggin ReCAPTCHA was dopthatshe. The hell?
@joeyfogey55 14 лет назад
This priest does not know how to explain his own beliefs at all. lol
@masterjj89 14 лет назад
*sigh* It's Fox News, what do you expect?
@theninjacowboy 13 лет назад
@MrTwistedWirez Did you not watch my video? By implementing God you're just solving complexity with more complexity. Since God would have to be extremely complex himself, who designed him? You're just going around in circles. If you believe that "nobody created God; that he always existed," then why not just skip a step and conclude that the complex universe we live in has always existed as a continually expanding and contracting one?
@Pyrofreak321 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy Nah I'm living quite happily with other people around me being brainwashed. The people I know that have any religious belief at all are still good people. Its just 1 misguided quality to them. I'm not going to talk down to people on my high horse just to change their misguided beliefs and to prove them wrong. I'll let them be.
@etnies180 10 лет назад
What is the piano song please
@theninjacowboy 10 лет назад
The Entertainer
@etnies180 10 лет назад
Thanks so much!
@jercun33 12 лет назад
Wait, so you didn't say "Good to see you, Father. Must be the good living, I kid. Anyway..."? lol nice touch there Fox News (I kid.)
@SickologicalyCorrect 12 лет назад
Aka religion doesn't matter as long as you are a good person
@MistressXavialune 13 лет назад
@TheDudeaBides96 that would be 'the entertainer' by scott joplin.
@theninjacowboy 13 лет назад
@Itstanneroh If that is what the Big Bang Theory actually stated then you would have a point, but it doesn't. I strongly advise you to educate yourself on what it actually says, as well as the strong evidence for it.
@alfamale05 13 лет назад
i actually think ninja brings up a good point
@gracefool 11 лет назад
ninjacowboy, your hopeless arguments show you lack even the most basic knowledge of philosophy. 1. God isn't physical. He is not made of anything - not matter, energy nor complexity. 2. Saying that God is outside of the universe is not only the definition of God (as the Creator/First Cause), but also necessary for the universe to have a beginning. 3. The universe has to have a beginning, because an actual infinite cannot exist. If you *really* wanted an answer, you could study these things.
@redcloak676 14 лет назад
@BloodMagex So you watched a conservative documentary that said faux news was liberal? Is that how you came to the conclusion that faux was liberal? You really are wasting a lot of time.
@mynameisdarthtater 14 лет назад
god is extremely simple? then howd he come up with the crebs cycle or calculus? that shits complicated!
@zabeenzakia 13 лет назад
@SRFColonel Im a athiest and i just think the idea is stupid i dont hate christians i laugh at priest sometimes but there belief drives me crazy
@Scanini 14 лет назад
Very clear and well thought out comments on this video, that preist gave what he thought was a simple answer, i guess its directed at the simpletons that follow his faith as anyone with a rational and logical thought process can see that,that answer has come from someone with a very limited understanding of sciences that explain the universe..
@TheDudeaBides96 13 лет назад
What's the song?
@sausman69 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy THANK YOU!
@DoubleAnine 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy i have a question, and im not saying i agree with it, or that i agree with ur vid... at 1:42, what you said... wont people say that the simple complexity requires an extreme amount of energy, so therefore it must live outside natural law?
@daugsedw 13 лет назад
Well done.
@Lozzer70 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy *cough cough* Sorry to continue this thing, but, as it happens... I find it offensive that you beleive everyone who beleives in god says that everyone else should, and if not, the sky will burn or something. Only the most radical of beleivers of any religion think that. Just as you are intitled to one beleif, others are to another. God is not magical, in fact, God is quite mundane, in my threory. I beleive that the new testament is the book that can be relied apon.
@ChrisAAMO 13 лет назад
@ULTRAMARIOX Because we believe in what can be proven (or has consistent supporting evidence) such as science. As does Hawking
@Trash_prince 13 лет назад
i dont believe in god :< i wish i could god and science messes up my mind
@iTzMarquez 13 лет назад
Good point there are alot of good points in this video and other but no one will ever know the truth
@PopyseedStudios 13 лет назад
Who created god then?
@champ3660 13 лет назад
@theninjacowboy It seems like your targeting a specific religion. Christianity and their likes. But there are other religions too you know. Ones where they don't believe your going to burn in hell, or that you should discriminate against gays or atheists. Actually I don't even think Christianity preaches that I could be very wrong though I wouldn't really know. But in the end it comes down to Faith. It can't be proved, because i believe god is incomprehensible, so believe or don't.
@lowbudgetmic 13 лет назад
Yay, false news.
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